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Rules and stages of working with objections. Technology of working with objections as a way to reach an agreement The most effective techniques for working with objections

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Entrepreneurs and sales managers often face objections from the client. Resistance is an unconscious reaction to an invasion of personal space. Often clients do not even think about their phrases, but react spontaneously. And here you need to understand that critical comments often do not mean a refusal, but hide a desire to get more information about a product or service. Business coach Vladimir Yakuba spoke in his column about how to competently work with client objections.

36 years old, entrepreneur, business coach, HR expert, founder and owner of several companies (Tom Hunt, Business Realty,,,, Education: Nizhny Novgorod State University (specialties in economics and jurisprudence), Higher School of Economics (HR Management). Author of several books and training films on leadership, sales and human resources. Host of the television program “Personnel Decide”, participant in the reality show “Candidate with Vladimir Potanin” on the TNT channel.

You can't argue, you can't agree

The culture of communication with clients needs to be learned. But various trainings and courses will be ineffective if you do not use your knowledge in practice and try new ways of interaction. Possible mistakes should not be scary; you need to listen to them in order to hone your skills and take it to a new level.

The salesperson must be prepared for resistance from the client in order to find the right words to answer in time. Dissatisfied and doubtful people are present in any audience, but this only proves their interest in the service. Trying to gently convince your opponent or enter into a discussion with him is pointless. A dispute will only provoke the development of a conflict, which will lead to the loss of a potential client and, accordingly, profit. Therefore, you need to agree with the buyer, but do it in such a way that what is said ultimately turns into a direct benefit for the seller.

It is important to take any objection seriously, regardless of its content and form of expression. You need to try to understand the true motives of the buyer and it is advisable not to delay in answering. A long pause in the conversation will make the client think that the seller has nothing to say in favor of the product being offered. Don't give the buyer time for a deep thought process. Then he will definitely find another compelling argument for refusing the deal.

Let's dwell on a few important points. Objections from the buyer may be:

    False: overcoming them only gives rise to new doubts, and only politeness prevents the client from directly declaring his complete reluctance to make a purchase;

    True: If you manage to defeat them, the deal will be concluded.

Dealing with objections is always about understanding and clues. In a dialogue with a client, it is necessary to use both of these components. If the seller speaks in complete sentences, the buyer has the opportunity to bombard him with questions. In order not to lose the dominant position in the conversation and “catch” the client’s attention, the manager should always add a question to his phrase. This will definitely distract a person from unnecessary thoughts and even confuse him; he may even forget what he wanted to say. After all, now he will have to answer first, and only then express his opinion.

There is no need to be afraid of rejection from the client. It is important to keep his attention in order to be able to continue the conversation at any cost.

How to interest a client

A competent seller understands that he will have to deal with smart and thoughtful buyers. Almost all clients are familiar with the typical tricks, and today these methods are ineffective and sometimes simply do not work. Real results can be achieved using non-standard techniques:

1. Listen carefully to the client’s objections, making it clear that his opinion is very interesting and important. It doesn’t matter if the points of view of the buyer and seller do not coincide. The latter’s task is to rid the client of all doubts. Use emotions, change your intonation, let the client feel that you are interested in him.

2. The seller must be able to use questions and elements of the opponent’s expressions in his speech, this will allow people to speak the same language, which usually leads to mutual understanding.

3. It is worth asking the doubter not only to voice the problem, but also to speak out regarding its solution. Nothing brings people together more than doing something in common. This will help fill gaps in your own knowledge in the future.

4. You cannot use the phrases-objections that the buyer gave in your speech.. This will sow even more doubts, and therefore there is no need to give the client a tool to directly refuse the purchase.

5. You need to agree with the buyer’s arguments. Irritation and uncertainty are not the best assistants for a seller. The manager should not object to the fact that the price of the product is high, but simply justify this with the positive characteristics of the product.

6. You can bring all your opponent’s arguments to the point of absurdity, crushing them with stronger statements. Emphasize the brand's popularity, provide evidence of real research, tell more about costs and other factors influencing pricing.

7. Earn the client’s trust by demonstrating your openness, emphasize that you understand his doubts and are ready to help him understand the essence of the issue.

8. Don’t forget about transitional phrases. They will help keep the client’s attention and continue the conversation.

9. Don’t use the word “expensive” in your speech., it has a negative effect on everyone. Try to use general ornate phrases.

10. And in exceptional cases, the buyer can and even should be interrupted. If the client has deviated greatly from the conversation, asking the right question will help bring him back to the topic.

In a conversation, you should always remember that not a single client’s question should be left unanswered, even if the buyer is interested in completely unnecessary or absurd things.

A very useful skill is to learn to anticipate objections from the audience.. This way you can build a further interaction strategy in advance.

If the buyer still has some doubts when concluding a deal, you can try to find a compromise, make some concessions, and talk about discounts and gifts. All this is a very good incentive to buy.

We work on practical skills

All buyer objections can be divided into several categories. Whatever the answer may be, there is no need to rudely insist on your own. Try to continue the conversation gently and unobtrusively and follow in the right direction. For a better understanding, let's look at a few typical situations.

"I do not need anything"

If the client flatly refuses the offer, use one of the options:

    Say that you don't mean an immediate purchase and that it's just a matter of perspective. After all, no one knows what he might need in a week or month.

    Emphasize that you just want to get him up to speed.

    Colorfully outline the prospects for the purchase.

    Frankly ask the client what exactly might make him look at the product.

"No money"

If the client says that he does not have the funds to purchase, then it is worth trying the following options:

    Agree, emphasizing that there is no money because the client has to overpay when using the services of other suppliers.

    Turn the conversation to the quality of the product, saying that the price can always be negotiated.

    Make a hypothetical assumption that the situation can always change, and the money will appear right tomorrow, and the buyer will already know who to buy the goods from.

