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Gerald Ford class aircraft carriers. US Navy

They have ten aircraft carriers - most recently there were 11, but the Enterprise was written off. For forty years, ships of this class did not leave American stocks. The most modern aircraft carrier, the Gerald Ford, should be commissioned in 2016 in order to make up for the natural loss. Naturally, during its construction the most latest achievements technologies. The ship will serve for half a century, during which time a lot can happen.

Aircraft carriers as part of US global strategy

Already during the Second World War aircraft carriers turned from just floating airfields into formidable combat units of the fleet. However, in the European naval theater of operations their role turned out to be not very important, they were too large a target, and there was no particular need for them. But they were widely used against Japan, due to the need for tactical air support far from American shores. Then there were Korea and Vietnam, during these regional wars a range of combat missions was outlined, suggesting that the use of aircraft-carrying formations is most effective if the enemy does not have serious anti-ship capabilities. For this reason, over the years Cold War The United States gave preference to conventional ground-based air force bases, which they sought to move as close as possible to the borders of the USSR and the Warsaw Bloc countries. The conclusion from this is simple - the newest aircraft carrier Gerald Ford is a means of implementing the “big stick” policy, which is already more than a century old, and will serve as a means of intimidating small rebellious states located far from the shores of the United States.

President Ford

Gerald Rudolph Ford Jr. was certainly an outstanding political leader of the 70s era, and even managed to serve the people of the United States as President. However, the name of the new ship and the entire subsequent series in which it occupies the titular place caused objections from Pentagon leaders and ordinary Navy officers already at the design stage, which began in 1996. For all his merits, according to many naval hawks, the ex-president, who died in 2006, does not deserve to have an aircraft carrier named after him. Gerald R. Ford was not known for his belligerence; he was a supporter of détente in relations with the Soviet Union; moreover, he became the only president who was not elected according to the procedure accepted in America, but took office “automatically” after the resignation of Nixon, who had become dirty in Watergate. Another proud name was proposed, perhaps not very original, but impressive, “America”. But, despite the objections, the aircraft carrier was still named “Gerald Ford” when it was laid down.


The plan was particularly ambitious. After such a long break, something special was required, demonstrating the unfading glory and titanic power of the American fleet, the most powerful in the world. Various solutions were proposed, including the most revolutionary ones. The new ship was initially going to be built using Stealth technology, giving its contours the angularity characteristic of “invisible” ships. However, after calculating the estimated costs, the country's leadership nevertheless decided to limit itself to the body of the already proven Nimitz project with some justified changes and focus on the technological aspects of the equipment. The newest American aircraft carrier, the Gerald Ford, already cost the budget, according to the most conservative estimates, 13 billion, which is twice as high (even taking into account the fall of the dollar) than the costs of previous similar projects. The amount, by the way, is not final.

Comparative effectiveness (Nimitz)

With generally similar characteristics (displacement 100 thousand tons, flight deck dimensions 317 x 40 meters) with the latest series of aircraft carriers currently in service, this ship has a number of undoubted advantages. Without dwelling on the economy, one can evaluate what primarily interests military sailors, namely the combat capabilities that the Gerald Ford aircraft carrier will have. Its characteristics are as follows:

  • The number of aircraft in the air wing is 90.
  • The number of sorties during the day is from 160 (normal) to 220 (maximum, in combat conditions).

It is this last indicator that is the main argument of critics of the project. The outdated Nimitz could “shoot” into the sky and receive 120 aircraft per day on its deck (in normal mode). Combat effectiveness increased by only 30% while spending on the Gerald Ford aircraft carrier doubled.

How much does it cost to drop a bomb?

Americans count everything. For example, the fact that over the past decade naval aviation has sent 16 thousand bombs and missiles to the heads of Serbs, Iraqis, Libyans and other “bad guys”. Dividing this figure by the number of aircraft gives the figure 18 (the average number of bombs each combat unit delivered to the target). But that’s not all. There is also data on the cost of dropping each individual ammunition - $7.5 million. A bit expensive? So, if we take into account the price of the F-35C carrier-based aircraft that is going to equip the Gerald Ford aircraft carrier, and the costs of its maintenance, then this amount can increase several times. The ship itself is also twice as expensive. Therefore, in order to prevent the budget from cracking, saving measures are needed. And they were accepted, and at a fundamentally constructive level.

How to save money on an aircraft carrier?

