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Necessary professions in 5 years. Does Russia need economists and managers? Demand for professions in the labor market

The question “Where should I go to study?” faces graduates acutely: often, when entering educational institution, they do not fully understand what kind of profession they choose. This misunderstanding may persist until graduation.

Unlike Russian schools, students abroad are not only prepared for admission to specific universities, but also carry out serious work on career guidance, identifying their talents and inclinations. Students of foreign schools study a wide range of subjects: from classical civilization and psychology to robotics and the latest business technologies. They can practice rowing or debating, play chess, or attend a Shakespeare club.

To choose for a child high school abroad, contact IQ Consultancy. We will help you choose the educational institution that suits you, and we will also prepare your child in language and subjects so that he feels comfortable from the very beginning of his studies.

The older students get, the more disciplines they try. This means that the greater the choice - what they are interested in as quality future profession what they have a penchant for. As a result, by the age of 16, 90% of foreign schoolchildren already know what they want to become.
In addition, career consultants work with students in high schools in Europe and America. Educational institutions also cooperate with large companies. Schoolchildren get the opportunity to work in starting positions during the holidays and set specific career goals for themselves.

But enrolling in an interesting specialty is not enough - it is important to understand how and where to apply the acquired knowledge. Often, Russian graduates with deep fundamental knowledge lack practice. This leads to the fact that more than half of our graduates lose interest in studying by the end of their studies and work outside their specialty.

If you have already graduated from a Russian university, but want to change your specialty or get more modern education in your field, consider enrolling in a foreign university. You can get a bachelor's degree in a new field, continue your specialized studies in a master's program, or take intensive professional courses in your specialty. Find out more from our consultants.

Foreign universities offer up-to-date knowledge and develop practical skills of students. Most higher education institutions are also research centers with own laboratories, where students work on their projects and participate in developments large companies.

Studying at a foreign university gives you the opportunity to stay in another country (for example, Canada has soft immigration conditions for young professionals) and build a career at the global level. For those who do not want to leave their country forever, studying at a foreign university is an excellent experience and an important advantage for employment in Russia, especially since many foreign universities teach narrow specialties that Russian universities Not yet.

Every school graduate sooner or later faces the question of what to do next. Of course, we do not take into account the lucky ones who, from an early age, demonstrate a talent for this or that activity or science, because for them life is simply unthinkable without what they love. Most modern applicants, when entering a university, choose professions such as lawyer or economist. Undoubtedly, having mastered these specialties, you can count on successful career. However, you should also be prepared for the fact that due to the fact that these professions are very popular today, when looking for a job you will certainly face very high competition. Moreover, over time this situation will only worsen. Therefore, we propose today to analyze the research of specialists and find out which professions will be in demand in 5 years.

Sphere of Marketing and Management

Due to the fact that the life of a modern person is completely permeated with a wide variety of advertising (billboards on the streets, commercials on television and radio, banners on the Internet, leaflets and posters in stores and even entrances, layouts in the press, etc.), the market is constantly will need appropriate specialists. Therefore, the list of the most in-demand professions in the near future primarily includes workers in the field of marketing and advertising. In conditions modern market trading companies, as well as service firms, require a variety of employees. Recruitment agencies annually note an increase in demand for a lot of professions in this field: from ordinary salespeople to chief marketers. Moreover, today we need not only people who can sell goods efficiently on the spot, as well as competently organize all work processes, but also specialists who know how to profitably present a particular product or service to a potential consumer, thereby encouraging him to make a purchase.

Programmer - the profession of the future

Recently the area computer technology is developing at a truly incredible pace. In this regard, answering the question: “What professions will be in demand in 5 years?”, we can say with confidence that programmers will be needed, system administrators and other specialists who understand modern computers. People involved in development will also be very popular software and information protection. In addition, in-demand professions in the future will include specialties related to the creation and support of Internet sites: these are designers, developers, content managers, etc. It should be noted that the field of IT technologies is developing at such a fast pace that that some already popular specialties have not yet even begun to be taught in universities. Therefore, in order to succeed in this business, you should always be, as they say, in the trend, sometimes independently acquiring the necessary knowledge and experience.

