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How to conduct a charity event in 5 minutes. Charity and marketing: how to help an orphanage and increase profits

Conducts a charity event for children from an orphanage. We will talk about how such shares affect the company’s revenue and profit in this article.

The first time the idea to donate toys and necessary things to an orphanage came to the mind of our Internet marketer, Dmitry Zhabin, and everyone supported him.

We formulated several tasks:

  • help the orphanage
  • evoke positive feelings in customers so that they feel involved in a good deed
  • not to lose profit and maintain profitability

The essence of the action

Usually we have package offers: you top up your balance with one amount, and you get 5% more. During the promotion period, we canceled all discounts and bonuses (the goal is not to lose profits), and we decided to credit the same 5% to help the orphanage.

The user was asked to top up the balance by as much as possible so that SMS Aero would donate 5% of it to an orphanage.

For example, 3,000 rubles were credited to the user’s account, and 150 rubles “fell” into the stock piggy bank. We carried out the first campaign within 3 weeks before the New Year, the second - within 10 days before June 1st.

During the New Year's campaign, we planned to collect at least 100,000 rubles.

Selecting a picture for the promotion

At first we wanted to post photos with real children from an orphanage that we decided to help, but we abandoned this idea due to the fact that such an image could cause pity or sadness among users.

But we had a goal - to evoke a feeling of joy and involvement in good things. So we settled on a photo of happy children playing.

On the website you could see how much money had already been collected and how many clients had already participated: so new clients also wanted to become part of the action. The picture shows the layout of the action.

How the text was written

We did not include the phrases “orphans”, “donate funds”, “no one to help”, “poor children” in the text. They also decided not to use the standard names of the campaigns “Give a fairy tale to children”, “Children’s happiness”, “Magic without borders”. No loud or solemn names. Everything is clear and understandable so that the user understands what exactly will be purchased:

  1. On New Year we raised funds for a children's development complex
  2. By June 1, we donated a set of furniture and a playground.

Promotion results

New Year's promotion:

  • Collected: 159,927 rubles
  • Purchased: shoes and clothes, toys, Montessori educational modules, pool equipment
  • On the days of the promotion, our revenue was 17% higher than on regular days. And even after gifts were purchased for the Orphanage, the profit plan remained exceeded by 6%.

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DEAR PARENTS! “____”_________2015, a charity event “Give the baby a book” is being held! ANNOUNCEMENT At all times in Rus' there were educated, generous people, true philanthropists who shared their book collections, collections, and individual publications with people. These priceless gifts helped people survive and develop. Those who donate books are people with a high civic position, a special sense of duty to society, and, as a rule, not rich, but who understand perfectly well that these books will find their readers. The idea of ​​the action is to popularize children's and family reading. We are sure that the donated books will be useful not only for children, but also for parents - all those who want to keep their children busy with something exciting! JOIN! HOW WOULD WE LIVE WITHOUT BOOKS?.. We are friends with the printed word, If it weren’t for it, We wouldn’t know 6 anything about either the old or the new!


DEAR PARENTS! “____”______2015, a charity event “Toys for FREE” is being held! ANNOUNCEMENT Charity is a cause that is highly valued in our difficult times. We invite all mothers and fathers, grandparents with sympathetic hearts to help us in this noble cause! The purpose of the action is to collect voluntary donations in the form of toys. As part of this campaign, we invite everyone to help each other, a sick child, large and low-income families who are always with us. JOIN!

MARATHON “DOING GOOD” Do you often think about how often you do GOOD? Are you creating it at all? It’s sad and embarrassing to admit this, but today is precisely the time when everything around began to depreciate. Except money. But the soul of each of us is saturated moral values and moral and ethical qualities! Only many of us carefully hide them. We stopped thinking about our neighbors and helping in difficult times, although our houses are filled with new things, toys, books, diapers, albums, pencils and other things. And to remind everyone how important it is to do GOOD, thereby showing your best qualities, we are organizing a marathon of good deeds “Do Good”. As part of the marathon, it is planned to hold a number of charity events: “Day of Good Deeds”, “Give the baby a book”, “Let’s give the children a holiday”, “A grain from each”, “Bird feeders”, “Toys for FREE”. The symbol of goodness is the “giving hands” inside the heart. Pay attention to advertisements with this icon. Maybe this is your chance to do something good in life? Give a piece of your heart to our future children - CHILDREN!

DEAR PARENTS! “____”_______________2015 a charity event “Day of Good Deeds” is being held! ANNOUNCEMENT X we will combine completely ordinary people different professions, ages, social status, in order to all together organize a holiday for children “Children’s Day!” We can all find something at home that we no longer need, but the kids need. You can contribute to organizing assistance. To do this, you need to look in your closets for unnecessary things that are suitable for children under 4 years old: books that may be gathering dust on your shelves. Or maybe the children have grown up a long time ago, and the toys are waiting for someone to play with them... or your baby has already grown up, but the pencils, plasticine, paints, felt-tip pens are left and you don’t know where to put them? Let your gifts be a joy to the children!

