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What is C4 explosive? Photos for documents online Services for creating photos for documents at home - functional features.

C-4 in the USA a type of plastic explosives military purposes. In Russian the name is usually used in the forms “ B-four" And " si-for”.

This formulation was developed in the 1960s as an improvement on the formulation used in World War 2, which consisted of RDX, mineral oil and lecithin and was similar to plastic explosives. C-4 is part of a group designated C, which also includes formulations C2 and C3, which contain varying amounts of RDX.

It is sometimes stated that the designation "C" stands for composition, and the composition name is an abbreviation for Composition 4. However, this is incorrect, the term composition was used for any stable explosive composition, and there were explosives named "Composition A" and "Composition B". So the correct name for C-4 is Composition C-4.


The C-4 includes:

  • RDX (91%)
  • polymer binder - polyisobutylene (2.1%)
  • plasticizer - di-(2-ethylhexyl)-sebacate or dioctyl sebacate (5.3%)
  • motor oil specification SAE 10 (1.6%)

In addition, a chemical tag (eg 2,3-dimethyl-2,3-dinitrobutane) is now added to the composition to determine the type of explosive and its origin. C-4 is 91% RDX, 2.25% Vistanex, 5.31% dioctyl sebacate and 1.44% liquid lubricant.


Compound C-4 widely known for its ductility. It can fill gaps in buildings and structures and take any desired shape. Besides, C-4 known for its reliability and stability. For example, setting fire C-4 leads to slow combustion of explosives (about the same as during the combustion of wood). Impact sensitivity - 48 cm (TNT 90–100 cm) for a load of 2 kg. However, the experience of “MythBusters” has shown that in reality even a drop of a 41 kg load onto a C4 charge from a distance of 91 cm and a direct hit from rifle bullets from a reasonably close distance do not lead to an explosion. A reliable way to cause an explosion is to use an electric detonator or blasting cap.

When the reaction starts S-4 disintegrates, releasing various gases (mainly oxides of carbon and nitrogen). The initial expansion speed of gases is 8500 meters per second. To an outside observer, the explosion occurs almost instantly.

In fact, the explosion has two phases. The initial expansion causes most of the damage. It also creates an area of ​​low pressure near the center - the gases move so fast that there are almost no gases left near the center. In the second phase, the gases move back into the partial vacuum region, creating a second wave directed inward.

A couple of standard military C-4 (M112) blocks, weighing half a kilogram each, are enough to blow up a truck. Explosive technicians usually use larger quantities C-4. For example, to destroy a steel beam 20 centimeters thick, they use approximately 3.5–4.5 kilograms C-4.


C-4 is used for a variety of destructive tasks. The explosive is mainly used by the military to blow up structures - explosives fill cracks to blow up heavy walls. S-4 is also widely used as a weapon to kill personnel in combat or terrorist attacks. For example, during the Vietnam War, soldiers used the M18A1 Claymore mine. This mine consists of a C-4 block and striking elements in the form of steel balls and rollers.

Due to its stability and superior lethality, the C-4 is used by terrorists and guerrillas around the world. Small amounts of C-4 can cause great destruction, and C-4 is odorless and easy to smuggle. Despite the fact that the main producer of C-4 is the United States, where trade is strictly controlled, there are many sources of similar C-4 explosives (for example, Iran). So, given its relative availability, S-4 currently remains one of the main weapons of terrorists.

Additional Information:

  • During the Vietnam War, many American soldiers used small quantities of C-4 to heat rations on long raids. Although soldiers used this method quite safely, there were several stories of soldiers trying to extinguish C-4 by stomping on the flame and causing an explosion (burning explosives in a closed or semi-enclosed space increases pressure, accelerates combustion and leads to an explosion with a much greater more likely than burning in open space, but the Mythbusters (episode 175 of season 9) failed to detonate S-4 either with blows or with thermite).
  • The C-4 was used in the finals of the professional wrestling tournament "King of the Death match" in 1995 in Japan. Tournament winner Mick Foley suffered 2nd degree burns.
  • Since the 1990s, composition C-4 (and other plastic explosives) in Russian began to be often called plastid or plastid C-4. This name is especially often used to hide correct information on the composition and characteristics of explosive devices used for illegal actions (terrorist attacks). The term "Plastids" is used in biology to refer to the elements of a cell.
  • C-4 is initially odorless. But so that dogs can detect it, special chemical markers are used. In most cases, C-4 smells like almonds.

