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What does HR management include? HR management at the enterprise



Department "Management"

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Head of the Department

Prof. Knyazev V.V.

"___" ________ 200__


Topic: "Improvement of the organization's personnel management by the example of the Istra Holiday dacha hotel"

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Moscow 2007

Introduction ................................................. .................................................. ....... 3

Chapter 1. The value of personnel management in the development of a modern enterprise ........................................ .................................................. ................................ 7

1.1 The essence and tasks of personnel management ........................................ 7

1.2 Principles and methods of building the personnel policy of the enterprise .. 10

1.3. Technologies for the functioning of a modern personnel management system ............................................ .................................................. ...................... fifteen

1.4. Transformation of the traditional structure of personnel management into a modern one ........................................... .................................................. .27

1.5. Improving the quality of working life .............................................. .33

Chapter 2. Characteristics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise ......................................... .................................................. ............................. 40

2.1. The history of the enterprise ............................................... .40

2.2 Organizational, production structure of the enterprise ........ 46

2.3. Analysis of key indicators and financial condition of the enterprise 51

2.4 Analysis of the marketing activities of the enterprise ............................ 57

Chapter 3. The main directions of improving the personnel management of the enterprise ......................................... .................................................. ....... 74

3.1. Analysis of the personnel management system ........................................... 74

Calculation of economic efficiency............................................. 107

Typical mistakes.............................................................................. 115

Distance learning.................................................................... 116

Conclusions and offers............................................... ............................... 110

Literature................................................. ................................................. 118

Applications ................................................. ................................................ 126


Today's world is a world of dynamics and speed. To survive in it, it is necessary to constantly change with it and constantly acquire new knowledge and skills. Moreover, it is not enough to have them. They must be able to use them competently so that they bring the greatest benefit to their owner.

Our society is carrying out an extremely difficult, largely contradictory, but historically inevitable and necessary restructuring. The main goal and at the same time the main content of this process was the restructuring of enterprises, which includes a wide range of forms, methods and tools to ensure sustainable development.

Today's dynamically developing economy leads to the fact that firms and organizations are forced to constantly evolve in order not to be left behind the board of progress and business. Saturation of absolutely all markets with goods to such an extent that companies have to literally fight for buyers, leads to a complete rethinking of the principles and tasks of the functioning of various structures within the enterprise. The changes taking place in society are so global that this time it is no longer possible to do with a simple reorganization of labor. Today, in order to comply with the times, its norms and trends, entrepreneurs must start restructuring from themselves.

Constantly being influenced by the external environment, adapting to changes, a modern organization must have the ability to form and accumulate potential, which can provide not only a timely and adequate response to the impact of the external environment, but also make it possible to actively change the surrounding reality, effectively manage the functioning and development of numerous elements and subsystems of the organization.

This potential of the organization's activities is largely ensured by the corporate culture: for the sake of which people became members of the organization; how relationships are built between them, what principles and methods of performing work are used in the activities of the organization. This determines not only the difference between organizations, but also determines the success of its functioning and survival in the competitive struggle. In any organization, there is a dialogue between people, bearers of the organizational culture, on the one hand, and the culture that influences human behavior, on the other.

The organization forms its own image, which is based on the specific quality of products and services provided, rules of behavior and moral principles of employees, reputation in the business world, etc. to achieve performance results that distinguish this organization from all others.

Management and corporate culture are interrelated and interdependent. At the same time, management not only corresponds to the culture of the organization, strongly depends on it, but also influences the formation and adaptation of culture to a new strategy. Therefore, managers must be able to manage the culture of their organization.

Corporate culture is a new area of ​​expertise that is part of a series of management sciences. It has also emerged from a relatively new field of knowledge - corporate governance, which studies general approaches, principles, laws and patterns in the management of large and complex organizations.

The main goal of corporate culture as a phenomenon in order to improve the management of an enterprise is to help people more productively perform their duties in organizations and get more satisfaction from this. And this, in turn, will lead to an improvement in the indicators of the economic efficiency of the organization as a whole. After all, a close-knit team, driven by a single goal, working like a well-oiled clock mechanism, will bring much more benefit than a “community of rows of confusion and vacillation,” for example. And the efficiency of the business for the organization is the most important indicator, without a doubt. Obviously, the impact on it of the corporate culture of the organization and the systems of incentives for personnel labor is enormous, with which relevance topics of this thesis.

The purpose This study analyzes the improvement of the organization's personnel management using the example of the Istra Holiday dacha hotel.

An object research - personnel management of a modern organization.

Thing research - the personnel management system of the "Istra Holiday" dacha hotel.

Tasks studies are - analysis:

The importance of human resource management in the development of a modern enterprise;

A systematic approach to personnel management;

Personnel management technologies;

Principles and methods of building a personnel management system;

Transformation of the traditional structure of personnel management into a modern one;

Improving the quality of working life;

Characteristics of the production and economic activities of the enterprise;

History of the origin of the enterprise;

Organizational, production structure of the enterprise;

Main indicators and financial condition of the enterprise;

Marketing activities of the enterprise;

The main directions of improving the personnel management of the enterprise;

The existing personnel management system of the Istra Holiday dacha hotel;

The work consists of an introduction, conclusion, three chapters and appendices. In the work on the study, the sources indicated in the bibliography were used.

Chapter 1. The value of personnel management in the development of a modern enterprise

1.1 Essence and tasks of personnel management

In the literature, you can find examples of different interpretations of the concept of "personnel management". In the definition, some authors operate with a goal and methods by which this goal can be achieved, i.e. focus the reader's attention on the organizational side of management. Others in the definition emphasize the content, reflecting the functional side of management.

A typical example of the first approach is the definition given by VP Galenko: “Human resource management is a complex of interrelated economic, organizational and socio-psychological methods that ensure the efficiency of labor activity and the competitiveness of enterprises”. Another approach is reflected in the definition of personnel management, adopted in the German school of management: “Personnel management (personnel management, personnel economics) is an area of ​​activity, the most important elements of which are determining the need for personnel, attracting personnel (recruiting and selecting personnel), engaging in work, release, development, controlling of personnel, as well as structuring of work, policy of remuneration and social services, policy of participation in success, management of personnel costs and management of employees. "

Thus, the main thing that constitutes the essence of the organization's personnel management is systematic, systematically organized impact with the help of interrelated organizational, economic and social measures on the process of formation, distribution, redistribution of labor at the enterprise level, on the creation of conditions for using the labor qualities of the employee (labor force) in order to ensure the effective functioning of the enterprise and the comprehensive development of those employed at him workers... Despite the variety of definitions of personnel management, which differ little from each other in their essence, there are also those that indicate that this concept has not received a clear interpretation. For example, it is noted that personnel management is associated with the study of human resources in management, i.e. directly concerns the personnel potential of management, when the management personnel themselves are considered as a kind of object of management decisions. It is hardly possible to agree with such a substitution of management objects (enterprise personnel for enterprise management personnel).

