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Categories of meat products “A”, “B”, “C”, “D”, “D”: what does it mean. Assortment of semi-finished meat products for complex culinary products. What types of semi-finished products are there?

Semi-finished meat products are products made from natural and minced meat without heat treatment. These are products that are maximally prepared for culinary processing.

Semi-finished meat products are divided into: natural (large pieces, small pieces, portioned, portioned breaded); chopped; semi-finished products in dough; chopped meat.

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleared of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-piece semi-finished products also include meat and bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content. Semi-finished products are produced chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. The meat of bulls, boars, sheep, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used.

Lump semi-finished products. Depending on the type of meat, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into four groups:

The first group: from beef - the longissimus dorsi muscle (dorsal part, lumbar part), tenderloin (iliopsoas muscle, located under the bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae), hip part (upper, inner, side and outer pieces); from pork - loin, tenderloin; from lamb - hip part;

Second group: from beef - shoulder blade (shoulder and shoulder parts), subscapular part, chest part, as well as rib (supracostal muscles removed from the 4th to 13th rib, remaining after separating the subscapular part, brisket and longissimus dorsi muscle ) from beef of the 1st category of fatness: from pork - hip, scapular, cervical-subscapular parts; from lamb - shoulder, loin;

Third group: from beef - cutlet meat and beef trim of the 2nd category; from pork - brisket; from lamb - brisket, cutlet meat;

Fourth group: cutlet meat. Cutlet meat (using the example of beef) - pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna bones, trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones.

Portioned semi-finished products. They are made from large-piece semi-finished products, cut manually or using special machines across the muscle fibers obliquely or perpendicularly. An assortment of portioned semi-finished products: from beef - natural steak (from the tenderloin), languette (from the tenderloin, two thinner pieces than the steak), entrecote (from the longissimus dorsi muscle), rump steak (from the longissimus dorsi muscle or the most tender pieces of the hip part - the upper and internal), natural zrazy (from the same pieces of the hip part), braised beef (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part).

The range of portioned semi-finished pork products includes: natural cutlet (from the loin), escalope (from the longissimus dorsi muscle), brass pork (from the cervical-scapular part), tenderloin, schnitzel - from the hip part.

Portion-breaded semi-finished products: rump steak (beef), natural cutlet and schnitzel (pork and lamb). For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed white bread crumbs to preserve meat juice.

Small-piece semi-finished products. From beef we get: beef stroganoff (from tenderloin, longissimus dorsi and the upper and inner piece of the hip part), azu (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part), goulash (from the scapular and subscapular parts, as well as the edge), soup set (meat and bone pieces weighing 100-200 g with the presence of pulp at least 50% of the portion weight), beef for stewing (pieces of ribs with the presence of pulp at least 75% of the portion weight), brisket for kharcho (with a pulp content of at least 85% of the portion weight) .

Small-piece semi-finished pork products are represented by the following names: roast (from the hip part and loin with a fat content of no more than 10%), goulash (the same as beef goulash), barbecue meat (from the hip part), stew (pulp content not less than 50% by weight of the serving), homemade stew (bone content no more than 10% and fat tissue content not more than 15% by weight of the serving).

Large-piece semi-finished products are sold mainly by weight, portioned - packaged, product weight 125 g (tenderloin 250 and 500 g), small-piece - portion weight 250, 500 and 1000 g (meat and bone).

Salting and massaging can be used in the production of natural semi-finished products. The brine contains salt, phosphates, granulated sugar; For some items, a dusting of spices and decorative spices is used.

Semi-finished products in dough. The technical specifications developed by VNIIMP present the traditional and new assortment of dumplings, as well as other semi-finished dough products: meat sticks, manti, khinkali. According to other specifications, several dozen types of dumplings are produced, designed for buyers with both high and low income levels. The minced dumplings contain beef and pork, trimmed onions, ground black or white pepper. To prepare the dough, use premium flour (sometimes 1st grade) with a standardized quantity and quality of gluten, and egg products.

Meat sticks have a cylindrical or rectangular shape and are up to 10 cm long. Manti is a dish of Uzbek cuisine. They are larger in size than dumplings. They are not boiled in water, but steamed in a special vessel - manti-kaskan. Khinkali is a dish of Transcaucasian cuisine such as dumplings in the shape of a diamond or square. The meat for manti and khinkali is chopped coarser than for dumplings and sticks; the minced meat for these products contains an increased amount of onion.

The minced ravioli also contains mushrooms and rennet cheese; they have the shape of a semicircle, rectangle, or square.

Chopped semi-finished products. They are prepared from minced meat with the addition of other ingredients according to the recipe. The traditional range of chopped semi-finished products includes: Moscow cutlets, homemade cutlets, Kyiv cutlets, rump steak, beefsteak. The main raw materials in their production are beef and pork cutlet meat, 2nd grade trimmed beef, and fatty trimmed pork. During the years of the economic crisis, the range of chopped semi-finished products expanded due to the use of cheaper raw materials - mechanically separated poultry meat, soy protein preparations, mainly textured soy flour, vegetables, and cereals.

The cutlet recipe consists of cutlet meat: Moscow - beef, Kyiv - pork, homemade - beef cutlet and half-and-half fatty pork. The composition of all items includes (%): wheat flour bread - 13-14, onions - 1-3, water - 20, breadcrumbs - 4, salt, pepper, in Kyiv cutlets - egg melange. Rump steak uses hydrated soy protein instead of bread; in a steak - beef cutlet meat - 80%, sausage lard -12%, water - 7.4%, pepper, salt, no breading. It is allowed to replace 10% of raw meat in cutlets with soy concentrate or texturate and in all items 20% of raw meat with mechanically separated poultry meat. Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled (0-6 °C) and frozen (not higher than -10 °C).

