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What a sales manager should know. What is the job of a sales manager? The essence of the manager's work


1. The sales manager is a professional.

2. A person who has a higher (secondary) professional and at least six months of experience in similar positions is appointed to the position of a sales manager.

3. The sales manager is accepted and dismissed by the order of the General Director on the proposal of the commercial director and the head of the wholesale department.

4. The sales manager reports directly to the head of the wholesales department.

5. In his activities, the sales manager is guided by:

  • regulatory documents on the work performed;
  • methodological materials related to relevant issues;
  • the Articles of Association of the Firm;
  • labor regulations;
  • orders and orders of the commercial director and the head of the wholesale department;
  • this job description.


1. Federal laws and regulatory legal documents governing the implementation of entrepreneurial and commercial activities, including legislation and the legal framework of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities, etc.

2. Basics of pricing and marketing.

3. Assortment, classification, characteristics and purpose of the products sold by the Firm.

4. Conditions of storage and transportation of products sold by the Company.

5. Psychology and principles of sales.

6. Existing forms of accounting and reporting.

7. Ethics of business communication.

8. Rules for establishing business contacts and conducting telephone conversations.

9. The structure of the commercial service and the wholesales department.

10. Rules for the operation of computer technology.

11. Internal labor regulations.


1 Organization and conduct of sales of the Firm's products:

  • search for potential customers;
  • work with first-time clients, with the subsequent transfer of the client to the leading sales manager, depending on the territorial affiliation of the client;
  • conducting commercial negotiations with clients in the interests of the Firm;
  • prompt response to information received from customers and bringing it to the attention of the relevant lead sales manager and head of the wholesale department;
  • Clarification of the needs of clients in the products sold by the Firm, and coordination of the order with the client in accordance with his needs and the availability of assortment at the warehouse complex of the Firm;
  • motivation of clients to work with the Firm, in accordance with the approved sales promotion programs;

2 Planning and analytical work:

  • drawing up a monthly sales plan;
  • analysis of statistical data on sales and shipments of the Firm's clients;
  • provision of reports on the results of work in accordance with the regulations of the department and the Firm.

3 Sales Assurance:

  • receiving and processing customer orders, preparing the necessary documents related to the shipment of products for the clients of the Firm, assigned to themselves, as well as for customers assigned to the relevant leading sales managers when they are out of the office;
  • information support for clients;
  • informing customers about all changes in the assortment, increases and decreases in prices, promotions to stimulate demand, the time of arrival of products at the warehouse;
  • final agreement with the client on the terms of prices, date of shipment and method of delivery of products;
  • transmission of orders for the delivery of products to customers in the logistics department;
  • participation in the development and implementation of projects related to the activities of the wholesale department;
  • interaction with the divisions of the Firm in order to fulfill the assigned tasks;
  • participation in workshops;
  • maintenance of working and reporting documentation.
  • keeping up to date customer data in the information system.

4 Control:

  • control of shipments of products to customers;
  • control of the client's financial discipline on the basis of documents received from the accounting department in the wholesale trade and a warning about the timing of payment.


1. To raise the issue of increasing the amount of remuneration, overtime pay in accordance with the provisions, documents and orders governing the system of remuneration of employees of the Firm.

2. Report to the higher management on all identified deficiencies within their competence.

3. Make suggestions for improving the work related to the responsibilities provided for by this job description.

4. To request, personally or on behalf of management, from structural divisions and employees, reports and documents necessary for the performance of his official duties.

5. Require the head of the department to assist in the performance of their duties and rights.

6. Require the management to ensure organizational and technical conditions and the execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.


1. For non-fulfillment (improper fulfillment) of their duties stipulated by this instruction, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For committing, in the course of carrying out his activities, an offense C within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage and damage to the business reputation of Firmyts within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.


1. The Sales Manager provides the following reports to the following officers of the Firm:

2. The sales manager performs the following operations with documents:

  • signs:
  • endorses:

3. The Sales Manager receives the following reports from the following officers of the Firm:


Which item is changed

New revision of the paragraph

Employee signature

Date of change

Who approved the change

If you want to be the leader in today's market in the field of sales, then you will have to put in a lot of effort. To achieve this difficult task requires the joint work of not one, but a whole team of specialists.

You will learn:

  • What are the main responsibilities of the position of a sales manager?
  • How to check how well a manager is doing his job.
  • What responsibilities should a wholesale or active sales manager handle?

What are the main responsibilities of a sales manager

Sales Manager - a specialist whose main responsibility is the sale of goods. If in the past products were sold directly from the hands of the manufacturer to the hands of the consumer, today this chain has expanded significantly due to the fact that a large number of intermediaries have appeared.

They are needed for the supply of goods to specific addresses of customers, according to requests that include the exact amount of the required goods, the frequency with which the goods should be delivered to consumers, and other conditions. Thanks to the work of intermediaries, the customer always receives his product on time.

A sales manager, in accordance with his job responsibilities, should work so that the buyer, once having made a choice in favor of the goods of his company, next time again decides to purchase products from the same organization, and not from a competitor.

The sales specialist is responsible for communicating with the resellers, convincing them that there is a demand for the product and the level of sales will remain consistently good. Specializations that affect the activities and nature of the responsibilities of managers can vary significantly. It depends on the specifics of the sales.

If we turn to the generalized classification of sales objects, we can distinguish some specializations of the sales manager:

  • sale of services;
  • sale of consumer goods;
  • sale of industrial products.

Every company that sells any product or service needs a specialist who performs the duties of a sales manager with a specialization in a particular area.

In practice, it turns out that sales managers working in serious companies rarely have contact with specific consumers. Most often, their responsibilities are to interact with distributors. An exception is made by organizations specializing in the sale of expensive and large goods.