An explosive charge, commonly referred to as "C4" in the game, is one of the few ways to destroy a metal door. C4 explosives can also destroy walls and damage players.

c4 in rust

Explosive charges cause standard damage to any object they are placed on. Each charge deals 600 damage to the object it is placed on, regardless of side or placement on the object (except for metal bars on windows).

An explosive charge will break:

  • Wooden doors in 1 c4
  • Wooden walls in 2 c4
  • Metal doors in 2 c4
  • Metal walls in 3-4 c4
  • Wooden windows in 2 c4 (until it fits on the beams)

Explosive charges should not be placed on metal bars, as the damage must be applied to the actual window, a physical object, and will ultimately cause less damage to the windows.

how to craft c4 in rust

The Explosive Charge is one of the most sought after items in Rasta, as explosives are the key to successful raids. It is quite difficult to purchase initial stage, since C4 can only be obtained from an airdrop (usually 2 pieces in each crate), by looting crates (1 charge), or created with 15 explosives, 1 flare and 5 leather. Crafting an explosive charge from scratch costs 308 Gunpowder, 75 Sulfur, 158 Metal Fragments, 60 Animal Fat, 30 Fabric, and 5 Leather. Crafting requires a Workbench.

After first learning the blueprints for Explosive Charges and Explosives, C4 becomes very easy to make.

  • Photo for a medical record,
  • Driver's license, certificate from the traffic police
  • Student ID,
  • School diary
  • Record book
  • Hunting ticket
  • Permission to carry weapons,
  • Patent
  • War veteran
  • Library card,
  • Military and other tickets,
  • Pensioner's ID,
  • Work permit,
  • Temporary registration
  • Pass to university, college, and other educational institutions

Chroma : color or black and white (on request)
Background: solid white
Photo paper: matte

Treatment: Adjust the corner of the photo. Replace suit

Seal: Select paper size, Trim lines, Paper orientation, Saving the resulting photo document to your computer

Photos for documents - general requirements

  • The face must be photographed strictly from the front, with facial expressions (expression) that do not distort its features, without a headdress.
  • It is advisable to take photographs in a plain suit (dress);
  • Photographing persons wearing tinted glasses is not permitted;
  • General and detailed blur of the photograph and the presence of blurred highlights in the image of the eyes are unacceptable;
  • Photos can only be taken with technical retouching of the negative, distortion is unacceptable characteristic features faces;
  • The image in a personal photograph should be sharp, clear, of medium contrast, with a soft light and shade pattern;
  • The background is lighter than the face image. Smooth, without stripes, stains and images of foreign objects;
  • Photographs are produced on photographic paper up to 0.3 mm thick; Fractures, scratches, damage to the emulsion layer, streaks, stains, various kinds of veils, traces of positive retouching, including chemical retouching, and other defects are not allowed in the photographs;

Invalid photos

  • Wearing black glasses, a hat, etc.;
  • With an open mouth, closed eyes, etc.;
  • With wigs and other cosmetics that distort appearance;
  • With uneven shoulders;
  • With flash shadow;
  • With eye-catching highlights;
  • With a face not located in the center of the frame;
  • With hair that blends into the background;
  • With a multi-colored background;
  • With images of objects, people, landscapes, etc. in the background.

Quickly change clothes in the program photo for documents

  • Choose a suitable suit from the catalog.
  • To select, double-click on the selected option.
  • There are several sections available in the catalog: men's and women's clothing, civil and military.
  • Adjust the size and position of the clothing layer using drag and drop and/or the layer control panel

Printing photos for documents

Select paper size: Sheet 9 x 13 cm, 10 x 15 cm, 13 x 18 cm

Paper orientation: Portrait, Landscape.

