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Course work analysis of the assortment policy of a pharmacy organization on the example of implosion pharmacy of the Blagoveshchensk region. Fundamental research Analysis of the structure of the assortment of a pharmacy organization

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State budgetary educational institution

higher professional education

"Kazan State Medical University"

Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation


PM. 03. "Organization of activities of structural units of a pharmacy and management of a pharmacy organization in the absence of a specialist with higher education"

MDK 03.01 "Organization of the activity of the pharmacy and its structural divisions"


Analysis of the assortment of drugs sold for rhinitis of various etiologies


Work completed: Valeeva Vasilya Azatovna

group 5303

Supervisor: Bukhovets A.V


Chapter 1. Rhinitis. Causes, symptoms, types of rhinitis, diagnosis and effective treatment

1.1 Infectious rhinitis

1.2 Non-infectious-vasomotor rhinitis

Chapter 2. Analysis of the assortment of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis by the example of pharmacy No. 39 of the pharmacy chain "36.6"

2.1 Basic concepts of assortment

2.2 Assortment policy of a pharmaceutical organization

2.3 Monitoring of pharmacy sales of medicines used for rhinitis

2.4 Analysis of the range of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis in the pharmacy No. 39 of the pharmacy chain "36.6"

2.5 Formation of the optimal assortment portfolio and ways to optimize the provision of the population with nasal drugs



Annex 1

Appendix 2


At present, due to frequent changes in the weather and the deterioration of the ecological situation in the country, the occurrence of diseases of the respiratory system has become more frequent among the population. And one of the most common of these is rhinitis. It is difficult to imagine a more frequent request in the pharmacy than "cure for the common cold." Probably every person has encountered symptoms of infectious rhinitis, one of the most common diseases of the nasal cavity, and in the season of colds and ARVI, rhinitis becomes a mass phenomenon. According to statistics, pharmaceutical specialists usually recommend only one drug. At the same time, the assortment of any pharmacy has a whole gamut of complementary non-prescription drugs, the combination of which makes the treatment of rhinitis more effective than mono-therapy.

Relevance of the topic: in the context of the existing competition in the pharmaceutical market, pharmacy chains strive to get as much profit as possible. But, however, assortment planning, pricing, distribution of pharmaceuticals. goods do not correspond to the ideal. The assortment of goods has important socio-economic values, since its quality determines the completeness of satisfying consumer demand. A well-formed assortment accelerates the turnover of goods and increases the efficiency of the pharmacy. Thus, the issue of a well-planned assortment remains the most relevant and strategically important, and maintaining a balanced purchase of goods is one of the priority tasks in managing a pharmacy chain. When planning the assortment, do not forget about the seasonality. The problem of promoting seasonal products for a pharmacy chain is one of the most important tasks.

The share of drugs aimed at treating rhinitis in Russia is about 35% of the total drug market. Dicongestants are in great demand for the treatment of rhinitis, most of which are allowed to be dispensed without a prescription and the question of their correct prescription and use at the present stage of the development of the pharmaceutical market is urgent. To solve this problem, it is necessary to analyze the range of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis.

Purpose of the study: monitoring of the range of drugs sold for rhinitis of various etiology on the basis of pharmacy No. 39 in the pharmacy chain "36.6".

Research objectives:

1. To study and reveal the types of rhinitis and the range of drugs used to treat rhinitis.

2. Analyze the range of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis in the pharmacy №39 of the pharmacy chain "36.6".

rhinitis drug nasal assortment

Chapter 1. Rhinitis. Causes, symptoms, types of rhinitis, diagnosis and effective treatment

Rhinitis is an infection that affects the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity and causes disruption of its functions.

Rhinitis reasons:

They can be divided into two broad categories:

1. Violation of local immunity(in the mucous membrane, protective proteins (immunoglobulins of class A) are constantly present, actively fighting the penetrating infection. In case of a decrease in the activity of local protective forces, microorganisms that were in a dormant state and did not cause harm until then can be activated immediately.

2. External damaging factors(these factors reduce the effectiveness of the protective mechanisms of the nasal mucosa, as a result of which an inflammatory reaction develops) These factors include: the effect of local or general cooling of a person; industrial harmful factors; allergic factor; nasal injuries play an important role.

Rhinitis symptoms

In its development, acute rhinitis goes through several successive stages:

I. It is characterized by the fact that microbes have only penetrated into the nasal cavity, and have an irritating effect on the mucous membrane. At the same time, it is noted:

Feeling of dryness in the nose

Feeling of tickling, burning in the nasal cavity

Common symptoms include:

Headache that gradually gets worse

A slight increase in body temperature up to 37.5 degrees

The duration of the first stage lasts for only a few hours, and sometimes even one or two days.

II. It starts from the moment when a lot of mucus begins to flow out of the nose. At this stage, the symptoms of the disease increase. Nasal congestion develops, sensitivity to odors decreases, and breathing becomes difficult.

III. Begins 4-5 days from the onset of the disease. It is inextricably linked with the reaction of the immune system to harmful microorganisms that have entered the nose. During this period, mucopurulent contents of a thick consistency begin to stand out from the nose.

After a few days, all of the above symptoms gradually subside, and the inflammatory process is nearing completion, improving: the respiratory function of the nose and the general condition of the patient.

Classification of types of rhinitis:


§ Acute rhinitis

§ Chronic rhinitis

Non-infectious-vasomotor rhinitis

§ Neurovegetative rhinitis

§ Allergic rhinitis

1.1 Infectious rhinitis

Causes and mechanism of development: a runny nose in most cases develops under the influence of a viral infection, especially when infected with representatives of the rhinovirus group. Among the main bacterial pathogens of acute rhinitis are Streptococcus pneumonia, Streptococcus pyogenes and Haemophilusinfluenza, which can both join the infectious and inflammatory process and be its initiators.

The disease is preceded by contact with a patient with acute respiratory viral infections or hypothermia, as a result of which pathogenic or opportunistic microflora of the nasal cavity can be activated.

Symptoms: In case of “standard” development, infectious rhinitis occurs in three stages:

· The stage of irritation (prodromal) usually lasts several hours. At this time, patients complain of dryness, a tickling sensation in the nose, sneezing;

· Stage of serous discharge (catarrhal) - the longest and "symptomatic". In the course of its course, nasal breathing worsens, puffiness and abundant liquid transparent discharge from the nose appear;

· The stage of purulent-mucous discharge - occurs on the 4-5th day from the onset of the disease. Discharge from the nose becomes thicker, acquiring a characteristic greenish color. Within a few days, nasal breathing and general condition return to normal.

The total duration of an acute infectious rhinitis is approximately one week. In the absence of improvement in the condition or the appearance of new symptoms (heaviness in the paranasal sinuses, headaches, etc.), the patient should consult a doctor in order to prevent the development of rhinosinusitis.

Prescription drugs often prescribed by doctors within the nosology under consideration (INN, synonymous trade names, sales ratings, etc.):

The lion's share of medicines for the treatment of infectious rhinitis are non-prescription drugs approved for use within the framework of responsible self-medication, with few exceptions (prescription drugs) relate:

o nasal antibiotics, combinations of antibiotics with corticosteroids- framycetin (spray Isofra), dexamethasone + neomycin + polymyxin B + venylephrine (spray Polydex with phenylephrine) etc. They are prescribed for acute rhinitis, rhinosinusitis, proven to be associated with a bacterial infection;

o microbial immunomodulators capsules Broncho-Vaxom adult, Broncho-Vaxom for children, Broncho-munal, Ribomucil. Most often prescribed for frequent relapses of rhinitis and other ENT infections.

Non-prescription drugs that can be independently recommended by the first-person in order to satisfy consumer demand and increase the average bill. Justification of recommendations for pharmaceutical groups and consideration of restrictions on use:

In acute infectious rhinitis, patients very often seek help directly from the pharmacy. In this case, pharmaceutical specialists, within the framework of independent recommendations, have the right to operate with a wide arsenal over-the-counter drugs predominantly local action.

Most often in the acute stage of rhinitis, nasal decongestants(see Appendix No. 1), which, due to the local vasoconstrictor action, effectively and quickly eliminate edema and reduce the amount of discharge. According to the duration of action, all drugs in this group can be divided into 3 categories:

Short-acting drugs (4-6 hours)

Drugs of medium duration of action (6-8 hours)

Long-acting drugs (up to 12 hours)

Herbal nasal preparations

They help to reduce a runny nose due to the local anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action of the herbal components included in their composition (oils of eucalyptus, fir, pine, menthol, etc.)

Spray, drops, ointment Pinosol, drops Eucasept, ointment Evamenol, inhalation pencil Balm Gold Star and etc. .

· The listed nasal herbal remedies have no restrictions on their use during pregnancy and lactation, i.e. can serve as an alternative to decongestants in this case.

· Do not use nasal herbal remedies for allergic rhinitis.

· With the exception of the Pinosol spray, indicated for use from 3 years of age, other drugs of the group are approved for use from 2 years of age.

Means for rinsing the nose

They cleanse the nasal mucosa from pathogenic microorganisms, exudate and pus, help maintain its normal functional state.

Sprays and drops with sea or ocean water - Aqua Maris, Aqua Maris Strong, Quicks, Marimer, Physiomer and etc.

Devices for "intensive washing" of the nose (medical products) - Aqua Maris, Dolphin .

Means of this group have no restrictions on use during pregnancy and lactation

· Means for "intensive" rinsing of the nose are contraindicated in acute rhinitis and frequent bleeding

· Do not have age restrictions solutions of seawater in the form of drops.

· The funds of this group can be used both for complex treatment and for the prevention of various forms of rhinitis.

1.2 Non-infectious-vasomotor rhinitis

It is a chronic nasal disease associated with dysregulation of vascular tone in the nose. With vasomotor rhinitis, the blood filling of these vessels is disturbed, the turbinates swell, which is manifested by periodic symptoms of a runny nose - nasal congestion, mucous discharge from the nose. It usually develops in people over 20 years old, more often in women.


Periodic nasal congestion, aggravated under certain conditions (with a change in climate, with physical exertion, after drinking alcohol) or for no apparent reason.

Runoff of mucus down the back of the throat

Sneezing, nasal sounds, decreased sense of smell


The mechanism of development of vasomotor rhinitis is based on dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system

Is often one of the manifestations of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Allergic rhinitis (allergic rhinitis)- This is an inflammation of the mucous membranes of the nose, which is based on an allergic reaction.

According to medical statistics, allergic rhinitis in Russia suffers from 11 to 24% of the total population.

Possible allergens that can cause allergic rhinitis:

· House or library dust;

· House dust mites;

· Insect allergens;

· Pollen of plants;

· Allergens of molds and yeasts;

· Some food products;

· Medicines.

Treatment allergic rhinitis and most other allergic diseases are composed of several components.

1. Reduction of allergic inflammation of the mucous membranes.

2. Carrying out allergen-specific therapy.

For the treatment of allergic rhinitis, there are combination preparations containing histamine blockers along with decongestants. These drugs include Vibrocil(phenylephrine + dimethindene), Sanorin-Anallergin(naphthazoline + antazoline), Adrianol(phenylephrine + tramazoline).

Thus, the treatment and prevention of various rhinitis is common today. In this regard, more and more new ones, improved in various dosage forms, appear on the world pharmaceutical market every day.

Chapter 2. Analysis of the range of drugs for the treatment of rhinitison the example of pharmacy number 39 of the pharmacy chain"36.6"

2.1 Basic concepts of assortment

The product range of a pharmaceutical organization has important socio-economic values, since its quality determines the completeness of satisfying consumer demand and the level of trade services for market entities. A rationally formed assortment accelerates the turnover of the commodity mass and increases the efficiency of the enterprise.

Range- selection of goods of a certain type, groups, differing from each other in types, sizes, dosage and other characteristics.

Assortment group is a collection of goods that are closely interconnected due to the performance of similar functions.

Assortment position- a specific product, brand that the organization sells.

Trade assortment- assortment of goods arriving at wholesale and retail trade enterprises or in the sphere of circulation and sale. It is presented in bids, orders, price lists, etc.

Assortment management activities aimed at creating a rational assortment. The fundamental elements of management are the formation of the assortment and the establishment of the level of requirements for indicators that determine the rationality of the assortment.

When forming an assortment, the management of a pharmacy chain should strive to ensure that it is as close as possible to rational in order to meet various needs and obtain the planned profit.

For this, the following tasks must be solved:

Established real and anticipated needs for certain goods

Analysis of the assortment and analyzed its rationality

Identified the suppliers necessary for the formation of a rational assortment

The main directions of the formation of the assortment have been determined

Analysis of the assortment is necessary to determine the needs of the population for drugs and an objective assessment of the work of the pharmacy. Most often, the analysis of the range of drugs is carried out according to the following indicators - breadth, fullness, depth, harmony, structure rationality and assortment stability... It is very important to pay attention to the presence in the assortment of not only a certain list of goods, but also what dosage forms this list is presented in, in what dosages, packaging, at what prices and what trade names.

