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Physics is a very difficult, but at the same time fascinating subject. It all depends on how the teacher presents information to students. Even the most complex formulas and laws will be easily remembered if you use presentations on physics, where physical phenomena, the reasons for their occurrence, laws and formulas, as well as biographies of famous scientists are described in a lively, accessible and interesting form. All presentations contain many illustrations and audio files, which can be easily supplemented and changed.

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Here you will find presentations on physics for both junior classes, and for high school students. Thanks to the clarity, colorfulness of the slides, correctly structured and divided into blocks of information, the audience will be able to more easily perceive the subject and better concentrate on the topic.

History of Physics Some historians of science believe that natural science arose around the 5th century BC. e. in Ancient Greece, where, against the background of the decomposition of mythological thinking, the first programs for studying nature arose. Already in Ancient Egypt and Babylon, significant mathematical knowledge was accumulated, but only the Greeks began to prove theorems. If science is interpreted as knowledge with its justification, then it is quite fair to assume that it arose around the 5th century BC. e. in the cities-polises of Greece - the center of future European culture.

History of Physics Aristotle (BC) is called the godfather of physics: after all, the name of one of his works “Physics” (8 books) became the title whole science- physicists...

The connection of physics with other sciences All sciences began with PHYSICS, for PHYSICS is the beginning of all beginnings, i.e. nature. The connections of physics are so diverse that sometimes people do not see them. I am trying to overcome this limited understanding of physics and try to show the connection of physics not only with the natural sciences (which, in general, is obvious), but also with the humanities Main menu Natural sciences AstronomyTechnologyPhilosophy

Connection with natural sciences According to academician. S.I. Vavilova, the close connection of physics with other branches of natural science has led to the fact that physics has deep roots in astronomy, geology, chemistry, biology and others natural Sciences. As a result, a number of new related disciplines were formed, such as astrophysics, geophysics, physical chemistry, biophysics, etc. back

With technology This connection is two-way. Physics grew out of the needs of technology (the development of mechanics among the ancient Greeks, for example, was caused by the demands of construction and military equipment of that time), and technology, in turn, determines the direction of physical research (for example, at one time the task of creating the most economical heat engines caused the rapid development of thermodynamics). On the other hand, the technical level of production depends on the development of physics. Physics is the basis for the creation of new branches of technology ( electronic equipment, nuclear technology, etc.). back

With philosophy Such major discoveries in the field of physics, such as the law of conservation and transformation of energy, were the arena of intense struggle different approaches in philosophy. A correct philosophical generalization of scientific discoveries in the field of physics plays a large role in the formation of a scientific worldview. back

Field The main, along with matter, form of matter, characterized by the absence of rest mass. Fields connect the main components of matter (elementary particles) into unified systems and transmit the action of one particle to another at a finite speed, i.e. carry out physical interactions. Physical fields include: gravitational field, electromagnetic field and nuclear force field. back

Theoretical Ancient thinkers of China, Egypt, and Greece believed that correct conclusions and evidence could be reached through logical thinking. The theoretical method of studying physics consists of posing a problem and constructing a mathematical model for its solution. back

Conclusion Physics is one of the natural sciences. It originated during the time of the ancient Greeks in the 5th century BC. Since then, this science has developed and changed greatly. Physics is a science connected with many other important sciences. With the help of physics it is possible and necessary to understand the world, because... knowing the world is moving forward. Main menu

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What does physics study? 7th grade

Why do you need to study physics?

What physicists do you know?

Physical phenomena

Physical phenomena

Physics is one of the natural sciences that studies various physical phenomena


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The first radio receiver was completely different from modern radio receivers

The message was transmitted using Morse code

The first message consisted of only 2 words “Heinrich Hertz”

Heinrich Hertz is a German physicist who experimentally proved the existence of electromagnetic waves. The frequency unit 1 Hz is named after him.

“I am proud that I was born Russian. And if not my contemporaries, then perhaps our descendants will understand how great my devotion to our Motherland is and how happy I am that a new means of communication has been discovered not abroad, but in Russia.” Popov A.S.


Following in Popov's footsteps was the Italian inventor Guglielmo Marconi. He improved Popov's radio receiver and received a patent for it.

Marconi increased the communication range to thousands of kilometers and organized the industrial production of radio receivers. It was with the help of his radio that the SOS signal was sent from the Titanic.

In 1909, Marconi received the Nobel Prize for his work in radio communications. A.S. Popov had already died by that time.

As the years went by, I changed appearance radio receiver...

Televisions, radars appeared...

The time has come for radio telescopes, cell phones...

