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Interesting scenarios for the new year at school. Scenario of New Year's performance for children

Do you want to arrange a fun and interesting New Year's party for your children? Consider our scripts. New Year 2019 is very soon and to make it easier for you to prepare for it, we have prepared for you children's New Year's scenarios 2019 - for matinees and school evenings. Celebrate New Year 2019 with fun!

A script for a matinee for organizing a New Year's celebration at an oriental-style school with wonders and adventures. Characters: schoolgirl Diana, her friend Latona, Scheherazade, Jafar, Jin, Aladdin, Sinbad. What is needed for the organization: decorations, fancy dress, musical accompaniment, a decorated Christmas tree, a sweet table.

The script was written for the New Year's party at the school matinee. An interesting journey into the era of Peter the Great, the story of the creation of the New Year. Characters: two presenters, Peter the Great, poetry reader, dance group. What is needed for the organization: streamer, confetti, Christmas tree, fancy dress and masks, music and lyrics.

A script for celebrating the New Year for schoolchildren. An active fun game. Characters: Crane, Bear, the guys are carols. What is needed for the organization: costumes for the characters, decorations, musical accompaniment, a laid festive table.

Unusual school scenario of the New Year's celebration with interesting fortune-telling and predictions. Characters: Snegurochka, Vendma-Megerochka, Witch Auda, Witch Irgola, three Snowmen, Snowflakes and Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: New Year's attributes and costumes, musical accompaniment, sweets and candies, props for scenes.

The script is designed for schoolchildren. The story of the emergence of Christmas with songs, round dances and children's performances. Characters: presenter, Cat scientist, Joulupukki, Scrooge McDuck. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, props, a New Year tree, sketches of children prepared in advance, decoration of the hall, fancy dress.

Scenario of a children's New Year's party. Performance for schoolchildren. Acquaintance with the legendary hero of the fairytale Sherwood forest, Robin Hood. Interesting tasks and funny contests. Characters: Robin Hood and two hosts. What is needed for the organization: sweets and candies, a decorated tree, character costumes, a bow and arrows.

New Year's party for children is held in the school assembly hall. Script for schoolchildren. Characters: presenter, Zimushka - winter, Squirrel, Wolf, Fox, Hare, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Snowflakes, guys - readers of poems and montages. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, decoration of the hall, costumes of the participants in the scenes, prizes for the winners.

New Years Eve celebration performance for high school children. Conducting children's contests and games. Characters: Pierrot, Santa Claus, Jester, Capricious Star, Button. What is needed for the organization: a sweet table, decoration of the hall, costumes of heroes, gifts for participants, a chest, a homemade podium, music.

School New Year's Eve script for children attending school. A performance for children with their favorite fairy-tale characters, turning into dancing and driving round dances. Characters: Snow Maiden, Santa Claus, Hare, Fox, Mouse, Dog, Tiger Cub. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, decorations, fancy dress, sweet gifts, stage.

New Year's performance for high school students. The script for meeting the New Year with a circle of friends or employees. Conducting funny contests, interesting quizzes, funny congratulations and toasts. Characters: Optimist, Pessimist. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, hall decoration, character costumes, prizes for winners, a festive table, music.

A dynamic festive scenario was developed for holding a New Year's KVN between guests in accordance with all the rules of this famous game. A lot of jokes and fun for all the participants of the holiday. Characters: presenter, five teams of players. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, cardboard numbers, prizes for the winners, a festive table.

The script for celebrating the New Year is designed for preschool children. New Year's party for the little ones. Carrying out funny games and contests for kids and their parents. Characters: Parsley, Harlequin, Santa Claus, Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: a festive table, fancy dress, sweet gifts.

A script for a New Year's party for kindergarten. A festive show for children. Original ideas for the costumes of fairy-tale characters: Harlequin, Parsley, Snow Queen, Old ladies, merry women, Dinka-ice. Characters: children. What is needed for the organization: a decorated Christmas tree, decoration of the hall, costumes of characters, gifts for participants.

A holiday for friends. Competitive New Year's program with prizes and gifts, no vulgarity and bad jokes. Characters: presenter, Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, gifts for the winners, a banquet table, costumes of the program participants.

Merry New Year's script for adults and children. An original meeting of the New Year in nature for the whole family with entertainment events: contests and games. Characters: children and their parents. What is needed for the organization: New Year's melodies, a decorated Christmas tree, fancy dress, sweet prizes, cards with invitations, a table, chairs, firewood.

A universal scenario for a fun family celebration of the New Year 2019. A scenario for a large company of adults and children. Family contests and entertaining quizzes. Characters: parents and their children. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, sweet table, hall decoration, character costumes, prizes for the winners.

New Year's dramatization of the New Year's celebration with fairy-tale characters. A script for the whole family. Entertainment activities are designed for a large company. Characters: Buffoons, Santa Claus, Winter, Baba Yaga. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, sweet gifts, prizes for the winners of competitions.

A script for a festive party for the New Year in the style of the 80s. Performance for adults and children. Incendiary dances until you drop, funny contests and quizzes. Characters: host, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: dance tunes, a decorated Christmas tree, character costumes, gifts for participants, a banquet table, props.

Scenario of a festive matinee for preschoolers. Playful and funny scene for children. Comic riddles, funny games, interesting contests, driving round dances and singing New Year's songs. Characters: Skomorokh, Baba Yaga, Snow Maiden, Santa Claus. What is needed for the organization: music and lyrics, sweet prizes, costumes for the characters, scenery.

Scenario of meeting the New Year 2019 for children in elementary grades. Matinee for schoolchildren with fairy-tale characters of your favorite cartoons. Characters: Ivanushka the Fool, Koschey the Immortal, Baba Yaga, Snow White, Dwarfs, Nightingale - the Robber, Little Red Riding Hood. What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, hall decoration, fancy dress, sweet gifts.

Scenario for holding a New Year's Eve in elementary school. New Year's celebration for schoolchildren. Characters: Snegurochka, Santa Claus, Fairy, Baba Yaga, Little Red Riding Hood, Ivan the Fool, Nightingale the Robber, Koschey the Immortal, Seven Dwarfs, Old Man Hottabych, Snow White. What is needed for the organization: New Year's melodies, a decorated Christmas tree, prizes for the winners, a sweet table, decorations, New Year's paraphernalia.