    Remind that funds are always available when there is an urgent need for something. Offer other payment terms.

"Too expensive"

Almost all buyers complain about high prices. And the seller’s task is to correctly present the product in advance. If this doesn't help, go another way:

    Find out how much the buyer values ​​the item at. Agree that the price is a little sad, then explain in detail how it is formed.

    Remind the client that everyone has ever bought something for more than they expected and was happy. Share your personal story.

    Say that you have named the retail price and are ready to discuss more favorable terms.

    Remind that the purchased item can be sold in a year with almost no loss in price or even making a profit.

"I'm working with another supplier"

If the client is already collaborating with someone, then explain to him that:

    There is nothing stopping you from starting to work with a new counterparty. Perhaps he will be more satisfied with new cooperation in the future.

    It is always more convenient to work with two suppliers; many reputable companies do this today.

    Your proposal is a perspective for the future. Why not consider other terms of the deal, why give up obvious benefits?

    Don't rush to answer. Try together to analyze the buyer’s work with another supplier. Make the client think about what terms his partner would offer if he knew about your meeting.

"I will think"

This shows that the buyer is still unsure about his decision. Make it clear that you accept his answer, and then begin to gently persuade him:

    Start talking frankly, say that you yourself use this product. Don't forget to remind about inflation, hint that thinking for a long time is risky.

    Find out what exactly confuses the client. Tell him that he is right and you need to take a break, just immediately make a new meeting for the near future.

    Suggest starting with a minimum order quantity and a temporary contract.

    Emphasize that tomorrow the terms of cooperation may change. When the customer is ready to place an order, the deal may not be so profitable


Having tuned in to successful sales performance, the manager will have to completely overcome embarrassment when communicating with the buyer. And in order not to seem overly annoying, you need to practice your skills and use new communication techniques.

Hello, dear readers and guests of this blog. Pavel Yamb is in touch. Today I have selected one useful topic for you. It will be of interest to those who do not know what the methods and stages of working with customer objections are. If you are a manager or specialist from the sales department, or sell partner information technologies, then, in any case, this knowledge will be useful to you.

So, if you are a businessman, then you have had to deal with people’s reluctance to make a purchase. Some doubts, hesitations. Surely, it has happened in your life when a visitor admires the goods for a long time, and then calmly turns around and is about to leave. And you know for sure that he came for a reason, and he has money.

But, here's the problem! The person doesn’t want to buy, and that’s all! Although, before this, you told him for a long time and tediously about the advantages of the goods, talked about their benefits, which are obvious to you. The main thing is that before that he agreed with you, but after that he got stuck - and to no avail!

What should I do? Where can I find the right words, facts or compelling arguments to convince this stubborn person and force him to open his wallet?

Let's try to convince him!

First of all, remember once and for all that a client is not a fortress that needs to be stormed with numerous casualties! On the contrary, it is a close friend on whom the store’s profit depends! This is how you need to set yourself up.

The key to future success is the attitude towards a given person. He is the one who will bring you income, although he does not know about it yet. And the result will depend on how you behave.

Please don't misunderstand me. I do not encourage you to flatter him, please him and wag your tail. No. It’s just that in the old days there was an opinion that the buyer is always right. But this axiom, in my opinion, is outdated. On the contrary, he is often wrong, and you must guide him on the right path and prove to him how much he will lose if he refuses this luxurious product.

Therefore, let us play on his field, without losing sight of our vital interests.

I hope you understand?!

Forget about principles and use him in such a way that he will not understand anything.

Is it possible?!

Those who are aces in sales have come up with many techniques for dealing with objections, and in each situation you need to choose the right answer. Don't forget that every customer is different, and what resonates with one person may not work with another. Therefore, you need to be a psychologist and understand at first glance who you are dealing with. To begin with, just talk to the person, and only then offer him the product.

Make a good impression on him during your first conversation. Become a “member of the board” for the visitor.

You must have a presentable appearance. People will not appreciate the gloomy and unshaven personality of the seller in a dirty shirt with an ineradicable smell of fumes. I hope there is no need to explain this.

Buyers like polite, smiling managers who don’t go crazy trying to prove that you don’t understand a damn thing about products. They love those who give gentle and friendly advice! You must make a joint “swim” with the buyer, and then quietly make him “moor” in your harbor! I’m speaking in metaphors now, but I hope you understand me and draw the right conclusions.

Handle objections wisely

VPPA rule:

B - listen to the person.

Understand what he wants and try not to interrupt him. God forbid you object if it seems that you have not yet understood what he wants to say. Let the person express his thought to the end. Learn this from the Japanese. They are polite, smiling, and, most importantly, never say the word “no.” At the end of the day, you are looking for results from your visitor, so be quiet and let people speak!

P - join us.

Engage in conversation at the right time. Pick a moment in the conversation when you feel like you agree with the person. For example, if he says that prices are high now, it is quite possible to agree and even sympathize. Prices are really through the roof now!

And if he says that he doesn’t like Chinese counterfeits, then you can also agree with that. Who likes to throw money away?! If you do not agree with the buyer, then it is better to remain silent. Don't get into trouble and don't advertise your opinion. Let the other person think that you have the same views on life.

Silent means consent! And any contradiction is a confrontation in dialogue!

P - rephrase his statements.

In those places where you disagree with him, try to be a diplomat. Tell him: “Yes, you noticed this subtly. It’s nice to deal with an intelligent person, but you must understand that…” and then paraphrase his objections in your direction.

A - give reasons for your objections.

With any buyer responses in the style:

and similar unconvincing nonsense one must always agree with. Just try to erase the word “from use” forever. But" If you need to object, then replace it with the phrases: “yes, and, nevertheless...”, “on the one hand, you are right, and at the same time...”,


The visitor jokes:

– Your goods are expensive! Look, at Fedya Petukhov’s they give everything away for free, and even pour a hundred grams of cognac onto the road!