2.2 Assortment policy of a pharmaceutical organization

Assortment policy occupies one of the most important places in the marketing of any pharmaceutical company. The position and image of the company in the market depends on how thoughtfully and successfully it is carried out. The issue of a well-planned assortment is the most relevant and strategically important, and maintaining a balanced purchase of goods is one of the priority tasks in managing a pharmacy chain. The essence of the planning, formation and management of the assortment is that the manufacturer promptly offers a certain set of goods that would, in general, correspond to the profile of his production activities, most fully meet the requirements of certain categories of buyers.

The assortment formation system includes the following main points:

Determination of current and future needs of buyers, analysis of the ways of using these products and peculiarities of purchasing behavior in the respective markets

Deciding which products should be added to the assortment and which ones should be excluded from it due to changes in the level of competitiveness

Exploring the possibilities of producing new or improved products, including questions of prices, costs and profitability

Conducting product tests taking into account potential consumers in order to find out their acceptability in terms of key indicators

Development of the specification of new and improved products in accordance with the requirements of buyers

Assessment and revision of the entire assortment

2.3 Monitoring pharmacy sales of medicines,used for rhinitis

According to official data, the decongestants market numbers 33 brands, which includes 124 full names. Among the drugs in the group in terms of volume in rubles, the first place is taken by the brand Otrivin(14.6% of the segment's sales), followed by Xymelin(10.7%), 3rd place is shared Vibrocil and Nazivin- 9.3% of the segment's sales in rubles (Fig. 1). The leader in terms of the number of packs sold Naphtizin, the natural share of which is 46.4%. It owes such a solid position to its low price. 2nd place is Xilen with a share of 12.6%, followed by Galazolin(4.8% of segment sales in packs) (Fig. 2). In general, the market for vasoconstrictor nasal drugs is growing in value terms only due to price increases. Recently, nasal preparations with natural ingredients in their composition are gaining popularity.

Rice. 1 By volume in rubles

Fig. 2 By the number of packages sold

2.4 Analysis of the assortment of drugsdrugsfor treatmentrhinitis in the pharmacy number 39 of the pharmacy chain "36.6"

In the course of studying the assortment, a general list of medicines (MP) for the treatment of rhinitis was established, and it was:

International Nonproprietary Names (INN) -25

Trade names (TN) -59

Dosage forms (DF) -11 (Appendix 2)

When analyzing the market of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis according to INN, it was found that the first place is occupied by Xylometazoline Oxymetazoline Loratadin(TH-6.78%, LF-27.28%) (Fig. 3).

Rice. 3 Analysis of the drug market by INN

In the structure of INN, the largest share is taken by nasal drugs, followed by antihistamine tablets.

In the structure of the assortment on the basis of production, foreign drugs prevail - 92.46%. The minimum share is drugs produced on the territory of the RF-7, 55%.

Analysis of the assortment by producer countries showed that the pharmacy has drugs produced in 19 countries. Among them, in terms of the number of LF, the first place is taken by Germany- 42.38% (25 LF), second - Croatia- 15.26% (9 LF), third place - Canada, Czech Republic, Russia- 13.56% (8 LF) (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4 Analysis of assortment by producer countries

In addition, there are drugs for the treatment of rhinitis from the manufacturing countries: Poland, Spain, France, India, Italy, Switzerland, Norway, USA, Greece, Belgium, Slovenia, Great Britain, Canada, the Slovak Republic.

The analysis showed that in the range of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis there are several types of LF (solid, liquid, soft), but nasal sprays nasal drops pills-10, 38% (11 LF) (Fig. 5).

Fig. 5 Analysis of LF types

At the next stage, the coefficients of completeness, latitude and depth were calculated:

Completeness ratio (Kp) - the ratio of the number of assortment items available in the pharmacy to the number of assortment items entered in the State Register and permitted for use in the country:

Kp = Pfact / Pbazovaya

Kp = 106/148 = 0.72

The completeness ratio of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis is 0.72, which indicates a high saturation of the pharmacy with drugs for the treatment of this disease.

Latitude coefficient (Ksh) - the ratio of the actual number of assortment to the base latitude:

Ksh = Shfakt / Shbazovaya

The latitude ratio of medicines for rhinitis treatment is 0.87, which indicates that the latitude ratio does not reach its maximum value of 1.0. Not all assortment groups are represented in the pharmacy. If there are a lot of nasal sprays, very few nasal drops.

Depth coefficient (Kg) - the ratio of the actual number of positions of one product name to the possible number of positions:

Kg = Gfact / Gbase

The depth coefficient of drugs for rhinitis treatment is 0.73, which indicates the depth and sufficient number of drug offers in the pharmacy to meet the needs of consumers.

Based on the research results, to optimize the assortment portfolio of pharmacy No. 39 of the 36.6 pharmacy chain, it is proposed:

1. to expand the range of herbal medicines. This pharmacy sells only 2 types of herbal medicines.

The analysis also revealed that buyers purchase the most drugs, such as Naphtizin(Russia), Rinonorm(Germany), Tizin Xylo(Germany). These drugs have lower prices in comparison with their analogues.

Thus, the analysis of the assortment showed that pharmacy No. 39 of the 36.6 pharmacy chain has enough drugs to treat various types of rhinitis, and there is an opportunity for each patient to individually select the drug that suits him.

2.5 Formation of an optimal assortment portfolio and ways to optimize the provision of naselenia with nasal preparations

The formation of the optimal assortment portfolio is based on the study of consumption data from past years, as well as ranking by life cycle stages (LC) and the compilation of the matrix of the Boston Consulting Group. The division into the appropriate stages is based on data on the last registration / re-registration of the drug, the dynamics of changes in sales volumes, the dynamics of price changes, the availability of competing products.

To optimize the provision of the population with nasal drugs, it is also necessary to know the portrait of a potential consumer of this assortment group. This assortment group is used by people of all ages (most drugs are allowed to be used not only by adults, but also by children). Social status and income level are important, consumers with a low level purchase drugs at a low price.

The results obtained in the course of this marketing study allowed me to recommend ways to optimize the provision of the population with nasal drugs:

To form an assortment portfolio based on the unique commercial qualities of individual items, analysis of MP, life cycle of nasal drugs and forecast of consumption of nasal drugs.

Use a differentiated approach to the formation of an assortment of nasal drugs, taking into account their pharmacotherapeutic properties, dosage forms, and also taking into account their sales potential.

Focus on the consumer when choosing an assortment of nasal preparations.


Diseases of the nasal mucosa have always attracted the attention of researchers due to their high prevalence. The number of consumers of symptomatic remedies for the treatment of rhinitis is tens of millions of people every year. Planning and managing a range of rhinitis medicines is an integral part of marketing.

The purpose of my course work was to study the range of drugs sold for rhinitis on the basis of pharmacy number 39 of the pharmacy chain "36.6".

The issue of a well-planned assortment is the most urgent strategically important, and maintaining a balanced purchase of goods is one of the priority tasks in managing a pharmacy chain.

In the course of my work, I gradually studied the causes, symptoms, types of rhinitis and the range of necessary drugs for the treatment of this disease.

In the course of the research, I also drew attention to the assortment policy of the pharmaceutical organization, to the monitoring of pharmacy sales of medicines and established a general list of medicines for the treatment of rhinitis in pharmacy No. 39.

The conclusions obtained in the course of the study indicate that in the pharmacy No. 39 of the 36.6 pharmacy chain, great attention is paid to the planning of the assortment of goods and the population has the opportunity to purchase medications of various types, both by pharmaceutical groups and by price categories.


1. It was found that the pharmacy №39 of the pharmacy chain "36.6" has a balanced range of drugs used for rhinitis. Spray preparations prevail.

2. The sales leaders of this group are Naphtizin(Russia), Rinonorm(Germany), Tizin Xylo(Germany)

3. In the pharmacy, nasal preparations are selected in accordance with seasonal demand

4. In the course of studying the assortment, a general list of medicines (MPs) for the treatment of rhinitis was established, and it made up: International non-proprietary names (INN) -25, trade names (TN) -59, dosage forms (LF) -11

5. When analyzing the market of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis according to INN, it was found that the first place is occupied by Xylometazoline(TH-32.21%, LF-27.28%); second place- Oxymetazoline(TH-13.59%, LF-18.19%); and in third place- Loratadin(TH-6.78%, LF-27.28%)

6. In the structure of the assortment on the basis of production, foreign drugs prevail - 92.46%. The minimum share is drugs produced on the territory of the RF-7, 55%.

7. Analysis of the assortment by producer countries showed that the pharmacy has drugs produced in 19 countries. Among them, in terms of the number of LF, Germany takes the first place - 42.38% (25 LF), the second - Croatia - 15.26% (9 LF), the third place - Canada, the Czech Republic, Russia - 13.56% (8 LF )

8. In the range of drugs for the treatment of rhinitis, there are several types of LF (solid, liquid, soft), but prevail nasal sprays- 53, 78% (57 LF), in second place- nasal drops- 17, 93% (19 LF), in third place pills-10.38% (11 LF).

1. To expand the assortment of the pharmacy with phyto-preparations for the treatment of rhinitis.

2. To supplement the assortment of Russian-made medicines.

3. Increase the number of nasal drops, especially for children.


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Annex 1

Duration of action of nasal decongestants.

Drug type

Duration of action

INN and trade names


Oxymetazoline (sprays, drops Nazivin, NazivinSensitiv, Nazol, Knoxprey and others), xylometazoline (sprays, drops Xymelin, Galazolin, Dlyanos, Otrivin, SNUP, Tizin Xylo Bio and etc.)

Trimazolin (spray Lazolvan Reno)

Naphazoline (sprays, drops, oil emulsion Sanorin, Naftizin), Phenylephrine (drops Nazol Baby, NazolKids Spray)

Combined drugs

Xylometazoline + dexpanthenol (sprays Nazik, Nazik for children)

Xylometazoline + ipratropium bromide (spray Xymelin Extra)

Phenylephrine + dimethindene (spray, drops, gel Vibrocil), tuaminoheptane + acetylcysteine ​​(spray Rinofluimucil), Phenylephyrin + tramazolin (drops Adrianol)

Appendix 2

Rangedrugs used for rhinitis in pharmacy No. 39, pharmacy chain "36.6"

International non-proprietary name (INN)

Trade name (TN)

Dosage form (LF), dosage

Cost, rub.)

Manufacturer country


Tizin Xylo Bio

Nasal spray 0.1%



Tizin Xylo

Nasal spray 0.1%



Tizin Xylo

Nasal spray 0.05%




Nasal spray



Sanorin Xylo

Nasal drops 0.1%




Nasal gel 0.1%



Nasal gel 0.05%



Nasal spray 0.05%




Nasal spray 0.1%



Nasal spray 0.05%



Nasal spray 0.1%




Nasal spray 0.05%




Nasal drops 0.1%



Nasal drops 0.05%



Nasal spray 0.1%


Nasal drops 0.05%


Nasal drops 0.1%



Nasal spray 0.1%



Nasal spray 0.05%



Nasal drops 0.1%


Xymelin Eco with menthol

Nasal spray 0.1%



Xymelin Eco

Nasal spray 0.1%



Dr. Theiss

Nasal spray 0.1%



Nasal spray 0.1%



Nasal spray 0.05%



Otrivin menthol / eucalyptus

Nasal spray 0.1%


Xylometazoline + Iprotropium bromide

Xymelin Extra

Nasal spray 84 mcg / dose + 70 mcg / dose


Xylometazoline hydrochloride + dexpanthenol

Nasal spray 0.05% + 5%


Nasal spray 0.1% + 5%



Vicks Active Sinex

Nasal spray 0.05%



Nasal spray 0.05%



Nasal spray 0.05%


AfrinExtro with eucalyptus and menthol

Nasal spray 0.05%


Nasal spray 0.05%


Afrin moisturizing

Nasal spray 0.05%



Nasal drops 0.01%



Nasal drops 0.01%



Nasal drops 0.05%



Nasal drops 0.025%



Nasal spray 0.05%




Nasal spray 11.25 mcg / dose




Nasal spray 22.5 mcg / dose



Nasal spray 0.1%

Czech Republic


Nasal drops 0.1%

Czech Republic


Sanorin with eucalyptus oil

Nasal drops 0.1%

Czech Republic



Nasal drops 0.1%



Nasal drops 0.05%

Naphazoline + Antazoline


Nasal drops

Czech Republic

Phenylephrine + Dimethindene


Nasal drops




Nasal spray 0.25%



Nasal spray 50 mcg


Nasal spray 50 mcg

Czech Republic


Nasal spray 27.5 mcg



Nasal spray 1.25%

Tuaminoheptane + acetylcysteine


Nasal spray



Nasal spray 50 mcg


Nasal spray 50 mcg

Czech Republic


Lazolvan Reno

Nasal spray 1.18 mcg




Nasal spray 140 mcg




Nasal spray 50 mcg


Cromoglyce acid


Nasal spray 2%




Nasal spray




Nasal ointment 2%

United Kingdom



Spray for irrigation of the nose




Nasal aerosol

Edas 801 thuja oil

Tuya Edas-801

Nasal drops

The Slovak Republic

Nasal ointment

The Slovak Republic

Sea water

Aqua Maris Plus

Nasal spray, 30 ml


Sea water

Aqua Maris Strong

Nasal spray 30 ml


Sea water

Aqua Maris

Nasal spray 30 ml


Sea water

Aqua Maris Norm

Nasal spray 150 ml


Sea water

Aqua Maris Norma

Nasal spray 100 ml


Sea water

Aqua Maris Norm

Nasal spray 30 ml


Sea water

Aqua Maris

Nasal drops


Sea water

Aqua Maris Baby


Sea water

Afrin Clean Sea, for children

Nasal spray

Sea water

Afrin Clean Sea

Nasal spray

Sea water

Physiomer (for children from 2 weeks old)