New Year's scenario was developed for a matinee at school. A fun show for children. Reenactment of the educational process. Characters: teacher, student troupe, support group. Organization Needs: Music and lyrics, character costumes, gifts for participants, chairs to simulate class, wall calendar.

The script is designed for a matinee at school. Performance for children. Interesting plot, light humor, good ending. Characters: a group of children, "brothers". What is needed for the organization: musical accompaniment, an elegantly decorated Christmas tree, hall decoration, fancy dress, sweets and candies, prizes for the winners.


Travel to Santa Claus.


Lead 1

Lead 2

Father Frost

Snow Maiden


Baba Yaga


Sea king

Music sounds. Children gather in the hall.

(Music Intro Track 2)

Lead 1:

Hello dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to the most wonderful of all holidays - the holiday of the New Year tree.

I was going to visit us for a holiday for a whole year

The green beauty of the forests.

Then she quietly dressed up in this room,

And now her outfit is ready.

Lead 2:

We all admire the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a delicate aroma

And the best New Year's holiday

Comes with her to visit us.

Lead 1:

When the sparklers are shining

When the firecrackers thunder

Happy New Year everyone,

Congratulations on new happiness

And we will sing at the holiday at the Christmas tree.

Round dance "Little Christmas tree" (Track 3)

The Snow Maiden appears. (Track 4)

Snow Maiden:

Hello guys! Hello dear guests! I see that your holiday has already begun, funny songs, beautiful poems are being played. And I immediately understood: they were already waiting for me and my grandfather Frost here. Truth?

Lead 1 : Of course, dear Snow Maiden!

Snow Maiden:

Snows flew in and covered the earth,

Blizzard and cold winds howled

But let the bad weather rage and be angry,

We will have fun at the holiday.

At the holiday we will dance heartily

Sing your favorite songs.

And with Santa Claus we will conjure up a little bit

And we will get into his fairy tale.

Lead 1:

In that fairy tale, a New Year's miracle awaits

There we will meet new friends

And a good wizard will come from nowhere,

Fulfills the desires of children.

Snow Maiden:

Everything is ready for the New Year's fairy tale, only its main character, Santa Claus, is missing. But it seems to me that he is already very, very close.

Quiet music sounds. A breathless snowman appears with a large envelope.

(Track 5 steps in the snow)


I greet you, friends,

I flew to you on a sled.

So I was in a hurry

That nearly crashed.

Snow Maiden:

Snowman, we are very glad to see you at our holiday. Where is Santa Claus? Didn't he come with you?


Santa Claus could not come.

I brought a letter from him.

Do not be afraid, the grief did not happen.

He told you to give the letter

And come back to me again.

Lead 2:

Well, let's read what Santa Claus writes to us.(Pulls out a letter, reads)

"Dear Guys! I wish you a Happy New Year! Excuse me, but I can't come to you for a holiday. I have a lot of things to do: I prepare gifts for all the children, I cover fields, forests and mountains with fluffy snows. I have a lot of worries now. And come to me for your gifts.

There is not enough room for everyone in the Snowman's sleigh, so let the Snowman and the Snow Maiden come to me on their own, without helpers I cannot manage it alone. And for you there is a magic snowflake in the envelope. Blow on it 3 times and you will be at my house. I am waiting for you in my northern country. Father Frost."

Snow Maiden:

Guys, Snowman and I will get to Santa Claus by sleigh. And you - with the help of a magic snowflake.


We do not say goodbye to you. See you at Santa Claus!

Lead1: Well, guys, do you want to visit Santa Claus?

Children. Yes!

Lead 2 : Then get up all around me. I'll put a snowflake on my palm. Let's take our time. We blow 3 times slowly, but strongly.

Children blow slowly. The host is counting. (Track 6 ditties of Babok Ezhek) Suddenly, after the second blow, Baba Yaga appears with a crash and whistle, jumps to the presenter and blows on the snowflake for the third, last time. Baba Yaga laughs viciously.

Baba Yaga:

Well, iris, got to Santa Claus? No matter how it is! They wanted to go to the North! ... You will never get there! Get fire better in the sun in Africa!

Music (Track 7 Barmaley exit)

Lead 1: Oh guys! What has this insidious Baba Yaga done! Wow! And it's really very hot ... (Fanning himself ...) Is this really Africa?

Barmaley appears.


Yes, Africa is Africa. (Angry and displeased) Who else has brought here? (Yawns, stretches, rubs his eyes.) Oops! Children! How nice, they came straight to my place for lunch.

Lead 2: It's Barmaley! That's how it is! What are we going to do now?

Barmaley: What to do, what to do ... Get ready, I'll eat you now.

Lead 1: Well, no, dear Barmaley, this will not work. We have a holiday, New Year, and you are going to eat us.

Barmaley: What other New Year? This is the first time I hear about it. And in general, let's not get distracted. I went to make a fire, and you are here to agree on which of you I will roast first on the fire.

Lead 1: Guys, you need to do something. We cannot be Barmaley's dinner. We will definitely find some way out. And I seem to have already thought of something. Come closer ... (Whispering with the guys.)

Barmaley: Well, who's the first? Come….

Lead 2: Wait, Barmaley. We suggest that you postpone lunch. We want to arrange a New Year here in Africa as well. Agree?

Barmaley: New Year ... New Year ... What is it and what is it with?

Lead 1: Do not eat it at all. And the New Year is ...

Lead 2: Fluffy snows.

Lead 1: Fragrant herringbone.

Lead 2: Songs, dances, jokes.

Lead 1: Games, jokes.

Lead 2: With the Snow Maiden, Santa Claus.

Lead 1: And a whole cart of gifts.

Barmaley: What a joker you are! Where does the snow, Christmas trees, Santa Claus come from in Africa? ..

Lead 2: It’s not a problem. Instead of a Christmas tree, you can dress up a palm tree. You can become Santa Claus.

Barmaley: What kind of Santa Claus is I? I don't even know how to freeze.

Lead 1: And it is not necessary! You be cheerful, mischievous, kind, and we will not let you get bored.

Barmaley: Eh, it was not! You persuaded me (the presenter puts on the Barmaley tinsel on his neck, a decorated hat.) Well, are we having fun, kids?

Children. Yes!

Barmaley: Let's dance "Macarena"!

