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What business ideas are relevant in America. What are these differences

Many novice entrepreneurs find it difficult to choose a profitable business idea. Most often, they are focused on the experience of domestic businessmen, but, unfortunately, this approach is not always acquitted, so some newcomers take as the basis of the business idea of \u200b\u200b2018 from the USA. In this article we collected several best projects that can bring good income in our country.

Business features in American

It is worth noting that American small business ideas have their own characteristics. For residents of this country, entrepreneurial activity is a way of life. Perhaps some business ideas in the US will seem unusual and even outland. Therefore, choosing the direction of activity, you need to consider the mentality of our people and compare them with real conditions. The fact is that not all business ideas from the United States can show high efficiency in Russia. American culture consists of traditions of different peoples. Due to this, in the US, you can open a business associated with the most different areas of human activity. But there are also such models that can only work overseas. In our country, they are unacceptable.

Despite this, many domestic entrepreneurs successfully embody American business ideas that are not in Russia and receive a decent income. Of course, there is a certain level of competition in each sphere. So the modern business world is arranged. In principle, you can choose one of the new business ideas in the United States with a complete absence of competition. In this case, you will become a real discoverer. Of course, competitors will sooner or later appear, but by that time you have time to earn good money.


These interesting ideas for business from the United States are well suited for pet lovers. The first option is a taxi for pets. Such a service is usually used by secured people who are very busy with their affairs. Your task is accompanied by domestic pets in a veterinary clinic. To work, you will need a roomy car and special comfortable cells. This business is most profitable to open in large cities.

Another idea of \u200b\u200bsmall businesses developing in the United States is a hotel for animals in which you will post pets and provide them with proper care. Such a business brings good income, both in the USA and in European countries. In Russia, animal hotels are also not rare. Their services enjoy the people who go on business trips or on vacation and have no opportunity to take pets with them. While the owners are in the roadside, the hotel staff look after unusual guests, providing them with proper care and nutrition.

Personal consultations

Such an idea of \u200b\u200bsmall business in the United States appeared relatively recently. Only specialists who have extensive experience and necessary knowledge in some particular sphere are provided by individual consultations in America.

In our country, many citizens need extraneous assistance and the Sell Council. If you are a good economist, a lawyer or psychologist, try to act as a personal consultant. This is one of the easiest American ideas for business without investment. All you need for the start is knowledge, computer and Internet access. At first, you can provide such a service for free to attract customer attention to your business.

Paving tile of rubber

Some business ideas from Europe and America are already working in our country and bring good income. These include the production of rubber paving slabs. According to experts, such a business opens extensive prospects before beginners. In this segment of the market there is no high level of competition. The profitability of such a business reaches 40%.

Rubber tile has a lot of advantages. First of all, this is a long service life. It retains its original appearance and form of more than 20 years. In addition, such a tile does not slide, it does not crack and does not fade in direct sunny rays.

Such products are made from rubber crumb, which, in turn, is obtained from old automotive tires. This is from America. The cost of raw materials depends on the method of its manufacture, colors and fractions. If we talk about equipment, to implement such a promising business idea in the US you will need:

  • Volcanic press;
  • Forms;
  • Mixer;
  • Drying chamber.

If you want to make multi-colored tiles, you can use various dyes.

Silent events

Conducting parties, trainings and other noisy events in wireless headphones is one of the coolest ideas of small businesses from Europe and the USA. Such a direction of activity opens incredible prospects before beginner entrepreneurs.

If you are attracted to the organization of various events, try to implement such a project in our country. Of course, you will have to spend a certain amount for the purchase of special equipment and advertising your business. All initial investments will be returned in the shortest possible time. Since this new business idea from America and Europe has not yet been widespread, competition in this market segment is practically absent.

Product without packaging

Everyone knows that if the goods are sold without packaging, it must cost much cheaper. In some cases it does not work, because there are such products that are difficult to sell not packaged. But basically, such a trick attracts consumer attention.

If you want to open a small store, install transparent containers in it and try selling various sweets, tea, nuts, cereals, and so on. To correctly form an assortment, ask the specialists. In severe economic conditions, people try to buy inexpensive food products, so you need to do fiscal goods. It can be pasta of the middle price segment, cereals, inexpensive sheets, coffee, and so on. The trade in merchants is a great idea of \u200b\u200bsmall business in Europe and the United States, which will significantly increase sales.

