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Is it possible to work two jobs at the same time? Employment at two jobs: legislative regulation and grounds for prohibition

Today, for many specialists of the working population, the economic situation has developed in such a way that they have to work not only at their main workplace, but also look for additional part-time jobs or even a full-time second job. And here the question arises: is it possible to officially work two jobs at the same time?

Do I need to create a second work book for this? And how to combine two positions within the framework of the current legislation?

This and much more related to official employment for two jobs at the same time will be discussed in today’s article.

Part-time and combination are different concepts.

Official employment – ​​registration in accordance with all the rules and regulations of current legislation. In particular: conclusion, making an entry in the work book, as well as deduction of necessary tax and pension payments to state funds.

Official employment in our country is allowed for several jobs or positions at once, with the exception of some points. In particular, they cannot work for leadership positions in other companies municipal employees government agencies. In addition, you cannot work in two competing companies - this is the work ethics of large corporations.

In other situations, there is no problem in officially getting two jobs. Such employment is called part-time work.

Part-time work is a method of work in which work time in one company does not intersect in any way with the working time in another. For example, an employee works as a librarian from 9 am to 5 pm, and from 6 pm to 8 pm he works as a janitor. This is called part-time work.

Separately, it is worth noting that it is also possible to design the work. This is a situation where a person performs the duties of two staff positions, but at the same time in one company. In this case, the execution time may or may not overlap. Combination can be both external and internal.

Let's give an example: an employee works as an accountant and additionally cleans the premises. But this happens in different branches of one large company. This is an example of combining external activities, without intersecting the time spent performing work duties.

Example 2: an employee performs the work of an accountant for a company and is additionally an archive employee who issues certificates upon request. In this case, the combination is called internal and the execution time is job responsibilities may overlap.

But regardless of what type of part-time or part-time job is chosen, it is possible to officially find employment in two positions at the same time. And it is not necessary to create a second employment record for this.

Second work book - is it legal?

You cannot start a second employment.

Establishing the second one is illegal and can be punished by a fine of up to 50,000 rubles. This is precisely the position taken by legislation on this issue today.

In addition, when calculating a pension, it is impossible to take into account the length of service under two documents. And if you have always worked under two labor standards, you will have to choose.

But at the same time, pension contributions and tax payments are accrued from both jobs. What to do in such a situation? Everything is very simple. It is enough only to bring the work record from the first place to the second place of work (not the main one) and put down the corresponding entry about hiring as a part-time worker.

The main place of work is considered to be the organization in which the employee first got a job. Length of working time per day, size wages and other nuances do not play any role here.

Thus, we can conclude that employment in several companies at once or performing work for several staff positions is a fairly common phenomenon and it is absolutely legal.

Privileges when working in two positions

In addition, when receiving leave at the main place of work, the employee is also given a part-time job, even if he is out of the vacation schedule. Plus, there are a few other interesting things about working for multiple companies.

For example, to pay an employee will need to provide two certificates from the clinic. That is, the sick leave certificate is issued in two copies and the employee should notify the attending doctor about this in advance.

In addition, when applying for a second job or position, you should remember: working hours of labor and rest are strictly regulated by current legislation and cannot exceed certain established standards.

Standardized work schedule

Features of part-time work.

Today the law takes care not only about social well-being working population, but also about the health of workers.

That is why we considered State Duma and the corresponding labor standards for part-time and part-time work were approved.

So, let's look at them in more detail:

  1. In no case is it allowed to combine two positions that are hazardous to health or have a negative impact on a person. For example, working in unfavorable conditions or in the Far North is impossible;
  2. The standard working time at the main place of work cannot exceed 40 hours per week. That is, if an employee has a 5-day work week, then he cannot work more than 8 hours a day. With a 6-day work week, 40 hours are divided into 6 days in equal proportions;
  3. It is impossible for an employee who works part-time to set a work schedule without breaks for lunch and rest. According to the law, every hour an employee has the right to rest 5-10 minutes, as well as 40-90 minutes lunch break. If the schedule cannot be adjusted to such parameters, then combination is not allowed;
  4. Part-time work is not allowed for minors, single mothers, as well as disabled people and other categories of citizens in need of social support;
  5. Work at the combined site per day cannot exceed 4 hours.

This figure should not exceed 20 hours per week. Otherwise, part-time work can be considered illegal.

Thus, we can conclude: part-time work is a convenient way to earn more money.

But at the same time, everything must be formalized correctly within the framework of the law.

From this video you will learn whether it is possible to work two jobs at the same time.

