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Frequently asked questions regarding standard design documentation. Standard project Not standard project

  • The advantage of standard projects is also fix price and fast turnaround time. It takes up to 8 weeks to adapt the project to individual requirements.

It so happened that we needed to build a house, the plot was cleared. But building a house is a very serious and expensive matter.

Therefore, before starting construction, it is necessary to carry out thorough preparation, which will help the developer significantly save money, time and protect the nervous system from stress. First, all experts say that you cannot save on the project, since the more accurately it is done, the more accurately the cost of construction will be determined. If you buy a project from a catalog, you may end up with a project for another region. If it is for the North, there will be an overconsumption of materials; if the house is designed for the South, it cannot be built according to this project. Or it turns out that the design solutions used are not the most economical, and the materials are expensive and not available in nearby construction markets. As a result, an individual project may turn out to be 30 thousand more expensive, but it will save half a million in materials. If you decide to build according to a standard design, then it should be developed in your region, designed for local soils and local materials.

A standard project will not be tied to the construction site, wind rose, or geological conditions. Therefore, the house needs to be “planted” on the site.

Then the following will be taken into account:

  • location of other buildings;
  • slope of the plot, the house is placed closer to the flat part;
  • the foundation will be cheaper;
  • width of the plot (the house should at least fit on the plot;
  • presence of cars in the family;
  • Do you need parking in front of the house or not?
  • orientation by parts of the world, in order to know where and when the sun shines;
  • It’s good if the sun is in the nursery in the morning and in the living room in the evening.

Any capital construction requires preliminary design, the construction of cottages is no exception. At this stage, the owner has two options:

draw up an individual project for the future structure, or use ready-made solutions - standard projects cottages. Each option has its pros and cons. An individual project will allow the customer to realize all his architectural plans, but will be significantly more expensive, and possibly impractical, since it is not always possible to predict all the performance qualities of the future building. Standard cottage designs allow significant savings at the design stage. In addition, the wide practice of actual construction on existing projects ensures high reliability of structures and guarantees comfortable living for the owner, reduces construction time and allows you to accurately calculate the amount of required materials, and therefore the final costs. This option is interesting for cottage villages, which are often maintained in the same architectural style.

Typical house designs: not everything is so simple Have you ever wondered where the construction of houses begins?

Undoubtedly, from the idea: - How wonderful it would be to build your own personal country house!

Perhaps so, or perhaps not entirely so, but it is precisely thanks to the idea that suddenly arose in our minds that we owe literally everything that we have achieved and that we have.

If we have an idea and a desire, we can say these cherished words: forward to our dreams. However, even those seemingly simple initial independent steps will slightly moderate your ardor and zeal. Let's be honest, when starting to build houses, many, if not more, owners do not think about the architectural component of their home, and after construction is completed, annoying disappointments are common: it would be nice to make the bathroom wider, the bedroom a little more comfortable, and It would be a good idea to think about the design of the building better; there are a whole lot of similar reasons. To prevent similar situations We recommend that you start from standard house designs.

At the moment, there are many decent types and designs of houses that are maintained by every reputable company or firm. On this issue, you can find a lot more positive aspects than you might think. At its core, typical projects can be described as mass production, or rather, a positive meaning of this word. The main positive aspect of standard projects is the lack of spontaneity, a possible error that could have a significant impact on the project of the house as a whole. In addition, standard house designs have been extensively tested in practice, from which it follows that all possible shortcomings have been taken into account and eliminated. Moreover, the finished house project will be developed in accordance with the location of the future construction, in much less time and, accordingly, less money. But one cannot help but say that in mass participation there is practically no moment of individuality, therefore it is a personal choice of everyone, which is the best solution: a well-proven and proven standard house project or a completely individual one, but not tested.

What more can be said about this? Almost every person wants his future home to be different from others with its individuality, to have something special and attractive, but everyone also wants to be confident in the quality of the construction of their home. We do not have the right to decide for you what is more important, so we advise you to try to combine these concepts and order an improvement to a standard project to suit your taste, but do not overdo it, so as not to regret it later and remember: your home is your abode.

Typical power supply project

A standard power supply project is one of the most important parts of the working material for construction.

It is compiled by professional electricians for any construction volume, including residential and industrial premises.

