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Business on wheels – a lot of creative ideas. How to open a business on wheels: ideas for traveling business. Attraction “ladder” and “horizontal bar”

  • Shooting gallery
  • Mobile 5-d cinema
  • Catapult (blob)
    • Difficulties in this case
    • About Flyboard
  • We bring to your attention 6 summer attractions that will definitely bring you profit. Naturally, subject to proper organization, including a good location, the quality of the attraction and the level of work of the operators.

    Trampoline slide

    If you ask an entrepreneur which of the attractions in his mini-park is the most proven and reliable in terms of earning money, you will probably hear in response - trampoline - slide! Indeed, children love trampolines so much, and if it also has a slide, not a single child can pass by such a miracle.

    Installing a trampoline slide in any crowded place with children will definitely bring profit. This is such a proven business that it can be compared to a bread kiosk.


    How much money do you need for trampolines?

    The recipe for success in this matter is extremely simple. Purchase a trampoline slide, costing from 300,000 rubles. Anything that is cheaper, as a rule, does not look very interesting, which means it attracts less attention. The slide should be as big as the trampoline itself, then children will come to it again and again. During the summer season, some children jump on the same trampoline at least 20 times, and parents spend several thousand rubles on just one attraction. The advantage of the trampoline slide is that it works even in residential areas of the city. The more young families living in the area, the better. For this reason, there are a lot of places to place this attraction. The payback period for a trampoline slide, provided it has a good location, is no more than 2 months.

    Shooting gallery

    Another proven entertainment business for all times is opening a shooting gallery. First of all, we're talking about about the classic pneumatic shooting range. In any resort town, on any beach or city park, shooting ranges are constantly in demand. Where there are a lot of vacationers, the shooting ranges are constantly filled with shooters.

    How much can you earn by opening a shooting gallery?

    Shooting galleries are profitable because they are equally interesting to both men and women. The cost of the game, as a rule, does not exceed 50 rubles, which is an excellent bait. But it never ends with one shot, so the average client leaves at least 300 rubles at the shooting range.

    How much money do you need to open a shooting range?

    For a novice entrepreneur, a shooting range is attractive because it requires minimal start-up costs. Often, opening a tent with pneumatic guns requires no more than 100 thousand rubles, and all the investment can pay off in a couple of city celebrations (May 9, Youth Day).

    Mobile 5-d cinema

    Some may think that 5-D attractions have long gone out of fashion. Yes, there is no longer a rush, but the business still generates income. Children really like this entertainment, and you can take your parents with you. The 5-d attraction (or 7-d) can easily be called family entertainment. Unlike real park attractions, 5-D cinemas seem absolutely safe and at the same time bring no less thrills. In our town (100 thousand inhabitants) for the past 5 years, starting in the spring, they have been exhibiting a 5D cinema, and in the same place. And they don’t complain about attendance. No matter how you pass by, you can always see several people waiting in line. Main criterion success - update the routes on time and customers will come again.

    Step-by-step plan for opening a 5-d attraction (or 7-d)

    You can choose two formats of operation - stationary, when the attraction is in one place all the time, and mobile, when the cinema moves around small regional cities and towns. The first option is good because it requires less hassle and earns regular customers. However, there is also a minus - over time, the entertainment becomes boring, and the cinema begins to bring in less profit. The mobile format of work, on the contrary, is more labor-intensive, but the organizer always receives excess profits. Since the arrival of such a wonderful entertainment in any village causes a storm of positive emotions among local residents and for 2-3 days there is no end to those interested.

    Catapult (blob)

    Perhaps one of the brightest and most exciting beach attractions is the water catapult or blob. Installing such a thing on any beach causes a storm of admiration and crowds of people wanting to get adrenaline or just show off in public.

    The attraction consists of only two components: a jumping tower and an inflatable cushion, like a trampoline. The length of the cushion (blob) is on average 6 meters, and the width is at least 2.5 m. The flight range from a catapult depends on the height of the fall and the mass of the jumper.

