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Mobile data does not work on Android. Setting up a network on Android

You need to disable mobile data while roaming, but leave it enabled on your home network.

Answers (3)

  1. This comment is edited.

    To enable data transfer you need to:

    • open settings and click on “more” or “more”;
    • go to the “mobile networks” or “mobile networks” section;
    • Check the box for “mobile data” or “data enabled”.

    On some models, the last item is located directly in the general settings and is turned on by a switch.
    On Android version 3.0 and higher, the same can be done by lowering the curtain and clicking on the square with two arrows and the words “mobile data” or “data”.

  2. I'll tell you how to enable data transfer on Android 5.* and subsequent versions:

    • find the gear icon, click on it, that is, open the general settings of the device;
    • go to the “data transfer” section “mobile data”;
    • click on the “menu” button or the icon in the form of three dots at the top right;
    • A menu will open in which we check the box “allow background transfer”;
    • On some phones there may be an option “limit background mode” or “restrict background data”, in which case you don’t need to change anything.

    You need to be careful with the background mobile data transfer option, as some applications can use a lot of traffic.

    The Internet will work if there is an access point, otherwise it needs to be configured. To do this, you must know the connection parameters, which can be found from your operator or on the Internet. After receiving the information, you can begin creating an access point. All operators do this the same way, so I’ll describe it using a megaphone as an example:

    • in the device settings, open the “mobile networks” item “mobile network”;
    • go to the “access point” section;
    • open the menu with the button of the same name;
    • click on the “new access point” item, on HTC phones it is called “create APN”;
    • A list of parameters will appear, scroll down to the items “authentication type” and “access point type”, in the first you need to select PAP, in the second write “default”;
    • after that we return to the previous section and go to the access point that appears;
    • fill in the following items: access point - “internet”, password and login - “gdata”;
    • Click “save” or “ok”;
    • go back to the general settings of your phone or tablet and click on the switch in the “data transfer” “mobile data” item; to turn it off, you also need to move it.

    After this, the 3g icon will appear at the top of the screen and the Internet will work.

    To disable roaming you need to:

    • open the “mobile networks” section;
    • expand menu;
    • Uncheck the box “roaming data” or “roaming”.

  3. On tablets and phones with Android version 4.4 and lower, data transfer is enabled in the same way, only one difference is that the menu in the “data transfer” item has another item - “auto-sync data”, to configure it correctly you need to check it, then a dialog box will appear , in which we click “ok”.

    Often when registering an account in Gmail, an error occurs and a message appears stating that android device does not support data transfer. Repeated attempts lead to the same result.

    When data transfer does not turn on on Android, you need to do the following:

    • recheck all settings on the access point;
    • make sure that the “airplane” mode is turned off - when it is active, an airplane icon appears at the top and all wireless networks stop working;
    • reboot the device;
    • check your account and traffic availability;
    • Find out the network coverage area from your operator, since the Internet does not work beyond it;
    • make sure that data transfer is turned on - there should be a 3g icon;
    • do a factory reset.

    If after this the Internet is “dead,” it means that the data transfer program in the device system is not in order. This problem can be resolved by flashing the firmware.

    Sometimes 3g disappears for unknown reasons, in this case you can try turning on airplane mode, wait 2 minutes and turn it off.

Every year the mobile Internet becomes better and faster. However, the technology is becoming more complex, as a result of which the likelihood of failures and malfunctions is growing. Therefore, we want to tell you what to do if the mobile Internet does not work on your Android device.

There are many reasons why your phone cannot connect to the Internet on the operator’s network: it may simply not be configured, or you may have encountered a hardware malfunction of the network module. Let's look at the causes and methods of eliminating the problem in order.