Nasal spray, 115 ml

Sea water

Physiomer (for adults and children from 6 years old)

Nasal spray

Sea water

Physiomer (for children from 3 years old)

Nasal spray

Sea water

Physiomer (for adults and children from 10 years old)

Nasal spray, 210 ml

Sea water

Aqualor Norm

Sea water

Aqualor Soft

Solution for intranasal administration

Sea water

Aqualor Forte

Solution for intranasal administration

Sea water

Aqualor Extra Forte

Solution for intranasal administration

Sea water

Aqualor Baby

Solution for intranasal administration

Sea water

Aqualor Baby

Nasal drops

Sea water

Aqualor Soft mini

Solution for intranasal administration

Sea water

Aqualor forte mini

Solution for intranasal administration
































oral drops


oral drops

Czech Republic





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3.3. Marketing analysis of the assortment of the pharmacy organization.

In the process of selling medicines, pharmacy organizations pay attention to the analysis of the range of medicines sold, which is carried out periodically, taking into account such factors as: profitability; seasonality; availability of goods in stock; speed of sales; other factors.

When analyzing the assortment, the ABC analysis method is used, in which the aggregates of goods according to the selected criteria (as a rule, two) are classified into three groups - A, B and C. special attention of the sales staff. The evaluation criteria can be varied and depend on the goal that the pharmacy sets for itself.

Assortment analysis criteria can be:

the volume of sales of drugs, the volume of profit on sale and the cost of promoting these drugs;

pharmacotherapeutic group of the medicinal product.

ABC analysis is one of the variants of mathematical and statistical methods of analysis used to study the frequency of certain economic phenomena and facts. Its synonyms are Initial Analysis, the 80/20 Rule and the Pareto Principle. Using this method, the existing population is classified or distributed according to the selected criteria into three groups, namely A, B and C. This classification simultaneously shows the rank and allows you to highlight the main points that are especially important for targeted management measures. Typically, two criteria are used. They can be different:

on the one hand, the number of items of medicines, pharmacies, suppliers, etc .;

on the other hand, the turnover, the cost of stocks, the volume of drug consumption, costs, income, etc.

The development of ABC analysis is its combination with XYZ analysis, based on the same principles as ABC analysis. This takes into account three criteria, one of which in most cases is determined in terms of time.

As an example, you need to find out which pharmacotherapeutic group of drugs provides the highest sales or profit. Based on the results of applying the ABC analysis method:

10% of all items of the assortment (group A) provide 80% of the turnover;

15% of the assortment (group B) account for 15% of the turnover;

the remaining 75% of the assortment account for only 5% of the total turnover;

25% of the company's assortment (groups A and B) provide 95% of the company's turnover.

Thus, those positions in the assortment (pharmacotherapeutic groups and dosage forms) are determined on which the main work should be concentrated and which are the main ones in training sales personnel (in addition, companies use the results of this analysis when planning production, determining a procurement strategy and optimal stocks of pharmaceutical products in stock).

The VEN analysis, carried out in parallel with the ABC analysis, allows you to determine the priority groups of drugs in accordance with the division into vital (Vital, V), necessary (Essential, E) and minor (Non-essential, N).

Vital (V) - drugs (drugs) necessary to save the patient's life (for example, thrombolytic drugs), constantly necessary to maintain life (insulin, glucocorticosteroids), and drugs, after the termination of which the withdrawal syndrome develops.

Essential drugs (E) are used to treat patients with less life-threatening diseases, minor drugs (N) are used to treat non-dangerous diseases, with unknown efficacy and are used for symptomatic treatment.

Effective product mix management allows a pharmaceutical organization to:

reduce the number of sales lost due to lack of necessary goods;

accelerate turnover;

reduce surplus goods (optimize inventory);

reduce the risk of writing off goods due to the expiration date;

minimize the total costs associated with inventory.

From a logistics perspective, inventory management is a balancing act between two mutually exclusive trends: reducing the total cost of maintaining inventory and making sure that you have enough inventory to sell it smoothly. At the same time, an increase in stocks in terms of quality and quantity is advisable as long as the economic effect exceeds the cost of maintaining additional stocks and the diversion of working capital.

To implement the assortment policy, it is necessary to constantly monitor stocks. It consists in calculating the stocks available in a particular place, as well as in tracking the process of their increase or decrease. Accounting and analysis can be carried out manually or using computer technology. The main difference is speed, accuracy and cost.

In order to implement the desired inventory management policy, it is necessary to develop control procedures. They should determine the frequency of checks, inventory levels and comparisons with inventory parameters, which in turn will affect reorder times and volumes.

The development of the national pharmaceutical market shows that the majority of pharmacies, unlike wholesale pharmaceutical companies, do not implement automated accounting and analysis systems due to the relatively high cost of information technology and computer equipment for them, as well as the lack of motivation of the management and staff of pharmacies to use information systems.

The matrix projection of ABC and XYZ analyzes is nothing more than an analog model that allows you to make strategic decisions regarding the market policy of an enterprise from the state of "as is" to the state of "how to be." In this case, there is a cyclical relationship between these parameters (Fig. 7).

Rice. 7. Model of strategic decision making based on integrated ABC and XYZ analysis

Application of ABC analysis is based on the anticipation that an insignificant part of the assortment of goods constitutes a significant part of the turnover. When carrying out this analysis, the goods sold by the company for the year (or other period) are distributed in decreasing order of their cost and the share of the sale of each assortment position is calculated.

At the same time, class A can account for about 20% of the total number of assortment items, which account for 80% of the turnover. Class B accounts for almost 30% of medicines, accounting for almost 10% of the volume of goods sold. The rest of the items with low turnover form class C. It is at least 10% of the turnover and 50% of the aggregate of the analyzed items. Graphic interpretation of ABC analysis is shown in Fig. 8. It should be noted that the specified order of classification is not a dogma. Depending on the situation, you can go out of other criteria (for example, for class A, they can be as follows - 8/80, 15/80, 10/70).

Rice. 8. Graphic interpretation of the ABC analysis of the assortment of goods

For ABC analysis, a different technique can be recommended. The turnover of a pharmaceutical company is divided by the total number of assortment items of the sold goods, as a result of which an indicator of the average turnover per item is obtained. After that, ranked commodity items, the total turnover of which is six times higher than the average, are assigned to group A, less than six and more than two times to group B, and less than two to group C. The mathematical and graphic implementation of this technique is as follows:

where C av- the average cost of one position of a ranked population of drugs;

The turnover of the analyzed population;

n- the number of assortment items;

VA, VB and VC- classes A, B and C, respectively.

In parallel with the ABC analysis, it is necessary to carry out an XYZ analysis, the essence of which is the structuring of the consumption of pharmaceutical products by the factor of consumption stability and the possibility of its prediction. At the same time, the consumption of drugs from group X is almost stable, the inconsistency is random (up to 20% monthly), the weekly predictability of the consumption of a certain product is over 95%. Group Y is characterized by certain consumption trends (for example, seasonality) or instabilities (volatility of consumption fluctuates between 20 and 50% monthly), weekly consumption predictability is at least 70%. Demand in group Z is stochastic, consumption volatility reaches more than 50% monthly, weekly predictability is less than 70%.

The matrix image of the integrated ABC and XYZ analysis is presented in the table. Based on its data, the most important for the purchase are composite cells with the parameters AX, AY, AZ, BX, BY and CX, since the annual or for another period the need for most of them can be foreseen with statistical reliability. In this case, the АZ field is included as an exception, due to its high cost, although it is characterized by stochastic consumption.

Table 7.

Matrix projection of the integrated ABC and XYZ analysis of the turnover of a pharmaceutical company

(high consumer value, high degree of forecast reliability due to stable consumption)

(high consumer value, average degree of forecast reliability due to the instability of consumption)

(high consumer value, low degree of forecast reliability due to stochastic consumption)

(average consumer value, high degree of forecast reliability due to stable consumption)

(average consumer value, average degree of forecast reliability due to consumption volatility)

(average consumer value, low degree of forecast reliability due to stochastic consumption)

(low consumer value, high degree of forecast reliability due to stable consumption)

(low consumer value, medium degree of forecast reliability due to instability of consumption)

(low consumer value, low degree of forecast reliability due to stochastic consumption)

A similar integrated analysis needs to be done for inventory based on physical inventory data. Periodic comparison of the results of ABC and XYZ analysis of turnover and inventory will enable a pharmaceutical company to optimize inventory in a volume sufficient for efficient sale, prevent excessive inventory and an increase in the risk of "freezing" working capital, as well as write-off of goods due to the expiration date.

The use of two methods of analysis allows formulary-therapeutic commissions of health care facilities to obtain the necessary data to make a decision to exclude certain drugs from the hospital formulary and supplement it with others, as well as information on the insufficient or excessive use of certain drugs.

The use of these methods is promising for both pharmacies and medical institutions, because:

1. ABC-analysis allows to revise the structure of procurement of drugs at the expense of the budget towards increasing the share of vital and necessary ones. It should be emphasized that such an analysis does not require significant financial costs and allows the medical institution to rationally use the available funds.

2. The results of the ABC analysis can be used both to determine the strategy for the procurement of drugs and to form their optimal stocks in the warehouse. For example, for a group of drugs with a high stable sales rate, a high forecast accuracy is possible, which eliminates the need for large stocks in the warehouse. For a group of drugs, the sales rate of which varies depending on the season, it is advisable to periodically build up stocks.

3. Firms engaged in small wholesale and retail trade, or wholesale companies focused on this group of customers, should have a fairly wide range. It should include all pharmaceutical groups of drugs. The assortment of the company, focused on medium and large wholesale, is much narrower, so it is necessary to pay more attention to obtaining favorable conditions (discounts, deferred payments, etc.) from suppliers.

Expansion of the range entails an increase in costs and, consequently, a decrease in profits. Therefore, the use in practice of such a tool as ABC analysis will allow you to choose from the whole variety of drugs only those that are necessary for your customers.

After choosing the structure of the assortment, distribution channels for the goods and making a decision on the choice of the target customer, the company faces the task of building a distribution system for goods with which it will be possible to efficiently deliver goods to consumers. Hence,

the problem of effective inventory management arises. To manage inventory using logistics parameters, ABC analysis alone is not enough.

Analysis of the speed of drug implementation.

In the pharmacy assortment, the share of goods with different sales rates fluctuates:

Group I - goods with a high sales rate make up 12–35% (on average 22%);

Group II - with a moderate implementation rate - 25–45%;

Group III - with a low and unpredictable implementation rate - 40%.

Group III goods will be sold only partially, and the remainder must be paid for from the pharmacy's own reserves, if any. In the absence of financial reserves, payment for the unrealized mass of goods becomes impossible, which can lead to an increase in debt and refusals from suppliers in the future in an interest-free commodity loan. The lower efficiency of the pharmacy when selling goods purchased on a loan does not require special evidence. However, even when purchasing goods only on a prepaid basis, the pharmacy may not provide high efficiency in the use of its own circulating assets.

Therefore, it is necessary to consider alternative technologies for the formation of commodity stocks and management of the pharmacy assortment, which would provide a more profitable mode of operation of the enterprise.
Many managers of pharmacies, especially municipal ones, attribute their adherence to the formation of a pharmacy assortment on a deferred payment basis to the deficit of their own working capital, which in some cases prompts them, in addition to a commodity loan, to resort to obtaining a bank loan, and this further complicates the financial situation of the enterprise.

The other side of the problem lies in understanding the deficit of own circulating assets. It is necessary to note the absoluteness and relativity of this concept.