In small companies selling any type of product or service, sales managers will negotiate directly with the end customer or intermediaries about the sale of their company's product.

Example KPI for Sales Managers

Give up the usual assessment of the work of the staff so that the salespeople fulfill the KPI not out of fear of receiving a fine, but out of a desire to make a profit. How to achieve this, learn from the article in the electronic magazine "Commercial Director".

A well-versed sales manager will understand that turnover indicators cannot be maintained at the proper level just by making “cold” calls to customers from their client base, not to mention achieving positive dynamics. Here it is required to have a broader view of the market: to understand the peculiarities of changes and development of the market, to take into account the wishes and preferences of end consumers, to be interested in price dynamics, new products of the main competing companies.

TO job responsibilities of a sales manager includes, among other things, the search and systematization of important data related to the level of sales and the perception of the product by the end consumer. In addition, it is important for such a specialist to be able to analyze information comprehensively, compare and contrast various indicators and parameters, and also make informed decisions based on the results of the study.

Sometimes in a company the responsibilities of a sales manager consist of only a few positions, the rest of the tasks are distributed among other employees. The best option is when the sales manager is exclusively engaged in working with potential or existing customers and is responsible for concluding contracts.

All other tasks (bureaucratic, administrative, organizational) are solved by specially hired employees who can quickly and efficiently cope with these responsibilities, as well as take on unskilled work.

Expanding the salesperson's responsibilities to tasks such as invoicing, supply control, and other administrative tasks, it’s like trying to hammer in nails with a microscope.

If the sales manager is completely deprived of responsibilities related to the production process or the implementation of services, this will also not be the best solution, since as a result, such an employee may start selling something that his company will never produce or supply.

What is the job description of a sales manager

If we are talking about serious enterprises, then the duties of a sales manager are not only in working with clients, but also in finding and processing data on sales of products, developing a company's strategy, and preparing all the necessary papers for already successfully completed transactions.

A sales manager usually works in an office. The nature of his daily activities depends on the type of duties: it can be both telephone conversations and specific steps for the sale of goods.

Working in any position in a company's sales department contributes to the overall efficiency and effectiveness of the entire department. The sales manager is no exception, he has a certain responsibility for the success of the company in the market as a whole, regardless of what type of responsibilities are assigned to him.

Main responsibilities sales manager are conventionally divided into 4 groups.

  1. Responsibility for the sale of the company's products: increasing the level of sales, expanding the client base, striving to obtain maximum benefits from each sales segment.
  2. Planning, analysis of market data.
  3. Sales.
  4. Verification of product shipments and settlements with consumers.

In addition to these large four divisions, there are some narrower specializations that affect the sales manager's job responsibilities. it additional functions:

  • expanding and updating the customer base, conducting negotiation processes, maintaining contacts with customers and partners on the Internet, processing telephone requests and calls;
  • establishing contacts with potential buyers, strengthening existing business contacts through the organization of convenient and attractive factors for customers: discounts, promotions, calls with expressions of gratitude, letters;
  • the duties of a sales manager according to the job description include: direct contact with clients who come to the office, work on the road to potential buyers and negotiating on their territory;
  • increasing the level of sales in the sector, interaction with customers. Formation of customer loyalty by showing attention to them and providing lucrative offers on the company's products;
  • increasing the motivation of clients to cooperate with the company, collecting information about potential clients;
  • consulting and information support for clients;
  • informing dealers and distributors;
  • conclusion of contracts with legal entities and individuals, execution of documents, work with reporting on concluded contracts;
  • acceptance of products and verification of their quality, as well as control of the display of products in retail outlets;
  • daily collection of information on pricing policy, control of expiration dates (duties of a sales manager);
  • making calculations of the profit expected in accordance with the sales plan;
  • assessment of the potential level of all outlets for the sale of products;
  • organization of educational events, trainings;
  • advertising support at exhibitions, demonstration of new products from the company, holding promotions and events, attracting new consumers;
  • interaction with suppliers, holding business meetings aimed at increasing the number of contracts;
  • collection, processing and systematization of various data to optimize the sales process;
  • monitoring of competing companies, calculation of prices for products and the level of possible discounts;
  • delivery of funds to the cashier of the company within a predetermined time frame, cash collection;
  • regular reports (once a month) on percentages and work performed.

It often happens that a company loses some of its customers due to the careless and irresponsible performance of their duties by managers. A guarantee of the effective development of the organization is the careful and high-quality activity of all departments of the company. For example, the job responsibilities of a sales manager in the small appliance or food sector will be as follows:

  • responsibility for participation in exhibitions, organization of product tasting;
  • conducting master classes on products and their novelties;
  • control over the display of products on trade equipment;
  • support and verification of the work of merchandisers.

The list of responsibilities of a sales manager is determined by the line of business of the company. Each company has developed its own job descriptions containing a list of responsibilities. That is, the range of actions of the manager has been determined: "cold" calls, negotiations, work with information on the market, or, for example, work on the road. The above tasks are related to the main ones, but in reality there are many more of them.

It is very useful for the company if managers periodically improve their qualifications at various training events, courses, trainings. Finding clients is one thing, and keeping them for a long time is another. A true professional in his field, when selling a product, will definitely make sure whether the client was satisfied with his purchase or not.

An effective sales manager will strive to exceed the targets set by the company's management.

Sample list of sales manager rights

How to determine what functional responsibilities of a sales manager to assign to an employee

In order to determine what kind of load a particular sales manager can withstand and what responsibilities to entrust him, use the following three methods.

Method 1. Compare your goals with your current performance

Compare the performance of the novice manager with that of the experienced professionals. It is necessary to determine the average per employee by the numbers that came out at each stage of the funnel. Based on the data obtained, include specific tasks in the terms of reference of the sales manager.

