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Quotes are optimistic. Optimism

2. If to be, then be the first. (V.P. Chkalov)

3. In a year, no one will remember what jeans you wore, but everyone will remember what kind of person you were.

4. A fire does not go out because another one is lit from it. (Lucian)

5. Work on yourself - don’t wait for people to do it strangers! (G. Yudin)

6. Those who want to work look for means, those who don’t want to look for reasons. (S.P. Korolev)

7. A business is like a car: by itself it will only move downhill. (Commandment of American Managers)

8. My friends, I lost a day! (The famous words of the Roman Emperor Titus, spoken by him one day at dinner, when he remembered that he had not done anything good to anyone all day)

9. A goal is a dream that must come true by a precisely defined date.

10. Faith is the willingness to act for a goal, the successful achievement of which is not guaranteed. (William James)

11. Those who don’t know where they are going will be very surprised when they end up in the wrong place. (Mark Twain's observation)

13. You cannot overcome the abyss in two jumps.

14. With agreement, small things grow; with disagreement, the greatest things perish. (Gaius Sallust Crispus, 86-36 BC)

15. I'm interested in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life in it. (Charles F. Ketterling)

16. Don't ask what a country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country. (John Kennedy, US President, inaugural address in 1961)

17. The angle of view depends on the space occupied. (Miles' Law)

18. You cannot see the most important thing with your eyes, only your heart is vigilant. (Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

19. No one knows as much as all of us together. (Inscribed on one of the town halls in Denmark.)

20. Many people make attempts, but you achieve success. (Rick Blaine)

21. Success is being on time. (Marina Tsvetaeva)

22. Success is 10% luck and 90% sweat. (Edison)

23. The way to achieve success is included in success. (P. S. Taranov)

24. How many things were considered impossible until they were accomplished. (Pliny the Elder)

25. My word is my bond. (Motto of the London Stock Exchange)

26. The meaning of any activity lies beyond its boundaries. (V.K. Tarasov)

27. Do not be afraid of enemies - in the worst case, they can kill you. Don't be afraid of your friends; at worst, they might betray you. Fear the indifferent - they do not kill or betray, but only with their tacit consent does betrayal and murder exist on earth. (Eberhard)

28. A person should strive for heights. Otherwise, what is heaven for? (Robert Browning)

29. The best way to use life is to create something that will outlive you. (William James)

30. A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. (Lao Tzu)

31. Life is not what it should be. She is who she is. It's all about how you live it. (Virginia Satir)

32. The future belongs to those who are true to their dreams. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

33. The biggest mistake is made by the one who does nothing, fearing that he is able to do too little. (Edmund Burke)

34. There is a hidden bell in every person, and if you touch it, the person will sound with all the best that he has. (A. M. Gorky)

35. Fate is not a matter of chance, but the result of choice; Fate is not expected, it is created. (William Briand)

36. No one can make you feel inferior without your consent. (Eleanor Roosevelt)

37. It is better to aim at perfection and miss than to aim at imperfection and hit. (T. J. Washington Sr., first president of IBM)

38. What you receive reflects what you give. In any business, to achieve success, you need a certain amount of madness. (William Shakespeare)

39. He who looks for millions very rarely finds them, but he who does not look for them never finds them! (O. Balzac)

40. Great things must be accomplished, and not pondered endlessly. (Julius Caesar)

41. It’s a pity that the journey comes to an end, but it is at the end that it makes sense. (Ursula Pe Guin)

We are all ready to believe in others for the simple reason that we are afraid for ourselves. Optimism is based on pure fear.

Optimism is pure madness.

The strong have the right to be optimistic.

Optimists differ from pessimists in that the former are convinced that there is no death, and the latter are convinced that there was no life.

Pessimism is largely caused by the fact that we attribute to others the feelings that we ourselves would experience in their place.

Optimism rarely comes on its own; optimists often bring it.

A pessimist thinks that the whole world is against him - and his dreams come true.

Sprinkle the viscous slurry of everyday life with the cement of optimism: you will get a field of life the size of a gravestone.

An optimist is a person who buys a wallet with his last money.

Swift phrases about optimism

Optimism is a caricature of hope.

A pessimist is a person who thinks that everyone is as bad as himself and hates them for it.

Free fast-paced phrases about optimism.

Optimism does not command one to live long, but promises it.

What the optimist took as a raisin, the pessimist took as a strawberry.

The Belarusian people will live poorly, but not for long.

Only two-faced optimists say that life is easy!

