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Organization form pdf. Production of letterheads and their cost

Almost all company documents are printed on letterhead, and this gives them a unique corporate identity. At the top of the sheet, above the first line, is separate area- page header. On the letterhead, the company logo or its name is usually placed here. The footer, which is located after the bottom line of text, most often includes contact information - phone, address and website of the company. Sometimes, when creating letterheads, underlays are also used - background images.
To create a letterhead in the program Microsoft Office Word 2007 needs to follow these steps.

1. Click the Insert tab, Header and Footer group, and click the Header button. Ready-made headers and footers design options will appear on the screen. You can choose the header and footer to match the style of the cover page - in Microsoft Office 2007, all designs overlap. Click on any design and you will see the body text of your document become light and above the first line there will be an area where you need to enter something.

2. After you select a design, a new tab will appear on the ribbon - "Design". Use the tools on this tab to customize the headers and footers. For example, in the "Position" group, you can set the distance from margins to headers and footers.

3. To insert a logo into the header and footer, click the "Picture" button in the "Insert" group. A file open dialog box will appear on the screen. Locate where the logo image is stored on your computer and click the Insert button. The logo will be inserted into the header.

4. In addition to the logo, you can insert the date and time of the document creation into the header. To do this, in the "Insert" group, click the appropriate button, for example, "Date and Time". A dialog box will appear on the screen in which you can select the date format.

Usually the date is inserted into contracts so that it changes automatically.

5. After editing the header, click the Go to Footer button. You will automatically be taken to the bottom of the page to style the footer. Here enter the contact details of the company: phone, website, address Email.

6. After you enter in the headers and footers necessary information, click on the "Close Header and Footer Window" button on the "Design" additional tab, and all the text will become available for editing again. Headers and footers appear on every page of the document as automatically inline blocks. The letterhead is ready!

In addition to headers and footers, watermarks are often used to create letterhead — these are pictures that are inserted into a document as the background of pages. Perhaps it will be the logo (of course, if you have inserted the logo in the header, there is no need to duplicate this image by setting it as the background). To set a background, go to the Page Layout tab and click on the Background button in the Page Background group. Choose Custom Watermark from the menu. In the dialog box that appears, set the switch to the "Picture" position. After that, click the "Select" button, in the window that opens, specify the storage location for the desired picture on your computer "and click the" Insert "button.


No matter how many functional and uncomplicated tools developers offer, most still use MicrosoftWord and face a huge number of sometimes unsolvable difficulties. Rebecca Kroeger presents us with a solution to one of these problems.

At the end of a project with an original design, one often hears from clients: “I want to get an editable template of this letterhead in Microsoft Word". They usually do not install or know how to use advanced graphic editing programs such as Adobe Illustrator, InDesign or Photoshop, and there is simply no reason for them to purchase these expensive programs.

Microsoft Word includes some pretty primitive technologies compared to Illustrator or InDesign; however, this is what customers use, and your letterhead is useless if they can't edit and add content, so knowing how to create Microsoft Word letterhead templates is key. Let's start.

1. Create a letterhead design

We created this example in Illustrator, but you can use both Photoshop and InDesign to create letterhead. We use a full-size format with 1/8-inch margins, which will give us an 8.63 x 11.13-inch document.

Create your design in CMYK, and if you are using photos or complex graphics, make sure the resolution is at least 300 pixels, as Microsoft Word compresses all the images you insert there.

2. Export your letterhead design as a filePNG imagehigh resolution

To do this, select File> Export>PNG image. Make sure to select a resolution of at least 300 pixels. It is also possible to save designs as JPG and even TIFF; although TIFF will increase your client's file size and download times in Microsoft Word many times.

3. Customize your Microsoft Word document

Then set up your document to import your design there. Create a new document then in the tab Page layout select item Page settings... Set the paper size to 8.75 x 11.13 inches to fit the design format. Set all margins to 0. This will set the template to a borderless pattern instead of fitting it to standard Word margins.

4. Place the letterhead design on the documentMicrosoftWord

Place your letterhead in place of the Header and Footer Word document that will be automatically repeated on all additional pages. In the tab Insert go to item Page header or footer and press Change... In the designer that opens, select Insert picture and select your PNG file. Your drawing will appear in the center of the document. Now right-click on it.

Go to item The size... Word automatically downscales images, but you can fix this by setting the height and width to 100%.

Now select the item Wrap text and select Behind the text... Click on Additional markup options and make sure the horizontal and vertical position of the picture is set relative to Pages... Click on OK... Your design is now complete. Adjust its location as needed.

Do the same with the second header.