You must answer with dignity:

“Yes, you are absolutely right, ours is a little more expensive, and at the same time you get free warranty service, delivery at our expense, a guarantee from a European brand...” And list all the benefits of your proposal. And then you add:

“You’re not a stupid person, and you see that we can do it much cheaper!”

It’s hard to disagree with this argument.

Now let’s look at an example with the unfortunate word “but”:

Visitor says:

– Your goods are more expensive than Fedya Petukhov’s!

If you tell him: “But we still have a guarantee; and we deliver the goods, and also pour one hundred grams per road!”, no matter how tempting it may sound, from the outside it still looks like a pathetic attempt to justify itself.

Did you feel it?

The meaning is the same, but the effect is completely opposite!

So, to summarize: never use that scary word “BUT”!

Take a break

If your interlocutor asks you a sensitive question, do not rush to answer it. When you feel that the answer will compromise you, it is better to remain silent. And if the interlocutor is too pushy, answer like this:

  1. "I'm not ready to answer"
  2. "I need to consult"
  3. "I cannot be responsible for our leadership"
  4. “Unfortunately, I am not the one who decides these issues, there are higher-ranking officials”

We can say that later you will definitely return to this issue. And then, as the conversation progresses, the need for an answer may disappear. People often forget the original topic of conversation. Just don't try to use this technique often, because the conversation may go in the wrong direction.

Our people

In some cases, the visitor’s attacks become inadequate and take on the character of overt aggression. When his subjective assumptions and accusations begin to prevail, you need to firmly take the reins into your own hands. There is a good technique for such a case.

For example, if they say to you: “Who needs these stupid products anyway? You only know how to extract money from people!”

Answer calmly and with dignity: “Now you sound exactly like the people who have now become our best customers.”

This phrase will discourage you and put you into a slight stupor for a while.

And you know what to do with a knocked out opponent!

Concentrate your answers into one

Don't try to answer every question your interlocutor has. Listen to the general flow of his comments and questions, and then concentrate the answers in one definition. In this way, you will save personal time and nerves, avoiding many long and unnecessary discussions. Value your time and be polite to your opponents.

The answer is a boomerang

You can stop all the visitor’s attacks by reprimanding him in the form of a response question.

Let's say he tells you:

“In Fedya Petukhov’s store the prices are like in China, not like yours!”

Smile and say:

“Do you have extra money that you are willing to donate to the development of China?”

Most likely he will answer: “Why?”

You: “Chinese goods are disposable. You’ll just throw that money away!”

He: “Maybe I won’t throw it away!”

You: “A cheap product cannot be good!”

Something like this.

Everything is relative

If they tell you: “Everything is expensive!”

This remark can be answered like this: “Expensive compared to what? With matches? or “What amount did you expect?”

Sometimes buyers simply talk about a high price “out of the blue”, hoping for discounts, and if you ask them the question “where have you seen it cheaper?”, then most likely there will be nothing to answer. Sometimes in response they start telling you fictitious stories and myths, such as these about copywriting, which you, as a professional, must skillfully counter.

Refer to authority

If you were pricked about the low popularity of your brand, and were told that Fedya Petukhov’s store is on everyone’s lips, don’t get lost. Tell your meticulous interlocutor that you are collaborating with other thriving brands, such as Vasya Zyukin and Company.

If you have no one to refer to at all, then answer something like this: “Yes, while our company is just gaining momentum, but fame and good reputation do not fall from the ceiling, so we work only with honest and proven companies. Therefore, alas, we are not familiar with Fedor Petukhov.” Thus, you parry the attack of your interlocutor and call into question the reputation of the unsurpassed Fedya Petukhov.

How to best deal with price objections

When talking to people, try to talk about the price of a product only after you have listed its benefits from the purchase. First you need to make him shiver and tremble at the mere mention of your product. He must be crazy about him. Only after you feel that he is ripe, calm him down and then name the amount.

If he's happy with everything, but he wants you to give him a discount, don't argue with him. The last wish of the buyer is the law for the seller. But, you simply have to get your benefit in this situation. Make him a return offer. Want a discount? Please! Just don’t forget to impose on him a large batch of products in return for this service. Or offer an additional service at a small discount.

And he is happy - and you feel good!)))

Be sure to focus on the benefits to the person and say that they are much greater than the price of your product. Remind that a quality product cannot cost a penny. If a person argues that the price is high, ask him again: “Are you talking about the price of the product or its value?”

Make the price clear

Divide the cost of the product into small parts: use daily payments, months or quarters for clarity. Lay everything out for him. Explain: “the price of an air conditioner is 3,741 rubles per year, and daily it is only 10 rubles 25 kopecks. In addition, there is a five-year warranty. Is it too expensive for you to pay ten dollars for indoor comfort?”

Hint that he will lose if he refuses such benefits. For example, tell us about your free repairs, that you deliver purchases to your home, consultations with specialists, and you will advise them for free at all stages of the purchase. That he can become a regular customer and receive invitations to promotions, discounts, etc. etc.

Frequent blunders

  1. Don't turn your business responsibilities into a battle with customers. This is the main mistake. As you know, an attack provokes a response! And all kinds of confrontations and disputes are a long winding road to closing the store. You need to talk to people effectively, not fight!
  2. If you, as a seller, behave insecurely when communicating, or you have little competence, then the person communicating with you will immediately think: “Should I purchase a product or service in a place where even the seller does not understand anything about what sells. I’d rather go to another store!”
  3. A salesperson who is too active and talkative is also bad. Just like being too closed off.
  4. It’s not nice when the seller swoops in like a kite and asks the buyer a bunch of questions at once. Don't lash out! Let the person look at the goods and come to his senses.

