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Nursery rhymes for the holiday of March 8th. Poems for children on the topic: "March 8"

Very soon, everyone’s favorite spring holiday will bring the fair half of humanity immense joy and global changes not only in nature, but also in mood. After all, on this day women receive the maximum amount of attention, good wishes, warm hugs, bright flowers and nice gifts. Among the abundance of congratulations, the brightest and most genuine were, are and will be children's cards and short beautiful poems. Since the end of February, children in school and kindergarten have been diligently preparing for matinees. With the support of teachers and dads, boys and girls (3-4, 5-6, 7-8 and 9-10 years old) choose cool poems to learn and waste no time trying to memorize every 4 lines. To please your beloved mothers, sisters and grandmothers on the wonderful day of March 8th with your funny or touching performances. We know that for women there is nothing more pleasant than sincere congratulations from a son and daughter or a grandson and granddaughter.

If your child has not yet had time to prepare for the holiday, suitable poems for March 8 for children are collected in our new collection.

The best poems for March 8: short and beautiful for kids

For the first time, kids get acquainted with short, beautiful poems about March 8 from their mother. After all, the little ones in the nursery group of the kindergarten are still far from reading independently, but they still need to get acquainted with the features of the world around them. This is where a kind and caring mother comes to the rescue with a book of children's poems in her hands. After listening to just a couple of poems, the child can already put together his own performance about the colorful spring holiday and grasp its main subtleties. Thus, even the simplest quatrains about International Women’s Day teach little ones to love and appreciate their mothers, sisters and grandmothers, to enjoy every flower and sunbeam, and in the future to help their elders not only on holidays, but also on an ordinary day. Having worked hard, we have collected the best poems for March 8: short and beautiful, for kids they will become the first window into the world of a subtle and sensual spring celebration.

A selection of short beautiful poems about March 8 for kids

I'll get up early in the morning,
I'll kiss my mom.
I'll give you a bouquet of flowers -
There is no better mother in the world!

Mommy's gift is ready -
A large, large bouquet of flowers.
I painted it for half a day...
Well, kiss me quickly!

The eighth of March is a good day!
He is there to congratulate women!
Both adults and little girls,
We wish them all the best.

On the Eighth of March
I'll draw it for mom
Blue sea,
Sky with clouds.
Next to this sea
Dressed in foam,
I'll draw my mom
With a festive bouquet.

Here comes the Eighth of March,
Happiness bursts the chest,
I need to give it to my mother
Something this holiday.
I will wash my face for her as a gift,
I'll comb her hair as a gift,
I'll fit into a pair of the best slippers
And I’ll put on perfume!

Poems and quatrains for children 3-4 years old to memorize for the March 8th matinee in kindergarten

Not every mother manages to choose the right children's poem or small quatrain about March 8 for a 3-4 year old child to memorize for a matinee in kindergarten. As a result, children refuse not only to learn, but even to listen to the proposed line. We've put together a few tips to help you find the perfect option in the sea of ​​holiday poetry:

  • Focus on the age of the child: for little ones who have barely learned to clearly express their thoughts, it will be difficult for them to learn a verse longer than 4 lines;
  • pay attention to the child’s temperament: simple, calm quatrains are suitable for shy children; relaxed and artistic children can be offered a more “lively” and emotional verse;
  • carefully read the poetry yourself: poems and quatrains for children 3-4 years old to memorize for the March 8 matinee in kindergarten should not include difficult words, unclear terms or long speech structures.

A collection of short quatrains for a matinee on March 8 for children 3-4 years old

I haven't cried all day
Didn't tease the dog.
Didn't carry the kitten
I'm not a prankster:
Today is mother's holiday!

Women's Day is an important occasion
Give a paper bouquet,
Mom, grandmother, sister,
After all, I am a man from the cradle!

Dad brought cake to mom, sweets to grandma,
And a whole load of toys for little sister Sveta.

It was so insulting to me, my little brother,
Why is there no boy's day in the calendar?

On the eighth of March I congratulate
Neighbor, grandmother and mother,
And even Murka, our cat -
She's a bit of a woman.

May the sun shine brightly for you,

Let the birds chirp outside the window!

