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How gas and water are made in mini factories. How to open your own drinking water production company

The relevance of the lemonade production business does not raise any questions, since this drink is known and loved by everyone. The only drawback is that the demand for it is seasonal, and reaches its greatest peaks between April and October. Thus, a novice entrepreneur may have to work at a loss in winter. To avoid this, you should plan to start your activities in February - March in order to skim off the cream as much as possible in the summer.

Lemonade is one of the few drinks that can be produced without natural ingredients, such as apple and lemon juice, or natural colors, but only with artificial flavors. Such a product will not be inferior to the natural one in taste, but will significantly benefit in price.

Another argument in favor of producing lemonade is the presence of your own well - this can be played to advantage in marketing strategy– consumers tend to purchase products made with artesian water.

Bottling line 3000 bottles. hour with automatic blower

There is no point in investing for a novice businessman cash into a large-scale enterprise that will be more difficult to build and equip. It is much easier to purchase a mini-plant, which will be inferior only to the capacity of the installations and productivity, but in this case it is possible to modernize it, expanding the range and increasing output.

Review of some models of ready-made production complexes

The production of lemonade, kvass and other non-alcoholic drinks has a similar technological process and the same set production equipment. Today, the supply of ready-made mini-factories is quite large - domestic companies, European and Chinese.

Russian models are the most popular because they offer an adequate price and high quality. It is easier to negotiate with domestic companies; they can always send a specialist adjuster, and the delivery cost will be several times lower than for imported analogues.

The Agromolmash company offers a ready-made plant for the production of soft drinks with a maximum productivity of up to 5000 liters per day.

Technical characteristics of such a complex:

  • total power of all units is 290 kW/h;
  • required area – 140 m2;
  • cost – 600,000 rubles.

The Aurora machine-building plant offers equipment for small enterprises for the production of sparkling water. Characteristics:

  • the total power of all nodes is 100 kW/h;
  • required area – 120 m2;
  • productivity – up to 6000 bottles per day;
  • cost – 400,000 rubles.

The cost of Chinese complexes starts from 15 thousand dollars, excluding delivery. Italian equipment will cost 30–80 thousand euros.

Production equipment

To produce sweet carbonated water, you will need to equip the mini-factory with the following equipment:

  • syrup boiler:
    • power of heating elements – 90 kW;
    • Bunker capacity – up to 5000 l;
    • temperature and rotation speed adjustment;

  • screw conveyor – necessary for feeding ingredients into the digester:
    • material – stainless steel;
    • two bunkers - for receiving and unloading raw materials;

  • plate filter - for filtering the finished syrup;

  • heat exchanger with a capacity of up to 7500 l/h;
  • refrigeration unit has:
    • circulation pump;
    • two cooling circuits;
    • buffer tank with a volume of 1700 l;
    • tank with blending containers:
    • volume – up to 6500 l;
    • presence of a mixing device;
    • presence of a cooling jacket;
    • Remote Control;
  • containers for storing the blend, volume – up to 6500 l.

In addition to equipment for the production of lemonade, you will also need a bottling line into PET containers. It consists of the following nodes:

The cost of a mini-plant with such technical data will be 1,300,000 rubles. Many manufacturers are developing a turnkey project - this involves the construction of workshops and utility rooms. For this option, you only need to select a plot of land. This is very convenient, because the result is a fully equipped plant with all the necessary communications, the equipment is rationally located, and such a complex is immediately ready to start production.

Production technology

The process of making lemonade involves several stages:

  • water preparation;
  • feeding manually or using a conveyor into the digester all the necessary ingredients;
  • syrup cooking process;
  • cooling the resulting blend;
  • carbon dioxide saturation;
  • bottle packaging;
  • packaging and transportation to the warehouse of finished products.

