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Download pictures for wood burning. Wood burning: sketches for people with different skill levels, help for beginners and ideas for experienced pyrographs

Nowadays, there are many ways to burn wood, each of which requires individual skills and materials. This article will discuss the most common method - pyrography. This method is a literal drawing on wood using a special electric burner, which you can buy in many stores, both among goods for needlework, and in the tool department. In this article, we will analyze the popular drawings that are perfect for burning wood.
The best material for applying the drawing is a plywood board made from alder or linden. Before work, it must be sanded with sandpaper. Sketches can be depicted on the tree by hand or translated through carbon paper, you can also use a stencil, but do not forget to remove it before starting to burn.

We disassemble popular drawings for burning on a tree with our own hands

Drawing technique:
  • Burning is carried out exclusively on dry wood.
  • To begin with, points are first set on a pre-applied drawing, and only after that are lines drawn. In order to make the line thin, the pen of the electric burner should be moved quickly. And to get a thick line, on the contrary, slowly. When the line is finished, the pen should be torn off quickly, without holding it in place. Pressing the pen during drawing is not worth it.
  • First, the outer edge of the pattern is burned out, gradually moving to the center.
  • By changing the glow and inclination of the pin, you can create both deeply saturated lines and barely noticeable strokes. You can also change the color intensity of the lines.
  • Do not slow down the pen on the electric burner in the drawing. This can make the edges of the scorched grooves carbonized. The same thing happens if the pin overheats.
  • You can cool the pin tip by simply holding it upright for some time.
  • Burning should be done in several parts of the picture at once. Having worked a little on one site, he is left and transferred to another, and then again return to the first. This is necessary to avoid intermediate burn-throughs between nearby strokes resulting from overheating. Therefore, you should not immediately burn out several details that are close to each other, before you hit a new stroke, you need to let the neighboring one cool down.
  • If necessary, shade a large area, first you need to burn out the contour (outline), and then inside it work with the wide side of the pin. When creating the background, you can use a variety of techniques: paint over with vertical lines or strokes, dots, patterns of various sizes and density of application. Also in sets for wood burning often curly tips are present, the use of which helps to diversify the picture in a simple, uncomplicated way.
  • Having finished burning the pattern, the surface is carefully, but carefully, so as not to damage small strokes and lines and not round the edges of the protrusions, they are sanded with fine emery paper.
  • An already finished drawing can be supplemented by painting it with watercolors or oil paints. For painting on wood you will need high quality paints and a sufficient set of soft round and flat brushes.
  • Scorched, and after painted works need special decoration, which is waxing. Wax finish gives the picture a matte silky sheen and preserves the natural color of the tree, and also helps to maintain the tone and saturation of the applied colors for a long time.

We study schemes and examples of beautiful works for inspiration

The photo below shows a selection of light patterns that can help beginners get their hands on:

Certainly, popular motives for burning, for example, on a cutting board are paintings depicting nature.

Flowers burnt on a tree look very beautiful. Here are a few templates that are very easy to execute even for those who first took up this craft.

Perhaps the following examples will seem more complicated than the previous ones, but animals made on wood are worth the work invested in their creation:

Video for beginners on the topic of the article

In these videos you will see how the process of burning through wood occurs, learn some of the nuances of this type of activity, how to choose the right burner and, perhaps, find new ideas for yourself and your work.

Wood burning is a very interesting and fascinating process of creating a real work of art, for which there are many sketches. Even in the time of Ancient Russia, this work was unimaginably popular, and in our time its spread is increasing, attracting more and more masters and craftswomen, of different ages, with different ideas, thoughts and styles of burning every year.

Learning wood burning with sketches: where to start

Create a convenient and pleasant workplace for you. Arrange everything so that everything you need is always at hand, but nothing interferes with the creative process.

Soft wood species like pine, ash, birch, linden or maple are great for the first training work. Soft wood species on the market are much cheaper than hard ones, as well as they are lighter, which will make it possible to create different shades and halftones when applying a picture, and for beginning pyrographs, the result of each stroke applied to them will be better visible.