HR management- the concept is quite young in Russia, which came along with perestroika with the flow of everything new, Western and until then unknown to Russian enterprises. The good old personnel department began to be called the personnel management department, its activities in relation to employees - personnel management, and in general the word management in all its combinations is very fond of in our country, like many other foreign words, especially from the business sphere, which poured into Russian and used both to the place, and out of place, and personnel management in itself is not the worst option.

The purpose of HR management- this is the management of people at the enterprise -, control of labor discipline, control over compliance with labor legislation, etc.

Modern personnel management primarily relies on the corporate principles of each enterprise or company. The fundamentals of personnel management of an enterprise, in addition to the generally accepted ones common to all enterprises, should reflect the corporate identity of the enterprise, which would distinguish and distinguish the given enterprises in terms of innovation, attract the necessary personnel and inspire employees to work at this enterprise on a long-term basis.

According to many, one of the main tasks of personnel management is to attract and retain at work qualified and necessary personnel for this enterprise, which is impossible with an inadequate level of organization of personnel management and illiterate work with personnel.

Free directory of HR policies and procedures

History of HR management in Russia

The active development of personnel management in Russia inevitably led to the emergence of the position of a personnel manager, a competent manager who knows psychology, legally competent and possesses great communication skills. Since in Russia the personnel management system began to form relatively recently, the question arose of where to get specialists. Because of a gap in the labor market, people from different professions, from former military personnel to company secretaries and mass entertainers from culture houses, switched to work in HR.

At the initial stage of the formation of this personnel management in the early 90s, technologies and methods of personnel management were actively adopted by Russian companies from Western enterprises. The newly-minted Russian personnel officers tried to study all the points associated with the tested Western system of personnel management, and tried in one way or another to adapt them to the specifics of management in Russia. Through trial and error, personnel managers sought to create their own personnel management system, which would be most effective for this particular enterprise in the Russian context. In most cases, the approach here was very pragmatic - nothing new needs to be invented - everything has been invented in the world long ago, you just need to competently and thoughtfully select those management principles and add such chips and cherries on the cake so that the personnel management of the enterprise gives its high-quality fruits and the company stops would be worried about the problem of personnel.

Now, after 25 years of formation and development, the discipline of personnel management in Russia is a rather complex process, which includes various areas of psychology, economics, communication and IT. In addition to creating a competent personnel management policy at the enterprise, building a professional team and managing these personnel, training and developing personnel, more and more heads of personnel departments are concerned with creating a corporate culture that stimulates creativity and innovation, building effective internal communications, increasing the level of personnel involvement and intergenerational features. motivation. More and more often, the concept of personnel management in the modern labor market is associated with the prestige of an enterprise and its attractiveness in the eyes of qualified employees. Personnel is our everything, - say many top managers, - and you need to fight for them professionally and competently!

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Recently, more and more managers are realizing the important role of personnel in business entities and come to the conclusion that only purposeful and constant work with personnel can bring success. In contrast to personnel management, personnel management has been reoriented from the needs of workers to the needs of the organization itself in the workforce. The priorities of human resource management are determined primarily by the results of a functional analysis of existing and projected workplaces, and not by the existing human potential of the organization.

All this determined the relevance of studying the problem of personnel management at a modern enterprise. This thesis project comprehensively covers this problem. The first chapter shows the models of personnel management and reveals that the first two models are considered traditional, and the third is fundamentally new, focused on personnel management in terms of managing their human capital. However, for domestic personnel services, which are still only mastering the technologies of personnel management, the difference between traditional methods of personnel management and the methodology of human resource management is to a certain extent theoretical. The second chapter, based on the statistical data of the enterprise - the object of the study, provides information on the state of the enterprise CJSC "Balakovohleb", provides a generalized technical and economic characteristics of the enterprise. The analysis showed that, despite the general positive tendencies, the enterprise has a number of problems associated with insufficiently effective activities to manage resources, primarily human resources. Were considered some generalizing indicators by which it is possible to assess the effectiveness of management influences in the framework of the personnel management of the enterprise.

Based on the results of the analysis in the third chapter, measures were developed that will allow the enterprise to gradually develop personnel management and approach the most promising model of personnel management.

The practical significance of the research for JSC "Balakovohleb" is due to the fact that the implementation of the measures developed in the diploma project into the practice of personnel management will not only allow developing personnel management in the most promising direction, but will also give a good economic effect. Improvement of individual elements of personnel management will affect the improvement of the entire management system and increase labor productivity as the main factor in the economic development of a manufacturing enterprise.


2. Analysis of the organization of personnel management at the enterprise CJSC "Balakovohleb"

2.1 Organizational and economic characteristics of the enterprise CJSC "Balakovohleb"

2.2 Assessment of the personnel management system of CJSC "Balakovohleb"

3. Draft measures to improve the personnel management of the enterprise CJSC "Balakovohleb"

3.1 Ways to improve personnel management at the enterprise CJSC "Balakovohleb"

3.2 Calculation of the economic efficiency of measures to improve the personnel management of the enterprise CJSC "Balakovohleb"


List of sources used


Recently, more and more managers are realizing the important role of personnel in business entities and come to the conclusion that only purposeful and constant work with personnel can bring success. The main task of management is to find such principles and mechanisms that will create an effective personnel management system focused on mutually beneficial strategic cooperation between the organization itself and its employees.

To build an effective personnel management system, it is necessary to take into account a large amount of information about the very object of management - personnel. A special tool for obtaining this kind of information is personnel assessment, which allows to determine the individual characteristics of employees, their strengths and weaknesses, motivational needs and potential opportunities. In turn, the information obtained allows you to provide an individual, more effective approach to making managerial decisions concerning employees.

In contrast to personnel management, personnel management has been reoriented from the needs of employees to the needs of the organization itself in the workforce, and the priorities of personnel management are determined primarily by the results of a functional analysis of existing and projected jobs, and not by the existing human potential of the organization.

At the same time, personnel management is based on the fact that there is a reorientation of the personnel management system towards individual work with personnel, that is, from collectivist values ​​dominating in personnel management to individualistic ones. In other words, human resources are still dominant.

Attention to human resources increases when technical resources are exhausted or new factors of production and social development appear. The surge of interest in the problems of personnel management in our country coincided with the beginning of the degradation of human resources and the beginning of the dismantling of the state system of career guidance and employment.