Three main technologies are used in the production of lemonade:

  • Classic - syrup is brewed from natural ingredients:
    • apple juice;
    • lemon tincture;
    • color (burnt sugar, which has a rich brown color, it is this that gives the drink its characteristic shade).
    • All components are mixed and heated to the required temperature - this stage is called blending.
  • Using artificial flavors:
    • citric acid, sugar and E150d dye are mixed in a digester;
    • the mixture is brought to a boil and sent to the refrigeration unit;
    • is carbonated and packaged in containers.
  • With the addition of natural juice - the technology involves the inclusion of apple or lemon nectar, which gives a more pronounced taste, and manufacturers focus on naturalness. The amount of juice is determined by the recipe and must be indicated on the label.

Mini-factory business plan

In order to determine how profitable the business will be and whether it makes sense to invest in it own funds, it is necessary to compile detailed plan, which should contain:

  • review of the market and competitors, assessment of the volume of potential demand;
  • development of a marketing strategy;
  • a list of all capital costs for organizing production;
  • accounting for current costs (raw materials, wages, utility bills, transportation costs);
  • calculation of product costs;
  • calculation of sales revenue and net profit;
  • determining the payback period for investments.

In order to roughly imagine the profitability of production, the following calculation of payback periods and net profit was carried out:

  • Current expenses:
    • rent – ​​30,000;
    • salary – 305,000;
    • utility bills – 50,000;
    • PET containers – 480,000;
    • raw materials – 1,500,000;
    • transportation costs – 50,000;
    • other expenses – 65,000.
  • Capacity – 240,000 liters per month.
  • Cost of monthly production volume – 2,480,000 (one liter – 10.33)
  • Sales cost – 13.43 per liter;
  • Revenue per month – 13.43*240,000 = 3,223,200;
  • Profit for the month – 743,200.

Capital costs amounted to 1,300,000 rubles. If you allocate part of the profit monthly to cover them, the payback period will be 6 months.

Video: Natural lemonade from Barnaul

Based on surveys of Russian residents, large percentage population uses purchased drinking water, which means that the production of bottled water as a business is gaining momentum. Everyone knows that water is the basis of life and the fact of what kind of water we use for food is of great importance. There is a huge selection of water of various brands on store shelves; in order to sell any water, you will need a bottled water license.

In Russia, before it gets into stores, water undergoes more than one test, and then undergoes additional purification and only after that it is poured into containers. Some manufacturers offer water for sale, both from natural sources and from the tap, which is also suitable after various manipulations with it.

Before opening this type of activity, you need to understand one truth that no examination can establish the source of origin of water.

Some business details

With the help of an examination, it is possible to determine the presence of minerals and microorganisms in water, but no sample can answer one hundred percent that one water is from a tap and the other is from a well. Thanks to modern technologies When processing water, its place of origin remains a mystery; the water passes through many filters, then it is saturated with various elements, in general, various experiments are carried out. Water can be saturated with silver or gold, salted, vitamins added, in general, depending on your imagination.

Before doing this, you need, of course, to calculate the cost of bottled water. The costs of opening a line will be purely individual, it all depends on where the source is located drinking water, what line will be installed, what container will be used, etc. Of course, an important factor will be the distance from the source of drinking water to the place where the water will be sold. In order for this business to be successful, all factors must be taken into account.

How to start a bottled water production?

First of all, you need to find a building where the workshop will be located, and immediately negotiate with the local water utility and electricity supplier; these are chains of one link and they must be resolved simultaneously. The area of ​​the premises where the production will be located must be at least 300 square meters. m, and if you have received the go-ahead from all authorities, then after signing the lease agreement you can proceed to water analysis.

There are a huge number of different laboratories that carry out water analysis, but before submitting water for analysis, you need to check the presence of the necessary certificate of this institution, this is the main point, since the examination is not cheap and, based on it, you will receive permission to sell water.

Drinking water production equipment

Once you have the analysis results in hand, you can decide on equipment for the production of bottled water. Basically, suppliers offer Chinese-made equipment, and if it is Russian, then the components are still Chinese, while intermediaries give a short warranty period, about 3 months; naturally, this type of guarantee cannot be accepted. When choosing equipment, the warranty period should be as long as possible, because The minimum cost of the line is at least 300,000 rubles.

