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Advertising brochures for apartment renovation. Sales leaflet (flyer) of a construction company: merciless analysis

If you decide to start renovating other people’s apartments, then this article will be useful. I will tell you how to renovate apartments, what difficulties will arise, what you need to know and be able to do. I have been in this business for more than 13 years. I tried to break the article into several sections to try to touch on all aspects of organizing an apartment renovation business. Several articles written for your future clients are combined on this page.

And so, you decided to start an apartment renovation business. The desire is great, but no experience is bad. If you have done renovations in your apartment, then this is not experience, or rather, almost no experience. Doing for yourself and doing for strangers are two very different things. My advice: work for a couple of years in companies that renovate apartments. As they say, “you’ll get your hands on it,” you’ll gain valuable experience, and you’ll also get to know specialists who will be useful to you, because... Renovating an apartment alone is difficult and takes a long time; customers rarely agree to long renovation periods.

If you don’t want to work yourself, but want to act as an intermediary between the customer and the contractor (look for work and workers), then I can disappoint you. This method of earning money is effective if you have a regular large customer (chain of stores, etc.) who will supply you with orders. Otherwise, you will spend a long time looking for an apartment to renovate, and then find workers.

As I said earlier, you need experience in renovating apartments, at least to know how, what is done, and in what time frame. You need to have 20-40 thousand rubles to buy a professional tool. To repair apartments, you need a professional tool; a household tool will not last long. To save money, it is better to buy the tool that is needed to perform specific types of work for which you can get money.

It's always hard to start. Don’t think that you will have a lot of clients and there will be no end to them. You'll have to spend money on advertising. You can open a website on the Internet and order contextual advertising for it on Yandex or Google. Advertisements in newspapers and on TV are still effective. There is only benefit from putting up leaflets if you paste them in a new rented house. At bus stops and other places, leaflets about apartment renovations are not effective. The best advertising is “word of mouth” (when former customers with good reviews talk about you). The main thing to remember is that a good reputation is hard to earn and maintain, but a bad one is easy and lasts for a long time.

At first, you can do apartment renovations unofficially; in the future, it is better to register as an individual entrepreneur or LLC. There is almost no difference between them, except that large customers like to work with LLCs rather than individual entrepreneurs; construction licenses and SRO approvals are not needed. People love official contractors and guarantees for the quality of work.

And then you got a call and you came to look at the property. I don’t advise you to inflate prices, but also not to work for a nominal fee. You don’t have a reputation yet, you will have to convince the customer of your professionalism. Speak briefly, clearly and concisely. You must convince the customer that you are a professional.
Discuss all types of work and what materials will be used. Set the deadline for completing apartment repairs by 10% more than the number of days in which you expect to complete it. Be sure to discuss payment methods. The most optimal thing (I like it) is to take a weekly fee for the types of work done. Small amounts of money are easier for the customer to give away.

It is impossible to talk about all the subtleties and moments in apartment renovation. If you get into this business, you will soon understand that there is no “easy and fast money” here. And so success in this difficult work.

What is the difference between cosmetic renovation and major renovation? Many customers confuse major repairs with cosmetic repairs, probably due to the fact that the prices for cosmetic repairs are much lower than major ones. However, the designation of types of repairs was not invented in vain, and I will tell you how they differ.

It often happens that they call me on my phone:
- Hello, do you do apartment renovations?
- Yes.
- How much does it cost per square meter, floor area, and redecoration of the apartment?
- such and such a price.
- When you can look.
As a result, when you arrive at the apartment, you see that the customer does not need cosmetic repairs, but major ones. When the customer finds out the approximate cost of renovating the apartment, he refuses, because... I didn't expect to spend so much.
As a result, my time and the customer’s time were wasted, and all because the customer believed that his work was easy and cheap, i.e. redecorating.

Types of apartment renovation were invented to make it easier for customers and builders to navigate what kind of renovation they are talking about, i.e. difficulty of performing the work. It’s the same as buying meat in a store, until you know the price for 1 kg, you won’t understand how much the piece you like costs.

A square meter of floor area is an approximate monetary unit of measurement. Few people will work based on the cost per square meter of floor area. After all, in this square meter, you can order many types of work. It's like buying sausage; poor quality is cheap, high quality is expensive.

Now about the types of apartment renovations themselves:
Redecorating- When a woman wants to make her face more attractive, she uses cosmetics; for this she does not need to go to a plastic surgeon. Moreover, she can change her style every day. Cosmetic repairs are very similar to women's cosmetics, i.e. The apartment's wallpaper and linoleum are changed, pipes or walls are repainted. All types of work that change the appearance of the apartment only in color. This type of repair is also called Economy class, Budget option.
Major renovation- this is when the walls in the apartment are leveled, new design elements are added, and redevelopment is done. Anything that will change the appearance of the apartment not only in the color scheme.

