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Essay don't be afraid of big expenses. “Don’t be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes” (Unified State Examination Social Studies)

The author of this statement argues that you should not be afraid of large investments, but you should be afraid of small profits. J. Rockefeller, the famous banker and entrepreneur, raises an important problem - the development of entrepreneurship and the rational distribution of expenses and income in this field of activity. This problem is relevant both for our country and for the whole modern world. I agree with the author's statement.

As you know, entrepreneurial activity is an activity aimed at making a profit from the production and sale of goods and the provision of services. Moreover, profit is the positive difference between expenses and income. Of course, investing large amounts of money in your business is a huge risk; an entrepreneur must “work it out” as best as possible so that there is no negative profit. It is low income from an enterprise that can become an indicator of unprofitability and lead to its bankruptcy.

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Teachers of leading schools and current experts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

There are many examples in history of when large expenses led to the prosperity of an entrepreneur, and subsequently to the prosperity of the country as a whole. In the 17th century, the famous Russian entrepreneur A. Demidov lived in Russia, who was not afraid to invest huge amounts of money in the development of the mining industry in the Urals. The correct distribution of finances allowed him to raise mining industry Russia to a new level.

In the conditions of the modern Russian economy, the words of J. Rockefeller are also confirmed. According to media reports, in the 90s in Russia the number of bankrupt enterprises increased sharply. One of the reasons for this process was a catastrophic reduction in expenses for the modernization and development of enterprises, which led to a decrease in profits.

To summarize, I would like to note that the famous banker and billionaire John Rockefeller is right.

Updated: 2018-02-20

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In this statement, the author raises a problem related to entrepreneurial activity. J. Rockefeller also argues that large expenses should not cause concern, but only small incomes should be feared - it is because of them that the entrepreneur loses profit.

As you know, entrepreneurial activity is one of the factors of production, and factors of production are resources that are used by people to produce economic goods. Income is a combination of cash and natural resources for a certain period of time. If an entrepreneur has small income, as J. Rockefeller says, the entrepreneur will “burn out,” because he will not be able to recoup his products. The goal of any entrepreneur is profit - a positive difference between the income and expenses of the entrepreneur.

Our experts can check your essay according to the Unified State Exam criteria

Experts from the site
Teachers of leading schools and current experts of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation.

Expenses - size of resources Money, used over a certain period of time. Rockefeller’s words that there is no need to be afraid of large expenses can be translated as follows: the more resources you spend on production own products, those more products you produce, therefore, the more profit you will receive.

The income received is divided into two parts - real and nominal. Real income is the amount of goods and services that can be purchased with earned income. Nominal income is the amount of money a person receives over a certain period of time. Costs, in turn, are divided into fixed and variable. There are also ways to calculate the profitability of an enterprise headed by an entrepreneur. If the enterprise's income exceeds its expenses, then the enterprise is profitable; if, on the contrary, it is not. The case when income is equal to expenses also does not suit the entrepreneur, because in this case he ends up without profit.

Thus, the only motive for an entrepreneur’s activity is to make a profit, and what more income, the better for him.

Let's look at an example from the literature. In Margaret Mitchell's novel Gone with the Wind, the main character, Scarlett, vowed to herself that she would never go hungry. Scarlett bought the sawmills and began to make money as an entrepreneur - she visited clients and plotted against her competitors. Scarlett understood well the meaning of the words “beware of small incomes.” She sold her timber at any price, as long as there was demand from buyers

transferred to her, and she was able to receive a fixed profit. Thus, in most cases, entrepreneurs will stop at nothing to get their profits.

Let's look at an example from cinema. In David Fincher's film Social network“tells how an ordinary teenager, Mark Zuckerberg, managed to found the most famous network in the world, which brings him billions of dollars in annual income. Mark skillfully used his entrepreneurial skills to generate maximum income. Thus, entrepreneurial activity is risky, as it can be associated with either a successful investment of funds or complete burnout.

Updated: 2018-03-06

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Oil tycoon John Rockefeller shared his secrets of success

The name of the American entrepreneur, philanthropist, the first dollar billionaire in the history of mankind and oil tycoon John Rockefeller is known to everyone and is still considered a symbol of wealth.

See also: NBU made changes to the rules for accounting income and expenses of Ukrainian banks

KYIV. November 30th. UNN. The National Bank of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 827 of November 26, 2015, according to which the procedure for reflecting information on income and expenses of banks in accounting changes in accordance with the requirements international standards financial statements, UNN reports with reference to the NBU press service. Resolution No. 827 allows banks to independently determine the procedure for adjusting the book value of financial instruments in accounting.

John earned his billions himself, starting from scratch, and achieved unprecedented success.

The website has collected 20 rules that John Rockefeller followed to achieve such results.

1. Always try to turn any disaster into an opportunity.

2. Your well-being depends on your own decisions.

3. Don't be afraid of big expenses, be afraid of small incomes.

4. He who works all day has no time to earn money.

5. Do you know what gives you the greatest pleasure? Seeing dividends come from your efforts.

6. Don't be afraid to give up the good for the great.

7. Good management is about showing up. ordinary people how to make excellent people work.

8. The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way as we buy sugar or coffee. And they will pay more for such a skill than for anything else in the world.

