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Beautiful autumn still life. Summary of an open drawing lesson with children of the preparatory group “Autumn Still Life” (reverse graphics technique)

Margarita Akulova

Open lesson for art teachers in the art studio kindergarten with kids preparatory group.


"Autumn still life"

(using the “reverse graphics” technique)


1. Continue to introduce children to one of the genres of painting - still life.

2. Introduce the form of fine art - graphics and “reverse” graphics.

3. To arouse in children the desire to create a still life from the proposed objects, combining them with each other in color and size.

4. Strengthen the ability to convey in drawing characteristics leaves, flowers, fruits: shape, structure, size, location.

5. Continue to master the techniques of working in an unconventional technique - drawing with an eraser (reverse graphics).

6. In the process of work, create in children joyful mood, teach the ability to enjoy the results of one’s work and the successes of other children.

7. Support the manifestation of imagination and courage in presenting your own ideas.

Progress of the lesson:

*Installation for a meeting in the art studio (in a group):

Guys, our pencil friend is waiting for you in the art studio, he has prepared a lot of interesting things for you.


*Children in the art studio.

Today we have many guests in our art studio, welcome them.

*In the magic window - Pencil.

Guys, we often meet with a pencil, and it has become our friend.

*On the screen Pencil and Eraser

Today he came not alone, but with an elastic band. Why did he bring her, you will find out later, but now Pencil has prepared a video riddle for you, do you want to guess it?

*Video excerpt: “If you see in the picture (still life)

Guys, you guessed what we will talk about today, and if you want, draw (about still life).

I invite you to a video exhibition where we will admire still lifes by different artists.

*Viewing still lifes (on TV screen).

Did you like the still lifes?

What time of year do these still lifes tell about? (autumn)

What colors did artists use to convey the gifts of autumn?

Expected answers from children: bright, warm, golden, sunny...

Look how bright the works are, what a variety of colors there are.

Before drawing a still life, the artist composes it.

And I also wanted to create an autumn still life.

I saved oak branches, maple leaves, flowers. We have vases and fruits.

Guys, I’ll try to make a still life, and I hope you can help me.

What is our background? (dark) Choose the vase that suits best (dark or light)

(-Dark vase, as if hidden)

*Making a still life with the children. We admire it.

*On Screen Pencil

Pencil has prepared something else for you.

It turns out that you can depict a still life using only two colors - black and white, and this type of fine art is called graphics.

Pencil wants to show you autumn still lifes made using this technique.

* Viewing autumn still lifes (on the TV screen).

**Comment while watching:

If painting is a colorful art, then the main colors of graphics are black and white. Expressive means of graphics - line, drawing, transitions of color and shadow, contrast of dark and light.

*On the screen is a Pencil and an Eraser (an excerpt from the song Big Secret...)

But now the pencil wants to reveal the secret of why it came with an eraser today

Often, when we draw a sketch with a simple pencil, we use an eraser. But the eraser not only erases, but can also create a picture itself.

This is graphics in reverse or “reverse graphics.”

Look through the magic window - these are children's works using technology - reverse graphics.

* Viewing children's works (on the TV screen).

Pencil has prepared tinted sheets for you and invites you to draw an autumn still life as a memory of this beautiful time of year. Do you mind?


Guys, I invite you to take a seat in our art workshop.

I wanted to draw a still life like this in memory of autumn.

*Showing my still life.

If you liked the still life that we compiled together, then you can draw it.

Or you can come up with and depict your own still life.

The same object can be depicted in different ways:

Dark - can be conveyed simply by a contour drawing or by highlighting the outline

Light - light silhouette with additional veins drawn in pencil

*Showing three different ways to depict one object(leaf) and how small round shapes can be depicted.

*Turn on calm music

And now, to the music, imagine your autumn still life and depict it using the technique - reverse graphics, using an eraser and a simple pencil.

Those who are ready can start working.

*When working with children I use:

Suggestive questions:

What size should the leaves be so that everyone can see and admire them;

Can there be leaves from one branch? different trees;

What part of the leaf can the vase occupy?

How you can correct the mistake is to shade out this part;

To draw thin lines, it is better to use an eraser on a pencil, and to draw large lines, use an eraser.

Indirect instructions:

Would you like to add veins to the leaves...


Did you remember to draw the table or shelf on which the still life is located?

How interesting you decorated the vase, well done;

I really liked the way you arranged the objects in your still life;

You got carved leaves, great...