There is no such disaster that a true pessimist would not bring upon himself.

Don't call yourself an optimist - people might think you can't read.

The pessimist believes that things cannot get worse; optimist - what could be worse.

Youthful pessimism is a real disease of youth.

By indulging in regrets and fears, we lose the only eternity in which a person can be absolutely sure - the eternal Present.

An optimist is one who is friends with the present.

The loop broke again, but the young man did not despair - he was a great optimist.

Pessimism gives people nothing, but takes away a lot.

Optimists can also make mistakes, but they are always successful.

Pessimism is something Jews cannot afford.

Women are more optimistic than men, which is why they live longer.

The optimist claims that we live in the best of all possible worlds; the pessimist fears that this is true.

He was an optimistic pessimist.

Old fast-paced phrases about optimism

Optimist: a young man who is in a hurry to go on a date, afraid of being late.

Optimism is the will to happiness.

An optimist lives with meaning, a pessimist buries it.

A pessimist is someone who notifies the funeral home about every move to a new place.

I came to the conclusion that an optimist considers everything good except a pessimist, and a pessimist considers everything bad except himself.

An optimist sees danger in every opportunity, a pessimist sees danger in every opportunity.

When optimists come to power, pessimists begin to realize that their pessimism was justified.

There is no more terrible sight in the world than a young pessimist. Probably the only thing more terrible is the old optimist.

Psychiatrists are the first to see changes.

Over the years, you get tired of believing in human achievements, and so little by little we all become pessimists to a certain extent, but this disappointment does not in the least prevent us from living, loving, doing smart, kind, beautiful and useful things; on the contrary, this is where a person begins more or less resemble a person when he becomes disillusioned with humanity.

Pessimist? This is a person who thinks that everyone is as bad as himself, and hates them for it.

An optimist is a poorly informed pessimist.

What is possible is sometimes not possible, which is simply difficult for one another.

Optimists believe, pessimists know.

Excessive fast-paced phrases about optimism

Optimists invent the airplane, and pessimists invent the parachute.

Well, how can one not be optimistic? My enemies again turned out to be, as I expected, pigs.

Optimism starts with a wide smile and ends with blue glasses.

From every position there is a way up and a way down. An optimist sees only the first path, a pessimist only the second.

The world belongs to optimists, pessimists are just spectators.

A pessimist makes the worst out of bad things, and an optimist makes the best out of them.

Don't be afraid of your pessimism. You will see that you really were an optimist.

An optimist is a person who is so confident in success that he simply does not need it.

Reasonable pessimism inspires optimism.

An optimist is someone who believes that the future is uncertain.

A pessimist is someone who feels bad when he feels good out of fear that he will feel worse when he feels better.

A pessimist says: the glass is half empty, but an optimist... adds until it is full.

The optimist says: the bottle is half full. A pessimist is a bottle half empty.

Optimists believe in a happy end of the world.

Optimism and pessimism differ only in the exact date of the end of the world.

To be a pessimist is not to walk into a minefield.

Pitch-fast phrases about optimism

A pessimist is a person who expects trouble while an optimist gets it.

While saving mental energy, save your strength for optimism!

A pessimist is an optimist who has been at a reception with a bureaucrat.

An optimist is never pleasantly surprised.

X is the eternal optimist. This makes all modes happy.

Pessimism is a matter of temperament, optimism is a matter of salary.

Heavy burdens for a living organism, trills of a cheerful whistle, no best school pessimism than to see an optimist for a long time.

Optimism is the highest stage of development of pessimism.

A pessimist punishes himself, an optimist rewards himself.

An optimist is one who scatters stones, and a pessimist is one who collects them.

An optimist asks questions, a pessimist has to answer them.

They can because they think they can.

An optimist looks with hope at everything bad, and a pessimist doubts everything good.

Optimist: A person who claims that the bottle is half full when in fact it is half empty.

And Ben Akiba said it most optimistically: “Everything has already happened.”

Being positive means looking at negativity positively!

It's not as bad as it seems. It's much worse.

A selection of the best inspiring and life-affirming quotes especially for you! You may not learn anything new from them, but they may make you think.

And not everyone will necessarily like each of them. Choose for yourself those that are right for you, close to your spirit.