Jeans for men

Many men do not like to engage in shopping, so every trip to the store for new jeans is a real torment for them. This lesson is nervous and takes a lot of time. To facilitate men life in the United States offers special shops. First, only men's jeans are sold in them. Secondly, they are not folded on the shelves, but are posted by face to buyers. Most often on the racks hang a model of the same size.

To choose jeans in such a store, you need to download a special mobile application to the phone, scan the model code and specify the size. After a certain time, information comes to your smartphone, in which fitting booths are suitable for you jeans. If the thing came up, you go with her on the cashier. Jeans that you did not like should be thrown into a special hole provided for in the fitting booth.

Buyers believe that shopping in a similar store is solid pleasure. Such an American business idea increases the yield of the trading enterprise 10 times.

Purchases at the airport

Another new American idea for small business is the delivery of food to the airport. Every person who leaves his house for a certain time, removes all perishable food from the refrigerator. When he returns home, after a tedious flight to drive to the supermarket to replenish the stocks of the products. According to experts, the delivery of goods to the airport is unique. The client makes an order through a mobile application, and by arrival at the airport it is expecting a courier with purchases.

Calorie Country Restaurant

In some European and American restaurants in the menu opposite each meal, its fat and calorie is indicated. This business idea of \u200b\u200bAmerica and Europe 2018, you can easily develop and make more attractive. For example, a person who ate the cooler dish can get a glass of wine as a gift.

Storage Cameras on the freeway

The creators of this business in America receive a huge income, since many citizens enjoy this service. A storage cameras in which any valuable things can be left for the freeway. It is very convenient for people who go to another city. On the way back, a person takes his things and pays for the service. To implement this American business idea from scratch can anyone, since it does not require major financial investments or some special knowledge.

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Tourist sets

If you can't come up with, try selling special tourist sets to relax in nature. In stores for tourists you can find folding furniture, mugs, spoons and so on. It would seem in this segment it is impossible to offer something new. But one American, nevertheless, invented how to make money on such products. He developed a special portable tourist set, consisting of a kitchenette, bed, soul, tables and chairs. That is, it provides all that is necessary for a full-fledged holiday in nature. If you are interested, be sure to pay attention to this direction of activity.

Trade of used things

In Western countries, trading of used things is considered quite familiar. If you attract such a direction of activity, ask

The United States of America is a state in which a small business flourishes. Americans have such a mentality - they know how to make money, embodying elementary ideas that Russians could also use to improve their financial position. Therefore, this article is devoted to the options of new business in America which is not in Russia. We are confident that each of the ideas proposed by us could easily take root in the Russian small business.

Principles of American entrepreneurship

To begin with, it is necessary to determine the peculiarities of doing business in America. The views of Americans on entrepreneurship are completely different from the arguments of Russians about this. This is exactly what can be explained why such a high standard of living in people in the US and low in the Russian Federation.

What are these differences in:

  • Any Russian person when he begins to master and embody, first of all, I want to get big profit as soon as possible. American business is based on the same instant income, but on the idea and the future, as it is believed that profit in any case will be, if you take a number of successful entrepreneurial actions;
  • New business in America is building only people with entrepreneurial thinking, having excellent experience and a lot of knowledge about the fact that they take. We also consider every person who received a diploma at least about secondary education that it will be easy to find, and undertakes unsuccessful attempts to do this without having any experience;
  • American ideas for business are completely relying on the Internet - people immediately create their own sites, work on social networks to attract customers, pay great attention to an advertising campaign, without saving for it. In Russia, this tendency only began to gain momentum.

That is, small business in America is constantly developing, expanding, opens up new horizons, since lucky entrepreneurs understand that success can be achieved only on what is now fashionable in America.

So let's discuss what is now popular in America. But, before proceeding to a detailed description of what is gaining popularity in America and is already in great demand, we note that many items from the list of business ideas of America may seem to the Russian person in strange and dickens:


As we all know, the Americans are a nation suffering from obesity. People working, for example, in offices can not afford to regularly visit sports and gyms to engage in figure. They simply have no time for it. In this, people who know how to invent American business ideas saw the future and created a unique offer for companies and US firms - on the basis of their institutions to equip a small gym, in which sports could be played at the break. You do not need to pay for rent, you only need to install simulators and find individual coaches for people.