Any organization can constantly refer to the lack of funds. The needs of the enterprise, as well as the needs of the individual, always outstrip its capabilities. If today a pharmacy does not have debts to creditors, then it may lack funds for the technical re-equipment of the enterprise (purchase of new equipment for the production department, office equipment for automated accounting, analysis of financial and economic activities, automated accounting of the movement of goods within the pharmacy, etc.). ) or further expansion of the assortment, service sector, etc.

This is the absoluteness of the concept of “deficit of own circulating assets”. It is obvious that business entities of the market, just like people, have lived, live and will always live in conditions of objectively limited opportunities, including financial ones. The absolute limitedness (insufficiency) of resources for the simultaneous satisfaction of all the needs of the enterprise is constantly noted. At the same time, any enterprise also has some opportunities, some more, others less, allowing it to free up or find funds (including on credit terms) for certain production and technological programs. It is important to make their involvement profitable and, when using them, to obtain the greatest economic effect. With limited financial resources, the problem of their effective use is especially acute. Therefore, the concept and essence of the deficit of own circulating assets are relative, since resources may be sufficient to solve certain problems.

The main activity that generates income for a pharmacy enterprise is to provide the population and medical institutions with home-made pharmacy goods or finished products. Due to the complete satisfaction of the demand of the population and medical and preventive institutions with the goods of the pharmacy range, the social function of the pharmacy is realized, and making a profit that covers all costs and ensures its development (survival) is a commercial task.

The main components of the financial success of a pharmacy's business can be identified:

Effective use of own and borrowed working capital and increasing their turnover;

Increased trade overlays while maintaining competitive prices;

Reducing enterprise costs.

The revenue side of the pharmacy budget is almost entirely related to the efficient use of funds for the formation of the pharmacy assortment, inventory and sales of goods.

On the other hand, minimizing the costs of maintaining inventory, eliminating defects, increasing turnover and profitability of the funds spent are the basis for the successful operation of a pharmacy.

It is impossible to significantly increase the turnover of funds invested in the entire commodity mass of a pharmacy. However, it is possible to increase the turnover of funds invested in fast-selling goods, while reasonably reducing inventory. At the same time, it is impossible to accelerate the turnover of funds when selling the names of the pharmacy assortment sold in the amount of 1-3 packs per month. But this does not mean that they should not be included in the assortment, since the sale of even one package of expensive drugs can significantly affect the turnover and profit of the pharmacy.
For the effective use of own and borrowed working capital, a differentiated approach to the management of the pharmacy assortment and the rationing of commodity stocks, as well as clear ideas about what goods or services they are invested in and what kind of return are needed. For this, it is necessary to structure the pharmacy assortment, and invest in those names that provide the greatest benefit.

Pharmacy assortment structuring.

ABC analysis allows each pharmacy organization to identify the names of goods, on the sale of which the turnover and, accordingly, gross profit depend to the greatest extent. So, using the example of the activities of 14 pharmacies in Kursk and Belgorod, it was found that 23% of the total number of items give 75% of the turnover, but if this mass is divided into 3 equal parts by the effect on the turnover, then the first 23% of the turnover (group A1 ) give 1.5-2% of the pharmacy assortment names, the second 25% of the turnover already provide 6-8% and the third - 15-18% of the pharmacy assortment names (NAA).

Group B, which also consists of 23% of NAA, provides 15% of the turnover, and Group C, which includes up to 50% of NAA, only 10% of the turnover.
Thus, it is necessary to highlight the names of the pharmacy assortment that have the greatest impact on the turnover. The attention of managers should be focused on the effective maintenance, first of all, of the names of groups A1, A2 and A3, since their absence can significantly affect the turnover, gross profit and the final indicators of financial and economic activity.

ABC analysis also allows a differentiated approach to pricing, since the gross profit and financial success of a pharmacy to a decisive extent depends on trade imposition on Group A drugs. Reduced trade imposition on Group A drugs will result in a significant decrease in gross margins.

Among the drugs of group A have:

The implementation speed is high - 25–30%;

Moderate - 40-50%;

Slow and unpredictable - 25–35%.

In group B, only 2% of items have a high and 30–40% moderate sales speed.

For group C, high and moderate sales rates are typical for 2–3% and 15–25% of NAA, respectively, and the overwhelming majority of goods (75%) have a slow and unpredictable sales rate.
The efficiency of using working capital (EIOS) also depends on the amount of inventory for individual items, since an increase in inventory leads to an increase in funds excluded from circulation, and a decrease in inventory naturally increases their turnover and contributes to saving funds invested in them.

Data on the impact of the structure of the NAA on the turnover and their speed of implementation can contribute to the purposeful and efficient use of own and borrowed working capital.

* Prices are taken according to Protek price list. Let us analyze the assortment using the example of five items from the assortment that have an unequal price, share in turnover, different speed of implementation, elasticity of demand and, therefore, marketing potential:

But - shpa;

Mezim forte;


Which of these items can give a great return on investment and what possible losses will a pharmacy have in the event of a temporary or long-term absence of them in the range?

By the formula for the formation of commodity stocks, we mean for how many days the stock is formed and with what reserve. For example, with the 2 + 1 or 3 + 1 formula, stocks are built for 3 and 4 days, with a one-day reserve and restocking every 2 or 3 days.

To assess the possible (estimated) financial result from the investment of working capital, the coefficient of efficiency of using working capital (Keios) can be used, which is calculated by referring the gross profit received from the sale of specific items to the amount of working capital raised for its purchase (the cost of inventories).

Let's consider a specific example.

No-shpa - the share in the turnover is 1.2%, that is, it belongs to the A1 group in terms of the impact on the turnover; sales speed - 0.18 (sold at a moderate speed - more than one package per week). At the same time, this item can be sold in quantities from one to three packs per day, and then it can be unclaimed for one to two weeks or more. This item should be characterized as having a highly predictable demand (having a high elasticity of demand). Taking into account a significant share in the sales volume, the absence of this drug can significantly affect the pharmacy's turnover, therefore, it is advisable to form the stock according to the formula 6 + 6, i.e. 0.18 packs / day 6 days = 1.08 packs.

The stock should be at least two packs to minimize rejections and lost sales. Based on the speed of sales (0.18 packs / day), it can be expected that the average pharmacy will sell 5.4 packs per month. Mezim forte (TB. No. 20) - the share in the turnover is 0.61%, the sales rate is 7.54 packs / day. Thus, the drug mezim forte is included in group A1 in terms of its effect on trade turnover and belongs to group I in terms of the speed of sale, has a consistently high demand (low elasticity of demand). When forming stocks, you can use the 2 + 1 or 3 + 1 formula, then 662 rubles will be required to purchase mezima forte for 3 days. With a 25% markup on the sale of each package, the pharmacy will receive a gross profit of 7.31 rubles, and for a month - 1654 rubles. (7.54 packs x 30 days x 7.31 rubles).

In this case, Keios will be 2.49 (1653: 662 rubles). Using the example of mezima forte, we will present the efficiency of the use of working capital, depending on the formula for the formation of reserves.

When stocks are formed according to the 3 + 1 formula, this coefficient will be lower, since 882 rubles will already be required to purchase the drug for 4 days, and the gross profit will remain the same. When dividing the gross profit from the sale of mezima forte for the month - 1653 rubles. for the initially attracted amount - we get the coefficient 1.87 (1653: 882). It will be even lower when forming inventory according to the formulas 7 + 1 and 14 + 2 (1764 rubles - the amount required to purchase the drug for 8 days (7 days plus a safety stock for one day), Kios = 1653: 1764 = 0, 94. When forming inventory for 2 weeks and plus a safety stock for 2 days, the gross profit remains the same, but the purchase will require 3528 rubles, and Kios with this formula will be equal to 0.47, that is, twice lower than with the formula 7 + 1, and, respectively, 4 and 5.3 times lower than with the formulas 3 + 1 and 2 + 1. From this it follows that a decrease in stocks can significantly reduce the funds spent on the formation of marketable mass, and significantly increase efficiency use of working capital.

Enap - the share in the turnover is 0.04%, the speed of sale is 1.93, therefore, in terms of its impact on the turnover, the drug belongs to group A3, and in terms of speed of sale - to group I (high speed of sale).

Cases of defect formation

Let's try to calculate the lost turnover and profit in cases of defective goods for the analyzed items. It has been established that from the moment the defect is discovered until the moment the goods are received and received by the sales department, on average, it takes about a day. Therefore, we calculate losses due to defective products by multiplying the number of packages sold per day by their price. If a certain item is sold less than one package per day, we consider that the losses are related to the failure of only one package. If, due to absence, we refused the buyer to purchase one package of the supersystem-six, then we accordingly lost 2419 rubles. in turnover and 484 rubles. in profit (with a 25% margin).

If there is a defect in mezim forte preparations, it is possible to close it within 24 hours; in this case, the turnover may be lost, respectively, in the amount of 276; 17

Thus, the losses in turnover and profits associated with refusals are incomparable in the sale of these drugs. If we also calculate the operating costs associated with the acceptance of goods, the conduct of pricing operations, accounting in accounting entries, the placement of goods and their dispensing, then the advantages of selling these drugs are obvious.

However, when referring the received profit to the initially spent funds, the advantages of quick-selling goods are obvious. In this regard, it is necessary to ensure a defect-free supply of the names of expensive goods in the pharmacy range, but if there is a shortage of own circulating assets, it is desirable to receive them in the form of a commodity loan for a period close to the average speed of sale.

The use to assess the possible financial result from investing in a certain group or a separate name of the goods of the pharmacy range of Canos, which largely depends on the speed of sale and, in this regard, on the formula for the formation of commodity stocks and with a mark-up for goods, allows us to give some recommendations on the formation pharmacy inventory. It should be considered inappropriate to order goods from a wholesaler:

All on the terms of a commodity loan or all on a prepayment basis;

For the same period (3, 7, 14 days, etc.)

Receiving goods on the terms of a commodity loan puts the pharmacy in dependence on creditors. The purchase of all goods on a prepayment basis does not allow getting the greatest return on investment, ensuring their highest turnover.

It is necessary to order and receive goods from the supplier in a differentiated manner: fast-selling items - for 2, 3, 4 days, replenishing stocks daily, every other day or every 3 days.

It is advisable to order goods with a moderate speed of sale (group II) according to the formula 7 + 1 (7 + 2), that is, to order initially for 8-9 days, replenishing them weekly. Products sold slowly, as well as those sold unpredictably (group III) should be ordered for 2-4 weeks. During the transition to such technologies, it is necessary to change the stereotypes of working with suppliers, which requires separate consideration.
Thus, the analysis of the effectiveness of the use of working capital invested in various NAA indicates significant differences in the final results. A pharmacy can get the greatest return on investment from fast-selling goods if the inventory is reduced to 2-3 days and the maximum possible trade overlaps are made. When selling items that have a significant impact on the turnover, but have an unpredictable demand (high elasticity), the return on investment is much less than that obtained from fast-selling items.

Range - these are the products that we offer to our customers.

When developing the assortment policy of any pharmacy, a comprehensive analysis of approved and existing drugs on the market is required, consideration of specific nomenclature positions of drugs, their dosages, packaging, dosage forms, price characteristics, quality, novelty in relation to their activities.

When carrying out analytical work on the assortment operating in a pharmacy, you can evaluate it according to the following marketing indicators:

1. breadth of assortment;

2. completeness of the assortment;

3. assortment depth;

4. saturation of the assortment;

5. harmony of the assortment;

6. completeness of use;

7. assortment stability;

8. the degree of renewal of the assortment.

All these concepts are conditional and can be considered both for the entire assortment structure, and within individual pharmacotherapeutic groups. As an information sourcetime base to which can be applied comparea thorough study of the assortment of the pharmacy, shoulduse official sources: registers, resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation, orders of the Ministry of Health of Russia, reference books, etc.

The breadth of the assortment of medicinal products tov can be considered primarily in relation to the number of their pharmacotherapeutic groups on the market.

For example, if the assortment of the pharmacy organization includesSince there are drugs of 5 pharmacotherapeutic groups out of 100 circulating on the market, we can talk about a narrow range of this institution. In this case, it is necessary to study the statistics of morbidity in this region and determine which pharmacotherapeutic groups can be deployed additionally. The wide assortment allows you to target different consumers and stimulate shopping in one place.

Latitude factor - the ratio of the actual number of assortment groups (subgroups, classowls, etc.) to the base (maximum possiblelatitude).

Ksh = Shfakt / Shbazovaya

Completeness of the assortment of drugs is consideringis applied to each nomenclature item and is characterized by the number of dosage forms of this nomenclature item in relation to those registered and authorized for use.

For example, analgin is available in the form of Angro powder, tablets, ampoule solutions, and all these forms are in the pharmacy, then according to this position we can talk about a full range.

Completeness factor - the ratio of the number of acassortment items (commodity units), I haveavailable in the pharmaceutical organization(actual completeness), to the number of assortmentpositions entered in the State Register or received permission to use (basic completeness):

Kp = Pfact / Pbazovaya

Assortment depth characterized by a variety of dosages, concentrations, packaging of one name of the drug.