So that not only the day of the Eighth of March -

Every day was considered your day!

Cool poems for March 8 in 4 lines or more for children 5-6 years old

Children 5-6 years old no less carefully look at funny poems for March 8 (4 lines or more) and agree far with every option proposed by their mother. Some poems seem too difficult to the children, others are boring, and others are completely inappropriate. How to choose a quatrain for a matinee? Very simple! To congratulate a teacher or nanny, a poem about spring and nature is suitable: flowers, sunshine, ringing drops. To perform in front of grandmothers, it is better to choose works dedicated specifically to them: grandmother’s kindness, her warm hugs, delicious pies and lovingly knitted mittens. And as a congratulation to mothers or sisters, you should learn funny and funny poems by March 8, 4 lines or more (for children 5-6 years old) describing funny life situations.

A collection of funny poems for the holiday of March 8 for children 5-6 years old

March 8! Women's Day!
The stream is babbling, drops are ringing.
And the sun is shining, the snow is melting,
And the best in the world is mother's laughter
Father will give flowers to daughter
And my dear mother,
And kiss you firmly on the cheek,
And it will be more fun for all of us.

The sun is shining outside the window,
There is less snow.
Happy Women's Day
To all beloved women:

Mom, grandmother, girlfriends,
All neighbors and old ladies,
Aunts, sisters, teachers...
Because because
It's better and warmer with them!

Mother's holiday is coming,
Women's Day is coming.
I know: my mother loves me very much
Roses, poppies and lilacs.
Only in March there are no lilacs,
You can't get roses and poppies...
But you can on a piece of paper
Draw all the flowers!
I'll pin this picture
I'm above my mother's table
In the morning, dear mother
I'll hug and kiss you,
And congratulations on Women's Day!

March 8! Women's Day!
The stream is babbling, drops are ringing.
And the sun is shining, the snow is melting,
And the best in the world is mother's laughter
Father will give flowers to daughter
And my dear mother,
And kiss you firmly on the cheek,
And it will be more fun for all of us.

The sorceress spring has come,
She gives us Women's Day!
Today even dad is gender
I swept it with a broom in the morning,
Vacuumed, cooked soup,
Gave a gift to my mother,
Of course, mom's soup tastes better
But we gave her the day off!

Interesting poems for children 9-10 years old on March 8 at school

Any school event- an exciting event for young students. And if the holiday is dedicated to beloved mothers, sisters, grandmothers, then the guys try three times as hard in preparation for it. Boys and girls are inspired to draw posters, make crafts and learn interesting poems for children 9-10 years old on March 8 at school. Particularly talented schoolchildren try to independently compose their first lines and dedicate them to the hero of the occasion, while the rest choose ready-made congratulatory poetry among dozens offered in books and on children's portals on the Internet. A memorized verse can be an excellent performance at festive concert at school or a good congratulation on March 8 from children 9-10 years old, written in a homemade postcard.

A selection of interesting poems about March 8 for schoolchildren aged 9-10 years

You enter magical dreams,
Every hour is precious and great with you.
Congratulations on New Spring Day,
Our dear women welcome you!
You give life, teach again
You are what only mothers give,
You give birth to love in your heart
And you create comfort in your soul.
We wish in the midst of furious days
Have one endless spring,
To be more loved, more desirable, dearer!
And see happy dreams!!!

Let women smile today!
Today is your holiday!
Streams gurgle and birds fly in the sky
There is a colorful spring landscape all around!

March 8th gives selflessly,
Spring is a beauty for all women!
May the sky be clear and radiant,
Let there be life happy days full!

In the classroom in honor of March 8
We will design the desks for you.
And you will have to in class
Read the lines for you, girls.
Compliments, wishes
They will drive out your thirst for knowledge,
And for a while let him be smarter
Those who are stronger than you will become.

Long live girls
With or without braids!
Let the sun smile
They're from the blue heavens!

Long live the skinny ones,
Long live the fatties
Those with earrings
And there are freckles on my nose.

We congratulate you all
And please don't be angry:
Not everyone succeeds
To be born boys!