Chopped meat. Minced meat is obtained from meat by grinding it on a grinder with a grid hole diameter of 2-3 mm. Traditional assortment of minced meat: beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special meat and vegetable. For the production of minced meat, meat frozen more than once, boars, bulls, lean, pork with signs of yellowing is not allowed. The main raw materials for minced meat: beef cutlet meat or trimmed beef of the 2nd grade (minced beef), lean pork or pork cutlet meat (minced pork). The composition of homemade minced meat includes (%): beef (50) and pork (50) meat; special minced meat - beef (20), pork (50), soy concentrate (30).

A new direction in the production of minced meat is the addition of salt, onion, spices, water, and in some types - bread (minced meat for meatballs, for cutlets, etc.).

semi-finished meat product consumer demand

Semi-finished meat products include products prepared for culinary processing.

The main raw materials for the production of semi-finished meat products are various types of meat and offal. Flour, eggs, bread and spices are used to prepare individual semi-finished products.

Depending on the processing method and culinary purpose, semi-finished products are divided into natural, breaded and chopped. Semi-finished products also include minced meat, dumplings, and poultry sets.

Natural semi-finished products made mainly from chilled meat. They are divided into portioned, small-piece and large-piece.

Portioned semi-finished products prepare V mainly from chilled meat of the best quality. They are produced in the following names: from beef - entrecote - a piece of oval-oblong shape, from the muscles of the dorsal and lumbar parts, splint - two pieces of pulp of approximately equal weight without fat, from the internal lumbar muscles, steak with a notch - a portion of oval-shaped pulp, without fat, from the posterior pelvic part; from pork and lamb - natural cutlets, schnitzel chops, oven-baked pork or lamb, escalope; from veal - natural cutlets and escalope.

Small-piece semi-finished products made from the pulp of the dorsal, lumbar and posterior pelvic parts. The assortment of small-sized semi-finished products includes: beef - beef stroganoff, roast, azu, goulash, soup set and barbecue meat; from pork - roast, stew, goulash, home-style stew, meat for kebab and soup set; from lamb - stew, meat for pilaf, meat for shish kebab and soup set.

Lump semi-finished products Produced from all types of meat mainly for mass catering enterprises. These semi-finished products are pieces of flesh separated from the rear parts of the carcass. Sale allowed V retail trade of large-piece semi-finished products of non-standard weight.

Breaded semi-finished products prepared from chilled or defrosted meat, after beating off the muscle tissue. To prevent meat juice from leaking out, portions of meat are breaded - moistened with egg mixture beaten with water and rolled in breadcrumbs. The weight of servings of these semi-finished products is 125 g. Rump steak and slash steak are prepared from beef; from offal - brains in breadcrumbs; from pork, lamb and poultry - schnitzels, chops; from veal - chop cutlets.

Chopped semi-finished products made from cutlet or trimmed meat, raw fat, egg products, blood plasma and spices, deboned V crumb crumbs. Do not use twice-frozen meat or pork with darkened lard. Bread made from high-grade wheat flour is added to the cutlets. Chopped cutlets are used to make Moscow, Domashnye, Lamb and Kyiv cutlets, as well as chopped beefsteak. The steaks are given a round, flattened shape. Finely chopped bacon is added to the minced meat for chopped beefsteaks.

Chopped meat made in stores and at meat processing plants from trimmed meat. Minced meat prepared in the store is sold only chilled. Minced meat prepared at meat industry enterprises is packaged in parchment,

cellophane or other films and shape into bars weighing up to 250 g.

Dumplings prepared from high-quality wheat flour, trimmed meat, onions, and egg products. The dough is prepared from wheat flour with the addition of eggs, egg powder or melange and table salt. The dumplings are formed using high-performance machines, frozen at a temperature no higher than -15 °C, and then packaged. Depending on the recipe, Russian, Siberian, Pork, Beef, Lamb, Offal, etc. dumplings are made.

Quality semi-finished products are evaluated by appearance, consistency, taste, and smell. Measuring methods determine the moisture content of bread and salt. The freshness of semi-finished products is determined in the same way as the freshness of meat. The surface of semi-finished products must be without damage, the shape must not be deformed and correspond to the name of the product.

The presence of coarse connective tissue, tendons, films and cartilage is unacceptable. In chops, the length of the bone should not exceed 8 cm. In stew, the bone content is no more than 20%, fat - no more than 15%; in homemade stew, bones - no more than 10%, fat - no more than 15%. Meat for barbecue and pilaf should contain no more than 15% fat; in a soup set up to 50% bones are allowed. Pork fat thicker than 1 cm is not allowed on escalopes.

Breaded products should be flat, with properly trimmed edges and covered with an even, thin layer of crushed breadcrumbs. Unkneaded bread and fat, as well as finely crushed bones, are not allowed in semi-finished products.

Frozen dumplings should have the correct shape in the form of a semicircle, tightly sealed edges without protrusions of minced meat. Sticky lumps of dough, broken parts and dough content exceeding 50% of the mass of dumplings are not allowed.

The smell of natural semi-finished products should be characteristic of benign meat of the corresponding type. The taste and smell of chopped semi-finished products after cooking are pleasant, moderately salty, with a taste of onion and pepper, the consistency is not crumbly and juicy; Flavors of bread and spoiled fat are not allowed. Boiled dumplings should have a pleasant taste and smell, corresponding to meat with onions and peppers, the minced dumplings should be juicy.

The consistency of semi-finished products should be elastic, and the finished products should be soft, juicy, and not crumbly; Breaded products should have a crispy crust. The consistency of frozen products is hard; The dumplings should make a characteristic sound when shaken. After cooking, the consistency of the minced meat should be elastic, dense, and the surface of the dumplings should not be sticky.