  • “Why worry and worry if you don’t have to worry and worry?” - Author unknown

  • "Understand that there is only one internal criterion“What makes you happy is good” - Osho

  • “Everything a person wants always comes true. If it didn’t come true, there was no desire; if it came true, but not that – the disappointment is only apparent – ​​that’s exactly what came true” - Vadim Zeland

  • “Every thought you have is a prayer. What are you praying for now? —

  • “Everything people say about you is a projection of their own reality. If you develop it in yourself, you will avoid needless suffering." - Miguel Ruiz

  • “Phrases “I don’t want”, “I can’t”, “I don’t know”, “I’m afraid”, “there’s no opportunity”, “no money”, “no time”, “it doesn’t work out”, “this is not for me”, “I this is not necessary” people simply create an alibi for their inaction, laziness and indecision! Don’t whine, just start!” —Yandiana©

  • “Remember one simple truth: at the same moment in time you can think either positive or negative. You cannot hold a negative and a positive thought in your mind at the same time. THE CHOICE OF WHAT TO THINK ABOUT, WHAT TO THINK ABOUT, BELONS ONLY TO YOU” - Vladimir Dovgan

  • “In life, like in a bathhouse - whether you want to steam or not” - Author unknown

  • “I never doubted it! And this gave me an advantage over the whole world." - Napoleon Bonaparte

  • “If a person wishes everyone happiness, he destroys all his illnesses” - Oleg Tursunov

  • “Sometimes you need to go around the whole world to understand that a treasure is buried in your own home" - Paulo Coelho

  • “In every person, two wolves confront each other: angry, unhappy and eternally dissatisfied; and happy, contented and kind. The one you feed wins" - Author unknown

  • “Failure is simply an opportunity to start again, but more wisely” - Henry Ford

  • “Take the money you have saved for a rainy day and buy yourself some shoes. And perhaps then a rainy day will never come” - Evelina Khromchenko

  • “Life is like riding a bicycle. To maintain balance you must move." - Albert Einstein

  • “All the restrictions that we have in the external space: in a career, in business, in relationships, in health - are always associated with difficulties that are within us. That is, the roots of all external life situations grow from our inner world” - Oleg Gadetsky

  • “A person is a vessel, touch it: what it is filled with will spill out” -

  • “If your happiness depends on what others do, then perhaps you really have a problem.” - Richard Bach

  • “Keep busy. This is on Earth. And one of the most effective" - ​​Dale Carnegie

  • “The bird of happiness is not at all opposed to pecking grains from your palm; it is not at all necessary to catch it - it’s enough just not to drive it away” -

  • “We live in a world governed by faith. Whatever you believe will work” -

  • “An optimist is someone who, being between two troubles, always makes a wish” - Author unknown

  • “If you just want to take a spoon from the table, you can want forever, but nothing will happen. But if you intend to do this and act in accordance with your intention, then you will take a spoon and eat your fill. And this applies to all areas of life” - Yandiana©

Nothing motivates like the right slogans for the day. This fact is known to everyone: how you start the day is how you spend it! So start your day right.

We invite you to recharge yourself with vigor and spirit for the whole working day and watch 25 best statuses for this week!

1. Dreams must be either crazy or unrealistic... Otherwise, they are just plans for tomorrow!

2. Calmness is stronger than emotions. Silence is louder than a scream. Indifference is worse than war.

3. I’ll probably never grow up... I still believe in miracles, love and good people.

4. It’s not because of your beauty that I fell in love with you, and it’s not because of your old age that I’ll fall out of love.

5. Learn to let go. The native will always find its way back.

6. An inexplicable thing is the soul. Nobody knows where he is, but everyone knows how much it hurts.

7. Live in such a way that when people encounter you, they smile, and when communicating with you, they become a little happier.

8. Sometimes in some strange ways in life everything works out on its own.

9. Happiness is when your parents are healthy.

10. By humiliating others, you will not become higher!

11. Our biggest misconception is that we still have a lot of time...

12. Never regret what you did if you were happy at that moment.

13. May the Almighty forgive us when we are dissatisfied with what we have...

14. Don't try to sort things out with people who have disappointed you. Silently leave them alone with all their junk.

15. Everyone has their own problems - some have stale bread, and some have small diamonds. Appreciate what you have.

16. Sometimes the Almighty removes a person from your life for your protection. Don't run after him.

17. Do not be sad about anything in advance and do not rejoice at what does not yet exist.

18. If you don’t grab it with your soul, you won’t hold it with your body for long.

19. God is on time, so learn to wait.

20. This is real happiness, not your iPhones.

21. When your children achieve something, it is much more important than their own achievements.

22. Take care of your parents, because while they are alive, we are children!

23. Conscience is like that... It torments not those whom it should torment, but those who have it.

24. One of the greatest fears for a person is to realize that he has been wrong for a long time.

25. Many people consider it important to find a person in life, but only a few know that it is more important to find yourself.