Exit the Header and Footer Designer. Now you can edit the text part. Now the header appears to be shaded, but it will appear in full color when printed. Warn your customers about this. Format the margins and paragraph style. If you press Enter until Word creates a new page, you will notice that the design has appeared there as well. This is because you put it in the header and footer, and it will be duplicated on every additional page.

5. Save the document as a template

6. Prepare the templateMicrosoftWordto print

If your client uses a borderless printer, tell them to save the resulting files as PDF for better print... Printing directly from Word can produce different results. To save the document to PDF, follow the action File>Save As>PDForXPS. The file is now ready to print 🙂

It is important to warn the client that colors in the Microsoft Word template will display slightly differently than the colors in the original design. Therefore, the trick when creating a template is to bring the colors of the template as close as possible to the original design, otherwise they will look different and, most likely, will not display correctly when printed. And if suddenly your client has AdobeAcrobat or AdobeReader, recommend them to edit the template in these programs, as they give out more high quality print than Microsoft Word.

In addition, if the design is full size, warn the client that it will not print correctly on a regular home or office printer, as it will leave white margins when printing. He will have to use a professional printer.

Microsoft Word has many shortcomings and cannot be compared to more advanced graphic editing programs. But most likely, your clients have mastered only it, and you will have to work with it.

This article will describe the principles of creating letterhead using the Office Word word processor. To begin with, let's look at defining the meaning of the definition of letterhead.

Letterhead is called special sheet paper, usually A4. If this is the letterhead of a company, or a firm, an enterprise, then the details of this company are usually indicated on the letterhead. For example, the letterhead may contain information such as: logo, name, Contact Information and bank details (optional).

Here are examples of several letterheads:

In my opinion, the second letterhead is too conspicuous and will distract the person who will become familiar with the information of the document.

Let's get down to creating your letterhead. Let's take the first sample form as a sample. We will use Office Word. First, open it and create a new document:

To create a form and place details, we will use the header and footer fields. Let's open the header for editing. To do this, double-click at the top of the sheet in the indicated area:

After opening the header, add a table consisting of one row and 2 columns to it for easy editing and placement of data. This can be done using the "Insert" → "Table" menu from the "Tables" section:

Next, we will place the company logo in the left cell, and the information about the company in the right one and give the requisites alignment to the left. To insert an image, use the "Insert" → "Picture" tool from the "Illustrations" section:

After that, format the details to your taste and remove the display of borders from the table. To do this, select the entire table by clicking on the "Arrow" icon:

Now start filling out the bottom of your letterhead. If you haven't closed the header and footer editing, then start filling in the footer. If you closed the editing of headers and footers, then just double-click on the bottom of the page in the selected area:

In the footer, display the company details. Let's add a phone number, website and email address:

Now we can add some graphic design for our letterhead. Let's go to the header again. On the insert tab, choose Shapes → Rectangle. And place a rectangle in the header. Right-click on it and choose Send to Back → Send Behind Text:

Stretch it across the entire area of ​​the header and footer, and then proceed to formatting it. Set Shape Outline to No Outline. Go to Shape Fill → Gradient and choose settings similar to the example:

The result is the following letterhead:

In the example, I split the window to show both the top and bottom at once. Also, do not pay attention to the dullness of colors and text in headers and footers, this happens when you switch to document editing mode. When printing, everything will be clearly visible.

You have now learned how to create your letterhead. Try and experiment with different meanings of shapes and forms, because letterhead is like the face of the company.

To draw up a variety of documents in the organization's office work system, the presence of letterheads may be provided. Basically, they are made by typographic method (on A4 sheets). Forms are advertising media and are responsible for the image of the organization.

The company letterhead is one of the types printing products A4 format. The form contains permanent textual content and a place to enter information.

In our today's material, we will answer topical questions related to this topic, and at the bottom of the page, the reader will find samples of letterheads of LLC organizations.

To date, the main document on the requirements for the content of letterheads of individual entrepreneurs and organizations is GOST R 7.0.97-2016.STRU.

Letterhead structure

The letterhead contains:

1. Logo (if any).
2. The name of the organization.
3. Contacts:

  • address;
  • phone fax;
  • Email;
  • site (if any).

4. TIN / KPP.
5. Payment details (optional).

Information about an individual entrepreneur or LLC can be placed in the right or in the upper left corner, or in the center or along the entire right side. Corner letterheads use space most sparingly.

What is an organization's letterhead for?

Letterhead as well as Business Cards employees play the role of a tool that is necessary for the organization from the very beginning of its existence. Internal documents, outgoing letters, agreements and reports are drawn up on forms.

In addition, the presence of a company letterhead contributes to the formation of a positive image of the company. That is why special attention should be paid to the design of this tool.

Letterhead design

The design of the letterhead should correspond to the corporate style and brand book of the organization. A brand book is an official document of an organization (enterprise), which contains a description of the concept and attributes of the brand, as well as the target audience and other information that is used by business leaders to communicate with consumers and to develop the business in general.