    How much can you earn on a water catapult?

    The average price of a blob jump is 200 rubles. It takes no more than 10 minutes per client, including instructions, preparation, putting on a vest and the jump itself. During one beach day, the attraction can accommodate up to 35 people, thereby earning 7,000 rubles. The water catapult itself can be purchased on the Internet, and the tower can be ordered at any local plant that welds metal structures.

    Difficulties in this case

    The main difficulty in this matter is to “knock out” permission to install the attraction. Depending on who owns part of the beach, you should contact either the local administration or the owner of the land plot (more precisely, the tenant). You can count on a quick payback for the blob only in resort towns, where there are always a lot of vacationers ready to spend money on any entertainment. On city beaches in central Russia, the blob will operate for no more than a month, due to weather conditions.

    Flyboard - water extreme from the future

    Flyboard rental is a business idea for resort towns. This is a mega-cool new product that captures the attention of absolutely all vacationers.

    About Flyboard

    Flyboard is a jet water board, which, thanks to water jet boots, allows you to rise above the water up to 10 meters. The skater can not only rise, but also dive into the water. It looks very cool and unusual. The following video clearly shows how the flyboard works:

    The operation of the entire system comes from the jet ski engine. If you set up a similar rental service in a resort city like Yalta or Sochi, there will be no end to those interested.

    How much can you earn on flyboarding?

    The average price for 15 minutes of rental is 3,000 rubles. Even if only 5 people use the rental per day, the revenue will be 15,000 rubles. In 20 - 25 days of work you can earn about 350,000 rubles, and in three summer months - more than a million. Although in fact, the income can be 2-3 times more if the number of rentals per day is 10 - 12. The only drawback of the attraction is its price. For a set that includes a flyboard, boots, an 18m hose, and a pipe-connector to the jet ski, you will have to pay at least 250,000 rubles. Plus you will have to purchase a jet ski, which doubles the amount of investment.

    Attraction "ladder" and "horizontal bar"

    The record holders for collecting net profit at mass celebrations are the horizontal bar and staircase attractions. Oddly enough, they are still in demand, although they are no longer considered new products. The attractions always attract crowds of people, all you have to do is try to climb the stairs or hold out for a few minutes on the rotating horizontal bar.

    How much can you earn on an attraction?

    In one busy holiday, the costs invested in the purchase of a horizontal bar or ladder can pay off 2-3 times. Rough calculation:

    • Ticket price - 100 rubles. (given 2 attempts)
    • Number of attempts per day - 200
    • Revenue - 20,000 rub.

    Even if someone manages to reach the main prize (for example, mobile phone), the organizer still remains in profit.

    How much money do you need for an attraction?

    Buying a new attraction will cost 8 - 10 thousand rubles, but you can find used ones. u. options. In any case, earnings depend entirely on the attraction worker. We need a person who knows how to work with the public, is active and has a sense of humor. The best places to place the attraction are embankments in resort towns. Here the horizontal bar or staircase will work at least 100 days a year (while the holiday season lasts). The most difficult thing in this matter is to find a place for placing the attraction. As a rule, highly trafficked places (and these are the places we need) are far from cheap in terms of rent.


    Trading on wheels is an idea that came to us from the USA. It was there that the first such point appeared in 1872. This trend came into fashion in Los Angeles in 2008.

    Evgeniy Malyar

    Article navigation

    • Features and advantages of doing business on wheels
    • Shop on wheels as a business idea
    • Mobile cafe
    • Party-Bus: pub on wheels
    • Mobile tire service
    • Sauna on wheels
    • Mobile quest club
    • Veterinary clinic: vetmobile
    • Cinema 5D
    • Children's Entertainment Center
    • Flower shop
    • Unmentioned ideas

    One of the most important means of achieving success in business is to bring the commercial product as close as possible to the consumer. The easier it is to buy a product or obtain a service, the higher the sales amount will be. This concept is reflected in various trading techniques, and among them, mobile business on wheels.