The benefits of reading the classics

To become a sales professional and skillfully answer tricky questions, practice alone will not be enough. There are many useful books, by reading which you will learn how to work with objections correctly. After reading, you will become more confident in yourself, and communication with customers will be much easier.

I offer you a short list of popular books that will help you become more competent in this matter:

In addition to these books, there is other literature on rhetoric.

You can watch useful films on this topic. For example: the film "The Americans". It also has another name: “Sellers”. In addition to these, there are films: “Boiler Room” and “The Pursuit of Happiness.” They are often demonstrated in classes on effective selling techniques.

One of the witty dialogues is shown in the film "Sellers". There, a dialogue takes place over the phone, where the manager asks the future buyer a question that can only be answered unequivocally. The question is: “Are you happy or are you married.” After the man answered that he was married, he was asked a series of questions, after which he was so confused that he agreed to the purchase.

The essence of the conversation was that the seller used any of the man’s answers for his own purposes. For example, when a man replied that he needed to consult his wife about a purchase, the seller asked: “Does your wife ask you when she buys another fur coat or boots for herself?”

This episode shows a clever example of how to deal with objections. Watching it is instructive.

Main arguments

The seller must know all the benefits of the product and have the following qualities:

  • Be confident in the products.
  • Know the buyer's benefits.
  • Be able to listen and agree.
  • Show kindness.
  • Believe that everything can be sold.
  • Remember, if a person objects for a long time, it means he wants to buy.

Set yourself up for success

In the business literature, an example is given of a certain sales agent. He was the record holder for the number of sales. The secrets of this man were one thing - he had no doubts about success. Waking up in the morning, he often repeated: “the more you smile, the more you sell.”

So, the key to success is three factors:

  1. benevolence.
  2. composure.
  3. determination.

Frequent customer responses

Check out these helpful sample dialogs:

Typical excuse:

- I will definitely call you.

– If you answer like that, it means you are not interested in our product. I need a sincere answer.

They must answer you with the same sincerity.
Or this:

He says:

– I have to think about this proposal.

- Absolutely correct. It's worth thinking about. Why are you interested in my product?

This will force the interlocutor to be frank.

After the conversation, if they didn’t buy from you, be sure to set an exact time for a future meeting. Excuses like:

I’ll call you back” or “I’ll think about it”, immediately reject it!

Better set a specific date:

- Come on, I’d better call you back. At your convenience? Wednesday or Friday?”, “From 9 to 14 or later?

Immediately deprive the buyer of an alternative: whether he will call or not. It’s better to set a specific time and date for the meeting yourself. He will think that he made this choice himself. But in reality it will be your tough decision.

That's all friends. I really hope that my short review was useful to you. Click on the social media icons and write in the comments whether the article was useful to you.

Algorithm for handling objections

There is a technique for working with objections, the use of which can make the work of sales managers easier. Information about it is presented in many textbooks. Unfortunately, few people know how to use this wonderful tool correctly. “Know” and “be able” are completely different concepts. In order to learn how to play an instrument, you need to constantly train the skill. The technique of working with objections can be successfully used not only in the sales process, but also in everyday life.

Before moving on to the algorithm for working with objections, test your skills and test yourself.

I give the objection: “I don’t need it.” Start practicing it. How do you respond to this objection?

– Some of you begin to convince me of the need for a purchase, talking about your product and its unique properties.

– Someone started talking about the company, its history, traditions, discounts, promotions, etc.

– Some of you asked the question “Why?”

– Someone is tempted by the offer to send something by mail and then call, naively believing that after reading your letter, I will understand the necessity of purchasing a product or service from your company.

I constantly hear all this in the role-playing games that I conduct at trainings.

So, what is the algorithm for dealing with objections? What kind of instrument is this?

These are three sequential steps that allow you to reach an agreement with the client:

– accession;

– argumentation;

– closing.

When working with objections, using this particular technology is very simple and very productive.

Let's start looking at each step.

First step - accession

The task of this stage is to establish an atmosphere of mutual understanding, to provide the client with the opportunity to express his opinion, which, very likely, will not coincide with your attitude to the topic of the issue. You just need to be careful not to strengthen the objection! To do this you should join not to fact, but to opinion the client, to his judgment. It is very important!

Client: "It costs a lot".

Salesman: “Yes, it’s expensive (joined the fact!). At the same time, you must agree that a good product cannot be cheap on the market.”

When the seller has joined the fact, he has to justify the inflated price, convince, persuade the client, justify the price of the product.

Same objection.

Client: "It costs a lot".

Salesman: “Perhaps the price of the product seems too high. Still, let’s look at the possibilities and benefits of my proposal.”

When the seller has joined the buyer’s opinion, then he then works with his opinion about the price, and not with the fact of a high price.

A fact is something that is. You can't argue with the fact. And an opinion is based on life experience - this is how a person relates to a particular phenomenon. Everyone has their own opinion. Therefore, it is possible to change your opinion. If you understand the difference and understand this issue well, you will not make mistakes when dealing with objections.

It is unfortunate to note that many sellers do not master one of the most effective selling techniques - the technique of joining an objection. Start using joining in your daily life and you will realize how little effort it takes to overcome any objection.

One of the most effective methods of joining an objection is compliment.

- Thank you for your opinion.

- Good question.

– You raised this topic absolutely correctly.

- It’s good that you paid attention to this, etc.

Practice. It turns out? The main requirement for a compliment is sincerity. Not flattery, not flirting with a potential buyer, which, of course, only causes irritation in a normal person. Find what you can give a person a true compliment for, and not give out forced preparations. Learn the process. I heard the expression: “The person who gave you a nice compliment doesn’t seem so stupid anymore.”. How can you argue with that?