What kind of pigtails are these?
Have the bow flower beds bloomed?
You are like sisters today.
We came to congratulate you.
Let it happen that we argue with you
And we don’t want to communicate
But as soon as we don’t see you,
We are very sad.
Congratulations on March 8
And we wish from the bottom of our hearts,
So that you, like today,
They were always good!

Touching to tears poems for mother on March 8 from her son and daughter

Even if the children have grown up a long time ago, for their mother they will forever remain small. After all, every mother remembers all the significant moments in her child’s life, sad and funny situations, important achievements and occasional failures. Don’t forget about this when choosing tear-touching poems for your mother from your daughter or son for March 8th. Perhaps such a holiday gift will not seem original, but it will certainly be pleasant for any mother. The most beautiful and tear-touching poems for mothers from sons and daughters on March 8th are traditionally collected in our collections.

A collection of touching poems for a mother from her son and daughter for the holiday of March 8

Something strange is happening:
Mom is sleeping, but dad is not.
He woke up very early,
As soon as dawn came.

I quickly ran for flowers,
And he brought a delicious cake.
And in his hands is a colored bag.
He was something very proud.

Dressed me up in a shirt
And he handed me a piece of paper.
Congratulations on March 8!
Tell your mom a poem!

There is no dearer in this world,
Man for me
You are the closest to me in the world,
And I live for you!

Accept, on March 8th
All the gifts and flowers!
Happiness, joy, fun,
Dreams come true!

Be an example on the way
And don’t let him get off.
I love you, dear!
Mom - you can't find anything better!

I am to my beloved mother
I will give gifts:
I'll embroider her a scarf.
What a living flower!
I'll clean the apartment clean -
And there will be no dust anywhere.
I'll bake a delicious pie
With apple jam...
Only mom is on the doorstep -
Congratulations here!
You are my mommy
I congratulate you:
Happy holiday
Happy spring,
With the first flowers
And with a good daughter.

Spring holiday in the yard -
Cheerful, warmest.
They smile at us brightly
All grandmothers and mothers.

Perky streams are ringing -
Goodbye, goodbye winter.
Spring will come to us on Women's Day
Celebrate yourself.

Why March Eighth
They call it “mother’s holiday”?
Is it really just mom?
Congratulations in the morning?

Well, what about Aunt Masha,
What about your grandmother and sister?
Congratulations to them too
I really want it in the morning!

I'll prepare congratulations
Mom, grandmother, sister,
Teacher, friend,
To all the girls in the yard...

Then everyone will be happy!
It will be very good!
I hope they will be pleased
This holiday poem!

Short and funny children's poems for March 8th for mom or sister

The holiday of March 8 has long lost its political meaning and turned into a real “mother’s” day. Is not it? It is mothers who are the first to be congratulated by children on International Women’s Day; festive pictures are drawn for them; short and funny poems about March 8 are learned for them. Mother - main man in the life of every child, the most close friend and the most important protector. This means that on a warm and sunny spring holiday, she deserves our best congratulations and wishes!

Collection of funny children's poems for March 8th to mother or sister

Hidden in every home these days

Gifts for grandmothers and mothers.

The gifts were made by the boys

Secretly and with dad in half.

There is such a day in March
With a number, like a pretzel.
How many of you guys know
What does the number mean?
The children will tell us in chorus:
This is our mothers' holiday!

On mommy's cheeks

Two magical dimples.

And when she laughs

The light is so magical,

That snowdrops are growing

They bloom right before our eyes.

Mommy my sunshine

I sunflowered her.

It's good to be happy

love your mommy

I jumped up
Removed the bed
At least he could still sleep.
I don’t grumble at the alarm clock,
I'm busy in the kitchen.
I pour tea for mom,
I am extending Mother's Day.

Long poems for March 8 to grandmother from granddaughter or grandson

For many of us, the most pleasant memories from childhood are associated with our beloved grandmother. Or rather, with her warm home, a cozy atmosphere in it, intimate conversations about good and bad deeds, and a welcoming tea party with delicious pretzels. Grandma is my mother’s mother, which means that for her grandchildren she is doubly a mother. It doesn’t matter how old the child is - 5 or 15 - he is simply obliged to remember his grandmother on International Women’s Day and amuse her with heartfelt congratulations. For example, long poems on March 8 to a grandmother from a granddaughter or grandson. Better yet, complement them with beautiful spring flowers and a homemade gift. Such a congratulation will certainly not go unnoticed. Choose beautiful long poems for March 8 to your grandmother from your granddaughter or grandson in the last section.

