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How much does it cost to open a sauna from scratch? Business plan for opening a sauna

Since ancient times, saunas have been used for healing, maintaining personal hygiene, and for relaxation. Today, such establishments are used only for the latter - people like to change the environment and relax in different ways, because it really gets boring every weekend to walk in the park or go for a ride in nature, variety is everything to us. But each establishment has an owner, and the services are far from free, so each of the visitors at least once involuntarily thought “it would be cool to open your own sauna.”

Indeed, a sauna as a business is a cool thing and, at first glance, understandable, but this is only if you are a client. It seems to you that there is nothing complicated, you received clients - equipped them with everything they needed, took money from them, and also sold something if you didn’t have enough of your own (many establishments of this kind have bars and “mini stores” so that clients can buy alcoholic drinks, food and other food products, if those you took with you have run out).

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The main difficulty in this business concerns not the technical issues (construction of the premises, or its equipment if you bought the building, purchasing the necessary equipment, setting it up and starting it up, etc.), but the legal ones. Obtaining all the documents and making a premises that complies with legal standards is not only difficult, but also expensive. The next difficult stage will be attracting visitors, despite the apparent attractiveness of such a type of leisure as a sauna, in percentage terms it ranks very little among other types of recreation. Therefore, you will have to fight for clients; in our article you will read an almost ready-made business plan on how to open a sauna and where to get your first visitors.

We advise you to approach each stage with full responsibility and try to save on everything. If you have the opportunity to order the production of something and lose a week of time, instead of buying a ready-made option, but at the same time save a decent amount, then do just that.

How much money does it take to open a sauna?

Depending on the location where the opening is planned, as well as the level of the establishment, prices can vary significantly, but we will provide you with approximate numbers that you can use as a guide. For example, if you undertake all the construction work yourself or “kind contractors who are ready to work for food”, and the placement is planned near the house as a “small business for the soul”, then the costs will be insignificant, but when it comes to the fact that a sauna - a ready-made business capable of generating thousands of dollars in income, a completely different approach is needed, as are the amounts spent on each stage of establishing your own business.

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There are several options for starting this type of business. The first is more complex but less expensive, plus there is the opportunity to do all the stages in your own way, we are talking about building from scratch or buying a “box”, which is then overhauled. The second way is to buy a ready-made business sauna, but here you need to prepare a huge amount (essentially, how much the seller will ask, since it is very difficult to navigate this market, even within the same city, prices for saunas can “fluctuate” ten times, one will ask for 10 000 dollars, since the premises are rented and only a place with equipment is for sale, the other – 150,000, because he has his own building with everything necessary for work, an established base of regular customers, recently completed renovations and a great reputation as one of the best institutions in this industry) .

For those who decide to build a sauna for business “on their own”, they will have to prepare about 100,000 dollars, about 60 will go to the construction (or purchase of an already built, but not ready for operation) building, the remaining money will go to the purchase of equipment and its installation , as well as the first stage of work (injection into employee salaries, advertising, purchasing “consumables”, paying for utilities and everything like that - the list of expenses will be huge).

You built a sauna for business, but where to attract customers?

Consumers are important for any business - if they are not there, then you will not see success as your ears. A sauna as a business is no different - it’s worth taking care of clients in advance, experienced businessmen suggest, and not unreasonably, to check demand in advance by giving an advertising campaign to a non-existent enterprise, but from the same area that you want to get into. The costs are small, but it will help to finally decide whether to start or not.

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So, even if you built a sauna (or bought a ready-made one), where will you get your first clients? Since the target audience is, in principle, any person (this is not special equipment for factories, or cosmetics aimed at expensive beauty salons), therefore “mass types of advertising” such as billboards, city lights and other “outdoor advertising” are perfect.

Since now everyone has the Internet, you shouldn’t let it out of your sight. Social networks are especially good for advertising; by creating a group there and starting a competition, you can get your first clients, albeit free ones, who will then happily tell your friends about your “win on the Internet,” which has brought quite tangible results. In the future, the group can be run both to attract clients and to provide feedback from former visitors.