Even if you are starting to renovate an apartment or small room, having such documentation is very useful. The drawings reflect all the locations of possible electrical appliances, sockets, the position of switches, and the direction and height of electrical wiring lines are shown schematically. It also shows what cross-section the cable runs in a particular place, and the maximum consumption load is calculated. All these parameters are set based on the construction and design project of the premises.

We can safely say that a standard power supply design is one of the components of safety. Seeing in the drawings the location of the wiring made by one master, another will definitely not get into it when performing subsequent work. Thus, you will be largely insured: both from traumatic accidents and from useless work on repairing a newly laid electrical wire. And also, when arranging furniture according to the sketches, not a single socket will be in a place inaccessible to you.

Attention! Any standard project is a set of drawings that needs to be linked to the territory.

  • If you think that by purchasing a set of drawings you can build a warehouse in an open field - no, you cannot, see paragraphs. 1,2,3,4,5.
  • If you think that by purchasing a set of drawings you can save a lot of money - no, you can’t, save 10%, they will give you such a discount anyway.
  • If you think that by purchasing a set of drawings you can gain time - no, you cannot, the gain is 10 - 15 days, they will provide it to you anyway.
  • There are not and do not exist any standard projects - by purchasing which you can build.

A typical warehouse design offers a universal solution for storing products, adapted to individual characteristics customer. In such projects it is embodied best experience planning with rational use warehouse premises. Standard projects describe the construction part, power supply, communications, security and have a package of documents for approval except paragraphs. 1,2,3,4,5. They offer several options.

The advantage of standard projects is also a fixed price and fast completion time. It takes up to 8 weeks to adapt the project to individual requirements. The need for adaptation is due to:

  1. Territory planning project and project section " general plan and transport" (development of the PT project and the GP&T section - these sections are tied to the location territory);
  2. External engineering networks (development of the section Engineering equipment, networks and systems VK / OV / EO / SS / A / AUPT (AUPS) / G / NVK / TS / ES / NSS / GSN (off-site) - these sections are tied to the location territory);
  3. Environmental requirements of the territory (development of the environmental protection section - this section is tied to the location territory);
  4. Storage technology (development of the TX section - this section is tied to the OOS section);
  5. Geological conditions of the development site (differences in soil and climatic conditions of the area where construction is planned).
    Also, standard projects can be easily modified to suit individual architectural and artistic requirements.

This is a ready-made, designed plan for a warehouse building, adapted to the specific conditions of the building’s construction and operation.

The use of a standard project slightly reduces design time, since there is no need to develop a conceptually new building design and its structural diagram. The process of adapting a standard project takes from several days to 8 weeks, and includes adaptation of the foundation, which consists of recalculating the foundation for the type of soil on which the building will be erected.

A typical warehouse project contains a selection project documentation for approval and construction. The walls of the warehouse, built according to a standard design, are made of panels (see photo). The materials of the wall panels are determined during the project adaptation process. The roof is assembled from profiled sheets.

Typical residential building project

A typical project of a residential building for a customer is a document that allows control of the work, its architectural and construction quality, as well as the consumption of structural and finishing materials during construction.

The architectural and construction section includes, in addition to facades, a set of drawings containing:

  • floor plans, indicating the layout and dimensions of all rooms;
  • drawings and specifications describing the roof structure;
  • documents describing the construction of the building, including layout diagrams of foundations, stairs and other structural elements, as well as specifications for the products and materials used.

The engineering section describes the device and contains drawings and diagrams of the house's engineering systems: water supply and sewerage, electrical equipment, gas supply, heating and ventilation, as well as specifications of the equipment used and the necessary calculations.

A mandatory document as part of the project is the project passport. Changes and adjustments are not made to the standard design of a residential building by the organizations that designed the house.

Offer other types of cooperation. Fine!

The status of standard projects is not determined by law.