    The idea is not new. Outbound trade has existed for decades. Cinemas were transported by car to remote areas of the country. Even during the war years, there were auto shops that supplied the troops with household goods through Voentorg.

    New ones appeared today original ideas for business on wheels, which will be useful for the reader to become familiar with. Who knows, maybe they will inspire someone who wants to start their own business?

    Features and advantages of doing business on wheels

    In addition to the already mentioned desire to get closer to the consumer, an entrepreneur who decides to build a business on his own wheels is driven by other advantages of this method of sales:

    • Purchasing or renting premises is optional.
    • Relative cheapness of the organizational phase.
    • Ease of paperwork.
    • The ability to move around in search of mass gatherings of consumers.
    • Saving money on advertising.
    • Flexibility in changing the profile of trade or service.
    • High liquidity of the fixed asset.

    To be fair, you should pay attention to some shortcomings. These include:

    • Limited opportunities for intensive development. To put it simply: one vehicle equipped for business can serve a limited number of clients. To increase turnover, you need to increase the number of cars.
    • Participation of the car in traffic. This entails certain risks associated with the danger of accidents and financial losses in case of traffic violations.
    • Expenses for fuel and lubricants and transport operation. The harder the car is driven, the faster wear occurs. Depreciation falls on the cost of goods and services.
    • Gaps in the current legislation regulating the implementation procedure food products in mobile mode. RVs are subject to regulations and sanitary standards, introduced for stationary catering and trade, and it is not easy to comply with them.

    Despite some difficulties, mobile sales are developing rapidly in many countries, and Russia is no exception. There are many reasons for this, including:

    • insufficient coverage of some services in remote areas, especially rural areas;
    • high need for “quick” meals, coffee, tea and cocktails that can be consumed quickly;
    • the desire of buyers to save the effort required to deliver products home.

    These positive factors do not mean guaranteed business success. Its organization always, as in the stationary version, must begin with marketing. Correct positioning, promising idea, competent economic calculations– all this will give confidence to the entrepreneur.

    Let's look at ten promising and popular ideas for making money trading from transport.

    Shop on wheels as a business idea

    To begin with, it is advisable to decide on your trading profile. As a business idea, a store on wheels can develop in the food or manufactured goods direction. How can you attract buyers?

    Expensive household items, home appliances, shoes and clothes are unlikely to be purchased on the street. Cheap items, including used ones, can only be offered to a specific consumer audience characterized by low income. In areas where not very wealthy people live, as a rule, the supply of such goods has already formed, and competing with stationary outlets will be problematic.

    However, a number of manufactured goods items can and should be sold off wheels. It is important to identify them.

    Mobile cafe

    Mobile food vans, called food trucks in a foreign language, are considered more promising. They are often represented by trailers, which have a reinforced frame and a display along the entire length of the body.

    It should be noted that when organizing the work of a mobile store, especially a grocery store, one of the advantages of outbound trade is practically lost, namely the relatively low “entry price”. You will have to invest at least 1.7 million rubles in this business, and this is just for starters. Approximate starting costs are shown in the table:

    Expense item Amount, thousand rubles
    The vehicle and its adaptation to outlet 800
    Technological food equipment 500
    Equipment for remote outdoor space 200
    Staff salaries (2 shifts) 60
    Routine equipment maintenance 50
    Fixed costs (gasoline, disposable tableware etc.) 90
    Total: 1 million 700 thousand

    Now for some clarification. Equipment is understood as a standard set for selling groceries and prepared foods:

    • refrigerators (2 pcs.) and freezers(1 or 2 pcs.);
    • microwave;
    • coffee machine;
    • slicer (cutting machine);
    • electric stove;
    • chef's kit;
    • Desktop;
    • water heater;
    • shelves;
    • workwear.