Pet care

People who lead a public lifestyle simply do not have time to do their pets, but they are in status to make pets look healthy, well-groomed and beautiful. This built a very popular business in America - a taxi that takes animals into veterinary hospitals, for example, to vaccine, or in a beauty salon - on a haircut. You can, instead of a taxi, to offer rich people a hotel for pets for the time while their owners are resting at the resort.

Sites for entrepreneurs and institutions

As we mentioned, the Internet is exactly what popular in America is the most. For this reason, all companies and businessmen who want to know about their services, as many people can be ordered original sites, on which their essence of activity and other useful information are described in detail. A person who has capital can open a company where every novice entrepreneur will be able to order a site. To do this, find the room and people with their computers for work. In the future, you will need to purchase your own equipment.

Mobile hotels

When we arrive in someone else's city and are forced to spend the night in it, we first look for a good place for overnight. Observation and resourceful Americans decided to earn it. This new business idea is popular in America. Many cities of the United States already operates a van service with all amenities that comes to the place that the customer specifies. You can spend inexpensively on the spot with all the amenities. Convenient, isn't it?

Online shops

Anyone in the USA, who understands trade, will say that the need for renting the premises to implement his product in the presence of the Internet is not. It will even be an extra spending of money. All people around the clock are in the world web, they are much simpler, without leaving anywhere from home, ordering even food through the website of the online store and pay the card.

Such types of business from America are perfectly perceived by the population and in our country. Buyers and consumers of the above-mentioned services are easily located in most major Russian cities. It can be said that even some competition among entrepreneurs who are engaged in such a business appear.

If you are looking for a field of activity where there can be no competition in our country, then we suggest you consider this business idea from Europe and America as an option, which has not been too popular in Russia. Especially in small cities you can easily take this niche. Pensioners, people with limited physical abilities, mothers in the decree and just occupied people will be used by a similar service. It is so convenient for the products and goods delivered right home. The minus is that they will have to work around the clock. After all, customers may need goods at any time.

Appear at the same speed as in America. In many ways, they are identical, perhaps because Europeans quickly pick up American innovations in private entrepreneurship. What is this business ideas from America and Europe, which Russian businessmen still do not know:

Public laundry

We have long been working dry cleaning, where we rent our belongings, which can not be cleaned about them because of complex spots on them. We are prescribed a day on the queue ticket when we need to come to pick up your order. But it should be noted that in recent times, people have become more and less likely to use dry-cleaner services. As Western experience shows, it is much more profitable to open the usual laundries with washing machines and dryers, which begin to wash automatically after loading in them linen and monetary bills. Such a service will be used by a wide demand, for example, among students living in hostels. After all, the washing fee is symbolic - you can wash how much time. Such a business is built not on the quality of washing, but on the number of people who will erase their things, and it will be infinite if you choose the right place to locate the laundry.

Nursing with self-service

This type of business is exactly what is in America what is not in Russia. In institutions of this plan, people can independently take their food and pour drinks. The waiters are suitable for them only when you need to pay for the selected food. Such upos are very much like people, because they do not need to wait long until they serve, and they can begin to eat right away, as they come to the restaurant.

Sale of live flowers through vending machines

From different types of business, what is in America what is not in Russia, the sale of live flowers from the vending machines can be called one of the most interesting ideas. A man at any time of the day can buy a bouquet of fresh and beautiful colors using the services of floral machines. To open such a business, a Russian entrepreneur needs starting capital of 500 thousand rubles. The largest attachment is needed, of course, to buy a special automaton that will support the necessary microclimate for colors. Its value is about 300 thousand rubles. Considering the modern prices for flowers and their constant demand among the population, it is possible to return investments in the shortest possible time. If you seriously think about such a project, then from it can be done.

Exhibitions of three-dimensional images

This is absolutely. Now even people who are enjoyed by paintings and photo gallery, and not professionally create their creation, can open small rooms for organizing 3D exhibitions. Pictures with a three-dimensional image can be ordered via the Internet, and you can create yourself with special computer programs.

Cafes or restaurants in complete darkness

Such food intake establishments are what is in America in Russia in Russia. What is their essence - people in the pitch darkness eat what the restaurant offers them. They blindly blindfolded, which turns into a real entertainment process, especially if there is a great company from which you can have time from the soul and spend time.