For those who are especially aspiring, we advise you to create a beautiful website where you can post photos of the sauna, a list of services provided and contacts of your company. Contextual advertising systems will help attract customers without spending huge budgets “for nothing” and tracking efficiency (which is impossible when “distributing leaflets” or “outdoor advertising”).

What equipment is needed to open a sauna?

First of all, let's talk about the room itself - the optimal size is about 150 "squares", this is enough for several steam rooms, a swimming pool, a shower and a jacuzzi - in general, you will have everything that the client's heart desires. If you want to make a more modest establishment, then 50-60 square meters with one steam room, shower and swimming pool will be enough; for most visitors, who are a company of 4-6 people, such an establishment will be suitable, as a result of which your initial investment will decrease, and a sauna for the client will have more affordable entertainment.

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For businessmen who do not spare the “first money”, we can recommend a number of related services that are popular, for example, massage chairs, steam rooms and other representatives of “technical miracles”. As for the furniture, materials used in decoration and other interior elements, there’s no point in saving money here either, because the point is in expensive equipment and high prices for services if shabby walls and peeling finishes will completely discourage you from visiting your sauna again...

How much money can a sauna bring in?

In the case where you have made a huge investment in equipment and interior, have chosen a good location, the annual profit can vary from 100 to 150 thousand dollars, this is a good indicator for a type of business such as a sauna. With simple mathematical calculations, it will become clear that after ~3 years you will be able to “recoup” the initially invested 150 (for example) thousand dollars, and then profit will await you...

The sauna is a good place to relax with friends or family in the city. Therefore, recently they are often discovered by businessmen as a promising and profitable investment. On average, opening a sauna of 150 m2 will require 4-4.5 million rubles, and its payback period will be 3-7 years. For those who want to engage in this activity, in this article we will tell you a detailed business plan for a sauna.

Types of saunas

First of all, when opening, it is worth studying market trends, what types of saunas are currently in maximum demand.

If you can provide several types of steam rooms at once, you will gain a competitive advantage.

  • Russian bath is a classic Russian steam room with average humidity and temperature. Air humidity is 20-65%, temperature 60-90 degrees. To obtain such conditions, a wood-burning brick stove is used.
  • Finnish sauna is a steam room with high temperature (80-110 degrees) and dry air (5-10%). Electric stoves are used for heating. The steam room of the Russian and Finnish baths is finished with natural wood.

  • Turkish sauna Hamam. The steam room has a low temperature of 30-45 degrees, but very high humidity from 80 to 100%. Heating occurs through steam generators. The finishing is made from natural stone, marble, tiles or mosaics, so it will cost you a pretty penny.

  • Japanese sauna Ofuro. First, visitors take a cold bath with herbal infusion. Then the sawdust wrapping procedure takes place - people are immersed in sawdust at a temperature of 45 degrees. Then a massage is done on sea stones. A Japanese-style business sauna can be your additional feature in attracting visitors.

Stages of starting your own business

If you decide to start a business as an individual entrepreneur, then the UTII taxation form is suitable for the sauna. The OKVED 93.04 classifier (OKUN classifier 019100) is suitable for this activity.

Selecting a room

When drawing up a business plan: how to open a sauna, the main expense item will be the purchase or rental of premises. It must have an area of ​​at least 150 square meters. It will accommodate 2 saunas, a shower, a jacuzzi, a small pool or plunge pool, a bathroom, changing rooms and a relaxation room.

Fire requirements for the premises are specified in paragraph 6.3.9 of SNiP 05/31/2003. Sanitary requirements must comply with SanPin 2.1.2 standards. There must be a good ventilation system, with supply valves and exhaust hood.

To reduce rental costs, it is better to look for premises in residential areas, but with high traffic. It’s good if there is an entertainment or fitness center, sports complex or hotel nearby.

