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Programs you need to know to work. A basic set of computer programs for beginners

In this article you will find tips on how to correctly indicate PC skills in your resume.

The resume must be written correctly, because it determines whether you will get the job you want or not.

  • Additional skills are an important block of a resume in which the applicant describes his knowledge of a computer, the Internet and specialized programs.
  • This block may also describe other information, for example, the presence of specialized knowledge or a driver's license.
  • But when filling out this column, difficulties usually arise with indicating exactly the computer skills that the applicant has.
  • How should these skills be correctly indicated, and what programs do you need to know for certain specialties? You will find answers to these questions in this article.

The additional skills section should be structured. First, you need to evaluate yourself as a computer user in general, and then talk about your skills in the field of professional programs. If you need to list many skills, then combine the names of the software schemes and skills into groups.

What is PC knowledge for a resume? Levels of PC proficiency, for use in a resume, are classified according to the following criteria:

  • Advanced user: programmer, administrator. Can compose programs, reinstall the system, and so on.
  • The user is a professional. Works with specialized programs and text editors.
  • Regular or basic user. Knowledge of the Internet and basic programs.

Your resume should include information about your knowledge of working with the following programs and applications:

  • professional software products
  • office packages
  • operating platforms
  • Computer techologies

Depending on the specific position, in your resume you need to structure your skills in one column or a whole paragraph. It is imperative to indicate your level of knowledge next to each program or application. This advice is especially useful for IT workers.

A confident user knows what browsers and search engines are and actively uses the network to search necessary information. It will easily find any file folder in its OS, and will also restore the OS in case of problems or format the flash drive.

  • Before you start writing your resume, remember to only list programs that you know well.
  • After all, in your new position you will have to work with them.
  • Therefore, it is better to indicate less than more. For example, for a confident user, indicate the following: “Confident PC user - optimization, security.”
  • If you have little work experience, but you need to indicate something in the additional skills section, then you can describe your personal qualities and tasks. But all this should be clear and interesting to the employer.

Skills are also indicated depending on the specialty. Here are some examples:

What programs should you know? confident user PC for resume - designer?

Here is a list of programs that a confident user should know:

An office worker must have good computer skills. After all, his work involves a computer, compiling various tables and diagrams. Therefore, employers thoroughly study each resume, and only then invite the applicant for an interview. Here is the list and name of office basic PC programs for a resume:

Any office worker must be good at Microsoft programs Word and Microsoft Excel.

  • With their help, you can create not only a simple text document, but also make a diagram, various cards, create a resume, portfolio, write a plan, make various shapes for work, labels, bills, invitations, advertising brochures, notes, protocols and more.
  • In these editors you can easily create formulas without moving from one window to another.
  • You can also use a large number of add-ons to synchronize your work with other software.

Improve your knowledge in the field of IT technologies. After all, this is not just exciting or interesting, but also vital, since such knowledge will help you quickly learn something new and move up your career ladder.

Computer programs for resumes for a bank, for an accountant: names, list

Bank specialists, economists and accountants are some of the most in-demand specialties on the labor market. But there are also a lot of applicants for these professions.

Therefore, banks and various companies carefully study resumes and select the best of the best for such positions. PC knowledge and the ability to work with many programs is an additional requirement for any applicant.

Here are the computer programs you need to indicate for a resume for a bank, for an accountant - names, list:



Bank specialist must be proficient in all of the above programs. Cashiers, cash register managers, sector heads cash transactions and auditors must indicate in their resume knowledge and ability to work with the following programs: Word, Excel, Outlook, Consultant.

How to write about knowledge of computers, office equipment and programs in a resume: example

Get ready to write a draft of your resume first.

  • Then you need to make corrections and rewrite it into a clean copy. This is if the resume is required on paper.
  • Everything is easier with a resume in in electronic format. Amendments can be made endlessly.
  • As mentioned above, additional skills or computer knowledge are indicated in one line if your position does not require knowledge of computer programs, and in a small paragraph if you need to indicate knowledge in certain professional programs.

How to write about knowledge of computers, office equipment and programs in a resume? Here is an example for different professions:

Important: Please read the job posting before describing additional skills. First, always indicate in the list those programs that the employer mentioned in the requirements for the applicant.