Since major repairs are a flexible concept, i.e. you can make a simple, high-quality repair, or you can do it in the style of ancient Greece, then it is divided into classes, depending on the complexity of the work.
European-quality renovation- This concept was popular in the late 90s and early 2000s. Because encouraged the use of Euro materials. Nowadays, Euro-standard materials are produced everywhere in Russia and are used in any type of repair. The very concept of European-quality renovation has long been outdated and does not carry a semantic load about the complexities of the work.
Standard repair- Such repairs include work on high-quality leveling of floors, walls, and ceilings. It does not include complex work such as multi-level plasterboard ceilings and other complex elements.
VIP, Luxury, Premium- These types of repairs must implement any ideas of the customer, if technically possible. The most expensive type of apartment renovation, because... It involves highly qualified specialists.

What is urgent apartment renovation, when and why is it needed?
The reasons for urgent apartment repairs can be different.
You can’t vacate your home, you don’t want to rent an apartment or hotel during renovations, you don’t want to wait several months for the apartment to be renovated, etc.

You must be prepared for the fact that urgent apartment repairs are more expensive than regular repairs; there is usually a 30% markup and I will explain why.

Typically, construction teams and firms have a fixed staff of workers. There are usually not many such workers. This is due to the fact that it is easier to find work for 2-3 workers than for 4-5, because builders do not always come across volumes of work where 5 workers can be involved. If 5 workers can complete the renovation of your apartment in 1.5 months (for example), then 3 workers will do it in 2-2.5 months.

So why is urgent apartment repair more expensive than usual?
Everything is very simple. Workers will have to work longer on weekdays as well as on weekends. This affects their fatigue; you will have to pay extra for overtime. To increase the speed of repairing your apartment, builders can attract other teams that will jointly perform types of work, depending on the type of apartment renovation, with the main builders. And this entails additional time for searches and contracts with such subcontractors.

It should be taken into account that urgent repairs of an apartment do not mean that it will be done in a week (figuratively). You can only reduce the repair time within reasonable limits.
For example, an apartment will be completed not in 2 months, but in a month; some will just do the room, others the kitchen, others the bathrooms, etc.
The screed must dry before the floor covering can be laid on it, and it dries 1 cm layer - a week, 2 cm layer 2 weeks, etc. After puttying the walls, it must also dry before gluing the wallpaper; if you glue the wallpaper without allowing the putty to dry, then over time fungus may appear on the wallpaper.
There are many such moments in apartment renovation, so you need to take the timing of urgent apartment repairs seriously.

What is included in the concept of how turnkey finishing and renovation of apartments? This means complex work (as they say from A to Z). They will give you the key and you can live in your apartment. No matter what type of repair you need, turnkey work means that there will be no additional work that requires any specialists. Only one person (contractor) is responsible for all work, with whom you will decide all types of work required to repair your apartment, make financial calculations, demand quality, etc.

Article from the website website

Of course, this contractor will not be able to finish or renovate the apartment on a turnkey basis. Typically a contractor will have subcontractors that it may hire from outside, or it may have its own employees. In any case, the contractor is responsible for all work performed on your apartment (quality, timing) and he decides who will do what in your apartment. It is very convenient when one person is responsible for all types of repairs and you do not need to look for specialists for different types of work until the apartment renovation is completed. This is the pleasant advantage of finishing or renovating an apartment on a turnkey basis.

There are situations when a conflict arises between the customer and the contractor (builders) about the quality of the construction work performed. When the customer thinks that the builders did not do the job well, and the builders think that the customer is too picky. SNiP helps resolve this dispute.

SNiP- these are Building Codes and Rules. Its task is to explain the permissible deviations when repairing and finishing apartments, offices and country houses. Here are the permissible deviations in the case of repair and finishing work according to SNiP 3.04.01-87 .

clause 3.67
The distance between wallpaper joints should not exceed 0.5 mm.
Air bubbles, stains, gaps, additional gluing and peeling, as well as wallpapering baseboards, switches and sockets are not allowed.
Ensure precise fit of the pattern.
Surface painting
clause 3.67
The surfaces to be painted must be plain and uniform, without stains, splashes, or smudges. Also, previous layers of paint are not allowed to show through.
Ceramic tile cladding
clause 3.62
The deviation of the seam width from that specified in the project is (+/-) 0.5 mm.
Deviation of seams from vertical and horizontal per 1 m length is 1.5 mm.
Unevenness of the tile plane per 2 m - 2 mm.
Deviations from the vertical per 1 m of length are 1.5 mm.
Plastering works
clause 3.12
Deviation from the horizontal per 1 m of length is no more than 2 mm.
Deviation from the vertical per 1 m of length is 2 mm.
Irregularities of a smooth outline over 4 m with a depth of up to 3 mm no more than - 2.
clause 4.24
Screed for parquet, laminate, linoleum: clearance when checked with a 2-meter strip - 2 mm.
Screed for other surfaces: clearance when checked with a 2-meter strip is 6 mm.