Usually the room is divided into several sectors: a common steam room and a junior suite and deluxe rooms. Luxury rooms come with a swimming pool, changing room, steam room, and relaxation room. Simple rooms usually only have a shower, cedar barrel and toilet, while the pool and sauna are separate.

Necessary equipment

The minimum equipment you will need is:

  • 2 sauna cabins;
  • 2 souls;
  • Communications of water supply, sewerage, heating;
  • Pool;
  • Small bar;
  • It is also advisable to install air conditioning and floor heating.

To sell alcoholic beverages, you will need to obtain a special license and register an LLC.

Furniture and appliances

If a sauna is opened as a business economy class, then it can be furnished with cheap furniture: wooden, artificial leather furniture, plastic sun loungers.

There must be a large table for companies; it is advisable to install a music center with karaoke, a TV, and a hookah. Their price is low, but it will significantly increase the prestige of the establishment, and visitors will have a more interesting time.

Changing rooms need benches, lockers for personal belongings, a mirror and a hairdryer.

Additional services

You can increase your income well if you provide additional services in addition to renting the sauna itself.

  • First of all, this is a bar with hot and cold drinks, salads and light snacks. You can enter into an agreement with a food delivery network and offer visitors to place an order.
  • To attract additional clients, you can organize massage services, solarium, children's room.
  • Standard free service - booking by phone or through the website.
  • If you buy ready-made electric and infrared sauna cabins, then each of them will cost 80-400 thousand rubles. It will be cheaper to re-equip rooms for them manually.
  • A cedar barrel costs from 40 thousand rubles.

Financial questions

  • taking into account all the necessary equipment it will cost you 500-700 thousand.
  • With a minimum staff of 3 people, at least 40 thousand rubles must be allocated for wages every month. If you want to work around the clock, then you need to create a shift system and increase personnel costs. Large organizations must have an administrator and a security guard (can be combined), a cleaner, a massage therapist, and a handyman.
  • Consumables(towels, brooms, slippers, ladles, cleaning and washing products).
  • You will need to spend more than 200 thousand rubles on minimal furnishing of the premises..

It is important to consider reserve funds for unexpected expenses and maintaining the condition of repairs and equipment.
Approximately every 2 years, it is necessary to replace wooden cladding in wet rooms; sometimes stoves and chimneys will need to be replaced.
Major repairs are done every 4-5 years.

  • As for profit, a one-time visit to a family-type sauna costs 300-600 rubles. If you rent it out to companies, the price per hour will be 1-2 thousand rubles. However, many saunas operate around the clock.


In the best case, a sauna as a business pays off in 3 years. If you do not have experience in this matter, then it is better to start working with a franchise, it will be easier and safer to understand this area. The video instructions in this article will help you correctly draw up a business plan with your own hands.

Good afternoon, my name is Sergey Kulikov, I live in the Yaroslavl region. Six years ago I decided to bring the business idea of ​​a sauna to life, and I succeeded. I started with a small steam room of 50 square meters. But over the years we managed to expand.

Today my business has the following characteristics:

  • three steam rooms in the sauna - Japanese, Finnish and Turkish;
  • excellent location of the bathhouse;
  • total area about 200 square meters;
  • high-quality repairs in all rooms;
  • staff – 10 people;
  • there is a room for relaxation and massage, locker rooms, a 7-meter long swimming pool, a plunge pool, and shower rooms;
  • monthly income – from 800 rubles per month.

Where to start to open a sauna?

Today this type of business is very interesting and promising. The big plus is that you can develop here almost endlessly, constantly adding some new services for your clients.

But in order for your bathhouse or sauna business to generate the expected income, pay attention to the following points:

1. Decide on the type of sauna. Many people do not even realize that there are four main types of saunas. For example, the peculiarity of the Finnish sauna is low humidity and very high indoor temperatures.

Recently, infrared saunas have become increasingly popular, in which a similar effect can be achieved.
Turkish saunas are very popular.