Reason 1: Insufficient funds in the account

The most common reason for inoperability cellular internet— there is simply not enough money in the account. Perhaps you simply didn’t pay attention to it and didn’t replenish it on time. Check the amount of funds with a USSD request from your operator:

  • Russian Federation: MTS, Megafon - *100#; Beeline - *102#; Tele2 - *105#;
  • Ukraine: Kyivstar, Lifecell - *111#; MTS, Vodafone - *101#;
  • Republic of Belarus: Velcom, MTS, life;) — *100#;
  • The Republic of Kazakhstan: Kcell - *100#; Beeline - *102# or *111#; Tele2 - *111#.

If you find that there is not enough money in your account, simply top up your balance using any available method.

Reason 2: No coverage or device is not registered on the network

The second reason for the lack of Internet is that you are outside the network coverage area. You can check this by looking at the indicator in the status bar: if you see a cross icon on the indicator, then you most likely will not be able to connect to the Internet, or make calls.

The solution to this problem is obvious - go to a place where the network catches better. If you are at a point with reliable reception, but the no network icon does not disappear, most likely your device is not recognized by the cell tower. This is usually a random single failure that can be easily fixed by rebooting the device.

There may also be problems with the SIM card, the main problems of which and how to resolve them are described in the article below.

Reason 3: Airplane mode is on

Almost since the advent of mobile phones, they have had a special mode designed for use on airplanes. When this mode is activated, all types of data transmission (Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, communication with a cellular network) are disabled. It's very easy to check - look at the status bar. If you see an airplane icon instead of the network indicator, then offline mode is active on your device. It turns off very easily.

After completing these steps, check if the mobile Internet is working. Most likely, it should turn on and function normally.

Reason 4: Data transfer disabled

Another very simple reason for the lack of mobile Internet connection. You can check this as follows.

You can also turn on mobile data with a switch in the status bar, if it is present on your phone.

We also note that in some cases, data transmission may be disrupted by malware. If you can’t turn on the Internet using the method described above, then it makes sense to install it on your phone and check the device for infection.

Reason 5: Incorrect access point settings

As a rule, when you turn on your smartphone for the first time with a SIM card inserted, you receive a configuration message with settings for the mobile Internet access point. However, in some cases this may not happen, especially if you are using a rare or uncertified device for your country.

The question “why the Internet doesn’t work” is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions. Currently, without access to resources, many devices significantly limit their functionality. So, if on the phone, then like this popular destinations, like viewing weather reports, news feeds, videos, maps, as well as synchronization and other features simply do not work. It’s especially unpleasant when it seems like the provider tariff plan paid for, the device works, but there is no access. IN similar situation The main thing is not to give in to provocations. Patience and the desire to figure out why the Internet is not working most often allows you to solve the problem.

Mobile access conditions

And so - on devices where the official Android firmware is installed without any embellishments:

Accordingly, to enable data transfer, you just need to click on the indicated buttons.

Of course, you can activate data transfer using the menu. Yes, in the same Samsung Galaxy you need to go to “Settings” and, remaining on the “Connections” tab, select “Other networks”.

Then - “Mobile networks”.

Here we put a tick next to the “Mobile data” item.

Agree, the first method is much simpler and more convenient.

Why might data transfer not work?

In some cases, data transfer does not work, which may also be indicated by the absence of a corresponding icon at the top of the screen. What to do?

  • First of all, we check the balance - if there are no funds in the account, then there will be no Internet, except for those cases when a prepaid tariff is used.
  • If there are no problems with the balance, be sure to reboot the device, because most likely this is a banal glitch that has been noticed on a variety of devices and different firmware.
  • It is possible that the correct settings for data transfer are not set. If they are out of order, you can check with your telecom operator correct settings(usually they are sent via SMS) and set them up yourself, fortunately, this is not at all difficult.
  • Alternatively, the problem is in the SIM card itself. In some cases, it needs to be replaced.

A large touch screen, stylish design, thin body, strong hardware - all these are the usual desires of any person when buying a phone. The development of IT technologies makes it possible to satisfy all human needs in this area. With the development of technologies in the field of mobile devices, mobile Internet surfing has also become very popular. After all, it is very convenient to take out your mobile phone, go online and find all the information you are interested in. And when problems arise with accessing the Internet, this causes great inconvenience to the user. Let's try to understand the main problems of the inability to access the Internet and ways to solve this issue. If a problem occurs in data transmission, you should perform the following steps to help you find out the cause of the current situation.

