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Janitor: job description. Janitor's duties

Nowadays, the profession of “janitor” has become commonplace. The job description of such an employee is drawn up according to all the rules and contains a list of duties that a person in this profession must perform.

Main qualities

The essence of this work is contained in the very name of the profession. Such a person must monitor the condition of the yard, that is, maintain order and cleanliness in the territory entrusted to him. Who is this janitor? The job description provides all the necessary clarifications in this regard. It lists the employee’s duties, his rights and the responsibilities that he bears while in his place.

But it doesn’t say anything about who can apply for such a vacancy. Based on the characteristics of this work, it should be noted that this must be a person:

  • careful,
  • honest,
  • responsible,
  • physically resilient,
  • good-natured,
  • one who is in good health.

Every normal janitor should have all these qualities. The job description says nothing about this. But any employer is obliged to select just such an employee for this job. Only then can he be calm that the territory entrusted to him will really be in perfect order.

Mandatory rights

Some consider the janitor to be an absolutely powerless person who can be pushed around by anyone and everyone. This statement is completely false. Only someone who has absolutely no idea of ​​the essence of labor relations can think this way. What rights does a janitor have? The job description states that during the performance of his duties he has every right to:

  1. When receiving assignments from your immediate superiors, demand that everything be explained to him in detail and provided with complete information about the work to be performed.
  2. Make adjustments to your actions and offer possible solutions to problems.
  3. Demand that he be provided with full assistance and all possible assistance in organizational matters relating to his work.

All these rights are absolutely legal and must be taken into account by the employer. The management of the enterprise is obliged to strictly ensure that the employee can take advantage of each of the listed opportunities.

Work performed

It must be borne in mind that the duties of a janitor partly depend on who his employer is. For example, people who monitor the condition of a bank territory or a construction site do not perform exactly the same work. But in many ways their functions are similar.

If we talk about the profession in general, the duties of a janitor boil down to the following:

  1. Remove (sweep) dust, leaves and other debris.
  2. Place the waste collected by him in special containers or other places designated for this purpose.
  3. In winter, break ice, collect snow and help load it into cars.
  4. Sprinkle sidewalks and footpaths during icy periods with the means provided for this purpose (sand or chemicals).
  5. Clean and mow lawns located on its territory.
  6. Water the flower beds and keep them tidy.
  7. Maintain cleanliness of trash cans and other waste containers.
  8. If necessary, paint benches and benches located on site.
  9. Monitor the condition of the sewer system and clean existing drains.

All this must be done in a timely manner so as not to create unnecessary problems for other employees.

Prestigious job?

In our time, many have not learned to respect the work of a janitor. Although several centuries ago this profession was held in high esteem. True, the responsibilities were somewhat different. Even before the revolution, a janitor was considered a person who not only ensured cleanliness on the street, but also kept order in the yard entrusted to him. Each such employee even had a whistle, with which they could call the police to resolve the conflict. These people were respected and treated with respect. The city authorities even gave out medals to those who did their jobs better than others.

This type of encouragement gave importance to the janitor and made him not a simple garbage collector, but a real owner of the yard. Only through him were the main organizational issues regarding repairs resolved. This man was aware of absolutely everything that was happening in his house. It is not for nothing that monuments to people of this profession have been erected in many cities of Russia. They symbolize a tribute to society and special appreciation for conscientious, but very hard work.

Technical equipment

Typically, a janitor cleans the area manually using simple technical means. Typically these include a shovel, broom, rake, bucket, brush, crowbar and ice scraper. What kind of prestige can a person talk about who constantly has to carry dusty bags of garbage? Moreover, all this has to be done outside in any weather. Now in many countries they have decided to make the work of janitors easier by giving them special units and cleaning mechanisms to help them.

Such machines take on the most difficult functions, while preserving not only the health of the janitor, but also his working time. But to handle such mechanisms, you need to have some training. Sometimes this is noted in a separate paragraph in job descriptions. But not every enterprise is able to provide its employees with such innovations, so in most cases, janitors work the old fashioned way. True, now specialized enterprises have begun to form in every city, which have the necessary equipment and provide cleaning services to those who need their help.