The deviation in the mass of individual portions of natural and breaded semi-finished products should not exceed ±3%, chopped - +5%; weight deviation is not allowed 10 pcs. The deviation in the mass of individual boxes of dumplings is allowed ±7 g; the deviation in the net mass of 10 boxes is not allowed.

Packed semi-finished products are placed in wooden and metal boxes with liners or in boxes made of polymer materials and tightly closed with lids. The weight of a box with products is allowed no more than 20 kg. Semi-finished products can additionally be wrapped individually or in 5-10 pieces. in parchment, sub-parchment, cellophane and polymer films. Dumplings are packed in cardboard boxes or bags of 300-350 g.

Semi-finished products are transported in vehicles with refrigeration or with an isothermal body. Transportation should last no more than 2 hours.

Store semi-finished products in a store at a temperature of 0-6 °C. Minced meat prepared in a store is stored for no more than 6 hours. The shelf life of chilled minced meat from the end of production at a temperature not exceeding 6 °C is 12 hours, of which at the manufacturer at a temperature of 4 °C - no more than 4 hours. The shelf life of frozen minced meat at the manufacturer at a temperature not higher than - 10 °C is up to 1 month. The shelf life of frozen minced meat at a temperature not higher than 20 °C is no more than 3 hours, at a temperature of no more than 3 hours. above 6 °C - 16, at temperatures below 0 °C - 48 hours; natural portioned semi-finished products - 36 hours, breaded and small-piece - 24 hours, minced - 12, packaged meat - 36, large-piece - 48 hours. Frozen dumplings are stored at the enterprise. - from the manufacturer at a temperature not higher than 5 °C - 24 hours, below 0 °C - 72 hours.

When sawing meat and packaging semi-finished products, losses occur, which are standardized. Thus, when preparing soup sets, losses of only 1.3% of the mass of the original raw materials are allowed, including sawdust - 0.8%; when preparing pork stew - 1.5%, including sawdust - 0.1%. Corresponding norms for the yield of semi-finished products during their manufacture have also been established.

Semi-finished products are products made from different types of meat, prepared for heat treatment.

Semi-finished products are divided by type of meat (beef, pork, lamb, poultry); by processing method (natural, chopped, breaded); by thermal state (chilled, frozen).

Natural semi-finished products

Natural ones are divided into portioned, small-piece and large-piece.

They are produced from the muscle tissue of cooled or chilled meat. The muscle fibers are cut crosswise in the form of one or two pieces weighing 125 g.

Portioned semi-finished beef products:

Tenderloin - released in one piece from the internal lumbar muscles.

Beefsteak is prepared from oval or irregularly rounded tenderloin, does not contain fat, the thickness of the piece of flesh is 2-3 cm.

The fillet has a thicker piece of flesh - 4-5 cm.

Langet - two pieces of pulp identical in size and equal in mass, 1-2 cm thick.

Entrecote is an oval-oblong piece of meat made from the flesh of the lumbar and dorsal part, 1.5-2 cm thick and with a layer of fat of 1 cm.

Portioned semi-finished products from pork and lamb include natural cutlets, escalope, schnitzel and tenderloin.

The natural cutlet is prepared from the back and lumbar parts of the carcass with the rib bone. The cutlet has a flat oval shape, concave on the side of the rib bone.

For a pork cutlet, the length of the bone should be no more than 8 cm, for a lamb cutlet - 7 cm.

Escalope - two pieces of pulp of approximately the same size and weight, 1-1.5 cm thick.

Schnitzel is a piece of flesh from the posterior pelvic part, 2-3 cm thick.

Large-piece semi-finished products are prepared from chilled category I beef from the back, lumbar, shoulder, and hip sections. Coarse surface films and tendons are removed. Semi-finished boneless products are also produced from pork and lamb.

Small-piece semi-finished products. These are small-sized pieces of meat, finely chopped with a total weight of 125 g to 1000 g.

Beef is used to prepare beef stroganoff, shish kebab, azu, goulash, roast, stew, soup set;

from pork - goulash, roast, shish kebab, stew;

lamb - stew, soup set, shish kebab.

Beef Stroganoff is an oblong piece of meat 3-4 cm long, weighing 5-7 g, made from tenderloin or back and lumbar parts. Serving weight 125 g.

Azu has the form of sticks or cubes of meat measuring 3-4 cm, weighing 10-15 g each from the hip, lumbar, and dorsal parts.

Shish kebab - 30-40 g pieces of meat made from beef, lamb, pork.

Goulash - pieces of pulp from the shoulder part, 30-40 g each.

Frying - pieces of pulp from the shoulder part, meat trimmings weighing 10-15 g, cut into arbitrary shapes.

Stew - meat and bone pieces weighing from 40 to 60 g from the dorsal, lumbar, sacral, and cervical parts. The pulp and bone content is approximately 50% each.

In lamb stew, pieces of smaller mass (20-30 g) have less bones and fat.

Soup set - meat and bone pieces of 100-200 g, packaged in 0.5 and 1 kg.

Semi-finished poultry meat products are made mainly from chickens and hens: tobacco chickens, Amateur chickens, chicken fillets, chicken legs, sets for broth, for soup, for stews, jelly.

Tobacco chickens are laid out in the form of carcasses, beaten, rubbed with a mixture of salt, black pepper, chopped garlic and mustard.

Amateur chickens - carcasses and half carcasses are sprinkled with a mixture of salt, ground black pepper and chopped garlic. They are placed in rows with their backs up in trays, then the trays are placed in vats with brine (water, salt, mustard powder and vinegar) and kept for no more than a day.

Tobacco chickens, Amateur chickens, legs are sold as goods by weight; chicken fillet, soup sets, for stews in packaged portions from 250 g to 1000 g.

Breaded semi-finished products. Pieces of meat for breaded semi-finished products are first beaten to loosen, then dipped in beaten egg mass (leison) and breaded in bread flour.