Scientists are increasingly talking about the degradation of human resources. This social phenomenon includes both quantitative and qualitative parameters.

The quantitative decline in the population of our country is a sad fact, but not fatal. The number of not only producers, but also consumers is decreasing. Russia cannot keep up with China, but there are many countries with populations tens and hundreds of times smaller, and at the same time developing normally.

A much greater danger is posed by qualitative changes, for example:

The deterioration of the nation's health caused by self-destructive behavior, the absence of essentially free and high-quality health care, an unfavorable environmental situation and simply a low economic standard of living. In 2000, only 10% of school graduates were considered healthy. Experts note that 85% of children born after 1987 have developmental problems.

Fall of labor morale and ethics, decrease in labor motivation. It is quite a natural phenomenon against the background of the purposeful destruction of traditional values ​​and meanings of life. Ten years ago, only 7% of the adult population noted the dependence of earnings on personal efforts, the rest considered money, connections, speculation and fraud to be the main paths to success.

Decrease in the level of vocational training. The state no longer regulates the relationship between the labor market and the market for educational services. Educational institutions open new faculties, focusing not on the needs of the market, but on the professional choice of graduates, which is distorted by a number of factors.

This is not to say that no one understands the importance of the issue of human resource development. On the contrary, this importance has always been emphasized and declared (Stalin's "cadres decide everything" or "the human factor"). But the old system, which did not work effectively enough, has been destroyed, and there are still no real mechanisms to ensure the possibility of full-fledged professional development for each person.

Over the past fifteen years, the state has tried to solve the problems of the quality of human resources with the help of a vocational guidance system, but it has suffered the fate of all social spheres financed on a leftover basis - education, health care, science, culture.

All this determined the relevance of studying the problem of personnel management at a modern enterprise.

The purpose of this study is, on the basis of an analysis of the effectiveness of the organization of the personnel management of an enterprise, to determine the ways of its improvement and to provide an economic justification for the implementation of measures in personnel practice.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve a number of interrelated tasks:

Consider the theoretical foundations of building a personnel management system for an enterprise, identify the main functions of personnel management;

To study the views of specialists on the essence and content of personnel management from the point of view of its difference from personnel management;

Identify and consider the main elements of personnel management, characteristic of a modern enterprise;

Give a description of the main technologies of personnel management, specific to this direction of management;

To study the personnel management system at the enterprise-object of research;

Identify the positive and negative aspects of HR management activities of the enterprise;

Develop measures to improve personnel management, calculate the economic effect of the proposed measures.

The object of the research is the food industry enterprise CJSC "Balakovohleb", Balakovo.

The subject of the research is a complex of interrelated methods, tools and management units included in the personnel management system of an enterprise.

The theoretical basis of the research is the work of domestic and foreign researchers in the field of management, personnel management, economics, recruitment and others. The information base of the study was made up of legislative and regulatory acts of the Russian Federation and its subjects, instructions existing at food industry enterprises (on assessing the professional level of an employee during admission, documenting the admission of personnel), materials and data from periodicals, monographic and other scientific literature on the topic of the diploma project. Statistical data for analysis are accounting, financial and economic statements of the enterprise-object of research, analytical information from the personnel department of the enterprise and reports on the status and movement of personnel during admission for 2005-2007.

The practical significance of the research and proposals for improving personnel management at the enterprise ZAO Balakovohleb lies in the fact that not only the personnel management activities are not systematically organized at the enterprise, but this process does not have a scientifically substantiated management methodology. In this paper, some measures are proposed that will allow in the future, when using them, to increase the efficiency of providing the enterprise with the necessary personnel and managing them.

The thesis project consists of three chapters, introduction, conclusion, list of used sources and literature and applications.

1. Theoretical aspects of personnel management in a modern enterprise

1.1 The essence of personnel management of a modern enterprise

In modern literature, there is no clear definition of personnel management. Some authors believe that personnel management is a new paradigm of personnel management in a modern organization in terms of the value of human resources, replacing the concept of "personnel management" with the concept of "personnel potential management".

Other authors believe that personnel management is one of the elements of complex activities for managing the organization's personnel in terms of forming the personnel potential of the enterprise. Both positions are similar in that they evaluate employees as the main asset of the enterprise, its main value, and assume the use of related management methods.

The second approach seems to be more correct, since personnel management presupposes the existence of such a category as "personnel" and, accordingly, does not reflect the entirety of the content of personnel management activities.

There are three main models of personnel management.

1) a personnel manager as a guardian of his employees, taking care of healthy working conditions and a favorable moral and psychological atmosphere at the enterprise. This paternalistic model goes back to the social reformist ideas of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. and found its organic embodiment in numerous variations of the doctrine of human relations. The position of the HR manager in this model is rather low: it is a clerk who is trained in the field of industrial sociology (or psychology) and helps line managers to implement effective corporate policy in relation to employees;

2) HR manager as a specialist in labor agreements (contracts), including collective agreements. In large organizations that use mass low-skilled labor, it has a dual role: the implementation of administrative control over the observance by employees of the terms of the employment contract, accounting for job movements; regulation of labor relations in the process of negotiations with trade unions. The performance of these functions requires, as a rule, legal training, which gives the HR manager a fairly high status in the organization;

3) HR manager as the architect of the organization's human resources, playing a leading role in the development and implementation of the long-term strategy of the corporation. Its mission is to ensure the organizational and professional coherence of the components of the corporation's human resources. He is part of her senior management team and is trained in the emerging area of ​​management knowledge, Human Resource Management.

The essential difference between the last model and the previous two is obvious. However, for domestic personnel services, which are still only mastering the technologies of personnel management, the difference between traditional methods of personnel management and the methodology of human resource management is to a certain extent speculative.

Against the background of radical changes in corporate management over the past 15-20 years, it is surprising that personnel management, which was a rather ordinary and marginal management activity, has not disappeared altogether, but, on the contrary, is experiencing a true heyday. The main reason is in the practice of personnel management since the 80s. the third, "architectural" model begins to dominate.

This transformation of HR management is reflected in the following major trends:

In recent years, developed countries have seen a relative and absolute growth in the number of HR workers;

The status of this profession has increased: heads of personnel services in most corporations have become members of the board and even on the board of directors;

The attention to the level of professional training of personnel managers has sharply increased;

In the face of growing competition, the isolation of personnel policy from the general business strategy had a detrimental effect on the success of the corporation as a whole.