Sale of packaged sweet ice

Ice production - a business in America but not in Russia. It is enough to purchase freezers and prepare different sweet syrups that need to be added to the water for freezing. Very good, such products will diverge in cafes and bars, where ice is simply necessary for decoration of dishes and drinks.

Sale of marzipan figures for baking

We have long been working a system for the manufacture of festive cakes to order. You can contact a confectioner through the Internet, discuss the filling and decoration with it for the main dessert for any celebration. However, the services of such people most often do not appeal because women themselves do not bake, but because they have no time to create ornaments from marzipan or mastic. But you can buy them if there is a special store. It is you can become the discoverer. With a minimum of attachments, you can make the order of the right figures and sell them via the Internet at decent prices.

Storage cameras for unnecessary travel things

When we go to the resort by car, we take everything you need to relax. But in the resort we are not only lying on the beach, and attend museums, exhibitions and other sights. Sometimes it happens that in the car accumulates a lot of things that no longer accommodate. Some of them people can leave in the storage chamber along the motorway, as is done in America. In Russia, this also could have a good and profitable business in the future. Novice entrepreneurs who are looking for unusual earnings, we recommend thinking about the implementation of this new business idea from America and Europe in our city.

"Big Gay Ice Cream"

Now this is a developed cafe network, although in 2009 the activity began with a small van for the sale of ice cream and cervices. The essence of the idea is very simple, but effective. BGIC offers original and amazingly delicious combinations of additives to ice cream: lime cottage cheese, crumb of vanilla cookies, pumpkin jam. Another secret of popularity is the original and memorable names of sweets.


This is an unusual coffee shop. Its creators and visitors are the fans of the Queen group. In the hall hanging photos of Freddie Mercury and other musicians of the group. From time to time, one of the group compositions sounds in the coffee shop. At this moment, the first in the queue of the client receives the boiled drink for free. Slogan of this promotion: "When Queen plays, Freddie pays!".

"Booty's Street Food"

The owners of this restaurant in Louisiana traveled for a long time in the world and studied the features of national cuisines. They chose, learned how to prepare and offer their visitors the most popular, classic dishes from street vans of various countries of the world. But the restless businessmen are not enough. A hidden art gallery, located in the restroom, became a trick of the restaurant.

"Carousel Bar"

In the center of this huge bar is a real working carousel. This is an old carousel. It does not ride on it. A huge photos of the most interesting and popular areas of the historic street Royal Street are installed on the carousel. Visitors are located around the carousel and watch the exciting pictures with local attractions with local attractions. Also, the bar offers a huge number of original cocktails.

"Crock Spot"

Translated the name of the network of grocery vans means "egg slut". The choice of brand name was very successful, it is ridiculous and remembered instantly. But the main business chip - all the dishes are prepared using eggs. There are amazingly delicious branded recipes. It turned out that many people are ready to pay for it. The network enjoys great popularity and continues to expand, opening new points.


This restaurant is located on the water in San Francisco Harbor. In addition to the magnificent and rare species opening from the windows and the terrace of the restaurant on the water, visitors are offered gourmet dishes. There are banquet halls and special menus for various holidays. The restaurant enjoys great success, it is often ordered for celebrations.


This is a social network for travelers. Users, going on vacation, have the opportunity to get useful tips from experienced travelers who are known to be the most interesting places on the selected route. In the network you can find out what types of transport it is better to get, about the best hotels and other peculiarities of the route.

This is a mobile application. It gives additional motivation to people who have decided to start sports. If you visit the gym regularly, there are pleasant bonuses in the cash equivalent, travelers are fined. It turns out that those who miss training are paying for people who managed to make themselves work out.

"Honor & Folly"

This is a vintage hotel, designed in the spirit of the inn of the last yard of the last century. The style is despicable ideal, and it attracts so many guests. Additional marketing reception - regular culinary courses from local chefs, which are held at this hotel.


This is famous in Chicago network of snack bars, which became famous for the original hot dogs. For example, in the menu there are sausages from the rattling snake. Corporate recipes of sauces, snacks also attract customers.

This is one of the best and most famous burgers in Boston. Customers love this place because of delicious dishes, but the main cause of tremendous popularity is the thematic menus that change every week.

This is a bar in Los Angeles, which offers customers unique drinks. Alcoholic beverages are added to traditional Thai tea from balls Tapioki. Branded alcoholic cocktails with Bob are greatly popular, and the lack of clients does not experience the institution.