Before starting any type of activity, you need to draw up a business production plan. For this purpose, they use both professionals and compose it themselves. The plan will outline all the costs of this type of business, indicate its payback period and, of course, monthly or quarterly income.

Those who are planning to start producing bottled drinking water often ask questions about how to start this business and how much it costs to start producing bottled water. It is recommended for beginners to start producing with ordinary clean drinking water, which is always in price and which everyone so lacks. If you succeed, then later you can start carbonating the water, enriching it with various microelements or vitamins, and then you can release a line for the production of what -or your brand. According to the most conservative estimates, the cost of entry into this niche is about $120,000. The payback for a “modestly sized” workshop is from 24 to 36 months. However, if you manage to competently organize production and establish sales, you can count on a “net profit” of $30,000 per year.

Mandatory expenses when starting a production:

  • water bottling line - from $20,000
  • drinking water quality certificate - $2,000
  • production certification (SES) - $1,500
  • rent of a workshop, warehouse and administrative premises (based on 3 months) - $20,000
  • employee salary (3 months) - from $30,000
  • furniture, office equipment - $5,000
  • overhead costs (agreements with water suppliers, containers, electricity) - $ 30,000
  • advertising campaign, style and brand development - $3,000
  • delivery vehicle - "Gazelle" - $8,000

Subtleties of production

It should be noted that in no case should you save on packaging material, bottling equipment and, of course, on the product itself. Many people try to bottle water by hand, but, of course, this is not profitable; it is better to let the production be small, but mechanized and meeting all the requirements. There is a special line that blows bottles from plastic waste; as a result, the bottles do not need to be washed and disinfected; of course, the quality of filters for water purification should not be neglected; they must be selected based on the final result of the water examination.

And if your water is clean and serves only for the benefit of the people, then under raised sails your business will reach great heights.

Despite the perception of Russia as a country in which the majority of the population is constantly under the influence, the domestic market for soft drinks is constantly growing. Currently, its production figures have exceeded 20 billion rubles.


According to dry statistics, in the summer more than 75% of the population drinks carbonated drinks. Despite the fact that in recent years a considerable part of consumers prefer to buy juices, the market for carbonated soft drinks is constantly growing.

However, it is worth considering that high profitability Today, only those production facilities that can produce truly large batches of products can boast of this.

That's why most domestic market belongs to the Coca-Cola corporation, which is simply impossible for many domestic companies to compete with. But the cost of “branded” Coca-Cola drinks is such that even in large cities they are not always popular.

Simply put, if you set up the production of soft drinks of normal quality and at an affordable price, you can easily count on a profitability of 30-35%.

Sales problems

As you might have guessed, the main problem for domestic producers in the current situation is the sale of finished products. It often happens that large retailers simply outright ignore it. The fact is that large chains require a “fee” of up to several tens of thousands of dollars for the right to display only one brand on the shelves of their stores.

Accordingly, it is much more profitable to work with wholesalers who are willing to sell good quality products. They work with many stores, so over time you can build a strong reputation and a circle of regular customers.

We do not recommend relying on own services delivery - the cost of purchasing and maintaining equipment that is suitable for transporting really large quantities of products is such that only large retail chains can afford such a “pleasure”.

If you want to create at least small production soft drinks, you will have to prepare for the need to spend at least 15-20 million rubles. All costs will pay off no earlier than in 4-5 years. The fact is that competition in this market is now extremely strong. If there are no funds to deploy an active advertising campaign, then starting this business is pointless.

Some production features

Let's consider the main features of the production of soft drinks. The main component of all production is high-quality water. Many domestic manufacturers prefer to use their own artesian wells, trying to attract more buyers by the fact that their products use “artesian water saturated with mineral salts.”

This is not just an advertising gimmick: such products actually taste better. It definitely does not contain chlorine and other substances that are found in abundance in worn-out plumbing systems. By the way, large producers can take water even from the nearest puddle: the technologies they use allow it to be purified to a key state.