*During the work, I offer a minute of physical education to those children who are tired:

Finger gymnastics “Autumn Bouquet”

Children place their fingers to the side and bend them to the beat of the poem, one at a time, starting with the thumb:

One two three four five,

We will collect leaves. (All fingers are collected into a fist.)

Oak leaves, (Bend your little finger)

Maple leaves, (Bend your ring finger.)

Rowan leaves, (Fold your middle finger.)

Aspen leaves. (Bend your index finger.)

We will collect beautiful leaves together

(Place two palms with fingers apart.)

And we’ll bring an autumn bouquet to mom!


- Guys, the little bell is ringing now. But as soon as the big bell rings in our magic window, our art workshop will close, and we will invite all guests to the opening of the exhibition of autumn still lifes.

(And those who didn’t have time to finish drawing a little can do it in a group, in their free time).

* Upon completion, place the children’s work in an exhibition

Guys, today at our meeting you learned how you can depict still lifes in different ways - in color and in graphics, and in reverse graphics.

Your autumn still lifes turned out expressive, interesting, and different.

And what helped you create this beauty was an ordinary eraser and a simple pencil.

Today you were graphic artists.

Whose still life is similar to ours? Why did you decide to draw him?

How exactly did you depict the veins? What did you use?

Which branches did you get that were thin, and what tree did they come from?

And your leaves turned out as if they were alive.

You decorated the vase very beautifully, you chose unusual patterns.

Guys, let's admire your still lifes and invite guests to join us.

Dina Belenko showed how she managed to create the photograph “Autumn Inside.” She literally made it rain on the composition in a studio shoot. It's actually quite simple. Next from step by step instructions you will learn how to do it yourself.

Autumn inside

Autumn is the perfect season for still life photography. This is the time for colorful leaves, fiery orange persimmons, hot drinks, red apples, pumpkin soup and wild grapes. A finished still life awaits you at any nearby market or park.

Plus the weather is perfect! Even if you don't usually like bad weather, autumn rain is an exceptional source of inspiration. So let's add some autumn rain to still life photographs and try to create something beautiful.

1. Props and equipment

The equipment you will need is very simple: still life objects (any signs of autumn that are not afraid of getting wet), a kitchen strainer, a small jar (like a coffee Turk) and a solid splash-proof background.

You also need a large softbox, a reflector, a tripod and an external flash.

2. Lighting

Dina wanted the lighting to look natural, so she took a large softbox (Westcott 43″ Apollo Orb) and placed it behind the background, slightly right of center.

There is a regular flash inside it. For shooting splashes, low power is suitable (from 1/8 to 1/128 power provides a short pulse that freezes the movement of liquid) and RPT multiple flash mode.

She installed a reflector on the left and a small black panel in the upper right corner to cut out some of the light in the frame.

3. Test

Pouring water through a strainer is a good and easy way to create a rain effect. The flow will dissipate and we will get small beautiful drops.

4. Filming

Once you're happy with the test shot, it's time to finalize the composition.

Dina Belenko started by arranging relatively large objects (a notebook, a cup of tea), then moved on to smaller elements. Keep in mind that the water will likely cause a bit of chaos and change the composition slightly, so leave some room for raindrops and mess.

Now it's raining in the studio! Pour water through a sieve and take a series of pictures.

Be careful with electronic equipment.

5. Post-processing

Choose the photo you like best. It is possible that he is already perfect. You can add a few drops in different places, adjust the colors and adjust the contrast. Ready! You have your own little autumn, which will last forever. It's quite simple.

Photo “Autumn Inside” before and after processing:

Translated into Russian, the word “still life” means “dead nature”. To put it simply, such a picture depicts inanimate objects in a certain color scheme and with a characteristic fall of light and shadows. It is very difficult to depict a visible composition using pencils and paints, to convey all the shades, mood and spirit. Therefore, to simplify the task, conventional artists began to divide compositions into categories. They may depend on the time of year, on the colors and on the objects that are depicted. Now we will look at an autumn still life, get acquainted with its color scheme, style and other features.

Features of autumn still life

Sometimes it seems that painting pictures of autumn is the most exciting activity. They contain a huge number of shades, but they are all in the same color scheme - warm, red and yellow. An autumn still life can be dark, saturated or light, transparent, but in both cases the colors will be bright and expressive. The background may catch your eye, for example, painted objects are standing on the window, and behind the glass you can see a bright blue sky. In a similar way, attention can be drawn to objects located in the foreground of the picture.