We are talking about the consolidation around the management "vertical" of all functions of personnel management, expressed in the emergence of a strategic level in human resource management. Instead of the rather fragmented structure of personnel management, which existed in the era of dominance of the first and second models of personnel management, a management system is emerging, focused primarily on the development of human capital. The mission of this system is to implement, among other priority strategic goals of the corporation, the key goals of its personnel policy.

The British specialist in the field of personnel management D. Guest believes that the personnel policy of the corporation should ensure:

Organizational integration, when the top management of the organization and line managers accept a developed and well-coordinated human resource management strategy as "their own" and implement it in their operational activities, closely interacting with headquarters structures;

A high level of responsibility of all employees of the corporation, which implies both identification with the basic values ​​of the organization, and persistent, proactive implementation of their goals in everyday practical work;

Functionalization, which implies the rejection of the traditional, rigid distinction between different types of work, as well as the expansion of various forms of labor contracts (full, part-time and time-based employment, subcontracting, etc.).

Adaptation to continuous organizational changes, social and cultural innovations (flexibility of organizational and personnel potential);

High quality of work and its results, working conditions (working environment, content of work, job satisfaction, as well as the workforce itself).

These target settings can be considered as a concretization of the imperatives of joint creative activity in the practice of modern personnel management. Indeed, practically in each of the attitudes, impulses of not only social, but also cultural, individual and moral creativity are found. If the imperatives of joint creative activity are embodied in the life of modern (more precisely, postmodern) organizations, then organizational systems acquire completely unique features. In the ideology of management of the 90s. Organizational systems open to constant innovations have acquired, as yet largely metaphorical names - "global organizations", "organizations without borders", "learning organizations", organizations - "open book".

1.2 Basic elements of human resource management

Modern personnel management includes the following stages:

1. Resource planning: developing a plan for future human resource requirements.

2. Recruitment: creation of a pool of potential candidates for all positions;

3. Selection: evaluation of candidates for jobs and selection of the best from the pool created during the recruitment;

4. Determination of wages and benefits: developing a wage and benefit structure in order to attract, recruit and retain employees.

5. Career guidance and adaptation: the introduction of hired employees into the organization and its divisions, the development of employees' understanding of what the organization expects from it and what kind of work in it gets a well-deserved assessment;

6. Training: development of programs to teach the work skills required for effective work performance;

7. Assessment of labor activity: development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the employee.

8. Promotion, demotion, transfer, dismissal: development of methods for moving employees to positions with greater or lesser responsibility, developing their professional experience by moving to other positions or areas of work, as well as procedures for terminating employment contracts;

9. Leadership training, promotion management: development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and increasing the efficiency of the work of management personnel.

You can distribute the stages to individual management functions.

So the first stage (workforce planning) is nothing more than a planning function.

The need for personnel, its number at various enterprises or firms is determined by the value of the demand for their products, work or services. The planning process includes three stages: an assessment of the available workforce, an assessment of future needs, and the development of a workforce development program.

One of the main tasks of personnel planning is to provide jobs for the long term, taking into account the constant technical and technological renewal of production.

Planning the number of personnel assumes its calculation based on the total labor intensity, i.e. calculating the number of required number of workers of various specialties, capable of performing the entire volume of work of the production program. Further, the required number of specialists, employees and managers is determined by types of labor intensity and standards of service and controllability.

The number of main workers is determined based on the planned or actual labor intensity. Based on the service standards and the number of jobs, the number of auxiliary workers is determined.

The method of calculating the labor intensity is used for standardized works. The number is determined by dividing the established amount of work in standard hours by the useful fund of time of one worker (in hours) and by the percentage of fulfillment of the norms. When planning the average number of pieceworkers (PM), the formula is used

Chsd = / ( Ch (person), (1)

personnel management efficiency

where Тт.пл.сд - planned technological labor intensity of piecework, standard hour; - the planned number of hours of work of one average worker per year (according to the balance of working hours); - the planned rate of implementation of the norms.

The number of time workers is planned by jobs and by service standards. The calculation of the number according to service standards is determined by the formula

Chrp = [(A H Chsm) / But] Ch Kpn (person),


Кпн = Фф / Фпл, (2)

Where. A is the number of service objects (machines, jobs); Chsm - the number of shifts; But - the rate of service by one worker-time worker; Кпн - coefficient taking into account planned absenteeism; Фф - the actual fund of working time; Фпл - planned working time fund.

The number of non-industrial personnel is planned on the basis of service standards, labor intensity, planned scope of work and headcount standards. The number of additional workers is determined in the same way as the need for basic personnel.

The number of specialists and employees is determined on the basis of the goals, strategies of the enterprise, the structure and scheme of its management, standards developed by the enterprise itself. The number of administrative and managerial personnel of the enterprise (AUP) can be calculated using the Rosenkrantz formula

In general terms, the Rosencrantz formula serves to check the conformity of the actual number (for example, of any unit) with the required number, which is set by the load of this unit.

Qualitative need, i.e. the need for categories, professions, specialties, the level of qualification requirements for personnel, is calculated on the basis of:

Professional and qualification division of work, recorded in the production and technological documentation for the work process;

Requirements for positions and jobs, enshrined in job and work instructions, job descriptions;

The staffing table of the organization and its divisions, where the composition of positions and jobs is recorded;

Documentation regulating various organizational and managerial processes with the allocation of requirements for the professional and qualification composition of performers.

To determine the total staffing requirement, the quantitative requirement is summarized for individual qualitative criteria. The calculation of the qualitative need for professions and specialties is accompanied by a simultaneous calculation of the number of personnel for each criterion of quality need.

It should be noted that no fundamental differences in the approaches to determining the number of personnel, adopted in domestic and foreign practice, have been identified.

The function of the organization is implemented at the stages of recruitment, selection of adaptation and partly during the formation of the remuneration system (organization of working conditions, which include the development of the basis of the remuneration system).

Consider the elements of the second stage of HR management - recruitment.

When recruiting, the personnel service must proceed from the determination of the optimal number of personnel. There should not be a shortage of workers, the consequences of which may be disruptions of production programs, industrial injuries, conflict situations in the team, and an excess, which may lead to an increase in cash costs for the payroll, a decrease in interest in high-quality and highly qualified work, an outflow of skilled workers. ...

Distinguish between internal and external sources of staffing the organization.

Sources of human resources of the enterprise are internal and external. Consider the advantages and disadvantages of various sources of staffing an organization.

Internal sources are the people working in the organization. In a number of foreign countries, for example Japan, when vacancies appear in the management apparatus, it is customary to first announce an internal competition for filling a position from their employees and only then, in case of negative results, invite specialists from outside to participate in the competition. It is believed that this improves the morale in the team, strengthens the confidence of employees in their organization. When working with a reserve, all large firms have so-called transfer matrices, which reflect the current position of each manager, his possible movements and the degree of readiness for the next position (ready to take up immediately in a year, in two years, but this requires advanced training in certain areas, etc.).

