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Understand who you were in a past life. Numerology will help you remember who I was in a past life

The theory of reincarnation and immortality of the soul has existed for more than one year. Ideas about the reincarnation of the soul have been known since the times of the ancient states of India and Greece. Many people believe that their soul has been living for a very long time, and they are interested in the question of whether it is possible to find out who they were in their past life... Today there are various tests that can shed light on this mystery.

Reasons for Believing in Reincarnation

Believers in reincarnation believe that it is quite possible to find out something about their past incarnations. To do this, you should be more attentive to your emotional, psychological and personal experiences. They attach great importance to such phenomena as:

  • deja vu effect;
  • various memories;
  • habits that are out of control;
  • diseases;
  • fears.

They believe that it is these aspects that can provide the main clue to unraveling the existing mystery of reincarnation.

These factors are directly related to the work of the subconscious. It is it that is responsible for intuition, and information about past births is hidden in it. After all, it is not for nothing that people, being in a state of hypnosis, recall their past incarnations.

Although many believe in the transmigration of the soul, only a few manage to remember something from their past. But where to get such a method, which would not be associated with complex calculations, as in the Jyotish horoscope. And there is such a way.

Numerological way

One of the main ways that can help to find out about the past birth is numerology. Who you were in a past life, this science determines by the date of birth. Numerological test for reincarnation will help you understand:

  • who the tested person was in the past incarnation;
  • what are his tasks for this life;
  • what karmic debts he has.

Calculation by date of birth

Numerology defines reincarnation by date of birth. In order to calculate the past incarnation, it is necessary to write down in numbers the date of your birth: day, month and year. For example, 08/16/1976. Then you need to add the numbers together: 1 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 38. The resulting number will be the answer to the question of interest.

Results table

Having found the resulting number in the table of results, you can find out who the test taker was in a previous life.

The resulting numberWho the test takers were in the past incarnation
4 Such a subject could engage in scientific activities, and was also fond of esotericism and magic.
5 Life was associated with the study of chemical elements and their compounds. Perhaps they were pharmacists, chemists, or made up perfume compositions.
6 Their life was associated with musical activities.
7 Engaged in the construction or design of buildings.
8 They studied the starry sky, were astronomers or were engaged in astrology. It is possible that they could have been famous travelers, and, setting off on a long journey, they were guided by the heavenly bodies.
9 People of art, were fond of creative activities.
10 Engaged in animal-related activities.
11 Conducted sinful activities that were associated with violations of the law. Perhaps they traded in theft, fraud, or killed.
12 Have caused a lot of harm to other people. Perhaps they belonged to terrorist groups, were involved in political crimes or were engaged in espionage.
13 These people have the karma of a slave. Perhaps they were under arrest or were subordinate.
14 Such a person showed himself to be heroic, but his fate ended tragically.
15 This number characterizes people whose karma is ordinary, neutral.
16 These people come from a wealthy and noble aristocratic family.
17 This number characterizes people with negative karma. They suffered from some kind of illness, experienced financial difficulties, and had problems in their personal lives.
18 Such a person could be a priest or a medicine man.
19 This man traveled a lot around the world and was engaged in scientific research.
20 Karma of an ordinary person, but he was very rich and achieved everything in his life by himself, by his own labor.
21 In a past life, he was a man who was engaged in hard labor.
22 Such a person engaged in fraud and loved adventures.
23 This number characterizes the soul that lived in a woman's body and was engaged in needlework.
24 The number characterizes people who were monks and led a hermitic life, performed austerities.
25 He could be the head of state and a very powerful ruler.
26 This subject devoted his whole life to serving other people, was an altruist in the past incarnation.
27 Pioneer.
28 These people could commit suicide in the past incarnation.
29 Were traders.
30 They were engaged in creative activities, could write poetry or be artists.
31 Actors.
32 They loved to travel, but ended their lives tragically, being alone, since they had no family and friends left.
33 They were as close as possible to the king or other ruler.
34 They were gallant warriors who died in an unequal battle.
35 This number characterizes people who were famous singers.
36 This number has bad karma, since such a person in a past life was a murderer, suffered from personality disorders, or could be a scientist who loved to experiment on people, could also be a sadist.
37 These people were hermits or monks who found comfort in God.
38 Engaged in prostitution.
39 The main activity was related to the gambling business.
40 They were scientists and made a significant contribution to the development of science or history.
41 Famous writers.
42 These people were good cooks.
43 They committed some kind of crime and were punished for it - they were executed.
44 Famous individuals who have committed many atrocities in their past life.
45 Could be famous doctors who made some great discovery in medical science, which people use in our time.
46 The man who was on military service, was very devoted to his homeland and could commit a heroic deed.
47 These people led a lifestyle that was far from the benefits of civilization. Perhaps they lived in a hermit.
48 Were engaged in the production or sale of weapons.