Everyone puts their own meaning into the expression “love life.” However, we can say with confidence - loving your life means in the moment. A person who loves life feels meaning in everything that happens to him. What expressions help instill love for life?

Motivation for a new day

For many, life-affirming phrases are a kind of nourishment. They are like a cup of coffee in the morning, helping to charge you with positivity for the whole day. Here is one of these expressions: “Whoever does not miss opportunities has every opportunity to succeed.” Moreover, a person is a master in overcoming the limits of his capabilities. Those people who do not see any opportunities in their lives often cannot take advantage of those that are actually available to them. They simply miss these chances of fate due to their pessimism.

Everyone knows from experience: there are rich people, but completely unhappy; and there are poor people who are happy with every little thing. There are young people who perceive the world through the prism of gloomy depression and anxious anticipation of the future; and there are elders to whom every moment is precious. Of course, this experience does not mean at all that it is the only true one - youth undoubtedly provides a person with more opportunities, just as wealth is better than poverty. However, it is necessary to remember: a lot depends on the perception of the person himself. If he knows how to see opportunities in his life, then the Universe will provide him with new ones. This is confirmed by a fair and life-affirming phrase from the Bible: “To him who has, more will be given; and from the one who does not have, even what he has will be taken away.”

Life is like a miracle

Imagine for a moment that you are competing in a race with over 100 million other participants running. The chances of winning are almost negligible. It is unlikely that even professional athletes would agree to take part in such a competition. After all, some of the participants may be stronger, some will have greater endurance, and some will simply be more dexterous than others. However, in reality, each of us is such a winner. Human life is a miracle in the truest sense of the word. And life-affirming phrases only help to remember this again. This is what Tyutchev said in his poems: “No matter what life teaches us, the heart believes in miracles...”

The main thing is to believe

And here's another one uplifting quote, it belongs to science fiction writer Ray Bradbury: “Never question miracles when they happen.” It often happens that something unusual happens before a person’s eyes. For example, he finds the answer to a question that has been tormenting him for a long time, or he has a prophetic dream. Sometimes a miracle also happens new job. After a long and unsuccessful search, fate seems to give a person a gift. However, many tend to be skeptical about everything unusual - they strive to rationalize it, try to explain everything out of the ordinary with objective factors. Anyone who has encountered miracles at least once should remember: what more people believes in the more of them he can meet on his way.

If a person tries to love life, to change the negative focus of perception to a positive one, then sooner or later he will begin to succeed. To stop being a pessimist, you need to make a lot of effort: circumstances often strive to pull a person back into their swamp. You can help yourself rebuild with small steps. This could be reading life-affirming phrases, watching comedies and positive films of other genres, communicating with nice people. When a person begins to live and perceive the world differently, his entire existence is literally transformed. He values ​​every minute of his life, wants to travel and visit new places. Yesterday's pessimist understands that he is not satisfied with work or relationships that bring only negativity and oppression. He strives to create something new in his life, to bring more creativity into it and eliminate negative factors.

Here is a life-affirming quote from Lewis Carroll’s most famous work, “Alice in Wonderland”:

“Every morning, following my father’s example, I try to believe in six crazy miracles.

This is great exercise!

Uplifting phrases for teenagers

Adolescence is one of the most difficult years. Just like adults, teenagers need to keep a few things in mind. A person who begins to appreciate life always strives to explore the world around him. Where for a pessimist everything is clear, natural and predictable, an optimist will find a hundred mysteries for himself. In life, discomfort and suffering cannot be avoided - but everyone has a choice where to focus their attention. F. M. Dostoevsky wrote that for happy life you need as much happiness as unhappiness. This cannot be said that this is not so - because otherwise people would not be able to appreciate their happiness. And Ernest Hemingway wrote: “I don’t care, All I need to understand is how to live in it.”

Quotes for girls

How can beautiful ladies cheer themselves up? Life-affirming phrases for women are one of the most the best ways do it. Mother Teresa said: “Peace begins with a smile.” And here are the words of Coco Chanel that will inspire anyone: “Everything is in our hands. Therefore, we cannot omit them.” Women who know how to inspire themselves inevitably become inspirations for those around them - husbands, children, relatives, acquaintances and colleagues.