"Dance of Macarena" (Track 8)

Barmaley: And, really, guys, it's good at the holiday. Thank you for arranging it for me.

Lead 1: And thank you, Barmalei, for making friends with us and having fun with all the heart.

Lead 2: Now we have to go. After all, we are in a hurry to the North, to visit Santa Claus.

Barmaley. Well, goodbye, Happy New Year to you!

Barmaley leaves. The presenter again takes out a snowflake, the children surround it. They manage to blow twice, Baba Yaga sneaks up again and for the third time blows evil on the snowflake. Evil laughs.

Baba Yaga: Wow, how nimble! You wanted to go to the North ... You wanted to cool off? Well, take it easy. Only not in the North, but at the bottom of the sea ”(Laughs and runs away).

Music sounds with the sound of waves. (Track 9)

Lead 1: Oh guys! Look, we ended up with you on the seabed. And how beautiful it is! See how many outlandish fish and plants.

The Sea King appears.

Sea King: Who is this here? Doesn't let me, the Sea King, rest?

Lead 2: Please excuse the Sea King. We didn't want to disturb you, we just admired the beauty of your sea.

Sea King: Nothing, nothing. But I don’t understand how you got here?

Lead 1: You see, we have a New Year's holiday with the guys. This time we were invited to visit by Santa Claus. And Baba Yaga all the time interferes with our journey, with the help of his witchcraft sends us to Africa, now to the bottom of the sea.

Sea King: Yes, I know this wicked old woman. And how can she not get tired of acting outrageous? And since they got into my kingdom. Be guests.

Host 2: Thank you!

Sea king : And I heard about the New Year. Apparently, a wonderful holiday, since everyone loves it so much?

Lead 1: Sea king, do you want some fun in your sea kingdom?

Sea King: Of course! I'll be very happy!

Lead 2: Then we will dance for you the favorite dance of "little ducklings"

Tanya "Little Ducklings" (Track 10)

Sea King: There are many miracles in my kingdom, but I have not heard such a miracle! And also a rumor reached my sea day that they receive all the gifts for the New Year.

Lead 1: Yes, we are following them and heading to Santa Claus.

Sea King: But me gifts, and even for the New Year, no one ever gave ...

Lead 2: What would you like to receive as a gift?

Sea King: I have a dream. Yes, I will not find such craftsmen in my kingdom to fulfill it. All tsars, like tsars, wearing painted attire. And I ... (Tugs at himself for the vest). Oh, how dirty these sea clothes are!

Lead1: You are lucky, the King of the Sea among our guys there are such masters and craftswomen who will make your dream come true.

Dance "Washerwomen". (Track 11)

Sea King:

Thank you guys, you respected me. Because you are cheerful and friendly, I will not leave you in trouble, but what I can - I will help. I have a magical means to get to the North to Santa Claus. And here Baba Yaga is powerless. Here's a magic shell, hold it in your hands and find yourself on the ground. Reindeer are waiting for you there, they will bring you to the North in a moment. Now, goodbye. Good luck to you!

The Sea King leaves. To the sound of waves (Track 9)

Lead 1:

Guys get up quickly in a circle. Let us pass a magic shell from hand to hand and find ourselves on the ground.

Children begin to pass the shell on, but Baba Yaga reappears, tries to take the shell away from the children, but she fails.

Baba Yaga: Well, wait! You will meet me again!(He runs away with indignant shouts.)

Magical music. (Track 12)

Santa Claus, Snow Maiden and Snowman appear.

Father Frost: And here the dear guests came to me. Hello guys!

Children. Hello Santa Claus!

Father Frost: We are longing for you and Snegurochka.

Lead 1: Oh, Santa Claus, where we just have not been, getting to you!

Father Frost: I know everything about you guys. About how brave, friendly and funny you are. We coped with all the difficulties, well done! And fun awaits you in my kingdom. I want to ask you, are you cold at my place?

Children. No!

Lead 2: Winter is to our liking. And everyone loves you very much and is always looking forward to you.

Lead 1: Our guys know your favorite song. And now they will sing it to you ...

Snowman: And you. Santa Claus, sit down and listen

The song "Oh, what a good one ..." (Track 13)

Snow Maiden: Oh, guys, good fellows, they made Santa Claus happy.

Father Frost: And now I want to play with you and make riddles. Listen to me carefully. And answer the question: "What grows on the tree?" If you agree with me, raise your hands up and answer: "Yes!", And if you do not agree, be silent and do not raise your hands. What's growing on the tree? Cotton bunnies?


Chocolate bars?


Candy, gummies?


Baby cots?


What's growing on the tree? Beads?




Torn boots?


Snowman: Well, a fun game?

Children. Yes!

Father Frost : And now it's time to dance.

Lead 1:

Let's give each other a hand,

Let's stand in pairs in a circle.

Dance of Lavata. (Track 14)

Father Frost:

I saw a miracle

I will never forget you.

You danced beautifully

Only poetry was not read to me.

Lead 2: Guys, who prepared poems for Santa Claus? Come on! Do not be shy!

The children sit down. Those who wish read poetry.

Father Frost: There is very little time left before the New Year. The clock will strike 12 times soon. The arrows do not stand still.

Clock chime. (Track 15)

Father Frost :

Happy New Year! Happy New Year!

May happiness bring you

Bright, joyful, cheerful,

Long-awaited New Year!

Snow Maiden: Grandpa, it's time to give out gifts to the guys.

Father Frost: You're right, granddaughter. The time has come to please you with gifts. I’ll call my magic bag.(Knocks with staff)

Why isn't the bag in a hurry to visit us?

Maybe he sleeps under the tree?

I'd rather go after him myself,

If he sleeps, I will wake him up.

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, at this time Baba Yaga appears from the door.

Baba Yaga: A! Is the bag already here?(Touches him.)

Snowman: Oh, don't touch, he'll run away!

Baba Yaga: Don't talk your tongue!

Lead 1:

You can't handle the Bag.

Santa Claus conjured

So that no one takes it.

Baba Yaga: Do not contradict me, you impudent!

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden appear

Father Frost: And you, old villain, why did you come here?

Baba Yaga: I AM! What do you mean why! Have fun: play. Sing ... What else is there (scratching the back of his head ...) Ah! Dance ...

