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Business idea. How to make capital on free message boards - or trade without having goods

A story about a business idea “How to make capital on boards” free ads- or we trade without having goods,” I’ll start by answering the most important question: why so often on various message boards you can find excellent goods sold at “thrift” prices? And the reasons for this can be very different:

  • people clean out their closets, getting rid of unnecessary things and household appliances;
  • they sell the same wedding gifts, and there are cases when newlyweds are given 4 mixers or 5 coffee grinders;
  • someone is in dire need of money, and therefore is ready to sell excellent things at a price that ensures an extremely quick sale;
  • and someone, not finding “their” buyer, repeatedly lowered the price, as a result of which it turned into a nominal one;
  • Children, after all, have grown up, or a new iPod has appeared, so it is necessary to get rid of the old model as quickly as possible.

As for statistics, today you can buy every third product at a low price on any free classifieds board, which will provide you with future profits. And it is possible only thanks to the most classical trading operation, which is described by the classic and well-known formula:

Buy low, sell high!

But, you tell me, can’t people who are looking for a certain product X themselves find a seller offering this particular product at a very low price? The fact is that it is quite difficult to do. And all because most free message boards on the RuNet are subject to the so-called “regional binding”. Its essence lies in the fact that residents of Rostov see advertisements only from Rostov Internet boards, residents of Kyiv – from Kyiv, and residents of St. Petersburg – only from St. Petersburg. While the rest of the boards and the goods placed on them for the most part remain inaccessible to them.

It is on the knowledge of this simple algorithm of Yandex search results that specialists in such trading build their business. And here are those simple steps, which allow them to earn from 30 to 300% profit from each transaction.

1. First, a person goes to the “Buy” section and studies ads there of people looking for a particular product.

2. Usually such advertisements indicate the price at which the people who gave them would like to buy the goods they are interested in. But if there is no price, the second step is taken - the person contacts the potential buyer and finds out what price he is willing to pay for the product.

3. After this, the businessman we took as an example begins to study all the bulletin boards throughout the country, finding required product at a suitable price that can ensure his profit. Having found it, he pays for the shipment of the goods, and having received and convinced of its quality, he pays for it. And today many postal services They take payment for the sent goods only after the recipient is satisfied that the goods are not defective or incomplete.

4. And after this, the goods are sent or transferred in person to the buyer, who pays the promised amount for it.

So, as you can see, this business is quite simple and does not require any special investments or special market knowledge. Only the ability to instantly navigate advertisements from the “Sell” and “Buy” sections, and knowledge of the simplest Yandex search algorithm.

But some businessmen prefer to do things differently. They first look for cheap goods, having found them, buy them, and only then put them up for sale, raising the price by 10 - 300%. Yes, after a few months their apartment, dacha and garage turn into branches of a personal clothing warehouse, but, having established similar business, they easily earn between 3-5 thousand dollars a month. Which you can do too if you wish. So, starting with a small, and possibly conditional capital, you can invest all the money you earn in your business, so that as a result of each month you receive the amount that I announced a little higher.

There is a third way for those who like to earn this kind of income. It consists in the fact that goods are purchased on wholesale boards created for numerous Chinese manufacturers. And many products there are sold at really ridiculous prices, and here are a few examples:

  • set of 24 cars for $1;
  • 9-piece manicure set for 80 cents;
  • women's beach bags, 30 cents per pair;
  • etc.;

All of them can be received by mail with home delivery, and then sold, divided into small wholesale lots, or even individually. Sell ​​on your local free classifieds, naturally.

And finally, let me remind you how important it is not only to select the right product, but also to SEO optimize each ad. But, as far as I remember, I talked about this in the article “Secrets of trading on free message boards and auctions from professionals,” in which you will find these and many other tips that will definitely allow anyone who decides to make this kind of income to succeed.

Hello! In this article we will talk about making money on message boards.

  • How much can you earn: from 10,000 rubles per month.
  • Minimum requirements: presence of a traffic source.
  • Is it worth doing: if there is a traffic source in the right niche.

Brief information on message boards

Bulletin boards are special sites on which each user can post theirs. It allows sellers and buyers to post advertisements and view prices.

Bulletin boards act as an intermediary between seller and buyer.

They can be of three types:

  1. Individual sites. The most striking example is Avito.
  2. Additional functionality on the site.
  3. Groups in in social networks.

Individual sites are the largest. They should be created only when there are free funds and a huge amount of time for promotion and promotion.

The average cost for such a bulletin board is 500,000 rubles.

Additional functionality on the site - more interesting option. For example, your site is dedicated to construction topics. You can publish advertisements and company names on your website, or give them the opportunity to introduce themselves. This is an interesting option for experienced webmasters.

  • Ease of creation.
  • Easy promotion.
  • A huge audience.

You create a group in a few clicks and name it “Bulletin Board N (city or region).” Make the wall closed and gradually publish entries.

How to make money on message boards

Notice boards earn:

  • On . Advertising blocks on a website are a standard phenomenon, and message boards are no exception.
  • Paid services. These are VIP accounts, raising an ad, placing it in a non-standard field (for example, on the side).