The brand book regulates the corporate identity of the organization. It includes very detailed description of each brand element on corporate (advertising) media.

The corporate letterhead is a business document and therefore must appear strict and free from any decorative elements.

Typography and style rules for letterhead design

Due to the fact that letterhead is used by organizations quite often and has advertising functions, it is important to follow the rules of style and typography in its design:

1. In the design of the letterhead, you should not use many different fonts (including underlines and italics).
2. The font chosen for the letterhead must be legible and legible.
3. To bind the form in a folder, indent from the left edge of the document.
4. Immutable information in the document should be reflected in the headers and footers (to avoid erroneous changes).
5. Due to the fact that the form can be sent by fax, it is not necessary to use photographs (or background pictures) in the document.

Production of letterheads and their cost

Glossy and coated paper should not be used in the manufacture of company letterheads: the surface of such paper will not cope well with the absorption of ink, and prints and prints may be smeared (blurred).

You can order a layout from a printing company that produces letterhead. You can choose paper for letterhead printing both ordinary and designer (with watermarks and textured solutions).

The methods for printing an organization's letterhead are as follows:

1. Digital.
2. Offset.

When choosing a printing method, one should take into account the circulation of printed products and production times.

The cost of one copy of a form made by digital printing is 3 rubles on average. Manufacturing time takes no more than one hour.
For printing large runs of letterhead, the offset method will be more suitable. The cost of one form will vary from 60 to 80 kopecks. The production time will be from one to three days.

In addition, you can print the form yourself on a conventional printer.

It is also possible to use several variants of letterheads used for different purposes. For example, in one case, it is necessary to indicate the bank details of the IP, and in the other, it is enough to register the address of the IP location. Therefore, you can prepare several versions of letterhead and use one or another letterhead as needed.

In conclusion, I would like to add that the presence of the company's letterhead contributes to the formation of a positive opinion about your company and confirms the seriousness of intentions in relation to the partners and customers of your organization.

Sketch the head of your letterhead. Sketch a rough look for a cap on paper - great way see how the elements fit together. Just draw (roughly) your future letterhead on a white piece of paper.

  • Make sure you leave enough space for your company logo, name, address, and other contact information.
  • Would you like to add your company's slogan to your letterhead? This is a great idea when the main product or service your company provides is not listed on the form.

Start Microsoft Word. Microsoft Word has it all necessary tools to create a great sample. It will be enough for you to simply recreate what was drawn on paper.

Open a new document and save it as a sample. Name it Blank Sample 1 or something like that. In the future, this will help you quickly find it and save it in the sample folder. This way, you can quickly pick up the document and print the letterhead at the right time.

Insert a header or footer. If you are working in Word 2007, click the Insert menu and Header and Footer menu. Create a header or footer that will be a good background for your letterhead header.

  • If you are working in Word 2003, you will see the header and footer by choosing the Header and Footer command from the View menu. By default, a field bounded by a dotted line will open immediately to create a header and footer.
  • Enter the text for the heading of the form. In the text box, provide your company name, address, phone and fax numbers, website, and email address for general inquiries.

    • Each time you enter the next line of data, press the Enter key. Thus, all the elements will be placed in beautiful rows in a column.
    • You can omit the site address if it's included in your logo.
    • For each element, check the fonts, sizes and colors. It is better to make the font for the name of the company two units larger than the address, and also highlight it in a different color. It is highly desirable that the font, size and color of the company name are in harmony with the logo on the letterhead. Telephone and fax numbers and e-mail must be in the same font as the address, but two units less.
  • Add your logo to your header. To do this, select "Picture" in the "Insert" tab. View a digital copy of the logo, select a .jpg, .bmp, or .png file, and click Insert.

  • Choose the size and location of the logo. It should be clearly visible and look harmonious with the text in the heading of the letterhead.

    • Move your cursor over one of the corners of the logo. It transforms into a sizing handle. Click on one of the corners and at the same time drag it to the side to zoom in or out.
    • Adjust the size of the logo in the upper left corner of the footer to balance the text information.
    • You can move the logo in this way: click on the image to select it, then click and simultaneously drag to the desired place.
  • Consider adding other visuals. For example, you can visually separate company information from the rest of the page by adding a solid line from the left to the right of the page along the bottom of the header.

    • To do this, click on the arrow at the bottom of the "Shapes" button in the "Insert" tab and select the very first line from the "Lines" menu. To draw a line, click and drag.
    • Right-click on the line and select the color and width of the line to highlight the logo. Use the Format AutoShape dialog box. Select the Center button on the View tab.
    • Right click on the line again and make a copy of it. Paste a copy of the line into your document.