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New affiliate programs for paid calls. MarketCall Affiliate Program - Review and Opinion

Affiliate programs with pay for calls - making money on the Internet in this way has always been relevant. Now it is only increasing, as site monetization is steadily moving towards white solutions.

Affiliate programs for calls

Everyone knows how difficult it is to make a profit from classmates, so affiliate programs for calls are ideal for such cases. Since you can only post a phone number, having first gone through approval in support.

Since in such solutions calls, and essentially leads, are paid, you need to understand that the choice of topics is limited by advertisers. The main area is jurisprudence, which is why we mostly present legal affiliate programs with pay per call. Other topics are most often associated with it: real estate, cars. It is rare to find a beauty industry where they agree to pay for targeted applications, but work in megacities: Moscow and St. Petersburg.

I’ll say right away that in the first two systems the feature can be connected through support.


This system gives the HIGHEST royalty rates for lawyers. In addition, over the past couple of weeks the geography has expanded, and this process continues.


  • Moscow and Moscow region – 200 rubles

  • St. Petersburg and Leningrad region – 100 rubles

  • Nizhny Novgorod – 40 rubles

  • Amur region, Kazan, Krasnodar region, Yaroslavl region – 30 rubles

Hold – 3 days.

Own call center.

Payments are available upon request with a minimum wage of 450 rubles.

In this advertising network many offers. And today we connected the services of an astrologer with payment for applications - 20 rubles per Lead.

As for lawyers and calls, the rates are as follows:

Available from promo:

  • Widget

  • Shared rooms plus extension

  • Individual number

Individual phone numbers in any region - through support.

Payments with a minimum wage of 500 rubles.


Just started. She has not yet had time to prove herself in any way.

This pay-per-call affiliate program accepts 4 regions:

  • Moscow – 130 rubles

  • St. Petersburg and region – 60 rubles

  • Rostov-on-Don and region – 20 rubles

  • Ekaterinburg and region – 20 rubles


  • Multichannel numbers

  • Back call

  • Static number

A static number is used for placement outside your website, including offline. Connection via support.

This is what the callback widget looks like:

The following topics are expected to be included:

  • Real estate

  • Loans

  • Medicine

  • Tourism

  • Accounting

Payments occur once a week from Friday to Sunday. Payment amount from 500 rub. Upon request, we are ready to withdraw smaller amounts.



Marketcall intends to become the first targeted affiliate for calls, focusing entirely on this area.

It is more focused on real estate with Pay Per Call payments. But other topics are gradually being included:

  • Real estate

  • Insurance and lending

  • E-commerce

  • Tourism

  • Legal services

  • Cars

  • Construction and repair

  • Medicine

For example, for this offer Marketcall deductions are 900 rubles.

Each Marketcall advertiser determines a convenient cost per Lead. The maximum stated is 9,000 rubles, but in reality, offers are available from the start in the price range of 300-2,100 rubles.
Payments – 1 time in 2 weeks without a minimum wage.

Affiliate programs for calls, that is, for leads, are a stable and very promising niche, absolutely safe from the point of view of search engines, they are very effective in making money on websites, as well as in social networks and offline.

A white and safe way to monetize sites provides the opportunity to work with different topics, but the main ones are still law and real estate. That is, where requests are as targeted as possible, and with a high probability potential clients will turn into real ones.

Pay-per-call affiliate programs allow you to earn money without a website; the description of each offer contains its terms and conditions. Telephone numbers, standard with an extension or individual, are provided by support, with whom issues of interaction with specific traffic sources are resolved.

Affiliate programs for calls

The limitation on topics is obvious, but at the same time, some advertising systems develop audience coverage and attract advertisers in different areas.

  • Legal services

  • Real estate

  • Medicine

  • Lending

  • Insurance

  • E-commerce

  • Tourism

  • Cars

  • Construction and repair

In this post I will talk about four networks that pay for calls, that is, working in the pay per call format, with the help of these affiliate programs you can make money on the Internet and offline.

A targeted call is considered if its duration is more than 1 minute. This general rule, but in each offer the advertiser sets its own rules.


Leetero gives Better conditions for redemption and the highest cost. If previously there were only both capitals with regions, then the geography is gradually expanding.
  • Moscow and region – 200 rubles

  • St. Petersburg and region – 100 rubles

  • Nizhny Novgorod – 40 rubles

  • Amur region – 30 rubles

  • Krasnodar region – 30 rubles

  • Yaroslavl region – 30 rubles

  • Kazan – 30 rubles

Our own call center.

The numbers are connected through support.

The minimum wage is 450 rubles on WebMoney. On request.


This pay-per-call and pay-per-lead affiliate program has several different themes. But only for lawyers they accept pay per call.

An “astrologer” was added to women’s traffic on December 7 – 20 rubles per Lead.

The geography of lawyers is very extensive.

Individual numbers - through support. At the same time, they can be obtained for the desired region.

Payments with a minimum wage of 500 rubles.



The system is literally a month old, but the guys are trying to show their intentions to stay in the market and help everyone make money on the Internet.

Rates – average:

  • Moscow – 130 rubles

  • St. Petersburg and region – 60 rubles

  • Rostov-on-Don and region – 20 rubles

  • Ekaterinburg and region – 20 rubles

There are multi-channel numbers.