This is a restaurant in New York. The trick of the institution is constantly changing chefs. Restaurant visitors have the opportunity to try cooking stars dishes. Also, there is an opportunity to show yourself to anyone who is not famous for beginners. After a week of work in LTO, many new stars appeared.


This is the marketplace on the Internet. Her users get the opportunity to order the manufacture of any things seen in real life or social networks. Another part of users is masters of various directions that perform these orders.

"Maximus / Minimus"

This is a van in which it is preparing and selling incredibly tasty and original sandwiches with stewed pork. It is noteworthy and the van himself, it has the kind of a large pig pig. Business works in Seattle.


This is a family pub in Honolulu. Owners offer visitors to dishes of national Hawaiian cuisine, prepared only from local and seasonal ingredients. Unique recipes, exemplary maintenance, freshness and ecological cleanliness of products made a pub one of the most beloved establishments in the city and attraction for tourists.

Chain stores in New York. The best tailors are working here, which sew to order men's suits. You can check an order online, but it is necessary to come to the interior. The network offers several hundred species of fabrics and multiple costume models that can be selected using a special computer program with visualization. Blocks remove many different standards and work on innovative tailoring technology. In Reuse, the client receives a suit that is perfect for his figure.

"Pangea Pal"

This is an online traveler service. Going to an unfamiliar city, service users find people who live in it. Having become acquainted with one or several locals, the traveler negotiates a personal meeting or receives valuable advice on the inspection of the most interesting attractions, the choice of hotel or shopping places.

A couple of Houston couple bought the old bus, restored him and created the original photo booth. The service is in great demand at various celebrations and parties. Customers ordered a mobile photo booth very often, because after prior booking it comes at the appointed time directly to the holiday location.

"Restaurant Jezebel"

This is a high-class restaurant in Austin. Visitors do not offer the standard menu, but asked about taste preferences and, based on the information received, prepare a unique exquisite dinner. Here you can try wine rare varieties, pamper yourself with an eleet cigar and get a chic service.


This is an online store with a very original concept. Customers pay $ 10, but before receiving the order do not know what they will receive in return. It may be anything - from piano to household items or a funny hat. Despite the stupidity of the idea, the service has many fans. People attract the possibility of a pleasant and exciting expectation and surprise they are experiencing during their purchase.

"The Beer Dabbler Store"

This is a specialized beer topics store. Here you can buy barrels, original glasses, equipment for the sale of beer and clothing with logos of the most famous brewing. In the assortment of the store art objects and souvenirs on the beer theme. Also, buyers offer new items, such as beer soap or stylish candles in curly beer bottles.


This is the best institution in Los Angeles, which serves the most delicious fish Tako. By choosing a narrow specialization, the owner of the buffet has reached perfection in its direction. Local tacos are really recognized as the best in the city. The entertainment program of this institution deserves attention. There are comedy nights here, the best comic books of the country are organized at the small scene of the buffet.

"The Big Board"

At first glance, this is an ordinary bar, what a lot in Washington. But the institution has developed a unique pricing system for beer. Its value changes depending on demand as on the financial stock exchange. A huge board hangs on the wall, all the varieties of beer are indicated and the changes are made in real time in its price. Also, the bar offers burgers with 1005 natural ingredients.

"The Boring Store"

Translated the name means "Store of boring things." Permanent visitors and residents of Chicago know that the sign is directly contrary to the present assortment of the store. Here they sell everything that can be needed to super-agents. The chip worked, from tourists and local buyers there is no pen. In fact, the store was created to earn funding for a non-profit training center for beginner writers located in the same building.

This is an online store that specializes in the sale of a wide variety of things for people who are passionate about advanced technologies. Among the shops of the store are programmers, students, technical orientation specialists, people who create and enjoy various directions of Internet culture. In addition to the advanced and necessary in the work on the creation of new inventions of things in the assortment of the store there are various trinkets, for example, souvenirs on the subject of minecraft.

The idea of \u200b\u200bthis business is to create unique spirits to order. The company has its own fragrances recipes and offers customers to create new compositions. All wishes have the opportunity to undergo training azam creating perfume. There are special courses for students planning to work in the perfume sphere.