Now you know how to correctly indicate PC skills on your resume. Do not attribute unnecessary knowledge to yourself, since it will not be difficult for the employer to test you during an interview. If it turns out that you provided false information, then the interview will end there.

Video: How to write a good resume | Basic rules | Link to sample! | My experience

“Additional skills” is one of the important blocks, which describes computer skills in a resume, the Internet and specialized programs, and provides information about the availability, for example, of a driver’s license and specialized knowledge. Usually, when filling out this block in a resume, difficulties very often arise with determining computer skills; the resume often does not indicate computer programs and office applications that the applicant owns.

  • user, advanced user, programmer, administrator;
  • at the user level, professional level;
  • user, confident user, advanced user, professional level.

How to indicate computer skills in a resume - basic rules

  • Information on the degree of computer proficiency in the resume must be indicated in a separate section. This improves readability and adds aesthetics to the resume text. Information must be concise, clear, and truthful.
  • In addition to the level of PC proficiency, it is recommended to note knowledge of generally accepted and specialized programs, office applications (for example, Excel, Word, Internet, Power Point, Outlook Express), operating systems, graphic editors, special accounting and personnel programs, programming languages, databases.
  • It’s worth emphasizing right away that the list of necessary computer programs, the knowledge and skills with which you should write in your resume, may differ significantly depending on the profession. For example, accountants should talk about the ability to work with accounting programs(1C: Accounting), office applications, text editor MS Word, MS Excel. For some positions, it will be important to have skills in MS Access or Power Point. Web designers – work in Adobe Photoshop and other graphic editors, experience with various CMS.
  • When listing all programs, if there are features and nuances in their work, you need to describe the level of proficiency in the program for each.
  • If you have a high printing speed (from 200 bpm) it is also advisable to indicate this in your resume.

What educational programs need to be emphasized in order for the kindergarten to become a home of joy. Description of the most popular and effective programs.

"Kindergarten is a house of joy". Emphasis on developing maximum sustained activity and individuality. Not only children and teachers, but also parents should participate in the educational process.

"Rainbow". System of upbringing, development and education of children aged two to seven years. The program provides high-quality preparation for school. Children are introduced to letters, purposefully taught reading, coherent speech, mathematics, develop logical thinking, build self-confidence, and resistance to failure.

"Childhood". Emphasis on the study of folklore, works of oral folk art, applied games, music and dance, decorative and applied arts. Training in the classroom is aimed at systematization, deepening and generalization personal experience child.

"Harmony". An integrated program for the intellectual, artistic, and creative development of the personality of a preschooler.

"Origins". Emphasis on the formation of a well-rounded personality. The program is comprehensive, designed for children from two to seven years old with the goal of providing each child with an equal start to development, maintaining and strengthening his health.

"Development". Provides for the development of children's mental and artistic abilities. The program covers almost all areas of work with children from three to six years old. The main attention is paid to mastering knowledge through experimentation, solving cognitive and creative problems by the child himself.

"From childhood to adolescence". The program provides for the active involvement of parents, up to compulsory activities with the child in kindergarten, in the process of raising children four to seven years old.

"Comprehensive program for short-stay groups in kindergarten: senior preschool age" . The focus is on mental and creative development and school readiness.

"Program of education and training in kindergarten". Aimed at the full, comprehensive mental and creative development of children - starting from junior groups and ending preparing for school.


Good afternoon, what preschool institutions in Moscow they work under the “Child 2000” program? Where can I view this information? Thank you.

03/06/2008 15:15:12, Anna

Comment on the article "Educational programs used by kindergartens"

Section: Development, training (adapted program on how to obtain it). Adapted program, please explain what it means? Here, I see, many wanted to receive it, few received it. But we, on the contrary, passed the CPMPK and got it.

Child in kindergarten: how to feel good. What should a teacher be like? kindergarten. Be sure to talk to the doctor who should be in the kindergarten. The most popular areas or programs for classes in kindergarten...

My child studied according to program 1-3, we had a very good teacher, but it seemed to me that she was a little missing this missed year in socially, especially when entering the 5th grade of other schools, where most children are older and more experienced.