Economists and financiers

Despite the fact that today there is a lot of talk about the overabundance of young specialists in this field, as a result of which they face great competition and are sometimes forced to look for work outside their specialty, true professionals in this field have always been and will be in demand. After all, it’s worth at least analyzing the situation in almost any city in our country. Just a few years ago, we could not even imagine that we would be surrounded by so many banks and other financial institutions. Moreover, every year the number of these organizations is steadily growing, and more and more new ones are being offered to the population. Banking services and products. In this regard, these institutions are constantly in need of true professionals in their field. Speaking about what professions will be in demand in 5 years specifically in the field of finance and economics, we can name such specialties as financial analyst, credit expert, accountant and manager.

Doctors and teachers

Undoubtedly, such necessary professions in any country, like doctors, nurses, etc. However, the absolute disadvantage of these specialties in our country is the rather low level of wages. Nevertheless, if you feel a calling to medicine or pedagogy, then you can count on success, which will be expressed not only in the recognition of colleagues, but also in monetary terms. So, having become, for example, a famous doctor in one field or another, it is quite possible to open your own medical Center. A talented teacher can always found his own or development center.

Construction sector

It is safe to say that representatives of the most diverse will always be in demand. Indeed, today both large and small cities are developing rapidly, and therefore new buildings and structures are constantly being erected. Residential complexes are being built shopping centers, architectural monuments are being reconstructed, etc. The professions in demand in the future in this area are practically no different from modern realities: these are engineers, designers, foremen and workers in a wide variety of construction specialties.

Hotel and tourism business

Although travel business In our country it is not developed to the same extent as in some other countries; specialists in this field are becoming more and more in demand among employers every year. Indeed, today many companies cooperate with foreign partners, who often visit local offices and, accordingly, need accommodation, as well as an excursion program. Thus, professional administrators who know how to efficiently organize the work of an entire institution (for example, a hotel) are in particular demand today. I would like to note that mandatory requirement For specialists in this industry, fluency in English is essential.

Working specialties

Due to the fact that today blue-collar professions have very low popularity among applicants, every year a wide variety of industries face an increasing shortage of these specialists. In this regard, applicants for such vacancies practically do not face competition and enjoy in great demand from employers. The undoubted disadvantages of blue-collar professions include low wages, and also, as a rule, not the most comfortable working conditions. However, you should not give up on such specialties in advance. After all, a true professional in his field always has the opportunity to count on decent wages and promotion career ladder, especially in conditions of shortage of such workers.

New specialties that will be in demand in the near future

Since technology is developing at a very rapid pace, today there is the emergence of completely new professions that no one could even imagine a few years ago. Thus, we can say with confidence that in five years there will be a steady demand among employers for specialists in the field innovative technologies. For example, some educational institutions have already begun to train professionals in the field of nanomedicine.

So, we found out which professions will be in demand in the labor market in 5 years. In short, these are financiers and economists, doctors and teachers, builders, hotel and tourism specialists, workers, as well as professionals in the field of nanotechnology. Now we invite you to find out which areas of activity are most in demand for male and female representatives.

for men

For representatives of the stronger half of humanity in the next 5-7 years, the following specialties will be especially promising: engineer, IT specialist, financier, physician, ecologist and builder. It should be noted that all this is of the future. Therefore, by investing in your education today, you can confidently expect a decent return in a few years.

The most in-demand professions for women

Today, the most popular and in-demand professions for representatives of the fair half of humanity are the following: manager, accountant, administrator, executive assistant, lawyer, Sales Representative, secretary, marketer, dispatcher and realtor. According to employees recruitment agencies, this situation is unlikely to change in the next few years.

In order to decide on your life path, young people are increasingly thinking about what professions are now in demand in the labor market. And this is not just a whim of the younger generation. The choice of specialty affects their entire future life. The pattern can be traced quite easily - first, training in a sought-after profession, then a highly paid job with the prospect of climbing the career ladder, and then the fulfillment of your plans. For some, this is a strong and loving family, for the creation of which it is vital stable income and prospects for demand in the labor market for many years to come. But for some, this is an opportunity to live for their own pleasure, which is also, in general, not bad.

World labor market

In order to understand which professions are now in demand and highly paid, you can look through specialized paper publications, where the prospects for various specialties in a particular field are regularly discussed. Currently, in the world labor market, the most profitable is recognized medical direction. But in first place, surprisingly, it was not plastic surgeons, but anesthesiologists. Second place is shared by surgeons from various fields, gynecologists and dentists. In honorable third place are industrial specialists - engineers, usually graduates of prestigious educational institutions with solid work experience. Choosing one of these professions allows you to earn from 140 to 200 thousand dollars.