    To ensure normal working conditions you will need: in summer - air conditioning, in winter - an electric heater, and at any time of the year - a dry closet. In addition, it is possible to purchase an audio system and an LCD TV. The latter items are not required to be installed, but they attract buyers.

    The car deserves special words. It is prohibited to equip it as a food retail outlet yourself. This is done by specialized licensed companies.

    The enterprise itself also needs permission from authorities issuing certificates and certificates, including local ones and Rospotrebnadzor.

    The goods sold are also declared and certified.

    To pay for a food truck within a year, you need a monthly income of at least 140 thousand rubles. In principle, this is possible, but you will have to try.

    Party-Bus: pub on wheels

    Very interesting idea a new format of entertainment business. The trailer, equipped for a fun pastime, combines the advantages of a small stationary bar with a disco and a regular car that takes the company to nature. This vehicle was called Party-Bus. The requirements for it are high: users of the service are often representatives of wealthy young people who are accustomed to comfort.

    Inside the cabin you need to install:

    • powerful multi-channel audio system;
    • plasma screen;
    • bar equipment;
    • comfortable furniture and table.

    It is advisable to have a place for dancing or the ability to organize it outside with external acoustics and lighting effects. This mobile attraction will cost a pretty penny – up to two million. IN running costs will include advertising costs.

    The range of use of the “party bus” can be expanded: in such salons, wealthy tourists are often transported to local attractions. Of course, they organize weddings with few people, and then they are cheaper than in a restaurant. And also bachelor and hen parties...

    Mobile tire service

    Implementing this idea for greater economic returns should include providing several of the most in-demand vehicle repair services. It would be more correct to call it a “mobile mini-service station” or “ambulance on wheels.”

    Like its medical counterpart, this service does not aim at complete cure, but at urgent resuscitation. The most common “illness” in cars is a punctured tire. You need to drive further, and, of course, the driver will call the service, which will arrive and help on the spot. But other troubles also happen that prevent movement: the engine won’t start, the brakes have failed, or other problems.

    An RV workshop should have a tire kit and a set of spare parts that corresponds to the problems described. You also need a towing device (preferably a rigid hitch) in case the malfunction cannot be eliminated on site. The owner of such an ambulance needs a professional qualification as a car repairman.

    Sauna on wheels

    Few people think about a mobile steam room. It's a costly business. A mobile bathhouse needs a powerful carrier-truck. Operation is energy-intensive and registration requires a large number of permits. But despite all the shortcomings, the business is characterized by advantages:

    • The number of idle runs is minimal - travel to the location specified by the client is carried out upon application and prepayment.
    • The service is used by people who have the means to pay for it.
    • Low level of competition due to the difficulties of organizing this type of business.

    Thus, the disadvantages smoothly turn into advantages. The cost of organizing a business is difficult to say: it depends on the availability of suitable transport and local conditions. In large cities, a mobile bathhouse for 4–6 clients is rarely idle.

    Mobile quest club

    Quests themselves are a new word in the entertainment industry. Organizing a game with tasks in a mobile version gives the idea additional attractiveness. The experience of Exitmobiil (Estonia) demonstrates the high demand for the service.

    A mobile quest club differs from the usual interior of a bus or van in higher comfort and the presence of special equipment. Transport delivers players to the place, which gives the organizer competitive advantage compared to its stationary counterpart.

    Veterinary clinic: vetmobile

    Emergency veterinary care is an American invention. It is also applicable here, but taking into account Russian specifics. The vet mobile works on call, but you can’t count on spontaneous clientele. Calling a regular Aibolit to your home will cost much less. The personnel issue is quite acute. The most popular services are sterilization and vaccination of animals.

    If you equip a vehicle with veterinary equipment and combine the main profile with additional areas of activity (sales of related products and feed), the business can become very profitable.