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  1. First of all, it is advisable to check whether the data service is activated on your phone number. This can be done by making a special request or by calling your mobile operator. Sometimes if a subscriber goes into debt, the company may turn off the data service and to restore it you will need to have a sufficient amount of money on your balance mobile phone.
  2. Secondly, you need to check your balance. Since subscribers who have a debt on their mobile account, operators usually turn off data transfer and outgoing calls. In this case, you need to make a payment to the balance of your mobile phone.
  3. Then you should check whether the data transfer function is enabled on your smartphone. Many smartphone users disable this function to avoid unnecessary consumption of Internet traffic, since a mobile phone in their pocket consumes Internet traffic in the background for the correct operation of some applications that use Internet access: various email clients and other programs. Turns on this function in the settings menu in the wireless networks section.
  4. You should also check the Internet access point settings on your mobile phone. Since sometimes when you reboot the phone they can be deleted or lost. Each operator mobile communications has its own Internet access point settings, so when changing operator, do not forget to check the settings. You can always find the exact settings on the websites of mobile operators, at their service centers, or simply by calling an operator from your mobile phone, who can send automatic settings for your device.
  5. You should also pay attention to antivirus software installed on your smartphone, as some of them can block access to the Internet. There are other specialized programs that specifically limit the access to the Internet of applications installed on a mobile device. If you have any, you should check whether you have previously set a restriction in the settings of this program to allow other applications to access the Internet.
  6. And if your phone does not pick up the network at all or does not detect the SIM card, then most likely the problem will already be in the firmware or in the transmitter antenna itself in the mobile device. If there is a problem with the antenna, only an experienced, classified service center or workshop worker can help you.

This is a very common problem on devices running the Android platform. In any case, it would be useful to understand what the causes and solutions to this phenomenon are.

Banal reasons

Let's start with, perhaps, a number of the most banal reasons why the mobile Internet may not work.

Their list is as follows:

  • Negative balance on the phone. To exclude this option, you should check how much money you have in your account. Depending on the operator, the method may differ.
    To find out how to check the account status on your phone, you should contact your operator. Most often, the SIM card has both a balance number and an operator number.
  • The subscriber is outside the network coverage area. Another very simple and common reason. To rule out this option, you should look at the network indicator in your. An example of this can be seen in Figure 2.
    To fix this problem, there is only one way out - to go to a place where the device can pick up the signal normally. By the way, a weak network can cause the Internet to simply work very slowly.

Clue: If this indicator is always low, even if you walk the device close to a telephone tower, then the problem is not with the network, but with the device itself. Then you should just take it in for repairs.

  • The “Data transfer” option is not enabled in the settings. All modern smartphones have this option. You can easily turn it off in the settings.
    True, depending on the specific smartphone model, the location of this item will be completely different. For example, in phones with a platform it can be found this way:
    • go to settings;
    • select “More...” (Figure 3.a);
    • go to the “Mobile network” menu (Figure No. 3.b);
    • check the box next to “Mobile data transfer” (Figure 3.c).

As mentioned above, in different operating systems this item will be located in different places, but its name will always be approximately the same.

  • Automatic registration on the network did not occur after it had been absent for some time. This phenomenon can occur after a subscriber leaves the subway or simply returns from places where the Internet did not work.
    This is especially true for networks. In this case, there is also one and only way to fix everything and it is to restart your device, that is, turn it off and on again.
    Depending on the process, this process occurs differently, see the instructions.

Settings are wrong

To exclude this option, you should go to the Internet settings on your phone and find there items related to APN, that is, the access point. Depending on the model, the location of this item may also differ, but APN will remain APN in any case.

