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How to make a false wall for draft beer. Diy bar counter

The bar counter today is not only a tribute to fashion, but also, in some cases, the need to save living space. With its help, they often separate the cooking area from the combined living room. Another use is as a narrow long table along the wall when there is no room for a standard dining room. But, as it is not difficult to guess, the design bar counter, erected do it yourself, saves not only space but also money. And by connecting imagination, you can make a very presentable rack from scrap materials.

Today we have an unusual publication. Our example was not built in an apartment, as usual, but in a basement converted into a beer bar.

Diy bar counter

So, the idea was to equip a sports bar in a small basement. The central element of the interior, of course, will be bar counter, do it yourself built from planks and plywood. We complement it with high chairs, large TVs and sports paraphernalia on the walls - and the stylish interior is ready.

The material was chosen according to the principle of "cheap and cheerful". On the one hand, plywood is an affordable material, on the other, plywood has a noble wood texture and, properly processed, looks beautiful and expensive. In addition, the varnished plywood bar counter is not afraid of moisture, which is important for both the bar and the kitchen.

The height of the bar counter was chosen 120 cm, length 3 m, width (along the frame) 60 cm. The total width of the table top is 75 cm (15 cm - overhang from the front side).

The frame was made of planks on nails. Two flat lattices were connected between themselves and rigidly fixed to the wall and floor. The hardest thing on this stage- keep the upper edges of the frame in the horizontal plane. In our case, the floor was initially carefully in the room, so the task was reduced to creating even rectangular frames. In the opposite situation, I think, it would be necessary to carry out constructions in place.

Since the renovation touched the entire interior of the room, the walls were painted in parallel. Behind the bar, the bottom of the wall was sewn up with plywood, in order, on the one hand, to protect it from damage, and on the other, to maintain the uniform style of the room. The plywood was pre-toned.

We already talked about how to tint plywood in the article about making a room, but I will repeat myself. The best option for home application is a warm lamp mixture of oils and waxes. For example, brandsOSMO. It is applied in several layers with a roller (usually 2-3). Before and after each painting we skin the plywood, after the last one we polish it.

Sewing up the vertical edges of the bar counter. Actually, we sew up the front "facade" and the side edge, since the space inside the bar structure will be used for storage. In addition, there will be a shelf above the drawers - a table for the bartender.

We install a plywood shelf, build in a sink (the hole for it was sawn beforehand).

To add respectability to the interior, we imitate expensive panels. To do this, we fix square frames made of wooden profile strips on plywood, decorate the bottom of the panels with a high wooden plinth, and cover the top of the wall panels with a profile strip. All elements are pre-tinted.

We turn to the construction of the countertop of the bar counter. It consists of two sheets of plywood. To make it convenient to use the built-in sink and shelf space, it was decided to make the tabletop in the form of a squat letter "P". The edge of the table top will be decorated with a wooden board. We will make it from a plinth with a beautiful curvature of the front edge and a flat back plane.

To make such a tabletop, we lay two sheets of plywood on top of each other. Please note that the top sheet is smaller than the bottom sheet so that there is room for the bead to be installed. We glue the plywood sheets with casein glue and leave them under load for two days. Then, for reliability, we connect the plywood sheets to each other with screws from the seamy side, having previously drilled the necessary holes. We choose the length of the screws slightly less than the total thickness of the tabletop. In total, 5 screws were screwed in: 4 close to the corners, one in the middle. We drank in the already glued tabletop with a single cut of a jigsaw. Close the butt end with a wooden profile.

We install the tabletop on the structure and fix it to the frame. We install the board.

We carefully skin and paint the remaining white ends of the rack, frame the corners with corners. The joints between the wooden elements and the plywood are sealed with wood putty to match. After the putty has dried, cover the structure with two layers of varnish. On this do it yourself bar counter ready.

Installing the beer tower. For those who are interested in how it works in general: we, of course, took the equipment from the factory. In the adjacent room there is a refrigerator, where kegs with beer are installed, and a carbon dioxide cylinder, which creates pressure in the system. Hoses run through the wall to the beer tower. Nothing complicated)

And now the promised interior decorations: three large TVs, themed posters, decorative shelves with beer mugs.

Another one interesting idea to create a bar counter with your own hands in this video:

We will provide a full set of bottling equipment IS FREE !

All you need is a ready-to-install draft beer shop and a stable monthly brew, namely 200 liters of one type per month. Minimum spillage in this volume is necessary, as the life of unpasteurized beer is limited.

Device Pegas is intended for non-foamy filling of beer from a keg into a PET bottle. This equipment allowed specialized stores selling keg drinks to appear on the Russian markets. The defoamer allows you to pour beer into the bottle without loss of quality and in a very short period of time. Now there are many different types Pegasus from different manufacturers. Our company uses only time-tested filling devices.