For convenience, it is possible to display trim lines

The following saving options are available.

Your photo is not stored on the server!

Printing photos on an inkjet printer

Set paper options Printing with margins

The difference in size when printing with and without margins is ± 1-2mm

(View of your printer Maybe differ from illustration V dependencies from models.)

2 ) Or A4 printing with selection of the appropriate size from the list

Check the box: Image to frame size.

Each department and office has its own special requirements and photo design rules. It is better to clarify the photo requirements for documents in advance in the place where you will then submit the photo, so that later there are no questions or problems with their format.

*Photo requirements for documents posted on this site may be out of date or inaccurate.

When preparing any documents, we may need our photo of a standard size for such tasks. Instead of going to the nearest photo studio and paying money for it, you can use specialized services. Below we will look at which online editor services allow you to create photos for documents measuring 3 by 4 online and absolutely free. We will also explain how to use them.

Features of creating photos for documents using online editors

There is a wide variety of sites on the Internet that allow you to edit photographs onto documents measuring 3x4 cm. Most of them are paid, and when you try to download the result, you will receive an offer to pay for the work of such a resource. Otherwise, you will download photos with watermarks, which makes the files obtained in this way completely useless.

Despite the prevalence of paid options, in the Russian-speaking and English-speaking segment there are services that allow you to take passport photos for free online. Their functionality is generally quite simple and effective, allowing you to create, save and print such images on your PC printer.

When creating photographs for documents, please note that such a file must meet a number of requirements:

  • The face in the photo should be in full view, with natural facial expressions, without any headdresses;
  • The photo should be fairly recent, taken no more than six months ago;
  • If you wear glasses all the time, the lenses of the glasses should not be tinted and the frames should not cover your eyes;
  • The image should be quite contrasty and clear;
  • The background is usually lighter than the face, a pure white background is desirable;
  • The eyes should be on the same line;
  • The photograph must include the entire head and part of the neck;
  • If clothing is visible, a formal business suit is desirable.

Work with the services in question is standardized and follows a template algorithm. You go to the resource and select the size of the photo and the paper on which the photo will be placed. Then upload the photo to the resource, use a frame to center the image so that the person’s head and neck are placed in the center of the frame, crop and process the photo (brightness, contrast, etc.). After processing is completed, you have the opportunity to save the result as a graphic file in JPG or PNG format on your PC.

Let's look at the list of services that allow you to take a 30 by 40 mm photo online for free. – will help you create a passport photo for free

The first of the services that we will talk about is. The service is Russian-language, has a fairly simple and user-friendly interface, allowing you to create a photo for documents of the required format completely free of charge. The resource exists mainly due to donations from grateful users, so if you are satisfied with the quality of the photos obtained with its help, do not forget to thank the creators of this resource

Do the following: - 3 by 4 photo editing text format for documents

A feature of the free resource is mainly text format settings when working with images. The interface here is simplified; you simply check the boxes next to the desired options, upload a photo to the resource, and then get the result almost immediately.

Do the following: – Russian-language version of the popular international service

The service from the developer Majer János is one of the most popular resources in the world that allows you to get photos for documents online. To the credit of the service, it has a Russian-language localization, available at Like the services described above, it is free, has very simple settings, and can be used to quickly create photos of the size we need (template settings of 3.5 by 4.5 are available for Russia).

Do the following:

  1. Launch;
  2. Select your country, photo size, and print size (to select a 3 by 4 size, select the " General dimensions" in "Country");
  3. To upload a photo to the resource, click on “Browse”;
  4. Check four boxes to agree to the terms of service, then click on “Download”;
  5. Crop the photo so that the face from the photo is in the center, adjust the brightness and contrast with the sliders on the right. Then click on “Take photo”;
  6. After 90 seconds we will be able to download the result. - online photo editor

Among the free English-language services that allow you to take a passport photo for free, special place belongs to This service is universal in nature, making it possible to create photos in various formats for different paper sizes. The resource has an intuitive interface, and its settings can be understood even with basic knowledge of the English language.