If you have some things in your house that are ALREADY unnecessary and that you practically haven’t used, but also if it’s not necessary and it’s a pity to throw it away, then give it away as a gift to other people! If you don’t know who is worthy of such a priceless gift, then pass this item to our group - we will find THIS new house and happy owner! ANNOUNCEMENT DEAR PARENTS! “____”___________2015 a charity event “Extra Things” is being held!

DEAR PARENTS! “____”_______________2015, a charity event “Let's give children a holiday!” is held. In anticipation New Year's holidays, so beloved by all of us, we so want the fairy tale to come to every child. And he believed in a real New Year's miracle! The preschool educational institution is organizing a charity event: “Let’s give the children a holiday!” As part of the campaign, Christmas and New Year gifts are collected for children from the orphanage. Responsive and caring people take part in the action. You feel pre-holiday excitement, expect magic and New Year's gifts... Give these emotions to children who do not have a family or loved ones!!! ANNOUNCEMENT


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DEAR PARENTS! “____”______2015, a charity environmental event “Bird Feeders” is being held! ANNOUNCEMENT Winter is a difficult time for the birds remaining in our region. 8 out of 10 birds die not so much because of the cold as because of hunger. Let us, dear parents, help the birds survive the harsh winter days and create feeders, “bird canteens” with our own hands from different materials. Let these be “budget” feeders. The main thing is that they are made together with children and presented to “our little brothers” with all my heart!

April 1 is International Bird Day. The holiday has a rich past. Back in 1905, the International Convention for the Conservation of Birds came into force. And in 1918, Russia signed the International Treaty on Migratory Birds, which is still in force today. Since 1927, Bird Day has been officially celebrated in the USSR. Let us, dear parents, meet the birds with “bird houses” made with our own hands from different materials. Let these be “budget” birdhouses. The main thing is that they are made together with children and presented to “our little brothers” with all my heart! ANNOUNCEMENT DEAR PARENTS! From March 1 to April 1, 2015, a charitable environmental event for the production of birdhouses “A House for Birds” is being held!


DEAR PARENTS! “____”___________2015, a charitable environmental event “A grain from each” is being held! ANNOUNCEMENT Birds cannot survive without food. In every family, after a meal, crumbs, pieces of bread, seeds, millet, etc. remain. Don’t rush to throw away what you can feed the birds with, which means saving their lives! You have food - we have feeders! So, thanks to joint efforts, love, kindness, and care will settle in the hearts of children!

Examples of charity events We encounter them almost every day and no longer seem unusual. Many people try to provide free help to those who need it. We all know that support is needed for children with serious illnesses, the elderly and people who find themselves in difficult life situations. Seeing a call to provide all possible help, few people will turn away in bewilderment, because lending a helping hand is normal, it is inherent in human nature.

However, we do not know all categories of people who cannot do without outside help. Most often, their problems become commonplace, everyday things, so familiar that somehow you don’t even think about the fact that this problem can be solved. Meanwhile, these people suffer every day. But what would happen if everyone’s attention were drawn to their troubles? Perhaps then happy people or simply there would be much more people on Earth leading a normal human life.

Unusual charity events are precisely aimed at perplexing society with the problems of these needy people. Such events arouse great interest and involvement of those watching, but also sometimes require private organizers and charitable foundations to take extreme measures - to involve all the creativity in the events, making them bright, unusual, and non-trivial. The actions of the volunteers participating in them could sometimes be included in the Guinness Book of Records, they are so captivating with their heroism and dedication.

Charity events in support of children

The most famous charity events in support of children with various oncological diseases or disabled children are held all over the world. These are marathons financial aid children via SMS, numerous concerts, festivals, fairs and other events.

Charity events for children however, they do not always take place under the auspices of health. There are other groups of children who also need help. Unusual charity events in their support, organized by caring people, do not receive much publicity, but also evoke a sea of ​​bright, unforgettable emotions. Examples of such actions are few, but so unforgettable that it is simply impossible to pass them by.

Interactive exhibition “Help bring mom back!”

The state provides assistance to children left without parental care - no one can dispute this fact. But is this help really enough for orphans to live a full life, which is no different from the life of children from intact families? Not everyone has thought about this. The charity foundation “Volunteers to Help Orphans” held an unusual charity event in Moscow parks: by organizing an interactive exhibition of 10 world-famous paintings by the greatest artists, volunteers “erased” the image of the Madonna from them, leaving the babies alone. By sending any amount to the short number 3116, visitors to the exhibition helped return mothers “to their place” and thereby do a good deed by donating funds to orphanages.