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Tatyana, hello!

I want to get a second job, but also officially

Part-time work, as a colleague correctly pointed out, is official employment. This is secondary employment, characterized by performing other regular work under an employment contract, but in free time from other work.

Article 60.1 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Part-time work
An employee has the right to enter into employment contracts to perform other regular paid work in his free time from his main job with the same employer (internal part-time job) and (or) with another employer (external part-time job).

The specifics of regulating the labor of persons working part-time are determined by Chapter 44 of this Code.

The duration of working hours when working part-time should not exceed 4 hours a day (which is indicated in the employment contract as 0.5 times the rate). On days when the employee is free from performing work duties at his main place of work, he can work part-time full time (shift). During one month (another accounting period), the duration of working time when working part-time should not exceed half of the monthly working time standard (working time standard for another accounting period) established for the corresponding category of workers (Article 284 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Can I have 2 work books?

no, there is only one work book and it is kept by the employer at the main place of work. When applying for a job, a part-time worker does not present it to the employer, and a new work book is also not issued.

Article 65. Documents presented at the conclusion employment contract
Unless otherwise established by this Code, other federal laws, when concluding an employment contract, the person applying for work presents to the employer:

work book, except when an employment contract is concluded for the first time or an employee enters a job on a part-time basis

The employment contract does not protect the employee or sick leave

There are indeed restrictions regarding the issuance of sick leave to part-time workers.

Payment of disability benefits is made at the main place of work, it is calculated from the actual income of the policyholder (employee), respectively, internal part-time work (in the same organization) is taken into account.

Sick leave for external part-time work is issued and paid if the employee has more than 2 years of part-time work experience in this particular organization.

Maternity benefits, for example, are also paid for part-time work (subject to working for more than 2 years).

Persons working part-time annual paid leave is provided simultaneously with leave for the main job. If an employee has not worked for six months at a part-time job, then leave is granted in advance. If in a part-time job the duration of the employee’s annual paid leave is less than the duration of leave at the main place of work, then the employer, at the request of the employee, provides him with leave without pay for the corresponding duration (Article 286 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

The fact that you will work part-time on a part-time basis does not mean that your vacation will be cut in proportion to the rate. Vacation is provided in the full amount established for the main place of work.

Only part-time study leave is not eligible.

A part-time worker whose leave from his main job is shorter than his part-time leave may receive monetary compensation for the difference in days. He receives the same compensation upon dismissal for unused vacation days, regardless of the reason for dismissal.

salaries are cut.

how is it shown? You have the right to challenge any violations of your rights by contacting the labor inspectorate, prosecutor's office or court.

According to the law, payment for part-time workers is made in proportion to the time worked, depending on output or on other conditions determined by the employment contract. When standard tasks are established for persons working part-time with time-based wages, wages are paid based on the final results for the amount of work actually completed (Article 285 Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Regarding the possibility of working part-time full-time when combining work(that is, not during vacations or weekends at the main place of work), then this is not possible regarding the rate reflection(hours) in the contract, otherwise such work is already considered basic and must be formalized accordingly.

There is no such restriction regarding payment. In agreement with the manager a part-time worker may receive a full salary (for example, due to his high qualifications), which must be stipulated in the employment contract.

Regarding restrictions, the only thing that can be noted is that part-time students are not paid for study leave.

If you think that the option of working part-time has more disadvantages, you can consider working under a civil contract (for example, the provision of services for a fee). It is clear that in this case we are not talking about vacation and sick pay, but you agree on the issue of payment as you see fit. When working on a gr.-pr. It is important for the contract to take into account only that such an agreement is concluded for a one-time performance of work and should not have the characteristics of an employment contract.

In today's difficult financial times, everyone strives to earn more. If the monetary ceiling has already been reached for a position, additional employment may be a solution.

Can this be done officially? How does the Labor Code relate to such intentions? Russian Federation? What, in such a situation, will happen to the work book, are there any subtleties in the design and restrictions on time and workload? We consider all issues of official employment at several jobs in this article.

Position of the Labor Code

Russian legislation does not limit the number of possible places work. But only one of them is considered the main one, and all the rest represent part-time work (Article 282 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Places of work: main and part-time

Main place of work can be determined on various grounds:

  • principle of primacy - the main employer will be the one with whom the employment contract was concluded chronologically earlier;
  • the principle of employment is fundamental workplace forces you to spend more time on it (longer working hours, more days during the week, etc.).