To fix this problem, there are two ways:

  1. Request settings from the operator.
  2. Manually set up the network connection.

The easier option, of course, is the first option. To find out how to request such settings, you should contact your operator or go to your mobile operator's website. Information on the most common of them can be seen in Table 1.

Table 1. Request numbers for obtaining Internet settings for the most popular mobile operators in Russia

As for other operators, you will need to call the operator and ask him how to get automatic Internet settings. In most cases, the settings will be set automatically and the user will not even notice it.

Only at the end will he receive a message with something like this: “Congratulations! The Internet settings on your phone have been installed successfully." It happens that you receive an SMS, when you read it, the “Install” button appears.

Accordingly, you need to click on it and the settings will be installed.

Manual network setup

With manual adjustment everything is somewhat more complicated. An example of finding access point settings on Android phones can be seen below.

Step 1. Go to settings, then select “More...”, which is shown in Figure No. 3.a, then select “Mobile network” (Figure No. 3.b).

Step 2. In the menu that opens, open the “Access Point (APN)” item, as shown in Figure No. 4.a.

Step 3. Click on the button to add a new access point. Usually it consists of a simple “+” sign, as shown in Figure 4.b.

Step 4. Fill in the fields “Name”, “APN”, “Username”, “Password”, which are highlighted in Figure No. 4.c.

As for the meanings of these fields, you should also find out about them from the operator; they are completely different for each network. For the most popular operators

The question “why the Internet doesn’t work” is perhaps one of the most frequently asked questions. Currently, without access to resources, many devices significantly limit their...

One of the most common situations that I encounter in my practice is when a user has the Internet connected, but does not work. Why is this happening?!
The first place to start looking for a solution to the problem is to reboot all devices connected to Internet access - router, computer, etc. Very often this is the result of a small malfunction in one of them and is solved by a simple restart. If it doesn’t help, read on!

So, your Internet is not working. How are you connected to it? As a rule, in most cases the connection is organized through Wi-Fi router, then look to see whether its Internet access indicator is on or not. For example, on D-Link routers it is made in the form of a globe, but on most devices it is simply signed as Internet.

Does not burn? Check your router settings and, if everything is fine, call technical support your provider.
But if the indicator lights up pleasantly, it means the connection is successful. Check access from other devices - tablet, phone or laptop. This way you can find out from which side you should look for the cause of the problem. Such cases, when a router connects to the global web and does not distribute the Internet to connected devices, happens one time in a thousand. Usually they are associated with a malfunction in its operation and can be treated by resetting the settings to factory settings, followed by a complete reconfiguration. More often it happens that there is no access from only one of the computers, while everything works fine on the others. Then you need to look for the “root of evil” already there.

If you are connected to the mobile Internet via a USB modem or WiFi module plugged into a USB port, try disconnecting it and reconnecting it. If it doesn’t help, switch the gadget to a nearby free port. Windows will reinstall the drivers and you can check again whether access is available or not.

Diagnostics of Internet connection in Windows 10

If the Internet is connected to your computer or laptop but does not work and you are sure that the reason lies in incorrect settings, then you should perform a few simple operations. Let's start by pinging some popular site. To do this, press the Win+R key combination to display the “Run” window:

In the “Open” line we type the command cmd. Click on the “OK” button to open the window command line. We type the command:


If you don’t like Yandex, you can use Google instead. Press the “Enter” key and look at the result. If everything is in order, then you will receive something like this response from the server:

If you receive a response like this:

Then we type another command:


This is the IP address of the public DNS server from Yandex, which is always available. Alternatively, you can ping the server from Google - If the PC has access to an external network, then the response should be like this:

If a node pings via IP, but the sites do not open, then this usually means that the Internet is connected but does not work due to the fact that the DNS server address is not specified (or incorrectly specified) in the network card settings. I will tell you how to do this below.