A selection of long poems to grandmother from grandchildren for International Women's Day

Dear Grandmother,
We need you so much!
After all, your concern
Our life is full.
Good advice
You help me live.
We pay attention to you
Happy to surround you.

Happy spring holiday!
Long bright years,
Let the affectionate one not go out
There is light in your windows!
May you have good health
Makes you happy.
"Happy March 8th!" -
We say, love!

Don't give it to grandmothers
Knitting needles and balls.
Don't give it to grandmothers
Shawls and scarves.

Don't give it to grandmothers
No glasses, no wand...

Give it to grandmothers
Hoop and jump rope!..

Popsicle on a stick

Ball on a string
Film "Karate Lessons"
And crayons in a box.
An army of soldiers
To play war
And a telescope to boot
Overlooking the Moon!

To your grandmothers
We saw the gifts
So that the grandmothers say:
- How did you guess! -
So that the grandmothers say:
- This is a holiday - indeed!!! -
To be so happy
That you are younger.

I love you, dear,
The warmth of beautiful hands.
Happy holiday, my granny,
Your grandson congratulates you.

On Women's Day I wish
To be healthy.
And I met you with a smile
You make me like that.

I always wait from you
Tenderness, advice.
Better than my grandmother
Not in the world at large.

I congratulate grandma
WITH women's holiday spring!
I love grandma
People need grandmothers!

He will tell a good story,
Sing a lullaby
A warm winter scarf will tie
And he will go for a walk with me!

Will not punish the naughty girl
And he will give you some candy.
Both the girl and the boy,
Anyone loves grandma!

Closer to the wonderful grandmother
I don't have a girlfriend!
I'm interested in grandma
We can't live another day apart!

On the day of March 8th at 6a6ushka at the window
Let the joyful sun come to visit you!
Let the birds chirp cheerfully and loudly,
A playful breeze will fly after you!
If it rains, it won't hurt,
Let him come in for tea - we invite everyone!
In chorus we congratulate 6a6ushka on spring,
Sunny, beautiful, bright mood!

March 8 is an amazing holiday. On this day, fathers, husbands and sons help women around the house. All mothers, sisters and grandmothers are congratulated by actors and great figures from the TV screen. And in schools and kindergartens they hold matinees in honor of the heroes of the occasion. Children especially try hard to please their mothers, so they choose the most beautiful poems. Kindergarteners 3-5 years old learn short, funny quatrains, and schoolchildren 6-10 years old recite funny or serious long poems by heart. Our selection today contains the best poems for March 8 for children, so that all women in the country can receive their ideal, touching to tears gift from a son or daughter, grandson or granddaughter.

Spring in boots
Walks along the paths
We hug mom
We wish her joy!

For my beloved mother
I'll read poetry.
Be always happy
Love me too.

I'm drawing a card for mom.
My mom is the best!
I love her smile
And a kind, beautiful laugh.

I congratulate her on March 8th,
I'll hand you a bouquet of tulips.
I make my mother happy every day
And I want to hug you.

This flower is not simple:
He is fragrant, he is alive.
He is dear to mommy,
Beloved, dear!

My brother and I didn't sleep for a long time,
Made a gift for mom.
Let everyone know today:
Our mom is the best!

I'm not a prankster today,
Mommy is strangled.
After all, today is women's holiday,
Let her smile!

Our beautiful mothers
Congratulations on March 8th,
Kindness, love and happiness,
And we wish you patience!

Beloved mommy,
kind, beautiful
Congratulations on the eighth of March,
I wish you an ocean of love!

We congratulate mom
Let's give a bouquet!
Be healthy, mom
Live for many years!

I love my dear mother very much,
I’ll give her flowers in a tender bouquet...
Let her laugh, let her rejoice,
Let her not know what sadness is!