Utility worker

Most people associate this profession with housing and communal services. The janitor is someone they see every day. Nowadays no one will be surprised if they notice a man in an orange vest near his house.

Nobody pays attention to it, and they remember only when there is some kind of shortcoming. For example, uncleared paths on an early winter morning or piles of yellowed leaves underfoot. That’s when everyone begins to be indignant about the poor performance of housing and communal services and talk about negligent janitors.

But here everything depends on the employee himself. He must realize the importance of his work. After all, the appearance of not only individual streets and courtyards, but also the entire city as a whole depends on the quality of his work. In recent years, there has been a growing trend in the number of cities and towns, and this, accordingly, leads to an increase in areas that constantly need to be kept in order. This means that more janitors are needed, which makes the profession itself more in demand.

It is difficult to say when the profession of a janitor arose. It seems that it has always existed, because even in Tsarist Russia there were people who not only acted as cleaners and kept city streets clean, but also helped policemen, notifying them with a whistle about violators of public order.

In those days, this profession was quite respected, since janitors were the guardians of the peace and comfort of residents, and it was quite difficult to become one - it was necessary to obtain positive characteristics from influential people in the city.

The prestige of the profession is also indicated by the fact that a janitor could be banned from this position for improper performance of his duties. In 1914, the best janitors were awarded medals in honor of the tercentenary of the reign of the ruling Romanov dynasty.

By the way, another interesting historical fact is that one of the most famous revolutionaries, whose name was Nikolai Ernestovich Bauman, was killed by a janitor with a drainpipe.

With the arrival of the Bolsheviks, the relationship with the janitors changed, and in a negative direction. In the USSR, janitors often became intellectuals who did not agree with the party’s policies (just remember many of the prominent representatives of the “Sixties” movement!).

Imagining a janitor of that period, you see in front of you an unshaven man with kind but stern eyes, in a black leather cap and a patent-leather visor that protected from the sun and rain, in a white apron, with a whistle around his neck and with a broom in his hands... Exactly In this image, wipers are immortalized in monuments located in Moscow, Ufa and many other cities in the post-Soviet space.

Features of the janitor profession

Now the profession of a janitor has lost its original meaning - now it is just a street cleaner, whose responsibilities include cleaning the area from snow, leaves and other debris, and sometimes washing entrances. The work of a janitor has become mechanized in many ways; all kinds of watering machines, tractors, and street vacuum cleaners have appeared.

Unfortunately, the profession of a janitor has never been easy or highly paid. The work of the janitor begins early in the morning; in any weather, the worker must go out to the site so that by the time most citizens leave, it has already been cleared, and if it’s a snowy winter outside, the snow has been cleared and sprinkled deicing means. Very often, janitors are forced in captivity to master other professions, performing the role of a carpenter, joiner, supply manager...

They have long tried to make the work of janitors easier. Since the end of the 19th century, special grippers have appeared with which you can pick up a piece of paper from the sidewalk without bending over.

Typically, janitors are required to monitor small territorial objects, such as a yard, a residential area, a block or a separate street, to which they are assigned. His job responsibilities include keeping a given facility or group of small facilities clean. A janitor must be punctual, hardworking, clean, hardy and patient, because the results of labor are not visible for long and soon the work has to be started again...

Demand for the janitor profession

Unfortunately, the majority of our citizens have a negative attitude towards representatives of this profession, because the majority of ordinary people believe that alcoholics, uneducated people without any profession become janitors...

The profession of a janitor is extremely in demand in almost every corner of our planet - after all, garbage and the need to clean it up are everywhere, and there are not so many people who want to work in this field. As they say, everyone wants to be a manager and no one wants to be a janitor.

