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Seleznev Kirill Gennadievich. Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev Telegram review: Dagestan switches to manual mode

(2)Russian manager, member of the board of Gazprom, general director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, chairman of the board of directors of Mosenergo



In 1992-1997 he studied at the Baltic State Technical University "Voenmech" with a degree in "Pulse devices and automatic rotor lines." In 2002 he graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in finance and credit.



Telegram review: Dagestan switches to manual mode

How Gazprom board member Kirill Seleznev pumped up a young relative with gas capital

In March 2014, Rossiya Bank came under sanctions from the US Treasury due to events in Ukraine. As stated in the department’s press release, “SB Rossiya” is controlled by the “inner circle” of President Putin, “acts in the interests of and provides material or other support to high-ranking Russian officials.” As an investigation by Novaya Gazeta showed, Bank Rossiya is of interest not only to Russian officials, but also to members of the board of Gazprom. In February 2014, the structure of the gas monopoly sold 12% of the bank's shares to two companies - Overpass-Invest and Oberon Estate. Ivan Mironov, the half-brother of Gazprom board member Kirill Seleznev, is related to both companies.
link: http://www.compromat. ru/page_34499.htm

Gazprom will reduce purchases from Novatek and may sell gas distribution facilities in Chelyabinsk

Gazprom Neft shareholders elected a new board of directors

Shareholders of JSC Gazprom Neft at an extraordinary meeting on November 20 early terminated the powers of members of the board of directors and elected a new board of directors consisting of the following:
link: http://ir.gazprom-neft. ru/news-and-publications/ investor-releases/single/ article/269/74/browse/12/ print.html

Gazprom Neft will pay 16.9 billion rubles in dividends

The General Meeting of Gazprom Neft shareholders decided to allocate 16 billion 926 million 440 thousand rubles from Gazprom Neft’s net profit according to US GAAP standards, which amounted to 95 billion 592 million 511 thousand rubles, to pay dividends based on the results of 2009.

One new representative from Gazprom, A. Kalinkin, has joined Gazprom Neft.

Gazprom Neft shareholders re-elected the board of directors. Gazprom Neft included one new representative - Deputy Head of the Department for Gas, Gas Condensate and Oil Production of Gazprom Alexander Kalinkin. He took the place of Vasily Podyuk. The remaining members of the board of directors retained their seats.
Read in full: fond/2010/06/29/32865363.shtml

Gazprom Neft has reduced dividends by 33% and will pay bonuses

Gazprom Neft shareholders approved the decision to pay dividends for 2009 in the amount of 3.57 rubles per share. For this, the company will allocate 16.926 billion rubles, according to a Gazprom Neft press release received by The company will pay all dividends by May 31, 2011. The amount of payments to shareholders decreased by 33.3% compared to 2008 (5.4 rubles per share).

Gazprom and PetroVietnam discussed the work of Gazpromviet

On Tuesday in Moscow, at the central office of Gazprom Zarubezhneftegaz CJSC, a meeting of the negotiation group on the development of the activities of Gazpromviet LLC was held within the framework of the Joint General Working Group (JWG) on cooperation between Gazprom OJSC and the Oil and Gas Corporation of Vietnam (OCG) PetroVietnam.
link: html

Members of the board of directors of Gazprom Neft will receive $450,000 each

Remuneration to members of the board of directors of Gazprom Neft for 2009 will amount to 300-450 thousand dollars. This amount of payments was approved at today's annual meeting of the company's shareholders, Interfax reports. The payments amounted to 0.005% of Gazprom Neft's EBITDA for 2009. The company's EBITDA in 2009 amounted to $5.977 billion. Thus, a member of the board of directors will receive about 300 thousand dollars.

10 former members and 2 new candidates were nominated to the Gazprom Neft Board of Directors

As stated in the materials for the meeting, the former members of the Board of Directors, consisting of 10 people, were nominated as candidates: Chairman of the Board of Gazprom Alexey Miller, Head of Gazprom Neft Alexander Dyukov, Deputy Chairman of Gazprom Andrey Kruglov and Valery Golubev, members of the Board Gazprom Kirill Seleznev, Vasily Podyuk, Olga Pavlova, Nikolay Dubik, first deputy head of the legal department of Gazprom Vladimir Alisov and first deputy head of the department of marketing, processing of gas and liquid hydrocarbons of the concern Alexander Mikheev.

The shells are falling closer and closer to the “dugout” of the general director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC, Kirill Seleznev, as the court sentenced the ex-top manager of the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz division in the Omsk region, Sergei Podolny, and the former head of the Regional Strategic Development Fund, Alena Babiy.