The second, no less effective method of joining is a conciliatory statement. Joining an objection is accomplished through a series of conciliatory statements that the seller makes before responding to the objection. You make it clear to the client that his objection is reasonable and has a right to exist.

- I understand you.

– I hear about this often.

– There is a reason for this.

– It’s good that you said this.

– Yes, indeed, such an opinion exists.

– I agree with your opinion on this problem.

- I do it myself.

– You are right to draw my attention to this issue.

I specifically give many examples so that you can expand your arsenal of speech modules for various situations.

Always join the client's objection. You speak: “I agree that such an opinion can exist”. This means that you confirm the right to the existence of such an opinion, and not a fact. Hence the first conclusion: if you want your influence to be powerful, first join the opinion of your interlocutor, do not expect the mountain to come to you on its own. Take a step forward. Because in this case your arguments will be heard and understood by your interlocutor.

Second step - argumentation

The task of this stage is to form a different point of view on the situation.

The quality of your argument depends on your ability to analyze information, on your conviction, confidence, and knowledge. To argue well, you need to be well versed in many issues, not just those that directly relate to your business or a particular transaction. A competent, well-read, wise person almost always arouses interest among others. We must remember that the argument is built according to the scheme of dialogue, and not a monologue of the seller. You don't need to say more than two or three phrases in a row. Your phrases should alternate with the questions you ask the client. This allows you to control the reaction of your interlocutor.

- This is true?

- You agree with me?

- Did I understand you correctly?

- And what do you think?

The client must participate in the dialogue!

So that you can make a professional argument, I offer you several ways. The number of methods given below is enough to solve the problem of this stage. The only recommendation: choose your own method for each objection, choose it according to your taste, and according to your manner of communication, and according to the logic that you build when arguing. I, in turn, will give some practical advice on this matter later.

Methods used in argumentation

1. Clarifying questions

- Did I understand you correctly?

– Do you think this is so?

- You said, that…?

2. Blocking

– Is this the only thing stopping you?

– Are there any other reasons?

3. Use of phrases:

- “Okay, but…”

- “Yes, and at the same time...”

4. Boomerang

– That’s why I….

5. Go back to the client's past. Talk about today's situation. Talk about the future

- Tell me...

– Do you remember what you said (did)?

- Today you have...

– It’s customary in our company...

- According to the law of the Russian Federation...

- The rules dictate...

7. Clarification with change

- It is expensive? Do I understand correctly: Do you need time to prepare the required amount?

– Not satisfied with the delivery time. Do I understand correctly that you are ready to carry out the delivery yourself?

8. Professional competence

– I solved a more serious problem (example).

– I chose this option for myself because...

9. Division

– The high price is divided by the service life or the list of services.

– Production time is divided into working days, weekends and holidays.

10. Client options

– What can convince you?

– What would you do in this situation?

11. Customer Success Experience

– Tell the story of your clients’ successful experiences.

– Give examples of successful cooperation with your company.

12. Priorities

– Isn’t it more important to have... (a quality product, an opportunity in something, etc.)?

– What will be more profitable for you?

You have probably already successfully used all these methods. My job is to classify them by productivity. The use of a particular method ultimately depends on the type of objection received, the negotiation situation, and the contact established with the buyer.

Third step - closing

The explanatory dictionary has several definitions of the word “close”:

“to make inaccessible to anyone”;

“to put an end to something”;

“to cease the action of something or someone.”

All these are very precise characteristics of the term “close”, which are fully applied in sales. The main mistake due to which the seller unsuccessfully handles objections (and with transactions in general) is that after arguing, he expects some kind of agreement from the client. What should the client agree to? It is naive to believe that after you express the need for a meeting or purchase, the client will rush into the arms of the seller with gratitude and set a time for the meeting or ask for a bag to pack the purchased product. When you have changed the client's opinion, he is in some indecision and confusion. He is thinking about your proposal. More often than not, he raises several more objections. What does the seller do? Waiting. It is not right! We need to close this topic!

The purpose of the closing stage is to put an end to the topic of the objection. Encourage the client to take action.

The meaning of closing is to move on to another topic. It is customary to close the topic of objection with a prepared technical question.

For example:

When is it convenient for you to meet on Friday or Monday?

Where is it convenient for you to meet in our office or at yours?

Do you have documents with you?

How is it convenient for you to pay?

What payment amount is comfortable for you?

When can you make the payment?

What date should you arrange for delivery? Etc.

Resolving technical issues is no longer a sale, but a kind of customer service, gratitude for the decision he has made. Agree that this procedure is much simpler than the active sales process. This requires a different qualification. What issues do you resolve after the client agrees to the transaction? Technical. What state do you experience? Anxieties and worries go away, everything goes on as usual, a number of issues related to documents are resolved, various approvals are carried out, delivery is arranged. And, of course, the seller can already calculate his income from the transaction.

After each objection, be able to offer the client some action. You should distribute actions between yourself and the client so as to maintain a balance in the number of such actions between your own responsibilities and the client’s responsibilities.

I will write you an invoice, and you will pay it at the nearest cash register.

I will send you our proposal, and you should read it before Monday and please prepare your questions. I'll call you in the afternoon.

Use phrases that begin with the word "LET'S".

Let's do this...

Let's do this...

Take responsibility by offering the client a solution to the issue. In the sales process, it is the seller who plays the leading role; the seller takes responsibility for solving many issues. Therefore, it is from him that not only professionalism is required, but also confidence. “If the trumpets sound uncertain, who will prepare for battle?” First Epistle to the Corinthians.

By closing your objection, you stop any disputes or opposition. The only condition for success is to CLOSE the objection after argumentation!