"Zombie Apocalypse Store"

This store in Las Vegas. The range of this store consists of everything that can be useful for survival, if a zombie apocalypse occurs. Here you can buy weapons, effective against zombies, tools for protection, stock products and many other things that will come in handy with the onset of collapse of the existing order of things and social defendants. Is it worth saying that the store is of great popularity among tourists, fans of a fantastic genre and people who arrange or going to visit themed parties?


This store sells things from lost and unclaimed baggage. A certain percentage of road bags and suitcases does not find their owners. After the airline adopted by the airline for finding luggage owners, forgotten and lost things are sent to a special storage. The contract is entered into force between the airline and the passenger, according to which, after the specified time, the baggage is revealed, and things are sent to the implementation.

These products and make up the store range. They are cleaned, processed and sell everyone at a low price.

What are interesting for us Business ideas from Europe? They attract our enterprising compatriots mostly their novelty, creativity and uniqueness of the decision.

Of course, they must be adjusted under our conditions - to adapt. Businessman who managed to implement European ideas For entrepreneurship, you can assign the title of pioneer.

Let's look at those who come in or have already taken root and adapted to our mentality, geographical and economic conditions.

Protective fluid For surfaces "ULTRA EVER DRY" . Essence of action; Water repellent and dirt function. Before starting the surface, it is covered with this means. After use, it is removed, and the subject or thing remains dry and clean. Very useful thing. It will be useful on the robot and at home.

The case is little common with us. Niche is almost free - occupy and do, who is interested.

"Bicycle rental on automatic" . The innovation introduced in Amsterdam. To improve the bike rental service and the speed of the operation itself, which takes only 15 seconds, they installed rolling machines. Where for a couple of euro you take, led the car, and you can return there or to another similar rolling point.

This type of activity is called vending. There are almost no competitors in our country. The field for collecting fruits is wide and few people will interfere.

- Next innovation, it using snow for promotional purposes . The well-known Agency in the field of advertising London called "CURB" has always been distinguished by the use of natural materials in its activities.

For the first time, "CURB" used winter wealth in an advertising campaign for the Extreme television channel. On the snow, about two thousand television logos were created. Outows immediately paid attention to this innovation. The original approach to advertising, brought its results.

The result - our winter will not give the abyss. The main image of thinking, fantasy, and of course customers.

- Another actual winter type of earnings, rental of New Year's costumes. A pretty favorable thing, while the fact that is small in connection with its impermanence. Round year to make money in this matter you will not. But those who risked to do, do not complain and satisfied.

- in Europe began to spread wide cafe with menu designer . Having come to the institution to eat, the client does not choose from the existing menu. And it provides a wide range of food products, where he picks up the ingredients and makes itself a dish. It can even take part in its preparation. Quite interesting, and not distributed from us. Many customers would use such a service.

Now consider business ideas from America, who arrived in the territory of the post-Soviet countries.

Car wash - The thing is not Nova. But our roads always justify themselves. Because, we do not have them and passing them, even in dry weather, you can not know your four wheels.

Slept from dust and dirt he is asking to wash.

- Employment Agencies - In the CIS countries after the collapse of the Soviet Union, due to the invasion of solid unemployment.

The essence of earnings is the search for specialists for employers interested in them. The income will go from the number of contracts prisoners by the employer and the client.

To do this, you need to open your office, equip it. Create a client base.

Business on vending machines , not new, also came to us from America. Machines, there are coffee, cigarettes, beverages, rolls, etc. You need to purchase one or more such mechanisms. Rent places for them and install. Installation follows in crowded places.

For the month they will pay ourselves, verified.

- one more thing that came to us from America, this cleaning and restoration of pillows. Over time, feathers are stuffed with dust, moisture tensioned, and foreign items are hung there. Perch also wear out and it needs to be replaced. So this kind of earnings will always be relevant.

not only born in the United States, but also in a number of other countries of the American continents. Something interesting was invented in Mexico and Argentina:

- on the Mexican Island Cozumel created a unique underwater, oxygen bar "Clear Lounge". It is located on a lively street in the form of a parallelepiped. Before immersion, people pass on safety instructions. Sweese special helmets to which special oxygen hoses are attached, dive begin.

Through the oxygen hose, the usual air, air of improved quality concentrated oxygen with different fragrances of additives is selected.

The price of a visit to $ 38, while staying at 20 to 30 minutes, the water temperature is always maintained at 31 0 per Celsius. This is the only institution of this type in the world. As well as all technology patent patent.