The use of internal sources allows the use of non-material methods of incentivizing employees. The possibility of self-realization within the organization and further professional growth is perceived by employees as an encouragement of successful work. Also for the organization, when using internal sources of staffing, it is important that work continues with employees who are already known, and financial costs for recruiting are also reduced.

External sources of recruiting include all that indefinite number of people who are able to work in the organization, but are not currently working in it. Among them can be both people with whom the heads of the organization and personnel of the personnel service previously met on the issue of employment (from the so-called waiting list), and specialists with whom such meetings are still to come.

Let's highlight the main sources of external recruitment: Employment centers; Recruitment Agencies (recruiting agencies); Independent search through the media.

Using external sources also has its pros and cons. The advantages lie in the ability to choose from a large number of candidates. Also, new people contribute to the emergence of new ideas and ways of working. The difficulty lies in the fact that it takes some time for a new employee to adapt (which is associated with a temporary decrease in productivity), and there may also be a deterioration in the moral and psychological climate among long-term employees.

Let's consider the third stage of personnel management - personnel selection.

The purpose of professional selection of personnel is. in order to provide the organization with such personnel who, by their individual qualities, can achieve high efficiency in a certain type of work activity, provided that they receive satisfaction from its chosen type (activity).

To ensure effective selection, it is necessary to use assessment methods: testing; work assignments for personnel selection; short-term learning method followed by assessment; research biography and verification of references; graphology; physical screening and drug use testing; interview.

According to a number of researchers, we can talk about the differences in the economic efficiency of the methods of search and selection of personnel used today. As a basis for comparing these methods, one can focus on the total costs of the organization, correlated with the number of employees hired.

Salary and Benefit Determination: Design a salary and benefit structure to attract, recruit and retain employees.

The organization of wages in a modern enterprise is carried out in order to form adequate material incentives for employees and support labor motivation. Speaking about systems of remuneration or types of wages, one should consider its division on two grounds.

On the first basis, wages are divided into two types: basic and additional. The basic salary is calculated for the time actually worked and the work performed at the enterprise. Additional salary is a statutory payment for time not worked. Additional wages include: payment of vacations; severance pay; grace hours for teens.

On the second basis, wages are compensatory and stimulating.

The compensatory nature of wages should orient the employee to achieve the desired result for the enterprise, therefore, wages are associated with indicators of the organization's performance (company turnover, profit, sales, plan fulfillment, quality improvement, etc.), the working group, the employee himself. Such a salary should combine the rigidity of the rules for determining monetary remuneration and flexibility in responding to changes in the internal and external situation in the organization, i.e. compensation should act not only as a motivator for work, but also as a means of management, a lever for the manager. The management of the organization should be able to both reward and punish in the compensation system.

The creation of working conditions is closely intertwined with the function of motivation, which is difficult to distinguish clearly within the framework of personnel management, however, a review of literary sources suggests that the allocation of a stimulating component in the structure of wages is precisely the performance of the motivating function of a personnel manager.

The function of motivation should also include the organization of work on vocational guidance and adaptation of workers.

One of the necessary, but rarely taken into account as an independent stage of personnel management, elements of personnel management can be considered professionalization (entry of a person into the profession), which is aimed at solving problems related to the formation of attitudes towards their profession, professional improvement, as well as changing the type of work.

Professional suitability for various types of work activities should be considered as the basis of professional skill with the possibility of its formation and development in the future.

Career guidance allows you to identify and develop a person's interest and abilities in certain professions or groups of professions, as well as to determine the degree of his suitability for them even before the stage of inclusion in social production. It helps a person make an informed choice of a profession, shorten the time for mastering it, and increase labor productivity. The increasingly active involvement of various groups of workers in the processes of liberation and redistribution of labor has increased their need for such assistance. In many countries, this has led to an expansion of the scope of vocational guidance, which began to cover not only young students, but also other groups of the population. Expansion of links of vocational guidance services with educational institutions, enterprises, labor authorities and an increase in the volume of work performed contributed to both the differentiation of these services and the services they provide, and their integration with other services. This is explained not only by the increased requirements on the part of production to the level of knowledge, abilities, qualifications of workers, i.e. to their professional suitability, but also to the need of the workers themselves in the development of new professions (for example, in connection with the introduction of new equipment and technology, for health reasons or for the purpose of employment).

The management cycle ends with a control function. In personnel management, this role is played by the stage of assessing work performance. The effective implementation of management impact requires the creation of a criterion base that will allow assessing the effectiveness and orderliness of personnel management and identifying weaknesses for further improvement. At this stage, the development of methods for assessing labor activity and bringing it to the employee is carried out.

The problem of the effectiveness of personnel management in an organization includes consideration of:

* management potential, that is, the totality of all the resources that are available and that are used by the personnel management system. The managerial potential appears in material and intellectual forms;

* costs and expenses for personnel management, which are determined by the content, organization, technology and scope of work for the implementation of the relevant functions of personnel management;

* the nature of managerial work;

* management efficiency, that is, the effectiveness of the actions of people in the process of the organization's activities, in the process of realizing interests, in achieving certain goals of personnel management, that is, determined by the personnel strategy and personnel policy of the organization.

Efficiency is the effectiveness of the functioning of the system and the process of personnel management as the interaction of the controlled and control systems, that is, the integrated result of the interaction of control components. Efficiency shows the extent to which the governing body realizes the goals, achieves the planned results. Management efficiency is manifested in production efficiency, is part of production efficiency. The results of the action, correlated with the goal and costs, are the content of efficiency as a managerial category.

A number of factors affect the effectiveness of the manager's activity within the framework of personnel management: the potential of the employee, his ability to perform a certain job; means of production; social aspects of the activities of personnel and the team as a whole; culture of the organization. All these factors act together, in an integrated unity.

Thus, the effectiveness of personnel management is one of the main indicators of improving management, determined by comparing the results of management and the resources spent on their achievement. It is possible to assess the effectiveness of management by comparing the received profit and management costs.

Quantitative indicators of personnel management include: a set of labor indicators - saving live labor in the field of management (number, reduction of labor intensity of management processes), etc .; financial performance indicators of personnel management objects (reduction of management costs, etc.); indicators of time savings (reduction in the duration of management cycles as a result of the introduction of information technologies, organizational procedures).