    Cinema 5D

    This business is relevant for small settlements, where there are no ordinary cinemas with surround image and sound yet. The mobile illusion salon usually accommodates up to eight spectators. Fuel costs account for a significant portion of expenses. If no one has yet organized at least a small 5D cinema in a town or village, doubts arise about the existence of demand for this type of entertainment.

    Still, the idea deserves attention. Before you organize similar business, need to be carried out marketing research. Maybe it's just that no one has thought of it yet?

    Children's entertainment center

    The users of the service are children, but adults are no less interested in it. Mobile attractions go to picnic areas and entertain children while parents spend their own leisure time. Transport must be equipped with as many different equipment as possible to provide children with an exciting holiday. There is no standard set - its range depends on the imagination of the organizer. Prefabricated labyrinths, inflatable pools, playgrounds, computers, mobile cinemas and other means of entertainment are often used. The crew includes an experienced children's animator.

    Flower shop

    At its core, the flower trade is almost always mobile. Why not organize the sales process more flexibly and comfortably? By directing the van to places of greatest consumer activity, you can achieve increased turnover.

    Unmentioned ideas

    The top list above does not pretend to be a complete coverage of all successful ideas mobile business. Options for coffee mobiles and ice cream on wheels are deliberately excluded from it due to the widespread prevalence of such types of business.

    Other items were not mentioned because their effectiveness is reasonably doubtful. Here are their examples:

    • Book Shop. Unfortunately, reader activity in general today is low, and electronic publications fill the remnants of the print market, displacing printing. It is very difficult to count on payback.
    • Shoe workshop. Firstly, there is unlikely to be a queue. Secondly, anyone who has gone to a shoemaker to have their boots or shoes repaired knows that orders are usually delivered the next day. Thirdly, most clients are quite satisfied with already operating stationary points, where a familiar specialist will supply a new heel much cheaper. He doesn't have to pay for gas.
    • Boutique on wheels. Yes, in the USA, selling branded items from wheels is common. American buyers are happy to pay 100-200 dollars less for a prestigious item. In our country, expensive clothes are given status significance. Wealthy people won't buy it in a van. But citizens of ordinary income will still find it too expensive.
    • Medical center on wheels. The idea may have merit, but it now seems premature. How many specialist doctors can fit in a van? What equipment should be installed in it? High costs, mandatory licensing, the presence of government clinics and other circumstances are not in favor of mobile clinics.

    Difficulties with renting premises in business and the problem of remoteness of service sector facilities from the periphery (remote areas of the city) can be solved through one creative idea -.

    But what kind of business can be organized on wheels? Let's figure it out.

    For an organization, the most appropriate option is a trailer (a trailer designed for transporting people or heavy monolithic cargo).

    Such a trailer-van can replace a small room and expand the range of possibilities; it is easier to build with it

    You can open a mobile beauty salon. Get yourself in good shape by professional services Almost every woman wants hairdressers, manicurists, makeup artists, cosmetologists, especially before important events, on holidays.

    But if such a salon is located far away, then not all representatives of the fair sex have time to visit it. Therefore, a traveling beauty salon is an excellent solution for them.

    All you need for a mobile station is equipment, supplies, a manicurist/pedicurist, a hairdresser, a makeup artist, a cosmetologist.

    Ideally, of course, you need a universal master who combines all these professions. But this is very rare.

    You can also organize a highly specialized salon: hairdresser, manicure/pedicure salon, makeup studio, cosmetology studio.

    Then you will save on both equipment and labor costs employees. In addition, you can expand the range of services provided.

    For example, for a hairdresser, in addition to haircuts and styling, they offer treatment and hair care (therapeutic, restorative masks, balms, head massage, coloring, highlighting, lamination).

    Men can also be clients of hairdressing salons, but the hairdresser must be able to do men's haircuts and have the appropriate equipment.

    Another interesting proposal could be a mobile children's game room. This could be a mini-game library where you can play computer games, games on consoles, set-top boxes, including interactive ones - with navigation controllers, stereo glasses that allow you to immerse yourself in a three-dimensional game world.