First, let's define what it is SRO, who needs it, i.e. Do you need an SRO permit?
So. SRO stands for self-regulatory organizations, it came to replace construction licenses that ceased to be valid in 2010.
SRO approval is required when constructing or designing buildings for various purposes.

Nowadays, there are many places where you can get admission to an SRO; the cost of this “pleasure” varies everywhere, but it’s not cheap.
Usually, in order to obtain admission to an SRO, you must be registered as a legal entity (LLC, OJSC, etc.).
You must have a minimum authorized capital; all this can be found on websites that deal with the admission of SROs.

There are 3 types of SRO: for builders, designers and surveyors. The very essence of an SRO is that with permission you can carry out serious construction and installation work. SRO controls and improves the quality of work. It has a clear mechanism for compensation for harm and damage to third parties from SRO participants, as well as financial costs (within the limits of the compensation fund) arising as a result of harm to third parties.
In other words, other SRO participants vouch for you that you will perform the work properly and with quality.

In this article I analyze leaflets, advertisements and flyers of our colleagues, builders and finishers. Some will learn a lesson, others will gloat over mistakes and blunders.

In this entry I combine all the articles on this topic (since 2012) that previously appeared in the Diary. If I find something new, I will add it here, so I recommend that you add this article to yourself on your favorite social network (buttons on the left).

The most recent analyzes are below, at the very end of this post.

Let me remind you that everything you read below is only my immodest opinion.

In most cases, I justify it, but this is not the ultimate truth. I could be wrong too.

And one last thing. In some places I ruthless. If you are a vulnerable person with low self-esteem, it is better not to read.

Window installation company flyer

I decided to sort the leaflets point by point so that someone might find some useful thoughts:

This is the front side.

What do we see?

1. Linking to the target audience (pensioners receive pensions at post offices, so the channel is correct): “When you receive a pension, you will receive a benefit.”

I would highlight “receiving a pension” and “receive a benefit” larger, because pensioners do not see very well. Although, if you stand in line, you will have enough time to read everything.

2. There is an offer for free measurements (I would also highlight larger ones).

3. There is a discount coupon (very good for measuring efficiency) with a large denomination.

4. There is a list of work performed.

5. The remaining space, in my opinion, could have been used more efficiently.

I think the designer and copywriter came from the idea that by showing how many people work in the firm, they would create trust.

Back side:

1. Reviews. Lots of reviews, reviews from different parts of the city. This is good. The reviews are similar to what real people would write (most likely they are).

Reviews greatly enhance the trust of a potential client.

2. There are three photographs of works.

In my opinion, the photos are too processed, if they looked less professional, it would be more convincing. It's good that there is an old and a new price.

3. Call to action with contacts in a separate block. This is good.

I would word the call to action differently by highlighting “Free Measurement.”

Overall, one of those flyers that is nothing to laugh at. Very good job. In my opinion - 6 out of 10.

Leaflet for an apartment renovation company

Another leaflet from the mailbox, this time from the Jutta company.

In fact, this company is interesting from a business development point of view. They use perhaps the most aggressive marketing among companies that renovate premises in St. Petersburg.

I once even saw a free newspaper distributed by grandmothers near the metro, and this newspaper was published by “Yutta”.

From what I heard from people who contacted them and then came to us, and from reviews on the Internet, this marketing brought unexpected results: a large volume of orders and a very strong discrediting of the brand.

They are simply not able to control all objects, so you can find many reviews of angry customers on the Internet.

But the conversation now is not about competent business planning; I have said a lot about this.

Today I want to look at a leaflet from the Jutta company. So, the front side:

What can we say:

1. Large “Apartment renovation”. This is good because it immediately hooks those who are really interested in it.

2. A clear offer “Design project as a gift.” I don’t know how well such an offer can work in a residential area and with Jutta’s target audience (more on that later). In my opinion, the offer is incorrect.

3. “Minimum order 8,000 rubles.” What could be the design project in this case? What kind of customer might need a design project if he is willing to spend only 8,000 rubles on renovating an apartment? Stupid. This is bad.

4. An incomprehensible graphic spot with animated tools nailing the logo to the wall. For what? This space could be used much more wisely. This is bad.