According to investigators, this couple introduced several companies at once into the scheme of direct fuel supplies from Gazprom Mezhregiongaz to the Omsktekhuglerod plant. Because of such gasket somersaults, the final price of “blue” fuel increased compared to the selling price by more than 200 million rubles.

For fraud on an especially large scale, Podolny received 5 years in prison; the court dealt with Babiy more carefully: she received 3 and a half years. The Moscow Post correspondent reports.

But when will it be the turn of the virtuoso “conductor” of all these tricks? It is clear that in the shadow of his father, as the media write about it - the former speaker of the State Duma, the late Gennady Seleznev - Mr. Seleznev Jr. feels invulnerable.

But is it? This “kinship” seems to have been invented by Kirill Seleznev himself, but our hero has nothing to do with the late Gennady Seleznev. But why has he been hiding behind his famous namesake for so many years? Let's try to figure this out.

"The Mighty Handful" Konovalenko

The scandal that broke out at the end of 2017 has not yet completely subsided: literally before the New Year, a corruption scheme was uncovered that allowed Gazprom Mezhregiongaz employees to withdraw large sums from the corporation. The media wrote a lot about this. “The leaders of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz, Kirill Seleznev and Mikhail Sirotkin, are suspected of withdrawing funds from the state corporation.” A material was published with this headline on the Caucasus Post portal.

The process of withdrawing funds could allegedly have been led by Deputy Director for Economics and Finance Natalya Konovalenko, that is, Mr. Seleznev’s right hand. Ms. Konovalenko oversaw the company’s public procurement system for a long time. And she organized a “mighty handful” of her supposed acquaintances, with the help of whom a huge network of front companies was created.

These companies participated in auctions and became winners every time. The investigation established: ANT-Inform LLC, Gazstroy North-West LLC, Project Technology LLC and Arma LLC were cross-connected by their owners, founders and beneficiaries.

Our home is Gazprom. What about yours?

In 18 months of titanic labor, this “mighty bunch” received a gain of 400 million rubles.

And Ms. Konovalenko’s right hand is Anatoly Erkulov, Deputy General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz for Investments and Capital Construction. At the same time, he heads Gazprom Investgazification LLC. And he owns 25% of the shares of a certain company "Transstroy". And the other 25% of the shares of the same company are owned by Natalya Konovalenko. What an interweaving of burning interests, repeating the distribution of roles in the scheme of shell companies. Were they created specifically for “cutting up” government procurement?

Almost 8 months have passed since the scandal broke. Why are the investigative authorities inactive? Is it because “the son of Gennady Seleznev” is a “sacred cow”? But we will talk about fraud with the names of the former State Duma speaker a little later.

Doesn't Miller know anything?

It turns out that back in 2015, the newspaper “Top Secret” very thoroughly revealed a theft scheme in the Gazprom Mezhregiongaz company. And the large-scale activities of Natalia Konovalenko, who has been working in the structure since 2007. Journalists were sincerely surprised: did the head of Gazprom, Alexey Miller, know nothing about the gigantic theft and withdrawal of money?

The head of Gazprom Miller is not immediately recognizable in his helmet

Note that Gazprom Mezhregiongaz supplies consumers through 48 subsidiaries. The company supplies gas to many regions of the Russian Federation. And it sends “blue fuel” to dozens of domestic industrial enterprises.

Gazprom Mezhregionagaz has beautiful offices

The company employs almost 200 thousand people. And such a huge structure constantly requires both goods and various services. That is why a scheme for purchasing goods and services through an electronic platform was introduced. And away we go!

The investigation continually uncovers schemes in which the same companies that do not produce anything fall into the tender “trough.” But they regularly win Gazprom tenders. Then they organize the supply of goods and services at prices that exceed the market average by 30%.

What's surprising? From the point of view, everything seems to be clean: there are documents about the cost and origin of goods and services, but these goods are purchased from manufacturing organizations, and goods and services are ordered under subcontract agreements! Clever!

Thus, hundreds of millions of dollars may be washed out of Gazprom for more than one year in a row. Gazprom itself is either asleep, or dozing, or has generally fallen into a lethargic sleep. But Gazprom stubbornly points to the constant shortage of cabbage. And every year it increases gas prices by 10–15%. Over the past 5 years, the cost of gas for Russians has doubled! And prices continue to jump and jump.

Isn’t it time for the General Prosecutor’s Office, together with the Investigative Committee of Russia, to pay attention to this paradox? After all, this is not the first time that the bell rings loudly!