We will provide you with a set of equipment and assemble it in your store. Installation of equipment is carried out in a false wall or on a column specialized for Pegasus if you use a flow-through cooler, which are in all bars and restaurants.

The principle of cooling beer in a cooler is as follows: when the tap opens, the beer begins to flow along a long coil, which is located in the cooler bath, while the bath itself is filled with cold water, the temperature of which is set on the cooler and is always maintained. A plus This method of beer cooling is that with an average pouring beer is poured into the bottle, always cold, despite the temperature of the keg itself and the beer in it. Minus the fact is that with a very large inflow, the beer does not have time to cool down and the last customer in the queue can buy warm beer. And also when using coolers It is obligatory to install an air conditioner in the storage place for kegs and coolers (in the "warehouse" behind a false wall), since a lot of heat is generated from the coolers and it becomes very hot in the room especially in summer, which is bad for beer in kegs, it is from high temperature may turn sour before the expiration date!

There is another way to sell beer without coolers - installation of a refrigerating chamber... This option is gaining more and more popularity among conscious entrepreneurs!

The principle of cooling beer in the chamber is as follows: all kegs are in a refrigerator, the temperature of which is + 4C. At the same time, the beer remains the freshest, the yeast that is present in the keg does not multiply, the effect of preserving the beer and its taste characteristics is obtained. The beer from the refrigerator compartment is considered to be the tastiest. The pros are obvious. Of the minuses, this is, of course, the price of the camera, investments when opening a store will be needed more than when installing coolers that we give for use. And also in the chamber there should always be a supply of beer in order to have time to cool, if there is no supply of cold beer, then there is also a chance to pour warm beer to the customer.

The choice of what to install in the store coolers or one chamber is yours! Below you can see pictures of different draft beer shops and different ways of selling.

This is how the classic and very first defoamer looks like, which has proven itself in the best way (the case can be both metal and plastic):

This is how the method of installing Pegasus in a false wall looks like, while it is very convenient for all the kegs and coolers to be located behind the wall without interfering with the seller and without deteriorating appearance trading floor... In this version of the store, the false wall is made of wood:

The same false wall only from a ready-made metal rack, this option is convenient in that it is not attached to the floor, it can be moved as needed and when sprinkled with beer it is easy to clean:

Back view:

An example of placing pegasus in a rack (if the store is small or the owner likes this option more):

Please note that the kegs and coolers are under the counter and will interfere with the seller's pouring beer, as well as the noise from the coolers will be heard more in the sales area:

If you do not want to use flow-through coolers, but want the beer to always be cold in the keg itself, then you can put a refrigerator in the store:

View inside the chamber (such a rack is required behind any false wall, it will save you space):

Also an example of a refrigerating chamber, only with the installation of pegasus in two rows:

Technical characteristics of equipment for bottling beer "Pegas":

  • The productivity of the device (depends on the temperature of the beer) 45-120 l / hour or 60 bottles / hour. That is, the lower the temperature of the beer in your keg or cooler, the faster you will pour it through the pegasus.
  • The pressure of carbon dioxide supplied to the keg and the device is 1.5-3 kg / cm3. This pressure must be set on a reducer, which is mounted on a gas cylinder with a carbon dioxide gas cylinder.
  • Additional consumption of carbon dioxide during accelerated filling of beer (depends on the gas pressure in the keg and the intensity of beer filling) 90-360 l / h (0.2-0.8 kg / h). One container with carbon dioxide is enough for about 2000 liters (if the beer is bottled not warm, but cold + 4 + 6C).

Below are photos of flow-through coolers for bottling beer and on the right is a photo of a carbon dioxide reducer:

When planning to open a shop for bottling beer from kegs, be sure to take into account the energy consumption for the equipment to be installed, it often happens that landlords do not provide more power in the room and when installing a large number of equipment problems begin, knocks out traffic jams, the network does not cope. Our chillers consume from 0.6 to 0.8 kW each. If you install a refrigerator, then be sure to ask how much your split will consume and only then buy it, making sure that there is enough power.

We offer a turnkey solution for opening a promising beer businessturnkey draft beer shop.

In our arsenal there are ready-made solutions of any format, we will make the decoration of your premises in a short time - from a small department to a bar, cafe or restaurant.

The most demanded services of our company:

  1. Assembly and assembly refrigerating chamber for storing beer in kegs;
  2. Assembly bar counter, canopy for defoamers of the Pegas system, as well as other manufacturers, racks for PET containers and other necessary furniture;
  3. False-wall installation, repair and decoration of the premises (if necessary).
  4. Installation and assembly of advertising structures, banners;
  5. Information - we provide the most complete and objective information about possible risks, choosing the right location, positioning the store, seasonality of the business. In addition, we transfer a complete data package about suppliers of beer, snacks, equipment and much more;

The temperature and shelf life of the goods, and, accordingly, the quality of the drink for your customer depends on the quality of the assembly of the chamber!

