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Connecting wired Internet to a Windows 7 laptop. Setting up an Internet connection in Windows XP

As you know, a computer without access to the World Wide Web is not of particular interest. Almost everyone needs the Internet, but not everyone knows how to set it up. The procedure for connecting a laptop to the Internet is practically no different from a similar operation on a desktop PC. There are only a few methods that will be discussed in detail.

Connecting a laptop to wired Internet

Wired Internet has long become a common pleasure that many people have. This connection has both pros and cons. The access speed will be relatively high, but the laptop cannot be carried far with you, since the wire limits the distance. All settings are usually performed by wizards upon connection. You will also need to configure everything again after reinstalling the OS. To do this you will need to follow a couple of steps.

1. In the control panel, go to the “Network and Internet” tab.

2. Select “Manage networks...”.

3. Click the “Set up a new connection...” button.

4. Select “New connection”, then click on the 2nd option.

5. Now you will need to enter the information provided by the provider (login, password). Here you can set a name and attempt to connect. If everything is configured correctly, then the Internet should appear on the laptop.

Connecting a laptop to Wi-fi

The most convenient method. If you have a tuned one at home Wi-Fi router, then you can connect your laptop to the Internet in just a couple of minutes.

1. Activate the module wireless communication on a laptop.
2. Open the tab " Network connections» in the control panel.
3. Now you need to find a wireless connection and activate it through the menu (the “Enable” item).
4. All that remains is to select a specific point from the list and try to connect with it.

If you previously set an access password, you need to enter it. If the network is open, then you do not need to enter anything. However, you should definitely set up a combination to secure the connection so that no one can connect to it.

Connecting to the Internet using a modem

After purchasing a modem, the first thing you need to do is connect it to a free USB port. Usually all components are installed automatically. Once the software installation is complete, you can begin the setup process.

1. Go to the control panel, find “Network Center...”.

2. You need to “Set up a new connection”, then click on “Internet Connection”.

3. A list of three options will appear, you need to click “Dial-up”.

4. Now you need to enter the information that was provided by your service provider and complete the setup process.

Setting up a connection on a laptop is very simple, but you must first decide on the connection method. It is very convenient to use a Wi-Fi router, as you can connect not only a computer, but also a smartphone.

Speed ​​and stability wired connection often make it preferable to wireless technologies. Connecting a laptop to the Internet via cable is sometimes more convenient than via Wi-Fi. For example, transfer a file via home network from computer to laptop and back is much faster and more reliable than using wireless communication.

There is nothing complicated about installing a cable connection. It is enough to insert the wire laid by the provider on the subscriber’s side into the appropriate connector of the PC, laptop or router.

Cable Internet setup may vary depending on the type of connection and, to a lesser extent, on the operating system. For Microsoft products, there are noticeable differences only in Windows interface XP compared to more modern versions.

Next we will consider the main important points that must be taken into account when connecting wired internet. Sequence of actions for setting up the most common types of cable connections in a Windows environment.

Choosing a provider

Before setting anything up, you need to have Internet access in the room. Communication service providers will help with this, from the right choice which determine the further comfort of staying online. As you explore your options, it is important to consider the following factors:

  • Possibility of laying a network cable on the subscriber side;
  • Cost of connection and services provided;
  • Terms of tariff plans;
  • Availability and responsiveness of the support service;
  • Promotions, bonuses, discounts provided by the provider.

Tariffs, promotions, connection availability - most operator companies post all this information on their websites. It is better to ask your friends who use the services of the provider you are interested in about the quality of communication and support.

Video tips for choosing an Internet provider:

Once you have made your choice, you must submit the appropriate application. This can be done by phone, on the company website or in person by visiting the office.

Types of wired connection

Cable network access methods vary depending on the equipment, cable, and software technologies used. To choose the most profitable and convenient option, you must first familiarize yourself with the existing types of wired Internet.

  • xDSL – connection via telephone line using a splitter to separate voice and Internet data frequencies. Maximum speed(ADSL) 24 megabits.
  • FTTB – optics into the building. High speed method used in multi-storey buildings. From the provider side to apartment building An optical cable is laid and connected to a switch, from which the Ethernet patch cord is routed to the subscribers' apartments.
  • xPON - a fiber optic cable is brought into the house, connected to a special router with an optical input, from which Ethernet wiring comes. The most promising and high-speed option (up to 1 Gbit/s).

Setting up a laptop to connect to the Internet via cable

System configuration depends on the hardware and network protocols used by the specific operator. When configuring client equipment, DHCP and PPPoE are the most common options.

Dynamic or Static IP (DHCP) - Settings for Windows

First you need to directly connect the Internet to the client device via the provider's cable. If the connection is not working properly, a yellow exclamation mark will appear on the network connections icon. This means that the cable is connected, but there is no connection to the Internet.

Editing the network connection options will help correct the situation. To do this, right-click on the corresponding icon in the notification area. In the menu that appears, click on the option to go to the Network and Sharing Center.

On the page that opens, look at the navigation on the left and go to the section for changing adapter parameters. Select the connection by local network, which shows the name of the network card, usually Realtek or Atheros models.