    Considering the high cost of such equipment for average residents of the CIS, not every child can afford it at home. But everyone can afford to pay for an hour of play in a mobile gaming salon.

    In the same spirit, you can open a mobile single-seat multi-dimensional game room for adults and teenagers.

    We are talking about games in which the illusion of participation in auto racing or sports competitions (surfing, cross-country skiing) is created due to moving chairs and panels. Such entertainment is in great demand.

    In this format, you can organize almost any type of business in the service sector, including:

    • consulting services (lawyer, psychologist, business coach, doctor, financier);
    • catering services (teahouse, fast food, fresh bar, kebab house, grill bar);
    • tire fitting (very convenient for emergency calls when the car is not transportable);
    • repair shop (repair, mechanical repair of shoes, bags, umbrellas, clothes, bicycles, household appliances);
    • art studio - creation of custom artistic photographs, portraits, studio photo sessions - image, family and children's, including thematic ones.

    In other words, it is quite possible to organize at much lower costs than for a stationary business.

    The cost of a van trailer from the manufacturer is from 50,000 rubles. It is unlikely that you will be able to purchase commercial real estate for that kind of money.

    Opening own enterprise requires the investment of large sums already at the start, often being associated with high risk.

    And this risk is greater the less experience in the industry the person who decides to implement the idea has. Especially it concerns restaurant business: If you open it without having any idea what it is, the effect is often disastrous.

    So maybe it’s not worth taking risks and taking the first steps in a business in which you do not have sufficient experience? The answer is - it's worth it! But you need to minimize the risk. Instead of a stationary one, you can choose a mobile form of company activity.

    Using an equipped van, you don’t have to spend money on rent, as in the case of renting premises. You will also be able to reach clients in many attractive places from a commercial point of view. And if consumer interest does not bring you the expected profit or you get tired of your mobile business, you can easily resell it in full.

    Below are examples of some businesses that can be implemented with a specially equipped car. We also encourage you to look for four wheel business inspiration yourself.

    Food truck

    Food trucks are becoming an increasingly common sight on the streets of Polish cities. The fashion for food trucks was brought from the USA and spread to the first European capitals. Above the Vistula, the first food trucks appeared in 2010, but did not become popular. Two years later, the idea of ​​mobile bars hit fertile ground.

    First vans with food products there were very few in the whole country. Now there are more than 20 of them traveling around Warsaw alone. Most of them offer burgers. They are very popular because the food is inexpensive and of good quality. Besides this, the food is always fresh because there is not enough space in the van. long-term storage a large number of products.

    The growing number of food trucks means more competition for food truck owners. Therefore, when venturing into such a business, you need to know what will be your highlight. Camille Domurad and Natasha Khabinovskaya, the owners of a snack truck aptly named “Predatory Bull,” came to this conclusion.

    “We didn’t want to offer burgers like everyone else, so we decided to adapt the ideas of American cuisine to Polish realities. And therefore, instead of making minced beef, we cut it into slices,” explains Kamil Domurad.

    Since December last year, "Predatory Bull" has been offering hot sandwiches based on this meat at prices ranging from 15 to 20 zlotys (4-8 dollars). The signature dish is pastrami or marinated or baked beef brisket. The van can increasingly be seen at Warsaw cultural events, street food festivals, and food truck promotions.

    "You must provide yourself a good place trade to make this business profitable, and this is not easy. Therefore, now we work only during public events,” admits Natasha Chabinovskaya.

    What is the basis for "Bull of Predation"? This is a Peugeot J5, designed between 1981-1993.


    Not every business on four wheels requires the purchase of an actual truck. It is often possible to use lightly modified passenger cars quite successfully.