At that moment, when the correct location has already been selected, everyone who wants to open a draft beer store from scratch has a question: "WHERE TO START?" On this page, we will present a brief instruction for future entrepreneurs in Krasnoyarsk, Moscow and other cities of Russia.

  1. Bar counter and furniture for a draft beer shop... The assembly of racks and a bar is always the second stage when our company fulfills an order for opening a turnkey draft beer store in Moscow and Krasnoyarsk.

    When the refrigerating chamber for kegs is assembled, it's time to start installing the facade and assembling furniture: a false wall, a canopy for pegasus, a rack for PET containers and, most importantly, the face of the store. - bar counter... When ordering a set, you get a ready-made solution, which means that everything has standard convenient dimensions and you do not need to reinvent the wheel by assembling something yourself or wait a whole month by ordering a rack from furniture makers. The choice of materials and their texture is wide, and the final result depends on your wishes. The beer bar is made of solid wood, lining, laminated chipboard.

    The cost of a bar counter and a set of furniture depends on the size and material chosen. The term of production and installation of a bar counter in a draft beer store in Krasnoyarsk or Moscow is 2-3 days.

    The price of a bar counter for a beer store is from 17,000 to 40,000 rubles (depending on materials and size), taking into account delivery, materials and work.

In this article I will tell you what I spent my money on, what difficulties I have to face, which beer is better to order, and how much you can earn from it.

Where to begin?
The first step is to decide where you want to place your store. It is desirable that it be passage place and there were no competitors. A good place for a draft beer shop is 100% success.

What is the minimum area?
Minimum area from 20 m2. We have stores of 60 m2 and 70 m2, that is, on average, this is 50 m2. If there is 20 m2, it is also not a problem, but you will have a small warehouse, little space for buyers, little space for a seller, etc.

We were looking for a squaring of 50-60 squares. Where I wanted to place the store, there was a rent of 60,000. The landlord made concessions to us, and made a 50% discount for the first month, that is, I paid 30,000, as well as an advance payment of 60,000. He also took 5,000 for a communal apartment, so I paid 95,000 in the first month.

Security of the premises
There are a lot of security firms in the city, they install sensors free of charge around the perimeter, and we pay 3000 rubles a month for the protection of our premises. That is, they give us a quick response button, and when we press it, the guards arrive within 5 minutes.
Shop construction. The construction cost us 40,000 rubles. This includes materials, construction of a false wall, warehouse, counter, painting.

Accounting department
Next, we install a computer, the 1C Retail system, which conducts sales and makes revisions. That is, we enter into it how much beer has arrived, the seller sells within a month and we look in the system how much beer we have left, weigh it so that the revision converges. 1C, man, computer cost us 45,000.

The next stage is video surveillance. I recommend installing video surveillance, because there are many controversial situations, with sellers, buyers, in which case video surveillance will show everything. In our case, this is a 6000 camera, 4000 installation, installation, a total of 10,000.

How to make a sign? You can call 3 firms that are engaged in the installation of advertising structures, they measured and each said his price. I chose which one is cheaper and ordered. It cost 24,000 rubles. This amount included a sign with lighting and installation, 3 meters long, 1 meter wide.

We spent 45,000 on the purchase. This includes 10 types of beer + kvass + lemonade. Fish and snacks cost 18,000 rubles. It is better to immediately make a large assortment of fish and snacks so that buyers have a choice. The more choices in the store, the better for you. We also spent 5,000 rubles on bottles. There are many suppliers, one bottle costs an average of 4.50 to 5.50. We immediately bought 5,000 rubles.

Refrigerated display case for fish. In our case, this is the Arctic, two meters high, cost us 30,000 rubles. The fish is beautifully arranged and stored in it.

The rest of the little things - 5000 rubles.

We spent 310,000 rubles to open the store.

Be prepared for monthly expenses, these are salesmen salaries, taxes, purchases.

What should you pay attention to when opening a store?
Firstly, it is better to sell beer of local bottling, as it is familiar to people. Secondly, opening a store is very important, you need to arrange some kind of action to stimulate sales. Third, the shelf life of the beer. Live beer costs 3-5 days, pasteurized beer costs 8-10. Never sell expired beer, as a customer who has bought such beer once will not buy it again. Fourth, the margin. It averages 60 to 100%.

About profitability
So, how much can you earn from this? Using our store as an example, in order for us to break even, we must trade for 250,000 rubles, which is approximately 8,000 rubles per day. We are successfully coping with this plan. Our average daily revenue is 11,000-17,000 rubles.