Snow Maiden: Oh, you deceiver! Have you prepared some nasty stuff again?

Baba Yaga: (sly) What are you, Frost! I say, I wanted to have fun ...

Father Frost: Have some fun? Well, so have fun!

Based on the Russian folk melody "Barynya" (Track 1)

Baba Yaga begins to dance, is gradually exhausted, suffocates and asks for mercy, admits that she wanted to steal gifts.

Baba Yaga: Ouch! I can’t take it anymore! Oh-oh-oh, have mercy!

Snow Maiden: Oh, can’t you anymore? Then get away! (Blowing on Baba Yaga. Sound of wind and blizzard. She, as if under the pressure of the wind, runs away through the door.)

Father Frost: Well, guys, evil is over. And you get what you deserve.

Snow Maiden: Now guys, come get your presents. You deserve them by right!

Give out gifts.

Father Frost:

We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a year

Lead 1:

And in a year the blizzard will start again,

And Santa Claus will come with winter.

Snow Maiden:

Just don't forget us at all,

You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.

Lead 2:

And meet again with songs and dances,

And we will bring you the best gifts.

Snowman: Goodbye! Until next time!


Dear Colleagues!

Not often life gives us reasons

Forget about everything and plunge into childhood.

A good reason, along with it - and a means,

Arrange a matinee on New Year's Eve.

The lights on the tree will light up brightly

And Santa Claus will bring gifts.

Not a frequent reason - to plunge into childhood -

Only once a year is the New Year.

Let's try this together?

in the assembly hall


For children of employees.

Ded Moroz and Snegurochka


Attention! Attention!

Find out everything in advance!

After all, it is not in vain that this page of the calendar is pasted here.

Let him know, young and old: we will soon Carnival!

Let it be a kind surprise for you -

Your best costume will be rewarded with a prize!

Hurry up to the holiday, friends!

Such fun cannot be missed!

We believe that everyone is ready to get together,

No delay, at _______ hours!

office 22 will host


(Entrance only in carnival costumes)

Scenario "New Year comes to us and brings gifts to everyone!"

The script is designed for young children (4-7 years old). You can spend a holiday in kindergarten or at home with your best friends. The meaning of the script lies not only in entertainment, but also in encouraging the creative potential of the children.

New Year's scenario for high school students

Scenario of a holiday for high school students dedicated to the New Year. This script is a literary composition that will help every child to see the role of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden in his life. Favorite characters. What could be better.

Scenario of a New Year's corporate party

Scenario for a New Year's corporate party. It can be a corporate party in a cafe with an order from a presenter, or it can take place just at work (say, an evening), and the presenter (or presenter) can be one of the employees of the enterprise.

New Year's scenario for children

The gift chest was enchanted by five fairy-tale characters: Baba Yaga, Vodyanoy, Cat-Bayunchik, Nightingale the Robber and Koschey. Two presenters: Vasilisa the Wise and Ivanushka try to get the keys and the children help them in this.

New Year's masquerade ball

The script is suitable for children and adults who love fairy tales. No flat jokes and vulgarity. Masquerade costumes and a desire to enter the chosen image are required. Some decorations. The script is designed for 4 hours.

Scenario for children "Gingerbread man for the New Year"

In this scenario, the main character Kolobok brings "Joy" to Santa Claus, so that he would distribute it along with gifts to all children. On his way there are different characters who are trying to eat the kolobok.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday for junior schoolchildren

New Year is a celebration of a cosmic scale, therefore extraterrestrial guests will come to the children. The Star Cassiopeia herself and her retinue will descend to the little one, led by the romantic Astrologer. The brave Superhero will pacify the space pirates, and nothing will be the way for Santa Claus and his beautiful granddaughter.

Scenario for children "Buratino's New Year's Adventure"

Fox Alice and Cat Basilio decided to spoil the holiday for the children, they locked the tree and gave the key to Karabas-Barabas. The lights on the tree could not light up and the brave Buratino found a way to return the key and the holiday took place.

Scenario "Christmas tree, burn or how to celebrate the New Year with your family!"

The script is designed for the New Year party with the family. It is advisable that close relatives or friends are present at the event for small competitions. When drawing up the script, the age characteristics of the whole family were taken into account, including children of 7-15 years old, parents, grandparents.

Festivities day or how to celebrate the New Year with colleagues?

The script is designed for a corporate New Year's holiday. Further, the most interesting and funny contests will be presented that will not let any colleague present at the event get bored. The presenter will tell a poetic introduction and explain the essence of the contests.

New Year's Scenario for Children

New Year is a long-awaited holiday for everyone, especially for children. They wait all year for a kind old man with a bag of gifts and listen to mom and dad. This scenario is intended for children 3-7 years old, younger children may get scared when they see Baba Yaga, for older ones - it will seem too childish.

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "By the Pike's Command!"

New Year's script for children. The script is designed for children between the ages of 7 and 12. Seven characters participate in the tale, the host is Emelya. A special musical cut and selection of noises, sounds and backgrounds is required.

The scenario of the New Year's party in the preparatory group "Ball of Miracles"

The script is very interesting and funny. Children will receive a lot of positive emotions and impressions, because who does not want to attend a magnificent, fabulous ball? The duration is 60-90 minutes (depending on the number of children in the group).

Scenario of the New Year's fairy tale "Let's Save the New Year!"

The scenario is designed for primary school students. The tale is kind and interesting. It will become a pleasant, exciting addition to the New Year's holiday. The duration of the tale is 60-80 minutes.

All kinds of miracles happen on New Years. No wonder this time is called magical, amazing. In the preparation of the school, New Year's holiday, creativity and a creative approach are important. It is important that the script for the holiday is modern, interesting and fun. This scenario has everything you need for an unforgettable time on the New Year's, school light.

Scenario of the New Year's corporate party "New Year's mood"

New Year is the time of miracles and magic. This is a grand event that all employees are looking forward to, as it is not only a fun holiday, but also a time for gifts, congratulations and unique moments with their team.