You should always start with templates that are easy and enjoyable to execute. Simple pictures with straight lines will allow you to work out the force of pressing the pyrograph and choose a comfortable burner temperature. Such paintings are suitable for children, or for beginners:

Also, beginners will benefit from experience with patterns of varying complexity, which will look beautiful when bordering frames or cutting boards:

The most frequent for burning out have always been and remain the motives of nature. Paintings with scorched flowers or animals fit perfectly into almost any interior.

And, of course, such ancient art as wood burning could not do without the presence of the Russian Orthodox faith. Since the time of baptism in Russia, icons have been burned, and in many houses and churches to this day you can find the results of the work of truly skilled craftsmen, or you can try to repeat them yourself:

Burning patterns are not limited solely to outline sketches. More experienced craftsmen, when applying images to a tree, can create various shadows and effects using patterns or the pressure force and temperature of the burner. Having mastered this technique, you can create real masterpieces not just using templates, but translate your own photos into paintings:

Mastery in any business comes with time, and therefore the main thing is not to quit what has been started, to train and improve your own skills, not to despair if something does not work out. And then, in the end, you will come to such great achievements that you cannot even think about at the moment.

Video on the topic of the article

Wood - material extremely grateful. Strong enough to be durable, strong enough to hold even a very thin shape, soft enough to allow processing with simple hand tools.

Therefore, there are many methods of decorating wooden products. For example, patterns and drawings on a tree.

The concept of pyrography

Wood burning or pyrography is a fairly simple task, but at the same time it provides a quick and beautiful effect. By its technology, pyrography is easier to perform than, for example, carving, although, of course, a lot here depends on the complexity of the pattern and technique.

Patterns for wood burning are performed by a special device - a burner. It is a metal pen mounted on a pen. The pen is made of nichrome wire of different thicknesses, which allows you to get lines and points of different diameters. Typically, burners are equipped with a whole set of nozzles used for pyrography.

Distinguish devices with solid and wire feathers. The former have a constant heating temperature and are more often used for background cauterization. In burners with wire feathers, you can adjust the heating temperature, which allows you to get lines of different intensities.

When you turn on the device, the pen heats up to a rather high temperature and burns it when it comes into contact with wood. When working, it is necessary to observe safety rules, since it is very easy to burn on the wire.

As a material for crafts using relatively soft wood: birch, chestnut, poplar, alder. A very good result when creating a pattern is obtained on plywood, especially birch. Prerequisite: the wood or the same plywood must be very well dried.

In addition, to obtain a high-quality ornament or pattern, you must first sand the material. The surface of the craft should be completely smooth.

Pyrography technique

There are several different tricks that allow you to get a drawing or ornament according to the sketch.

It is better for a beginner to start with the simplest and standard ones.

  • Standard technique - involves transferring a sketch to a tree and burning it out along a path. In this case, various methods are acceptable: applying strokes, obtaining a point image, and so on. In the photo - the image of a bird.
  • Negative method - requires more subtle and longer work. In this case, the pattern is created in the light color of the untouched tree, and the background is burned. More often than not, photographs or complex pictures are burned this way. For patterns, as a rule, standard techniques are sufficient.

In this case, 2 methods are used. The first involves direct burning of the background around the applied sketch. The second combines carving and background: first, the whole background is burned out, and then the master cuts out the image on it.

The embossed pattern is another example of a combination of carving and pyrography. To do this, a sketch is transferred to the tree, cut out to give volume - not with a jigsaw, but with a mill, and then burned out in certain areas. In the photo - a relief image.

Drawings and patterns for burning wood can be downloaded from any appropriate site. You can even use your own photo if you can download a suitable conversion program.

Work technology

The work itself is quite simple, although it requires accuracy and perseverance. As a rule, you cannot execute it at a time.

  1. A part of appropriate sizes is cut out with a jigsaw, the surface and sections are carefully cleaned with sandpaper.
  2. Patterns for woodcarving are redrawn onto a sheet by hand or through carbon paper.
  3. A pen of the necessary type is installed on the device - writing or slanting, and the contours of the image are burned out.
  4. They begin to retouch the background - for this, a retouching pen is fixed on the device. You can use other nozzles. In the photo - background processing under the pattern.
  5. After the material cools down, the surface is cleaned of dust and soot and wiped with an eraser.
  6. To make the product more durable, the craft is coated with transparent varnish.

In the proposed video tutorial, burning a pattern on a wooden sheet is discussed in more detail.