5. And the most incredible thing. “We invite the masters.” A great example of how trying to save money hurts marketing.

What will a potential customer think about when reading this part of the ad? Who is the target audience? Finishers (come to us to earn money, we charge from 8,000 rubles for repairs)? Or, after all, customers (we will do the repairs for you, but we have a staff shortage)? Unclear. This is bad.

Wrong side:

What do we see?

1. Repetition of the offer from the front side. It would be good if the offer was better. But the idea is correct. The offer must be repeated on both sides. It's good that the offer has a deadline.

2. There is an indication of prices (very low, therefore attracting the stranglers I talked about). Again, the prices make it clear to the invited masters how much they will earn :) This is good for attraction, but not very good for conversion. If you want to make the phone ring, quote low prices. The phone can ring without stopping all day. There will be a lot of conversations, but no sales.

3. “Offices in every district of the city.” This is good. Since, judging by the price level, the target audience is pensioners, convenience and easy accessibility are important to such people. True, I don’t see the point of working with this segment, because the average bill is microscopic, and there are a lot of headaches. But again, that’s not what this conversation is about.

4. No call to action. Clear and understandable. And noticeable. This is bad.

5. Again a terrible invitation for masters. This is bad.

6. No visible contact information. A person who receives such a leaflet will have to figure out which phone number to call (and the phone on a blue background is apparently only for technicians). This is bad.

In general, the person who developed this leaflet, in my opinion, does not really understand what he is doing. Although, I think he is unlikely to agree with this.

My rating is 2/10.

Do you have a flyer that you would like me to review on this blog? Send it by mail.

I don't promise that I will do this, but anything is possible.

Gate installation company leaflet

Another sales leaflet, this time from Alexander from Almetyevsk.

I know Alexander personally; we briefly crossed paths when he was in St. Petersburg (it seems like at the end of March 2012).

If I can express my impression in a nutshell, I can say one thing: Alexander is a great guy!

He develops his business and develops himself, leaving his comfort zone and doing what is difficult and inconvenient to do. An excellent manifestation of character and willpower.

By the way, he was one of the first buyers of the training “9 terrible secrets on how to increase profits by managing personnel,” and almost immediately after the purchase he wrote to me about the results of the implementation.

But let's move on to his flyer. What we see on the front side:

1. Attracting attention with the title “Unique offer.” Overall, not bad, but I would replace it with some benefit for a potential client. If this sentence saves money, then you can write it that way. Everyone is now shouting about the uniqueness of their proposals, so the wording is gradually losing its power.

2. It’s good that there is a price tag for common sizes. The phrase “with installation!” I would change it to “installation included in the price” or “installation included” (if, of course, I understood the message correctly). In addition, you can further strengthen your offer if you know how to do it.

3. A coupon is a great idea. It's great that it has a limited validity period and restrictive conditions (small text in the lower right corner).

4. There are several not very big disadvantages:

  • too many different fonts (it’s better to limit yourself to three);
  • not a very good photograph (the gate is not visible, although it is the main object of sale);
  • too many colors (it’s better not to overdo it here either);
  • It’s better to write a call to action in front of the phone.

But all these disadvantages are already grounds for improvement. Overall this side is good.

Now to the back of the leaflet:

1. The selection of content is questionable. If the front part of the flyer is selling a very specific item, then the back part distracts from a clear and focused offer.

I understand that this is an attempt to tell “and we can also…”, but in this case, in my opinion, it was more reasonable to strengthen the offer on the front side and tell more about what clients get when they order a gate.

2. The back side doesn't sell anything. It's like broadcasting into the void, when a boring lecturer lectures to a sleeping audience.

I would use this place differently.

Total, for the front side the score is 8/10, for the back side - 2/10.

I hope Alexander will share the statistics of testing the leaflet and the results he gets.

Do you have a flyer that you would like me to review on this blog? Send it by mail.

I don't promise that I will do this, but anything is possible.

Leaflet for a home appliance repair company

Once again I was pleased with the mailbox. When my wife took out the envelope, at first she wanted to throw it away, but then she decided that it would be interesting for me. And she was right.

Today we will consider not a separate leaflet, but a whole set of marketing materials. I don’t know how it works (I’ll tell you about my thoughts later), but the approach is interesting.

So, let's start with the envelope (all images can be opened in large size by clicking on them).

It looks alarming, so throwing it away is not very comfortable (despite the first impulse of my wife, who is experienced in advertising waste paper).

You can feel paper and something else in the envelope. The look is quite formal.

Open the envelope and take out the contents. What do we see?