Method 2. Perform the analysis yourself

At the initial stage of forming a sales department, you can try to immerse yourself in the process of a sales manager on your own.

Spend one day as if you were acting as a salesperson. This will be a kind of experiment: on the basis of direct experience in this position, you will be able to understand much better what should be part of the responsibilities of a sales manager in accordance with the specifics of your company.

At the end of the experiment, multiply the results of your work by a performance indicator equal to 0.7: ordinary employees, as a rule, are less efficient than the leader or the owner of the company.

Method 3. Make a guess, create a map of the working day for sales managers

This method will not be accurate, however, it also has a right to exist. Assume that each manager call takes about 3 minutes on average. Calculate how many calls per hour, and then per day, one specialist is able to make. Enter the resulting indicator into his duties. An efficient manager can make 160 calls in an 8-hour day.

The business day card will help you check your calculations. When each employee fills out his work day card, you will see how much time the manager has to make calls and meetings and what time remains for other work duties: preparing and sending a commercial proposal, paperwork, and personal matters.

In this way, you can better understand which tasks should be included in the job description of a sales manager and which should not.

Expert opinion

How to test a salesperson's ability to fulfill his or her responsibilities

Maxim Gorbachev,

co-owner of Gorstka company, sales coach and consultant, Moscow

Tatiana Modeeva,

CEO of Acsour, St. Petersburg

Employees need to be interviewed: either in writing or orally. This can be done by the head of the sales department or HR specialist. And the responsibility for the final control is wiser to take on the CEO. He can carry out it with the help of a written report, which will reflect the answers of employees, including new ones. The questions can be as follows.

  • What types of equipment would you offer to customers who already use this and that?
  • How exactly does this product differ from its counterparts on the market?
  • Under what conditions is the product allowed to be used? How can a consumer know about this?
  • How can the product be packaged?
  • How long does it take for the product to be delivered to the customer if it is in stock (when delivered to order, if the product is not in stock)?
  • What solution would you find in a situation where a customer wants to purchase a certain product, with a specific request for a set of functions, and the product is currently out of stock?

In the answers of the sales manager, one should see not only his awareness of all the characteristics of the goods or services that he sells, but also an understanding of the priorities of the company's policy, the specifics of demand. You can check how a new employee copes with the duties of an implementation specialist in three to four weeks.

Active sales manager: responsibilities and requirements

How to increase profits, replenish the company's accounts? How to increase your presence in the market, how to create a positive image for current and future customers?

A close-knit team of sales professionals can achieve such lofty goals, which will take on the role of the "locomotive" of your company and will be the main resource for converting your product into real real money.

An active sales manager is an honest and transparent professional activity that allows the specialist himself to control his profits, and the company manager - to understand the value of each employee, realizing what material contribution he actually makes to the well-being and success of the company.

The main responsibilities of an active sales manager

  1. The main responsibility of a sales manager is to communicate with buyers, work with objections, and answer questions from potential buyers. He is obliged not to miss a single client.
  2. The duties of a specialist engaged in active sales also include the presentation and demonstration of goods at exhibitions and other events. Often the demand for a whole segment of the product depends on how the manager presents his product. The specialist must understand well for whom he is presenting the product, what type of buyers this product is focused on.
  3. The sales manager takes full responsibility for arranging meetings with new clients.
  4. In addition, his responsibilities include negotiating the details and terms of the deal. The manager must be able to name a price that is adequate for the situation and for the client, and if necessary, make a decision on a discount.
  5. The responsibilities of an active sales manager include collecting, analyzing and structuring information about potential customers.
  6. The responsibility of the sales manager is to communicate with suppliers of products, which includes discussing the conditions for the supply of goods, prices and other details.
  7. A professional manager must be able to deal with paperwork (for example, know how to properly draw up a contract).
  8. The sales manager prepares reports on the work done at intervals for each week or for each month.
  9. A competent sales manager has the ability to quickly and accurately calculate the cost of goods in each specific case for any client, depending on the purchase amount and the amount of products purchased.
  10. The responsibilities of the sales manager also include detailed and detailed market research in order to understand what conditions are offered by competitors, in order to avoid poaching buyers.

A sales manager is not only a profession, but also a special warehouse of personality and character, which has certain characteristics (it is important to pay attention when applying for a job), such as:

  • openness in communication;
  • perseverance;
  • the ability to avoid conflict situations;
  • the ability to find a compromise;
  • the ability to quickly find contact with any person;
  • resistance to failure.

An active sales manager must have certain skills:

  • making cold calls;
  • possession of sales techniques and scripts;
  • business communications (from an ordinary employee of the client company to the top management of the organization);
  • work with primary documentation (control of invoicing and payment of invoices, shipments).

A good salesperson can be defined by his demeanor, calmness, self-confidence, relaxedness, free, but not causing plasticity of movements. The facial expressions and gestures are open, the smile is sincere and natural. Even if the candidate for the position of a sales manager has little or no experience in the profession, this is not a big deal.

A good salesperson is distinguished not only by having any specific knowledge. Firmness and confidence in combination with the ability to communicate easily and naturally, the ability to achieve set goals and objectives in material terms, effectively cope with the range of responsibilities assigned to him is important. The material success of the manager guarantees the profit of the company as a whole.

Expert opinion

During the interview it is necessary to ask additional questions about the responsibilities at the previous place of work

Alexey Slobodyanyuk,

owner and CEO of Astra Group

Somehow I had the opportunity to interview a candidate for the position of a sales manager. He indicated in the questionnaire that he had worked in the previous job for three years up to this point. But, as it turned out, his tasks were not active sales, but working on the phone on incoming calls and consulting clients on issues related to the company's products.