The main cost items for operating a warship include expenses for crew maintenance, fuel, depreciation, and activities related to combat training. When designing the aircraft carrier Gerald Ford ( Gerald Ford) the wishes of the country's leadership and the fleet command were taken into account to reduce crew personnel compared to the Nimitz, and the main “money eater” on ships with a nuclear power plant is considered to be the reactor (there are two of them on the Ford), especially at the time of replacing energy-producing elements. The aircraft carrier has a service life of 50 years, and all these years it can go without recharging. loaded into the core during construction, it takes half a century.

As for the crew, it has been reduced by a thousand people and consists of 2,500 crew members. This is achieved by automating many operations. And still, operating the ship during its service will cost over 22 billion.

Performance characteristics and weapons

The next Gerald Ford-class aircraft carrier project (CVN-77) will be called John F. Kennedy. Over the next twelve years, four ships of this type are planned to be put on combat duty. Not much is known about them, but some data has been published. The aircraft carrier's speed is 30 knots per hour) with an unlimited cruising range, and the draft is 7.8 meters. Deck 25. The superstructures are designed to minimize the effective scattering surface (RCS), as a result, the aircraft carrier Gerald Ford will “glow” on radar screens like a relatively small destroyer. Composite materials (including noise damping) and radio-absorbing coatings are widely used in the design. The ship has powerful radar and navigation equipment, flight support systems, satellite encrypted communications and much more, including the Aegis system. The basis of the air wing will be the F-18 Super Hornets, and possibly the F-35C if their production is resumed. The newest American aircraft carrier is designed to use a wide range of unmanned vehicles. Shipborne air defense is based on SM-3 Standard missiles with rather modest characteristics.

How scary is a Ford?

The ship is impressive in size, displacement, the number of aircraft on and under the deck, and its electronics. Of course, with his appearance american fleet will become even stronger. However, the very fact of emphasis on the strike capabilities of the air wing at the expense of protection from a possible air (including missile) attack suggests that, unlike many other weapons systems, the US aircraft carrier Gerald Ford is not being built to threaten Russia . The Russian fleet is much (several times) inferior to the American fleet in terms of total displacement, but at the same time it has an effective structure that makes it possible to keep these sea giants at a safe distance.

Aircraft carriers are punitive weapons; they are of little use for real combat with a strong enemy.


Anti-aircraft weapons

  • SAM Evolved Sea Sparrow.

Aircraft weapons:

  • 75 aircraft F-35C, F/A-18E/F, EA-18G, E-2D, C-2A;
  • Helicopters MH-60R/S;
  • UAV.

Same type ships

Gerald R. Ford(Russian: "Gerald R. Ford") - an American aircraft carrier, the lead ship of the class of the same name, which replaced the Nimitz type. Named after the 38th President of the United States, Gerald Ford.

basic information

USS Gerald R. Ford (CVN-78) is the lead ship of the US Navy aircraft carrier series of the same name. As announced by the US Navy on January 16, 2007, the ship is named in honor of the 38th President of the United States, Gerald R. Ford, who served during World War II aboard a light aircraft carrier. USS Monterey on the Pacific Ocean.

Keel laying USS Gerald R. Ford took place on November 13, 2009. Construction began on August 11, 2005, when Northrop Grumman ceremoniously cut the 15-ton steel plate that forms the side of the vessel.

Getting a name

In 2006, while Gerald Ford was still alive, Senator John Warner of Virginia proposed amendments to the 2007 defense spending bill stating that CVN-78 "should be named in honor of Gerald Ford." The final version, signed by President George W. Bush on October 17, 2006, stated - "Congress believes that ... CVN-78 should be named in honor of Gerald R. Ford."

On January 3, 2007, former US Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, during a eulogy for President Ford at Grace Episcopal Church in East Grand Rapids, Michigan, announced that the aircraft carrier would be named in Ford's honor. Later that day, US Navy officials also confirmed that the aircraft carrier would indeed be named after the former president.

At a ceremony at the Pentagon on January 16, 2007, Secretary of the Navy Donald Winter Donald C. Winter) officially named the aircraft carrier - CVN-78 USS Gerald R. Ford. Present during the presentation were Vice President Dick Cheney, Senators Warner and Levin, and Major General Guy S. Swan III.

Christening an aircraft carrier with a bottle of champagne

History of creation

On September 10, 2008, the US Navy signed a $5.1 billion contract with Northrop Grumman Shipbuilding in Newport News, Virginia, to design and build the carrier. Northrop began pre-construction of a $2.7 billion contract building in 2005 being built at Huntington Ingalls (formerly Northrop Grumman) in Hampton Roads, Virginia, which employs 19,000 employees.