9. If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.

10. There is no other quality so necessary for success of any kind as persistence. Persistence can overcome anything, even the laws of nature.

11. Through perseverance, anything - be it right or wrong, good or bad - will be achieved.

12. Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship.

13. They would rather hire someone with enthusiasm than someone who knows everything.

14. Build a reputation and it will work for you.

15. It is not enough to just do the right thing, the main thing is to let people know that you are doing the right thing.

Photo: instagram/john.d.rockefeller

17. No one ever guesses who you will turn out to be in this life, but you should always know that you were born for something more.

18. I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own efforts.

19. The first and main prerequisite for success in business is patience.

20. I have always tried to turn every failure into an opportunity.

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The NBU has introduced changes to the rules for accounting for income and expenses of Ukrainian banks

KYIV. November 30th. UNN. The National Bank of Ukraine adopted Resolution No. 827 of November 26, 2015, according to which the procedure for reflecting information on income and expenses of banks in accounting in accordance with the requirements of international financial reporting standards is changed, reports UNN with reference to the NBU press service. Resolution No. 827 allows banks to independently determine the procedure for adjusting the book value of financial instruments in accounting.

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On March 20, 2017, David Rockefeller, the legendary shark, died at the age of 101. American business.

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1. It was my parents who gave me my first ideas about the importance of the world outside the United States.

2. Looking back, I see that I would not want any other career in life. Working at a bank gave me the opportunity to meet with our world's leaders in the field government controlled, finance and business, and have maintained contacts with many of them over four decades - no other conceivable position in any field could have given me this.

3. The law of nature cannot be circumvented, and the sooner you know the truth, the better.

4. The only path to success is familiarity with the facts and further work based on these facts.

5. If it were possible to educate people so that they find help within themselves, we could eradicate by the roots many of the adversities in our lives.

6. Those who start a business simply with the intention of getting rich will never achieve anything.

7. You shouldn’t be afraid of big expenses, you should be afraid of small incomes.

8. My duty is to earn a lot of money, and more more money to use the money I earn for the benefit of my fellow countrymen according to the dictates of my conscience.

9. I don’t know anything more despicable and pathetic than a person who devotes all his time to making money for the sake of money itself.

10. Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship.

11. Good management is about showing ordinary people how to do the work of excellent people.

12. I never guessed who I would turn out to be in this life, but I always knew that I was born for something more.

13. I don’t think there is any other quality so necessary for success of any kind as persistence. Persistence can overcome anything, even the laws of nature.

14. Through perseverance, anything - be it right or wrong, good or bad - will be achieved.

15. Don't be afraid to give up the good for the great.

16. I have always tried to turn every adversity into an opportunity.

17. I would rather earn income from 1% of the efforts of a hundred people than from 100% of my own efforts.

18. The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way as we buy sugar or coffee... And I will pay more for such a skill than for anything else in the world.

Which quote did you like best? Tell us in the comments!

Be wise with

Motivational quotes from John Rockefeller - the first billionaire in history ">Motivational quotes from John Rockefeller - the first billionaire in history " alt=" Don't be afraid of big expenses, you should be afraid of small incomes. Motivational quotes from John Rockefeller - the first billionaire in history!}">

On September 29, 1916, John Rockefeller, founder of Standard Oil, was named the world's first dollar billionaire. An entrepreneur whose name is strongly associated with wealth and success is still considered richest man, who has ever lived on earth, since in terms of today's exchange rate his fortune exceeds 300 billion dollars. Today Babr shares with his readers some of the rules and life principles that allowed Rockefeller to achieve such results. These quotes are good motivation, especially if you are reading this post on Monday

I have always tried to turn every disaster into an opportunity.

You shouldn't be afraid of big expenses, you should be afraid of small incomes.

He who works all day has no time to earn money.

Your well-being depends on your own decisions.

My duty is to earn a lot of money, and even more money to use the money I earn for the benefit of my fellow countrymen according to the dictates of my conscience.

If your only goal is to become rich, you will never achieve it.

I don't know anything more despicable and pathetic than a person who devotes all his time to making money for the sake of money itself.

Friendship based on business is better than business based on friendship.

Do you know what gives me the greatest pleasure? Seeing the dividends come from the efforts I put in.

It's not enough to just do the right thing, the most important thing is to let people know you're doing the right thing.

I would rather hire someone who is enthusiastic than someone who knows everything.

Good management is about showing ordinary people how to do the work of excellent people.

The ability to deal with people is a commodity that can be bought in the same way that we buy sugar or coffee. And I will pay more for such a skill than for anything else in the world.

I don't think there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as persistence. Persistence can overcome anything, even the laws of nature.

Through perseverance, anything - right or wrong, good or bad - will be achieved.

I never knew who I would turn out to be in this life, but I always knew that I was born for something more.