The experience can vary. It is imperative to ask additional questions about what exactly were the job duties of the candidate at the previous place of work. Ask the applicant to talk about the sales techniques he used, describe his normal working day, what tasks he faced and how he solved them.

What a wholesales manager should do

Wholesale sales manager is a demanded profession. To carry out quality work, you need a specialist with work experience and the gift of persuasion. The responsibilities of this specialist are slightly different from those of an active sales manager, since here it is necessary not only to organize deliveries, but also to increase their number in a short time.

Here we are no longer talking about telephone conversations; to work with promising distributors, a personal meeting is required, sometimes more than one.

However, such efforts are rewarded: at least one established contact with the distribution company will already mean respect for the seller from the management and a possible promotion.

The wholesale sales manager is obliged to:

  • find new potential customers, replenish the company's customer base, maintain a corporate information system;
  • promote the sale of the company's products, create consumer demand;
  • distribute information about the company's products among customers and potential buyers: talk about the qualities and advantages of products, about new products, opportunities and ways of using, etc .;
  • every day to study the goods that the company sells for assortment, quantity, terms of sale, current prices;
  • communicate with clients, supply them with up-to-date information;
  • negotiate with clients: current and potential, take on the duties of an intermediary in the process of concluding commercial agreements and contracts for the supply of company goods;
  • to work with customer orders in accordance with the norms and rules adopted in the company, to carry out active wholesale sales;
  • resolve issues on the delivery of goods within the agreed time frame, work with operators to comply with them;
  • control the completeness of customers' settlements for delivered goods, take measures to timely identify and eliminate debts receivable, notify your boss in writing about delays in payments, indicating the reasons;
  • inform customers about the range of the company's products;
  • fulfill the sales plan, increase their growth;
  • motivate customers to cooperate with the company, focusing on sales promotion programs approved by the company;
  • create schedules for making payments for the purchased products of the company, promptly inform the senior operator of the sales department about this. As necessary, accept payments from customers on an independent basis, hand over the received funds to the company's cash desk in accordance with the terms that are enshrined in the company's regulatory documents;
  • work as needed on the road, on business trips;
  • collect data on the market segment in which the company's products are presented, conduct market research and study competitors, identify the main trends and predict the further development of the market;
  • analyze the state of the market, based on the results obtained, develop an advertising strategy for positioning the company's products and plan sales;
  • draw up plans (operational and long-term) for the sale of products, engage in assortment and financial planning;
  • process statistical data on sales and shipments of products;
  • work with information on the rating of competing companies among clients;
  • timely provide analytical and other necessary reports on the implementation of the plan;
  • participate in workshops;
  • coordinate the work of sales representatives, conduct trainings to study the company's products, its qualities and features, hold presentations on new products of the company;
  • interact with sales representatives on the indicators of the state of the market, for reasons of difficulties in selling goods, finding new potential customers;
  • monitor the activities of sales representatives for compliance with customer service standards, fulfillment of instructions and orders of the company's management;
  • maintain the level of qualifications required for the performance of the official duties of a sales manager;
  • carry out correct work with confidential information, observe commercial secrets;
  • carry out all orders of the direct manager and management of the company.

Regional Sales Manager: Responsibilities and Problems of Recruiting

A regional manager is a young profession with many perspectives. It arose due to the growth of the financial well-being of the regions and the need to create branches of large companies that could represent at the regional level.

This position is necessary for positioning the interests of the company at the regional level and solving three main tasks:

  • creation of strategic planning for the development of the company at the regional level;
  • establishing contacts with new business partners and clients;
  • processing data on the activity of regional consumers.

There are various options for what the regional manager of the company can be called:

  • regional sales manager;
  • Regional Business Development Manager;
  • Regional Development Manager.

Job responsibilities of the regional manager

  1. Studying the characteristics of consumer demand, collecting data on the level of income of buyers and competing companies.
  2. Working with the collected information about the regional market, strategic planning for advertising and promotion of products and services offered by the company.
  3. Calculating the proceeds from the sale of products.
  4. Work on improving the marketing regional policy.
  5. Planning actions to increase profits in the assigned territory.
  6. Building relationships with new clients and business partners.
  7. Attracting new partners and implementing an advertising policy in the region through conferences.
  8. Monitoring the activities and training of sales representatives.
  9. Control of contractual work on topics of finance, economics, business issues of the company in the region.
  10. Providing reports to the company's management on the following indicators: the level of consumer demand for the company's products and services; list of illiquid products; sales figures, financial and economic data on the company's activities in the region.
  11. Control over the implementation of orders from the higher management.
  12. Representation and protection of the interests of the organization in the region.

The regional manager must have certain skills:

  • the ability to find and process information;
  • the ability to formulate clear and precise instructions for employees, to achieve their implementation;
  • the ability to forecast demand and calculate the effectiveness of projects;
  • the ability to organize and conduct negotiations, conferences and seminars, convince and achieve the set goals.

The profession of a regional sales manager is now one of the top 10 most demanded positions. When looking for the right candidate for this position, HR professionals face two main challenges:

  • the applicant has a higher education in the specialty "Enterprise Management", but there is no work experience in this area at all, there are no necessary skills and abilities;
  • the applicant has excellent leadership, organizational and analytical skills, a great desire to work as a specialist in software, but does not have the appropriate education.

In these cases, we are talking about the possible training of a future sales manager. First, it is necessary to determine who will conduct the training. There are the following options:

  • send a beginner to study at trainings, seminars and conferences;
  • invite a specialist on behalf of the company to train a new manager;
  • the training will be conducted by an experienced employee of the company.

Often, companies go to prepare the future manager to work on their own. This is the best option, because it saves time (training takes place, as a rule, in 2 weeks) and money resources. It also happens that the company is ready to pay for training courses for the future manager.