As of August 2011, the aircraft carrier was reportedly "50% complete." In April 2012, it was said that 75 percent of the carrier was complete. On October 8, 2012, the carrier reached more than 88 percent of the full structural build. IN Huntington Ingalls it was reported (in a November 8, 2012 GLOBE NewsWire press release) that they had "reached 87 percent structural completion of the CVN-78 Gerald R. Ford." By December 19, 2012, construction was 90 percent complete.

On April 9, 2013, the carrier deck was completed with the addition of the upper bow hull, bringing the ship to 96 percent structural completion.

On May 7, 2013, the final components of the ship were installed, making the ship ready for launch. Remaining tasks included painting the hull, working on shafts, setting up electrical systems and laying communications, installing mooring equipment, and installing radar arrays.

The ship was originally scheduled for launch in July 2013 and delivery to the Navy in 2015.

Gerald R. Ford in dry dock

On October 11, 2013, the ship's dry dock was flooded for the first time to test various seawater-based systems. On November 9, 2013, Ford's daughter performed the ship's christening ceremony using a traditional bottle of champagne.

As of 2013, construction costs are estimated at $12.8 billion, a 22% increase over the 2008 budget. Due to budgetary constraints, Chief of Naval Operations Adm. D. Greenert warned that the deadline for final completion and delivery to the customer may be delayed.

In June 2016, after testing the ship, the agency Bloomberg reported that the aircraft carrier has not passed the combat capability test and commissioning has been postponed to 2017. Serious problems with the ship's systems have been identified, including the take-off and landing systems and the ship's self-defense system. In particular, problems were discovered with the electromagnetic catapult and arresting arrester. Radar station was not tested at sea, and tests carried out on land were carried out with unfinished software.

On April 8, 2017, the aircraft carrier entered factory sea trials. After passing the ship's systems tests, the ship will head to a port in Virginia and then be subject to acceptance testing by Navy inspectors.

Detailed description of the aircraft carrier structure

Ship's armament

Over 75 airplanes, helicopters and UAVs

Planned: Fifth generation stealth fighter-bomber - F-35C

Carrier-based fighters - bombers - F/A-18E/F

Carrier-based electronic warfare aircraft - EA-18G

Carrier-based early warning aircraft - E-2D

Carrier-based medium-range tactical transport aircraft - C-2A

Multi-purpose helicopters - MH-60R/S

The US Navy will add the most expensive warship ever built to its fleet in September, the $12.9 billion aircraft carrier USS Gerald R. Ford, a Navy spokesman said, CNN reports. It will become the first ship of a new class of multi-purpose nuclear aircraft carriers USA.

As of March, the ship was 97% complete. Sea trials are planned to begin in July so that the Ford class can join the US Navy in the fall. Gerald R. Ford is a kind of “pioneer” of the US Navy, completely designed in the system 3D-design, implemented by Northrop Grumman and including an automated process modeling system.

Its length is 332 meters, weight is 100 thousand tons. With the same displacement as Nimitz-class aircraft carriers, it will have a crew of 500-900 people smaller. This became possible due to the widespread introduction of automation and reduction of labor intensity Maintenance devices and systems. Also, there will be an increase in the number of sorties from 140 to 160 per day (and up to 220 per day crisis situations), an increase of 150% in electricity generation for new high-tech systems, a weight and stability control system has been introduced, and the ability to interact with other ships has been improved.

Aircraft carriers will be able to carry up to 90 aircraft and helicopters for various purposes: carrier-based aircraft of the 5th generation F-35, fighter-attack aircraft F/A-18E/F Super Hornet, E-2D Advanced Hawkeye AWACS aircraft, EA-18G electronic countermeasures aircraft, multi-role helicopters MH-60R/S, as well as combat unmanned aerial vehicles.

The hull design is almost identical to the Nimitz-class aircraft carriers. The more compact superstructure is moved aft and moved beyond the side line. The superstructure is equipped with a mast made of composite materials. There are fixed radars with phased array antennas and automatic approach and landing system (JPALS), using global positioning system GPS. The flight deck has been expanded and equipped with 18 points for refueling and arming aircraft. The flagship apartments with 70 seats have been moved to the lower deck to reduce the size of the superstructure. The internal layout of the ship and the configuration of the flight deck have been significantly changed. Enabled quick reconfiguration of internal volumes when installing new equipment. To reduce weight, the number of hangar sections was reduced from three to two, and the number of aircraft lifts was reduced from four to three.