Right-click and click on “Properties” in the drop-down menu.

Connection options will open, in which we double-click on the “IP version 4” parameter or select it with one click of the right mouse button and click “Properties”.

Then you need to configure the TCP/IPv4 Internet protocol. Depending on the network construction technologies used by the provider, there are two options: dynamic or static IP.

Dynamic IP. If a DHCP server is running on the provider’s side or he specifically indicated that you need to use dynamic IP in the connection parameters, then in the protocol options we activate the switch “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain a DNS server address automatically.” Confirm by clicking “Ok”.

Static IP. In this case, the operator must provide the following data: IP address, subnet mask, default gateway. In addition, DNS server addresses can be provided. To fill in the appropriate fields, you must enable the radio buttons “Use the following IP address” and “Use the following DNS server address.”

If all the necessary parameters have been specified correctly, the connection will be established automatically after connecting the cable.


In this case, the provider does not provide an IP address, but authorization data - a login/password pair. To connect your laptop to the Internet via network cable Using PPPoE technology, you need to add a new connection in the Network and Sharing Center.

If everything is done in accordance with the instructions above, and the correct user authentication data is entered, you can click “Connect” and enjoy the comfort and speed of cable Internet.

Video on connecting PPPoE on Windows 10:

How to set up internet on windows 7

Today, the Windows 7 operating system is used by more and more users. Compared to Windows XP, the seven is not much different and, in principle, if you know XP well, you can work in the new Windows 7 without any problems. But still, despite the fact that this OS is very similar to Windows XP, there are still some differences in it. In today's article we will look at setting up an Internet connection in Windows 7 and using an example with screenshots we will learn how to set up the Internet on this system.

Instructions for setting up the Internet in the Windows 7 operating system

Before you start setting up an Internet connection, you need to install drivers for your modem, network card or other device with which you access the Internet. And only after the drivers for the necessary equipment have been installed, you can proceed directly to setting up an Internet connection. First you need to launch the Control Panel, to do this you need to click the Start button and select Control Panel:

You will see the Computer Settings window, in which you need to switch the view by category:

After that, in the list that appears, select “Network and Sharing Center”:

In the “Network and Sharing Center” you need to select the “Set up a new connection or network” item:

On next stage installation you need to be careful! Here the operating system prompts us to select an Internet connection option. In case you use ADSL connection, then you need to select the first item: “Connect to the Internet.” If you use, for example, 3G Internet, then you need to select the item “Set up a telephone connection.” Select the option you need and click “Next.” I chose the first option:

In the next window we just need to click on “High-speed (with PPPoE)” (If you are setting up 3G Internet, then at this stage you will see a modem selection window):

After this, you need to enter information from your Internet service provider. Here we write the username and password. If you are setting up 3G Internet, then you will have another additional field “Dialed number”. After the data has been entered, click the connect button:

If everything is configured correctly, you will see the message: “The Internet connection is ready to use”:

The next step internet settings on windows 7 will create a connection shortcut on the desktop. To do this, again go to the control panel -> Network and Sharing Center and click on the item “Change adapter settings”:

In the window that appears, right-click on the created connection and select “Create shortcut”:

Now click on the “Yes” button, thereby confirming the placement of the shortcut on the desktop:

How to change network card settings in Windows 7

As you all know, an Internet cable today is most often connected to a network card. The fact is that sometimes in order to properly configure the connection, it is necessary not only to install drivers but also to correctly configure the network card itself. To do this, you need to click on the “Change adapter settings” item in the “Network and Sharing Center” and in the window that opens, find “Local Area Connection.” On this connection, right-click to open the menu and select “Properties”, you have The following window will open:

Here you need to highlight Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click the properties button. A window will open in which you can enter the IP address, subnet mask, default gateway and other settings.

Possible problems when setting up the Internet on the Windows 7 operating system

If you did everything correctly but for some reason the Internet does not work on Windows 7, then you should check the following:

  • Hardware drivers. Once again, you need to check that the installed hardware drivers are correct.
  • Firewall settings (often included with antivirus programs). The fact is that when you create a new Internet connection, the firewall installed on your computer recognizes it as a new network and can block it. Therefore, you need to check your firewall settings and change them if necessary.
  • It is also a good idea to check your computer for viruses. The most effective way would be to check your PC using 2-3 of the most popular anti-virus programs.
  • If none of the above points gave a positive result, then you can repeat all the Internet setup steps again.
  • Check the functionality of the equipment (modem, network card) on another computer or another operating system.
  • You can study the article on how to set up the Internet on Windows XP. This article is located

It is perhaps difficult to find a person who does not use the Internet. Access to the World Wide Web has filled our lives both at work and at home, from children to the elderly, because many of them are also trying to keep up with developments computer technology. Therefore, the problem of connecting to the Internet is relevant to a wide audience. After reading this article, you will understand that connecting your computer to the Internet is not difficult at all. Since many people prefer the latest version software Windows 8, the article describes the actions of the user of this particular system, but if you have a different edition of Windows, you can also use these instructions, basically the connection system is the same.