There is no more beautiful mother, no sweeter mother,
My mother's eyes are dearer to everyone in the world.
I love mommy very much
On spring holiday I give a postcard.

I'll get up early today
To congratulate your mother.
Happy holiday,
Happy Clear Spring Day!

My bouquet is small
Very small
I'll give it to mommy
With feeling and soul,
Mommy is happy:
Well done, son,
Your bouquet is small
Like a light!

Here's a small flower
Here is a scarlet flower,
He is dear to mommy,
Beloved, dear.

Dear mom,
Dear grandmother.
I congratulate you
Beautiful flowers.

There are no flowers on the street
I'll paint it with paints.
My surprise is ready for mom,
I congratulate you.

I congratulate you
Mommy and grandma!
I'll give them a bouquet,
I wish them to live a hundred years!

May this day be bright
Let the drops ring for you,
Let all the flowers bloom for you
And gifts are waiting for everyone at home.

I love mom very much!
I will kiss, hug,
And I’ll tell her: “Mom,
You are my main one!”

My dear mommy!
I'll tell you without hiding -
How much I love -
And I will give you joy!

My dear mother
Wonderful, beloved
Congratulations on Women's Day,
I wish you to be happy!

I'll give flowers to my dear mother,
And I’ll tell you how much I love her!
Always be beautiful
The happiest!

Mom will like the gift on March 8, thank you verse. We chose a verse. Gift for mom, we will teach it))
Poem by Oleg Bundur “What does mother smell like”
On Saturdays with spirits
Mom's outfit smells like
This is how they suit mom -
Both perfume and theater.

On Sunday - pancakes,
Breakfast - here it is, ready!
It suits my mother so well
That smell of pancakes.

On Monday - business
Our house immediately smelled
It suits my mother so well -
That smell of papers.

But I will say, between us,
I'll tell you a secret:
I am dear to my mother
I'm the closest!
Congratulations on the eighth of March
All women in Russia,
And I will give you a bouquet of flowers,
Congratulations on the eighth of March
All women in Russia,
To all mothers in the world!!! Congratulations on the eighth of March:
To all mothers in the world!!!

This year, my youngest daughter and I learned a poem for a matinee in

Peter Sinyavsky
I drew a portrait

I tried my best.
I broke it from trying
All your pencils
Both brown and blue
And the orange one broke...
Still a beautiful portrait
Because it's mom.
We taught about my grandmother last year, and she shed tears when we told it!!!
Me with my grandmother
I have been friends for a long time, a letter to a woman (S. Yesenin)
Do you remember,
You all remember, of course,
How I stood
Approaching the wall
You walked around the room excitedly
And something sharp
They threw it in my face.
You said:
It's time for us to part
What tormented you
My crazy life
That it's time for you to get down to business,
And my lot is
Roll further down.
You didn't love me.
You didn’t know that in the crowd of people
I was like a horse driven into soap,
Spurred by a brave rider.
You didn't know
That I'm in complete smoke,
In a life torn apart by a storm

That's why I'm tormented because I don't understand -
Where does the fate of events take us?
Face to face
You can't see the face.
Big things can be seen from a distance.
When the sea surface boils - The ship is in poor condition. Earth is a ship!
But someone suddenly

new life
, new glory
In the thick of storms and blizzards
He directed her majestically.

Well, which of us is the biggest on deck?
Didn’t fall, vomit or swear?
There are few of them, with an experienced soul,
Who remained strong in pitching.
Then I too

Under the wild noise
But maturely knowing the work,
He went down into the ship's hold,
So as not to watch people vomit.
Ruin yourself
In a drunken stupor.

I tormented you
You were sad
In the eyes of the tired:
What am I showing off to you?
Wasted himself in scandals.
But you didn't know
What's in the smoke,
I was like a horse driven into soap,
That's why I'm suffering
What I don't understand
Where does the fate of events take us...

Now the years have passed.
I'm at a different age.
And I feel and think differently.
And I say over festive wine:
Praise and glory to the helmsman!
Today I
In the shock of tender feelings.
I remembered your sad tiredness.
And now
I'm rushing to tell you,
What I was like
And what happened to me!