Manufacturers throughout the entire former CIS are also distinguished by the fact that in the production of soda they use not sugar, like their Western colleagues, but its substitutes. Everything is simple here: a kilogram of a more or less high-quality sweetener is equivalent in taste to 200 kg of natural sugar. Accordingly, the production of soft drinks based on them is much more profitable.

Container used

Be that as it may, another important component of the success of your production is packaging. It is not difficult to guess that more than 70% of cheap domestic lemonade is produced in polymer containers.

It is best to count on the production of drinks in containers of 0.5-1-1.5 liters, which are most in demand. Moreover, in the summer, the emphasis should be on the production of drinks in 1.5-2 liter bottles, while in winter period 0.5 l is enough. In general, during the cold season, the production of carbonated drinks is expected to fall, and therefore emphasis should be placed on advertising campaigns and other ways to attract customers.

In addition, in the summer, you can reduce the assortment to 3-4 of the most popular brands of soda. This approach allows us to guarantee the sale of the entire quantity of drinks produced. Keep in mind that the hottest season lasts from May to September.

Production technology

What the production of soft drinks cannot be blamed for is the complexity of the process itself. Carbon dioxide is pumped into a tanker, 85% filled with prepared water, under a pressure of 3-4 atm. Note that the water temperature should not be higher than 4-5 degrees Celsius, since as a result it picks up more gas.

Water is passed through conventional filters, the cost of a unit of which today is no more than 15-20 thousand rubles. Their throughput capacity is several thousand liters per day, their service life is up to a month.

Important! Under no circumstances buy cheap carbon dioxide, which is sold in huge quantities by factories that produce beer. The fact is that this gas is highly contaminated with microorganisms, and even has a not very pleasant smell. This will not only immediately scare off buyers, but will also serve as a reason for a visit from specialists from the SES.

Dyes, sweeteners and preservatives (in some cases) are also added to the water. After this, it can be bottled.

Equipment for production and its cost

First, you will need a bottle making machine. Of course, you can buy them from third-party manufacturers, but in the long run it works out cheaper. Among other things, the production of lemonade requires a block for bottling water. Productivity – from 500 bottles per hour.

Soda is a pleasant-tasting fizzy drink that quenches thirst at any time of the year. Consists of a mixture clean water and carbon dioxide. It has been known to mankind for several thousand years, as evidenced by the records of Hippocrates in his treatises on medicinal properties sparkling water. It can be natural from natural sources and created by people using special equipment.

Until the beginning of the 18th century, it was accessible to a small circle of people, but after industrial revolution became widespread among the entire population. Now soda can be found on everyone's shelves. grocery stores or from vending machines with soft drinks. But, rarely does anyone guess how and where sparkling water is made, and at the first sip, many people have a question about how soda is made?

Interesting fact: The first soda was made by Joseph Priestley in 1767. He collected carbon dioxide from a vat of fermented beer and saturated clean water with it.

What is soda made from?

In vending machines and factories, soda is produced according to the same principle. First, water is prepared, and then it is saturated with carbon dioxide. The water is taken clean from natural sources. If necessary, pass through filters to purify water. It is checked for the presence of foreign chemical additives, bacteria and various impurities. They are then poured into tanks and stored until production begins.


If the Romans spoke Latin, where did Italian come from?

Carbon dioxide is brought in cylinders or separated at the plant itself using special equipment. Containers and labels for finished products are brought in already prepared form and placed on the conveyor on special tapes for further filling. Additionally, it can be washed with clean water or a special pattern can be applied to the surface. Dyes and flavors are selected only natural without additional chemical compounds. To obtain sweet waters, fructose syrup is added to soda.

Soda production

The water is pumped into a special container, into which flavors and dyes are added according to the recipe. If necessary, the concentration of all components is checked and the water is sent to the saturation stage.