The first way to earn money is suitable for boards with any number of users. The more people visit your site daily, the more income you will earn.

Paid services - next level monetization. Suitable only for popular message boards and groups on social networks. You provide the opportunity to purchase paid placement of an ad in a prominent place. Many are willing to pay for such services.

How much can you earn

Earnings depend on the niche. The lowest profitable general message boards. Anything is published on them: from the sale of clothes, kittens and household appliances to specialist services.

For commercial topics, regional message boards are quite profitable. For example, in the construction niche you can earn up to 50,000 rubles if you make a bulletin board for the area.

It is difficult to promote a regional message board for commercial requests. We need to convince companies and people to post advertisements, and ordinary users who are interested in such services to come in and take a look.

With groups on social networks everything is much simpler. VKontakte message boards in one region can collect up to 30,000 rubles with the number of subscribers of 15 - 20 thousand people. Of these, the active audience will be exactly 4 - 5 thousand users. That is why it is now much more profitable to rock social networks, and not forums.

Is it worth making money on message boards?

Bulletin boards are a risky source of income. If you work in a regional niche without preliminary analysis, it may well turn out that you will not have either companies/people who are interested in submitting advertisements, or clients who will be looking for goods and services.

General message boards on social media are virtually occupied. So there is only one opportunity for monetization: niche regional message boards. This requires a source of traffic or large advertising costs. But the result is worth it: when you recruit several thousand targeted subscribers, you can make paid ads costing several thousand rubles.

If you plan to make money from your online message board, analyze the niche, choose the format and method of attracting users.


Message boards in unoccupied and promising niches are a good source of income for webmasters. If you have the opportunity to create such a site, and you understand that it will be in demand, this will be an excellent option for making money for a long time.

The Internet is replete with free message board services. Almost every month we see a more or less large federal startup in this direction, not to mention small regional ones. Avito, Slando, IRR are the largest players in the market; in each region there are several local message boards promoted off-line and online only within the region.

Let's figure out how to make money on " free boards advertisements” and why has this business become so attractive?

When creating free message boards, you only need to take care of hosting and choose a suitable domain; scripts for such services are available in abundance. Visitors to such a site are unlikely to be too demanding of the design, but they will have to work on usability: everything should be arranged simply, intuitively, and at the same time functional.

Here are the main ways to make money on free message boards:

  • Selling links. At the moment when you just started working with the board, the surest way to make money is to sell links. It is recommended to start with exchanges that deal with links, for example The more pages you have, the more you will earn.
  • Banner advertising. One of the most profitable types of income. Especially if you yourself are looking for people who want to advertise
  • Become a reseller. You can try to sell the message board, both in your area and outside. Those who sell 6 board licenses or more receive a 35% discount. Those that sold 5 or less have percentages similar to those of the buyer.
  • Placement of VIP advertisements. You can display ads on home page. The user sends an SMS message to a specific number and his ad stands out among the rest. As a result, you will receive about 50% of the cost of the sent message. For example, your VIP ads cost 228 rubles. from them you will receive about 120 rubles.
  • Advertising texts. You earn money by publishing advertising articles. Your profit depends on the topic. Highly profitable topics: legal. services, repairs and construction, real estate, finance. Low-profit topics: recreation and everything related to entertainment.
  • Partnership programs. Today you can find many different programs. Regardless of your topics, you will always find a program for yourself. You can make money with this method in different ways: by bringing new people, selling products. Place advertisements on the board and earn income when visitors view them. This type is similar to the previous one, but here you choose the topics yourself.

Not bad, right? It only remains to note that in order to start monetizing such a free message board, it must have quite decent traffic. Without this condition, any message board will not be of interest to either visitors or advertisers.

I’ll write more about how to increase the traffic to the bulletin board in the coming days!

Very educational material, isn’t it?! I think that you have found a lot of useful information for yourself after reading this article on the site

Free message boards are gaining more and more popularity among users every day worldwide network, regardless of their age category, position in society or financial component. Based on the above, it’s easy to guess that since message boards have such great user popularity, they accordingly bring in a lot of make money on the Internet . In this article I will look at the main ways to monetize your own bulletin board.

Before creating such a project, you need to decide on its geographical scale; this important step in the future will significantly affect your earnings on your bulletin board. I would still recommend stopping at the regional board first. After all, it is unlikely that at the first stage you will be able to compete with such giants as: or .

Making money on your message board: all the ways

Having chosen the regional significance, let's look at the main ways to make money on your message board. If your message board is free, then the main earnings on it will be little different from make money on your website :

1. Contextual advertising from Google AdSense and Yandex Direct

This method of making money on your own bulletin board is by far the most popular among sites of almost any subject. The above advertising networks are global monopolists and have their own advantages and disadvantages. If Google AdSense accepts almost any, even the youngest sites, then advertising network Yandex has a different approach and only sites with an age of one year and more and daily visits of 300 unique users per day can get into this network.

The advantages of Yandex Direct are that it is easier to withdraw earned funds. This network works with many popular payment systems , which unfortunately it cannot boast of making money on Google AdSense , where payments have a more complex structure.