Of course, it is very easy to conduct such a test and find out who the person was in a past life. But this test can also help answer the question of what karmic debts this or that soul has.

After all, if, for example, a person committed suicide in a previous incarnation, then it becomes clear why he suffers in this life from many problems and experiences a lot of difficulties.

Remembering a past life by date of birth, you can only half-reveal the secret of your life. After all, the soul comes to this world not only to work off the karma of its previous lives, but also to fulfill its task for this life, to find its purpose.

This problem can be solved by also resorting to the help of numerology.

The calculation method is also quite simple. You must write down your date of birth in numbers. For example, 12/25/2002. The last digit will be the required karmic number:

In this case, it is necessary to determine the number that is repeated most times in the date of birth. For example, the number 2 appears 4 times in it, which means that in its past incarnations the soul has already tried to fulfill its destiny 4 times, but, unfortunately, could not do it.

Then you need to write out those numbers that are missing in the date of birth. For example, 04/27/1987. Missing numbers: 3, 5, 6.

Only knowing his karmic tasks for this life, a person will be able to figure out what his true purpose is, and fully realize it.

Is it really that easy step over the edge of reality and find out your past lives?

Until recently, it was safe to say that it is quite difficult and requires a lot of strength and skills.

Of course, this requires some practice and self-confidence, and in some cases you cannot do without an assistant.

But now we already boldly say that there are keys available opening up the space of past lives.

8 ways to open the door to a past life

1. Sleep.

Every day we fall into a state of sleep. Some of us say we don't dream or remember. But a lot of people tell amazing stories about their dreams. So why is it impossible through this state, when a person comes into direct communication with his subconscious, go to the memory of past lives ? Sure!

First you need to practice your memory a little. To do this, each time after waking up, consciously recall what you saw in a dream. Better yet, write down everything you remember. This will not only be a kind of "warm-up" for the brain, but it can also open up for you an understanding of those signs that often come in a dream.

After this training (exercise for about one or two weeks), you can start traveling to a past life.

As you go to bed, tell yourself that tonight you will see and remember him when you wake up. It is not necessary that the information will come immediately overnight. This can be a series of dreams in which you will learn something new. It is necessary to write down everything that you dream - this way you will form a complete picture of your past life. After you have considered whatever you want, take a break and allow yourself to sleep for a while normally, with no intention of seeing a past life.

2. Reflection.

You will need some kind of reflective surface for this method. And here you can choose what you like.

This can be a regular mirror, a glass of water, or a glass ball.

Using a glass of water, you need to fill it to the brim. When using a mirror, position it so that a light surface, such as a wall, is visible in the reflection. Your reflection should not be there.

Mentally say the intention that you want to see events from a past life, and peer into the reflective surface of the water, glass ball or mirror.

3. Hypnosis.

It is believed that this is the most "terrible" and difficult method. In fact, it is also one of effective ways knowledge of oneself, and some people resort to hypnosis in order to find out the most reliable, as it is believed, information.

To avoid worrying about such a deep method of working with the psyche, you need to contact a trusted specialist. So you will save yourself from unnecessary fears and will be able to plunge into the space of your past incarnations.

4. Clock.

By using an object that measures the passage of time, you can also travel to a past life. You will need a watch with a large enough dial.

To perform the first method of travel, you need to sit in a comfortable environment and set a clock next to you. Then just listen to the ticking clock and imagine a situation in your life where you were following the hour hand.

"Move" into this episode and continue to follow the movement of the hand on the clock. And then, listening to the clock next to you and recalling the events associated with them, go into past life exploration as you intend. Just watch where you go from the watch episode.

Another way is to set the clock in front of your eyes and observe the hand of the clock. Then you need to close your eyes and imagine the same clock on the inner screen. Now imagine how first the big arrow disappears, then the small one. Then, one by one, "remove" all the numbers from the dial. And ... forward into the past!

5. Letter.

This is a pretty interesting way to travel into past lives. Working in this way, you can immerse yourself in the study of your incarnations without outside help, but it requires some practice. Most people, starting to experiment, reproduce figures and letters that cannot be deciphered. However, over time, the letter becomes more and more legible.

To work you need paper, pen or pencil. Sit comfortably at a table with your elbow at a ninety-degree angle.

Think about how you would like about one of your previous existences. At will, you can either think about a certain past incarnation, or rely on chance.

Freely holding a pen or pencil in your hand, place it on the paper and wait for it to move. Sit quietly and watch what happens. top scores are obtained when there are no thoughts and expectations in the head.

6. Chronicles of Akasha.

The Akashic Chronicle is a complete archive of records of everything that ever happened in the universe. This is a kind of collective memory, the Library of the Universe, which contains the life and history of all events that happened at some time or planned in the future for us in time.