The difference between such establishments is the heating of the air due to heat transfer from slabs of marble or stone. At the same time, in a Turkish bath, people, as a rule, do not steam, but wash;

There are also Roman saunas.

In such a steam room, high humidity prevails, reaching 100%.

Essentially, the room is completely filled with steam.

It is believed that the Roman sauna is most beneficial for the skin and respiratory tract.

Aromatherapy can be offered as an additional service.

By the way, Russian baths work on the same principle.

Personally, I also like the Japanese sauna.

It is significantly different from those we discussed above. First, a person undergoes procedures in a bathtub filled with cool water and herbal infusions.

This is followed by immersion in sawdust heated to a temperature of 42-45 degrees Celsius.

2. Provide additional services. As a rule, a business idea for a sauna should not be limited to renting premises and building just a steam room. It is not right.

A quality establishment should provide a whole range of additional services, for example, massage (soap and classic), stone therapy, peeling, solarium, and so on.

Of course, it is not necessary to start working in all directions at once, but to retain existing clients and attract new visitors, the range of activities can be expanded.

How to open a sauna?

Once the idea of ​​the future business and development trends have formed in your head, begin implementing the project.

Here I would like to highlight the following stages:

1. Register as an individual entrepreneur and apply for the most convenient taxation system - UTII. The coding for this type of activity is 93.

This includes the provision of bathhouse, shower, steam room and other services. At the initial stage this will be enough. Over time, you can expand and form an LLC.

Registration costs range from 10-15 thousand rubles.

2. A special issue is the premises. If you don’t have enough money on hand, then the only option is to rent. But keep in mind that converting a room into a steam room is an expensive process.

If the contract with the landlord is terminated, it will be difficult to return the money spent. A safer option is to purchase your own space (building) and further refurbish it.

But here, of course, proceed from your own capabilities. You can do it differently - find a room where a steam room has already been organized, make repairs in it, strengthen the wiring and, if necessary, make redevelopment.

The minimum area for a sauna is from 150 square meters.

At the same time, immediately plan the placement of the following rooms - a soap bar (can be entertaining or wellness), a room for relaxation and tea drinking, a steam room itself (from 15 square meters), a shower room, a swimming pool (at the initial stage you can do without it), a plunge pool with ice water, staff premises, warehouses and so on.

If something is missing, it can be arranged additionally.

Pay special attention to communications - electricity, sewerage, water availability. If there is not enough power, then it is better to think about strengthening them in advance. Otherwise, you may encounter a number of problems during the approval process.

The average cost of renting such premises is from 70 thousand rubles.

Redevelopment, repair work - from 370-400 thousand rubles.

3. An important issue is sauna equipment, after all, this is one of the main cost items. The main element is the stove. It can be electric, gas or wood.

The first and second options are the most convenient, but true connoisseurs of steam rooms prefer the “wood-burning” options. Their disadvantage is difficulty in operation and a long melting process.

The most economical option is a gas oven. But here you risk attracting special attention from fire inspectors (additional permits will be required). An electric oven is a universal option.

It is convenient and reliable in operation. The main disadvantage is the high cost of paying for electricity.

Also, to start a business you will need a sauna cabin, shower cabins, air conditioning, furniture (tables, chairs, sofas, beds). Towels and disposable linen will be needed.

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The total cost of equipping a sauna with everything necessary is from 600 thousand rubles.

4. Select qualified personnel. This is one of the most important issues on which the success of a future business depends (even when purchasing a ready-made sauna business). At the same time, take into account the operating hours of your establishment and the volume of services provided.

As a rule, saunas are open from 10-11 o'clock in the afternoon until the last client. It is impossible to work one shift in this mode (this must be provided for when recruiting personnel).

So, you will need an administrator (it is advisable to take two specialists). This person will be responsible for receiving and processing orders, that is, working directly with the establishment’s clients.

Hire a fireman or a laborer. Such an employee is necessary to perform minor work - chopping firewood and kindling the stove (if it is wood-burning), tying brooms, carrying and distributing linen, removing snow, and so on.