A good way to make money on your own bulletin board would be selling links , but when using this type of monetization, you should not forget that the abundant sale of links is not very favored, and often simply hated by search engines. If you nevertheless decide on this method of earning money, the main thing to remember is that you should not be too impudent and place more than 3 paid links on one page, this will not only protect your site from being banned in search engines, but also save the price of a link to link exchange above average.

3. Direct advertisers

When choosing a geography for our project, it was not for nothing that we chose a regional bulletin board. Thanks to the right choice We have discovered another excellent and profitable way that allows you to receive additional dividends from placing advertising units and advertising articles from direct advertisers. After all, a regional bulletin board has mainly targeted traffic, which is made up of residents of a given region, which is a tasty morsel for local companies and stores.

This method is also advantageous in that there is no need to wait until the minimum amount for payment is reached or until the payment takes place; in these cases, the advertiser pays you in advance for the placement of the banner for a certain period, i.e. you receive rewards immediately!

4. Connections to paid services

Having achieved good traffic and frequency of advertisements, it’s time to think about connecting additional paid services for users in order to increase their earnings on the bulletin board. Such services include: raising an ad in the search, highlighting an ad in color, or VIP - pinning.

To summarize, I will say: with the right project development strategy and thanks to the popularization of online shopping not only among young people, but also among the older generation, the above methods of making money on your own bulletin board today can bring good additional income on the Internet , and the main income. The main thing is not to rush things, initial stage oversaturating your project with an abundance of advertising blocks and not flirting with custom ones paid services, so as not to receive the status of a dumping site for advertising garbage or an ordinary “rip-off”.

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The topic of making money on the Internet without investment is becoming more and more popular every day. This is especially noticeable in the “sales” segment. Shop owners are increasingly beginning to lean towards the option of creating an online store. And this is not surprising, since The World Wide Web can allow you to increase the number of sales significantly, and accordingly increase profits.

In this article we will talk to you about making money on message boards - this is another option for making money for beginners that does not require any investment from you.

How to make money on a bulletin board?

Bulletin boards are special sites on which anyone can, immediately after registration, post their own advertisement for the sale of something or report on the services you provide. That is, it is a tool that allows you to sell your existing product.

There are a huge number of message boards on the RuNet, but most of them are visited by a small number of people. Hence, I recommend that you only pay attention to those that have the highest traffic. It is also worth noting that there are also regional bulletin boards - tied to a specific geographic region (city, region).

Options for earning money

Suppose you have a product and it is in a warehouse/home - the simplest situation. All you need to do is take a photo of it, write short description, if possible, shoot a video, upload it to YouTube video hosting and attach a link to the video to the ad text.

When the buyer contacts you and transfers money to your card, all you have to do is go to the post office and send him the goods to a specific address.

The second option for making money on message boards is, or, in other words, working with affiliate programs. That is, you will need to enter into partnership agreements with websites that supply goods (which have warehouses), ask them for a price list for the goods and, if possible, receive photographs and descriptions of the goods (the latter will need to be made unique - remade). When you everything described above will appear in stock - start posting your advertisements on boards and earn money. Typically, earnings from affiliate programs are 5-20% of the sales transaction amount.

If you are interested in this way to make money on affiliate programs without a website, then detailed information you can find out about it.

Another opportunity to make money on message boards is to work on mass uploading of products for sale. Sometimes “vacancies” appear on freelance exchanges, the content of which requires the artist to upload a large number of advertisements to some board, for example (most often to this service, since it is the most popular in Russia and has traffic of several million daily users).

The pay for such work is quite decent, but at the same time it is dreary and requires perseverance from you, because you will have to perform monotonous actions for a very long time. Making money on message boards without sales is suitable for those users who do not want to be associated with these same sales.

How much can you earn on a bulletin board?

This question can be classified as philosophical, since it is quite difficult to estimate the number of transactions you made during the allotted time interval. Much depends on a huge number of factors, such as: demand for the product, seasonality, price, competition, design of the ad itself, etc.

Before writing this article, I was able to communicate with several Avito sellers. Most of them reported that beginners need to start their activities with goods whose cost does not exceed 10-30 thousand rubles. This will help you understand the principle of working with message boards, get your hands on and notice some of the features of making money.
By the way, out of the 50 sellers I surveyed, 35 work with affiliate programs from various large online stores. They manage to successfully compete with their “supplier” due to good description goods.

It is also worth noting that 90% of the sellers with whom I was able to communicate use the internal advertising services of the Avito website.

How to make money on your message board?

I managed to come across this question on the Internet. Based on my observations, I can report that if you do not have the money to create a large advertising company for your trading platform– you shouldn’t even meddle in this market segment. There are a huge number of message boards on the RuNet, which makes it clear that you will face incredible competition. Therefore, for the first few years you will definitely have to use marketing tools in the form advertising companies on social networks and search engines. And this is a lot of money.

And even if you manage to attract even 10 sellers who post their ads, after a few weeks they will leave your project, since they will not be able to sell their goods due to low traffic to your message board.

But you can try your hand at working with mobile traffic, because this market still has a very low level of competition.