1. Actually, a leaflet. Front side:

It’s very good for selling master’s courses: if you reach the target audience who is looking for a job, everything is done more or less correctly.

The downside is the lack of connection to the problem and the lack of a call to action in front of the contact phone number. Well, and a couple of grammatical errors, but that’s not what we’re talking about now.

2. Leaflet, wrong side.

On the one hand, we saw an invitation to a master’s course and if we started reading the other side in order to get more information, then here we find a crooked selling text that sells us a refrigerator magnet that comes with this set of marketing materials and has nothing to do with our prospective job search.

How does a potential client perceive this (I don’t even really understand who he is, a happy owner of a broken refrigerator or a handy unemployed man looking for himself)?

Most likely, if I needed repair of household appliances, I would not read this side of the ad, but would immediately throw it in the trash: my refrigerator is broken, why do I need any courses?

If, on the contrary, I wanted to learn how to repair the same refrigerators, I would not find anything useful on this side, except confirmation that such specialists are needed (at least for this company).


3. The envelope also contained a refrigerator magnet:

If I'm looking for a job, this magnet is useless to me.

In case I'm looking for repairmen, a magnet that doubles as a discount card can be useful. And that's a plus.

But only if I didn’t throw it all away after reading the advertisement for the master’s course on the front of the leaflet.

What are the advantages of a magnet?

1. A discount card that is always visible and exactly where it can be useful: on the refrigerator.

2. A reminder of how the company can help.

1. Too much fine print.

Considering that I now live in a very quiet residential area, where most of the residents are retirees, such fine print is a mistake.

2. Lack of specificity in the discount offer.

The fact that the discount will be a percentage is already clear. Question: How attractive will it be to me if my refrigerator or something else breaks?

3. Too many graphics.

Perhaps this is done to make the magnet “pretty”. It is written in the sales text on the back side of the leaflet “with its brightness and originality it will decorate the interior of any kitchen” :)

Well I do not know. If there is an original who will perceive these promotional materials as decoration, then most likely there will be few such people. And, most likely, such a person will have so many things stuck on his refrigerator that this discount card will simply get lost against its background.

4. And, in principle, the main disadvantage: the leaflet, magnet and envelope do not match each other.

It feels like the people who developed this set took several strategies, combined them into one and decided to test what would happen.

Considering the fact that all this costs money, in my opinion, it is a little expensive for testing. Especially when you consider that this set has two goals: to sell training and to sell repairs.

And these goals are mutually exclusive, which means that each of them has its own target audience.

And you and I, colleagues, are once again witnessing a techie’s desire to save money and kill two birds with one stone.

As always, this desire leads to a sharp decrease in effectiveness on both goals, which I constantly talk about.

In general, my verdict: bad. But an interesting and original attempt.

If we complete the same strategy and lead to one goal, instead of two, then it should be more effective.

Do you have a flyer that you would like me to review on this blog? Send it by mail.

I don't promise that I will do this, but anything is possible.

Flyer from a company that installs suspended ceilings

Today we’ll look at a leaflet from a company that deals with stretch ceilings.

So, what we see on the front side:

1. The phrase “Stretch ceilings” is highlighted in color and font so that everyone who is interested in this will pay attention. This is good.

2. The message itself, “The whole truth about stretch ceilings,” arouses curiosity and some tension. This is good.

In fact, this is a universal headline for attracting attention and arousing interest. I use it often myself, regardless of what I want to sell.

On the other hand, there is no call to action that explains what exactly a person who wants to know this “whole truth” should do. This is bad.

4. There is a phone number and office address. This is good. There is no call to call or come. This is bad.

5. There are beautiful pictures (as far as I could see, these are renderings, not photographs). All pictures show quite expensive solutions, which is also good for filtering and positioning.

6. There is an offer (3D visualization as a gift). It's good, but not here. I'll explain why below. The offer is weak and inconspicuous. Although, considering that it is not needed here, this is not so bad :)

7. There is a company logo. This is good, but again, not here.

8. There is a lot of empty unused space. This is bad. Brevity, of course, is the sister of talent, but not always. If you are selling something, the success of the sale depends on the number of arguments.

What do we see on the back?

Nothing. The reverse side is empty and clean. This is very bad.

Bottom line: Not a bad idea for generating a pipeline of interested leads.

If the link led to a page with the same title as in the ad “The whole truth about stretch ceilings,” then it would work much better (I don’t know how it works now). This approach in marketing is called lead generation or leadgen from the English word lead, which means potential client.

What's the idea: you attract people potentially interested in your service or product by promising to give them useful information. They come where you send them, and, in addition to useful information, they are exposed to selling influence, for example,.

It turns out that you identified those who are interesting to you and gave them what you promised, while also selling them along the way.