Pros and cons of the janitor profession

But the profession of a janitor also has certain advantages - this is one of the few positions where employees are still given official housing, which over time can be privatized into private property, which is extremely important for visitors.

Another advantage is that the work of a janitor is usually performed in the early morning, so as not to impede the movement of people and vehicles, which allows a person to have almost a complete free day and use it at his own discretion.

This work is not recommended for people who are predisposed to colds, dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system, diseases of the cardiovascular system, or joint diseases, since most of the working time must be spent on their feet and in motion.

COMPETITION “IN THE WORLD OF PROFESSIONS” The work was completed by: 8th grade student of State Budget Educational Institution Secondary School No. 16 Ilya Kirillov


A janitor is a house worker who maintains cleanliness and order in the yard and around the house. Ushakov's explanatory dictionary. D.N. Ushakov. 1935-1940. A janitor is a worker at the house, obliged to protect the house, maintain cleanliness and order in the yard and on the street in front of the house. Small academic dictionary.

The first street cleaners appeared in Russia in 1669, when Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich Romanov issued a decree “On the city’s well-being.” It was then that the fire service and units charged with maintaining public order, as well as services for urban management, appeared in Russia. In the 17th century, Tsar Peter issued a decree “On maintaining cleanliness and on punishment for throwing litter and any droppings onto the streets and alleys.” By the 19th century, street cleaners had become respected people. Each pre-revolutionary janitor had his own area and number, which was fastened to his apron (this sign was called a badge).

From the Decree of Governor General V.A. Dolgoruky: “Based on the right granted to me by the Supreme Decree of April 5, 1879, I consider it necessary to issue the following mandatory decree for Moscow residents: 1. Every house in Moscow must have a janitor for regular duty day and night on the street. 2. House janitors are stationed in full subordination to the local police... 5. People who are no younger than 21 years of age can be hired as janitors, and their age is determined by the residence permit of the person hired as a janitor... 9. When performing his duties, a janitor must wear badges on his cap ... 12. For failure to fulfill their duties, janitors and night watchmen: for the first time they are subject to a fine of 10 rubles, and in case of failure - 7 days of arrest; for the second time - 20 rubles or arrest for up to 14 days; for the third time - 30 rubles or arrest for a month; and, regardless of this, expulsion from the capital for a certain period of time with a ban on ever entering the service of janitors or night watchmen in Moscow."

Janitors could be recognized by their clothes and distinctive signs. In the summer they wore a black cap with a leather bottom (to protect against rain), a varnished visor and a copper plate with the inscription “Janitor” on the band. Under a black or dark blue double-breasted vest with a turn-down collar, fastened with seven or eight small buttons, an untucked shirt made of satin or chintz was worn, and on top of the vest was a canvas apron with a bib.

The janitors wore wide black trousers and high boots; in wet weather, deep galoshes were put on the boots. The outer clothing was an undercoat, belted with a red sash. In winter, instead of a cap, the janitors were given a round lambskin cap, and at night on duty they wore a huge, toe-length, black sheepskin coat with a large shawl collar. Around his neck on a copper chain hung a large copper or brass badge, on which the name of the street and house number, as well as the number of the police district, were stamped in a circle. A mandatory attribute of the position was a whistle, usually made from a horn.

Once upon a time, janitors even carried letters and notes for a bribe. But at the end of the 18th century, the first mailboxes appeared in Russia, and broom workers lost their extra income. Angry at the postal workers, the janitors threw... mice into the boxes. The rodents ate the correspondence, and the townspeople, in the old fashioned way, sent dispatches to the janitors. "The janitor, the postman." Lithograph by I. S. Bondarevsky. 1846.

Currently …

Currently, processes of mechanization of street cleaning labor are actively underway. Roadways and areas are cleaned and washed by special vehicles. The activities of a janitor are focused mainly on cleaning areas adjacent to residential buildings, administrative or educational institutions, hospitals, etc. The manual labor of a janitor is now localized in small areas and is facilitated by various mechanical devices.