The basis of the electronic equipment of an aircraft carrier is a dual-band radar system (Dual Band Radar, DBR), which integrates a multifunctional radar AN/SPY-3 X-range of the company Raytheon and surround-view radar ( Volume Search Radar (VSR) L-band firm Lockheed. AN/SPY-3 carries out review and tracking of targets, missile control and target illumination at the final section of the missile trajectory. VSR serves as a long-range vision and target designation for other radars and weapon systems. The system was developed for new generation destroyers.

As a means of self-defense air defense, the ship is armed with RIM-162 missiles ESSM companies Raytheon with two 8-container launchers for 32 missiles each. The missiles are designed to combat high-speed, highly maneuverable anti-ship missiles. Short range systems include anti-aircraft missiles RIM-116 RAM production Raytheon And Ramsys GmbH.

One of the significant technological innovations is the replacement of C-13 steam catapults with new ones electromagnetic catapults (EMALS) companies General Atomics based on linear electric motors. A demonstration version of the catapult was tested at the Naval Test Center aviation systems(NASC) in Lakehurst, New Jersey. If successful, electromagnetic catapults will provide greater controllability of the aircraft launch process, less load on aircraft and pilots, the ability to take off at a wider range of wind speeds and directions, and special launch modes for unmanned aerial vehicles.

The use of new AAG turboelectric arresters is expected. The tension of the synthetic arrester cable will be regulated by an electric motor, which will ensure a smoother run and the absence of extreme loads on the cable, brake hook and aircraft fuselage. Development of AAG has been ongoing since 2010, and the first tests of the system were carried out already in 2011. To date, the aero arresting officer has already performed more than 1,200 decelerations of “dead weights” of various weights. The electromechanical arrester consists of a cable device, hydraulic brakes, a mechanical brake, electric motor-generators with low energy but high torque, and capacitors. The latter are necessary to accumulate the energy generated by the generators when braking the aircraft.

The first successful landing of a manned Boeing F/A-18E Super Hornet on a prototype of the General Atomics Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) carrier-based turboelectric aerofinisher installed at the ground-based flight test complex of the American carrier-based aviation at McGuire-Dix-Lakehurst Air Force Base. Lakehurst (New Jersey), 03/31/2016 (c) US Navy

Electric motors are connected to adjustable hydraulic brake flaps. When the aircraft is braking, the dynamics control system, using flaps, constantly adjusts the fluid resistance in the hydraulic brakes. This ensures uniform braking of the landing aircraft along the entire trajectory. In addition, dynamics control allows you to pre-set the aerofinisher to receive aircraft of different weights. The operation of the AAG is partially ensured by the energy accumulated during the braking of aircraft.

The ship will use an improved system for storing and supplying ammunition and consumables with double-height storage facilities. Weapons are lifted from the arsenals to the main processing and assembly points on level 02 (under the flight deck), from where they are transported to the deck by high-speed lifts. The development of lifts was carried out by companies Federal Equipment Company And Oldenburg Lakeshore Inc.

Newly designed nuclear reactor A1B can operate without replacing fuel rods for 50 years. This is the first nuclear reactor that does not require refuelling during the entire service life of the aircraft carrier. The power of the new nuclear reactor has been increased by 25% compared to its predecessors, and the labor intensity of maintenance has been reduced by 50%.

Essentially, it was the use of a more powerful power plant that made it possible to equip the Gerald R. Ford aircraft carrier with EMALS electromagnetic catapults.

Due to the need to replace aircraft carriers such as the Enterprise and Nimitz, the CVN-21 project was created in the United States. Its goal was to reduce operating costs and increase combat effectiveness.

It was decided to save money by automating operations and reducing the crew. And the introduction of new technologies will make it possible to use aircraft of various weights. Increasing flight intensity by 15% will make the ship a more dangerous enemy. The first hull of this project was the multipurpose nuclear-powered aircraft carrier (AVMA) Gerald R. Ford. It is planned to build 10 units of this series by 2058.

The main areas of development within the CVN-21 program were: electromagnetic catapults and turboelectric arresters; increasing the power of the main power plant (GPU); new flight deck with increased area; automation of all processes and, as a result, reduction in crew size.

Implementation of these technical solutions will provide 160 sorties per day (in emergency - up to 220).

Construction of the lead ship began on November 14, 2009 at the Newport Newsbuilding shipyard. On November 9, 2013, when construction was 70% complete, the aircraft carrier left the slipway.