- Mexican Javier Lopez Ancona in 1999 embodied his dream under the name "Kindzania" in the reality. it park for children with adult life and developed infrastructure. Children are investigated, stew fires, financial operations are carried out, traded and much more. There are about 80 kinds of professions in the park. There is a currency "Kijo", which is issued by the customs officer at the entrance, that is, a ticket. And in order to replenish your wallet to the local currency, the child needs to work. To do this, the tools are issued, the form corresponding to a particular profession. The entrance is allowed to children from 2 to 15 years. Profit from such an attraction can be said "awesome", up to $ 35 million.

- In Argentina, the publishing company "Eterna Cadencia", found a solution to the stimulation of readers in reading books and buying new, so-called "Fingering book." It is printed by special paint, which disappears from pages under the influence of light in 2 months. From the publisher, the publication goes into hermetic packaging.

Pay attention to new business ideas in America, which can be implemented with us:

- Provision pets care services . Many people contain animal homes. And by the nature of their activities, they have no time to care for their pets. To do this, they use special services for transportation, walking and animal care, while paying very decent money.

Hotels for the same pets. Everyone knows what is a business trip, and it is sometimes delayed from one day to several. A person who keeps the house of a dog or a cat can calmly pass his favorite to "storage" in this institution and go through your affairs. A taxi service for pets is also provided. Cost, these services are considerable. You can check this case in large cities.

Mobile hotel it is a van, a bus that is converted to a hotel room with all amenities; Bedroom, bathroom, toilet shower, kitchen, etc. It is intended to people who appreciate their time and money. The hotel on wheels is always at hand, whether a person is resting on the beach by the sea in his own country, or abroad. Profit from such a case approximately 60% of investments.

"Smell to order" creating perfumes by individual order. Each person knows the smell, and smells are perceived in different ways. This approach to the customer was offered the company « T.ijo.n ".Activities in this direction will be profitable and popular especially among women.

- Now, probably, it is difficult to find people who have no time, a simple mobile phone, not to mention the tablets, smartphones.

All these technical binds tightly entered our lives, and have the ability to discharge at an inappropriate moment. This problem was first decided in New York in 2015, starting to establish racks for charging gadgets on the streets.

Set the racks in crowded places; shopping centers, shops, cafes, cinemas, public transport stops, restaurants, snack bars, etc., having previously agreed with the owners or guidance of institutions for the right to install.

For us, this problem is very relevant. And for those who will introduce this case in practice, it will be profitable, since there are practically no competitors in this direction.

- And in Canada came to help housewives . As we know, every year all new and improved kitchen apparatus appear. Yes, and smart, with the execution of several functions at the same time, or consistently without human intervention.

Someone has the opportunity to buy them, and clutches the kitchen that there is no place to turn. Others are not for that, but in other times it would come in handy. And in Toronto, they found a solution to these two problems, organizing "Kitchen Library". Now any housewife will allow them to be frowning "to their beloved" in the kitchen. There are not only amateur devices in the library bank, but also professional. The cost of the subscription for a year is $ 50. Penalties are also made for non-accurant behavior with appliances and bringing it into a non-working condition. The mechanics give for use for a period of 5 days, and electronics for 3 days. Such a "library" would very quickly care for us and paid off well.

- Original thought embodied two Canadians, creating a service « FLATTER. Me. » . The essence of the service is, it is to take a laudatory person by phone. The service acquired itself, being rather popular.

His task is to withdraw the "ordered individual" with despondency, raising the mood. Companies use this service to motivate employees, activate their performance at a certain time.

All calls make the creators themselves, without any call centers there. The cost of one call is $ 5, duration from 30 seconds to minute. You can order 4 per month for 10 cu

The implementation of such a service in our conditions is relevant today more than ever. Customer would have enough for several years ahead.

formed on the basis of multinational population. On their culture, centuries-old traditions, the specifics of life and religious views and beliefs. As a result of such symbiosis, interesting, sometimes extravagant ideas are born.

Let's start to get acquainted with them:

- It is known that the population of the United States is in the first place in obesity in the world. The reason for this is their big love for Fast - Voodoo.