By the way, this is why the offer should not have been in the leaflet, but on the page where the interested potential client ended up.

There should also be a logo and all other attributes of the company.

And the lead gen leaflet shouldn’t even have a hint that you want to sell something. Only an offer of free information and a promise to tell “the whole truth” about anything.

And so, the site is completely unprepared for sale.

What can we say in conclusion? Overall, a good try. A good idea, slightly spoiled by poor implementation. It would be interesting to know their sales statistics.

Rating: 6 out of 10.

Do you have a flyer that you would like me to review on this blog? Send it by mail.

I don't promise that I will do this, but anything is possible.

Leaflet for a company selling building materials and building structures

Today we will analyze a sales leaflet (flyer) of a construction company sent by Alexey from Kamensk-Uralsky.

So let's get started.

Actually, the sales leaflet (flyer) itself:

This, as far as I understand, is the front side.

1. The company name is written in capital letters. Here I would argue with the author of the leaflet: in my firm belief, it is not the name of the company that should catch the eye, but either the solution that the leaflet sells, or the problem the solution to which the leaflet sells. But given that there is a picture, this consideration loses a little weight. But it remains.

2. The illegible inscription “Perhaps the best in town” is unnecessary. Firstly, it is difficult to read, and secondly, it does not make any sense to a potential customer. Well, I understand that this is an attempt to imitate a review (I hope, at least), but in this case it would have been better to attach a real review in legible block letters with a photo of the customer.

3. There are a lot of names of what is sold. “Balconies, loggias, blinds” are from one group of products (logically), “interior doors and cabinet furniture” are from another. One of the most common mistakes entrepreneurs make is trying to sell everything they have in one click: on a flyer, website or in a print advertisement. In this way, you do not save money, but reduce the conversion of the selected media tool, diverting the potential customer’s attention from what he needs at the moment. That is why I recommend that clients display different areas of the company’s activities on different websites. Specialists are respected, multi-machine operators are respected less.

4. And then suddenly a window appears in all this assortment. For one day. This is good, by the way. If you remove everything that was on top, then it can work: there is a semblance of a USP (one-day window), there is a price, there is a picture that attracts attention. But it turns out that this part of the leaflet is in no way connected with the previous one.

6. No call to action! The person needs to be told what to do with contacts: call, come, write. This is bad.

7. “Fast and convenient” - this, as I understand it, is another approach to the USP (which does not exist yet, but judging by the fact that Alexey now has a mini-training, it will appear soon).

Let's move on to the wrong side.

1. Change the flyer for a discount. This is good. This is an incentive for a potential client not to throw away the leaflet, but to save it until he is ready to buy. A 3% discount means practically nothing and is not an argument. 10% - yes. 3% - no. I would think about how the discount can be increased or how it can be replaced.

2. And here a new player comes into the game - Stretch ceiling in 2 days. Suddenly. There is a price - that's good. But for those who look at the leaflet, chaos is already emerging in their head: balconies, loggias, interior doors, blinds, cabinet furniture, windows... and now also a suspended ceiling. This is too much.

3. The next photo without a caption is probably the front door. No signature - bad. There is a starting price - good. There is a picture - good. Another product position on one leaflet is bad.

4. Contacts. OK, but no call to action.

5. Perhaps I would think about a color combination (although I'm not a designer). I’m not sure about the correct choice of red text against the background of a red brick wall. This also applies to yellow, but not to the same extent.

Summary. The leaflet needs to be improved. I would rate it 3 out of 10 (one point each for using both sides, distinguishable pins, and “change the flyer for a discount”).

Do you have a flyer that you would like me to review on this blog? Send it by mail.

I don't promise that I will do this, but anything is possible.

Leaflet for a company installing plastic windows

Today I will sort out another leaflet that fell into the slot of my mailbox.

The leaflet sells the installation of plastic windows and additional services.

So, let's go.

It’s not clear where the front side is and where the back is, so I’ll start the way I saw this sales flyer myself.

Side 1:

The original leaflet is slightly smaller (about 12 cm in width).

What we see:

1. A headline that doesn't say anything about what you're selling (this headline can be stuck on anything and doesn't give any clue as to why an interested prospect should read it). This is bad.

The headline should “sell” the rest of the content of the leaflet or, at worst, indicate what will be discussed next, so that the reader immediately understands whether this relates to his problem or not.

2. Next comes exactly what should be noticeable in the first place: an indication of the problem that is being solved. It's good that it exists, but it's bad that it's not where it should be. In addition, this item is completely unnecessary to be included in the bulleted list: it merges with what comes next.