That is, when we have in the assortment not just an ampoule solution of analgin, but in different concentrations, different packaging and dosages registered in the State Register of Medicines, the depth of such an assortment is satisfactory.

An example of the insufficient depth of the pharmacy assortment is the presence of adult dosages and the absence of children's dosages. A deep assortment allows satisfying the needs of various consumer segments for one drug substance, increases the competitiveness of the institution, makes it possible to offer a range of prices and a number of other advantages. However, it also increases the cost of maintaining inventory, fulfilling orders. In addition, certain difficulties may arise in differentiating between two similar assortment items.

Depth ratio - the ratio of the actual number of assortment items of one productname to the possible number of positions:

Kg = Gfact / Gbase

Saturation of the nomenclature (assortment) is the total number of all drugs produced (sold) on the market.

Harmonious assortment characterized bythe degree of homogeneity of the nomenclature (assortment) in relation to the preferences of the doctor, patient.So, having a wide range of diureticks, we can talk about its harmony ifit satisfies all consumer preferences, that is, there are osmotic, loop, potassium-sparing diuretics, as well as combined drugs of this group. In turn, a wholesaler's assortment can be harmonized by main buyers, types of enterprises (institutions).

Completeness of assortment use - an important indicator characterizing the rationality of the assortment selected by the institution. It can be viewed as the ratio of the sold assortment items to the available availability for a certain period of time.

The higher this indicator, the more correctly the assortment is selected. With a low rate of frequency of use of a specific nomenclature item, it is necessary to determine what reasons lie at its basis: an ineffective or outdated drug, lack of awareness among doctors, etc.

If the indicators of the breadth, completeness and depth of the assortment of drugs of the enterprise (institution) do not change much over time, then we can talk about a conservative assortment policy, the stability of the assortment, which is associated with a certain market risk.

Demonstrates the ability of the product to meet changing needs through the emergence of new products in the pharmacy range, dosage forms, dosages, and packaging. The renewal indicator can be calculated as the ratio of the number of new goods (N) to the actual saturation of the assortment in this group (Pfact.) (Table 3). When calculating this indicator, the following assumption was used: all goods that first appeared during the study in the assortment of a pharmacy organization were considered new.

The new assortment allows diversifying the market and finding new niches in it. On the other hand, the promotion of new products in the market is always associated with huge costs and risks, since new types of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products may not be in demand.

Assortment stability - the ability of a set of goods to meet customer demand.

The stability of the assortment testifies to the constant preferences of intermediate and final consumers, which can be explained both by the constancy of tastes, habit, price factors, when it comes to end consumers, and, for example, by the inclusion of drugs in the list of drugs sold free of charge or on preferential terms.

The stability of the assortment can be determined both in the context of assortment groups (if the same groups of goods are constantly present in circulation, then this indicator will be equal to Ksh), and within the assortment group. The main problem in the latter case is the choice of a method for determining sustainable goods.

Two methods are most commonly used:

1) by the number of days when the product was on sale (conditionally, if the product was in demand for more than 280 days a year, then the demand for it can be considered stable);

2) by the time during which the goods were sold from the pharmacy (the rate of sale is less than 0.5). The stability coefficient (Ku) is calculated as the ratio of the number of commodity units in stable demand (U) to the actual saturation of the assortment (Pfact.).



Federal Agency for Healthcare and Social Development "



DEPARTMENT of Administration and Economics of Pharmacy

with the EITI Pharmacy course


"Analysis of the assortment of the pharmacy organization"

Maslova Anna Germanovna

4 group course


Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy

Lavrentieva L.I.


range of pharmacy pricing


Theoretical foundations of the formation and management of the assortment of a pharmacy organization

1 Basic principles of assortment policy

2 Basic principles of pricing policy

Experimental part: analysis of the assortment and pricing policy of a specific pharmacy organization




The task of pharmacy organizations at the present stage of economic development is not only to make a profit, but, first of all, to fulfill the social function of providing the population with high-quality and affordable medicines. Currently, there is significant competition in the pharmaceutical market, which, despite some negative aspects, has led to positive changes in the activities of pharmacy organizations: the introduction of marketing information, including demand research and drug market management, the introduction of new advertising projects, the expansion of services and etc. It is important to note that the growth of competition caused changes in the assortment policy: it led to the diversification of the assortment, its qualitative and quantitative changes, and the conduct of an independent pricing policy. These changes affected both medicines and parapharmaceutical products (food additives, dietary supplements, diet food, herbal teas, sanitary and hygienic products, medical cosmetics), and medical equipment.

In the competitive struggle for the consumer, the quality of the products sold, a wide range of services, and a high level of service are of great importance. But the most important and relevant in the current tough competition is a properly planned assortment. Therefore, the methods of assortment analysis are now becoming important - both to ensure the growth of sales and profitability, and to form the most optimal inventory in terms of the nomenclature.

In this regard, the purpose of this work is to assess the effectiveness of the assortment and pricing policy of the pharmacy organization.

The goal is expected to be achieved through the solution of the following tasks:

To summarize the principles of forming the assortment policy of a pharmacy organization and pricing.

Analyze the assortment of a particular pharmacy according to the main marketing indicators.

Analyze pricing for several items in the selected group.

Evaluate the effectiveness of the assortment and pricing policy of the pharmacy organization and propose ways to optimize it.

1. Theoretical foundations of the formation and management of the assortment of a pharmacy organization

1 Basic principles of assortment policy

On the pharmaceutical market, the concept of “pharmacy assortment goods” has developed, which summarizes the groups of goods sold through retail and wholesale pharmacy organizations (Fig. 1). First of all, these are medicines, including homeopathic ones, and medical products. In general, the list of goods allowed for dispensing from pharmacy organizations is established by Federal Law No. 61 "On the Circulation of Medicines".

Products of the "main assortment" are traditionally sold from pharmacies and form the basis of lists of mandatory assortment, vital and essential drugs, drugs sold free of charge and on preferential terms. Most of this assortment is sold only from pharmacy organizations, therefore, these products can be conditionally called pharmaceutical products.

In connection with the expansion of the product range of pharmacy organizations, a significant number of products of the "additional" assortment, or parapharmaceutical goods, appeared in them. For example, abroad this group mainly includes cosmetic and sanitary-hygienic products. In our country, this includes goods of an additional pharmacy assortment, accompanying drugs and medical products, intended for the prevention, treatment of diseases, alleviating a person's condition, and body care. These are cosmetic products, sanitary and hygienic products, mineral waters, dietary and baby food, eyeglass optics, reference and educational literature.

Those goods that are allowed to be dispensed from pharmacy organizations, but are mainly sold to medical institutions, research institutes, enterprises or private entrepreneurs engaged in medical activities (for example, dental products, pharmaceutical utensils, etc.) are separated into a separate group - other goods.

The assortment of a pharmacy organization can be considered rational when the set of available goods most fully satisfies the really justified needs of different market segments, that is, it meets the needs of all consumers, the requirements of current regulations, and ensures the economic efficiency of the pharmacy organization.

The constant analysis of the assortment based on modern marketing research methods, supplemented by the study of the market development prospects for individual, most significant pharmacotherapeutic groups, can become the basis for the formation of a rational assortment portfolio, in particular, the exclusion of obsolete and unprofitable drugs from it.


┌────────┤ PHARMACY PRODUCTS ├────────┐

│ └───────────────────┬──────────────────────┘ │

┌────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────┐ ┌─────────────────┐


│ PRODUCTS ├──────┐ │ PRODUCTS ├──┐ │ ├───┐

│ (Main │ │ │ (Sub │ │ │ │ │

│ assortment) │ │ │ assortment) │ │ │ │ │

└───────┬────────┘ │ └────────────────────┘ │ └─────────────────┘ │

│ │ │ ││ ┌────────────────────┐ │ │

┌────────────────┐ │ │Beauty products│<─┤ ┌─────────────────┐ │

│ MEDICINAL │ │ └───────────────────┘ │ │ Medical │ │

│ TOOLS │ │ ┌────────────────────┐ ├─ - - -> appliances and │<──┤

│ Including │ │ │ Sanitary │ │ │ Tools │ │

│homeopathic │ │ │hygienic │<─┤ └─────────────────┘ │

└─────┬────────┬─┘ │ │ means │ │ │

│ │ │ └────────────────────┘ │ ││ │ ┌────────────────────┐ │ │

┌───────────┐ │ │ │ Mineral waters │<─┤ ┌─────────────────┐ │

│According to recipes│ │ │ └────────────────────┘ ├─ - - -> │ Cookware for │<──┤

└────────────┘ │ │ │ │medical purposes│ │

┌───────────┐ │ │ ┌────────────────────┐ │ └─────────────────┘ │

│No prescription│<─┘ │ │Диетическое и │<─┤ │

└ ──────┘ <──┐ │ │детское питание │ │ ┌─────────────────┐ │

Pharmacovaleological│ │ └────────────────────┘ │ │ Reagents and │ │

│ means │ │ ┌────────────────────┐ ├─ - - -> diagnostic │<──┤

│ │ │ │ Food and beverage │ │ │ products │ │

└────────────────────┘ │ │ medicinal and<─┤ └─────────────────┘ │

│ PRODUCTS │<─────┘ │назначения │ │ ┌─────────────────┐ │

│ MEDICAL │ └────────────────────┘ │ │Dental │

│ PURPOSES ├──────┐ ├─ - - -> │ and dentures │ │

└─────────────────┘ │ ┌───────────────────┐ │ │ devices, │<──┤

│ │Products spectacle │<─┤ │ инструменты и │ │

┌────────────────┐ │ optics │ │ │ materials │ │

│ Dressings │<─────┤ └────────────────────┘ │ └─────────────────┘ │

│ funds │ │ ┌───────────────────┐ │ │

└────────────────┘ │ │ Items and means │ │ ┌─────────────────┐ │

│ │ to ensure │<─┤ │ Прочие │<──┤

┌────────────────┐ │ │ Healthy image │ │ └─────────────────┘

│ Care items │<─────┤ │жизни │ │ │

│ for the sick │ │ └───────────────────┘

└────────────────┘ │ ┌────────────────────┐ │

│ │Reference- │ │ ├─ - - -> - These products

┌─────────────────┐ │ │ educational │<─┤ иногда также относятся к

│ Other medical devices │<─────┘ │литература │ │ парафармацевтическим

└────────────────┘ └────────────────────┘ │

Rice. 1. Goods allowed for dispensing from pharmacy organizations

The assortment of the pharmacy organization has specific features, which are called assortment properties, in particular:

the possibility of dividing into different groups, subgroups, etc. according to the selected characteristics (among which there are characteristics characteristic only of pharmaceutical products, for example, a pharmacotherapeutic group);

inclusion of new and exclusion from circulation in the pharmaceutical market of old products;

the ability to choose medicines (drugs) by the intermediate and final consumer, depending on various factors;

the ability to replace one drug with another;

the need to maintain a certain set of goods in retail pharmacy organizations.

Some properties of an assortment can be expressed in quantitative values, which are called assortment indicators. Assortment indicators can be marketing, pharmacoeconomic, economic.

Since work in market conditions is always associated with a certain risk, when starting to develop an assortment policy, it is necessary, first of all, to determine its strategic direction. For example, if in a pharmacy organization the assortment is formed from well-known, well-proven for a long time, medicines of domestic and foreign production, the stages of the life cycle of which correspond to growth and maturity, then its strategy from the point of view of decision-making theory is determined at least risk without expecting a large effect. The inclusion in the assortment of new highly effective and, naturally, expensive drugs of leading pharmaceutical corporations that are at the stage of introduction to the market, characterizes the assortment policy strategy as having elements of risk and designed for maximum effect regardless of the degree of risk.

When forming the assortment portfolio, first of all, it is necessary to determine the marketing indicators of the assortment, which include the breadth, completeness, stability, degree of renewal, and which form the basis for calculating the coefficient of rationality of the assortment.

Assortment breadth - the number of assortment groups (subgroups and product classes). To calculate this indicator, it is necessary to determine what will be considered the actual latitude (Fact.): Assortment groups (a set of goods united by some criterion) or assortment subgroups, etc. It depends on this what will be taken as a basis for comparison or basic latitude assortment (Shbazovaya). At the same time, it is useful to carry out calculations of latitude indicators in stages, first across the entire product nomenclature, focusing on federal and regional documents approving the lists of goods allowed for dispensing from pharmaceutical organizations. Further, it is possible to calculate latitude indicators for assortment groups, but in this case, the All-Russian Product Classifier (OKP), and the State Register of Medicines, and any other reference book on medicines and other goods can be used as a comparison base. Each of the given reference books has both advantages and disadvantages (in this case, we mean only their use for marketing research and assortment analysis). Without focusing on this, we can only say that the final result depends on what was used as a comparison base, since, for example, for medicines in these documents, different approaches to their classification are used.