New Year's funny scene for schoolchildren "Winx Club vs Monster High: New Year's Adventures"

Modern children are very fond of cartoons with horror stories. This is why the Winx and Monster High New Year script will become one of the most popular. This scenario is suitable for both primary school and students in grades 5-7. It can be easily placed on stage or in a playful way around the tree.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday in elementary school "Santa Claus's Helpers, or how children saved the holiday"

New Year's script for the host "The holiday is in a hurry to us"

How does preparation for the New Year begin? Of course, with the choice of outfit and place, drawing up a menu, decorations and a script. And if problems with the scenario may not arise, but it is still difficult to find a suitable, and most importantly an interesting scenario for the presenter.

New Year's script at home "Here comes the New Year!"

New Year is a whole event that everyone is looking forward to with great impatience. This holiday unites friends and family at one table, gives magic, positive emotions and good memories. It is not surprising that they begin to prepare for this event in advance. Preliminary preparation of the menu, buying gifts and outfits, planning the course of the event.

Cool script for the New Year 2020 of the Rat "Let there be cheese"!

This scenario is suitable for a New Year's corporate party, in a small company that employs no more than 15 people. Everyone knows that the New Year's corporate event is an important event for all employees, as it is the end of the year, summing up the results and new plans for the next year. Therefore, it is important that this event takes place in a positive and friendly atmosphere.

Scenario for the new year 2020 for the corporate party "Posidelki"

The patron saint of 2020 will be the White Metal Rat, which loves comfort and noisy companies. This scenario is suitable for a small team who wants to spend their New Year's corporate party cheerfully and provocatively.

Scenario of the thematic New Year 2020 Rats for children "Lukomorye has a New Year!"

An unusual scenario of the New Year's holiday based on the fairy tales of Alexander Pushkin. The presenters, the Scientist Cat and the Mermaid, together with the children, must put things in order in fairy tales, where all the heroes and events are messed up, and have time to cheerfully celebrate the holiday! In addition to the presenters, Leshy and the Magic Mirror (voice behind the scene) are involved in the script. Props - a hand mirror and a book of fairy tales.

Scenario New Year of the Rat 2020 for schoolchildren "In Search of the Symbol of the Year"

Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are in a panic - the Rat is gone! To find it, you have to work hard and be smart, because without the symbol of the year, the New Year will not come. The script involves Santa Claus and Snegurochka, Postman Pechkin, Leshy, Kikimora, and, of course, the guys. In addition to costumes, you will need props - Santa Claus's staff, a letter, a couple of postcards and a plush rat.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 Rats for kindergarten children "Santa Claus is captured by pirates"

The main New Year's wizard was captured by the pirates! The task of the guys is to free Santa Claus and re-educate the sea robbers, teaching them to have fun. A funny script is suitable for a matinee for kindergarten pupils and junior schoolchildren.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 of the Rat for high school students "Novoletie"

A careless New Year's desire can lead to anything - for example, to the fact that the New Year will have to be celebrated among the gray-haired antiquity, red maidens and good fellows. Chastooshkas, games, songs and festivities are attached.

Cool script for the New Year 2020 Rat "Santa Claus vs Santa Claus"

A fun New Year scenario with two main winter wizards at once! Santa Claus and Santa Claus will try to find out which of them is better, more important, stronger and who rightfully belongs to the New Year. With the help of the guests, the rivals will compete in wit and composition, and the ability to cheer up the audience, and, as usual, friendship will win.

New Year 2020 of the Rat script in Ukrainian

A fun script to celebrate the New Year of the Rat. The action takes place in a spacious room. Moving dances, loud songs and loud laughter from the jokes of the main characters will not let anyone get bored. The scenario of the holiday is suitable for both a youth company and a company of middle-aged adults. All heroes are dressed in matching costumes.

Scenario for the new 2020 Year of the Rat for the house "A rat came to visit us"

Scenario for a home New Year. Of course, it is important that such a long-awaited holiday is fun, and the house is filled with laughter and comfort. In the script you will find many interesting contests and tasks that will definitely make your New Year even more sincere and brighter. The script is designed for an adult company of 7-10 people.

Scenario for the New Year 2020 of the Rat for the family "Quest from the Snow Queen"

Holiday Threatened - The Snow Queen promises to unleash a storm and cancel the fun! Unless, of course, the participants can cope with the intricate tasks. But it's not so easy: you have to find all the clues, solve riddles and be smart - then everyone will receive a well-deserved reward.

Scenario of the New Year's holiday in elementary school "New Year crept up to us"

Together with the cheerful Cat-Bayun and the charming Snowflake, the holiday will definitely be held with pleasure! Children will enjoy traditional round dances around the tree, unexpected riddles with a trick, and many other entertainments. The script is designed for two presenters, Santa Claus and, of course, elementary school students.

Scenario for celebrating the New Year in the lower grades "New Year's Tale"

There are not so many characters in the script, not a blurry plot - just what our kids need. In this fairy tale, kids meet good characters. New Year is the most favorite holiday for children. This New Year's scenario will help caring parents make your little ones the happiest in the world.

New Year is a tree, the smell of tangerines and the expectation of a miracle! Even as a child, we associated this holiday with magic and the fulfillment of desires. Vivid scenarios for celebrating the New Year are a guarantee of great mood and positive emotions, anticipation of something new and bright. Children's matinee or family feast will become even more fun and interesting. New Year is rushing to us, everything will happen soon!

Natalia Karpusheva
Scenario of the New Year's performance for middle and senior schoolchildren "New Year's Eralash"


Damn gentleman

Kikimora - 3

Father Frost

How the guests came together on a frosty day

The guests gathered in New Year day is the most colorful

How many songs are there!

How much laughter is there!

How much joy the most festive!


Roads, paths

Winter has come to us

Blizzard on the street

Snow poured.

Frost smiles at us

And the holiday begins

Hello our cheerful

New Year! Hello!

Hello, everyone who came to us.

Happy New Year! With new happiness!

WITH New joy for everyone.

Let this tree thunder

Songs, music and laughter!

Baba Yaga flies in

Baba Yaga:

Who is here squealing, squeaking, disturbing my peace? Wait a minute I'll go for the squarad and fry this bird. It will be a joy to profit.

Leading: Ay yes Baba Yaga, but we were not talking about you. And you were not expected.

Baba Yaga: And who?

Leading: Santa Claus and Snow Maiden. Whom else? You know how your dirty tricks end for you. So in advance warn, you better help me to spend a holiday, but to meet DM.

Baba Yaga: Good. Attention! Attention! We put out the light! (disappears)

Winter looks around and does not find her.