3. Description of options in the form of a bulleted list. It's good that there are details. This increases the likelihood of getting into the problem of the target audience and does not force the potential client to think about how the company can be useful to him.

4. Offer, noticeable and highlighted. This is good. The small font at the bottom spoils the impression a little.

For those who cannot see the inscription: “The discount is provided for no more than 25% of the order value, it cannot be combined with all discounts and promotions.”

A person who reads the fine print while studying the flyer before calling may say: “Oh, okay, another scam.” and change your mind.

But the offer itself is not bad. And it’s good that it catches your eye.

Side 2:

It was scanned unevenly, there is no such distortion in the original.

What do we see when we turn over this piece of thin paper?

1. A heartbreaking question (it is not clear to whom: to ourselves or to a potential client). The question mark is superfluous here and it is better to replace it with a colon, because what follows is a list of properties (note, properties, not advantages and not). Average. It can be worse, but it can also be better.

2. A bulleted list of properties (or better yet, these would be benefits or advantages for a potential client). Average.

3. The last point is highlighted and represents a price offer, which is not bad compared to everything else. Fine.

4. Phone number and opening hours without a call to action (which would be useful here). Badly.

5. Call to action with translation to the site. It’s good that they gave an incentive to visit the site (they read reviews), and didn’t write something like “Find out more”, etc.

Verdict. Overall, the leaflet is better than many others, but needs improvement.

What would I do:

1. On the first side, instead of the boastful “We are recommended to friends,” I would place a headline indicating what I am selling. Ideally, this would be the USP.

2. I would pull out the first line from the list to separate it visually (at least remove the marker at the beginning of the line).

4. On the second side, I would reformulate all the properties into advantages and benefits for the potential client.

Do you have a flyer that you would like me to review on this blog? Send it by mail.

I don't promise that I will do this, but anything is possible.

Update from 2017-07: Leaflet for an apartment renovation company

Today we’ll look at an advertisement from an apartment renovation company.

I believe that advertisements on the front door (in other cities of Russia - the entrance) have no chance. Or rather, they are so tiny that the result/cost ratio is extremely unattractive.

But today I caught my eye on the title and was glad to see a good idea that can be developed, but on a landing page or website within the system.

Here's the ad itself:

In fact, it could very well be a piece of a landing page. I won't discuss the child hanging upside down in the background now, that's what we have for.

Let's talk about copywriting and one useful idea that is in this ad.

The benefits laid out in the body of the ad are quite standard, and are now perceived by potential customers as white noise, because all repairmen say the same thing about themselves.

But the idea of ​​“options to suit your budget” is a very good one.

You can build a not very long funnel on this idea and promote it as a tool for saving the customer’s time and effort.

Something like a free automatic consultant who will select options for solving your apartment renovation problem and send them by email.

The main thing is to imagine what stages your potential customer goes through, and where it is easiest to pull him into your funnel.

Do you have a flyer that you would like me to review on this blog? Send it by mail.

I don't promise that I will do this, but anything is possible.

Update from 2018-05: Interior finishing company leaflet

This leaflet was sent for analysis by Sergey from the LOFT company in Ukhta.

According to Sergei, he paid “professionals” for its development.

I pay tribute to Sergei’s courage. Sending a leaflet for merciless analysis is an indicator of readiness to accept the real state of affairs, and not a sweet illusion.

So what we have:

From a design perspective (consistency of colors, fonts, text and graphics), I have no complaints. If only because I’m not a designer and I don’t understand anything about it.

Nothing hurts the eye. And that's bad. Because the human reptilian brain, if the eye is not caught on anything, is in a sleepy state.

When a person sleeps, he does not buy.

Therefore, on a flyer or leaflet it is necessary to violate (within reasonable limits) the rule of design consistency. Something should be eye-catching and attract attention.

Let's go in order:

1. In large print - the name of the company. In fact, this is the largest text element on the flyer.

In order for a potential customer to be more likely to read the rest of the text, his attention should be attracted to something that is directly related to him. And the name of the company does not make sense to him.

The most noticeable element should be the offer: an attractive offer.

Or, at worst, a description of the problem you are solving.

2. There is no offer on this flyer at all, which significantly reduces its chances.

It is not clear what the leaflet is intended for.

The fact that a potential customer has a problem with finishing right now, but he doesn’t know where to look for finishers? I am begging you.

This might have been the case 20 years ago, when the Internet was weak and not accessible to everyone. But not today.

A good offer hooks a potential customer by providing him with a clear benefit. No offer - no benefit.

3. My favorite: trying to sell everything at once in one place.

This is the problem of most techies: why make one leaflet for each direction, if you can put everything in one piece of paper, let the customer figure it out himself!