Since only talented artists can draw and burn icons on their own, it is much easier for novice pyrographists to realize this idea using ready-made stencils for burning. Be prepared for the fact that the work on this “project” will take a lot of time, because the icons are very complex artistic compositions. However, the end result will meet all your expectations. You can download pictures for wood burning on the Internet. You can enlarge the image to the desired size using any free program for working with digital images.

Print the sketch on the printer, and then transfer it to the wooden blank using tracing paper (carbon paper) or other available methods, which were described in detail in previous articles. Burning in the picture tree starts first with the main contours, and only then move on to small strokes and lines. If you wish, you can arrange the salary and frame of the icon with jute filigree - the effect will be amazing.

submitted by Anton 13.01.2018, 18:14

To burn an image in the form of ornate patterns on a tree, it is best to use a plywood board - it is soft, light and easy to process, so it is ideal for such work. As for sketches and stencils for burning, they can also be found and free download on the Internet on themed sites. Choose the pattern you like, transfer it to the prepared wooden blank and start your creative work.

Any artistic patterns will look perfect on pieces of furniture (for example, wall shelves for books or handmade decor), as well as kitchen utensils: wooden spoons, rolling pins, cutting boards. Particularly popular are patterns for burning wood with light floral motifs that will decorate any wooden surface. Draw them much easier than openwork compositions or "twisted" lace.

submitted by Anton 13.01.2018, 18:23

If you have already mastered the basic technique of “drawing with fire” at home and learned how to use the pyrograph skilfully, then it's time to move on to drawing more complex images - for example, still lifes. It can be like flowers in a vase that stands on the table, or an unusual floral pattern in space. There are many ideas for burning out. For beginners, schemes and sketches of flowers can be selected primitive (chamomile or tulip). But if you draw well, you can make the flowers of a larger “litter” - roses, carnations or gladioli burnt out. Such stencils for burning wood can be found on the Internet without any problems. Flowers always look good on different decorative surfaces and cutting boards. You can even make your own exclusive picture, which then proudly hang on the wall or present to loved ones.

submitted by Anton 13.01.2018, 18:26

For burning drawings and sketches are neutral (landscapes, geometric shapes, animals and other similar images) and thematic. The latter include drawings of a specific theme or holiday. The most popular pictures are New Year's ones (happy new year cards, images of Santa Claus, elegant Christmas trees, garlands and gifts). This list goes on and on.

Choose a suitable stencil on the Internet, download it to a computer (if necessary, you can process the picture in Photoshop), print it out and carefully transfer it to a sanded plank from plywood or another suitable wooden blank. Beautiful Christmas pictures, burned with your own hands, will delight you not only on holidays, but throughout the next year.

submitted by Anton 13.01.2018, 18:28

For boys, drawings for wood burning should be precisely with a "masculine character" - it is unlikely that young pyrographists will want to draw ornate patterns, floral arrangements or cartoon anime girls on the surface. They like burning cars, ships, architectural structures more.

Therefore, the best option for boys who are fond of pyrography - paintings for burning on wood, not with painting elements or still lifes, but images of cars, buildings, planes, weapons and military equipment. Alternatively, you can download house templates (country cottages, country houses, high-rise skyscrapers). Even boys will burn out a simple house number plate with much greater pleasure than flowers in vases and other women's "little things."

Pyrography or, more simply, wood burning is a fairly ancient art. For burning out in the old days, the most commonly used brands were engraved, and metal rods that were heated on fire.

Currently, there are a large number of special devices for burning, but if desired, such a device can be made independently from an ordinary soldering iron.

It’s best to use a commercially available soldering iron with removable tips. Some attachment pins can be made from nichrome wire itself. This is done quite simply - it is necessary to cut a piece of wire and use pliers to give it the desired shape. After this, it is necessary to carefully grind the surface of the pin nozzle, which will be directly in contact with the tree.

It is not recommended to immediately take on complex compositions when burning. It’s best to start by working out points, lines, and other simple elements. It is very important during the drawing of lines to move the pin very smoothly, without making any effort, and to maintain the same speed all the time so that the charring of the picture does not occur. When burning straight lines, the handle of the burning apparatus must be held obliquely, like a pencil, and when burning curves, the handle should be in a perpendicular position to the surface.