Every thought, feeling or action is reflected there, and if desired, you can access the events of interest.

You need to think in advance about what exactly you want to know. You need good reasons to visit the Akashic Chronicles, you should not take this trip as something entertaining or curious. This is a serious task and you must approach it with the right attitude. More often than not, such an important journey requires the practical skill of working in some other way to study past lives.

For the dive itself, you need to prepare a comfortable environment for yourself in which you can fully relax.

This, in turn, can be done independently using meditation. And through your intention, concentration on the inner screen, you can go into the study of your lives.

7. Spiritual guide.

It is also a very valuable and fun way to explore your past lives. It allows you not only to get into your past life, but also.

You also need to sit in a comfortable environment, relax and allow yourself not to think about anything. Just express your mental intention - invite your Spiritual Guide into the space of the inner screen.

When a certain image comes to you, you can get to know him, find out his name and ask to lead you into a past life.

8. Reincarnation.

This is a method that anyone can master. The Reincarnation Institute has proven that 9 out of 10 women can recall past lives within one hour under the guidance of an experienced counselor. For men, the statistics are slightly different, but also very good.

The advantage of the method is that the training is carried out in an easy and playful way, no complicated terminology, in a language that even a child can understand. And with this seeming simplicity, results are achieved that are difficult to believe for a person who first hears about such meditative practices.

Reincarnation was appreciated by both those who are fond of self-knowledge, esotericism, various spiritual directions, and professional psychologists, who saw the limitless possibilities of the method for solving psychological problems, such as fighting depression, healing traumatic situations, helping in crisis moments such as divorce. , loss of job, change of residence and move to an unfamiliar country.

The head of the institute, Maris Dreshmanis, pays special attention not even to the memories of other incarnations, but the space between incarnations, the Spiritual World.

You may have read the books of the famous American hypno-therapist Michael Newton "The Journey of the Soul" and "The Purpose of the Soul". These books describe in great detail, Our Soul returns Home!

Training is conducted all year round, during the year 3 sets, since 1 course lasts 4 months. After it ends Certificate of Practice of Reincarnation is issued, during the 1st year alone, some students remember more than 40 incarnations.

The second course also lasts 4 months, you can acquire the profession of a Reincarnation Consultant, great attention is also paid to business processes and marketing.

In the third year, Trainers are taught.

As you can see, there is more than one way of knowing the space of past incarnations. Past life travel can also be acquired through other techniques such as Theta Healing, Dianetics, NLP, Regressive Hypnosis, Shamanic Travel, and others.

When Maris Dreshmanis is asked how his method (certificate of RosPatent No. 537258) differs from similar ones, he answers as follows:

In our time, the Internet is most conveniently explained in terms of modernity. The computer of each of you is connected to the Internet using wires or wifi. But to view the information, you use different browsers, for example, google chrome, firefox, windows explorer, opera, safari.

Reincarnation is a browser with which you connect to the Universal Internet. Which browser to use is up to you, because you choose the most convenient one for yourself.

Want to REMEMBER your Past Lives?

Then register right now on Reincarnation Marathon , during which you will learn to remember your Past Lives.

The Reincarnation Institute has proven that 9 out of 10 women can remember Past Lives for 1 hour.

More than 600 people from all over the world have already activated the memory of the Soul with the help of reincarnation, and the institute has also trained 123 certified consultants who help in solving problems using reincarnation tools.

Reincarnation by date of birth, based on the Pythagorean tables.

What does the knowledge of reincarnation give us?

Suppose we find out where and when we were born in our previous incarnations. Why do we need this? What does it give us? It would seem that this knowledge is completely useless for our present life. But actually it is not.

The first thing that the teaching on reincarnation gives us is getting rid of the fear of death. Death turns for us from a scarecrow, devouring and consuming, from eternal nothingness, into a door open for our transition to other worlds. Non-being is canceled, and the knowledge comes about the continuation of life in a different form, on other levels, in other worlds.

We stop wondering why we are so beaten in this life, why they make us suffer so much. We have no doubts about the injustice of the Lord and the law of the Universe. We receive a powerful incentive to live with dignity.

Seneca believed that "life is not good or evil in itself, but only an arena for good and evil." He also owns the saying: “It makes no difference when to die - sooner or later. Who lives - in the power of fate; whoever is not afraid of death has escaped its power. "

The death of a person (if we understand it as an irreversible process of the end of any kind of existence) turns a person's life with his searches, efforts and aspirations into a meaningless path to nowhere. A person sees life in a completely different way, having received information about the existence of higher worlds, in which the soul continues its life after the death of the body and where everything that we have achieved in our spiritual development is preserved and used. Belief in the immortality of the soul and the existence of higher worlds instantly removes many questions, freeing a person from the heavy oppression of the meaninglessness of his existence.