Modern information Technology would have been impossible without the invention of A. S. Popov

Radio Day is our common holiday. Congratulations!!!


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Actions of electric current, grade 8

Electric current is the directed movement of charged particles. In metals, such particles are electrons.

It is impossible to see the movement of electrons through wires, therefore the presence of current in a conductor can only be judged by its effects on surrounding objects.

Effects of electric current: thermal and light, chemical, magnetic, mechanical.

Thermal effect of current The thermal effect of current is based on the fact that any conductor through which current flows heats up and gives off its heat environment. This principle underlies the operation of any electric heating device.

Application of the thermal effect of current in everyday life

The luminous effect of current The luminous effect of current is related to the thermal effect. If a metal body is heated to a certain temperature, it will begin to glow. This principle underlies the operation of an electric incandescent lamp.

Chemical effect of current The chemical effect is due to the fact that current, passing through solutions and melts of substances, can cause a reaction. As a result of the reaction, pure metal will be released at one of the electrodes.

Application of the chemical action of current Since the mid-19th century, the chemical action of current has been used to deposit thin layers of silver on a cheaper base.

Magnetic effect of current The magnetic effect of current is due to the fact that a magnetic field is created around any current-carrying conductor, which can affect some bodies.

Application of the magnetic action of current Electromagnets - main component electromagnetic cranes, magnetic locks, electric bells, loudspeakers and telephones.

Mechanical action of current The mechanical action of current is due to the fact that a force is applied to a current-carrying coil placed in a magnetic field, causing the coil to rotate. This principle underlies the operation of all electric motors.

Application of the mechanical action of current Electric motors find the widest application in everyday life, industry, and transport.

The magnetic effect of current underlies the operation of electrical measuring instruments (ammeters and voltmeters).

Thank you for your attention. We wish you success in your further study of physics!


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Law of Light Reflection

The incident ray, the reflected ray and the perpendicular to the point of incidence lie in the same plane. The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection.

Reflection can be specular or diffuse

Reflection of light can occur from the surface of water or glass.

The image in a flat mirror is direct, life-size, virtual.

In addition to flat mirrors, there are spherical mirrors

Mirrors are the main component of the Kaleidoscope toy.

This is how a kaleidoscope works

In the mirror maze

Flat mirrors are used in many optical instruments: periscopes, binoculars, etc.

Spherical mirrors are also widely used: in telescopes, searchlights, etc.

Let's solve the problem: Light the bottom of the well. The height of the Sun above the horizon.


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Law of light refraction

Refraction is a change in the direction of movement of a light beam at the interface between two substances.

The incident ray, the refracted ray, and the perpendicular to the point of incidence lie in the same plane. The ratio of the sine of the angle of incidence to the sine of the angle of refraction is equal to the relative refractive index of the two media.

The refraction of light on the spherical surface of glass is used in lenses.

Lenses are either converging or diverging

Path of rays in lenses

Lenses are used in various optical devices



Projection apparatus


The human eye is a converging lens

Myopia and farsightedness are treated with glasses

Light of different colors is refracted differently, so after passing through a prism, white light is split into a spectrum.

A rainbow is a grandiose natural phenomenon associated with the decomposition of white light into a spectrum in drops of water.


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The phenomenon of electromagnetic induction grade 9

What is a magnetic field? What are its main properties? What creates a magnetic field? What does a magnetic field affect? What is Oersted's experience? How can you depict a magnetic field in a drawing? What is magnetic flux? What does magnetic flux depend on?

Energy-saving lamps and Bernard the bear So why is the light bulb on? Where else have you encountered a similar phenomenon?

“Science thrives when its wings are unfettered by imagination” Michael Faraday

Faraday's experiments Helmholtz once said about Faraday: "A little wire and a few old pieces of wood with iron enable him to make the greatest discoveries."

Operating principle of an electric current generator

Generator at a power plant

The generator rotor can be driven by steam

The generator rotor can be driven by wind and water

...or maybe a hamster.

Induction electric stove

Metal detectors

Homework: § 49, 50, answer in writing questions 1 – 7 after § 50, ex. 39.


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Energy saving lamp Ogorodova Valeria, 8th grade “B”

An energy-saving lamp is an electric lamp that has a significantly higher ratio between luminous flux and power consumption compared to incandescent lamps. Thanks to this, their use helps save energy.

Types of energy-saving lamps Fluorescent lamps LED lamps

Fluorescent lamp A fluorescent lamp is a gas-discharge light source. It consists of a tube coated with a thin layer of crystalline powder - phosphor. The tube is filled with an inert gas or a mixture of them. A dosed amount of mercury is introduced inside, which turns into a vapor state when the lamp is operating. The tube is hermetically sealed. At the ends of the lamp there are sockets with contact pins for connecting the lamp to the circuit.