You cannot do without a security guard who must ensure the safety of sauna equipment and clients’ belongings.

You will need a massage therapist if your sauna provides related services.

Total expenses for paying wages to employees range from 180-200 thousand rubles.

Here it is important to work in several directions - organize advertising in the media (magazines, newspapers), take part in the life of the city (organize competitions, provide the winners with the opportunity to visit the sauna for free).

You need to make your own website where all the services of your establishment will be listed. It is mandatory to provide contact information to place an order.

Table No. 1. Price list for room service services in Russia

How to open a sauna, and how much money will it take?

We have already covered the main points on creating a business.

Now let’s summarize the total costs of the organization:

  • Renting premises. Here you will have to shell out 70 thousand rubles;
  • Registration of individual entrepreneurs, obtaining permits to open - from 30 thousand rubles;
  • Carrying out redevelopment and repair work - from 370 thousand rubles;
  • Purchase of equipment and machinery - from 580-600 thousand rubles;
  • Costs for organizing an advertising campaign – from 18 thousand rubles;
  • Salary to staff – from 180 thousand rubles;
  • Taxes, utility bills and other expenses - from 30 thousand rubles.

Should I open a sauna business from scratch or buy a ready-made business?

If you don’t want to bother yourself with paperwork, obtaining permits, choosing premises, repairs and other work, then buy a ready-made sauna business. Today there are more than enough offers on the market.

How to open a sauna, spa and healthy cafe in Thailand

Here a lot depends only on your financial capabilities. In particular, a large sauna with an area of ​​100 square meters can cost from 3 million rubles or more. You can choose more budget options, but they usually require serious modifications and additional costs.

Finding offers for sale is not difficult. This can be done through any search engine - just type the phrase “I’ll buy a sauna business.” All you have to do is select the region you are interested in, call and make a deal.

Table No. 2. Average prices for room service services in Russia

What are your reviews about the sauna as a business?

It’s easy for me to reason, because I already have experience in creating and promoting my own sauna. But before opening, I studied a lot of people’s reviews online. The main advantage of such a business is high profitability and quick payback.

On average, you can have a profit of 300-400 thousand rubles per month from a small sauna and from a million rubles from a larger establishment where additional services are provided.

How long will it take to open the sauna?

To speed up the process, you should order a sauna business plan in advance, and then follow the instructions step by step. It can take a lot of time to process and obtain approvals.

But if everything is done taking into account existing norms and rules, then problems rarely arise. However, always be prepared to part with a certain amount. The main thing is to believe in your success.

There are types of activities that can be considered the most interesting for any businessman, and one of them is creating your own bathhouse or sauna. This is not only a very promising and profitable business! Today, opening a sauna means acquiring an excellent hobby and giving clients coziness and comfort every day!

A complete collection of pleasant services

The main question that an entrepreneur who is planning to open a sauna asks himself is where to start? And the answer is simple: you need to start with market research! Before deciding on the format of the future establishment, you need to find out what competitors are available. So, for example, if there are a lot of other saunas in the area, it is better to target the bathhouse. If there are too many baths, it’s worth opening a sauna with an additional SPA room, massage therapist services... If you don’t want to provide “extra” services, you can simply rely on a type of establishment that is rarer in the area - a Finnish sauna or a Russian bath (the choice depends on something that is not yet on the market).

Having decided on the format, opening a sauna will be much easier. To do this, you will need to go through a number of important steps:
1. Register an enterprise - you can choose an individual entrepreneur - and obtain the necessary documents from the tax office
2. Select a room - it can be located virtually anywhere, except, perhaps, a residential building (if you are planning a VIP sauna, you should focus on prestigious places in the city center), and have an area of ​​at least 75 square meters. m
3. Obtain permits - before opening the sauna, its operation will need to be coordinated with utility services and local authorities
4. Make the necessary repairs - developing a bathhouse or sauna project takes a lot of time, and before starting interior decoration, it is necessary to coordinate the project with the fire department and sanitation department
The latter will require special attention. Each element of finishing a bathhouse or sauna must be selected in accordance with the most important standards - all materials must be resistant to fire and moisture, and also safe for visitors. In addition, the establishment must have high-quality ventilation installed, and the answer to the question of how much it costs to open a sauna largely depends on this. Communications in this case must be thought out to the smallest detail and laid impeccably, which only professionals can offer. That is why you should not spare money for their work.