Leading: What a liar! Guys, help me. Repeat after me.

- According to Dadmorozov's command - According to a childish desire - Come guests to us….

Baba Yaga behind the scenes: We are all very glad to you!

Damn appears (dancing, admiring herself)


Well, how do I get you in new outfit?

Do you like it? I feel like I am!

Now it is very important to gain confidence in the Snow Maiden ...

Can you guys help me?

Leading: Stop! Stop! Why do you need to trust the Snow Maiden? Well away, go do your dark deeds in a whirlpool.

Heck: Well, you, esteemed, you need to give compliments to the girl, otherwise she says all icy, cold. And for you to believe me, I will even dance with you.

Heck: Well, now, help me pick up a compliment for the Snow Maiden. So, you are sweeter than everyone in the world and blush and whiter ... No, it was already somewhere. Yes and old-fashioned somehow... We need something new. Compare it with some little white bird. O! Hen! Oh, you are my chicken! Fine! Now I have to say something about the eyes. They are best compared to jewelry. Well, can you help? (children's answers)

Yeah. There is a stone in each of your eyes - either turquoise or emerald ... The play of color is such! All right, thank you, my yachts, I'll go look for the Snow Maiden. (Leaves).

Kikimora runs in (on skis or with fins) in a Snow Maiden costume

Kikimora: Well, where did these Kikimors drag Santa Claus. I have to deal with it. Clueless. Now it turns out there is nothing to do. Oh hello kids! And I’m a Snow Maiden, did you know? No, well, don't. (Referring to Baba Yaga) And you are here too old? How to steal a bag of gifts now. Tell me, huh? (crying)

Baba Yaga: Yes, quietly, you bustle.

Damn comes in. He carries an empty bag over his shoulder.

Heck: I dare to ask why such a charming girl is so sad?

Kikimora: What the hell is this?

Heck: (to the audience) Didn't she guess that?

Kikimora: Don't you see, or what? I'm not a girl, but a Snow Maiden?

Heck: Ah, I understand, Snegurochka has a lot of trouble right now ... Getting ready for the Carnival. You have to tinker with the animals.

Kikimora: What?

Heck: Well, I mean, animals have to be trained. And this is so tiring ... They are so nasty!

Kikimora: Who?

Heck: Well, these bears, mice, rats, rabbits, frogs.

Kikimora: A-ah-ah!

Heck: And you, so pretty! Like a chicken. She was so white, all in feathers, in tails!

Kikimora: Oh, right?

Heck: You are so green, that is, emerald. Ah, no, amethyst ... or rather, diamond!

Kikimora: Ah! Oh!

Heck: Sweetheart! That is, not a sun, but a piece of ice! Yes, such a glittering piece of ice.

Kikimora: Oh, I'm melting now! Here is the only gentleman in the world found ...

Heck: (To viewers) Well, why hasn't she fallen down to this day?

Kikimora: You are so kind! Oh! (coquettishly) You haunt me (coming) Oh! Why are you following me?

Heck: I AM! What do you! I just need you (to viewers)... It might be better to use some traditional method, for example, to hit on the head ... No, this is very rude! Can you substitute a footboard? No, not solid somehow. Well guys, tell me ... How did you say? Cheat! Wonderful (sings) Tralee-la-la. What a blue sky, we are not supporters of robbery (goes to Kikimora)... Dear Snegurochka, I have prepared a surprise for you!

Kikimora: Ah! Surprise! I love surprises so much.

Heck: This surprise is here! To see it, you need to get into the bag.

Kikimora: Ah! How interesting! (Climbs into the bag. The devil quickly ties the bag.) Oh, what is this? I've been kidnapped! Oh! This is so romantic!

The sound of bells is heard. Santa Claus enters. The devil puts the bag under the tree.

Father Frost: Hello dear guys. You recognized me. I came to your Christmas tree. How smart and beautiful she is ... (He praises the children, the audience, the costumes.)

Father Frost: Refers to Hell. What are you doing here? Well, good! (Takes off his hat.) Oh, how good! Hello Damn! What a wonderful costume you have! Come on, put on your hat! Great! No one realizes that you are devil horned! What's in your bag?

Heck: So, all sorts of nonsense!

Kikimora: Wow nonsense!

Father Frost: There's something croaking!

Heck: Yes, there are frogs, here I am bringing a treat to the kikimors to New year.

Father Frost: Treats are good! Well done, damn it! Listen, damn it, put the sack there under the tree, and help me bring the sack of gifts. (They leave.)

Kikimors fly in, run around the tree, look for something, run up to the bag. They turn to Baba Yaga.


1. - This way! Here! Here is the bag. Come on get him quickly.

2. - What a heavy fear!

3. - Here we are full of belly!

Baba Yaga: I don’t understand where this grandfather went, there’s a sack! Oh, my clever girls! Oh, my paws! Oh my kitties! (They dance around the tree.)

Santa Claus comes in, Damn, and they carry a sack.

Baba Yaga: Well, you, give Frost. So many gifts, two bags!

Father Frost: What are the two bags? What are you up to here and have brought evil spirits with you? (At this time, the devil is looking for his bag under the tree.)

Santa Claus addressing To hell: What's the matter? Lost what?

Heck: I AM? It! Bag! Yes with frogs. (The Kikimors pull the sack from behind the tree.

Father Frost: Yes, here he is.

Heck: Yes, no ... it's okay.

Father Frost: Then let's go help the Snow Maiden, dear gentleman.

Heck: What Snow Maiden?

Father Frost: Like what, my granddaughter. Can you hear the song? This is it.

A song is heard

Heck: How, and who is there? (Points to the bag.)

Baba Yaga and Kikimora: Quiet you, quietly ... (They are trying to leave.)

Father Frost: What are you unclean plotting? What do you have, show me! At this time, the Devil is hiding behind Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga: And this is so, I brought gifts to the kids with the kikimors.) Unties the bag.)

Kikimora-Snow Maiden (offended): What have you done? Ruined everything! Such a gentleman wanted to kidnap me (roars).

Father Frost: Well, confess why they said that these are gifts for children, and there is Kikimora.

Baba Yaga: Yes, why, father is sinful, I wanted to profit, all the children and children, and we are in the forest, lonely, green flies. Ouch! (cry, howl.)