The indicators of social efficiency of management (qualitative) are of particular importance: increasing the scientific and technical level of management; the level of integration of management processes; professional development of managers; increasing the level of validity of decisions made; organizational culture formation; controllability of the system; job satisfaction; gaining public confidence; strengthening the social responsibility of the organization; environmental impact.

In personnel management (which was revealed when studying the vast base of literary sources), specific stages can also be distinguished, which include several management functions at once and which cannot be clearly divided.

A special element of modern personnel management can be considered the separation of the organization of activities for the training of executive personnel, the management of promotion, the development of programs aimed at developing the abilities and increasing the effectiveness of the work of executive personnel.

Particular attention should be paid to training a pool of managers and young employees with leadership potential. Depending on how effectively the reserve training system works, including early identification, identification and development of potential, career advancement, the success of the entire company largely depends, therefore, the management of the training of the personnel reserve is one of the priorities of the top management.

The Leadership Pool is a group of employees with the potential to take up managerial positions in the future, formed as a result of a formal "selection" process. The company must constantly carry out targeted work to develop and prepare this group for new positions. Another name for this group is "reserve for promotion". When preparing an employee for the management reserve, the main focus is on his professional competence. The success of a manager's work depends not only on the quality of performance of job functions, but also on the style of role behavior in the performance of these duties, psychological readiness for activity.

Undoubtedly, the stimulating effect on managers and ordinary workers in the reserve is provided by fixed tenure periods as applicants for managerial positions, which should be enough to increase the level of professional competence and carry out self-training programs.

1.3 Human resources management tools and technologies

Human resource management covers such a wide sphere of the organization's economic activity and its management that it is difficult to consider all available and used in modern organizations technologies of personnel management in the framework of this study. Therefore, we focus on those technologies that are really new and non-traditional for modern organizations (not only Russian ones).

Management technology as an economic category presupposes the creation of a unified system of methods and means that make it possible to form one parameter or another among workers. Relatively speaking, with the help of technology and applying it, the organization produces a certain product, which consists in the interrelated characteristics of employees to achieve the goals of the organization.

In this regard, it is necessary to highlight those characteristics that should be key in the parameters of the personnel of a modern organization:

Possession of opportunities for constant self-development;

Availability of opportunities for development together with the organization.

These are the main parameters that should be highlighted when developing modern technologies for personnel management. In order to form these parameters, it is necessary to provide for some areas of control technology:

1) tools used for personnel development;

2) tools used to provide the organization with personnel with specified parameters

3) tools for the formation of optimal leadership potential in volume and quantity. necessary to achieve the organization's management objectives;

4) the presence of not just personnel, but a single cohesive team that will work as efficiently as possible;

5) the presence of a synergistic effect in personnel management, for which the technology of forming a corporate culture is used;

6) the rationality of using the characteristics inherent in the personnel.

Consider the main characteristics that allow you to effectively manage the personnel of a modern organization.

1. Personnel development technologies: adaptation, career, training, personnel reserve.

In today's environment of rapidly obsolescent professional skills, the ability of an organization to continually improve the skills of its employees is one of the most important success factors. According to the opinion and data of economists, the qualifications of workers become morally obsolete every 10 years, and therefore each organization must maintain compliance between the requirements of modern business and the qualifications of personnel. This will make it possible to react faster and more efficiently to changes in the country and in the money market, to strengthen the elements of stability, solidity, representativeness and sober calculation in market activities.

There are various forms, methods and approaches to the professional growth of management personnel. These include business games, solving specific practical problems, analyzing specific managerial situations, using discussions as a tool for gaining new knowledge and developing optimal options for managerial decisions, socio-psychological training, program training. Regardless of the nature (practical or theoretical) of advanced training, the development of retraining methods is based on the observance of a number of mandatory principles.

Organization of work on planning and implementing the career of employees includes: familiarizing employees with the opportunities available in the company for promotion in the form of training programs and consultations on individual plans for professional development; regular informing and consulting on training opportunities and vacancies in the company; developing support and counseling programs to counter career crises; movement of workers in three directions:

1) advancement up the steps of qualification or career development;

2) horizontal movement (rotation);

3) lowering.

One of the most important elements of the service and professional promotion and management system is the formation of a personnel reserve for management personnel in the organization.

The formation of a personnel reserve is a vital task for the reliable operation of the enterprise, since allows to ensure the replacement of vacant positions in the event of death, illness, vacation, business trip and dismissal of employees. The personnel reserve is a part of the personnel undergoing systematic training to occupy related jobs of higher qualifications. Initial data for the formation of the reserve: professional selection of personnel; workplace models: results of personnel certification; company philosophy; personnel (personal) files of employees; the staffing table of the enterprise: plans for an official career.

Modern organizations are interested in and contribute to the professional growth of their employees at all levels of the hierarchy. However, there is a group of positions that the organization pays special attention to. These are senior management positions that have an exceptional impact on the development of the organization. The ability to identify and successfully prepare future leaders for high-level positions is the most important factor in competitive success.

Therefore, modern organizations create special systems for the selection, development and relocation of future leaders (leaders reserve) and regard the management of this system as a strategically important task. It is no coincidence that top managers are directly involved in this process.

2. Technologies of personnel formation: analysis of human resources, personnel selection.

The personnel policy is understood as general attitudes and purposeful activities of management bodies to formulate requirements for employees, their selection, training and rational use.

The essence of the personnel policy at the enterprise consists in attracting, retaining and adequate use of highly qualified workers, in creating conditions for them to realize their professional potential for the effective functioning of the enterprise.

The main goal of the personnel policy is the formation of such a personnel potential, which in a professional respect would allow to ensure the implementation of the goals of the enterprise.

The modern understanding of personnel policy is considered as a unity of the following measures: providing all production sites with the necessary labor force; creation of employee motivation for highly productive, efficient work.

All levels of enterprise management are involved in personnel policy: top management, heads of departments, personnel service.

The principles of personnel policy are the rules, the main provisions and norms of which must be followed by managers and specialists in the process of working with personnel.

In the domestic management theory, the following principles of work with personnel are distinguished:

Selection of personnel for business qualities. Ensuring the selection of personnel based on business qualities presupposes certain criteria, procedures, rules enshrined in the rule of law, which not only help the manager to make the right decision, but also prevent the manifestation of errors in this matter;

Combinations of succession and turnover of personnel. It consists in using the skills and knowledge of experienced personnel with the promotion of young, promising employees and constant personnel renewal;

Controllability and accountability of personnel.