Educational programs used by kindergartens. "A comprehensive program for groups of short-term stays in the garden. In the garden, it is usually posted on the stand which program the children are engaged in. Generally convenient, the younger half of the group went to physical training...

I would never leave my children with someone else's aunt around the clock. At least it’s a golden pah-pah that we don’t have a problem with gardens. everyone works all summer. In general, I don’t know families where parents have 3 months of leave and educational programs under which kindergartens operate.

Educational materials and manuals. Kindergartens and preschool education. Please advise which learning programs and materials are best used for early and comprehensive Or who in children's center going to work? Even if you don’t know where to get materials.

In the garden they practice according to Peterson, but Mishka likes to work out at home too. All the children who came to visit us really asked for an ABC book and mathematics, it so happened that my child was born before anyone else and all my friends and acquaintances taught the children to read and count according to Bakhtin.

personnel optimization. Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illnesses. I would probably like to start driving in the spring, but if you take it, then you have to...

Plus the institution implements correctional programs. Proximity to home, special schedule Section: Kindergarten (how to approach the head of the kindergarten). Hmm, we also tried with The site has thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and...

Educational programs used by kindergartens. The program provides for the active involvement of parents, up to compulsory activities with the child in kindergarten, in the process of raising children four to seven years old.

My child attends a commercial kindergarten. Educational programs used by kindergartens. Kindergartens and preschool education. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, and ratings of kindergartens and schools...

Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. This year we have a graduation ceremony, we give the children 2 books, a medal for the graduate children. kindergarten, a folder with photos and we ourselves will make a photo album with photos from the holidays. Educational programs on which kindergartens operate.

Educational programs used by kindergartens. Kindergartens and preschool education. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, and maintains ratings of what kind of money is allocated to kindergartens from the budget.

Kindergarten. Kindergartens and preschool education. Educational programs used by kindergartens. Game activity as a means of development speech activity preschoolers in English.

educational program in kindergarten. "Record" program. Training programs. Children's education. The site hosts thematic conferences, blogs, ratings of kindergartens and schools, articles are published daily and competitions are held.

Kindergartens and schools in Thailand and Vietnam. Distance learning. In kindergarten in preparatory group we were offered to undergo preparation for the first grade at the school. Training in such groups is often carried out according to alternative programs(for example, by...

What do they teach in kindergarten? Toys and games. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with teachers, illness and What do they teach in kindergarten? My son is 3 years old. I went to kindergarten 2 times for about 5 days. Since I was sick, we didn’t drive anymore.

kindergarten curriculum. Preparation for school. Child from 3 to 7. Education, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with the kindergarten curriculum. Good afternoon Girls who have children in the middle and senior groups of kindergarten!

Wenger's program. Kindergarten. Child from 3 to 7. Upbringing, nutrition, daily routine, visiting kindergarten and relationships with Look at other discussions on the topic “what conditions should be in the garden when introducing the Wenger development program”

It was assumed that children in kindergartens study according to the Wenger program, and then go to school, where they study according to the D.B. program. Elkonina - V.V. Davydova. I really like professionalism in everything, I like D.B.’s system. Elkonina - V.V...

Educational program- according to Article 2 Federal Law No. 273 dated December 29. 2012 “On Education in the Russian Federation” a set of basic characteristics of education (volume, content, planned results), organizational and pedagogical conditions and, in cases provided for by this Federal Law, forms of certification, which is presented in the form of a curriculum, academic calendar, work programs of academic subjects, courses, other components, as well as assessment and teaching materials.

The main educational program of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the Educational Program) of the Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution of Secondary School No. 9 in-depth study individual subjects in Pavlovo was developed by a team of teachers on the basis of the Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” dated December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ, in accordance with the Federal State educational standard primary general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated October 6, 2009 No. 373 in the current edition, taking into account the Approximate Basic educational program primary general education, approved by the decision of the federal educational and methodological association for general education (protocol dated 04/08/2015 No. 1/15).

The main educational program of primary general education determines the content and organization of the educational program when receiving primary general education and is aimed at the formation of a general culture, spiritual, moral, social, personal and intellectual development of students, creating the basis for independent realization educational activities, providing social success, development of creative abilities, self-development and self-improvement, preservation and strengthening of students’ health.