I'm pleased to say:
I avoided falling off the cliff.
Now in the Soviet side
I am the fiercest travel companion.
I have become the wrong person
Who was he then?
I wouldn't torture you
As it was before.
For the banner of liberty
And good work
I'm ready to go even to the English Channel.
Forgive me...
I know: you are not the same -
Do you live
With a serious, intelligent husband;
That you don’t need our toil,
And I myself to you
Not needed one bit.
Live like this
How the star guides you
Under the tabernacle of the renewed canopy.
With greetings,
always remembering you
Your acquaintance
Sergey Yesenin.
To a woman
V. Bryusov
You are a woman, you are a book between books,
You are a rolled up, sealed scroll;
There is an abundance of thoughts and words in his lines,
Every moment in his pages is insane.
You are a woman, you are a witch's drink!
It burns with fire as soon as it enters your mouth;
But the flame drinker suppresses the cry
And he praises madly in the midst of torture.
You are a woman, and you are right.
From time immemorial she has been adorned with a crown of stars,
You are the image of a deity in our abysses!
We draw you with an iron yoke,
We serve you, crushing the firmament of the mountains,
And we pray - from eternity - for you!

W. Shakespeare
Her eyes are not like stars
You can't call your mouth coral,
The open skin of the shoulders is not snow-white,
And a strand curls like black wire.
With damask rose, scarlet or white,
You can't compare the shade of these cheeks.
And the body smells like the body smells,
Not like a violet's delicate petal.
You won't find perfect lines in it,
Special light on the forehead.
I don't know how the goddesses walk,
But the darling steps on the ground.
And yet she will hardly yield to those
Who was slandered in comparisons of magnificent people.
Guryev A.D.
Your angry tirades
We are being ground into powder.
Your bold outfits
They are simply shocking!
Your tears are burning through
Thick-skinned hearts.
Your views move
To the wastefulness of the miser.
Let the champagne
It became a thousand times faster!
We are now, as in ancient times,
We appreciate you!
Guryev A.D.
We congratulate women -
Everyone in the world
Who gave us life
And the lives of our children,
Who inspired the passionate poems
And more serious sins,
And those who every day
And even every hour
Curses in every possible way
And he loves us...
Collective congratulations to men
Various Women walk around the world.
But they are all LADIES and we know it!
We divide them into fish and birds.
For bunnies and dolls. Donuts and matches.
Dragons and snakes. And thousands of pussies.
We will announce a more extensive list for you:
There is a woman “at attention” - you won’t find it here!
There is a Woman - freely - I would like more!
There is a Plasma Woman, I haven’t seen them myself.
Woman - ice - there are more of these types than all of them!
There are Women - Virgos and Women - Aries.
There are Women - “Where are you?” and Women - “here we are!”
Here is a woman – a “Finnish woman”. Here is a Woman – “Polish”.
Here is a Woman - “screw you!” and Woman - “how much?”
Two worlds, two poles: Woman is hops,
And the Girl – “remember – I – carried – your – briefcase?”
Alluring Girl - “brigantine”,
And the Woman - “Where - were you - staggering - brute?”
There is a Woman - a “story”. There is a Woman - “line”.
And just the end of everything - Woman – “period”.

There are no two identical Women in the world.
We have understood something about this subject.
Soft and pliable Women are “dumplings”.
The woman is chatting incessantly - “Trotsky”.
Always predictable A woman is an “echo”.
And at seventy, the Woman – “Pyekha” – is feminine.
The “woman” woman has a simple nature.
And the Woman – the “bullet” – is, as usual, a fool.
The Woman is a “sine” and fluctuates all the time.
And a Woman has her own advantages - “minus”.
The Woman – “hearts” – has a huge heart.
The soul is on the latch - the Woman has “doors”.
Earrings are beautiful on a Woman – “willow”.
The “bedside table” Woman has wonderful legs.
The woman is strong in intuition - “Globa”.
A woman is strong in constitution - a “bakery”.
Crimson lips - a woman has a “vamp”.
Arctic fox coats - for a Woman - “you would like.”
In the gazebos, conversations - the Woman has “iamb”.
But the sweetness of victory is a “stamp” for a Woman.