Legality. It is achieved, first of all, by the presence of legal regulation of personnel formation issues. The law enshrines the methods of implementing personnel policy, especially those related to the selection and placement, promotion of personnel, control over their activities;

Planning in personnel policy;


A number of American and Japanese corporations widely use the following HR principles:

Lifetime employment;

Control of the execution of tasks based on trust;

Consensual decision making, i.e. mandatory approval of the decisions made by the majority of employees.

3. Technologies for identifying and using the leadership potential of personnel.

As a property, leadership is a set of characteristics or a system of qualities belonging to those who exercise non-coercive influence. Leadership is not associated with the possibility of using force, coercion, pressure due to the position in the organization (position, position) or official authority. It involves the interaction of people and the support of the leader by the members of the group in which he is included. All of the above applies to informal leadership. Leaders are seen as formal leaders who may or may not be informal leaders at the same time.

The key person in the formal organization is the leader or administrator. Its role and importance in modern society can hardly be overestimated: in developed countries huge resources are spent on training professional managers-administrators. This task is especially acute for Russia, which has very limited experience in training managers with leadership skills in a market economy. Its solution largely depends on the development of correct, adequate ideas about what qualities a manager should possess when working in modern conditions. None of the researchers and the most successful management practitioners have any doubts that a manager who controls the behavior of other people should have leadership qualities. Another thing is to what extent? What is the required level of leadership that allows a manager to be effective?

The success of a leader largely depends on the consistency of the individual style with the environment.

The use of the leadership potential of employees (and its development) lies not only in the fact that the leader can be used as a manager, but, first of all, in identifying leaders in the team and determining the nature and nature of such leadership, as well as the possibilities of its use ... The main task of the technology under consideration is the formation of such working conditions for personnel that will make it possible to most effectively identify and use those leadership qualities that all employees have in one way or another. In addition, using this technology, management can better distribute functions and responsibilities between employees, taking into account not only individual motivation for work, but also taking into account the psychological nature of the formation or lack of leadership qualities in each employee.

4. Team building.

The perception of a team with a plus or minus sign depends on many factors, first of all - on the management style adopted in the company. So, for example, in firm-systems with rigid hierarchical management, the team, rather, resembles an army unit with all its advantages and disadvantages. In family firms, where the microclimate is largely determined by traditions and personal relationships, the team often acts as a "Big Brother", where employees closely watch each other. It is difficult for a beginner to fit into such a "family", including a beginner-leader.

Regardless of the field of activity of the company, the notorious "mood in the team" serve as a kind of litmus test, an indicator of its position in the market and financial stability. It is known that even individual disloyal employees can greatly complicate the company's life, and a disloyal team can even become a serious brake on the solution of the assigned tasks. That is why the concepts of a team and a team are often directly opposed in corporations, and the team is perceived as a panacea for all ills and a prerequisite for achieving rapid business success. But this approach is not always justified.

The main distinguishing feature of a team is the existence of a common goal, which is shared by all participants in the process and everyone is responsible for achieving it. At a certain stage, the "moment of truth" comes, and the success of the whole team becomes more important for the participants than their personal interests. But this does not mean that the team depersonalizes people - it just sets priorities differently (shifting from the particular to the general).

5. Formation of corporate culture.

Over time, as well as under the influence of circumstances, culture can undergo changes. Therefore, you should know how to make this kind of change. It is important to determine the fact of a change in culture. When changes occur in the behavior of an organization, it is not difficult to determine this, since everything seems to lie on the surface. In the case of culture, change takes place in the minds of people and it is difficult to be sure whether a change has occurred or not. A good test of the effectiveness of cultural change is the fact that people continue to behave in a new way after leaving the organization as the leader of the new culture. If the leadership of the organization is trying to find out whether there have been changes in the culture, then this indirectly indicates whether this has actually been achieved or not.

A change in the content of culture is required when the existing culture in the organization does not contribute to the change in behavior to the state necessary to achieve the desired level of organizational effectiveness.

It is widely known that many creative groups and organizations in science, education and art, operating on a free commercial basis, have largely achieved success due to the above circumstances, believing in their ability to do business in a new way and having achieved an internal agreement with this through adoption of a new culture.

Understanding the role and importance of organizational culture for success in the implementation of not only short-term, but also long-term strategic goals and the ability to "build", grow, form the desired organizational culture is the most important condition for successful organizational changes. Russian companies will only be able to really compete with Western companies when they can catch up with them not only in terms of technical equipment, but also in the art of managing the social structure that makes up the core of the organization.

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The main approaches to personnel management: economic, organic, humanistic approach. Organizational cultures as an object of management activity. Enhancing the role of personnel in a post-industrial society. HR management.

The implementation of the goals and objectives of personnel management is carried out through personnel policy. Personnel policy is the main direction in working with personnel, a set of fundamental principles that are implemented by the personnel department of the enterprise. In this regard, personnel policy is a strategic line of conduct in working with personnel. Personnel policy is a purposeful activity to create a labor collective that would best contribute to the alignment of the goals and priorities of the enterprise and its employees.

The main object of the personnel policy of the enterprise is personnel (personnel). The personnel of an enterprise is the main (full-time) composition of its employees. Cadres are the main and decisive factor of production, the first productive force of society. They create and set in motion the means of production, they constantly improve them. The efficiency of production largely depends on the qualifications of workers, their professional training, and business qualities.

The goals of personnel management of an enterprise (organization) are:

  • - increasing the competitiveness of the enterprise in market conditions;
  • - increasing the efficiency of production and labor, in particular, achieving maximum profit;
  • - ensuring high social efficiency of the team's functioning.
  • - the ability to work with people, to select and evaluate them correctly, to achieve their interest in raising their qualifications.
  • - determination of the need for personnel, taking into account the development strategy of the enterprise, the volume of production of products, services;
  • - formation of the numerical and qualitative composition of personnel;
  • - system of general and professional training of personnel;
  • - adaptation of employees at the enterprise;
  • - remuneration and stimulation of labor, a system of material and moral interest;
  • - assessment of activities and certification of personnel, its orientation towards the encouragement and advancement of employees based on the results of work and the value of the employee for the enterprise;
  • - ensuring the needs of the enterprise for labor in the required volumes and required qualifications;
  • - securing the employee at the enterprise, the formation of a stable team as a condition for the recoupment of funds spent on labor;
  • - ensuring the realization of the desires, needs and interests of employees in relation to the content of labor, working conditions, type of employment, opportunities for professional qualification and job promotion, etc .;
  • - improving the efficiency of personnel management, achieving management goals while reducing labor costs.