Do the following: – a resource for creating 3x4 photos online

And the last free resource I want to talk about is This English-language service is also free of any fees, allowing you to quickly and easily create a passport photo online. Working with the site will not pose any difficulties; you can get the 3 by 4 photo you need in just a couple of clicks.

Do the following:

  1. Launch, then click on “Start immediately”;
  2. Click on “Custom formats”, then select the desired size of the photo and the sheet on which the photos will be placed;
  3. Confirm your choice by clicking on “Validate these parameters”;
  4. Click on “Browse” to upload a photo, then click on Next;
  5. Using the mouse, place the head in the photo in the center of the frame, and click on “Crop” at the bottom;
  6. To download the result to your PC, click on “Download the file”.


This material presented network resources that allow you to create photos for any documents measuring 3 by 4 online and completely free of charge. Almost all such editors have a simple and user-friendly interface, allowing you to get a photo of the required format and quality in a couple of clicks. All that remains is to print the result on a PC, and then use it to work with the documents we need.

We've all had the need to take a standard 3x4 photo used in various documents. In such cases, we usually visit the nearest photo studio, but what to do in a situation where we are not satisfied with the quality of the resulting photographs? In this case, I recommend turning to the network, where there are a number of resources that make it possible to independently make such images online. In the material, I will share instructions for online creation of 3 by 4 document photos for free, and a list of services that will help us with this.

Services for creating photos for documents at home - functional features

There are a sufficient number of resources on the Internet that allow you to take a suitable photo for documents based on the digital photographs we have. Most of these resources are free, have a simple and user-friendly interface, making it easy to save the final result on the user's PC. The resulting graphic file may contain some kind of site markings (watermarks), but not on the photo itself (otherwise it is already a paid site).

The algorithm for working with such resources is standard. You go to such a site, select your country, the size of the photos you need and the size of the carrier paper. Then upload your photo to the resource, or use your webcam to create a photo online. Define the boundaries for your face in the photo, specify other settings, and click on the image processing button. Then download the result to your computer.

Requirements for creating images for 3x4 documents online

Do high quality photo impossible without meeting a number of basic requirements digital photography. In particular, such requirements are as follows:

Let's now look at the ones available on the web free resources to create photos for documents online. – making photographs for documents in the browser

The resource is a free Russian-language service for independently creating photos for various documents. The resource has a simple, convenient and intuitive interface, works well on both PCs and mobile gadgets, and you can easily save the resulting photos to your computer.

In this case, the resource may ask you to provide all possible financial assistance, but only at your discretion.

To do beautiful photo using the Idphoto resource, do the following: – an international project for getting free photos of your home

The international resource is a specialized network tool designed for easy production of photographs in 3 by 4 format. The site has a Russian-language interface, is free, and convenient for online creation of clear photographs for documents.

So, how to quickly and freely create a suitable photograph for documents (3 by 4) using this online service: - allows you to quickly take photos on documents of the required format

A special feature of the resource is its exclusively text-based interface for creating various photos for specific documents. Otherwise, this resource does not stand out from the range of similar resources of this type. – English-language resource for online passport photo production

The resource is a popular and fairly universal English-language tool that allows you to obtain passport photos of various sizes for many countries. The necessary cropping of the photo to the desired size is supported, after which you can download it to your PC or receive it by e-mail. – free 3x4 passport photo creation online

Although the resource is intended for obtaining photographs for various documents mainly for citizens of the USA and Great Britain, its capabilities can also be used to take photographs for Russian documents.

The algorithm for working with it is no different from other resources of this plan:


The article discusses the best resources that allow you to do absolutely free beautiful photos for documents online 3 by 4. With their help, you can create photographs not only for your domestic passport, but also for other types of documents, including various IDs, visas, and so on. However, remember that obtaining an acceptable result is based on the initial photograph High Quality, meeting the requirements listed in the article. Otherwise, it will be difficult to get a decent result.