Types of breaded semi-finished products: rump steak, chops, schnitzel.

Rump steak is prepared from the pulp of the lumbar and dorsal parts of the carcass in the form of an oval-oblong piece up to 1 cm thick.

Chops are made from pork, lamb, and chicken fillet.

Schnitzel chop is a piece of flat oval-shaped flesh, up to 2 cm thick, which differs from the natural one in the way of preparation.

Chopped semi-finished products. Chopped semi-finished products are made from minced cutlet, fat, wheat bread from premium and first grade flour, add pepper, onion, salt, sometimes eggs, and breaded in breadcrumb flour.

Types of chopped semi-finished products: cutlets, schnitzels, steaks.

Amateur, Kyiv, Homemade, meat-and-vegetable cutlets (with the addition of cereals, soy protein, etc.) - cutlets are oval in shape, rounded-flattened, weight 50, 75, 100 g.

Schnitzel - made from minced beef (71%) with the addition of (16%) fatty trimmed pork, breadcrumbs, eggs, salt, ground black pepper, weighing 100 g. Oval shape.

Chopped beefsteak has a round shape, weighing 75 and 100 g. Chopped beefsteak includes cutlet beef with the addition of finely chopped bacon, ground black pepper, and salt. Bread and eggs are not added.

Other semi-finished meat products. The range of other semi-finished meat products includes quenelles, zrazy, meatballs, minced meat, and dumplings.

Quenelles are prepared from beef, veal, chicken; quenelles include pureed boiled rice, milk, eggs, and salt.

Zrazy is a product made from minced beef stuffed with chopped eggs, fried onions and breadcrumbs.

Minced meat - minced beef, pork, homemade (beef and lean pork in equal quantities). Minced meat is packaged in parchment, sub-parchment, laminated foil and other materials.

Meatballs have a round shape, weigh 7-9 g when frozen, they are prepared from ground beef, pork, with the addition of onions and salt.

Semolina and whole milk powder are added to Children's meatballs.

Requirements for the quality of semi-finished meat products

The shape of semi-finished products must be correct and appropriate to the species.

The surface is slightly moist, but not sticky, the consistency is elastic, the smell without signs of spoilage, characteristic of fresh meat.

Frozen semi-finished products (meatballs, zrazy, dumplings) must be of the correct shape, should not stick together into lumps, and when shaken, the dumplings should make a clear sound. The edges of the dumplings must be well sealed, the thickness of the dough is no more than 2 mm, and 2.5 cm at the junction of the edges.

Refrigerated semi-finished products are packaged in metal or wooden boxes on liners in one row, unwrapped with a slight slope, and chopped - flat, but so that one product does not overlap another.

Each package contains a label indicating the name of the product, the name of the manufacturer, its location, net weight of the product, number of pieces, price, date and hour of manufacture, shelf life, packer number, standard number.

Chilled semi-finished products are stored in refrigerators at temperatures from 0 to 6°C.

Implementation deadlines:

natural portioned and large pieces of pork - 36 hours;

natural small pieces - 18 hours;

breaded semi-finished products - 24 hours;

chopped semi-finished products and chilled minced meat - 12 hours;

frozen minced meat - 16 hours;

dumplings and other frozen semi-finished products - 24 hours;

and at temperatures below 0°C (from the moment of receipt at the store) - 72 hours.

Semi-finished products include products made from natural and minced meat without heat treatment. These are products that are maximally prepared for culinary processing.

Semi-finished meat products are divided into: natural (large pieces, small pieces, portioned, portioned breaded); chopped; semi-finished products in dough; chopped meat.

Natural semi-finished products. These are pieces of meat pulp of various weights, cleared of tendons and coarse surface films. Natural small-piece semi-finished products also include meat and bone pieces of meat with a certain bone content. Semi-finished products are produced chilled or frozen. The raw material is meat in chilled or frozen states. The meat of bulls, boars, sheep, meat frozen more than once, and lean meat is not used.

Lump semi-finished products. Depending on the type of meat, large-piece semi-finished products are divided into four groups:

  • - first group: from beef - longissimus dorsi (dorsal part, lumbar part), tenderloin (iliac lumbar muscle, located under the bodies of the last thoracic and all lumbar vertebrae), hip part (upper, inner, side and outer pieces); from pork - loin, tenderloin; from lamb - hip part;
  • - second group: from beef - scapular part (shoulder and shoulder parts), subscapular part, chest part, as well as the edge (supracostal muscles removed from the 4th to 13th rib, remaining after separating the subscapular part, brisket and longissimus muscle back) from beef of the 1st fatness category: from pork - hip, shoulder, cervical-subscapular parts; from lamb - shoulder, loin;
  • - third group: from beef - cutlet meat and beef trim of the 2nd category; from pork - brisket; from lamb - brisket, cutlet meat;
  • - fourth group: pork - cutlet meat. Cutlet meat (using the example of beef) - pieces of meat pulp from the neck, flank, intercostal meat, pulp from the tibia, radius and ulna bones, trimmings obtained by stripping large-sized semi-finished products and bones.

Portioned semi-finished products. They are made from large-piece semi-finished products, cut manually or using special machines across the muscle fibers obliquely or perpendicularly. An assortment of portioned semi-finished products: from beef - natural steak (from the tenderloin), languette (from the tenderloin, two thinner pieces than the steak), entrecote (from the longissimus dorsi muscle), rump steak (from the longissimus dorsi muscle or the most tender pieces of the hip part - the upper and internal), natural zrazy (from the same pieces of the hip part), braised beef (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part).

The range of portioned semi-finished pork products includes: natural cutlet (from the loin), escalope (from the longissimus dorsi muscle), brass pork (from the cervical-scapular part), tenderloin, schnitzel - from the hip part.