Your potential customer does not live in “any premises” and does not work in “any premises”.

He lives in an apartment and works in an office. “Any premises” is a meaningless phrase that does not evoke recognition from a potential customer.

Therefore, when you sell something, you need specifics: apartment renovation, office decoration or major renovation of hangars for the Su-29.

Moreover, the narrower the niche, the better it will work: “apartment renovation” works worse than “renovation of a two-room apartment.”

It is clear that the market also narrows as the niche narrows. But a more focused message is more likely to reach a potential customer.

4. Graphics “to be”.

This is purely a design disease: something is missing, let's add meaningless icons!

I’m talking about “tick in a circle” and “10 years”.

10 years of what? Experience? Time spent working on the market?

And only after taking a closer look and reading below, you understand that this is about a guarantee.

5. Okay, stop. This is not a repair company, this is a store!

They also sell decorative stone and street lighting. What then to do with the following unreadable list of work being performed?

I understand! This is a continuation of the story about “let’s put everything in one ad!”

But I already wrote about this, I won’t repeat it.

6. List of works.

For what? It is pointless.

The customer does not care what is included in the finishing. The result is important to him. The solution to his problem.

Instead of a list, it would be better to place several blocks with reviews.

7. Completion: contact details.

The phone is clearly mobile. This is bad. Even if you don’t have an office, the phone number should be landline (or just direct), this strengthens trust.

The email address is too long and difficult to remember.

Instead of the website address - the address of the VK group. This is bad for trust. .

8. And some kind of offer at the end.

No call to action, no incentive to react now.

Free measurement? OK.

9. Results.

Before us is a typical example of a leaflet developed by designers who didn’t give a damn about sales and conversion.

This often happens when you pay people for work, not for results.

It looks nice, is forgotten instantly, and doesn’t bring in any requests (I think so).

That's all.

Do you have a flyer that you would like me to review on this blog? Send it by mail.

I don't promise that I will do this, but anything is possible.

  • Definition of target audience
  • Set up advertising
  • Get targeted subscribers
  • Receive applications

The company "Honest Repair" is engaged in full and partial finishing of apartments in St. Petersburg. They also help with free acceptance of apartments in new buildings. Before this, advertising campaigns had already been carried out on Vkontakte, but they did not bring results, and they decided to contact me to attract apartment renovation clients from this social network.

Before you start, you need to prepare a landing page (in this case, a group) for traffic. First of all, I asked the customer to change the cover and fill the group with unique content. We started using posts with colorful photographs, polls, and selected hashtags.

A sales funnel is an analytics tool that allows you to understand how your potential client comes to the decision to purchase your product or service.

When working on this project, I decided to use 3 sales funnels:

After talking with the customer, I identified the following audience segments in the mindmap:

I collect databases from:

  • Competitors
  • Residential complexes
  • Friends of competitors' employees
  • Categories of interests


  • I analyze popular posts in a topic to understand which pictures in advertising are most likely to be visited.
  • I’m putting together a core to better understand the target audience: demographic data, in which groups. Most often, girls from 20 to 45 years old are interested in repairs. They also belong to 2-3 groups about interior design and beautiful finishes.

To test the ad, pictures from the Internet or photographs provided by the customer themselves are used. I also test calls to action. For example: “Go and join / Go and fill out / Join and get a discount.” The result is 20-30 posts with various pictures and calls. I choose hot databases for the test, collected from competitors and Residential Complexes. I unscrew it and see which posts have the highest CTR, conversion to subscription and the ratio of positive to negative.

Sample advertisement for apartment renovation on VKontakte

During the work, a number of advertisements that were “unsuitable” for advertising were revealed:

Failed promos

1. Audiences that have performed well in this niche: residential complexes and competitors.

They consistently bring in orders for 100-300 rubles, which makes me and my customer very happy.

2. You need to work on the content of the group.

At the beginning of work, a subscription to the group (for a hot audience) cost 50 rubles! That's a lot, isn't it? Therefore, it was decided to completely change the content plan in the group and as a result, the price dropped to 20 rubles per subscriber.

3. Design.

The design should inspire confidence and look decent among competitors who have terrible design.

4. Repair in a few months.

This niche is not the fastest in making a profit, but this is its advantage. By constantly warming up our subscribers with content, we show them our professionalism and that they can trust us with renovations in their apartment. And if you regularly bring applications to the customer for 100 - 300 rubles (or even less), then this will be considered an excellent basis for long-term cooperation.

Now you know where to get clients for apartment renovations and how to write an advertisement correctly to find many clients. You can once again look at the ad text in the samples from my case and, based on it, create your own selling text for advertising apartment renovations. If something is unclear, be sure to write in the comments.