The water flows through the water supply into a large tank, which is called a saturator. It consists of several tanks, pumps and a system automated control. Next under high pressure carbon dioxide comes in. It saturates the water, resulting in the formation of carbonic acid H2CO3 - a combination of water molecules and carbon dioxide. The connection is not stable, therefore, when shaking, gas bubbles that are not perceptible to the smell, but very pleasant to the taste, are formed. The proportions of water and carbon dioxide are selected so precisely that after saturation, the soda is sent to the bottling stage.

Interesting fact: With recently sparkling water began to be used to make a wide variety of cocktails, added to baked goods and low-alcohol drinks. The amazing properties of the drink allow it to be used in all areas of the food industry.

Filling containers

The finished carbonated water flows through the water supply system into the dispenser. Bottles are moved along a conveyor to the filling system and filled with finished soda. Depending on the size of the containers, the machine can fill up to 150 bottles per minute. After filling, a special mechanism seals the neck with a plastic or metal stopper. Subsequently, a label is glued to the surface or a trademark design is applied.

  • Recruitment

The mineral water production business has always been considered highly profitable. An endless raw material base combined with wide choice water bottling equipment (both domestic and foreign) make this business very attractive to investors. However, due to the saturation of the market for such products, starting a business for new players is becoming more and more difficult. In this case, the sales issue always comes first.

Mineral water bottling business

From year to year, new companies and mini-productions appear in the drinking water production market. So how profitable is the mineral water production business? We invite you to familiarize yourself with the feasibility study (business plan) for the production of mineral water at a mini-enterprise with a capacity of 12 thousand liters. water per shift.

Mineral water production technology

To begin with, let us briefly introduce the technological chain of mineral water production:

  1. Accumulation of water in receiving tanks. Mineral water from wells (300-400m) is lifted using a deep pump and supplied through pipelines to storage tanks.
  2. Filtration. Water filtration is carried out on a filter block filled with sand and filtration material.
  3. Disinfection. Water disinfection is carried out with ultraviolet rays in a UV installation.
  4. Cooling. Cooling of water occurs on a plate heat exchanger.
  5. Carbon dioxide saturation.
  6. Blowing PET bottles (1.5 l) on a special blow molding machine.
  7. Filling and serving finished water to the warehouse. Mineral water is bottled in PET bottles with a capacity of 1.5 liters, sealed with corks, and labels marked on the printer are glued to the bottles. Bottles are packaged in shrink film, 6 pieces each, placed on pallets and wrapped with stretch polytizer. Then finished products sent to the warehouse.

Where to start a mineral production business

Let's calculate the main indicators economic efficiency mini-enterprises for the production of mineral water.

Initial data:

  • Production area: 400m2
  • Type of property: rent (120 thousand rubles/month);
  • Number of shifts: 1 shift (8 hours);
  • Line capacity per shift: 12,000 liters (8,000 1.5 liter bottles);
  • Number of working days in a month: 22 days.
  • Capital costs for bottling equipment

What equipment to choose for the production of mineral water

Capital costs for the purchase of equipment for the production of mineral water will amount to 1,100,000 rubles.


Monthly costs for paying wages to employees will amount to 1,272,000 rubles.

How much money does it take to produce mineral water?

The production cost of one liter of mineral water is 8.94 rubles. Total monthly expenses will be 2,363,600 rubles.

How much can you earn from producing mineral water?

We will calculate the main indicators of economic efficiency of mineral water production, including the payback period for equipment.

Conclusion: The net profit of the mineral water production enterprise will be 686.7 thousand rubles per month. The profitability of production at such indicators is 29%, and the payback period for equipment (not business) is only 1.5 months. It is worth considering that such indicators are only possible subject to 100% sales of all produced products, which is 264,000 liters of mineral water per month.

  1. Privacy.
  2. Summary.
  3. Project implementation stages.
  4. Characteristics of the object.
  5. Marketing plan.
  6. Technical and economic data of equipment.
  7. Financial plan.
  8. Risk assessment.
  9. Financial and economic justification for investments.
  10. Conclusions.