Portion-breaded semi-finished products: rump steak (beef), natural cutlet and schnitzel (pork and lamb). For portioned breaded semi-finished products, pieces of meat are lightly beaten to loosen the tissues and rolled in finely crushed white bread crumbs to preserve meat juice.

Small-piece semi-finished products. From beef we get: beef stroganoff (from tenderloin, longissimus dorsi and the upper and inner piece of the hip part), azu (from the side and outer pieces of the hip part), goulash (from the scapular and subscapular parts, as well as the edge), soup set (meat and bone pieces weighing 100-200 g with the presence of pulp at least 50% of the portion weight), beef for stewing (pieces of ribs with the presence of pulp at least 75% of the portion weight), brisket for kharcho (with a pulp content of at least 85% of the portion weight) .

Small-piece semi-finished pork products are represented by the following names: roast (from the hip part and loin with a fat content of no more than 10%), goulash (the same as beef goulash), barbecue meat (from the hip part), stew (pulp content not less than 50% by weight of the serving), homemade stew (bone content no more than 10% and fat tissue content not more than 15% by weight of the serving).

Large-piece semi-finished products are sold mainly by weight, portioned - packaged, product weight 125 g (tenderloin 250 and 500 g), small-piece - portion weight 250, 500 and 1000 g (meat and bone).

Salting and massaging can be used in the production of natural semi-finished products. The brine contains salt, phosphates, granulated sugar; For some items, a dusting of spices and decorative spices is used.

Semi-finished products in dough. The technical specifications developed by VNIIMP present the traditional and new assortment of dumplings, as well as other semi-finished dough products: meat sticks, manti, khinkali. According to other specifications, several dozen types of dumplings are produced, designed for buyers with both high and low income levels. The minced dumplings contain beef and pork, trimmed onions, ground black or white pepper. To prepare the dough, use premium flour (sometimes 1st grade) with a standardized quantity and quality of gluten, and egg products.

Meat sticks have a cylindrical or rectangular shape and are up to 10 cm long. Manti is a dish of Uzbek cuisine. They are larger in size than dumplings. They are not boiled in water, but steamed in a special vessel - manti-kaskan. Khinkali is a dish of Transcaucasian cuisine such as dumplings in the shape of a diamond or square. The meat for manti and khinkali is chopped coarser than for dumplings and sticks; the minced meat for these products contains an increased amount of onion.

The minced ravioli also contains mushrooms and rennet cheese; they have the shape of a semicircle, rectangle, or square.

Chopped semi-finished products. They are prepared from minced meat with the addition of other ingredients according to the recipe. The traditional range of chopped semi-finished products includes: Moscow cutlets, homemade cutlets, Kyiv cutlets, rump steak, beefsteak. The main raw materials in their production are beef and pork cutlet meat, 2nd grade trimmed beef, and fatty trimmed pork. During the years of the economic crisis, the range of chopped semi-finished products expanded due to the use of cheaper raw materials - mechanically separated poultry meat, soy protein preparations, mainly textured soy flour, vegetables, and cereals.

The cutlet recipe consists of cutlet meat: Moscow - beef, Kyiv - pork, homemade - beef cutlet and half-and-half fatty pork. The composition of all items includes (%): wheat flour bread - 13-14, onions - 1-3, water - 20, breadcrumbs - 4, salt, pepper, in Kyiv - egg melange. Rump steak uses hydrated soy protein instead of bread; in a steak - beef cutlet meat - 80%, sausage lard -12%, water - 7.4%, pepper, salt, no breading. It is allowed to replace 10% of raw meat in cutlets with soy concentrate or texturate and in all items 20% of raw meat with mechanically separated poultry meat. Chopped semi-finished products are produced chilled (0-6 °C) and frozen (not higher than -10 °C).

Chopped meat. Minced meat is obtained from meat by grinding it on a grinder with a grid hole diameter of 2-3 mm. Traditional assortment of minced meat: beef, pork, homemade, lamb, special meat and vegetable. For the production of minced meat, meat frozen more than once, boars, bulls, lean, pork with signs of yellowing is not allowed. The main raw materials for minced meat: beef cutlet meat or trimmed beef of the 2nd grade (minced beef), lean pork or pork cutlet meat (minced pork). The composition of homemade minced meat includes (%): beef (50) and pork (50) meat; special minced meat - beef (20), pork (50), soy concentrate (30).

Minced semi-finished meat products after production can be raw chilled or raw frozen. As an example, we can cite the following chopped raw semi-finished products: cutlets, meatballs, hamburgers, schnitzels, steaks, rump steaks, kebab, meatballs, meatballs, quenelles and croquettes.

To prepare minced meat for chopped semi-finished products, frozen raw meat (blocks) is crushed in a crusher. Mechanically separated meat obtained from a meat and bone separator can also be used to prepare minced meat.

The minced meat is then passed through a grinder. Pork lard is added to the minced meat, which is pre-ground on a grinder or on a lard cutting machine. Salt, pre-chilled water with ice, additives, spices are added to the minced meat and everything is mixed well in a minced meat mixer. A cutter can also be used for mixing.

The minced meat, ready for molding semi-finished products, is loaded into the hopper of the machine for molding semi-finished products, where the product of the required shape and weight is formed, for which, depending on the production volume, a rotary or screw molding system is used. The forming machine shapes and dispenses the patties onto a belt, after which the product can be sent to a sheeter and/or breading machine for liquid and dry breading, respectively.

Then the cutlets are sent on trolleys to the blast freezing chamber or automatically along a conveyor to a spiral freezer in case of high line productivity. The duration of freezing cutlets w75x20 mm weighing 85 g in a blast freezing chamber is 2 hours, and in a spiral freezer - 40-45 minutes. After freezing, the cutlets are packaged and moved to a low-temperature refrigerated chamber for storage.

Main raw materials.

The main raw materials used are beef, pork, lamb, horse meat, as well as meat from other types of slaughtered animals.