The profession of a janitor is very important. The quality of a janitor's work determines the appearance of the yard, the street, and the city as a whole. The janitor is able to create a unique, ennobled appearance of the territory under his jurisdiction. In winter, the work of a janitor during snowfall and ice saves people from the associated dangers of injury. Due to the growth of cities, the number of areas where it is necessary to maintain cleanliness increases, and the amount of garbage also increases proportionally. Therefore, the profession of a janitor is always in demand. Social significance of the profession in society:

The main professional qualities of a janitor are hard work, responsibility and punctuality: they determine the success of his work. Most often, a janitor works alone, so this work is suitable for people who prefer to work individually rather than in a team. However, friendliness and sociability will be additional positive qualities of a janitor, because he often works in the same area and regularly meets with one group of people for a long time.

The profession of a janitor does not require special education or qualifications. Anyone can become a janitor.

In our city, in the very depths of Ostrovsky Square, there is a monument - not to a famous person, not to a literary hero, not... But to an ordinary janitor.

Despite the fact that the profession of a janitor arose a long time ago, it seems to me that it remains modern today. Society's need for this profession remains maximum. New technologies are being developed, tools are changing, and the responsibilities of janitors are changing, but the main responsibility of janitors has remained unchanged - to keep our beautiful city clean and tidy.

Sources of information: / Website who-is-who monument to a janitor / in St. Petersburg http:/ / C4%E2%EE%F0%ED%E8%EA Wikipedia %D1%84%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%81%D0%B8%D1%8F+% D0%B4%D0%B2%D0%BE%D1%80%D0%BD%D0%B8%D0 %BA&hl=ru&newwindow=1&tbo=d&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ei=S-gOUZ4Lh9_hBL-8gdgJ&ved=0CAcQ_AUoAA&biw=991&bih=614 Google Images

Responsible for the cleaning and sanitary condition of streets, squares, gardens, and local areas.


12,000–35,000 rub. (

Place of work

You can work as a janitor in residential complexes, housing cooperatives, housing cooperatives, municipal institutions, industrial enterprises, trading enterprises, markets, train stations and airports, and in private households.


As a rule, janitors are engaged in cleaning the serviced area, clearing sidewalks of snow and ice. The janitor is engaged in cleaning fire wells for free access to them at any time, as well as digging and cleaning grooves and trays for water drainage.

The specialist periodically cleans and rinses street trash cans, monitors the timely cleaning of garbage bins, the serviceability and safety of outdoor equipment and property, and hangs flags on the facades of buildings.

Important qualities

The professionally important qualities of a janitor include: physical strength and endurance, a penchant for physical labor, the ability to engage in monotonous activities for a long time, politeness and attentiveness.

Reviews about the profession

“All my life I dreamed of being a chef. When I was asked as a child what I would be, I answered: “Either an archaeologist or a cook.” He worked in Moscow and in his own city. But here the concept and approach to the kitchen is Soviet: I’m no longer interested here. When I started working as a janitor, I thought I’ll get by now, since I need money. But the work turned out to be like no other. When I was looking for a job, I wanted to become a janitor, so that I wouldn’t be beholden to anyone, so that my soul wouldn’t be overshadowed and I would have free time. Relatives are fine. They say it’s good to have a stable income.”

Editor of

Stereotypes, humor

The janitor at the school looked remarkably like Karl Marx.
The director tells him:
- This is not appropriate! What will the children think?! You should at least shave your beard.
- I can shave my beard. Where should I put the mind?


No special education is required to work as a janitor.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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Municipal preschool educational institution d/s No. 9 “Fairy Tale”, Furmanov city, Timiryazev St., 4 Project “Nature is waiting for helpers” (about the profession of a janitor).

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The problem, its relevance: Fostering respect for work and people who honestly and responsibly carry out their work duties must be instilled from childhood, so that already at this age stage children have an understanding of the importance and necessity of professional work. At the same time, it is at this age that it is important to intensify in children the desire to develop their abilities and skills in order to increase the potential for professional fulfillment in the future. In the preschool years, children show a keen interest in the work of adults, in play and everyday life they strive to imitate them and want to do something themselves...