What is an assistant sales manager for and what are his responsibilities

Positions such as sales assistant or sales assistant exist in the company to assist the manager in carrying out his duties. As a rule, assistants solve two main tasks:

  • control orders;
  • “Unload” the manager by performing routine work, and thereby allow him to concentrate on solving more important tasks.

Sometimes assistants are engaged not only in their individual stage of the sales process, but also partially duplicate the responsibilities of the sales managers. They are required to have professionalism and knowledge, just like sales managers.

Proceeding from this, the requirements for the qualities that must be displayed by the employees of trading companies are formed: communication skills, enthusiasm, the ability to clearly and clearly formulate their thoughts orally and in writing, rationality, the gift of persuasion, independence, organization, discipline, purposefulness. Both autonomous and team skills are encouraged.

An assistant or assistant sales manager has the following responsibilities.

  • Organization and creation of a network for the sale of goods (under the supervision of a sales manager).
  • Collecting information regarding the demand for the company's products, finding out the reasons for its increase or decrease.
  • Attraction of buyers (wholesale and retail trade enterprises, other intermediaries), establishment of business contacts.
  • Establishing contacts with clients or a group of clients (on behalf of the sales manager).
  • Negotiating with clients on the terms of the sale of goods, provision of related services.
  • Development of documents required for signing a contract.
  • Conclusion of contracts (for purchase and sale or supply) on behalf of the company.
  • Organization of delivery or shipment of products to customers in accordance with concluded contracts.
  • Control of payment by clients under concluded contracts.
  • Monitoring compliance with the terms of execution of the terms of contracts.
  • Collecting information from consumers:

About wishes for the quality of products (service life, rules of use, packaging, etc.);

About wishes for after-sales service of products;

About the volumes and rates of sales of goods to end consumers.

  • Accounting for consumer complaints on the execution of concluded contracts.
  • Finding out the reasons for violations of the terms of contracts, taking measures to eliminate them and prevent them.
  • Active participation in events to create demand for products: promotions, presentations, fairs, exhibitions.
  • Collection, systematization, inclusion of information about consumers in the electronic databank.
  • Preparation of reports on the work performed, as well as analytical reports (on behalf of the sales manager).
  • Execution of service assignments of a sales manager in functional areas.

What are the responsibilities of a sales manager for company executives?

Consider what job responsibilities a sales manager has for the management of the company.

What wishes does the director have for the duties of a sales manager? Stable level of product sales without special costs. Directors see these professionals as mini-businesses that will lay the company's golden eggs. Of course, this is a joke, but there is also a grain of truth in it: any manager dreams of a multifunctional specialist who can not only sell a product, but also conduct market research, optimize the product itself, etc.

What functional responsibilities of a sales manager are important for a sales manager? Heads of sales departments most often come from ordinary managers who were more active and better than other salespeople, so they have a good understanding of exactly how to work in order to achieve success in this position.

  • maintaining a customer database;
  • accounting of meetings, calls;
  • reports for each sale;
  • statistics, graphs, etc.

By these parameters, he judges the quality of the manager's work, as well as how much time the specialist spends on work in the office, how long his phone is in silence.

For the rest of the company, salespeople of the organization are something secondary, created to meet their needs and wishes.

The accounting department believes that it is the responsibility of the sales manager to maintain all primary documentation. Manufacturers believe that the main job of a sales manager is to prepare all technical specifications and find the most optimal solutions to problems and questions of the buyer.

Lawyers believe that a sales manager should be primarily concerned with negotiating contracts with clients.

Marketing needs data about where the customer heard about the company, what he thinks about the last promotion, and therefore they expect the sales manager to get this data.

The salespeople themselves often assume that they are in a leading role in the enterprise or one of the main ones. They see it as their main responsibility to communicate with customers, which is to present products that have been created by production workers, at prices that have been agreed by marketing, using a database created by the head of the department, etc.

What competencies an employee must have in order to perform the duties of a sales manager with high quality

Quality 1. Technical competence

Sometimes sales require specialized technical knowledge. The manager is obliged not only to have excellent knowledge of the company's product and its area of ​​application, but also to be able to give competent advice to potential buyers, and sometimes offer alternative options. Therefore, it is important for the salesperson to constantly develop and improve. Large firms regularly conduct technical certifications. For this, a commission of specialists is created, which checks the level of knowledge of the manager about each product of the company and the areas of its use.

Quality 2. Communication competencies

Ability to work and sell to customers with very different job levels. This is a prerequisite for working as a B2B sector manager. The responsibilities of such a specialist also include the process of preparing managers' meetings, planning conversations, which includes goals, stages and tasks. To do this, the sales manager always needs to carefully analyze the data about the customer himself and his needs, wishes and preferences.

Quality 3. Competence of office work

Today, the sales process most often begins with the e-mail phase and ends with it. Development and distribution of commercial offers, contact with debtors - all this requires a responsible approach to their duties.

Quality 4. Legal competence

The responsibilities of the sales manager include working with contracts and negotiating terms with the client. Almost every company has its own sample contracts. It so happens that the client wants to change something in the contract or draw up his own. In this case, the manager prepares a protocol of disagreements, coordinates it with the head of the department.

The contract is signed by the manager indicating his initials, which means that he takes responsibility for the transaction and the fulfillment of all agreed conditions. This specialist must be legally savvy for competent and high-quality work.

Quality 5. Accounting competence

An experienced and professional salesperson oversees all documentation accompanying the sales process himself: from invoices to shipping documents and reconciliation statements. If these documents are drawn up using electronic programs, the manager must have primary knowledge in the field of accounting.