Do not use twice-frozen meat or pork with darkened lard.

Along with meat raw materials, various protein preparations of plant and animal origin (soybean products, blood, milk proteins, etc.), as well as melange, egg powder, vegetables and other components, are widely used, depending on the direction of use of the meat product.

Supporting materials.

Auxiliary materials for all products are salt (1.2% of the minced meat mass), black pepper (0.04-0.08%) and water (6.7-20.8%), added to the minced cutlet to increase its juiciness. The introduction of isolated soy protein and high-protein milk concentrate into minced minced semi-finished products in an amount of 10-20% allows you to replace up to 10% of meat, improve their organoleptic qualities, increase nutritional and biological value, increase water-binding capacity, and reduce losses during frying. When preparing auxiliary raw materials, onions and vegetables are washed and chopped. The bread is soaked and also chopped. The melange is defrosted in advance in baths with water, the temperature of which is not higher than 45C.

Main technological equipment.

Frozen block crusher - a machine for chopping deep-frozen meat (with temperatures up to - 30°C) for further processing on a cutter or grinder. In this case, preliminary defrosting of the product is not required, which allows you to preserve the taste of the product and prevent loss of nutrients.

The crushing of the block, depending on the subsequent purpose of the raw material obtained after the crusher (pieces the size of a fist or into slices), can be done on a machine with a rotating shaft with knives or rollers or on a guillotine-type machine.

The meat grinder is designed for industrial grinding of meat, meat products, fats for the purpose of producing sausage and other food products.

The grinder for grinding meat is the main machine in technological lines for the production of sausages and semi-finished products. The quality of the resulting product directly depends on how finely and accurately the grinder cuts the pieces of meat.

The principle of grinding pieces of meat used in meat grinders has remained unchanged for many years: the meat in the receiving hopper is captured by an auger or augers and, through a body with internal ribs, is fed to a cutting tool, which is a set of fixed grids, usually consisting of three pieces, and movable knives, consisting of two pieces.

Different meat grinders, despite the same grinding method and apparent simplicity of design, have completely different grinding quality. It is affected by even minor design features inherent in each design, as well as the degree of wear of both the cutting tool and the housing with the auger.

Mince mixer. The purpose of minced meat mixers is to mix crushed products with spices and other ingredients. Usually minced meat, cereals and other products are mixed in minced meat mixers.

The main components of the minced meat mixer are the bowl, the lid and the mixing mechanism.

The bowl is a mixing bowl connected to a kneading unit. Typically, the bowl of the mince mixer is made of stainless steel with a smooth surface, which greatly facilitates its cleaning and operation in general. The minced meat mixer is designed in such a way that it promotes uniform mixing of all minced meat ingredients. Mixing occurs through kneading screws.

The design features of the bowl (bowl) and the blades of the minced meat mixer ensure uniform distribution of ingredients throughout the minced meat.

There are vacuum and open (non-vacuum) mince mixers. Kneading minced meat in a vacuum minced meat mixer ensures a dense, pore-free structure of the minced meat and increases the color fastness of the product.

All mince mixers have protective mechanisms. In particular, this is a mechanism for blocking one or more kneading augers when the bowl lid is opened. The process of loading and unloading raw materials is usually fully automated.

Meat and bone separators, or minced meat machines, are used to separate meat from bones in the production of edible minced meat, chicken or fish.

The resulting minced meat can be used to produce high-quality products, since it preserves the structure of muscle tissue.

The operating principle of the machine is that incoming raw materials are loaded into the separator hopper without preliminary grinding (with some exceptions). It is recommended to pre-grind pork or beef bones into fist-sized pieces, without the need to use an additional grinder, which allows optimizing the use of production space.

All designs of mechanical separators are based on the use of the separation principle, taking into account the physical characteristics of the processed raw materials.

Using various pressures, meat or other product is forced through the slotted or round holes of the separating head, and bones, cartilage and (or) sinews are removed through the front of the machine. The product output is manually controlled using cones in the front of the separating screw and restrictor.

The minimum temperature increase in the case of an incoming raw material temperature of 0-2 °C (this temperature is optimal) is usually 1-2 °C for chicken, 4-7 °C for turkey, and approximately 10 °C for beef.

Cutter - turns meat into soft fluffy minced meat for preparing boiled sausages, frankfurters, sausages. The cutter grinds the product in a vacuum. Rapidly rotating knives (up to 4500 rpm) instantly transform meat into minced meat, which, in the absence of oxygen, retains its natural color, vitamins, and nutrients. Thanks to processing without air access, the quality of the final product and its shelf life are significantly increased.

Cuttering is the process of finely grinding raw meat. The duration of cutting significantly affects the quality of minced meat. Cuttering lasts on average 5-12 minutes, depending on the minced meat being prepared, the design features of the cutter, the shape of the knives, and their rotation speed. Cuttering not only ensures the proper degree of grinding of meat, but also binds the added ice. And it is the cutting process that largely determines the quality of the final product.

Ice maker. The meat processing industry requires large amounts of water ice to produce various products. Flake ice produced by flake ice machines is optimal for use. It has a flat shape, thanks to which it has a large heat transfer surface, so it cools minced meat better than other types of ice.

The temperature of the produced flake ice at the outlet of the ice generator is up to minus 12°C, the thickness is from 0.8 to 2.8 mm. Machine productivity from 380 kg to 23 t/day.

Lard cutter - allows you to cut into cubes, strips or circles fresh, boiled and frozen (up to - 5°C) meat, lard, as well as ready-made sausages, ham, and vegetables. Products containing bones should not be cut.

Machine for molding semi-finished products. After grinding the raw meat, adding other ingredients, mixing and cooling, the minced meat is ready for shaping. Forming equipment can be used to shape products into a variety of shapes.