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Goals: To introduce children to the learning process. Form ideas about the work of a janitor. Develop emotional interest. Learn to look for ways to achieve a goal together with an adult. Strengthen children's skills in using equipment for cleaning the garden: a rake, a broom. Develop the ability to negotiate, distribute responsibilities and roles in the game.

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PROJECT OBJECTIVES: FOR CHILDREN to introduce children to the name of the profession of a janitor; give an idea of ​​the main functions that a janitor performs; cultivate respect for the results of one’s own and others’ work; encourage the desire to find solutions in various situations; teach to determine a profession by describing, showing objects, using poems, riddles, proverbs and sayings; to form generalized ideas about the social significance of people’s work; to cultivate, through the examples of adult work, friendliness, mutual assistance, politeness, honesty, and humane feelings; create a desire to help others; develop communication skills, outlook, logical thinking in children through joint speech creativity and didactic games; cultivate a humane attitude towards the world around us through reading fiction and conversations; create an emotionally prosperous climate and provide the necessary physical activity.

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For teachers: create a subject-spatial environment; develop communication skills through gaming activities; arouse children's interest in co-creation with parents when creating works of artistic and creative activity; For parents: actively participate in project activities; reading fiction on the recommendation of teachers according to the age of the child.

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Type of project: information-practice-oriented, group Duration: two weeks. Implementation period: from April 11 to April 22 Project participants: middle school children, kindergarten workers, parents.

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Expected results for the project: For children: Children’s knowledge of information about the profession of a janitor, its purpose; Understanding the meaning of the word “profession”; Expanding interest in adult work; enrichment of vocabulary, development of coherent speech, memory, communication skills; development of individual moral qualities, accumulation and enrichment of gaming experience. For parents: successful interaction with their children; active participation in project activities.

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Project implementation stages: Stage I - preparatory (knowledge accumulation). Stage II – main (joint activity of children and kindergarten staff) Stage III – final (result).

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Forms of work: excursions, gaming activities (board and printed games, role-playing games, didactic games, theatrical games) GCD - cognition, communication, fiction Productive activities - drawing, appliqué, manual labor

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Stage II: Basic Introduction to the profession of a janitor (04/14/2016 – 04/20/2016) Conversation “The work of a janitor.” Examination of the illustrations “The work of a janitor at different times of the year.” Observing the work of the janitor while walking. Recommendations regarding upcoming activities. Invite parents to watch with their children how cleaning takes place in the yard of their house. Meet the janitor. A janitor's story about his profession. examination of work equipment, showing how to work with it; - a conversation about safe behavior while walking when working with work equipment. Labor on the kindergarten site using cleaning equipment. Teach children to provide all possible assistance to the janitor in his work, to respect the work of janitors, and not to litter in and outside the kindergarten. Carrying out the campaign “We are for the cleanliness of our garden.” Parents making brooms for cleaning the area. Didactic games: “Working tools of a janitor”, “What for what?” . Application “Shovel and rake for a janitor.” Reading fiction: S. Sevrikova “About the Janitor”, Lika Razumov “The Janitor”, proverbs and sayings about work.

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Stage III – final Consultation for parents “What kind of work is available to children.” Creation of the presentation “PROFESSION-JANIAN MANAGER”.

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Meet the janitor. A janitor's story about his profession. Leaves that had fallen into a heap of rowing, the earth in the garden bed was loosened, scraped. They worked for a long time - they became weak. They sleep between the beds (rakes). A lot of friendly guys are sitting on one pillar. As they begin to frolic - Only dust swirls around. (Broom)

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Oh, there is a lot of work: How many leaves have fallen! I'm in a hurry to sweep, I'm putting things in order! I’ll take the broom, I’ll collect the leaves in a heap, Observe the work of the janitor while walking

Slide 17