Differences between the main place of employment:

  • an employment contract signed without additional conditions;
  • mandatory availability of a work book in the HR department;
  • working time is taken into account without including external factors.

Specifics of additional work:

  • part-time work must be included in the new employment contract;
  • employment must be exclusively during hours or days not spent at the main job;
  • you can work in another position with a general superior (internal part-time job) or in another organization (external part-time job);
  • working hours occupied by additional services should not exceed 4 hours a day.

FOR YOUR INFORMATION! If you sum up the total working time at all workplaces and divide by their number, the resulting figure should be proportional to the working time determined by law. For example, if a person has two jobs, then the total number of hours spent in each of them should not be more than half the working time by law.

Who can't be a part-time worker?

The law provides for certain categories of employees who cannot hold additional positions as part-time workers:

  • young workers under 18 years of age;
  • the specific nature of the main production (harmfulness, severity) does not allow applying for additional employment;
  • medical indications (prohibitions);
  • special situations prescribed in federal legislation.

Questions regarding the work record

A document that takes into account seniority and positions held, is created and stored in the personnel department of the main job.

If a person is employed part-time in one or more positions, he does not need additional work books. Information that a person also works in other places can be entered into his work record at any time.

How to record a part-time job on your employment record

This can be done at the place of any employment at the request of the worker himself (Article 66 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation). The employee’s desire must be expressed in writing - a statement in which he asks to include information in his documents based on sources confirming additional employment (for example, certificates of service in another company, copies of an order for part-time enrollment, etc.).

The work record will look like this:

  1. The first column is the next serial number.
  2. The second column is the date the person was enrolled as a part-time student (based on the documents provided by him).
  3. The third column - it indicates in what position and in what structural unit or organization the person is listed as a part-time worker (you must indicate the profession and qualifications according to established standards).
  4. The fourth column indicates the type and number of the supporting document (enrollment order).

NOTE! If a person quits his additional or main job, the entry will have a similar appearance.

Several work books

In the usual sense, a person has one document about his labor activity. After all, in the end, information from it will still end up in the same body - the Pension Fund.

However, the law does not prohibit having several work records. Circumstances may vary:

  • the primary labor document is lost or damaged;
  • it contains information that is unflattering for the employee, which he does not want to advertise;
  • the employee does not want to inform the main employer about part-time work (he is not obliged to do this).

IMPORTANT! You will still have to notify the part-time employer, because this condition is included in the employment contract, and the consent of the additional employer is fundamental.

Concealment or loss – what are the dangers?

If an employee does not want information from his employment history to become known at another place of work, he sometimes decides to conceal or destroy the incriminating document.

To prevent this situation from becoming a scam, you need to act in maximum compliance with the law. To do this, you must declare the loss (in writing).

The employer will transmit information about this to the tax authority. For the owner of the book, the accumulated work experience will be taken into account and a new book will be opened. At the same time, you can no longer use the old one - it is illegal.

Additional document

If the main job is a work one, and a person decides to have an additional one for a new job, the law does not object. But the second employer, during official employment, will still report the new employee to the tax service. Therefore, the second book is only an additional hassle for the employee when taking into account the pension experience, since Pension Fund you will have to take into account the combined information of all work books. Owning several employees does not provide any additional preferences.

Changing a part-time job to a main job

Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that additional employment is the main source of income, or the main job for some reason no longer suits you. These types of employment can be swapped either if main job is liquidated or dismissed, “convert” part-time employment into it.

This requires the will of the person himself and his superiors, since changes to the employment contract can only be made with the consent of the parties (Article 72 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Options for legal re-registration may vary.

  1. Translation. Possible if the employee additionally worked internally (in the same organization). A simple transfer to another is issued structural subdivision. This method is not suitable if a person quits his main job and wants to convert it into an additional one.
  2. Additional agreement. Since the terms of the employment contract change, it is legal to conclude an additional agreement on new conditions. To conclude it, you need an order (or instruction) from the new employer to change the employee’s status.

IMPORTANT! When changing the status of places of work, this information must be reflected in work book(books).

Several full-time jobs – is it permissible by law?

Based on the study of the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, working under a full-time employment contract in two organizations at once is impossible. If you do this in circumvention of the law, sooner or later the following violations may emerge:

  • rules for issuing and maintaining labor documents;
  • insurance regulations (pension and medical);
  • working time tracking;
  • use of false documents;
  • accounting irregularities, etc.

Each violation provides for a specific article of the civil labor and tax codes and the corresponding punishment.