Father Frost: So-ak! Well, be quiet! And you (to hell) confess, why did you put it in the sack?

Heck: Come on, I wanted to joke, and then, I wanted to make a surprise, I thought it was Snow Maiden.

Santa Claus laughs: Who? This? Does she, this greenery look like my granddaughter, huh, guys? Yes, here she is already quite close, see for yourself.

The Snow Maiden's song sounds louder. Snegurochka enters.

Snow Maiden: Hello guys. I was in a hurry to visit you. New Year's celebration... Through high mountains and deep snow, through dense forests and furious blizzards, I brought you my congratulations from the very end of the earth. Happy New Year, dear guys! Hello grandfather. Grandpa, I see you cannot be left alone. What is this company?

Baba Yaga: Why don't you like our company? Itself helps the animals, but decent evil spirits are not her company. (The Kikimors are chattering.)

Father Frost: Well, no, it's enough to spoil the holiday for the kids. Now I am you (knocks with a staff, soundtrack sounds)... Dance with me!

Baba Yaga: Oh, tired.

Kikimora: We will fix it.

Heck: Already corrected. We invite everyone to dance.

Baba Yaga: And we announce the competition ...

Kikimora: For the best singer.

Baba Yaga and Damn: Jury Ded Moroz and Snegurochka.

Competition for the best performer is being held new year song

Leading: Today is a sin to forget dance,

Dance more, not according to the norm

Snow Maiden: Today everyone should be

In excellent dance form.

Father Frost: We invite everyone to the festive disco.

New Year's concert script

"Traveling around the world with Baba Yaga"

Leading : The holiday has come merry!

New Year has come to our school!

Leading : Congratulations, friends!

We cannot get bored in any way!

Leading : New Year is a magical holiday!

It has smiles of leapfrog,

It contains surprises, games, jokes,

Fairy tale, fiction, game.

So let's have fun

In spite of all the troubles,

So that from joyful smiles

Weave a holiday carpet.


Hello dear friends! We are glad to welcome you to today's celebration.


Outside the window, winter is the time of the shortest days and longest nights. But we love this time of year. Indeed, it is in winter that the New Year comes to us and with it the “coniferous” joyful mood of happiness, change, and hope that this beloved holiday brings with it.


It is on this day that unforgettable meetings take place, the most cherished desires come true, the most incredible miracles are possible. Don't believe me? I am sure that you can be convinced of this if you become a participant in our New Year's holiday.

Leading ... The floor is given to the director of our school Ivanova Margarita Mikhailovna.

(There is the sound of a falling plane and a crash).

Leading ... Oh, what is this? What's happening?

Leading ... Did the plane crash?

(A lame Baba Yaga enters the stage. The presenters silently look at her. Baba Yaga addresses the presenters).

Baba - Yaga ... Well, what are you staring at?

Leading ... And you forgive who? And what are you doing here?

Leading ... We are actually having a holiday.

Baba - Yaga ... It's great that a holiday. I flew to the holiday.

Leading ... Well, then go into the hall, sit down in a chair and do not interfere with us.

Baba Yaga ... Listen, why are you so impolite? Don't you read fairy tales? Do you know who I am?

Leading ... Listen, granny, I have grown out of fairy tales for a long time. But I ask you in an amicable way, go into the hall and do not interfere with our celebration.

Leading ... Listen, this is Baba Yaga, if I'm not mistaken.

Baba Yaga ... You're not mistaken, granddaughter. You probably read fairy tales?

Leading ... Sometimes I read to my younger brother.

Leading ... Well, well, what a talk on stage. People are looking at us. And we have already started the holiday. Some kind of chaos!

Leading ... Wait, don't swear. Baba Yaga herself flew to us.

Leading .What? What Baba Yaga?

Leading ... Well, think for yourself, the new year is on the nose, and miracles happen on the eve of the new year.

Leading ... Ha! They invited some woman, dressed up in the costume of Baba Yaga and laugh at me.

Baba Yaga ... Well, so what, then, you don’t believe that I am the real Baba Yaga?

Leading ... No, you're really laughing at me. That's it, the holiday is ruined!

Baba Yaga ... The holiday is just beginning! And now the real fun begins! Relax, young people, Grandma Yaga will steer! Well raise your hands those who love to travel. How many of you are there! Well, here we go now on a journey around the world.

Leading ... How do we go? By magic?

Baba Yaga ... Of course. I stole a globe from a school principal. Look, such a thing! Well, where are we going?

Leading ... Oh, can I go to the East?

Baba Yaga ... Let's go east! (turns the globe and points a finger at it)

(Sound of a magic wand)

(Music sounds, lights go out, oriental beauties come out and dance a dance).

Baba Yaga ... So how did you like it?

Leading. Of course.

Baba Yaga ... Well, did you believe that I was real Baba Yaga?

(The leader silently waves his hand)

Baba Yaga ... Well, let's go next?

(Spins the globe Sound magic. Sticks)

Leading. Where are we?

Leading ... Now let's ask someone.

(man comes out)

Baba Yaga ... Oh, dear man, tell me, what country are we in?

Englishman ... In England. Sorry, I'm in a hurry. I need to rehearse a performance with the children for the New Year.

Leading ... The performance is great.

Englishman ... Yes, we have such a tradition: to show performances with children for the New Year. (leaves)

Baba Yaga ... Rehearsal! What an important one. But we can do it without a rehearsal. Come on out here 7 people.

Once upon a time there was a kitten. One day he decided to go for a walk. A breeze blew and brought a piece of paper. The kitten saw a piece of paper and chased after it. He caught her and played with her a little. Then his attention was attracted by a butterfly, which sat on a flower. The kitten jumped and did not catch the butterfly. She fluttered and flew away. The kitten sat down and began to lick its fur. Suddenly a fat bumblebee sat on the flower. He began to collect nectar from the flower. The kitten slowly crept up to the flower and jumped on the bumblebee. Out of fright, the bumblebee stung the kitten in the nose and flew away. The kitten bounced off the flower and began rubbing its stung nose with its paw. He was about to cry, when at that time a cat came out on the porch - the kitten's mother and called him to drink delicious milk.

Baba Yaga ... Oh, artists, well done.

Leading ... Well, grandma, let's go further.

Baba Yaga ... What, my dear, did you like it?

Leading ... Well, of course! When else for free where you will visit!