Breading machine. The next stage after shaping minced meat products is the stage of breading (coating) the product. The breading process consists of three operations - pre-sprinkling, liquid breading and coating with breadcrumbs. The manufacturing process may use various combinations of these operations or all three coatings. However, there are standards for the amount of sprinkles used, the amount of which should not exceed 30% of the weight of the finished product.

In fact, breading improves the product in many ways: it makes the product juicier while retaining moisture and flavor. Breading makes food more attractive. In addition, breading adds weight to the food, increasing the cost.

Pre-coating is often used in the manufacture of breaded products to improve the adhesion of the liquid breading. This operation is very important for products with a wet or greasy surface. For this operation, flour or a dry protein mixture for breading is usually used.

There are many different types of dry breading used in the manufacture of meat products. They can come in different sizes, shapes, textures, colors and flavors. Finely ground breadings are very popular and traditional. They give the product an airy appearance and resemble a homemade product.

Lizoning machine. Liquid breading plays a very important role in the technology of coating semi-finished meat products. When preparing foods, two types of breading can be used: yeast and fresh. The choice of one type or another depends on the product formulation. Liquid breadings are a mixture of various ingredients, which may include flour, starches, eggs, milk, spices, raising agents and stabilizers.

When applying liquid breading, in order to increase adhesion, it is used in combination with dry breading. In this case, fresh breadings with different viscosities are more often used.

Equipment for chopping chopped semi-finished meat products from chopped raw meat (minced meat) beef, veal, pork, lamb without filling (cutlets, hamburgers, meatballs and other similar products).

Shock freezing chamber. Nowadays, food is frozen thanks to a special technology for removing heat from the product. At the same time, the temperature drops and at a certain point the water in the product begins to turn into ice crystals.

A product is considered frozen if its temperature is -6 degrees. In meat, 75 percent of the water freezes at minus 5°C; 80 percent - at minus 10°C; and 90 percent - at minus 20 degrees.

Freezing food is used primarily for long-term storage.

Technologically, the freezing process can take a different amount of time. Fast (shock) freezing best preserves product quality. As a result of this process, very small ice crystals are formed inside the product, which has a positive effect on the quality of the product, since minimal damage to the tissue of the product occurs.

It was for these purposes that special devices were created - blast freezing chambers. They allow you to quickly freeze a product or dish, preserving its beneficial properties.

Packing machine. Filling and packaging machines, multi-heads (electronic high-precision weighing dispensers), packaging systems for food or non-food small-piece, bulk, dust-free products. The equipment uses the principle of weight dosing and is used for packaging.

Refrigerated warehouses and storage chambers include: a thermal insulation circuit (chambers) with doors and a refrigeration system.

Chambers made of polyurethane foam sandwich panels with refrigeration doors produced in our own plant are used as a thermal insulation circuit. The refrigeration system includes: a refrigeration compressor unit, a condenser, an oil cooler, a circulation receiver and a pumping station (if a pump-circulation refrigerant supply circuit is used), an electrical control panel, refrigerant pipelines and electrical cable lines.

Characteristics of portioned and small-sized semi-finished beef products

Portioned semi-finished products. Portioned semi-finished products are meat products, a portion of which consists of one or two pieces, approximately equal in weight and size. They are obtained from large-piece semi-finished products or individual parts of the carcass. Portioned and small-piece semi-finished products are produced in a chilled state.

They are intended for frying in whole pieces. For their production, only the most tender parts of the carcass are used - tenderloin, pulp of the back, lumbar and hip parts, which make up 14-17% of the weight of a beef or horse carcass, 29-30% of a pork or lamb carcass.

The meat of other parts of the carcass (the flesh of the hind leg, shoulder, brisket), although full in protein composition, is characterized by increased rigidity, therefore it is used for stewing or preparing minced meat. It can be used for portioned semi-finished products only after softening, which is possible with prolonged ripening of meat under the influence of enzyme preparations. Under the influence of enzyme preparations, the processes that determine the tenderness, juiciness, taste and aroma of meat are accelerated 2-3 times.

To increase the tenderness of meat, such enzyme preparations are suitable, the influence of which does not reduce the nutritional value of the meat and does not break down amino acids in it, but some structural changes in proteins occur, as during natural ripening of meat.

To artificially soften the meat of hard parts of the carcass, proteolytic enzymes of microbial, animal and plant origin can be used, which allows increasing the yield of meat from beef and horse carcasses for the production of natural semi-finished products up to 25-27%.

The range and characteristics of portioned semi-finished products are presented in Table 27.


semi-finished product

Weight of portions, g

Raw materials

Semi-finished products




for retail








A piece of meat pulp of irregular round shape, 20-30mm thick.






Two pieces of meat pulp of irregular round shape, approximately equal in weight, 10-12 mm thick.




One or two pieces of oval-oblong meat pulp, no more than two appendages are allowed per serving.

Longissimus dorsi muscle


Rump steak

A piece of meat pulp, oval-oblong or irregularly round in shape, 15-20 mm thick.







A piece of meat pulp, oval-oblong, irregular or quadrangular in shape, 8-10 mm thick.

Upper and







A piece of meat pulp, oval-oblong or irregularly round in shape, 8-10 mm thick.

Natural zrazy




One or two pieces of pulp of irregular round shape, approximately equal in weight, thickness 10-15 mm.

Side and outer pieces

Roast beef




Small-piece semi-finished products. Small-piece semi-finished products are produced in two types: pulp and meat-and-bone.

Small-piece semi-finished products are pieces with a specified content of meat tissue.

Pulpy semi-finished products are cut from the raw materials remaining after cutting portioned semi-finished products, as well as from large-piece semi-finished products of increased rigidity that are not used for the production of portioned semi-finished products (shoulder and subscapular parts and trim from category I beef).