The ratio of the actual and basic breadth of the assortment shows the latitude coefficient - Ksh.

The assortment indicator acts as one of the factors of the competitiveness of a pharmacy organization, since the supply on the pharmaceutical market has significantly increased both from manufacturers and distributors, and due to the growth of the retail pharmacy network. By and large, for a pharmacy organization, the expansion of the range is a forced measure and, as already noted, is associated both with competition in the pharmaceutical market and with the consequences of state regulation of drug prices, as well as with the growing need of the population for preventive drugs to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Of course, it is difficult to assess how rationally the assortment is formed only in terms of latitude, although it is indirectly believed that the greater the breadth, the greater the saturation of the assortment.

The property of the completeness of the assortment determines the ability of a set of goods of a homogeneous group to satisfy the same needs. To determine the quantitative values ​​of this indicator, information is also required about the actual availability of various assortment items of the goods (Pfact.) And the selected comparison base (Pbase), for example, OKP. The ratio of the actual and basic completeness is characterized by the coefficient of completeness (saturation) of the assortment - Kp. To determine the minimum benchmarks, you can use the OKP as a basic completeness and lists of vital and essential drugs and a mandatory range to assess the minimum values ​​of the actual completeness. Since most of the assortment groups are not included in these lists, the minimum values ​​can be calculated only for several assortment groups.

The greater the completeness of the assortment, the higher the likelihood that the consumer will receive the necessary amount of drug and valeological care. However, on the other hand, a significant increase in the completeness of the assortment complicates consumer choice and increases costs. At the same time, it is obvious that the most significant indicators of the activity of a pharmacy organization are the completeness of the assortment for the group of medicines and, to a lesser extent, for medical products, care and hygiene products. Therefore, to determine the rationality of the assortment of a pharmacy organization, only these two groups can be taken into account.

The index of renewal (novelty) of the assortment demonstrates the ability of the product to meet the changed needs due to the appearance of new products in the pharmacy range, dosage forms, dosages, and packaging. The update rate can be calculated as the ratio of the number of new products (N) to the actual saturation of the assortment in a given group (Pfact.).

The new assortment allows diversifying the market and finding new niches in it. On the other hand, the promotion of new products in the market is always associated with huge costs and risks, since new types of pharmaceutical and parapharmaceutical products may not be in demand.

Assortment stability is the ability of a set of products to meet customer demand. The stability of the assortment testifies to the constant preferences of intermediate and final consumers, which can be explained both by the constancy of tastes, habit, price factors, when it comes to end consumers, and, for example, by the inclusion of drugs in the list of drugs sold free of charge or on preferential terms. The stability of the assortment can be determined both in the context of assortment groups (if the same groups of goods are constantly present in circulation, then this indicator will be equal to Ksh), and within the assortment group. The main problem in the latter case is the choice of a method for determining sustainable goods. Most often, two methods are used: 1) by the number of days when the product was on sale (conditionally, if for more than 280 days a year the product was in demand, then the demand for it can be considered stable); 2) by the time during which the goods were sold from the pharmacy (the rate of sale is less than 0.5). The stability coefficient (Ku) is calculated as the ratio of the number of commodity units in stable demand (U) to the actual saturation of the assortment (Pfact.).

When forming the assortment portfolio, it is a natural desire of each manager to increase the number of items in the assortment that are in steady demand, since this has a positive effect on the assortment portfolio.

Based on the obtained marketing characteristics, it is possible to calculate the indicator of the rationality of the assortment, which can be determined both as a whole for the pharmacy organization, and for individual groups. The coefficient of rationality (Kp) is the weighted average of the main marketing characteristics of the assortment, multiplied by the coefficient of weight (po):

Kr = ((ro) shKsh + (ro) pKp + (ro) uKy + (ro) nKn) / 4.

The weight coefficient characterizes the significance of a particular indicator and is determined by an expert. And although there are no uniform weight indicators for all indicators, they are individual, we can make some assumptions and assume that all marketing characteristics are equally significant, then all coefficients will be equal to 0.25. Then, on average, for a pharmacy, the rationality coefficient of the assortment is 6.9, and for a pharmacy kiosk - 5.8, from this we can conclude that the assortment of pharmacies is more rational. An increase in the indicator will indicate a more rationally formed assortment portfolio. When comparing these indicators for several pharmacy organizations, where the indicator is higher, the assortment is more rational.

Along with the analysis of marketing indicators, assortment management uses other methods.

To analyze the assortment, you can determine the profitability for each item and apply ABC analysis. The ABC analysis is based on the Pareto principle, according to which 20% of assortment positions bring 80% of the profit. In practice, in the ABC analysis, all received names of medicines are divided into several groups: group A characterizes highly-circulating drugs (in greatest demand), they make up 10% of the range and give 80% of the turnover; group B - medium-turnover, which account for 15% of commodity items - provide 15% of turnover; group C includes low-turnover pharmacy goods (about 75% of commodity items) - 5% of the turnover. In addition, at the present time, when analyzing the pharmacy assortment, many pharmacy organizations distinguish group D - high-yield groups of goods.

In pharmacy chains, to form a rational pharmacy assortment, basic assortment plans are used, in which there is a list of names of drugs and parapharmaceutical products with an indication of turnover groups (A, B, C, D), Q max and Q min, an indication of the main supplier, procurement and retail prices. Based on the basic assortment plan of the chain, an individual plan is formed for each pharmacy, taking into account its individual characteristics. The assortment plan is formed once every three months based on data from sales statistics, information about new parapharmacy and new drugs; this plan is adjusted daily, taking into account the wishes of the directors of pharmacies, demand and supply of the market. The assortment plan is a regulatory tool for automated inventory management systems (TMZ). To form an assortment plan in practice, ABC analysis is most often used in network pharmacies. This analysis is most relevant for retail pharmacy organizations. The analysis allows:

to determine the optimal stocks of medicines and parapharmaceutical products by the names of the pharmacy assortment, which to the greatest extent affect the turnover, in order to exclude defects and refusals;

differentially solve pricing issues;

more efficient use of own and borrowed working capital;

allocate priority suppliers, develop new conditions for working with suppliers.

Practice has shown that in order to form the optimal assortment and ensure the profitable operation of the pharmacy, it is necessary to avoid defects in the most popular goods (for drugs of group A and B). The analysis allows to optimize the purchasing activity of a retail pharmacy organization. Group A is given priority purchases, then Group B drugs are purchased and then C.

Many commodity items are characterized by a redistribution into groups A, B, C. For example, for drugs that are in seasonal demand (anti-cold, antitussive drugs), a transition from group A (in the winter season) to group B (summer period) is characteristic. The increase in allergic diseases by the spring-summer period leads to an increased demand for antihistamines and, consequently, the transition of these headings from group B to group A.

The planned expectation of the transition of Group B commodity items to Group A is determined not only by seasonal fluctuations in demand for some assortment groups, but also by planned promotional programs (promotions for individual drugs, advertising in the media, merchandising promotions, price promotion, competitive programs among buyers, other promotions for sales promotion).

When determining the optimal assortment plan for a pharmacy, it is necessary that the entire available assortment corresponds to market demand. For this purpose, a whole class of calculated indicators has been developed, including the assessment of the movement of goods in time. The effectiveness of the sale of a certain group of medicines or parapharmaceutical products is considered for a certain period of time, and then the data for different periods are compared with each other. Such an analysis allows you to obtain important information for the pharmacy and plan the optimal purchase quantity. Due to seasonal fluctuations in sales of certain items and groups of goods, they are sold unevenly throughout the year. If you plan in advance for the transition of a drug with seasonal demand from one group to another, you can avoid the defect of this drug in case of increased demand or, conversely, surplus in the event of a decline in sales.

Pharmacy commodity stocks in the context of the nomenclature should be formed differentially, based on the degree of influence of each group of goods on the turnover and depending on the demand for them. First of all, the stocks of the pharmacy assortment are replenished, which has a higher speed of sale and a high marketing potential (drugs of group A), then stocks of goods that significantly affect the turnover (group B), last of all, goods are replenished with a slow and unpredictable speed of sale, that do not have a significant effect on sales volumes.

In addition to ABC analysis, assortment management often uses a tool such as XYZ analysis. It allows you to divide all products according to the degree of stability. That is, to identify goods that are very stable in consumption and, accordingly, do not require much attention, as well as daily control over the availability of goods in the pharmacy. On the other hand, it is possible to identify goods that constantly require checking the availability and determining the timing and volume of delivery (Table 1).

Table 1

XYZ Analysis Results

Group of goodsStability of demandPregnancy reliabilityThe need for safety stocksThe need for constant control over the availability of stock XTrack stabilityHigh LowContinuous control is not requiredYStrong fluctuations in demandMediumMediumThe need for control increasesZInregular demand

And here, as in the ABC analysis, the number of groups can be different. An increase in the number of groups is justified if the pharmacy has a very large assortment of medicines at completely different prices. As practice shows, the more expensive the product, the higher the instability of its demand, especially if there are cheaper substitute products. If the same standard is applied to drugs in the formulation of inventory management policies, the costs of maintaining a stock of more expensive drugs will be much greater.

Combining the results of ABC and XYZ analyzes allows you to obtain a matrix that includes three parameters:

sales volume in kind;

the received profit;

stability of demand.

The next step is to develop a rule for the availability of goods in the pharmacy network, options for establishing work with suppliers, and the degree of attention to each product. Table 2 shows the result of combining ABC and XYZ analyzes only for stable goods, that is, for goods of group X.

table 2

Results of combining ABC and XYZ analyzes

Sales volumeReceived profitStability of demandCharacteristics of a group of goodsRequirements for an inventory management systemRequirements for a safety stockSupply requirementsAAXKey group of goodsSince the demand for a product is stable, there is no need for constant control over the level of stockIt requires one hundred percent availability of goods in the warehouseHigh discipline of supply to the safety stock can be at the level of 98-100% of demand satisfaction. That is, the maximum allowable deficit is 2% ACX The sales volume is large, practically does not give profit Acceptable deficit at the level of 5% BAX The sales volume is lower, but the profit is high The requirements for safety stock can be at the level of 98-100% of demand satisfaction. That is, the maximum allowable deficit is 2% BBX The sales volume is average, the profit is also low. The acceptable deficit is at the level of 5%. BCX The sales volume is average, the profit is low. The permissible deficit is at the level of 7% CAX. The sales volume is low, the profit is high. The permissible deficit is at the level of 2-5% CBX. Medium 10% Tolerance Shortage Customized CCX Low Sales and Profits Tolerance 15 percent Shortage Tolerance High Delivery Discipline Not Required

The generalization of various methods for analyzing the assortment of a pharmacy organization was reflected in the block diagram proposed by D.N. Yakovleva and A.M. Biteryakova (Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M.Sechenov, 2005):

┌─────────────────────┐ ┌────────────────────────────┐ ┌───────────┐

│ Formation: │ │- assortment classification ┌───────────> │ABC-analysis │

│-registration of morbidity; │ │- market segmentation │ │ └───────────┘

│ surrounding the pharmacy │ └────────────────────────────┘ │ ┌──────────┐

│ medical facilities; ├───────┐ / \ │ ┌──────────> XYZ analysis│

│ demographic │ v │ │ │ └──────────┘

│ factors, │ ┌─────────────┴───────────┐ ┌─────┴─┴┐

│ climatic, │ │ Basic tools in │ │ Methods │ ┌──────────┐

│ social and │ assortment planning ─> │analysis ├─────────> VEN-analysis│

│ economic │ └─────────────────────────┘ │ └────────┘ └─────── ──┘

│ factors, etc. │ / \ │

└─────────────────────┘ │ │ ┌────────────┐

┌─────────────┴─────────────┴┐ │ Methods │

│ Assortment retail │ │ control │

│ pharmacy organization │ │ assortment

└─────────────┬──────────────┘ └──┬─────────┘

│ ││ ┌────────────────┐

┌──────────────────┐ ├────> │Movement of goods │

│ Structure │ │ │ in time │

│ assortment ├─────────┐ │ └───────────────┘

└──┬──────────────┘ │ ││ │ ┌────────────────┐

┌───────────────────────┐ │ │ Level comparison│

│Structure of Mandatory│ │ ├────> │ Sales │

│ pharmacy assortment │ │ │ similar goods │

├───────────────────────┘ │ │ └────────────────┘

│ ┌───────────────────────┐ │ │ ┌────────────────┐

├───────> │ Medicines │ │ │ Handling │

│ └───────────────────────┘ │ ├────> │ product │

│ / \ │ │ └────────────────┘

│ ┌────────────────────────┐ │ │ ┌────────────────┐

│ │ Medicines │ │ │ │ Accrual │

│ │ prescription │ └────> │trade margin│

│ └────────────────────────┘ │ └────────────────┘

│ / \ └─────────>┌──────────────────────┐

│ ┌────────────────────────┐ │ Items not included │

│ │ Medicines │ │ mandatory │

│ │ over-the-counter pharmacy assortment │

│ └────────────────────────┘ ├──────────────────────┘

│ │ ┌───────────────┐

│ ┌─────────────────────┐ ├─────> │ Medicinal │

│ │ Medical products │ │ │ means │

└─────> │ Destinations │ │ └───────────────┘

└─────────────────────┘ │

│ ┌───────────────┐

┌───────────┐ └─────> │Parapharmacist- │

│Structure │<─────────┤тические товары│

└──────────┘ └───────────────┘


│ Medical cosmetics │

│ Diet food │

│ Products for children │

│Products "Mass Market" │


Rice. 2. Block diagram of the study of the assortment of the pharmacy organization.