Possible legal option

The only way to legally perform several full-time jobs at the same time is to conclude not an employment contract, but a civil law contract in another organization.

As a result of concluding such an agreement, the employee does not enter a specific position, but undertakes to provide a particular service within a given period. However, he is not a subordinate new organization, but is an equal party with the employer.

Of course, the tax branch is not at all happy that they will have to return the personal income tax that was once transferred to the Moscow Federal Tax Service. The local budget received 100,000, but they will have to return 200,000. :) It is clear that tax officials are simply looking for an excuse not to return personal income tax to a person. Helen77 07-11-2012, 16:34:58 Of course! 🙂 I’ll try with an example... Let’s say, according to 2-NDFL certificates, 100’000 and 100’000 were transferred to the budget at the location of the branch and 100’000 at the location of the head enterprise (Moscow, part-time job there). The employee carries these 2 certificates to the tax branch. Of course, the tax branch is not at all happy that they will have to return the personal income tax that was once transferred to the Moscow Federal Tax Service. The local budget received 100,000, but they will have to return 200,000. :) It is clear that tax officials are simply looking for an excuse not to return personal income tax to a person.

Can there be two main places of work?

And the answer will never satisfy you: You are asking the question incorrectly because you yourself do not understand the essence of the problem. Although in principle problems no and no. A priori there should be one work book, presented in mandatory(see Labor Code) to the employer when concluding an employment contract at the main place of work. After the conclusion of the TD, the TC is kept by the employer and is issued on the day of dismissal (termination of the TD).

ERISTARH 03-11-2012, 16:00:35 If you don’t give it, there is no such link) And the answer will never satisfy you: You are asking the question incorrectly, because you yourself do not understand the essence of the problem. Although in principle there is no problem. You already answered me, which means he will go unpunished and is registered with 10 companies in different regions and the Pension Fund will also not look into it. Here's another bug in the legislation.

What are the responsibilities for two main places of work?

At the same time, the presence of another permanent place of work for an employee does not automatically entail his dismissal, since the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not contain such grounds for termination of an employment contract as the presence of another employer for the employee, whose work activity is the main place of work. As for the responsibility of the employee and the employer in this situation, the law does not provide for any sanctions for the fact of having two main places of work. This can be regarded as an abuse of right. However, liability, including administrative liability for the employer under Art.

5.27 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, may occur for the unreasonable provision of guarantees and compensation, which should be provided only at the main place of work (Article 287 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), and similarly unfavorable consequences may occur tax consequences(impossibility of attributing these payments to expenses).

Is it possible to officially work two jobs and is it legal?

When applying for a job, the employee asked to issue a new work book due to the loss

  • Answer: How to formalize the transfer of an employee from his main job to a part-time job within the organization. That is, the main employee becomes a part-time worker
  • The labor legislation of the Russian Federation does not provide for the direct transfer of an employee from his main job to a part-time job with the same employer. In this case, it is necessary to formalize the dismissal of the employee from the main place of work in general procedure: By at will or by agreement of the parties with payment of compensation for unused vacation and handing over everyone necessary documents, including a work book with a record of dismissal on the appropriate grounds.

How to officially work two jobs?

If you spend about 8 hours at your main job, plus 4 part-time jobs, that turns out to be 12 hours a day devoted only to work. You also need to rest at least a little. Within the framework of the law, as you can see, many citizens have the opportunity to earn extra money. More precisely, almost everyone. Expert opinion Is it possible to officially hold two jobs? Experts believe that this opportunity is available to all citizens who have reached the age of majority.

Only in this case you will have to come to terms with a huge number of restrictions. At the same time, you retain social guarantees and all services that are available during official employment. In full and in all places where you are at least somehow listed as an employee.

Sick leave, vacation pay and other payments - all this is mandatory for an employee both at his main job and at part-time jobs.

What are the risks of working with two work books?

Is it possible to work two jobs officially? In our economically unstable times, this is a very popular question. We will talk about the bureaucratic nuances associated with a citizen having several sources of income in our article. Rules for registering a worker when applying for a job How work is registered with several employers Features of obtaining leaves and sick pay with a part-time job Rules for registering an employee when hiring In accordance with labor legislation, hiring a new employee is associated with the preparation of a number of official documents:

  1. An employment contract is signed with the employee, which stipulates all the features of his work activity with this employer, starting with job responsibilities, work hours and salary, and ending with the features of bonuses for Good work, other preferences (chap.