Types of fluorescent lamps Compact fluorescent lamp Linear fluorescent lamp

LED lamps LED lamps use LEDs as a light source. An LED is a semiconductor device that produces light when electric current is passed through it.

Main advantages Energy saving Low heating Long service life Warranty for energy-saving lamps

Who invented the lamp? The main inventors of the incandescent lamp are T. Edison and A.N. Lodygin. But in fact, this invention is the result of long work by many people, such as P.N. Yablochkov, V.D. Coolidge, D.W. Swan, and many others.

Emission of light People have long noticed that when metals are strongly heated, they begin to emit light, the color of which depends on the heating temperature. The action of an incandescent lamp is based on this principle, as was said earlier. RED ORANGE YELLOW BLUE WHITE

First successes The main problem when trying to invent an incandescent lamp was the melting of many metals under high heat. To do this, the light bulb filament had to be created from metals whose melting point is very high. Therefore, the filament of the first lamp (Delarue, 1809) was made of platinum (melting temperature = 1750), but this was not enough for normal room lighting. In 1838, Jobard invented the first lamp using a carbon rod as a filament.

Edison In the second half of the 1870s, the American inventor T. Edison carried out research work, in which he tries various metals as threads. In 1879 he patented a lamp with a platinum filament. In 1880 he returned to carbon fiber and created a lamp with a lifetime of 40 hours. At the same time, Edison invented the household rotary switch. Despite such a short lifespan, its lamps are replacing the gas lighting used until then.

Lodygin A.N. Lodygin in the 1890s invents several types of lamps with filaments made of refractory metals. Lodygin proposed using tungsten filaments in lamps (this is what is used in all modern lamps) and molybdenum and twisting the filament in the shape of a spiral. He made the first attempts to pump air out of lamps, which preserved the filament from oxidation and increased their service life many times over. The first American commercial lamp with a tungsten filament was subsequently produced according to Lodygin's patent. He also manufactured gas-filled lamps (with carbon filament and nitrogen filling).

Modern lamps In modern incandescent lamps, the filament is made mainly of tungsten. The bulbs of these lamps are filled with heavy gases, which increases the light output many times (the first lamps had vacuum). Incandescent lamps have changed a lot throughout their history and have gone through a lot; it is possible that humanity will soon invent a new type of lamp that will displace modern ones.

If you connect regular headphones to the microphone input, they can be used as a microphone. In a simplified way, the design of the headphones and microphone is the same: the membrane is connected to a coil of wire located in the magnetic field of a permanent magnet. In headphones, during normal use, the current supplied to the coil is converted into vibrations of the membrane, and in a microphone, vice versa.

If you find yourself in a falling elevator, best strategy To increase your chances of survival, lie on your back and try to occupy as much floor space as possible. In this case, the impact force will be distributed as much as possible over the surface of the body. A common belief is that you just need to jump during the impact, but this is a misconception and it is unlikely that anyone will be able to accurately guess the time of the collision and jump at the same speed as the elevator falls

To look through glass with a matte surface, just stick a piece of transparent tape on it. Due to the unevenness of the frosted glass, the light is scattered, but the adhesive side of the tape smooths out these unevenness, and as a result the light passes as if through ordinary glass. It should be added that if the surface is matte on both sides, this trick will no longer work.

There is an optical phenomenon that can be called an inverted rainbow, although it happens very rarely. Such a rainbow appears only when several conditions are met. In the sky at an altitude of 78 km there must be a thin curtain of cirrus clouds consisting of ice crystals, and sunlight must fall on them at a certain angle in order to be decomposed into a spectrum and reflected into the atmosphere. The colors in an upside down rainbow are also arranged in reverse: purple is at the top and red is at the bottom.

A bird sitting on a high-voltage power line does not suffer from the current because its body is a poor conductor of current. Where the bird's paws touch the wire, a parallel connection is created, and since the wire conducts electricity much better, a very small current flows through the bird itself, which cannot cause harm. However, as soon as the bird on the wire touches another grounded object, for example, a metal part of a support, it immediately dies, because then the air resistance is too great compared to the resistance of the body, and all the current flows through the bird.

If a boiled egg is spun on a smooth surface, it will quickly spin in a given direction and will spin for quite a long time, while a raw egg will stop much earlier. This happens because a hard-boiled egg rotates as a single whole, while a raw egg has liquid contents, loosely bound to the shell.