2 Basic principles of pricing policy

Pricing policy in modern market conditions is becoming a key tool for business management in most pharmaceutical companies and affects not only the financial performance of the company, but also the perception of the consumer. That is, the price can act as a guarantee of the quality of a product or service, carry an informational and image load.

Pricing strategy options:

Active use of high prices. It is rarely used and for a small segment of consumers, as a rule, for unique products, in this case the price bears the function of an indicator of the quality of the product. In the pharmaceutical market, this strategy is adhered to by some companies producing medical equipment and medical equipment.

Active use of low prices. It is used in cases where price is an important factor in making a purchase decision. It is advisable to use this approach in market segments with low competitive activity, otherwise this strategy may lead to price wars. In the pharmaceutical market, this strategy is used by generic companies.

Passive use of a high price. It is used for high quality products, for which the main marketing policy is based on the quality and unique characteristics of the product. Most original pharmaceutical manufacturers have a similar strategy.

Passive use of low cost. This strategy is used by small companies whose costs are lower than those of competitors. Among the companies that produce dietary supplements, you can find the passive use of low prices. Next, we will look at different approaches to pricing policy towards retailer customers and try to financially evaluate these different approaches.

Pricing policy is part of the overall strategy of the enterprise and is consistent with the main objectives of the enterprise.

The retailer has two strategic approaches to its customers:

the company is focused on price-sensitive customers;

the company is focused on quality-sensitive customers.

Pricing Policy for Price Sensitive Customers

quickly drawing attention to the retailer;

building a customer base of price-sensitive customers;

rapid increase in turnover and, as a result, obtaining more favorable terms of delivery from distributors;

the use of pricing policy as a method of competition.

Price Sensitive Customer Profile:

purchase motive: rationalism aimed exclusively at a lower price;

information sources for the client: Internet, referral services, advertising;

way to stimulate customers: price incentives;

importance of buyers for a trading enterprise: low profitability, low degree of loyalty to the enterprise, inconsistency.

The perception of prices by consumers is influenced by a number of important factors, which are presented in table. 3.

Table 3

Factors Affecting Buyers' Price Sensitivity

For an enterprise that has chosen a pricing policy aimed at price-sensitive customers, the following financial indicators are primarily of interest: Enterprise profitability is an indicator that evaluates the efficiency of an enterprise. Typically, a profit margin is used to measure the profitability of an enterprise.

The calculation of the ROI can look like the ratio of the gross income of the retailer to the amount (cost of goods sold by the retailer + all costs of the retailer).

Rate of return = gross income, rubles. : (cost sold, rubles + total costs, rubles).

It is quite obvious that any positive value in calculating the normative value of profitability is an indicator of the break-even operation of the enterprise, but, as a rule, the value of this indicator (and deviations from it) is set initially by the head of the enterprise, and maintaining a given indicator can be posed as a strategic task for managing managers of a retail enterprises.

For a pharmaceutical retailer, the following ROIs may be proposed:

less than 0.11;

over 0.16.

The higher the obtained value of the rate of return, the more efficiently the retail enterprise operates; the smaller the gap between the gross income and the costs of the enterprise, the higher the profitability. Moreover, increasing only gross income while maintaining a high level of costs is ineffective.

Thus, the main measures to increase the rate of return are associated with reducing the costs of the enterprise. The most popular ways to reduce enterprise costs:

reduction of departments (objects, for network structures) or production processes, which play a large role in the formation of high costs of the entire enterprise;

optimization of production processes, leading to cost reduction (for example: automation of an enterprise, leading to a reduction in employees employed in the retail process and, as a consequence, a decrease in the share of the wages fund, a key item of the enterprise's expenses). The share of costs (CI) per one unit goods, - a value showing the share of all costs of the enterprise per one unit of production.

The share of costs per unit of commodity is calculated by the ratio of all costs of the enterprise (total costs) to the total number of purchases and the cost of one purchase.

CI per unit = total cost: total purchases: cost per purchase.

As well as the rate of return, this parameter is set administratively.

For a pharmaceutical retailer:

over 0.16;

less than 0.12.

The lower this indicator, the more efficiently the distribution of total costs occurs. Increasing the cost of one purchase or the total number of purchases is ineffective if costs remain high. The parameter can be controlled using:

in general, reducing the costs of the enterprise;

increase in the cost of one purchase, i.e. formation of an assortment offer from commodity items with a price of 250 rubles. and higher. For a company whose pricing policy is focused on price-sensitive customers, this is not an easy task, since the main customers are rational buyers who prefer cheaper generics or analogues to original expensive drugs. payment makes up a significant share in the total costs of the enterprise, this indicator is especially important for an enterprise that has chosen a strategy of price dumping and, therefore, operates with low profitability.

The indicator is calculated by the ratio of the entire payroll of the enterprise to the total costs of the enterprise. For network structures, this indicator can be calculated for each retail facility separately (RAP of the facility = the facility's payroll / total facility costs)

WAF for the whole enterprise = total payroll / total costs of the enterprise.

This indicator is also set at the administrative level. The turnover ratio (RR) is an indicator that reflects the quality and adequacy of the procurement activities of the enterprise.

For an enterprise operating with low profitability, this is a very important indicator, since ineffective stock balances of the enterprise negatively affect the final financial performance of the enterprise:

stock balances with a low turnover increase the costs of the enterprise associated with the storage of this product;

they affect the ability to timely pay with suppliers, and, consequently, the company loses additional discounts from suppliers, which reduces the company's gross income;

this leads to direct losses - write-off of illiquid goods by expiration date.

The indicator is calculated as the ratio of the current balance of goods to the current revenue of the company.

For network structures, it is better to calculate this indicator for each retail facility separately.

KO = revenue in retail prices by month: inventory balance at the end of the month at retail prices.

The optimal value is between 0.8 and 1.2.

A coefficient above 1.2 indicates the presence of a high defect in a retail facility, a coefficient below 0.8 indicates the presence of commodity surpluses.

Obviously, an enterprise that has relied on price-sensitive customers is operating in a tough financial environment, and if it is not a networked structure, it faces a highly dubious future. The main value of a retail enterprise is a stable base of loyal, regular customers; in this case it is impossible.

Such a pricing policy can be justified for a short time, when the enterprise has just opened and it is necessary to quickly get a good turnover, or as a variant of competition (also for a short time). The main problem for such an enterprise becomes urgent after the short-term tasks have been solved, namely, how to change your pricing strategy and not lose the resulting momentum. The transition to the new pricing policy should be smooth, and an individual approach is required for each enterprise.

The most popular options for switching to a new pricing policy:

consumer analysis. Determining the proportion of price-sensitive customers and identifying customers (even a very small percentage) that are not price-sensitive. For the category of customers not sensitive to price - development of loyalty programs (loyalty cards, development and offer of additional services, etc.);

market analysis and inclusion of unique commodity items in the assortment, conducting special programs for these items (it is better if such programs are carried out in conjunction with manufacturing companies);

search for an investor and full rebranding (i.e. creation of a new enterprise under a new trademark) with a new positioning in the market.

Pricing Policy for Quality Sensitive Clients

A pharmacy wishing to attract quality-sensitive customers should focus on the following goals:

build a sustainable customer base of quality-sensitive customers;

create a sustainable (focused on uniqueness and quality) image of the enterprise;

use pricing policy as a method of competition;

increase turnover through the introduction of new sales incentive programs and loyalty programs.

For such a customer, sensitive to quality, the main motives for buying are the convenience of the purchase, the ability to use additional services, and confidence in the quality of the goods. The main sources from which he receives information about drugs are advertising, recommendations of existing customers of the retail enterprise. The quality-sensitive customer can be encouraged by providing unique value-added services. It is also characterized by high profitability, a high degree of loyalty to the company, and a low likelihood of leaving for a competing pharmacy.

For an enterprise whose pricing strategy is aimed at quality-sensitive customers, the following financial indicators are the most interesting and informative: gross income, marginal profit, cost of one purchase, income per square meter of pharmacy display area and display shelf yield, etc. . Gross income

Gross income from sales, i.e. the main financial result of the trading activity of the enterprise is the most important financial indicator for the enterprise.

Gross income is calculated as the difference between the profit received (revenue (markup excluding VAT) + other income) and total expenses (general production fixed and variable costs, other expenses of the retailer).

The gross income of a business is set at the administrative level, and in most retail companies this is a target figure. It looks in dynamics in the context of market indicators.

The parameter is controlled via:

inclusion in the assortment of new commodity items, allowing to increase the trade margin and, consequently, gross income (for example, parapharmaceutical products and cosmetics);

lower costs for the retailer;

It is calculated as the difference between sales income and variable costs. To reach the break-even point, the profit margin must cover fixed costs.

This indicator is very important for a client-oriented enterprise, since loyalty programs, additional unique services offered to customers make up a significant share of the company's costs, and the further development of a particular service or program will depend on how quickly this pharmacy reaches the break-even point.

The indicator is managed through:

reducing the cost of introducing a new service;

reducing the level of fixed costs.

This parameter allows you to calculate the profitability of introducing a service by product, a whole product group, or retail departments. The cost of one purchase

It is calculated as the difference between monthly revenue and the number of checks knocked out.

This is an important parameter that objectively reflects consumer preferences and is partly a qualitative indicator for evaluating pharmacy customers.

This indicator is set administratively and also looks in dynamics. When assessing it, it is necessary to take into account seasonal fluctuations in the average purchase price, as well as take into account the general market indicators. Income per square meter of the display area of ​​the pharmacy and the profitability of the display shelf

For a pharmaceutical company that has built a strategy aimed at non-price sensitive customers, one of the important issues is the formation of a wide range of drugs and related parapharmaceutical and cosmetic products. No matter how large the pharmacy is, sooner or later the question arises as to which goods need to be placed on display shelves and which ones are enough to keep on the shelves of the pharmacy. The principle by which the goods recommended for placement on the display shelf are selected is considerations of the commercial efficiency of this display. Moreover, commercially successful positions for a pharmacy will not necessarily belong to the so-called TOPs (sales leaders), as a rule, it is the positions with low sales that have a large promotional budget.

Indicator of income from 1 sq. m of display area is set administratively from planning considerations of the total profitability of the retail enterprise. An employee, when deciding on the display of a particular product on the display shelf, must imagine the potential income from the sale of this position.

Pharmacy display equipment shelf profitability.

It is calculated as the ratio of the amount of gross income (for a pharmacy) and income from commercial programs (for a pharmacy) to the number of display shelves in a pharmacy.

An alternative estimate of the profitability of display equipment is the calculation of the profitability for each shelf of display equipment in a pharmacy. The essence of this method is reduced to the optimal calculation of commodity items presented on display shelves.

Such an assessment is made to make a decision on the commercial promotion of drugs in the limited display possibilities of the pharmacy, in other words, the employee must calculate and optimize the shelf profitability, based not only on the projected sales of his own headings, but also taking into account the commercial compensation for the special display in the pharmacy. . Assessment of quality indicators

Qualitative indicators include the assessment of the customers of the pharmacy organization (using sociological methods) and the assessment of the quality of the assortment (see the section "Basic principles of assortment policy").

A pricing strategy focused on quality-sensitive customers allows you to build a circle of loyal customers and gives you the financial freedom to introduce new services.

But as practice shows, it is rare to find organizations focused only on customers who are price-sensitive or quality-sensitive, often some compromise solution is chosen, especially in networks where both dumping pharmacies and pharmacies focused on offering unique services are represented.

3. Experimental part: analysis of the assortment and pricing policy of a particular pharmacy organization

The experimental part of the course work was carried out on the basis of the drugstore of LLC "Yukon", located at Yaroslavl, st. Kalinina, 31. This pharmacy organization operates on the basis of a license for pharmaceutical activities (retail sale of medicinal products without the right to manufacture).

The assortment has been studied for the period from 01.06. until 30.06.2012.

When analyzing the assortment, marketing characteristics were first determined.