If you see this answer:

Then it’s worth checking whether the router is accessible. To do this, it also needs to be pinged. You can see what IP address is used on it on a sticker, usually located at the bottom of the case. It's usually either or. I have a D-Link router and it uses the second option:

If the router pings, but the node is not on the Internet, then the reason is most likely again in the router or in its settings.
But if the router is unavailable, this is a reason to delve into the settings of the network adapter on the computer. But before that, try disabling your antivirus and firewall, since very often they are the cause of most network problems.

It didn’t help and the Internet is still connected but not working?! Well, then press the Win+R key combination again so that the “Run” window appears and enter the command ncpa.cpl.
If everything was done correctly, a window should appear network connections Windows 10:

Right-click on the connection icon and select “Properties” from the menu. In the window that appears, double-click on the line “IP version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” to get to the protocol parameters:

Here we try to set automatic receipt of addresses and again check the access to the global web.
Still not working? Then check the box “Use the following addresses”:

You need to register an IP address from the subnet of your router. If its IP is, then set the computer to If the router uses, then the PC will have Mask You must specify the router address as the gateway. Register it as your preferred DNS server. An alternative DNS can be specified as a server from Yandex or from Google -

As a rule, after this Internet access appears. If none of the advice helped you, then I’m afraid you need to call professional specialist, who can determine the cause of the problem and can eliminate it. Good luck to all!

Articles and Lifehacks

The acquisition of such high-tech mobile device usually raises a lot of questions for the new owner. So, many people are interested in what to do if Internet stopped working on Galaxy s3. Of course, the reasons can be the most trivial - for example, the money in your account has run out or the Wi-Fi router is not working.

But what if the user knows exactly what the network should be? Let's try to understand the reasons why the Internet disappeared and search for the simplest ways to troubleshoot problems. If the described actions do not help, it is recommended to contact a specialist.

What to do if the Internet stops working on Galaxy s3

It happens that the Internet disappears on a device purchased relatively recently. If its owner has already used the Internet and after some time encounters a problem (for example, during the warranty period), he can re-request the appropriate settings from his mobile operator, and then go to the service provider’s office (or service center). You should first move the SIM card to another device in order to figure out where exactly the problem exists, and also check the account balance.

You can try the following steps. We go to the device settings, there we look for the wireless networks menu and select the “Mobile network” item. Check the data transfer option. Next, go to “APN access points” and check the correctness of how this point was registered. The exact data depends on which telecom operator the device owner uses. In addition, some also require a username and password (Beeline, MTS).

Note that problems with the mobile Internet are solved in this way. Sometimes resetting a previously installed access point helps (via “Settings” > “Advanced” > “Mobile networks” > “Access points”).

Persons who complain that the Internet has stopped working on the Galaxy s3 should know that the owners of the predecessor of this device, that is, s2, periodically encountered a similar problem. It happens that the reason lies in incompatibility software. You can try to delete Google Chrome, Twitter and Facebook, and then simply reboot the device. Sometimes it helps. The reason may lie in other browsers or applications, for example, VKontakte, Opera or Instagram.

Setting up the Internet on Android in Galaxy s3

Sometimes the problem may lie in the system itself. Eg, Mobile Internet It always worked properly, was configured correctly, there was money in the account. After rebooting, the device still does not allow access to the Internet; sometimes it is not even possible to re-check the balance. You should be aware that Android itself may freeze. To solve the problem, go to the device settings through the menu, look for the wireless networks option there and activate the offline mode. The fact that it is enabled will be indicated by the appearance of an airplane icon, as well as the inaccessibility of all other networks. Wait a few seconds and turn off offline mode. The Internet can be up and running in just a few minutes.

As already mentioned, it would be a good idea to check the correctness of the APN point. If it has not yet been registered, it needs to be created. Most often it is written like this: internet.operator (for example, or This access point is suitable for Tele2, Smarts, Utel, MTS, Beeline. For operators such as MegaFon and HCC, all you need to do is write the word internet.

The username is entered only for Beeline and MTS (beeline or mts, respectively). For everyone else, this item remains empty. The same applies to the password (beeline or mts; for other operators it is not entered).