And no questions with the return...:) VadimBA 05-11-2012, 09:53:16 TVS, a couple of months ago the tax office got to the bottom of our employee. It is issued both in the branch and in the parent company. Accordingly, personal income tax goes to the budgets of different regions. And he filed for a personal income tax refund (he paid for training) to the tax branch.

They see that he is claiming a refund of personal income tax paid in another region, and they get excited. 🙂 alextkito 05-11-2012, 10:56:26 1. The employer is not obliged to control the number and availability of technical equipment for the employee. But the presentation of a non-duplicate TK with one short-term entry by a person with potential experience should raise red flags...

at least... However, in any case: responsibility for the use of false-unreliable-forged documents lies solely with the individual.


This is easier to do than seeking justice from the main employer. In the end, he may deprive you of your main job. And in this case, there should be no talk of any part-time jobs.

Results How to work two jobs officially? One of them should be the main one, the other should be a part-time job. And nothing more. As you can see, in principle, citizens of the Russian Federation have such an opportunity. But in practice it is not always possible to implement it. Usually, when you need to get several jobs, this is done informally.
It’s not entirely fair, but this practice is much more common than the official registration of part-time work. However, first you should try to negotiate with your main employer. Maybe he will be law-abiding and give his approval for your part-time work.
In any case, legal registration officially takes place in several companies.


Do they indicate “linden” on the report card? And why, what advantages appear? In my opinion it's just a bit of confusion. TVS 04-11-2012, 22:21:27 Some strange question... A person cannot physically work at his main place of work in two places, but he must at least be present.

Do they indicate “linden” on the report card? And why, what advantages appear? In my opinion, it’s just a mess. Why linden? You can also work part-time at your main job (at least 1 hour a day - at least 1 hour a week/month)... Can be defined as the main work at home or remotely with a schedule not determined by the employer. The issue of several work books is, by and large, a legal issue, not an organizational one.

In any case: the violator in the case of using several work books at the same time will definitely be their owner...
The legislator binds the right of the employer to terminate labor Relations in strictly defined cases - if violation of the rules for concluding an employment contract excludes the possibility of continuing work, for example, concluding an employment contract in violation of a court verdict depriving a specific person of the right to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities, etc. (Clause 11, Part 1, Art. 77 Labor Code of the Russian Federation). In Art. 84 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation lists the grounds on which an employment contract is terminated due to violation of the rules for concluding an employment contract. Thus, the dismissal of an employee in the specified situation under paragraph.
11 hours 1 tbsp. 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation will be unlawful, since the fact that the employee has another job does not prevent him from performing labor functions in full at his second main place of work. The employment contract must indicate that the job is a part-time job.
But some people, due to the nature of their profession or working hours, have the opportunity to work simultaneously for 2, and sometimes for several employers at once. And in this case, hiring may raise some questions from a bureaucratic point of view. Meanwhile, labor legislation also provides for this scenario. Download the order form How work is registered with several employers In fact, hiring a citizen for a 2nd (or even 3rd) workplace is no different from registration in a single work collective. An employment contract is also concluded with the employee, a hiring order is issued, the employee gets acquainted with job description. Only 2 points deserve special attention in this situation:

  1. If a citizen has several jobs, one of them will be the main one, while the rest will be defined as part-time work.

However, not all citizens have this opportunity. Limitations are imposed Labor Code Russian Federation for teenagers and young students who combine education and employment. In this case, they are, in principle, allowed to work only for a short period of time. In addition, restrictions also apply to citizens who work in special hazardous conditions. Or in hazardous production. In this case, only the option without official registration is suitable for the second job. This is how you will get a part-time job opportunity. Yes, it’s not entirely fair, but if it’s so necessary, you’ll have to “spin” as best you can. Opportunities How can you work two jobs officially? It’s easy and simple - all you need to do is have a main job, and enter the second one in your work book as a part-time job.

Is it possible to officially work two jobs? This question is relevant for many people during the financial crisis. Unfortunately, the lack of minimal knowledge in the field gives rise to certain questions, misunderstandings and worries, which, you see, is absolutely unacceptable for conducting professional work activities. So, is it possible to find yourself in several at once? labor areas and not disturb current laws countries?

general information

Is it possible to officially work two jobs? Yes, the modern Labor Code officially allows such actions and even calls them the special term “part-time work.” As part of this combination, you can perform job responsibilities not in two, but even in three, four or more companies. The main requirement for this is compliance with the design rules. For the most part, they are set out in Chapter 44 of the Labor Code, namely in

Main nuances

When answering the question about whether it is possible to work two jobs officially, it is necessary to mention two main types of part-time work:

  • External. This involves working in different places.
  • Internal. This means working in the same organization, but in different positions.