Expert opinion

When working on a large territory, logistics competence is important for a sales manager

Andrey Nechaev,

Commercial Director, ATI Plant, St. Petersburg

The basics of logistics are essential, especially where the sales area is large. Considering that our clients are located all over Russia, logistics seriously affects the selling price of the goods. Transportation costs in our company should not exceed 5-10% of the order value. The responsibilities of the sales manager include self-determination of the mode of transport during shipment, depending on the delivery time and customer preferences. The sellers themselves are responsible for the shipment of small consignments (up to 5 tons of cargo).

If we are talking about larger and larger orders delivered by road transport or a railway container, the sales manager contacts the transport and warehouse service. Logistics specialists carry out quality control of the delivered goods, conduct practical training for sellers, during which sales managers are introduced to the logistics system and its features (how the delivery is calculated, how the type of transport is chosen, what are the shipping schemes), with the pricing policy, etc. .d.

Expert opinion

Competency Assessment is the Best Practice for Testing a Manager's Ability

Yuri Bogopolsky,

Vice President of the National Association of Top Managers of the Highest Qualification - Management Experts, St. Petersburg

Finding a professional top manager is not easy and requires special skills. The head of the company should keep this in mind and gradually assess the competence and professionalism of the candidate for the post of sales manager. The personal characteristics of the candidate, his communication skills, and the ability to communicate in business are important. In addition to professional qualities and skills, a significant role is played by a person's system of values, his life guidelines.

Competency assessment is the most optimal and convenient way to check the professional level of a top manager. It consists in the questions that are asked to the applicant. They should be thought out in advance and aimed at obtaining an objective result.

The manager should pay attention to precisely those competencies of the future manager that help him to apply the acquired knowledge in practice, integrate the existing experience into life and work, successfully cope with the responsibilities assigned to him - this will be the key to the effective and productive activities of the future sales manager. ...

  • Employee development: how to educate professionals

What should I remember Sales Manager to perform your duties efficiently

1. There are no unimportant clients and customers.

All clients and customers are equally worthy of respect and attention, regardless of their age, weight, skin color and character.

2. Constant self-improvement.

3. The sales manager must have unique "chips" in working with clients.

It can be anything: a personally signed postcard, birthday gifts, invitations to dinners and lunches, leisure activities, bonuses and discounts. It is important that your activities as a sales manager stand out from others and increase customer loyalty to your company.

4. You need to be able to listen.

It is important to understand that the need to communicate with a pleasant interlocutor who knows how to calmly listen to all your problems and doubts is very high today, and people are ready to pay money for the opportunity to satisfy it, including the sales manager, if he knows how to listen.

5. Self-confidence.

In sales, it is very important to have an unshakable faith in yourself and your capabilities. Without this, nothing will come of it. An implementation manager must have unbending character and resilience, perseverance and patience.

6. You need to become an expert on the proposed service or product.

A manager who wants to preserve his own dignity and individuality will never simply impose his product on the buyer. A talented and successful specialist will always be able to creatively approach the performance of his official duties and the solution of professional tasks.

Common mistakes sales managers make

1. Negative attitude towards life.

It is necessary to do deep and serious inner work in order to learn sincere love for people and an optimistic attitude towards life. You can seek help from a psychologist or work on your own, but no professional training will teach you this.

2. Internal tightness.

There are no closed and unsociable sales managers. A person with such qualities will definitely not cope with his official duties. It is worth understanding and seeing that the circle of your potential customers is incredibly wide: relatives, neighbors, friends, former colleagues, acquaintances from their favorite pastimes, casual fellow travelers.

3. Weakness.

One of the main qualities a sales manager needs is stress resistance. It is possible and necessary to develop this quality in a variety of ways, such as sports, meditation, and nature trips.

4. Lack of commitment.

A sales manager must be able to show not only persistence in working with intractable customers, but also the ability to find a non-standard approach to such people. The duties of such a specialist require patience, the ability to work with difficult clients for a long time and purposefully.

5. Lack of ambition.

Successful fulfillment of the duties of a sales manager is impossible without the desire to constantly develop and an ambitious desire to become the best.

The practitioner tells about the typical mistakes of a sales manager that prevent him from selling:

Information about experts

Maxim Gorbachev, co-owner of Gorstka, sales coach and consultant, Moscow. Maxim Gorbachev has two higher educations - legal and psychological. Has accumulated solid experience in the distribution and sales of consumer and industrial products. Among the clients are Gazprom, Rostelecom, ABBYY, Siemens Russia, Sony. Author of a number of books on sales, including "OTKAT: Special Technique of Client ATtraction", "Operation of Sales Personnel" (both together with D. Tkachenko; Moscow: Vershina, 2008), "Intelligence Technologies in Sales" (together with D. Tkachenko and A. Khodarev; M .: Vershina, 2008), "How to conduct sales training" (together with D. Tkachenko; M .: Vershina, 2009).

Tatiana Modeeva, CEO of Acsour, St. Petersburg. Field of activity: accounting services, personnel records management and payroll, tax and labor law consulting. Organization form: LLC. Territory: head office - in St. Petersburg; branches - in Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Veliky Novgorod, Kaliningrad, Murmansk, Petrozavodsk, Pskov, Smolensk. Number of staff: 165. Annual turnover: US $ 3 million. Major clients: GNLD, Tata Steel, Tele2, Woodward companies.

Alexey Slobodyanyuk, owner and CEO of Astra Group. Graduated from the Chisinau Technical University with specializations “Translator from German” and “Design Engineer”. He also has an MBA diploma in the specialization "Developmental management and patterns of development of organizations" and RANEPA. In active sales since 1998. In current position since 2009. Astra Group is a company founded in 2009. Specializes in conducting seminars and trainings on the analysis of companies' activities, the formation of development strategies, etc. Among the clients are Sberbank, Gazprom, Beeline, Rosgosstrakh, Hitachi, CROC, Synergy, VTB-24, Home Credit, MMB-Bank, Softline, Simplex and others.