Women behave differently.
We've seen enough of everything from them.
With the dawn, the Woman - “morning” will raise us,
And in the evening – Woman – “Kama Sutra”.
Will protect you from snow, from rain, from hail
Reliable Roofing felt woman.
A woman - “rum” - will deprive her of her mind at once.
The “bromine” woman will put us in our place.
The woman will make crumbs for us - a “bun”.
The woman clicks the puck - “stick”.
Will warm you to the bones Woman – “south”.
The woman is the “hatch” and will swallow us up without a trace.
Here is a Woman - a “candle” - burning with passion.
The woman is an “eraser” who erases diligently.
Here is a Woman - her “blouse” has faded somewhere.
And the Woman - “once”, why did she change us?
What does a Woman need - “don’t - leave - right?”
Where are Women up to – “skiing?”
How long will they incite us to act?
Calling, greedy Women - “sponges?”

Stuck, as if in the jungle, in impenetrable words,
We praise all Women - good and different!
Let us note on behalf of all men:
You are all we need - forever and ever!
Namely: mother, wife, friend,
Medicine, pillow, dream, Chomolungma,
An oasis in the desert and a raft in the ocean,
Potatoes in a pan, mushrooms in a clearing,
Concerns about the private and thoughts about the eternal,
Chapel on Krasny and stars on the Milky Way.
Both warrant officers and poets will tell you:
In winter and summer, all thoughts are about this.
Namely: great, although not easy,
Embrace the immense Woman - “space”,
Unclenching a tightly clenched Woman - “don’t care”
And win the Woman - the “major league”,
Take a woman to bed with you - a “book”,
Put all the money on the Woman - the “chip”
And the greatest happiness is to jump up in the middle of the night
Taking care of the Woman – “Tamagotchi”.

Mom, mommy, mommy,
I love you very much
Happy March 8 dear,
I hasten to congratulate you!

The most dear, beloved,
I want to congratulate you on March 8th.
I wish you, dear mommy,
I wish you health and happiness.

Dear mother, Happy March 8th to you!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
I wish you to shine like a beautiful crystal,
Mommy, dear, you are my ideal!

Happy March 8th, my mom!
Love, care, tenderness, warmth.
I wish you a lot of happiness,
Good health, golden health.

The best, wonderful, sweet and dear,
To my beautiful, dearest mother.
I send congratulations on March 8th,
The holiday will undoubtedly be the brightest!

Mom, happy spring holiday,
May the days be wonderful
Happiness, inspiration, light,
Joy, warmth, success.

Mom, happy spring holiday,
Let him give inspiration.
Fulfillment of all desires
Light, peace, understanding.

Dear Mommy, I wish you warmth,
Congratulations on the spring holiday,
Smile widely, bloom with joy,
I wish you inspiration, happiness and love.

The earth is still covered in snow,
But the sun gives us a warm ray,
On March 8, dear mother,
Let our tenderness warm you!

Happy March 8, my mom!
Look how the earth wakes up.
Smile, have a good spring too.
All the flowers are for you today!

Mom, congratulations on March 8th,
I love you on a wonderful spring day.
I wish you feminine happiness
And always have a good mood!

Happy March 8th, my mom!
I wish you some spring sunshine,
And also spring grasses, flowers, streams
And in the gardens of blooming nightingales stump!

Happy March 8th, I congratulate you with all my heart,
My dear mother, you are my beloved.
I want you, dear, to never be sad,
Know, Mommy, there is no one closer to me in the whole world!

Dear mommy in the spring
May your hopes come true!
Let him open his arms to her
The world is beautiful, kind, gentle.

Mommy, be the happiest of all,
I wish you to enjoy spring!
Let it be easy and without hindrance
Your dreams will come true!

Be happy, kind yourself,
Simply the best mom in the world.
Let the warmth surround you,
May you be lucky in everything in the spring.

Let mom smell like happiness
On Women's Day I wish,
And it will come true for her
Let all your dreams be!

For mom, the wishes are simple,
On a spring day - warmth and beauty,
Good luck, inspiration, health,
Great happiness, joy, harmony.