Moreover, in each case, in order to classify a work activity as a combination, certain conditions must be met. They are expressed in:

  • Having a main place of work.
  • Performing additional duties in free time from the primary schedule.
  • A conclusion regulating another working relationship (mandatory).
  • Compliance with all social guarantees.
  • Availability of a liability agreement.

Part-time work is prohibited

Official employment at two jobs may be prohibited for certain categories of citizens. Thus, these include minor citizens of our country (under 18 years of age). Among other things, such a ban will be relevant for everyone if they try to combine their main job with dangerous, difficult or even harmful types of work. Also, if you already work at such an enterprise, you should not try to find additional responsibilities for yourself.

From general recommendations Let's move on to specifics. If your main activity is management vehicle, part-time work will also be in the forbidden zone for you. In addition, there is a whole list of professions that prohibit the performance of any additional work. These include:

  • Lawyers.
  • Judges.
  • Police officers and other law enforcement personnel.
  • Prosecutor's office employees.
  • Representatives of foreign intelligence.
  • Representatives of municipal authorities.
  • Members of the government (except for conducting scientific or teaching activities) and deputies.

Design Basics

Quite often, various pseudo-experts answer negatively to the question of whether it is possible to officially hold two jobs, citing Article 66 of the Labor Code, which contains information about the illegality of having two work books for one person. In fact, everything is much simpler. It is necessary to clarify that with part-time work, one type of activity is always considered the main one (initial work), and the other - additional. In the first case, the relationship is formalized through a work book, in the second - with the help of an employment contract, a mandatory clause of which is a note that the employee’s activities are carried out part-time.

Nuances of part-time design

Now that you know whether it is officially possible to work two jobs, you need to clarify additional nuances of combining. First of all, you need to agree on the schedule officially permitted by the Labor Code. Thus, a citizen is allocated no more than 4 hours a day for additional work, provided that before this the employee performed his direct labor duties for full shift. A day off (if it falls between Monday and Friday at your main job) can be used for part-time work in full.

Another limitation does not apply to the duration of work per day, but to its total duration. Thus, the additional load drawn up under the contract must necessarily be limited by a time frame, that is, the document must indicate its validity period. However, it should be noted that combination contracts can also be issued for an indefinite period. In this case, their termination is carried out at the initiative of one of the parties or by their general agreement.

Algorithm for hiring additional work

How to work two jobs officially? What documents must be provided to register a part-time job? When going to a second job, do not forget to take with you your main (passport), an education diploma confirming your qualifications and specialty, as well as a certificate from the place of your main job, which contains information about the conditions of its implementation and specifics. Please note that this list of documents is general; the local HR department may well ask you to provide other necessary information. Thus, males are always asked to provide documents; it is often useful to have a certificate of pension insurance. As for the work book, its presence for re-registration is not mandatory, since it is stored directly at the main job.

The next step is the signing of an employment contract with a note about part-time work, on the basis of which the HR department issues an order for hiring, and then creates a personal card for each such employee.

Employee rights at additional work

Is it legal to work two jobs officially and what rights does an employee have in his second job? extra work? In the area of ​​rights and obligations, part-time activities are no different from the main one. Thus, an employee can always count on regularly receiving payment for the actions he performs.

In addition, he can also receive allowances and various bonuses, if any are provided for by the company's regulations. We should not forget about social guarantees; they also remain unchanged and are regulated by the Labor Code. When working part-time, you have the right to receive paid leave in each company.

However, this issue still has its own additional nuances. Thus, allowances and guarantees for workers in the Far North are provided for the main job and do not apply to additional work.

If an employee is sick or is going on maternity leave, he can use social benefits in both companies. This point is determined by Federal Law No. 255 (Article 13, paragraph 2). In this case, sick leave in the prescribed form must be provided to each employer.

About additional entry in the labor record

Is it possible to officially work two jobs and still make all the entries in the work book? Yes, this is also possible - directly at the request of the employee. Even if you work for more than two companies, this can be recorded in an official document. Moreover, all of them will be carried out by personnel officers at the main place of work. To enter information, you must provide certificates from companies that will contain information about the duties performed and their nature.

Is it possible to get two jobs officially? Now you know the answer to this question. However, in pursuit of financial means Still, you should be extremely careful and not forget about your own health. Remember: significant stress can worsen your condition and reduce physical and mental activity.