Baba Yaga ... Oh, what a mercantile one. Okay, go ahead and spin the globe.

(sound of a magic wand)

Leading ... Country Romania.

Leading. Romanians are a very spiritual and deep people, and besides, they are very ambitious and free. According to them, before the start of the new year, the heavens open for a moment and you can make your cherished wish. If you believe in this, it will definitely come true.

(Song in Romanian)

Baba Yaga ... Oh, and a funny song!

Leading ... Well, what are we going next? Who is spinning the globe?

Baba Yaga ... And let's ask the owner of the globe to go out and spin it once. I beg.

(There is a crash of falling furniture. A box is flying).

Leading. Oh, what is this ?!

Leading bending down his head. Why are furniture and things falling from the sky?

An Italian comes out.

Baba Yaga ... Hello dear man. Listen, what's going on? Where are we?

Italian ... We are based in Italy. It is customary here to throw out all old things from the windows before the new year. Such a sign. If you throw out the old one, you will buy a new one.

Leading. It is logical!

(The Italian leaves.)

Baba Yaga ... Let's also throw something away, otherwise we wanted to play pranks! Come on, come out here 4 people: 2 students and 2 teachers.

Leading ... Divide into two teams. Here is a ball for each team. Two people face each other. One holds the ring in his hands, the second is trying to throw a ball into this ring. Which team will throw the most balls into the ring will win (for a while).

Baba Yaga ... Well done, here are some presents for you.

(The presenter is presenting prizes).

Baba Yaga ... Well, let's continue our journey. (Spins the globe)

(sound of a magic wand) Country India.

Leading ... In southern India, mothers place sweets, flowers, small gifts on a special tray. On the morning of the new year, children should wait with their eyes closed until they are brought to the tray.

Baba Yaga ... Oh, now we are going to play.

(Bowls are handed out to two members of each team: one - empty, the other filled (Christmas tree toy, tangerine, orange). The rest are given spoons. Participants must transfer all objects from one bowl to another with a spoon and without using hands).

Prizes for the winners.

Leading ... Here we are all in different countries, but in different countries, and our traditions are Russian, does anyone remember? Who even thought of celebrating the New Year?

Baba Yaga ... Wait, honey, let's ask the guys this.

Baba Yaga (goes down to the hall with a microphone). Well, who will answer my question. Who came up with the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year from December 31 to January 1? (Peter 1)


Who came up with the idea of ​​decorating the Christmas tree for the new year? (Peter 1)

What country did he take this example from? (from Germany)

How did people decorate the Christmas tree before? (nuts, sweets, tangerines, apples)

And who is everyone looking forward to for the new year? (Santa Claus)

Leading , (addressing the presenter) By the way, where is our Santa Claus? Something he is late. I don't like it.

(At this time, Baba Yaga returns to the stage).

Baba Yaga ... Santa Claus, you say. Unfortunately, I cannot call him, he does not obey me. But you can do it differently. Tell me what Santa Claus loves? (songs, dances, laughter, smile)

Baba Yaga ... In short, he loves fun. Well, let's have fun.

Leading. And our vocal group will help us with this.

(The choir enters the stage with the song Russian Santa Claus). In the middle of the song, Santa Claus comes out.

Father Frost ... Hello dear guys and adults! I am very glad to be your guest! You are all so beautiful and smart. I wish you a Happy New Year!

Baba Yaga ... Hello Santa Claus.

Father Frost (turns to Baba Yaga). Oh, Baba Yaga, and you are here. What are the fates?

Baba Yaga ... Why, I decided to visit the holiday, otherwise it’s boring alone in the forest in a hut.

Father Frost ... I suppose you are building all sorts of intrigues again?

Baba Yaga ... What are you, what are you. The children invited me and I came modestly.

Leading ... Yes, I came modestly….

Leading (pushes the presenter to the side). Quite right! We invited Granny Yaga to our party. She amused and entertained us. And now our guys want to congratulate you Grandfather Frost and you Grandmother Yaga on the holiday. Have a seat.

Leading. During the New Year celebrations in Petrovskaya Russia, colorful fireworks were organized and fired mercilessly from all the cannons.

Leading. Assemblies became another integral feature of Peter's New Year's celebration - it was under Peter that these famous entertainment meetings and balls began to be arranged.

Leading. And, despite the fact that at the beginning of the 18th century, some had to be literally driven into festive fun with sticks, today no one forces them to rejoice at this holiday - everyone is looking forward to it!


The forest and the field are white, white meadows.

Snow-covered aspens have branches like horns.

Under the strong ice the waters of the rivers slumber.

Snow fell on the roofs like white snowdrifts.

In the sky, bright stars are dancing in a circle.

The old year says goodbye - the new year enters.

Leading ... A school vocal group is invited to the stage.

(Song "New Year's mood today)


What a glorious day!

Come on, children, taking skates

Hurry to the skating rink!

Hurry up and you, my friend.

Here we play at the tree,

We roll in a crowd down the hill.

We all have fun to tears

And Santa Claus is not terrible.

Children love winter:

What a wonderful time!

Leading ... Students of grade 2b are invited to the stage.

(Dance "Funny Skates")


With a heart full of expectations

Let's meet this New Year.

Many bright wishes

He will collect it under the tree.

Only joyful time

Fate will prepare for us

To make a burden a fairy tale

Let miracles happen!

(Song "A Song Like a Bird")


Looking back, leaving after

We will wave goodbye.

Let the Old Year be gone, let it be gone,

He fulfilled almost all desires.

Well, and what the Old Year did not have time to embody,

He instructed another to complete it.

New Year picked up the baton on the way,

Walking briskly to our house.


Everyone is so hoping for a miracle

When the New Year comes.

And let, as on a luxurious platter,

The coming year will bring you:

Health, joy and good luck,

More bright, bright days,

Kindness, warmth, love to boot, -

After all, happiness is based on her.

The coming year will fulfill

May all aspirations and dreams

And the heart will fill with joy

Will give peace, light, kindness!

Father Frost

There is an amazing winter quirk:

And old and young are always on the new year,

Without confessing, they believe that a miracle

Santa Claus will certainly bring them.

So let the cherished desires come true,

And exactly at midnight a miracle will enter every house,

May all your hopes and dreams

Fate will fulfill this new year.