The FSB uncovered the scam

But let’s return briefly to the city of Omsk, where the central district court of Omsk announced the verdict to Sergei Podolny and Alena Babiy in the case of fraud with gas supplies. How did you find the scammers? In 2016, the FSB directorate for the Omsk region uncovered a large-scale scam involving gas purchases for the Omsktekhuglerod plant. The difference between the selling prices of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz Omsk and the purchasing prices for the enterprise reached several million rubles. As stated in the case, the previously existing direct gas supply scheme fraudulently included nominal companies Technical Carbon LLC and Gaznefttrading LLC, which increased their interest on the cost of fuel. The plant's losses amounted to over 200 million rubles.

In November 2016, Sergei Podolny was detained. Earlier, the court sent Alena Babiy to a pre-trial detention center. In January 2017, Podolny and Babiy appeared in court. By that time they were under recognizance not to leave the place. Both Babiy and Podolny stubbornly insisted on their innocence. They claimed that investigators were unable to provide any evidence of their guilt.

But judge Vladislav Storozhuk considered that the collected documents were sufficient for a guilty verdict. The court sentenced Sergei Podolny to 5 years in prison and a fine of 500 thousand rubles. Alena Babiy - 3 and a half years in prison and a fine of 300 thousand rubles. In addition, they must compensate the Omsktekhuglerod plant for damage: each will pay 100 million rubles.

After such a lenient sentence was announced - they should have given 10 years each - the guards took Babiy and Podolny into custody right in the courtroom.

"Son of Lieutenant Schmidt"

Even earlier, former leaders of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz were detained in Pyatigorsk. They were suspected of stealing 1 billion rubles. Sweet number! It turns out that the company of 44-year-old Kirill Seleznev works according to masterfully worked out schemes?

"The Son of Lieutenant Schmidt" - Kirill Seleznev

Isn't it time for the security forces to take a closer look at this odious figure? After all, Mr. Seleznev, apparently, simply invented a fairy-tale biography for himself. For 15 years now, the media and journalists have been circulating the fact that Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev is the son of Gennady Nikolaevich Seleznev, former editor-in-chief of Komsomolskaya Pravda (1981-1988), former speaker of the State Duma (1996-2003).

Gennady Seleznev and Boris Yeltsin

But in all official biographies and even on Wikipedia it is clearly written in black and white: G.N. Nikolaev has one and only daughter, Tatyana Gennadievna Selezneva (today Andreeva), born in 1974.

It turns out that Kirill Seleznev and Tatiana Selezneva-Andreeva are born in the same year! But Kirill Seleznev cannot even be Seleznev’s illegitimate son, since it is known what ardent love united Irina and Gennady Seleznev at the very beginning of the novel. There are memories of Gennady Seleznev himself about this, and there are documentaries made.

From the official biographical information. Gennady Seleznev's father is Nikolai Stepanovich Seleznev. Mother - Fokina (Svobodina) Vera Ivanovna, now living (!) Wife - Seleznyova (Maslova) Irina Borisovna (born 1948). The only daughter Tatyana, born in 1974. Son-in-law - former press secretary of Gennady Zyuganov Andrey Andreev. Two granddaughters - Elizaveta and Ekaterina.

Education and academic degree

He studied at the Baltic State Technical University named after D. F. Ustinov with a degree in pulse devices and automatic rotor lines.

Then he graduated from St. Petersburg State University with a degree in finance and credit.

Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Labor activity

In 1997, he began his career as a manager at Baltic Financial Company LLC.

In 1998, he went to work at OJSC Investment and Financial Group Management. Investments. Development". Worked as a technical analyst for money market instruments and a leading securities specialist in the stock trading department.

From 1999 to 2000, he was the chief specialist of the group for coordinating investment activities of OJSC Sea Port of St. Petersburg.

In 2000-2001, he headed the tax group of OJSC Baltic Pipeline System (BTS), then the BTS branch of OJSC Verkhnevolzhskie Trunk Oil Pipelines as a head.

Since 2001 he has been working in the structure of Gazprom. First he took the post of deputy head of the board of staff - assistant to the chairman of the board, and in 2002 he became head of the Department of Marketing, Processing of Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons at Gazprom.

Since 2002, he has been a member of the holding’s board.

Since 2003, he headed Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC (until September 2010 - Mezhregiongaz) as General Director.

In 2004-2008 was a member of the board of directors of RAO UES of Russia.

Since 2015, he worked as the head of department 614 of PJSC Gazprom.

On April 12, 2019, it became known about his resignation from his posts at Gazprom and Gazprom Mezhregiongaz due to the end of his contracts.

He took the post of General Director of RusKhimAlliance LLC.