Order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation
Currently, the status of standard design documentation is confirmed by inclusion in the register of standard design documentation. The responsibility for maintaining the register is assigned to the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation.
The "old" standard design documentation cannot currently be considered as "current", "valid" or "inactive", from the effective date Town Planning Code RF, it all automatically became a reference.
Currently, there is no standard design documentation as such. There is original design documentation, the use of which is possible third parties if it has received a positive assessment from the state examination and upon concluding an agreement with the copyright holder.
Due to changes regulatory framework(coming into force technical regulations, a gradual transition to technical regulation within the framework Customs Union) it is necessary to remember that the “old” standard design documentation can be used to the extent that does not contradict the requirements of technical regulations. Otherwise, the state construction supervision body will subsequently have the right to bring administrative liability for deviations from the requirements of technical regulations. Standard design documentation developed after the entry into force of technical regulations can be used as complying with current standards.
When using individual “standard products”, for example, ladder-type cable trays of the NLK series, you must remember that these products do not belong to the category of “standard design documentation” in the currently valid meaning. These units, products, parts can be used in project documentation if they comply with current standards, but, in addition to a reference to a specific series, it would be correct to present a sheet from the corresponding album as part of the project documentation. If such a sheet is not drawn up in accordance with GOST R 21.1101-2009, then it must be drawn up in accordance with the requirements of GOST R 21.1101-2009.
Project documentation included in author's catalogs(such as OJSC "ROSEP", JSC "Russian Railways", etc.), can be used as a recommendation.

It should be noted that GOST R 21.1101-2009 was replaced by GOST R 21.1101-2013

GOST R 21.1101-2013
4.2.8 In working drawings it is allowed to use standard building structures, products and assemblies by referring to documents containing working drawings of these structures and products.
In the "Reference Documents" section, documents in accordance with 4.2.8 are indicated. At the same time, in the corresponding columns of the statement, indicate the designation and name of the series and the issue number of drawings of standard structures, products and assemblies or the designation and name of the standard.

Which can be applied to a large number of different objects, used for implementation by many performers in different conditions.

Economics and law: dictionary-reference book. - M.: University and school. L. P. Kurakov, V. L. Kurakov, A. L. Kurakov. 2004 .

See what a “TYPICAL PROJECT” is in other dictionaries:

    The project, which can be applied to a wide range of objects, has been used for implementation by many performers in different conditions. Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA M... Economic dictionary

    standard project- - [L.G. Sumenko. English-Russian dictionary on information technology. M.: State Enterprise TsNIIS, 2003.] Topics information Technology overall EN standard project...

    standard project- tipinis projektas statusas T sritis automatika atitikmenys: engl. standard design vok. Standardausführung, f; Standardentwurf, m rus. standard project, m pranc. projet type, m … Automatikos terminų žodynas

    standard project- a project that can be applied to a wide number of objects, used for implementation by many performers in different conditions... Dictionary of economic terms

    Standard project- These are mainly houses made of reinforced concrete structures produced by local house-building factories (DSK). Typical, in this case, says that houses built from products of a specific DSK differ from each other, except... ... Housing Encyclopedia

    Cinema "Pervomaisky" Typical project of cinemas the project according to which cinemas were built ... Wikipedia

    A project intended for the construction of similar structures. 11a f. Such projects primarily provide for mass construction projects, such as: artificial structures (pipes, bridges, overpasses), passage. buildings, stations... Technical railway dictionary

    standard project- Project of an enterprise, building, structure and their complexes, intended for repeated use, by linking it to specific construction conditions [Terminological dictionary of construction in 12 languages ​​(VNIIIS Gosstroy USSR)] Topics... ... Technical Translator's Guide

    - (see TYPICAL PROJECT) ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of Economics and Law

    Model national law on the development of tolerance is a document prepared by a group of experts of the European Council for Tolerance and Reconciliation (ECTR) and legally regulating legal relations in such an area as tolerance in ... ... Wikipedia


  • Prevention is a priority in clinical mammology, Rozhkova N.I., Kaprin Andrey Dmitrievich. The book presents latest achievements scientific and practical medicine in the field of prevention of breast diseases. Described in detail modern system disease screening...

TO When I thought about building my own country house, like many future homeowners, I turned to all sorts of project catalogs, of which there are a great many on the Internet. What makes them good is the variety of standard projects they offer, the cost of which did not exceed 30 thousand rubles. Agree, the price is tempting, since if you order an individual project, you will have to pay many times more. That's what a typical private house project represents and whether it's worth buying, we'll talk about in this article.

Typical private house project

I have already said that in order to build a comfortable house, it is necessary to correctly determine the design of the future structure. During the planning stage, all your requests and needs will be taken into account. While the house is being developed, it is possible to make changes to the documentation, add new solutions, and adjust costs to obtain the optimal result. Later, when the process moves into the construction phase, it will be more difficult or impossible to correct the shortcomings.