Meat-and-bone small-piece semi-finished products are produced from neck, chest, rib, lumbar, pelvic, sacral, tail bones, brisket (including ribs) with a certain pulp content, obtained from combined deboning of beef.

Small-piece semi-finished products must have a non-weathered surface, color and smell characteristic of good-quality meat, elastic muscle tissue, without tendons and coarse connective tissue, cartilage and crushed bones. A surface film and fatty tissue may be left on semi-finished hip products. In terms of weight and shape, deviations of no more than 10% of the pieces from the weight of the portion are allowed.

The range and characteristics of small-piece semi-finished products are presented in Table 28.

Raw materials

Semi-finished products


semi-finished product

Weight of portions, g

Table 28 - Assortment and characteristics of small-piece semi-finished beef products

for retail

for ob- six


Tenderloin, longissimus dorsi, top and inside cuts

Beef Stroganoff

Blocks of meat pulp 3040 mm long, weighing from 5 to 7 g each.





Longissimus dorsi muscle, upper and inner pieces

According to the method of preparation, semi-finished products are distinguished: natural, breaded and chopped. When preparing semi-finished products, the following techniques are used: slicing, beating, trimming tendons, breading, stuffing, marinating.

Slicing. The meat is cut across the grain at a right angle or an angle of 40-45° so that the portioned pieces have a good appearance and are less deformed.

Breading. Semi-finished products are breaded to reduce juice leakage and moisture evaporation. Breading promotes the formation of a more beautiful crispy and crispy crust. Before breading, semi-finished products are moistened in a leison so that the breading adheres better to the semi-finished product.

Stuffing. Meat is stuffed to increase its juiciness, improve taste and aroma.

Pickling. Marinate the meat in small or portioned pieces. Marinating helps soften the connective tissue of meat, giving it a good taste and aroma.

To cut semi-finished products, trimmed meat is used. Semi-finished products are divided by size into large-piece, portioned and small-piece. The tenderloin has three parts: thick (head), medium and thin (tail). The corresponding semi-finished product is cut from each part of the tenderloin.

Lump semi-finished products. Roast beef made from entirely trimmed pieces of tenderloin flesh, thick and thin edges. Their tendons and membranes are cut in several places.

Canned stewed meat prepared from the upper, inner, side and outer parts of the hind leg, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg. The meat is pre-cleaned and the tendons are cut.

Stuffed meat prepared from the upper, inner, side and outer parts of the hind leg, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg. The meat is cleaned and stuffed along the grain (or at an angle of 45°) with carrots, white roots, bacon, and cut into long pieces. Cooled lard is injected into the meat using a lard needle.

Boiled meat prepared from the pulp of the side and outer parts of the hind leg, shoulder blade, subscapular part, brisket, trim, weighing 1.5-2.5 kg.

Portioned semi-finished products. Steak cut at right angles from thickened

parts of the tenderloin, one piece per serving, 2-3 cm thick, lightly beat.

Beefsteak with a notch cut from the top and inside of the hind leg. Cuts are made on the surface on one and the other side or passed through a machine for loosening.

Fillet cut at right angles from the middle part of the tenderloin, one piece per serving, 4-5 cm thick, then give them a round shape, but do not beat them.

Langet cut at an angle of 40-45° from a thin part of the tenderloin 1-1.5 cm thick, lightly beat, use two pieces per serving.

Entrecote- cut portions 1.5-2 cm thick from the thick and thin edges, beat them, cut the tendons and films. Entrecote has an oval-oblong shape.

Zrazy chops- cut portions 1 - 1.5 cm thick from the side and outer parts of the hind leg. Then beat them, put minced meat in the middle, wrap them in the form of small sausages and tie them with thread or twine. To prepare minced meat, combine sauteed onions with chopped boiled eggs or mushrooms, parsley, ground breadcrumbs, add salt and pepper and mix.

Roast beef- from the side and outer parts of the flesh of the hind leg, cut into portions 1.5-2 cm thick and beat. Use 1-2 pieces per serving.

Rump steak- from the thick and thin edges, the upper and inner parts of the flesh of the hind leg, cut into portions 1.5-2 cm thick, beat, cut the tendons, sprinkle with salt and pepper, moisten in lezone, bread in red breading and shape.

Small-piece semi-finished products. Beef Stroganoff- cut from thick and thin edges, the inner and upper parts of the flesh of the hind leg, from trimmings of the tenderloin into portions 1-1.5 cm thick, beaten to a thickness of 0.5 cm and cut into cubes 3 long

    cm, weighing 5-7 g.

Azu - cut pieces 1.5-2 cm thick from the pulp of the side and outer parts of the hind leg, beat and cut into sticks twice as thick as beef stroganoff, weighing 10-15 g.

Roasting- cut pieces about 2 cm thick from the thick and thin edges, inner and upper parts of the flesh of the hind leg, beat and cut into cubes weighing 10-15 g.

Moscow style shashlik- pieces of meat are cut from the tenderloin in the form of cubes weighing 3040 g. and slightly beat off. The bacon is cut into squares, the onion is cut into circles. Then put on skewers, alternating meat, bacon and onions.

Goulash- from the edge, scapular and subscapular parts, cut pieces in the form of cubes weighing 20-30g. 4-5 pcs. per serving.

The types of semi-finished products produced at catering establishments are given in Table. 3.

Table 3

Meat parts

Types of semi-finished products

large pieces




For frying

Beefsteak, fillet, langet

Beef Stroganoff, kebab

Thick and thin edges

For frying

Entrecote, rump steak

Beef Stroganoff, fried

Upper and inner parts of the hind leg

For extinguishing

Rump steak, zrazy chops

Beef Stroganoff, fried

Lateral and outer parts of the hind leg

For stewing, stuffed meat

Roast beef, zrazy chops

Scapular and subscapular parts

For cooking



For cooking



For cooking