To solve the goals and objectives of the enterprise, an analysis of its human resources is carried out. When considering them, the following aspects are taken into account:

  • - assessment of professional activity;
  • - the competence of employees (depth and breadth of their knowledge and experience);
  • - the interest of employees in the success of the entire enterprise;
  • - the influence of external factors on the quality and quantity of personnel;
  • - psychological perception of changes by employees;
  • - compliance of working employees with the existing culture of production at the enterprise;
  • - staff motivation;
  • - career planning, horizontal and vertical promotion;
  • - improvement of personnel assessment methods.

Incorrect and untimely attention to the problems of human resources can lead to intrigues in the team, the desire for unreasonably quick success, the transfer of personal depression to business, the substitution of work by the formation of their own image, indecision, rivalry, fear of moving from everyday work to large promising projects and vice versa, and etc.

To prevent such problems, an ongoing assessment of the professional performance of each employee is required. To this end, enterprise managers should hold regular meetings with employees, discussing and assessing their previous professional activities, current opportunities, and plans for the future.

The tasks of personnel management at various stages of the organization's existence: formation, intensive growth, stabilization and crisis.

1. Tasks of personnel management at the stage of organization formation.

The main task at this stage is the search for a product that can find its market, its consumer and provide a sufficient source of funds for the existence of the organization. However, a young organization does not always have sufficient resources to start a business. That is why, at the stage of formation, it becomes essential to find a source of investment, ways to raise funds. To do this, the organization must show potential investors the attractiveness of the offer, the feasibility of the investment, the likelihood of a return on investment. One of the ways that, on the one hand, can help the management itself formulate an idea of ​​the strategy and stages of development of the organization, and on the other hand, present the project to potential investors, is a business plan.

If it is possible to find enough resources to get started, the management is faced with the problem of personnel and material and technical support of production. It is necessary to attract new personnel or reorient some of the personnel from project preparation to its implementation in production activities.

However, the lack of awareness of the need for personnel measures does not negate their natural implementation: within the framework of the business plan, it is necessary to describe the project of the organizational structure, calculate the need for personnel, and provide a calculation of changes in the qualitative and quantitative composition of the enterprise. It is necessary to calculate the costs, including those for recruitment, personnel training, and wages.

The main tasks for personnel management at this stage:

Organizational project preparation:

  • - design of the organizational structure;
  • - calculation of personnel requirements;
  • - analysis of the personnel situation in the region;
  • - development of a labor incentive system.

Staff formation:

  • - analysis of activities and formation of criteria for the selection of candidates;
  • - determination of the segment of the labor market from which it is advisable to recruit.

Development of a system and principles of personnel work.

  • - formation of personnel policy and a plan of personnel activities;
  • - the formation of the personnel service itself (organizational structure, recruitment);
  • - development of systems for the collection, storage and use of personnel information.
  • 2. Tasks of management at the stage of intensive growth of the organization.

The organization managed to go through the most difficult period - the stage of formation. A new idea was formulated, a product was found, funds were received, production was established and a new product entered the market. The project was well thought out, the enterprise started working, the number of consumers is increasing. So, this is the next stage in the development of the organization - the stage of intensive growth.

To meet the growing demand, the organization must quickly restructure, new departments and divisions must appear, and links must be established between them. Many organizations are beginning to involve not only their own structures in working with clients, but also other organizations, for example, under contracts. In connection with the rapid growth, the problem of manageability of the organization, the inclusion of new divisions, the establishment of new and optimization of old ties is aggravated. For a number of business sectors, long-term interaction with a client is essential, therefore it becomes important to create supporting structures, for example, a service or additional services. To maintain good demand, the issues of advertising, creating an image of the organization, establishing contacts with the public and the external environment in general are becoming important.

However, the most significant problem faced by personnel management is the problem of erosion of corporate culture. During a period of intense growth, an organization may include many more staff than in previous stages. If an organization was able to enter the stage of intensive growth, found its consumer, stayed in the market, of course, there is a lot of productiveness in the corporate culture, it can give the organization an incentive for further growth.

3. The tasks of personnel management at the stage of stabilization.

Not all organizations that have entered the market reach the stage of stabilization.

The paradox may be that even if there are many clients, the organization can die if it cannot grow in accordance with the needs of the market. Therefore, some organizations do not survive to the stage of stabilization.

It seems that this particular period is the calmest for the company - there are clients, there are employees, it is clear what and how to do. It remains only to work calmly, but at the stage of stabilization a number of problems await, without solutions to which the organization may perish.

The main task of the work of management personnel at this stage is not only to maintain the achieved level of profitability and not to increase production costs, but also to reduce costs for raw materials, technology, and especially personnel. To maintain stability, any organization needs to search for new market segments, diversify production, and include new businesses in its sphere of activity. The grown organization must consolidate its own organizational structure, make it as effective as possible in the new conditions of every possible economy. To optimize personnel, reduce personnel costs, it is necessary to conduct an analysis of activities, identify sources of losses and build work as efficiently as possible.

The most significant problem faced by management personnel at this stage is the choice between a functional orientation (maintaining the organization's performance) and development (preparing the organization for the next change, preventing the crisis that is inevitable if the organization cannot find a new product (line of business).

Thus, both organization management and personnel management must decide what is appropriate for the organization now: to focus as much as possible on the "exploitation" of what has been achieved, or to start changes, to prepare a new product, a new market. However, the HR manager must take into account that a person is characterized by a desire for stability.

4. Tasks of the organization in a crisis situation.

If the enterprise was unable to prepare a springboard for a new take-off - a new product was not found and was prepared for launching to the market, the old product has exhausted its resource, the organization goes into a recession stage. The achieved milestones cannot be kept, the client leaves, the company is forced to reduce production volumes, cut staff, minimize the organizational structure, reducing costs to a minimum. Often a crisis situation is accompanied by insolvency, which leads to bankruptcy.

In such a situation, the management personnel of the organization must conduct a serious analysis and decide on possible options for further development. There are several options:

  • - sale of the enterprise, i.e. complete cessation of activities;
  • - introduction of external management;
  • - search for investments for a specific project, investment of funds - restructuring of production without changing the head.

In both the second and third cases, the task of normalizing activities remains, and for this it is necessary to analyze the financial condition, find ways of reorganization, develop anti-crisis, marketing, investment and organizational-production strategies, find new partners and investors.

To overcome the crisis that has arisen, it is especially important to work with personnel. The activities of the personnel department at this stage should include diagnostics of the personnel potential of the enterprise, development of a reorganization strategy, staff reduction, increase in labor productivity, and conflict resolution.

From the point of view of the human factor, a crisis situation is characterized by the emergence of at least two problems: a mismatch between the professional tools owned by an organization's professional and those required for a new situation, the inadequacy of the norms and rules of intra-organizational life to new conditions.