One Person Application

An application was launched on the website of the charity foundation, allowing users to find orphans similar to them in orphanages. The motto of this charity event in support of orphans is “In orphanages there are children like you. Find each other." Thus, charitable foundation“Change One Life” has helped many abandoned children find parents who are as similar to them as possible.

Social action in support of children “Not A Bug Splat”

In an attempt to protect the children of Pakistan from aerial bombing, the Human Rights Organization placed giant portraits throughout the country with the faces of children who lived in this country and could die every day. The social action in support of children “Not A Bug Splat” (which loosely translated means “Don’t make a mistake”) was aimed at the psychological factor: if from a bird’s eye view people looked like dots, then when they looked at children’s portraits, many pilots could not stand it and turned around without firing. Some of them left the armed forces forever.

Examples of charitable events in support of the least protected segments of the population

Charity events in support of children are carried out quite often. They usually cause a huge resonance. But what should people do who do not belong to known categories - children, elderly people, people with dangerous diseases? Their lives are often in the palm of their hands, but few people think that they also need help.

There is another poorly protected part of the population - women. They are usually called the weaker sex, but no one thinks about the fact that they are really much weaker than men, especially in situations where there is domestic violence in the family.

Unusual charity events in defense of women were also carried out several times. The examples would puzzle many men who have not encountered them. Those who encountered had to experience a feeling of shame in public.

Famous example of a charity event this kind of “Defenceless machine gun”. In the largest shopping centers in Russia, vending machines were installed, which provoked men to use brute force simply by the fact that goods got stuck in them, instead of directly falling into the hands of the buyer. As a result, the male buyer was forced to hit the machine with all his might in order to “knock out” the purchased product from it. The effect of such a blow was the most unexpected: the girl on the monitor, previously smiling sweetly, after a strong push on the machine, began to sob loudly, attracting disapproving glances from other visitors shopping center to the unlucky man.

Carrying out an unusual charity event- sometimes the task is not easy and requires real courage. A striking example of this is covering 480 km on a motorcycle controlled without hands. Biker Phil Komar decided to draw public attention to people suffering from Parkinson's disease in such an unconventional way. He donated all the proceeds to a foundation researching this disease, after which he repeated his path twice, each time increasing the distance.

*There are many examples of charity events around the world. And what a pity that sometimes organizers have to work hard to reach our society, to convey to every person that providing all possible assistance is necessary for those who are unable to solve their problems on their own.

Do you know what the main advantage of charitable events is? They contribute to the achievement of many goals. For example, you can raise a very substantial amount for a good cause, attract public attention to a problem, or increase the image and recognition of an NPO.

But it is worth remembering that the success of any event will depend on its careful preparation. So, what items must be included in the plan?


Before you start preparing, ask yourself the following question: Why am I doing this? Are you planning a fundraising event exclusively or are you pursuing other goals? Perhaps your NGO is hoping to raise a certain amount, but this is just a nice bonus, and your main bet is on promoting the project or attracting an audience.


If you are focusing on fundraising, clearly define the format of the event (fair, charity ball, concert, etc.) and the amount you plan to raise after deducting all expenses.


A budget implies a detailed description of the expenses that you will face. These include rent and decoration of premises, payment for staff services, invitations, equipment, food, entertainment, transport and much more. Be sure to add 20% to the amount received for unforeseen expenses - you can’t live without them.

Attracting funding

When the estimate is drawn up, you need to decide on sources of financing. Their choice will depend on the type and format of the event. This could be a sponsorship budget, government grant, crowdfunding, pro bono services, financing commercial companies etc.

The target audience

You can plan a wonderful event, but if you invite the wrong people, you won't achieve the desired result. Are you planning a general fundraiser that anyone can take part in, or is the event aimed at a specific group of people (donors, businessmen, parents, young professionals)?


Don’t forget about the organizational nuances: venue, equipment, refreshments, entertainment, printed materials (flyers, posters, booklets), dress code, event program, etc. You need to think about all this in advance and include the expected cost items in the estimate.

Attracting an Audience

Any event needs advertising. Start with announcements on the organization’s website and in in social networks. Contact your subscribers and partners with a request to repost as much as possible. Prepare an informative and colorful press release for journalists and formally invite them to cover the event.


If you are planning such a large-scale event as a concert or charity ball, you cannot do without a preliminary run-through. All participants must know in advance what they are responsible for, where they stand and what they are doing. This way you can avoid unnecessary fuss and confusion at the most crucial moment.


“But they didn’t even say thank you,” is one of the most common phrases that can be heard from guests and volunteers of fundraising events. Don't forget about Thanksgiving letters, addressed to all participants, including guests, volunteers, suppliers and service personnel.