Other topics planned:

  • Real estate

  • Lending

  • Accounting

  • Medicine

  • Tourism

Payments with a minimum of 500 rubles weekly.



Marketcall only works with calls, like Leadnumber, reviews for which have not yet achieved their maximum objectivity. But judging by the pace of development of Marketcol, everything promises to be very good.

Especially if you look at the range of redemption rates: from 300 to 9,000 rubles.

Not everyone receives the maximum tariff at once, but from the start you can count on a rate of up to 2,100 rubles. Most offers are now focused on a bet of 900 rubles.

Now there are offers for lawyers, female traffic, loans, restaurants and real estate.

Also connected:

  • Insurance

  • E-commerce

  • Tourism

  • Cars

  • Construction and renovation

  • Medicine

There is no minimum wage. Payments – once every 2 weeks on WebMoney.

The significant funds that many companies invest in advertising their products and services most often do not produce the expected results. Advertisers and advertising agencies themselves began to understand this. High site traffic, click on contextual advertising banner, getting a resource into the TOP 10 search engines is an expensive pleasure, but it does not always bring the required number of real clients. Website owners understand: clicks and visits do not guarantee that a person visiting their Internet resource will become a consumer of services in the future. Many Internet users click on advertisements out of simple curiosity; they are absolutely not interested in your product. Well, if contextual advertising is not optimally configured, then the conversion will be minimal. We can conclude that by paying for this type of advertising, you are paying, as they say, for air. A click does not guarantee that your product or service is of interest.

What to do if banner advertising and well-written SEO texts do not encourage a person to further actions- purchase? Our company "Leadservice" invites you to take advantage of a revolutionary method in the field of online sales -pay per call. Many people understand that a call from a real consumer is much better than a click on an advertisement. If a client calls you, it means that he is already interested in your product (service), he has performed a certain action that promotes conversion. Further, all the work to encourage the consumer to actually buy something from you falls on the shoulders of your manager - surprise the client, make him an offer that he cannot refuse. No other advertising will give you as many benefits as direct contact.

After all, what it means for a person to call is not just to become interested in an offer, it is a demonstration that he is ready to purchase your product.We, “Leadservice” offer the service “payment per customer call" In this case, you only pay for a targeted call from a potential consumer.

Benefits of paying per customer call

If you want to order calls from real clients, or would like to ask us questions about cooperation, contact us in a way convenient for you.

Paying for a customer call is the future of your business!

Marketcall is a unique call-based affiliate system. The system contains a number of offers that are more profitable than their existing analogues on the market. The essence of the system is that partners.
MarketCall (webmasters) place advertising information on their resources and earn money for calls potential clients according to advertising.
At the same time, advertisers receive an additional powerful channel of incoming calls from interested clients. Moreover, they set the cost of the call themselves.

What we offer webmasters:

  • A large list of highly profitable offers. In the MarketCall system you can work in many segments that are not present or are poorly represented in other affiliate programs. Moreover, the cost of a call can reach 9000 rubles.
  • Transparent accrual system. You always know how much money you have earned. How much has been paid, how much will be paid. All information is available in one window.
  • Possibility of additional monetization of current resources. It's no secret that some clients using the CPA model simply walk away when making a phone call. Easy integration will allow you to start receiving additional income, without interfering with your earnings in other systems.
  • A huge list of allowed tools. Most advertisers don’t care where the call came from, the main thing is that it is targeted.

Monetization of all types of advertising channels:

You are not limited to choosing a channel for attracting customers; you can work in mobile, TV, radio, outdoor and many other areas.

  • High payment for targeted action. Higher payouts compared to other affiliate systems due to high rates. In some areas, the cost of a call varies from 1500 to 9000 rubles.
  • Hold for 2 weeks. As a rule, the hold does not exceed two weeks, which allows you to receive profits much faster than in other affiliate systems.
  • Weekly payments. Payments to webmasters occur weekly without restrictions on minimum amounts, which distinguishes the MarketCall system from its competitors.
  • Referral payment system. The referral system allows active webmasters to receive income up to 5% from the earnings of attracted partners.

You are required to: using the advertising tools we provide, convey the advertiser’s offer to the target audience. You can attract clients from all possible sources. Improve conversion and content. Everything else is our concern.

You are not required to: redirect traffic to the advertiser’s website. You can work with clients on your own advertising platforms.

How to start making money with Marketcall?

Register in the system (if you are not already registered). Fill out the form. Have an interview with our manager, during which you will tell us in detail how you plan to attract clients, and for sure you will have access to the system. It is important to understand: we open access only to those who are serious about work, who are going to attract clients, and not engage in fraud (for this, an instant ban is provided with the freezing of all funds). Therefore, having existing accounts in other affiliate systems will be a definite plus. More details about the operation of the system on the website -

Important: this is a beta test of the MarketCall system, so we kindly ask you to write to us about any questions or problems that arise. We will try to resolve them promptly. We will also welcome any wishes and ideas for developing the system in the future. At the moment, offers are being added to the system. So over time there will be many more of them. By the way, it’s time for experienced referral providers to recruit more referrals to the first partner system for calls on the RuNet.