Do not forget: success is a series of overcome failures! Therefore, do not expect that after reading this manual, you will professionally complete every transaction. There are no miracles. At the same time, knowledge of objection handling technologies will help you develop a productive style of communication with potential clients. Constant practice, getting many “no’s,” “field work,” role-playing games and trainings are the key to successfully mastering the sales profession. I know from my own practice that it is impossible to train people of two categories. The first are those who, due to their mental abilities, are incapable of learning in principle. Those who can't. The second are those who suddenly realized that they have “achieved everything,” “know everything.” As you noticed, “total”, “all” are false concepts. In other words, it is also impossible to train someone who does not want to.

Summing up result, I would like to draw your attention to the following:

The appearance of an objection is evidence that some kind of tension (interpersonal or business) has arisen in your relationship with the client. Therefore, it is important here not only what you do when working out an objection, but also how it all happens.

There are a huge number of methods for dealing with objections. I offer a system that helps you move away from the psychological concepts and aspects of this topic, and give you techniques that any sales manager can use.

Before addressing any objection, determine the reason for its occurrence. Perhaps you need to work with the reason (for example, the client’s need has not been identified), and not directly work on the objection itself.

Work with objections covers identifying the subject's position regarding your proposal and overcoming disagreement if it arises. This is the core task and the most important goal of the dispute management process. Techniques for managing disagreements involve translating negative statements, negative judgments into a positive direction, and feelings into an active approach.

Handling objections reveals two sides of sales. The first side means that the potential consumer is interested in the proposed product, service or offer. The second demonstrates that the presence of many questions and disagreements is a consequence of poor preparation of the sales agent. Objections are the result of errors in calculations, erroneous judgments at the stage of uncovering needs and presentation.

Dealing with client objections

There are 5 main steps in dealing with objections: listening, accepting, checking, specifying, and arguing.

First of all, the client should be listened to carefully. During his monologue, try not to interrupt, as a salesman who interrupts a client will only cause antipathy and rejection.

The next step is to accept the objection. You need to understand that acceptance does not mean agreement. After all, objectively, the situation described by the client can happen. For acceptance, there are several general statements, for example, “this issue is really important,” “we can discuss this in more detail,” “it is very important for me to understand your position, why you have it,” etc.

The third step is to understand whether the client's objection really is an excuse or a disagreement. Maybe this is not a disagreement at all, but only a desire to get rid of an intrusive salesman. Two methods have been developed to find out this. First, ask the consumer a question that will allow you to determine whether his objection is the only reason why he does not want to purchase the product or not. The second is sincerity. We can say that other consumers also said this, but they refused to purchase the product for a completely different reason. Maybe the client refuses due to a different motivation.

The fourth stage contains clarification and specification. At this stage, questions of a clarifying or leading nature should be asked. If this stage is implemented correctly, then the work with objections will be overcome. Try asking the consumer a few clarifying questions that will help clarify the essence of the objection. By clarifying, you understand the essence of the consumer's considerations, which leads to better orientation to his needs. Due to the competent implementation of this stage, a true one can emerge from a false objection. Another positive benefit of this stage may be a change in the consumer’s attitude towards you. If you demonstrate your professionalism to him, the client will take you more seriously, which will make him more interested in the product you offer.

The fifth stage is the final one. It involves bringing the necessary counterarguments on your part. Any arguments must be positive, and the facts you present must be verified and reliable.

In addition to the basic steps, there are also typical mistakes when working with objections. And the first such mistake is entering into a dispute with the client. If you want to become a successful sales manager, you must remember one immutable axiom: arguing with a client is a futile exercise. By arguing you will only achieve opposite results. It will force the potential client into a tougher position, from which it will be quite difficult for you to move him.

Leaving the situation is also a common mistake sellers make. Managers often think that since arguing with a potential consumer is useless, it is better to wait until he makes a decision on his own, and until then not to interfere. Therefore, noticing hesitation and doubt in the client’s intonations, they immediately stop any activity. The client perceives such silence as the inability to add anything more positive about the product. As a result, his doubts only intensify, and the client strives to leave as quickly as possible in order to isolate himself from the unpleasant sensation that has arisen.

Making excuses is another typical mistake of unprofessional managers. Justification is the lot of people who are not particularly confident in their professional qualities or in the products offered. Justifying notes and indecisiveness of sellers significantly reduce the quality and value of the product in the eyes of the client. He begins to think that all is not well with the product.

Lack of analysis of one’s behavior after the end of the situation is also a mistake of unsuccessful managers. Many trainings, techniques and rules have been developed to deal with disagreements in sales.

Working with objections, training using the SPIN method is the most effective in sales today. Along with this, it is considered quite difficult to master, but it has the greatest power of persuasion compared to other techniques. This training was developed by N. Rekham in the second half of the 20th century. It is based on the existence of a qualitative difference in the technological processes of selling cheap goods and products, the acquisition of which requires more time and responsibility for a potential consumer to make a positive decision.

Working with objections, training using the Rackham method. Its main idea is the sales manager’s ability to work with 4 types of questions:

  • situational questions in sales that help establish contact with a potential client and make it possible to determine the individual characteristics of each consumer’s business;
  • problematic issues in sales that allow you to focus the consumer’s attention on aspects that cause the development of his business;
  • issues of an extractive nature in sales, which indicate potential solutions and expected benefits from purchasing products;
  • questions of a guiding nature in sales, which form in the minds of the consumer the value of possible benefits and stimulate independent acceptance of a positive result.

Handling objections in sales

Even if you have tried and established good psychological contact with the consumer, learned everything about his needs, the client may still have objections that need to be worked on.

Why does the consumer object? Maybe he is in a bad mood or he just wants to bargain, maybe he is not satisfied with the product being offered? There are many reasons, and in order to defeat or overcome them, you need to work with the sales representative’s objections. The client and the manager always have different sides of objections. Therefore, you should not impose your point of view on the client’s position. You should also not rush or respond to disagreements mechanically, otherwise the client will feel pressured and simply leave.