Range of assortment

N p / p Name of the assortment group Availability in the organization 1 Medicines + 2 Medical products + 3 Disinfectants-4 Items and personal hygiene products + 5 Dishes for medical purposes-6 Items and means intended for the care of patients, newborns and children under three years of age + 7 and her care products-8 Mineral waters + 9 Products of medical, children's and dietary food-10 Biologically active additives + 11 Perfumes and cosmetics + 12 Medical and sanitary-educational publications designed to promote a healthy lifestyle-Base latitude 12 Actual latitude 7 Latitude coefficient (%) 58%

2. Completeness of assortment

N p / n Name of the assortment group Number of commodity items Share in the assortment1 Medicines 178577% 2 Medical products 1235% 3 Disinfectants00% 4 Items and personal hygiene products482% 5 Dishes for medical purposes00% 6 Items and products intended for the care of patients, newborns and children, 36 5% 7 Eyewear and eyeglass care products00% 8Mineral water 150.5% 9Products of medical, baby and dietary food00% 10Diologically active additives944% 11Perfume and cosmetic products23210% 12Medical and health educational publications intended to promote healthy lifestyles00% Total23331

Thus, the most represented is the assortment group "Medicines". Taking into account the total number of medicines included in the State Register (about 17,500), the completeness ratio is approximately 10%.

Further, the ABC analysis of the assortment was carried out. It was found that 10% (233 items - group A) of goods provide about 43% of the turnover. Group B (15% or 350 items) provides 25% of the turnover; group C (75% or 1750 items) provides 32% of the turnover. The classical distribution according to the Pareto rule was not revealed, since 20% of the goods correspond to only 57% of the turnover.

The analysis of the TOP-50 product rating made it possible to determine that the leading pharmacotherapeutic groups (according to the ATX classification) are group A "Alimentary tract and metabolism" - 14 drugs and group "C" Cardiovascular system "- 9 drugs. The remaining groups are represented by a smaller number of drugs: "M" Musculoskeletal system "- 5 drugs," G "Genitourinary system and sex hormones" - 4 drugs, "R" Respiratory system "- 4 drugs," J "Antimicrobial drugs for systemic use "- 3 drugs," N "Nervous system" - 3 drugs, "D" Dermatology "- 2 drugs," S "Drugs for the treatment of sensory diseases" - 2 drugs, "V" Other drugs "- 2 drugs," L "Antineoplastic and immunomodulating agents" - 2 drugs.

Despite the presence of a seasonal factor contributing to an increase in the incidence of the respiratory system among the population, drugs for the treatment of chronic diseases (primarily of the digestive tract and cardiovascular system) occupied a leading position.


Pricing methods were analyzed for the first ten drugs from the ranking list. Of these, 4 drugs are vital: Omez, Arbidol, Creon, Mezim Forte.

The calculation of the retail price for them was carried out in accordance with the requirements of regulatory documents. For essential drugs, the pharmacy organization applies the maximum allowable markups.

Drug Limit price, RUB Actual price, RUB Average price of closest competitors, RUB Comparison Arbidol203.68 190.50 185 3% more expensive Omez184.09173.10169 2.4% more expensive Creon 1000311.21292.63283 3.4% more expensive Mezim Forte77.1271 , 726510.3% more expensive

For drugs that are not included in the VED List, the pharmacy organization uses pricing with a fixed increment interval (25-30%), also focusing on competitors' prices.

Drug Actual price, RUB Average price of closest competitors, RUB Comparison Essentiale454.61456 More expensive by 0.3% Preductal 698702 Cheaper by 0.6% Nise119117 More expensive by 1.7% Nimesil570.91567 More expensive by 0.7% Alflutop1401.301429% 901020 1% cheaper


Based on this work, the following conclusions can be drawn:

The principles of forming the assortment policy of a pharmacy organization and pricing are generalized.

The assortment of a particular pharmacy was analyzed according to the main marketing indicators: the assortment of the organization is characterized by a breadth sufficient for this market, the most important groups of goods are present. Unsatisfied demand due to the lack of goods arises relatively rarely (2-4 items per day). However, products of medical, children's and dietary food are not presented.

To analyze the pricing for several items of the selected group: a comparison of prices for the most demanded drugs showed that most of them are more expensive in the studied organization compared to competitors. For VED pricing, an insufficiently flexible algorithm is used that does not take into account the prices of competitors. The difference in prices, both in absolute and relative terms, is quite small.

The effectiveness of the assortment and pricing policy of the pharmacy organization was evaluated and ways of its optimization were proposed: it is recommended to introduce products for diabetics (artificial sweeteners, fructose); focus more on the prices of competitors in order to form a positive image in the consumer environment.


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T.I. Okonenko 1Kostyrkin M.A. 2

1 State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education “Novgorod State University named after Yaroslav the Wise "

2 FSBVOU VPO "Military Medical Academy named after CM. Kirov "Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation





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3. State Register of Medicines [Electronic resource] - Access mode: http: // / - GRLS.aspx, free (07. 12. 2013).

4. Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 753 of December 11, 2007 "On approval of the standard of medical care for patients with urticaria"

5. Revyakina V.A. Urticaria in the practice of a pediatrician // Attending physician - 2007. - No. 4. P. - 16–20.

6. Russian national conciliatory document "Urticaria and angioedema" / Recommendations for practitioners. - M., 2007 .-- 126 p.

Allergic diseases are an urgent problem of practical health care and in recent years have attracted more and more attention of doctors of various specialties. In many countries, there is an increase in patients with bronchial asthma, atopic dermatitis, hay fever, urticaria, food allergies and other allergic diseases.

Allergic diseases cause significant suffering to the patient, negatively affect professional activity, lead to disability and a significant decrease in the quality of life.

Among allergic diseases, urticaria is the third most common. So, acute urticaria is observed in 25%, and chronic in 5% of the population.

Hives can occur at any age.

Treatment of chronic urticaria requires prolonged, sometimes constant use of antihistamines. The duration of the course of the disease is up to 30 years or more.

As the pathogenesis of allergy is studied, new drugs (MPs) are being developed and tested, and their forms are being improved.

The increase in the product range of drugs in Russia is associated with the registration on its pharmaceutical market of a large number of generics of domestic and foreign production. This expanded the range and the possibility of choosing the necessary drugs (and antihistamines in particular), taking into account modern approaches to the pharmacotherapy of allergic diseases and consumer preferences of patients.

Therefore, the purpose of the study was to analyze the range and structure of sales of systemic antihistamines using the example of network pharmacies, to study medical prescriptions for patients with urticaria to improve medical and pharmaceutical care for patients in Veliky Novgorod.

Materials and Methods: The research was carried out during 2014 on the basis of one of the network pharmacies of Veliky Novgorod, also on the basis of polyclinic No. 1 in Veliky Novgorod. We studied 50 randomly selected outpatient records of patients with a diagnosis of Urticaria (ICD-10 code: L50). Among those studied there were 23 men and 27 women. The age range of patients is 30 - 68 years old. In 40 patients, urticaria occurred as an allergic reaction to the drugs taken, in 10 people - the cause was not established. Complaints in all patients with urticaria were standard: itching, burning, chills were noted. Patients over the age of 60 were worried about arthralgia. The clinical picture of acute urticaria was characterized by the sudden formation of blisters on the skin, edematous, bright pink, rising above the level of the skin, of various sizes and outlines.

The list of antihistamines (AGPs) includes 119 trade names and 22 international non-proprietary names.

At the time of the study, there were 40 AGP trade names in the pharmacy. Available drugs are grouped by generation, chemical structure, international non-proprietary name and are presented below (Tables 1-3).

Table 1

Classification of H 1 blockers of the 1st generation by chemical structure

table 2

Classification of H 1 blockers of the 2nd generation by chemical structure

International non-proprietary name

Trade name



Loratadin (Russia), Claritin (Belgium), Clarisens (Russia), Loratadin-Teva, Loraheksal (Germany), Lomilan (Slovenia),


Kestin (Spain)



Cetirizine (St. Petersburg), Cetirizin-Teva (Hungary), Cetrin (India), Zodak (Czech Republic), Parlazin (Hungary), Zyrtec (Spain), Zyrtec (Belgium)





Rupafin (Spain)

Table 3

Classification of H 1 blockers of the 3rd generation by chemical structure

It is noted in the literature that imported drugs dominate (58% of the AGP market or companies from 22 foreign countries). The largest number of AGPs is represented by Indian pharmaceutical companies (17%). The second and third positions (16% each) belong to Hungary and Switzerland. Russian antihistamines account for 42% of the AGP structure. In our studies, domestic drugs account for only 20% of drugs.

It should be noted that AGP is mainly non-prescription drugs, although in the instructions of such drugs as Zyrtec drops 10ml (Switzerland), Ksizal drops 10ml (Switzerland), Fenkarol tablets 50mg (Latvia), Gistafen tablets 50mg (Latvia), it is noted that the data drugs are dispensed with a doctor's prescription.

To analyze the rationality of the assortment of this group of medicines (drugs), we calculated such indicators as the latitude coefficient, the completeness of the assortment, the rate of its renewal, and the circulation rate.

K fact - the number of drug assortment groups in the pharmacy; K basic - the number of assortment groups by OKP (all-Russian product classifier)

Consequently, the entire assortment spectrum of the studied group is represented in the pharmacy.

The completeness of the assortment of AGPs presented in the pharmacy was analyzed using the example of the Tsetrina subgroup (cetirizine), since it ranks first in the sales ranking among histamines. According to the state register, the release forms are as follows:

Cetrin syrup 1 mg / ml; 60 ml dark glass bottle with a dosing cup (cup), cardboard pack; Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. (India)

. Cetrin film-coated tablets, 10 mg, 10 pcs. - contour cell packs (2) - cardboard packs, Dr. Reddy's Laboratories Ltd. (India)

. Cetrin film-coated tablets, 10 mg, 10 pcs. - blisters (3) - cardboard pack

Cetrin® (10) - PVC / aluminum blister (2) / 10 tablets each in PVC / aluminum blister. 2 blisters, together with instructions for use, are packed in a cardboard box. / - a cardboard box.

Cetrin® (10) - PVC / aluminum blister (3) / 10 tablets each in PVC / aluminum blister. 3 blisters, together with instructions for use, are packed in a cardboard box. / - a cardboard box.

Cetrin® - film-coated tablets, 10 mg (blister) 10 x 2/3 (cardboard pack).

All drugs Cetrin are presented in the pharmacy.

To the completeness of the assortment = 1.

The assortment renewal indicator is the ratio of the number of new drugs to the actual saturation of the assortment in a given group. For new drugs, drugs that have appeared for the first time in this pharmacy are accepted. The calculation was carried out for a group of drugs with the international non-proprietary name Desloratodin, because over the past 6 months, a new generic “Desal” has appeared in the pharmacy. The group of drugs with the international non-proprietary name Desloratadine is made up of drugs with the following trade names: Erius, Desloratadine, Desloratadine Canon, Desloratadine-Teva, Desloratadine-Pharmaplant, Desloratadine hemisulfate, Lordestin, Nalorius, Ezlor, Elisey, Desal.

The refresh rate is very low.

The speed of circulation of some of the best-selling AGPs in the pharmacy has been studied. The circulation rate was slow and was 4 packs per day for Tsetrin, 2 packs for Suprastin and Zodak, and 1 pack for Diazolin and Tavegil per day.

In order to clarify the reasons for the large sales of Tsetrin, we analyzed the medical prescriptions made for urticaria.

The standard of outpatient medical care for patients with mild and medium-severe urticaria in the exacerbation phase in children and adults was approved by order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation No. 753 dated December 11, 2007

It provides for the appointment of the following antihistamines (Table 4).

According to existing medical standards, second generation antihistamines are the first line of treatment for chronic urticaria, which must be taken for a long time in order to achieve a lasting positive effect. Tsetrin was appointed by the doctors of the polyclinic in 32 cases, in the remaining 18 - Suprastin. As can be seen from the above treatment standard for urticaria, Cetirizine (Cetrin), although Cetirizine is included in the list of essential drugs.

Table 4

The standard of outpatient medical care for patients with mild and moderate urticaria in the acute phase in children and adults

Thus, the analysis showed that the range of AGS in the pharmacy is characterized by good breadth (Ksh = 1). Some trade names of ACS are represented by all dosage forms registered by the State Register (Cetrin). Generic AGPs prevail (71%). Drugs of foreign production make up (80%). During the period from January 2014 to July 2014, the range of AGPs was replenished with the third generation drug (generic Desal).

The leader in sales of antihistamines is the 2nd generation drugs of the cetirizine group, mostly Cetrin, which is associated with its competent and active promotion by medical representatives, as well as advertising in the media.

Bibliographic reference

Okonenko T.I., Kostyrkin M.A. MARKETING ANALYSIS OF ANTI-HISTAMINE DRUGS RANGE ON THE EXAMPLE OF A PHARMACY // International Journal of Experimental Education. - 2015. - No. 11-2. - S. 208-211;
URL: (date of access: 01/04/2020). We bring to your attention the journals published by the "Academy of Natural Sciences"