First, decide on the source of Internet access: a landline connection, a Wi-Fi router or mobile Internet (via a SIM card). Enter into an agreement with the provider if necessary, and he will usually provide you with necessary equipment, starting with cable and ending with a high-speed modem or even a router. In case of use mobile internet you need to purchase a special modem or use mobile phone that is connected to the computer via a USB port. But in this case, the Internet speed is much slower. As soon as you have an Internet connection, start setting up the computer itself. To do this, go to the Start menu via administrator. In the window that opens, right-click and the “All Applications” heading will appear in the lower right corner. Select it by clicking the left mouse button.

Among all applications, select “Control Panel”. A new window will open different categories of settings for setting up your computer, open the second one in the list - “Network and Internet”.

Then go to the “Network and Sharing Center”, where in the upper left corner click on the “Change adapter settings” option.

In the “Network Connections” window that opens, move the cursor to the “Local Area Connection” symbol and call up the context menu using the right mouse button. From the suggested functions, select “Properties”.

Go to the “Network” tab, highlight the “Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)” heading and click on the “Properties” button.

In the next window, configure the final settings: check the boxes next to the “Obtain an IP address automatically” and “Obtain DNS server address automatically” functions.

If desired or necessary, in the event of a network failure, you need to set the addresses automatically, you need to adjust the parameters manually. You can obtain the necessary information from your network provider.

Connecting your computer to a wireless Wi-Fi networks, first repeat steps 2 and 3. Next, open the “Network and Sharing Center” and click on the “Connect to a network” option.

A window will pop up on the right showing the network connection settings. Check to see if Airplane mode is active - it should be turned off.

Below is a list of available connections. Left-click on the network of your choice and you will see a proposal to connect - click on it. You can also check the box next to “Connect automatically” - and your computer will connect to this network itself, if it is available. Usually, when checking the network requirements, you need to enter a password, but sometimes there is “free” Wi-Fi, which is provided by some establishments.

If you have followed all the instructions exactly, then your computer is already connected to the Internet, and you can enjoy access to the global information network. Otherwise, contact your provider's customer service center, and specialists will definitely help you solve all problems. If you still have questions, watch the video, which also illustrates step-by-step instruction Internet connection on Windows 8.

Every modern person uses privileges world wide web. At the same time, few people think about the principles of operation and connection. However, this knowledge may depend on your ability to work or have fun online from your laptop. After all, it’s not always possible to call a setup specialist. We will help you figure out on your own how to connect the Internet to a laptop.

First you need to choose the most suitable way to connect your computer to the Internet. This can be done wirelessly or wired:

  • using a cable;
  • using a router;
  • using a Wi-Fi network.

The first method allows you to achieve the highest data transfer speed when connecting. But its main disadvantage is that a laptop computer will cease to be such. You will have to find a point closest to the connection point, or buy an ultra-long wire. The second option also has its drawbacks, since the cable will interfere with free movement around the room.

As a rule, for wired Internet all settings are entered by the wizard. But when you reinstall the operating system, you may need to re-enter them. To do this you need to do the following:

  • connect the cable to the PC;
  • through the control panel, open the list of networks;
  • you need to set up a new connection - the second option;
  • Enter the username and password provided by your provider.

Setting up a wireless connection: router and Wi-Fi

The easiest way to connect to global network– use of Wi-Fi. This is possible if there is already a configured router in the room. In just a few minutes you will have a high-quality wireless connection. What is needed for this?

  • Enable the wireless transmission module on your PC.
  • Find the "Network Connections" tab, which is in the Control Panel folder.
  • Turn on your wireless connection.
  • You may have to enter an access password before connecting wireless Internet to the laptop. You can connect to an open network without a password.

No less important question– how to connect an Internet router to a laptop. Using our recommendations, anyone can cope with this task.

So, turn off your router. Connect the cable directly to the laptop through the appropriate connector. Then find “Network and Sharing Center” in the Windows menu.

Select local area connection properties. You need the fourth version of the protocol. Did an inscription with numbers appear? Copy them, these are Static IP. Select the option to obtain IP automatically.

Next, in the built-in browser of the operating system, insert the sequence of numbers (in the format with dots and without spaces) or into the address bar. A menu will appear in which you need to enter “admin” in the login and password fields (look for the login password on the router itself, often on a sticker next to the mac address). Select a dynamic IP and click “Next”. Enter the access point name and Wi-Fi password.

If your laptop still does not connect to the router, we recommend that you consult a specialist.

In any case, connecting a laptop to the Internet can be done in a few minutes. If you have problems with your connection or Internet speed, contact Wifire specialists. Our company is guaranteed to provide you with a high quality connection.


How to connect to the Internet through a laptop if its Wi-Fi is broken?

In this case, you need to use a network cable and the provider’s standard settings.

Will the connection speed on a laptop decrease when transferring data through a router?

Yes. If you want a high-speed connection, use a network cable.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services is in the “tariffs” section or by calling the phone number listed on the website.