However, the choice is not limited only to these specialties. Managers, lawyers, programmers, logisticians and auditors are always in demand on the labor market around the world. Even if these are not representatives of the management level, they are guaranteed decent pay and employment.


In order to understand which profession is now the most in demand, you should familiarize yourself with a kind of anti-rating of the lowest paid or non-prestigious professions. It is given for a double purpose. On the one hand, it becomes possible to find out what to avoid, on the other hand, do not forget that if a position is unpopular, then most likely it is the one that is paid more generously. For example, a pathologist is an unappetizing profession, but it is always in demand and has a stable income.

So, in Russia, public transport drivers, janitors, cashier salespeople, plumbers, loaders and qualified machine operators are considered unprestigious. The highest paid on this list are machine operators. Depending on the category, work experience, and demand in a particular region, their salary can be 100-150 thousand rubles.

In Europe and the USA, security guards, butchers, salesmen, taxi drivers, waiters and dancers are considered low-prestige. This list also includes politicians and football players - these professions can hardly be called low-paid; rather, such a low rating is due to the attitude of citizens towards individual representatives of these areas.

Professions of the future

Many experts annually calculate in which direction humanity will move, and always come to such opposite results that it is difficult to trust them. Especially when it comes to choosing a profession. However, they agree on some points. For example, the majority believes that the future lies in information technology and social sphere, and all the monotonous work will be mechanized. Just as typists once disappeared, drivers of personal and public transport, as well as bank employees, will also disappear. But the younger generation will have a chance to prove themselves in the field of biotechnology, new materials and nanotechnology, robotics and mechanical engineering.

What are currently in-demand professions in Russia?

However, let's stop the flight of fancy and return to the sinful earth. In order to be in demand in the global labor market, especially in fields such as medicine or engineering, you need not only to graduate from a prestigious educational institution, but also to become one of the best in your profession. Not many people can do this, and not everyone is ready to leave the country. Therefore, let us dwell on what professions are now in demand in Russia - these are sales managers, IT specialists, civil engineers, linguists and translators, and not so much in European languages, but in Eastern and Asian languages. Doctors and teachers were also included in the ranking of in-demand specialties, although the issue of high pay is controversial. Some are content with a modest salary, others occupy positions in private clinics and prestigious schools and receive high salaries.

What professions are now in demand for girls?

Gender equality issues have become less pressing, and women in senior management positions are no longer surprising. But, to be completely honest, it is quite rare to find representatives of the fair sex among directors of large companies, bankers, and heads of large holdings.

So, what profession is now most in demand for women? The weaker sex can claim a lot, including good career growth and a high salary. Moreover, in some areas women can give men a head start. For example, in the field of advertising, marketing, tax and auditing, the fair half is in the lead. You can also try yourself as a manager, logistician or lawyer.

Rare specialties

A rare profession is an opportunity to become a unique specialist, and therefore in demand, and, most likely, with a good salary. Such professions include, for example, bell casters, “ant” farmers, and “milkers” of snakes. But it's more of a lifestyle than just a job. You can also become a scent expert, taster or professional conversationalist. There is no training for these specialties, it is very difficult to get into such a job, but they guarantee a rich and interesting life. The main risk associated with choosing a rare specialty is job loss and the inability to find something on the labor market. If, for example, a lawyer or manager can easily find a vacancy, even if not in his own city, but in a neighboring city, then getting a job as a wigmaker (wig maker) is almost hopeless.

  1. Understand what area you would like to work in; it is advisable to select 2-3 options.
  2. Find information about what professions are in demand now.
  3. Find intersection points with the list of in-demand specialties.
  4. Define your strengths and calculate your opportunities to master the desired profession.
  5. Always have a backup plan.

This is very simple tips, which save time and, more importantly, nerves. After all, you cannot simply choose a profession from a list, focusing solely on the level of future income. Creative professions require a certain talent, to work in the field information technologies- good mathematical and logical abilities, for a sales manager - the ability to win people over and conduct an easy, relaxed conversation, etc.

And as a backup option, it’s worth finding out which blue-collar professions are in demand right now. For example, currently in Russia, enterprises most in need of electric welders, turners, chemists and mechanics different directions. And even if these professions are not the highest paid, it is impossible to remain without work.