Dealing with objections in sales should be done with smiles, positive emotions, jokes, compliments, using minor asides.

There are seven rules for dealing with sales representative objections.

♦ The first rule involves perceiving yourself and the consumer as partners, not adversaries. Each sales representative understands at the subconscious level that the consumer should be treated as an accomplice in the trading process, communicate with him as equals and move towards the implementation of common interests. However, often, when it comes to practice, a completely opposite situation occurs, in which the seller perceives the buyer as almost a personal enemy. Managers offer products, the client resists, as a result of which sales representatives enter into an unequal struggle in which the client always wins. In such a situation, the seller will perceive any objections from the client as military actions, and for the purpose of defense he will strike back, which is the fight against objections. Such tactics will never bring the desired result. Therefore, you need to treat consumer objections with joy and gratitude. It’s very good when a client openly shares his uncertainty and doubts with a sales representative.

♦ The second rule is to have a good emotional contact with a potential buyer. The importance of emotional contact in trading is difficult to overestimate. It is a kind of foundation on which cooperation with the client should be built. Therefore, the more reliable the foundation, the more fruitful the cooperation will be. Establishing emotional contact is necessary so that the potential consumer begins to trust you, as a result of which objections may not arise. If objections arise, then the presence of deep emotional contact allows you to make your arguments more convincing and weighty in the eyes of the client.

♦ The third rule suggests that the sales representative must collect as much data as possible about the needs of the potential buyer. Attentive attention to the needs of consumers will allow you to offer the product exactly as this consumer needs. The more accurately your product presentation meets the potential client’s expectations, the fewer objections he will have.

♦ The fourth rule is to necessarily clarify the meaning of the objection. Often sales representatives, upon hearing an objection, immediately begin to respond to it. As a result, the response turns out to be inadequate for a specific objection, and the relationship with the buyer can only become more complicated. A competent manager, having heard an objection, will not hesitate to ask the client why he thinks so.

♦ The fifth rule is to look for the “pitfall”. It is necessary to distinguish between excuses (“pitfalls”), behind which the true motives are hidden, and real objections. Therefore, in order not to miss hidden information, you need to ask leading questions. For example, “is this the only reason that is stopping you from making a decision, or is there something else.”

♦ Remember that it is forbidden to enter into a dispute with the buyer, and therefore you should develop the idea expressed by him in the direction you need. As soon as the sales representative begins to dispute the statement made by the client, he becomes convinced of the correctness of his position, from which it will be difficult to move him in the future. This is precisely why you should always agree with a certain semantic part of an objection, and then develop your thought from it in the direction you need.

♦ Try to be persuasive. It is persuasion that is the main task of the seventh rule. To do this, you should use common elements of persuasion, such as: “according to statistics...”, “according to marketing research...”, etc. And also use all kinds of metaphors, quotes, sayings and proverbs in your speech. A well-chosen metaphor can help the consumer agree with your argument and reduce the risk of counterarguments to almost zero.

Proverbs and sayings are a special tool for processing objections. After all, potential consumers have no reason to trust your personal judgments and conclusions. However, after reciting folk wisdom, it will become completely impossible to argue with you. Since now your position is based on the centuries-old wisdom of various nationalities. The information conveyed by a proverb can only be refuted by reciting another proverb.

Kindness and a smile given to clients, a desire to delve deeper into their problems, needs and an attitude of partnership during negotiations are considered the best tools for a consumer to choose you and the company you represent from a whole host of similar offers.

Algorithm for handling objections

Sales techniques and working with objections are needed in order to know and understand the algorithm for working with a client when he has objections. The objection management algorithm contains four steps. The first step is to allow the individual to speak. The second step is psychological familiarization with objections. The third step is a specific answer or questions of a clarifying nature. The fourth is a call to action.

Providing an opportunity to speak leads to the person simply speaking out, thereby “blowing off steam” and calming down. As a result, it will be easier to work with him in the future. In addition, giving the opportunity to speak will allow you to hear all the values, needs and other information that you need. It is important to listen very carefully so as not to miss important information.

Psychological familiarization with objections allows the consumer to think the way he wants. With this behavior you show the client that his point of view has a right to exist. In addition, you show him that you understand him. That is, you put yourself in a position of cooperation in relation to the consumer, rather than confrontation. This can be achieved through a conciliatory statement.

Questions that clarify the focus and specific answers allow you to either clarify the essence of the objection or provide it with comprehensive information. A call to action aims to offer the consumer a win-win option. It is not necessary to use all of the above steps when selling.

This algorithm helps you choose the right and effective way to manage objections and work with potential clients. You should act based on the requirements of a specific situation. You can also use tools such as a pause or a compliment. Although they are quite rarely used.

The only step of the algorithm that must be used in any situation is psychological connection. If you want to get the best results from your work, then you should master the joining technique masterfully. It is not enough to know all the listed steps of the algorithm; you need to apply them in your work and then the result will be noticeable immediately.

Techniques for handling objections

Effective sales techniques and handling objections involve following some simple tips. The first tip is to love objections and enjoy them. After all, by objecting, the consumer demonstrates his interest, which is manifested through disagreements that arise in the process of the product manager’s presentation of the company’s services. You need to understand that an objection is not a question requiring an answer. This is just a statement from a potential consumer, which can be quite general, and therefore the seller can offer what is convenient for him.

Tip two: in disagreements there is always additional data.

Tip three - expect consent, since the subconscious expectation of refusal increases its likelihood significantly.

Tip four - through customer objections, the sales representative learns what needs to be changed in his work. Consumer objections are a kind of feedback that signals you about changes that it’s time to make to your work.