    That's what Kalina and Simon Korusov did, who used an old Polonaise car to launch their Cafe on Wheels. Now residents of Katowice can order coffee for 5-12 zlotys (2-3 dollars) in a machine stylized as the 1930s.

    “It all started when one fine day a colleague brought Colombian coffee from Juan Valdez. We liked it, and we tried to buy more. It turned out that the world-famous product was practically unavailable here. We managed to order several kilograms from the American online store. In our new passion, we decided to go one step further and opened a cafe,” says Kalina Korus.

    Mobility gives Cafe on Wheels the opportunity to appear in different places and participate in events and festivals.

    "We come to the client, and not vice versa. We are wherever there is a need and desire good coffee. In addition, this is our first attempt in business, and the costs and risks are lower than those of a stationary outlet,” admits Kalina Korus.

    On weekdays, the Cafe on Wheels can be found on the campus of the University of Silesia, and on weekends in the Valley of Three Ponds park.

    Is the coffee business promising? Yes, but provided that it is implemented in a big city. The report “Poland on a Platter,” prepared by the Homo Homini Institute on behalf of Makro Cash & Carry, states that visits to cafes are, first of all, part of metropolitan life. It is also important that Poles choose local cafes more often than chain cafes.

    "All more people live in accordance with the principles of leisure, identify with their area, city, and support conscious entrepreneurs working there: owners of cafes, restaurants, shops and bakeries,” says Anna Karasinskaya, head of the research institute public opinion Homo Homini.


    Industry, together with gastronomy, most often uses vehicles converted for trade for commercial purposes. There are hundreds of companies that offer a range of such machines and conduct mobile trading.

    Most often, small bakeries and manufacturers decide to buy a store on wheels. meat products. Vehicles designed for this type of activity have a body made of insulated sandwich panels, a side wall that opens to its full length, a waterproof floor and furniture. Cars through which consumer goods can be sold are becoming increasingly popular. They are equipped with a set of shelves, display cases for presenting goods, a counter, a refrigerator and are an interesting alternative to a classic store. Mobility gives the owner the opportunity to test his sales potential in many often remote locations.

    A converted vehicle is also an attractive solution for clothing distribution companies. Some vehicle adaptation service providers commercial activities propose to increase the capacity of the car by extending its rear part. The resulting space can be used, for example, as a changing room for clients. The platform itself can be used to present products and conduct transactions.


    Tire replacement, as everyone knows, is a seasonal business, but the chances of success for a project based on a commercial vehicle equipped with tire service equipment are now higher than ever before - due to a change in the law that imposes hefty fines on those vehicle owners who will not use winter tires from November 1st to March 31st.

    What funds will need to be invested? A professionally designed 13-year-old Mercedes Sprinter with full equipment and warranty service (compressor, generator, tire changer, balance wheel and lift) will cost 18 thousand US dollars. If you decide to start a tire replacement business, prepare flyers in advance and take care of your online presence. Thanks to this, during the season (autumn and spring) you can count on a stable supply of retail customers. To replace tires, customers will pay between $13 and $50, depending on the type and size.

    After the season, it makes sense to contact taxi and car rental services with an offer. Such companies may be interested not only in repairing or replacing tires, but also in purchasing new tires. This year is the ideal time to start this type of business, because there is still little competition in the market.

    A mobile tire replacement company can also be a good addition to a brick-and-mortar tire shop. This was the case, for example, with the Wroclaw company Autopon.

    "During periods of increased frequency of car tire replacement, our car can service 15-20 cars in one sitting. We send it to the headquarters of the customer company for tire replacement as in official vehicles, and in private ones, which belong to employees. The process is smooth, fast and convenient, because one delegated person from the company comes with all the keys and fits the cars,” explains Anatoly Kiselevich, owner of the Autopon website. He bought a mobile tire changer in 2011, and has been using his services ever since It is constantly used by several large companies.

    Floristry or...