Professional education is not a death sentence

Knowledge about what professions are in demand now does not always remain relevant 5-6 years later, after studying is left behind. After all, the applicant will have to compete with a lot of the same former students who also want a prestigious and high paying job. And it also happens that after receiving a diploma, a newly minted specialist realizes that he has chosen the wrong direction.

In any case, there is always a way out: for the employer, quite often the only thing that matters is the availability higher education, not his profile. And many are ready to teach an employee all the intricacies themselves, especially since this allows them to save on wages. Well, for a future employee, this is an opportunity to learn a profession from the very bottom and gradually move up the career ladder, combining it with study.

Choosing interesting and highly paid profession- this is the main “headache” not only for schoolchildren, but also for their parents. Of course, when choosing a specialty, you need to take into account not only individual characteristics psyche, but also how relevant your specialty is in the labor market. This will allow you to fully realize yourselves in the future, and not have problems with finding a job after graduating from university. There are many career guidance tests that help you choose a job “to your liking.” Now we will look at the rating the most in-demand professions in the future.

In order to navigate well the rapidly changing trends of the modern labor market, it is worth asking what professional skills will be relevant in 5 - 10 years.

According to experts, the most in-demand professions in the future are:

  • engineers (especially in the chemical and oil fields);
  • IT specialists (in the field of information technology, system administrators, programmers, and computer hardware developers are always needed);
  • architects, builders (the growth of cities and the development of the real estate sector leads to a stable demand for qualified builders);
  • technologies food production(creating delicious food is a very useful professional skill at all times);
  • accountants (without highly qualified professionals in the field accounting and an audit is indispensable in any company or organization);
  • lawyers (despite the huge number of law university graduates, good specialists there is incredibly little in this area);
  • biotechnology, genetic engineers (in the field of molecular medicine, biopharmaceutical production, development of electronic circuits created using living microorganisms);
  • doctors (a healthy lifestyle is trending, besides, doctors belong to the category of specialists who are always needed);
  • economists (economic growth leads to increased demand for highly qualified workers in the economic sphere);
  • chemists (specializing in the field of energy and search alternative sources energy);
  • farmers (development Agriculture, including farming, leads to a high demand for qualified agronomists, genetic engineers and others)
  • ecologists (global warming leads to the development of new technologies for environmental protection).

Any society is a living organism in which new areas of life constantly appear, generating demand for innovative technologies.

What professions are in demand in the labor market now?

To begin with, you should definitely ask - what professions are in demand in the labor market now? This will help you “weed out” unpromising options and understand what is trending right now. In addition, in order to increase your attractiveness to an employer, it is important to have additional skills that allow you to look attractive against the background of similar applicants without work experience. It could be knowledge foreign languages, basics of management or special computer programs.

The top 5 most in-demand professions in the labor market today look like this:

  1. Programmers. IT specialists, including application software developers and system administrators.
  2. Working specialties. First of all, these are mechanics, seamstresses, turners, plumbers, cooks, cleaners, and electricians. They will always be useful, regardless of changing trends.
  3. Engineers and mechanics. The modernization of production at many enterprises has created a huge demand for technical specializations. Technical education in combination with legal or economic education is especially valued.
  4. Logisticians. Work needed due to gradual integration into the global economic market.
  5. Marketers. The key to successful promotion of any company in a crisis is the right development strategy.

In addition, it is important to get acquainted with the list of specialties that are losing relevance in time, so as not to find yourself “overboard” after receiving your diploma.

Another unusual way to select the “job of a lifetime” is to choose a job that will be in trend in 5 - 10 years. Such a narrow specialization can become a highly paid employee. What to choose from?

  1. City farmer (or “vertical farmer”). He differs from the usual rural farmer in his skills in growing agricultural plants in a metropolis.
  2. Cyber ​​prosthetics specialist. The creation of high-tech prosthetics helps people with disabilities to live an active lifestyle.
  3. Microbiologist-balancer. Studies the living conditions of a person, and then gives individual recommendations for compliance healthy image life.
  4. Personal archivist. It will help organize the endless flow of information and keep personal or corporate archives in order.
  5. Online consultant. In a rapidly accelerating world, remote consultants, coaches and personal business trainers are greatly needed. Training via Skype in real time will significantly save valuable time, since in this case you do not need to travel to the seminar. Many