In the summer of 2016, factory tests ended, which showed serious shortcomings of the aircraft carrier.

Ammunition lifts for anti-aircraft missile systems (SAM) turned out to be out of order.

Extremely low reliability of flight support systems. Thus, the catapult is capable of actually performing 400 aircraft launches (according to the project - 4200). The finisher will provide 25 landings (versus the design 1600). The flight deck requires refurbishment.

Technical problems caused a delay in sea trials of the aircraft carrier, which began only on April 8, 2017. The Gerald Ford AVMA was commissioned into the fleet on May 31, 2017.

Design changes

The redevelopment of the hull was aimed at reducing horizontal movements of cargo.

Aviation ammunition is delivered from the magazines directly to the deck. For this purpose, lifts equipped with linear electric motors are used.

The number of hangars on an aircraft carrier has been reduced from three to two. The lifting of aircraft is carried out by three lifts in the center plane of the hull instead of four installed on the side. In addition, to facilitate aircraft maintenance, the designers increased the area of ​​the flight deck.

In order to reduce the radar signature of the aircraft carrier, the shape and dimensions of the superstructure were optimized. For this purpose, some of the premises, including the command staff's cabins (70 seats), were moved to the building. The mast is made using radio-absorbing composite materials. The superstructure itself is now located behind the side line, closer to the stern.

All these changes make it possible to increase the intensity of aviation flights and the strength of the carrier-based air wing by up to 15%.

The main innovation on the aircraft carrier was the use of an electromagnetic catapult (EMC) to launch aircraft. Its design is based on a linear electric motor. This innovation determined the following advantages of the EHR:

  • power increased from 95 to 122 MJ;
  • power control depending on the weight of the aircraft;
  • ease of maintenance;
  • reduced weight (from 500 to 225 tons) and volume (from 1100 to 425 m3).

EMC ensures aircraft takeoff or unmanned vehicle with lighter winds and less load on the airframe structure. This requires 35 fewer service personnel than a steam catapult.

The new aero arrester is equipped with a synthetic cable and an electrically driven hydraulic turbine brake.

Its advantages are low inertia of the electric motor and automated system management. Thanks to this, the aircraft decelerates more smoothly than with the Mk 14 finisher on Nimitz-class aircraft carriers.

The widespread use of electric motors, including linear ones, has increased the ship's energy consumption. The power output of the new A1B nuclear reactors has not been disclosed. But it is enough for steam generators to produce three times more electricity than their predecessors. The A1B design is more compact, simpler, more reliable and easier to maintain.

This is facilitated by another advantage of A1B - operations with nuclear fuel are reduced to a minimum. Its reserve is designed for the entire service life of the aircraft carrier. For 50 years, recharging of the Gerald R. Ford AVMA reactors is not required.

Tactical and technical elements

Aircraft carrier type"Nimitz""Gerald R. Ford"
Displacement, t:
– standard
– complete


no data
– length, m332 337
– width (by design), m78(41) 78 (41)
– draft, m11,3 12
– height, m73,2 76
Travel speed, knots:
– greatest
– economic


GEM power, hp260000 no data
Crew (including air group), people.5680 (2480) 4660 (2480)

In terms of its tactical and technical elements, the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford differs from its predecessors in having a reduced crew. This is one of the measures to reduce operating costs. Crew maintenance costs reach 40% of the total.


The strength of the AVMA Gerald R. Ford carrier-based air wing is at least 75 units.

Due to this, this figure can increase to 90 cars. The air wing will initially include:

  • two squadrons each of F-35C Lightning 2 and F/A-18E/F Super Hornet fighter-attack aircraft;
  • E-2D Hawkeye early warning aircraft;
  • EA-18G "Growler" electronic warfare aircraft;
  • transport C-2A Greyhound;
  • MH-60R/S Seahawk helicopters.

In the future, the F-35C will replace the F/A-18E/F. In the more distant future, it is possible that most manned vehicles will be replaced by unmanned ones.

In addition to the aircraft, the aircraft carrier Gerald R. Ford is equipped with air defense/missile defense systems. They include two air defense systems:

  • 2 × 21 RIM-116 RAM with a firing range of up to 10 km;
  • 2 × 8 RIM-162 ESSM (32 missiles), range up to 50 km.

The aircraft carrier's self-defense is also provided by two 20-mm Mk 15 Vulcan-Phallanx ZAKs.