Andrey Nechaev, Commercial Director, ATI Plant, St. Petersburg. Andrey Nechaev graduated from the St. Petersburg Academy of Refrigeration and Food Technologies and the St. Petersburg University of Engineering and Economics. From 1995 to 1997 he held the position of marketing manager at ATI Plant, since 1997 - marketing director, since 2000 - commercial director. "Plant ATI" was founded in 1913. Manufactures brake products, sealing, heat and electrical insulating materials. The staff is over 500 employees. Among the clients: Gazprom, KamAZ, Lukoil, Norilsk Nickel, Russian Railways, Rosneft, Severstal.

Yuri Bogopolsky, Vice President of the National Association of Top Managers of the Highest Qualification - Management Experts, St. Petersburg. Consultant for the management of an industrial enterprise - a plant, service, workshop, site; on the organization of world-class production - World Class Manufacturing (WCM); implementation of lean production ("Lean Production"), LIN-technologies; manager-practitioner; personal career - up to the CEO of a group of plants; engineer, candidate of economic sciences.

What is the job of a manager? This will be discussed in this article. Earlier, in conditions of a shortage of goods and a planned economy, enterprises focused on the production process, and not sales. Commodity expert, salesman, salesman was not a prestigious job at that time.

A sales manager began to appear in enterprises only in the nineties of the twentieth century, when the owners of small firms began to pay more attention to the sale of their own products. This specialist should be the liaison between buyers and manufacturers (or trade organizations).

The essence of the work

The main areas of work of a sales manager:

  • communication with clients;
  • detailed understanding of the type of product and its properties in order to satisfy customers.

At the same time, it is necessary to know some technologies and possess certain skills in order to regularly make sales.

What is the job of a manager? It's not just selling a product. This is a kind of system for organizing the work of a specialist, aimed at developing a trading network and increasing sales.

However, there is also such an opinion that the work of a manager is not prestigious. At the same time, it is the most demanded specialty. The current situation is associated with the orientation of the economic system to the service sector. It is the account manager who contributes to the financial well-being of most businesses. His life is mostly spent in constant telephone conversations.

The essence of a sales manager's job is to sell goods through intermediaries who deliver him to stores or retail outlets. To ensure uniform and consistent sales, it is necessary to maintain and establish partnerships with customers. And after signing the contract, the manager must control the fulfillment by the parties to the contract of their obligations, as well as the delivery of goods. In other words, the account manager should do whatever it takes to ensure that consumers don't regret buying and are back in form.

The Sales Manager Profession: Pros and Cons

Positive aspects of this specialty:

  • it is necessary to constantly improve the level of education;
  • getting pleasure from a successfully completed transaction;
  • irregular working hours;
  • there is an opportunity for self-realization and getting good income.

Cons of this profession:

  • high responsibility;
  • signs of spontaneity of activity;
  • the ultimate level of dynamism of work;
  • high level of analytics;
  • constant control.

Personal qualities

First, the manager must thoroughly know the market in order to react in time to any changes in it. He must have communicative competence. In other words, be able to listen to others, take the position of a partner and be able to win over others. You need to be able to speak in such a way that people understand.

It is necessary to maintain and maintain contact with the interlocutor even in the event of a conflict, such a job! The sales manager must calmly accept criticism and not focus on problems. An important role in the acquisition of such skills is assigned to special higher education. It gives an understanding of what a manager's job is.

Also, a specialist in this field of activity should have creative abilities: be able to generate their ideas, be creative in making decisions on emerging problems and interacting with potential clients.

How to become a sales professional

As mentioned above, for a thorough understanding of the characteristics of the profession, it is necessary to obtain an appropriate education. So, if you plan to sell clothes, then you need to graduate from a higher educational institution in the textile direction, and when selling tractors - the faculty that is associated with the automotive industry.

What areas does the manager work in?

Remote work is the most convenient mode of performing your functional duties. The following specializations can be distinguished, depending on the type of object of sale:

  • manufactured goods;
  • consumer goods;
  • services.

The manager's profession is widely used in the wholesale trade. In some companies, these specialists work directly with consumers (for example, when selling a large and expensive product), and in others - with distributors who purchase the product and then deliver it to shops. You can often come across a situation when a manager's work plan combines both the first and second sales schemes.

At first glance, it may seem that the activity of such a specialist is constant phone calls, tedious search for clients, as well as negotiations. However, it should be noted that the manager's job is quite interesting. His responsibilities may include collecting and analyzing information, presenting projects, developing documentation, concluding contracts, working at various exhibitions. Also, this specialist must constantly monitor the timely delivery of goods.

Career in management

Experienced managers claim that after several years of work in the initial (lowest) position, it will be possible to become the head of the sales department.
And this is already an interesting work, which includes the organization and planning of the department's activities, control of the volume of sales, as well as negotiating with a certain category of customers.

The main task facing the managers is to increase sales volumes, search for new potential customers, and promote their product or service to the market. At the same time, it is necessary to seek favorable conditions for cooperation. In this case, you can conduct the conversation from a slightly different angle - strategic. And this is an analysis of a functioning market with the development of opportunities for expanding sales, an assessment of potential contractors, as well as business planning.

Sales managers income

As you know, sellers have always had an order of magnitude higher wages than production workers. However, there are also some nuances. So, at the initial stage, sales specialists have a small income, since they receive the main money from the percentage of the transactions concluded by them. The newcomer does not yet have his own client base, which will be developed in the future.

The monthly income of a lower-level manager at a trade enterprise is in the range of 15-20 thousand rubles. The salary of the head of the sales department is 30-90 thousand rubles.

In addition to the salary, an applicant for a manager's position can be offered training (moreover, free), bonuses or a high percentage of sales. There is a possibility to search for a part-time job. Also, the social package may include corporate rest.