As a rule, an autumn still life shows us the gifts of this season, its features, which are not only in colors. These can be pictures of the harvest (apples, pumpkins, grapes), images (asters, chrysanthemums), with which household items are certainly combined - vases, pots, chests, etc. Among the artists who painted such masterpieces, Eduard Panov, our contemporary, occupies a place of honor. His work contains floral motifs and other autumn attributes.

Different pictures of autumn

It is worth noting that autumn as art has come a long way from antiquity to the 21st century, and over the centuries people have depicted everything that surrounded them, including paintings of autumn. They became most plausible in the 19th century, when the trends that followed them also became relevant. Among the masterpieces of that time, A. Gerasimov’s painting “Gifts of Autumn” deserves attention. The name of the canvas speaks for itself - it represents the golden age in all its glory.

Examples in painting

Joseph Lauer captured this season with a slight touch of romanticism in his painting “Peaches, Plums, Grapes, Melons and Autumn Flowers.” This autumn still life has retained all the warm tones that are characteristic of the golden age, which is why it is considered one of the standards of autumn painting.

But Henri Fantin-Latour managed to depict autumn in an unconventional way in his painting “Flowers, Fruits and Pumpkins.” The canvas is painted in red, rich colors, as if passed through a gradient. The style is something between romanticism, realism and primitivism. The painting is rightfully considered a masterpiece of painting.

Using modern technology, you can also make a unique autumn still life. A photo of objects in which every shade, every shadow and reflection is captured - a work of art of the new century. Such paintings are more than realistic, but still depend on the mood of the master who made them.

Still life with autumn leaves: three step-by-step master class for children, examples of children's work, creative tasks.

Still life with autumn leaves: three master classes for children

In this article you will find three options for such a still life with autumn leaves with children preschool age in different techniques with examples of children's creative works and step-by-step descriptions.

Preparing to make a still life with autumn leaves with children

Autumn is a wonderful time, the richest time of the year in the most beautiful bright colors of nature. If you want to get inspired and admire the colors of autumn, then take a walk in nature and collect a bouquet of fallen leaves. They will be useful to us for our creative children's autumn still lifes.

When you return home, lay out the collected leaves on white paper and look at them carefully with your children. You will make sure that you do not find two leaves that are exactly the same in size, shape and color. Some leaves are elongated and long, others are round, and others are carved. Please note that some leaves have smooth edges, others have small teeth, and others have larger teeth. But the maple leaf has a special shape. How can you describe it? Think and together with your child determine which trees did you collect leaves from?

And of course, pay special attention to the fact that each leaf has its own color, that one leaf is painted in one color, and the other has different colors and shades.

List the colors of autumn with your child (you will use them in a still life). A poem will help you

Autumn with a long thin brush
Recolors leaves.
Red, yellow, gold –
How beautiful you are, colored leaf!
And the wind has thick cheeks
Cheated, cheated, cheated.
And the trees are variegated
Blow, blow, blow!
Red, yellow, gold...
The entire colored sheet flew around! (I. Mikhailova)

And now we are ready to draw still life with the children. We will draw a bouquet of autumn leaves in a vase.

Still life 1: vase with autumn leaves

Materials and tools

To work we need:

- album sheet for drawing,

- a simple pencil;

- watercolor or gouache paints,

- brushes for painting;

- vase templates;

— leaves of different trees and, of course, a good mood!!!

Vase templates can be of different shapes(see photo of options). You can make your own vase template of any shape.

Step by step description

Step 1. Trace the vase template on a piece of paper and attach several leaves you collected to the circled drawing. Try to use them to create a still life composition “Bouquet of autumn leaves in a vase.”

Step 2. Trace the leaves onto the paper. Pay attention to the direction of the veins on each circled leaf.

Step 3. Paint the vase and leaves with paints. Try to point the brush in the direction of the veins. The leaves can be painted in one color. It’s better to place different paints on the palette and dip the brush into several colors of paint at once, and then paint with it. Or add small specks of a different color to the painted surface and lightly wash them with water.

Try it, experiment! Good luck in your creativity!

Here's what the kids got: examples of children's still lifes.

Creative task:
Draw a template for a vase of a different shape. Make your own bouquet of leaves in a vase and draw it.

Still life 2. Bouquet in a vase using prints of autumn leaves

The adult turns to the children: “Now let’s imagine with you. Do you think it is possible to draw a bouquet of collected leaves in a vase in another way? How many of you have already guessed how this can be done?”

And you can do it like this:

Step 1. Trace the vase according to the template and color it, as in the first version of the bouquet.