Obviously, these tools are auxiliary. The main air defense/missile defense load of an aircraft carrier is assigned to escort ships and carrier-based fighters.

At the heart of the aircraft carrier's radio-electronic weapons (REW) is an automated system combat control Mk7 Aegis. It receives data on the air and surface situation from the DBR radar complex. It includes multifunctional radars AN/SPY-4 (range 2–4 GHz) and AN/SPY-3 (8–12 GHz).

The aircraft carrier's DBR complex is assigned the following tasks:

  • detection of air (at a range of up to 500 km) and surface targets;
  • weapon control;
  • provision of aviation flights.

All electronic equipment of the new ship are digital and have touch control.

Development prospects

The Gerald R. Ford became an example of the gradual development of aircraft carriers. Due to lack of funds, it was not created in principle new ship. Its construction cost twice as much as the George W. Bush AVMA.

The basis for the further development of the aircraft carrier project was a nuclear reactor of an updated design.

Although its power is classified, the generated electricity is sufficient for energy-intensive systems. In the future, the reactor will provide energy for weapons on new physical principles.

A promising direction the air wing will be equipped with unmanned aircraft aircraft.


In February 2016, the US Army fleet will receive the most expensive ship in history, CNN reports. The cost of the new aircraft carrier Gerald Ford is, according to some sources, $13 billion.

The ship is also the largest in the world. Its length is 333 meters, weight is 100,000 tons. It can accommodate 4,400 people and 75 aircraft. It is planned that it will become a landing pad for F-35 fighters.

The new aircraft carrier should take the load off the 10 ships on duty. Significantly more aircraft will be able to take off from its board in a certain period of time (according to calculations - by 25%).

USS Gerald R. Ford is a series of US multi-mission nuclear aircraft carriers, which have been under construction since 2009. They were created as an improved version of Nimitz-class aircraft carriers and differ from them, with comparable sizes and aircraft armament, in a reduced crew due to a high degree of automation and lower operating costs.

The lead ship, named after the 38th US President Gerald Ford, was laid down on November 14, 2009. The second ship in the series will be called John F. Kennedy, the third - Enterprise. A total of 10 ships of the Gerald R. Ford class are planned to be built; as they enter service, they will replace the Nimitz aircraft carriers.

A1B nuclear reactors were developed especially for Gerald R. Ford, the power of which, compared to their predecessors installed on the Nimitz, was increased by 25 percent, and the labor intensity of maintenance was halved. According to the US Navy, power plant With two reactors, A1B will be able to operate without replacing fuel rods for the entire service life of the aircraft carrier (for 50 years).

The ship is planned to be equipped with weapons of the future: rail guns, interceptor missiles, and electromagnetic aircraft launch systems (EMALS).

EMALS is currently being tested. They are lighter, more reliable, more compact and easier to maintain than currently available catapults and should sharply, by a third, increase the intensity of aviation flights to 160 flights per day at Gerald Ford from 120 at Nimitz.

Electromagnetic systems created by General Atomics have many other advantages over steam ones. For example, they accelerate aircraft more smoothly, provide better controllability, and significantly expand the range of wind speeds and directions during takeoff.

During the EMALS test in June, the trolley replacing the aircraft accelerated to almost 260 km/h on the deck of the ship, became detached from the catapult and fell into the water after flying through the air. During May tests, the cart was able to accelerate to 330 km/h. In addition, successful ground tests were carried out.

At the same time, a number of experts in the United States seriously criticize the USS Gerald R. Ford project. As retired US Navy Captain Jerry Hendricks writes in National Review, aircraft carriers not yet built will be useless in future wars. They will be so expensive that the loss of even one such ship will be a severe blow to the US Navy.

These floating military bases have everything you need to survive autonomously for many months. Modern aircraft carriers are increasingly turning into floating cities with a population of several thousand people. The loss of personnel as a result of the destruction of one Gerald Ford class ship would be twice the loss of American troops during the entire war in Afghanistan.

Such a high value of such ships, both financially and in all other senses, will force the enemy to hunt them. China's rapidly growing military power makes it America's most likely adversary in the Pacific region. Chinese scientists and engineers are developing highly effective submarine-launched anti-ship cruise missiles (ASCMs). American Aegis missile defense systems will not be able to protect Gerald Ford class aircraft carriers from them.

Vulnerability to Chinese missiles will force the command to either keep aircraft carriers as far away from China as possible, which will allow the Chinese to dominate the Pacific region, or risk the lives of thousands of American soldiers and sailors, which ordinary Americans will never agree with.