    If you are looking for ideas for a business on four wheels, then you should turn to its origins, that is, the United States. There is no end to the inspiration, because foreign companies are providing mobile services even in sectors that may seem exclusively the domain of stationary facilities. What about, for example, initiatives such as a mobile clinic on a bus, where you can detox and recover from drinking, or confirm or deny your paternity? And in Las Vegas they offer hangover recovery in just 45 minutes, right on the bus. Any New Yorker can take a DNA test in a car. For $230 they do a study, the results of which will be known only a few days later.

    We don’t recommend taking such risks right away, but by studying thriving American mobile companies, you can find something more traditional. For flower lovers, for example, the story of a Los Angeles resident can be an impetus to action.

    "I dreamed of own business from the age of 20. I had a lot of ideas, but I didn’t have enough money to implement them. I once received a collapsible flower vase from a friend. I looked at her and suddenly it dawned on me. I decided to start a mobile flower shop" says Jennifer Kaplan, flower truck owner.

    She managed to draw up a business plan in three months. She bought a broken down ice cream car, which she converted into a charming flower shop with the help of friends. People have loved the Flower Truck so much that Jennifer now prepares floral arrangements not only for the general consumer, but also for events, festivals and weddings.

    Every person is a gourmet by nature and loves to eat delicious food. Every second person who dreams thinks about running a restaurant or catering business. But the question is: where to place a cafe (and we will talk specifically about a cafe) so that it brings constant income and this very place is not the main risk in the planned business...

    Popular in the USA today. This business idea is also relevant in Russia. In America they love fast food, but we also have a category of people, and not a small one, who are attracted to, and sometimes simply saved by, fast food.

    This is what is ideal: a trailer that delivers ready-made food to places where there are large crowds of people, be it a stadium where competitions are taking place, or an open-air concert of a national star, or even any festival. The trailer has a kitchenette and two or three cooks.

    Basic expenses

    The most expensive thing is to buy a trailer. But here, too, there is an opportunity to either “chance” and buy a long car, inside of which there will be a cafe with tables and chairs, as well as a kitchen and a counter for dispensing food. In this case, you can also hire a waiter to make the catering work faster.

    Another option is a budget one: buy a small trailer that will only fit the kitchen. In this case, food will be served through a window, like in stalls with grilled chickens.

    In order not to lose visitors and to give them the opportunity to eat to their heart’s content and ask for more, set up several tables and chairs right there on the spot, on the street next to the trailer. You just need to take care of what to transport it all on. Will there be room for them in the trailer or will I need to purchase another trailer.

    And finally, the third option - even more budget-friendly - is to buy a stall on wheels, with the ability to attach a tow hitch to your car. If you don’t have a car, you’ll also have to spend money on buying one, but it will probably cost much less than buying a whole trailer. When carefully planning this expense item, you will need to take into account depreciation costs: gasoline, trailer repairs, maintenance.

    The next expense item is the purchase of kitchen equipment. You need to avoid unnecessary waste and think about the minimum set of equipment. And the main thing here is to specifically decide what will be sold in the cafe, what equipment and devices are needed to prepare a specific type of food. What will it be? Lots of options:

    A purely Russian idea with pancakes, porridge and jelly.
    American fast foods - hamburgers, hot dogs, dog styles, etc.
    Seasonal dishes - ice cream and soft drinks in summer, warming coffee, tea and soups in winter.
    Fast ready-made food of the East - Chinese noodles or Japanese sushi and rolls.
    Eco food – vegetarian salads, grain buns, freshly squeezed juice;
    Soviet “canteen” - vinaigrette, cutlets and compote.

    One cafe can combine two or three options in order to attract even more visitors.

    And only after two large expense items have been carefully calculated, will you need to start organizing a cafe on wheels. Hire cooks and a waiter, if required, negotiate with points of sale, purchase products and necessary equipment. Advertising may not be necessary for such a business idea. Hungry fans from stadiums and tired athletes will be drawn to the smell of delicious food from the trailer window.

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