425. Guest, 2020-02-27 13:15:28

The idea of ​​eternal life is inherent in practically all religions, the human brain is not able to comprehend the category of non-being, so it is not so difficult to believe that you will live forever.

Only some religious ideas are associated with the transition of the soul to another world, different from ours. Others say that a person again makes the transition to this world in order to learn to live righteously. According to the ideas of the ancient Indians, the soul can go from a stone to incarnation in a person.

And being in a person, she goes through the castes (conditionally, from a servant to a clergyman). Only being in the highest caste (brahmana) the soul has the opportunity to stop the cycle of rebirth and attain the state of eternal bliss.

The desire to find out who you were in a past life is not always generated by simple curiosity. A person may ask this question because he often experiences the effect of déjà vu.

  • Antiquities or events seem familiar to him.
  • Or we have strange dreams with scenes from the past that have not happened to a person in this life.

Knowing who you were in a past life can help you find answers to questions that haunt you in your current incarnation. The events of this life are closely connected with the actions of a person in the past incarnation, which is why this knowledge is so important and useful.

How to find out the secret of your past incarnation

There are several ways to find out who you were in a past life. These are meditative practices, holotropic breathing, astrology. One of the most simple ways to know your incarnation - numerology.

The calculation requires a minimum - to know the date of birth of a person. The keepers of the secret knowledge of the East left ancient tables, by which you can find out all the information about a past life by the date of the current birth.

To calculate and determine your past using numerology, get ready. Take a piece of paper and a pencil.

Let's take, for example, the date of birth on September 29, 1992. Let's look at table # 1. On the left we find the first three digits - 199. Above the last digit - 2. At the intersection we see the letter X, fix it.

Man or woman?

In the next tablet, we are looking for the month of birth. In our example, this is September. All months are listed twice here. You need to find the letter that was recorded in table number 1, in our example it is X.

  • If you find the letter in the first part of the mention of the month, then in a previous life you got the role of a man.
  • If in the second case - a woman.

When you have found your letter, look at the table header. There it is indicated type character... We have the letter X, the symbol of type IV, the number of the profession 4. Next to the month is indicated profession letter... September - V. We fix all the received data on a piece of paper.

Place of residence

In table 3 on the right we are looking for a symbol of type (IV). Then, in this block, we look for the birth number (29) and see which planet the number belongs to. We have it the Moon. On the left, we look at the same line, where the number (29) in the column “men” is the number 26 (place number). Let's write it down.

In table 4, we are looking for the number 26 and find out the country where we lived. It turns out Austria.


In table number 5 you can find out past profession... To do this, remember the profession number (we have 4) and the letter (B) and see what numerology will say. Our example in a past life was a warrior, a butcher, a fisherman, a hunter, a person who performed sacrifices (one of these options).

The purpose

In table number 6, numerology will allow you to find out what this incarnation will give you. To do this, you need to remember the planet under which the date of birth (Moon) was located and look at the value of your planet, taking into account the date of birth.

Having this information on numerology, you can change your life, making it more perfect. Analyze the picture of your past life, find points of contact with your current incarnation - this is the key to many questions concerning your life.

Carefully consider the purpose, this applies not only to your profession and self-realization, but also to your attitude towards others. After shedding light on the picture of your life, analyze the incarnations of loved ones and relatives by their date of birth. Author: Ekaterina Volkova

So, according to the test results, you were the Priestess. You are a strong, wise woman, regardless of age. They listen to your words, await your advice. Your bosses appreciate you, and your colleagues want to be friends with you. And this can be explained by the fact that in a past life you were a priestess, and were endowed with almost unlimited power, leading the fate of many. People admired your wisdom as you were an embodiment higher powers and brought Knowledge to people. And the secrets of the universe were your handy tools.

So, according to the test results, you were the Duchess. You are sometimes accused of arrogance (if they dare, of course). With your family, you are capricious, capricious, and even acquaintances, friends and colleagues often fulfill your whims. You have few girlfriends, but men catch your every word. This does not surprise you, because somewhere in your heart you know that you were once an aristocrat, and therefore you do not see anything strange in the fact that your whims are fulfilled. You lived in an old castle, erected next to a pond where swans swam, and surrounded by a blossoming rose garden.

R.S. I don’t know, I don’t know.

So, according to the test results, you were the Country Beauty. Simplicity and naturalness are inherent in you. You do not like pretentiousness and glamor, noisy companies and people with defiant behavior. You love animals, you adore the country air. It cannot be otherwise, because you are a child of nature, in your past life you lived in a small, cozy village surrounded by a birch grove. In the morning they woke up to the singing of a nightingale, and fell asleep to the scent of nightly violets. And even today, having visited the river or at least near the grove, you feel a surge of strength and an impetus to new achievements.

I am the beloved concubine of the Sultan, everything just coincided, I'm amazed.

yayayayaya was a TRAVELER!