However, the basis of a sales manager's earnings is the number of attracted clients. This specialist must in any way form his own client base, often using the services of enterprises, for example, in the form of a created website. Also, the manager's income is directly dependent on the marketability and prestige of the product. The same criterion is taken into account by the top managers of the trade enterprise when selecting employees.

Demand for sales professionals

Today, about a quarter of vacancies in the labor market belong to sales managers. It can be argued that this is one of the most demanded positions in any enterprise. The profits of the company depend on the competence of these people. However, despite the large number of specialists in this field on the labor market, there are few real professionals.

Most employers require candidates to have a thorough knowledge of the profile market, key suppliers and customers. Also, among the requirements there is the necessary experience in a similar field of activity and knowledge of all the specifics of the industry.


Thus, in this article we tried to figure out what the job of a manager is. They also discussed the main priorities in choosing this profession and the requirements put forward by employers to candidates.

The work of a manager can be associated with certain loads of a neuropsychic nature, which are caused by material responsibility, as well as constant communication with various clients. It is important that a person skilled in the art has good analytical skills.

How much is in demand for a sales specialist?

In the modern world, the position of a sales manager is considered promising and popular, because it is such an employee who takes care of the financial stability of the company. The responsibilities of a sales manager are numerous, but his main tasks are selling the company's goods and services, working with clients and partners. The sales manager negotiates to achieve the goals set for him, works in the office with a computer and documents, goes to meetings, communicates on the phone. This position is in demand: it is in almost every firm or company that is engaged in any type of trading activity. Note that depending on the direction of the company's activity, both the functional responsibilities of the sales manager and his work will differ. So, you can be a sales manager for windows, real estate, equipment, cars and auto parts, furniture, services and others. This list can be continued endlessly, since today a huge number of product groups are sold in different spheres of life. At the same time, despite the specifics of the product, the essence of such a manager's work remains unchanged: to sell, to keep sales at a certain level or increase them, to ensure the availability of customers, partners and regular customers.

A bit of history

Sales manager is a very ancient profession. In fact, it appeared with the advent of trade, but such people at different times were called differently: traders, merchants, barkers, and so on. In the modern world, they began to be called sales managers, but again the essence remained the same - to sell a product, to find customers.

Key responsibilities of a sales manager

So, in most cases, a sales employee performs the following duties:

  • Increases sales.
  • Seeks and attracts clients, concludes contracts with them.
  • Maintains relationships with regular partners and clientele.
  • Draws up and keeps records of his work.
  • Provides consultations on goods and services.
  • Accepts goods and supports their display in retail premises.
  • Conducts presentations of new products and promotions, takes part in exhibitions.

The sales manager's instructions, as mentioned above, differ depending on the specific company and the product being sold.

Requirements for job seekers

A person who wishes to become a sales manager must have a university degree. In some cases, an incomplete higher education in the specialty "Management" or "Advertising" is allowed. In addition, you need to be able to work with a computer, navigate office programs and quickly learn how to work with various new programs. Active selling skills are encouraged. Very often, employers indicate requirements such as having a driver's license (less often - having a personal car), experience in sales, and skills in working with documents in advertisements for the search for employees. In general, if a person who comes for an interview looks ready to develop and learn new things and at the same time meets the basic requirements, he will definitely be given a chance to prove himself. The main thing is to fulfill the functional duties of a sales manager with high quality and work for the good of the company.

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The most important factor in achieving great financial success is not money at all, not primary capital. The main thing is what kind of person you have to become in order to make such huge money and then keep at this level.

B. Tracy

Profession: Sales Manager

Experts often argue that this type of activity is still more a state of mind than a profession.

And from the result of the work done, you need to get only pleasure and joy, and if this does not happen to you, then this is not yours and it is better to do something else.

The specialty of a sales manager is, first of all, a representative of a trade organization, who must communicate the buyer not only with the trade organization, but also with the manufacturer of the goods.

This profession is especially widely used in such an activity as wholesale.

After all, it is the manager who must develop measures to create a trading network through which the goods will be shipped, build channels for their movement to consumers, regulate relations with intermediaries and develop dealer relations.

Sales manager: field of activity

The sales manager has certain specific features of this profession:

  1. Manage sales in the assigned territory
  2. Fulfill the sales plan
  3. Organize customer relationships
  4. Control receivables
  5. Analyze sales and draw up sales reports based on the resulting analysis.

The field of activity of a sales manager does not end there, it is multifunctional, multifaceted and requires deep knowledge and a lot of experience.

It is necessary to consult dealers and distributors, assess the potential of all outlets at what level, determine the scale of prices for goods and the amount of discounts.

What does a sales manager do?

Is engaged in pre-contractual work, which includes the need to select a contract, it can be a sales contract or a distribution contract. Determines the ways and possible forms of fulfillment of the undertaken obligations.

In addition, he develops all the pre-contractual documentation, when disagreements arise, he coordinates them, concludes contracts with clients. Conducts negotiations and correspondence with clients. In addition, you need to organize presentations and expand the company's advertising strategy.

The main goal of a sales manager is, of course, not only to fulfill, but also to exceed the targets set by the head. Expand the client base, which will increase the turnover.

Sales manager - what does he do to fulfill the task assigned to him?

He creates and regularly updates a database of buyers in order to timely track new potential customers, find out their preferences for a particular product.

Maintains and develops long-term relationships with customers in order to keep their interest in the company's offerings and naturally maintain established sales.

In the description of the profession of a sales manager, you can include a lot of useful and varied information. This is the profession that is most in demand today.

Sales manager qualities

The face of the company is how a sales manager can be characterized. The attitude of clients to the company depends on it. There are several personal qualities, developing which, a sales manager will achieve greater efficiency and success in his work.