The basic educational program of primary general education contains a mandatory part and a part formed by the participants in educational relations. The obligatory part of the main educational program of primary general education is 80%, and the part formed by participants in educational relations is 20% of the total volume of the main educational program of primary general education.

The main educational program of primary general education is being implemented educational institution through the organization of classroom and extracurricular activities in accordance with sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations.

Extracurricular activities are organized in the areas of personal development (spiritual and moral, physical education, sports and health, social, general intellectual, general cultural).

The main educational program of primary general education includes three sections defined by the Federal State Educational Standard for primary general education: target, content and organizational. The target section defines general purpose, goals, objectives and planned results of the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education, as well as methods for determining the achievement of these goals and results. The content section determines the general content of primary general education. The organizational section defines the general framework of the organization educational activities, as well as mechanisms for implementing the main educational program.

The main mechanisms for implementing the basic educational program of primary general education are the curriculum and the plan for extracurricular activities.

The implementation of the main educational program is based on a system-activity approach.

Developed by MBOU high school No. 9 with in-depth study of individual subjects in Pavlovo, the main educational program of primary general education ensures that students achieve the results of mastering the main educational program of primary general education in accordance with the requirements established by the Standard. The planned results of mastering the educational program of primary general education include personal, meta-subject and subject results.

The implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education is carried out by the educational institution itself.

During the holidays, the possibilities of organizing children's recreation and their health improvement, thematic camp shifts created on the basis of Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution Secondary School No. 9 with in-depth study of individual subjects in Pavlovo are used.

The standard period for mastering the educational program of primary general education is 4 years.


  • Passport of the main educational program of the educational institution (primary general education)
  • Program for the formation of universal educational activities
  • Program of spiritual and moral development and education
  • Program for creating a culture of healthy and safe lifestyle
  • System for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the basic educational program at the school level

Your resume is your professional face, which is why you should focus on professional skills and knowledge. IN modern world any work is in one way or another connected with working at a computer, performing basic operations, or the full operation of a computer as a working machine.

The opportunity to get a job very often depends on how well computer skills are presented in a resume. desired position. Therefore, this issue must be approached with all seriousness.

An employer's requirements for applicants related to knowledge of computer programs can be completely different, it all depends on the position, the specifics of the company's activities, and the list of employee responsibilities. Thus, the programs and services that an art designer must have are significantly different from those needed to work as an accountant. Therefore, you should not write too much in this column, it will not work to your advantage, but you should not limit yourself to a monosyllabic phrase. Knowledge of some additional programs will be a positive thing in that the employer will appreciate your versatility and learning ability.

Still, the main thing to take away from all this is the specificity of the activity. The list of knowledge of computer programs should be directly related to the responsibilities that you will need to perform in your future position.

It is worth distinguishing three user levels: beginner, intermediate and confident:

  • The entry level requires general knowledge of the process of working with the operating system, some basic applications, notepad, calculator, and so on.
  • An average PC user requires knowledge of both basic and office applications, knowledge text editor, ability to work with tables and diagrams, be able to use the Internet, send emails.
  • A confident user is a level that requires proficiency in professional computer programs, different for each specialty (for example, for an accountant this is the 1C-Enterprise program, for a CMS designer).

The main thing to remember is that you need to indicate only those programs that you own; you shouldn’t cheat, because anyway you will have to deal with work that you will not be able to complete as a result.

Example of a computer skills section for a designer position:

  • Architectural design - ArchiCAD, AutoCAD, KOMPAS-3D, ProSITE, SketchUp
  • Calculation of building structures - Monomakh
  • Visualizer of architectural projects - ArtlantisStudio, 3dsMAX - entry level
  • Graphic editors - AdobePhotoshop, AdobeInDesign, CorelDRAW
  • Windows, MS Office, Internet - experienced user.

Example of a computer skills section for an accountant position:

  • Confident user: MS Office (Excel, Word, Outlook, PowerPoint, Access),
  • Experience working on the Internet (Opera, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox) And by email(Outlook Express)
  • professional programs: 1C: UTP 8.2, 1C: Salary Personnel, 1C: Accounting 8.2,
  • electronic reporting (Art-Zvit, BestZvit), Client-Bank, Medok.