Step 2. Similar to the first option, try to create a composition of leaves in a vase (I do not repeat this point, because it is described in the first version of the still life with autumn leaves).

Step 3. Then, apply an even layer of paint “from the wrong side” to the selected sheet over its entire surface with a brush. This is necessary so that the veins are clearly printed. Try to use little water, otherwise the paint will simply smear and the print will be unclear. You can apply paint in one color or in several autumn colors, focusing on natural colors. It is advisable to carry out this work on a separate sheet of paper or plastic napkin.

Step 4. With the painted side, place the leaf on the landscape sheet above the glued vase and press it tightly to the paper, trying not to move it out of place, otherwise the print will be fuzzy and smeared.

Step 5. Take the leaf by the stem and carefully remove it from the surface of the paper sheet.

Step 6. Take the next leaf, paint it a different color and print it in another place in the composition, but so that the cuttings of the leaves are directed into the vase.

The remaining prints should be made in accordance with the intended composition.

The leaf can be coated not with one color, but with different ones, then the print will turn out to be two-color or multi-color.

You can reuse an already painted piece of paper by applying a different color of paint to it, then when mixing different paints you can get an unusual shade.

In this way, leaf prints of different shapes and different colors can be applied over the painted vase to achieve the desired result.

Examples of children's work:

Creative task:

  1. Think about what else can be depicted with leaf prints?
  2. Try painting trees with leaf prints.
  3. Make an ornamental composition from leaf prints in a circle or square.

Still life 3. Still life with autumn leaves using applique technique

In this option, you can use press-dried fallen leaves to make a bouquet. But only a layer of glue will need to be applied to them very carefully, because the leaves are very fragile and break easily. I tried to glue raw leaves and did the job like this.

Step 1. We prepare the vase. I really like covers from old notebooks for work. So I used them. I cut out a blank vase and glued it onto paper.

Step 2. I first laid out the leaves representing the bouquet in a vase. I outlined the composition.

Step 3. From the wrong side I applied PVA glue to the surface of the leaves and glued them to the paper, starting to glue from the very bottom sheet. I cut off the tails on the lower leaves so that they would not create bulges and would not slow down the process of gluing the leaves placed on top. It is advisable that the leaves be of different colors so that they do not merge with each other in color in the composition. The still life is ready.

Creative task:

  1. Collect leaves from different trees, place them in old books or iron them with a hot iron. Think about what you can create using dried leaves using the appliqué technique?
  2. Try to make a fish out of leaves. Compose a composition on the theme “Aquarium” or “Seabed”.
  3. What animals can be depicted using dried leaves? Draw these animals!

Good luck in your work and creative success! See you again on the “Native Path” website.


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I'll paint an autumn still life...

Autumn, autumn! How many colors you have collected within yourself, but they made you even more beautiful. Although you are starting to lose your beautiful outfit and we look at this with sadness, you still attract our attention. We follow the swirling and falling leaves and see how the last flowers of autumn gradually fade. And yet your portrait, the portrait of autumn, retains tenderness, charm and warmth.

Autumn exquisite range:
Velvet yellow and red asters bouquet
Framed by me in a golden frame,—
It’s like a gentle portrait of Autumn.

The shine comes from the bouquet
With the captured charm of warmth.
Oh, so much feeling, grace, light
Serene Autumn has woven into them!

Frozen in a massive brown vase,
They are graceful, fragile and tender,
Immediately catching our gaze,
Throwing us into autumn days.

They contain beauty, married with sadness,
Fills us with purity of heart,
And it’s so light, wonderful, this feeling,
As a gift of Love from the immortal Creator...

(Elvira Gonik)

Floats like a weird snake

There is a flock of music notes over the old park.

Artist sitting on a bench

Autumn paints a still life.

A violin nearby is sad about something

And echoing the violin in unison

Near the concrete balustrade

The saxophone cries hysterically.

Casually casting a farewell glance,

rustling withered leaves,

To the sounds of sad music

Summer is coming to rest.

(Vasily Moroz)

I will collect a bouquet of autumn leaves,
I’ll put it on the table in a crystal vase,
I'll get watercolors, paper, brushes
And I will paint an autumn still life.

I gently stroke with transparent strokes
Cheerful leaf - hello to the sun,
I will color the rowan branch
In orange, a bright sunset color.

The reflections play merrily on the vase,
The pink dawn is knocking on the window,
And it reminds me of autumn
Beautiful, delicate, sunny bouquet!

(T. Ezhkina)

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