And to combat the big weight of employees, many corporations, the company began to attract their employees to sport at work not leaving . The essence - you are hired as an individual coach, enter into an agreement with the firm on the provision of fitness services. Each such contract brings good profits. Plus, the fact that you do not need to rent a room for training. This brings not bad savings of its blood earned money.

A good idea was implemented in the United States. it packaging of things People who are moving, but want to get rid of themselves from the enjoyment of packaging and unpacking boxes and bags with things.

Some United States businessmen have earned a good condition on tourist trips to the places of shooting of famous films and serials.

- The people of states are panicly afraid of all sorts of secrets and secret information, not without the participation of the special services, while still incredulous. But there were adventurous who managed to earn and on this. So called "Shredders of secrets", they come to the frightened owner of secret documents and send them into scrap using a paper cutting tool. The cost of such pleasure is approximately 10 to 100 American rubles.

- In connection with the crisis, not only in the world, but in the United States many small construction companies has become bankrupt. Against this appeared "Independent Prorabs" with profile education . They control the construction process, conducts complex calculations, control the procurement of materials, and also look for the quality of the work performed.

In principle, we have, this type of entrepreneurship has long been implemented. Only there are such that they really have not learned to build, but it turns out better than all.

- Very interesting organization female decorations for kids . In this decision, two hares killed at once - the kids in which the teeth are cut, they can quietly nibble, and the mothers do not worry that they are embarrassing or choked.

Quite promising in our conditions.

- denim pants that can charge mobile devices . For the USA, the theme is quite real and have popularity. But for residents of the CIS countries is doubtful; The meager part of the population will be able to fall out several hundred bucks for such a gadget.

Fascinate with their novelty and extravagance. The French do not lag behind their new decisions:

- French company "Pixglass", offered a unique approach to Selfie, created photographing mirror . Fans photograph themselves, it is probably the best gift for the "selfie".

The camera is built into the mirror, Wi-Fi Module, to transfer files between devices.

According to the creators, their brainchild does not approximately become in demand in individual use, but also in the fitted shops of clothing, atelier, dance halls. But one problem is the protection and confidentiality of the pictures of buyers and visitors.

- In Paris, implemented a project of a unique hotel "Hotel seven mortal sins" (Vice Versa Hotel). Hotel seven storey. Each floor corresponds to its interior design, each sin. Customers are unobtrusive distributed by numbers in accordance with their status, financial opportunities, and their interests and psychological inclinations.

Now turn our attention to Italy. Italians have always been distinguished by practicality, energetic and consider their innovations in the field of business:

- company for the production of stationery "Favini" offered a new technology for paper manufacturing from different organic waste ; Fruit, grain, nuts, seed waste, due to their pressing. The dana mixture for the production of paper consists of 30% of the organic, which made it possible to reduce the consumption of wood.

Pretty practical innovation for implementation in the CIS countries, what, and such waste is enough.

- In Italy, there is strong competition among cities in the tourist sphere. To attract tourists, that just do not come up with. That's a small town Volterra did not stay aside, organizing a restaurant in prison. The prison itself is located in the Fortezza Medicea fortress with a five hundred years of history.

The table needs to be ordered in advance, on arrival for dinner you will be checked your passport, and will also ask to leave bags and mobile phones at the entrance and will hold a personal inspection. You will eat with plastic dishes for security purposes, the exception has only a cook.

The cost of such a dinner will be 25 euros. Now the prison itself contains itself.

In this section, articles do a general overview, which small business ideas in Europe Popular. A person with a truly good entrepreneurial grip always draws attention to current business introduction;

ICT technology - If you are well versed in computer technician, you know how to create software. You can realize your startup in this direction.

Network sales using the Internet . To do this, you need to open the Internet - the store. But before this, decide which category of goods you will implement, also create a promising development plan. Patient potential customers who will eventually turn into permanent.

- Professional builders have always been valued. If you feel a professional in construction sphere so you here. The main thing is not lazy, and do not cheat.

Eco - business Includes waste recycling, as well as recycling of the same plastic paper. This sphere brings rather not bad money.

Furniture manufacturing a decent niche for the opening of the case. The main thing is that professionally dealt with this field, and the design has always been novelty and creativity. Plus, the products were always high quality.

At the end of the article, we considered five directions that are very popular in Europe today. Choose yourself one of these niches and forward to success. But, and if you have your own interesting and original idea and confident in it, begin the realization of your brainchild. And finally "forward to the stars."