Tip five: belief in luck and victory can never replace specific methods of dealing with objections. After all, what are objections? An objection is a reasoned rejection (denial) of a proposal or statement. Those. This is a statement that expresses disagreement (difference of opinion) about something or with someone, a refutation of someone’s position or judgment. With the help of objections, you can build an active conversation that has similar goals, and people are interested in acquiring information.

The most important thing when dealing with client objections is to understand that you are a professional with an edge. Objection management helps the sales representative break away from traditional sales approaches by finding innovative solutions.

To successfully work in sales, you can use the most well-known methods of working with objections, such as the three “yes” method or the “UKOR” technique.

The three “yes” method has been known since the time of Socrates and has been successfully used for more than 2000 years. The essence of this technique is that if the seller wants to receive a positive result or answer, then the thesis should be placed in third place with the necessary information. Before making the desired statement, you need to ask the client two simple and short questions to which he can easily give a positive answer.

The UKOR method is based on the ability to listen to the consumer to the end. The letter “y” means clarification, i.e. identifying the hidden reason for the objection. The letter “k” means a compliment to the objection and demonstrates understanding of the client’s problem, compassion for the problem that worries the client. By complimenting a client's objection, you are demonstrating to the buyer that you are on his side. The letter “o” means working off, i.e. argumentation, and consists of responding to the consumer only after clarifying the objection and delivering a compliment. The letter "r" means result, i.e. obtaining confirmation from the consumer of his readiness to make a choice and make a purchase.

Handling objections over the phone

Cold calling and handling objections has a number of features that are very important to take into account. Telephone communication has certain advantages. It does not require travel, which saves time, money and labor resources. The transfer of information by telephone is much faster than, for example, by correspondence. In a phone call, you know for sure that the prospect received your information, when he received it, and how he responded to it. This distinguishes telephone calls from correspondence. In addition, when communicating via telephone, you can immediately ask specific questions or eliminate possible misunderstandings. The prospect perceives a telephone conversation as less binding than a face-to-face conversation, so he feels less pressure. This method of distributing information, services and company products is even more convenient in that it does not require business attire or appropriate appearance. You can use so-called “cheat sheets” when conveying information to the client.

However, in addition to a number of advantages, telephone conversations also have their negative sides. The potential client may perceive the call as a nuisance, as it will be forced to take time away from work. The sales representative is not able to control the situation in cases where the interlocutor is distracted by some external circumstances, for example, by people entering or interrupted work. During a telephone conversation, it is much easier for the client to refuse the manager, come up with various excuses and interrupt the conversation. You must understand that at any moment of the conversation the client can interrupt the conversation and hang up.

An important negative side of telephone conversations is the impossibility of analyzing body language and facial expressions. When conveying information to a client via telephone, you can monitor the interlocutor’s reaction only by his intonation. It is impossible to support words with visual materials, brochures, graphs, presentations, demonstrations. During telephone conversations, the possibility of misinterpretation of information is much higher than during a personal meeting.

Cold calling work with objections consists of diligently working through each such objection from the client. And after working out, you should immediately proceed to closing. However, it is necessary to work only with informative failures. It is useless to try to work through categorical refusals if the client hangs up immediately after the call and without explanation.

You need to remember that during telephone conversations, 80% of the time should be occupied by your speech and only 20% by the client’s speech. An important part of successful telephone conversations is the ability to conduct an active dialogue. This means that it is the consultant who must set the tone for the conversation, lead it and direct it in the right direction. Politeness, good manners, and competent speech of the consultant are also important in the conversation. You need to remember that you personify the company, and the client’s opinion of the company as a whole depends on what impression they get of you.

Telephone conversations also involve certain stages of working with objections.

  • At the first stage, you need to interest and capture the attention of a potential client right away with the help of a bright accent in your speech, something unusual that can instantly hook the interlocutor.
  • At the second stage, you should find out the needs of a potential client, and not immediately rush into battle with your company’s proposals.
  • At the third stage, you need to smoothly move on to what you want to offer.
  • The fourth stage is to work with objections. Since after your sales proposal, the client will either categorically refuse (and there’s nothing you can do about it, you need to come to terms with it), or will begin to object and ask specific questions. At this stage, you can use the tuning technique. It consists of using the voice and its intonation modulations during a telephone conversation.

The stages of working with objections and their successful implementation depend on how well, competently and competently the sales agent prepared for the conversation.

The purpose of the call is to profitably sell the company's products. And you need to remember this when you make a call.

Working with objections examples

Competent management of objections and working with them consists, in most cases, in qualified assistance to clients to understand their own needs and satisfy them. For example, working with objections in a bank most often involves overcoming client fears that they are falling into bondage, as well as helping them choose the service that they really need.

A common phrase that potential buyers use as an objection is the statement “I'll think about it...”. There are several options for overcoming this objection. The first is to accept the client's position and express understanding. You can answer: “That’s the right decision, you are about to make a major purchase, so you need time to think about everything.” The second option is to specify and clarify the consumer’s position. Here you can ask the question: “Above what?” If the individual does not know how to answer this question, then he should be asked about the products offered. For example, “do you doubt the quality of the product?” The third option is to take a position and explain: “Of course, think about it. We can think about it together now, since today is the last day of discounts. If you decide to purchase these products later, they will cost you more.”

The next typical objection phrase is “it’s expensive.” You can agree with the client that the product is really not cheap and clarify in comparison with which products the cost is expensive. Maybe the client saw a similar model in another store, but cheaper. We need to find out what this statement means. You can also agree that the product is really expensive and clarify that if it costs 5% less, will the client buy it? If the answer is positive, the client purchases the product cheaper. However, this option is not always universal.

Very often, employees in the banking sector have to deal with objections. After all, our people are raised from childhood to distrust banking structures. Handling objections in a bank should be done step by step. You should move on to the next argument only after receiving agreement with the previous argument.