Standard project or individual

In the process of preparing design and estimate documentation, you can use a standard project or order an individual project. There is no clear distinction between these two types of engineering developments. This can also be implemented into a standard project original ideas customer, if they fit general concept Houses. An individual project risks losing exclusivity if the architect uses the same ideas in different orders.

Construction according to a standard project involves work based on existing spatial, planning and functional solutions. In this case, a standard project may only provide for the construction load-bearing structures with the marking of premises, or include a full range of measures, up to fine finishing with a choice of materials.
When designing a custom design, many factors are taken into account. An architect is working on the drawings of the future structure, visiting the construction site and assessing the features of the area, taking into account the dimensions, topography of the site, soil characteristics, and the location of the cardinal directions. All types of work are planned, including the use of decorative materials that best highlight the advantages of the new home. In this case, the structure turns out to be one of a kind.

Advantages of a standard house design

A standard house design allows you to get a ready-made architectural solution in one day and quickly begin building a cottage. If changes are made, the adjustment will not take much time. The project will be prepared in a month. This reduces the risk of design errors to zero. This is explained by the fact that the ideas outlined in the drawings were repeatedly implemented. Compliance with technical regulations and practical testing of standard projects eliminates the occurrence of problems during construction and in the future during operation of the house.

There is no doubt that there is an economic benefit for the customer - he can hire a small team or, if necessary, build a cottage on his own. A ready-made standard project is cheaper and will not require close attention from developers during implementation. To control the work, the participation of the foreman of the construction team is sufficient.

Plus, the standard project makes it possible to build a house in the maximum possible short time. By ordering a ready-made project with a calculation finishing works and materials, the potential owner of the building will save his nervous system. All he has to do is invite a brigade. At the same time, there is no need to be afraid of identifying design flaws, the likelihood of which is quite high when constructing a structure according to individually developed documentation.

Disadvantages of a standard house design

A typical project is not the best option, if it does not take into account the type of terrain and other factors of the building site. In this situation, the customer will need to adapt the ready-made solution to the existing conditions. The changes made will lead to increased costs during the construction of the cottage. In addition, it is quite possible that the owner of a new house will meet twins of his built brainchild nearby. Some people won't like it.

The practical implementation of a standard project most often involves the construction of standard housing. The average approach applies to both the choice of finishing materials and design techniques. Luxury lovers tend to turn to architects to prepare original project. Ready-made documentation is convenient because during the construction process it will be possible to modify, remove, or add anything. An individual project is characterized by the connectedness of all elements. It is worth noting that you are unlikely to be able to make changes to a standard house design yourself.

If a typical private house project is closer to you, I have posted already completed house projects in the section. Moreover, you can get them completely free of charge, just leave a request in the comment form on the project page. In the next article I will talk about.

Construction own home is not just a dream come true and an opportunity to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life, but also serious responsibility and work.

A house is not a machine that can be replaced after several years of use. It is being built with the intention of living in it happily ever after, in order to pass it on as an inheritance to your children and grandchildren. What is its architecture, construction technology and materials, how will the house be located on the site, is it worth spending time and money on creating individual project or buy a ready-made one, all these issues require serious consideration. To make a choice, you should first understand the benefits of standard house designs, which you will learn about in our article.

What is a standard project

Not every client can afford to order individual project home, since the price and time spent on its creation significantly exceed the purchase price ready-made solution. Also, many customers prefer to save money on the project, but do more expensive interior decoration, but for this you need to know what it is ready plan building.

A typical house is one that has been pre-designed from the foundation and utilities to design solutions for the facade and interior decoration. For all stages of work, a standard project has the appropriate documentation and approximate estimates for necessary materials and equipment. Typical house design does not have an exclusive personality, and someone has already built a similar building, but this does not mean that it cannot add a few new features or make small changes to its appearance.

Important to remember: any finished house project is not a strict instruction, the violation of which entails inevitable punishment, but an original work. If you do not change the main components of the structure: the number of residential and utility rooms, number of storeys, roof shape and others, then otherwise minor changes are possible and will not entail copyright infringement.

Advantages of standard projects

Standard projects have a number of advantages that make them so attractive to clients:

  • First of all, they are inexpensive. When a person has decided on the general features of his house, that is, he knows how many rooms he needs, how many floors there will be, whether he needs an attic, find a project for construction company website, suitable for these parameters, easily.
  • Secondly, a huge selection of standard house designs in any style, for any area and suitable for a specific site allows you to “take a walk”. Of course, before purchasing a building plan, you should consult with specialists so that they can check how the chosen project will fit into the space of the given zone, and whether the soil is suitable for the foundation stated in the documentation.
  • Thirdly, great time savings. Making adjustments to a standard project is easier than creating it from scratch.