Mommy, Happy International Women's Day!
Let the house be full of happiness,
And joy will knock on the door.
And all good things will happen.

Mom is the most important woman!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.
Always be beautiful, gentle, natural.
May life always make you happy.

I downloaded it for myself, but so far I can’t learn anything from Kostyushka... we talk very badly... I hope they will come in handy next year... and maybe someone else will need it...

Mother's day

Here is a snowdrop in a clearing,

I found it. I'll take the snowdrop to mom,

Although it didn't bloom.

And my mother hugged me and the flower so tenderly,

That my snowdrop opened from her warmth.

(G. Vieru)

I'm drawing on the asphalt

Multi-colored crayons

In a snow-white delicate dress

Mama with blue flowers

I’ll write “Mom” below

Even if uneven, even crooked,

For her, for herself,

The sweetest and most beautiful.

(Tatiana Agibalova)

Today is a spring day,

Come with us

Let's say thank you to the grandmothers,

Let's say thank you to moms.

For troubles, for caresses,

For songs, for fairy tales,

For delicious cheesecakes,

For new toys.

My mom

There are many mothers in this world.

Children love them with all their hearts.

There is only one mother,

She is dearer to me than anyone else.

Who is she? I will answer:

This is my mom.

(V. Russu)

A gift for mom

From colored paper

I'll cut out a piece.

I will make it out of him

Little flower.

Gift for mom

I'll cook.

The most beautiful

I have mom!

(O. Chusovitina)

Drops of sunlight

Splashes of sunny summer

We are bringing it into the house today,

We give to grandmother and mother,

Happy Women's Day!


Mother! I love you so much,

That I don’t really know!

I big ship

I'll give it the name "MOM".

Mommy, dear!

My darling!

More than anything in the world

I love you!

Mommy dear

It's your holiday

The most beautiful

My mommy!

Gift for mom

I love my mom

I'll give her a gift.

I made the gift myself

From paper with paints.

I'll give it to my mom

Hugging tenderly.


I'll take the pencils

I'll draw lilies of the valley.

Then I’ll put them in a vase

And I'll pour water in there.

I'll give it to my mom right away

And the drawing and the flowers.

Mommy will bake me a pie

I'll draw a flower for her,

I will hug my mother tightly

And I won’t give it to anyone...

Mom's smile

Brings happiness into the home

Mom's smile

Needed everywhere, in everything!

Not a prankster

I haven't cried all day

Didn't tease the dog.

Didn't carry the kitten

I'm not a prankster:

Today is mother's holiday.


The apple is ruddy

I won't eat alone

Half an apple

I'll give it to my beloved mom.


In the morning sister and mom

They put on beautiful dresses,

Dad and I, sister and mom

They sang a loud song,

Dad and I, sister and mom

They gave me a bouquet of tulips,

My dad and I, my sister and my mom

You asked to be happy!

There is such a day in March

With a number, like a pretzel.

How many of you guys know

What does the number mean?

The children will tell us in chorus -

This is our mothers' holiday!

Drops of sunlight

Splashes of sunny summer

We are bringing it into the house today,

We give to grandmother and mother,

Happy Women's Day!

Today is a holiday, today is a holiday!

Holiday of grandmothers and mothers

This is the best holiday

He comes to us in the spring.

This is a holiday of obedience,

Congratulations and flowers,

Diligence, adoration,

A holiday of the best words.

Mother's day! Mother's day!

Wear your best dress!

Get up early in the morning

Clean up the house

Something good

Give it to your mom!

We know everything that we are

Not always obedient.

But for dear mother

We are not boring.

How many stars are there in the sky!

These stars are for mom

I'll give it again.

And one morning,

Looking at me

Mom will smile:

“My little star!”

I'm my grandma's dear

I'll kiss you very hard,

After all, my grandma

Very, very kind.

I have a Grandmother,

She bakes pancakes

Knits warm socks,

Knows fairy tales and poems.

I love my grandmother

I'll give her a postcard!

Me with my grandmother

I've been friends for a long time.

She's in everything

At the same time with me.

I don't know boredom with her,

And I love everything about her,

But grandma's hands

I love everything more than anything.