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Kirill Gennadievich Seleznev

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Birth name:

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Date of Birth:



In 1997-1998 - manager at the Baltic Financial Company. In 1998-1999 - technical analyst for money market instruments, specialist, leading securities specialist of the stock operations department in the investment and financial group “Management. Investments. Development". In 1999-2000 - chief specialist of the group for coordinating investment activities of the St. Petersburg seaport. In 2000-2001, he was the head of the tax group of the Baltic Pipeline System, then at its branch Verkhnevolzhsky Trunk Oil Pipelines.

In 2001-2002 - Deputy Chief of Staff of the Management Board - Assistant to the Chairman of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom. Since April 2002 - Head of the Department of Marketing, Gas and Liquid Hydrocarbons Processing of OJSC Gazprom, since September 2002 - Member of the Management Board of OJSC Gazprom. From July 2004 to June 2008 - member of the board of directors of RAO UES of Russia. Since March 20, 2003 - General Director of Gazprom Mezhregiongaz LLC. Since 2007 - Chairman of the Board of Directors of Mosenergo, control over which was gradually acquired by Gazprom structures.

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An excerpt characterizing Seleznev, Kirill Gennadievich

The freshness of the clean, crisp air was breathtaking! Sparkling and sparkling in the rays of the burning mountain sun, it burst into flashing snowflakes, penetrating into the very “depths” of the lungs... One breathed easily and freely, as if not air, but an amazing life-giving force was pouring into the body. And I wanted to breathe it in endlessly!..
The world seemed beautiful and sunny! As if there was no evil and death anywhere, people did not suffer anywhere, and as if a terrible man named Karaffa did not live on earth...
I felt like a bird, ready to spread its light wings and soar high, high into the sky, where no Evil could reach me!..
But life mercilessly brought me back to earth, with cruel reality reminding me of the reason why I came here. I looked around - right behind me stood a gray stone rock, licked by the winds, sparkling in the sun with fluffy frost. And on it... luxurious, large, unprecedented flowers swayed in a white scattering of stars!.. Proudly exposing their white, waxy, pointed petals to the sun's rays, they looked like pure, cold stars that mistakenly fell from the sky onto this gray , a lonely rock... Unable to take my eyes off their cold, wondrous beauty, I sank onto the nearest stone, enthusiastically admiring the mesmerizing play of chiaroscuro on the blinding white, flawless flowers... My soul rested blissfully, greedily absorbing the wonderful peace of this bright , a charming moment... A magical, deep and affectionate silence hovered all around...
And suddenly I perked up... I remembered! Traces of the Gods!!! That's what these magnificent flowers were called! According to an old, old legend, which my beloved grandmother told me a long time ago, the Gods, coming to Earth, lived high in the mountains, far from the bustle of the world and human vices. Thinking for long hours about the lofty and eternal, they closed themselves from Man with a veil of “wisdom” and alienation... People did not know how to find them. And only a few were lucky enough to see THEM, but then, no one ever saw these “lucky” ones again, and there was no one to ask the way to the proud Gods... But then one day a dying warrior climbed high into the mountains, not wanting to surrender to the enemy alive, who defeated him.
Life abandoned the sad warrior, flowing out with the last drops of cooling blood... And no one was there to say goodbye, to wash his last path with tears... But, already slipping away, his gaze caught on the wondrous, unprecedented, divine beauty!.. Immaculate, snow-white, most amazing flowers surrounded him... Their wonderful whiteness washed his soul, returning the lost strength. Called to life... Unable to move, he listened to their cold light, opening his lonely heart to affection. And right there, before his eyes, his deep wounds closed. Life returned to him, even stronger and more furiously than at birth. Feeling like a hero again, he stood up... right in front of his eyes stood the tall Elder...
-Have you brought me back, God? – the warrior asked enthusiastically.
-Who are you, human? And why do you call me Lord? – the old man was surprised.
“Who else could have done something like this?” – the man whispered. – And you live almost as if in the sky... That means you are God.

Education and degrees
Graduated from the Baltic Technical University named after Ustinov. He also studied at the State University of St. Petersburg. Candidate of Economic Sciences.

Personal life

Worked as a manager at the Baltic Financial Company (1997 – 1998). Afterwards he was the chief securities specialist in the investment and financial group “Management. Investments. Development". Then he was the chief specialist of the group for coordinating investment activities. In 2000, he became the head of the tax group of the Baltic Pipeline System. General Manager of Mezhregiongaz LLC (2003-2004). Later he became a member of the Board of Management of RAO UES of Russia (2004–2008). Since 2011, he has been the head of the marketing department, processing of liquid hydrocarbons and gas at Gazprom.

Condition and fixed assets
Kirill Gennadievich owns shares in OJSC Gazprom.