A ready-made building project allows you to start construction faster, without being distracted by the numerous nuances that arise en masse when creating an individual plan.

InnovaStroy specialists have developed the following projects:

  • one-story and two-story houses;
  • with an attic and small buildings;
  • luxury houses and buildings in a modern style;
  • for narrow areas.

Important to remember: Do not neglect the opinion of experts. Only they can tell you exactly which house is suitable for your site.

Test of time

It often happens that a finished building project purchased in construction company, was already erected by someone. It's worth asking about this before you buy it. There is nothing wrong with this, since someone chose it for their dream home, then it is worth it. You can even contact the owner of such a house and find out his opinion about the project.

Even if any shortcomings were identified during its construction, they may be of an individual nature, for example, they may not entirely correspond to the area or type of site. We recommend conducting geological and geodetic surveys to eliminate such problems. Otherwise, it is believed that standard house designs are time-tested plans that deserve attention. The right choice would be to entrust the construction to the specialists of the company where the standard project was purchased. They are familiar with its features much better, most likely they have already implemented it before, and the company is responsible at all stages of the work - from design to interior finishing.

Comfort and reliability

If 30 years ago the concept of a “standard project” did not arouse enthusiasm among clients, since at that time its main purpose was not to create comfortable living conditions, but to minimize construction costs, then today everything is different.

Modern standard projects take into account all the nuances that help its owners feel comfortable in such a house. This includes:

  • the materials from which it will be built;
  • engineering Communication;
  • roofing installation and materials for it;
  • foundation installation and floors;
  • arrangement of rooms according to cardinal directions;
  • area and number of utility rooms.

After studying our catalog of ready-made house designs, you can choose the best option that will match your idea of ​​a comfortable and cozy private home.

Important to remember: It is better to choose several options you like and consult with the developer about them. When purchasing a standard project and ordering a turnkey house construction service, we carry out geodesy for free and will be able to advise which project will be optimal for your site.

How to choose the right typical cottage project

Before looking at the catalog of ready-made house designs, you need to do a little preliminary work - make a list of features that your dream home should have. It should include:

  • The material from which the house will be made. It happens that a client, having chosen a brick house project, wants it to be built from wood. It’s good if these are acceptable changes, but what if it doesn’t look good in another material? It is worth weighing the pros and cons very carefully, calculating which material is more affordable, and only then entering it as the final option.
  • What communications should it have? This question is easier to answer based on the location of the site. If it is in a village where electricity, gas and running water are already installed, then you can choose the most cost-effective type heating for a given area.
  • Decide on the number of floors and living spaces.
  • Decide how many bathrooms are needed for the whole family.
  • Consider the garage and consider whether a deck or basement is needed.

In the InnovaStroy catalog of ready-made projects, there are filters where you can specify all the parameters you are interested in: area and number of floors of the house, type of technology, construction budget, and receive options for ready-made projects that correspond to the entered parameters. This will save time browsing the catalog and find the best option for your dream home.

Documentation when ordering a standard house project

Purchasing a standard project is not just about receiving detailed plan building and all its floors, but also complete documentation on it:

  • architectural section (solutions and visualization);
  • design section (working documentation);
  • engineering section (communications);
  • separate documents for each stage of building construction - foundation, walls, floors, roofing, basement, terrace, garage and all utility rooms.

Before paying for the selected standard project, you need to check all the documents that are included in it and consult with specialists to see how much their contents correspond to the purchased plot and area. So, if there are no communications in the village yet, then the finished project will have to be “supplied” with new schemes, which must be included in it before final approval.

Can I make changes?

Although any finished project is the original work of an entire team, this does not mean that it is necessary to adhere to the plan in all details. If you wish, you can correct it together with our specialists and make the necessary changes to the layout of the house, facade decoration, window sizes, which will be done for you free of charge.

Purchase finished project- this is the best option for saving your budget, and by doing this at InnovaStroy, you will not only receive specialist advice on how it can be changed to suit your dreams, but you will also learn in full about all its advantages and nuances of construction.