How much does it cost to open a sauna?

You should immediately take into account that capital investments will be quite large. A special expense item is the purchase of equipment, and it is quite expensive:
a steam room will cost at least 80-100 thousand rubles, and it is best to organize two steam rooms at once: one with wet steam (Russian bath), the second with dry steam (Finnish sauna)
a stove steam room (it is not necessary to buy it) will cost 100-120 thousand.
furniture – 120-150 thousand.
swimming pool – 80-90 thousand minimum
stove for a bath - 12-15 thousand (wood-burning) or 16-20 thousand (with electric heating element)
steam generator (if desired, you can do without it) - can cost from 16 thousand rubles if a domestic model is chosen, and up to 160 thousand if you buy an imported one
In addition to these costs, you will need to invest another 100-150 thousand rubles in renting the premises (prices may be lower depending on its location). Also, certain funds will be needed to prepare the documents that are needed to open a sauna (the tax service itself will tell you where to start, because businessmen often have to obtain a whole series of licenses - for example, for the sale of alcohol).
In addition, you need to have at least another 200 thousand per month on hand to pay salaries to employees, pay utility bills and a number of services that will be provided by third-party companies. In particular, you need to conclude a contract with them for washing towels and sheets, as well as for regular disinfection of the premises. Up to 20% of the monthly turnover of the sauna will be spent on these purposes - at least 50-70 thousand rubles.

Is it profitable to open a sauna?

If a businessman has thought through the range of services of his establishment well and tried to please as many clients as possible, his income will immediately be quite high. At the same time, you should not limit yourself to just a standard list of services: each establishment should be unique in some way, and the entrepreneur will have to look for this highlight on his own. In some cases, this may simply be the purchase of a stove for a steam room with a panoramic glass door that will allow you to admire the fire; in others, it may be the services of highly qualified specialists who will offer clients massage or skin care.
In any situation, the answer to the question of whether it is profitable to open a sauna will always be individual. And if all the details of its work are thought out to the smallest detail, you can expect a return on investment in 2-3 years, after which the company will be able to reach a net profit and begin to increase its income every week.

The sauna is a universal place for various purposes. Some people just like to come and relax at the end of the work week, wrapped in steam, for others it is an excellent means of maintaining health. Some people like to gather in a sauna with a close group of friends. All this suggests that, when planning to open a sauna business, you need to offer the maximum number of different services. This detailed material is dedicated to all this.

Business format

Before you think about how to open a sauna, you need to decide on the format in which your establishment will operate. There are several options for “steam rooms” that are in demand on the market. In demand:

  • Finnish sauna;
  • Turkish hammam;
  • Russian bath;
  • Japanese ofuro.

It is believed that the most difficult thing to organize is a hammam, since its construction uses stones, not wood. But you don’t have to stop at just one type of steam room. A sauna business plan may well include the provision of several types of services. True, a bath complex in which such an idea can be implemented is relevant only for large cities.

In general, the following types of saunas can be distinguished:

  • small sauna in a residential area;
  • large complex in the city center;
  • country complex with a wide range of services;
  • classic sauna.

Based on the chosen format, a further business plan for the sauna is built.

Legal issues

How to open a sauna, as an individual entrepreneur or legal entity? It all depends on the scale of your plans, the number of investors and your preferences. There are no restrictions from the law. If you are opening a sauna from scratch, as an individual entrepreneur, you can switch to UTII.

When registering, you must indicate the OKVED code. It is recommended to select 93.04 “Physical and recreational activities” because it includes activities of this kind.

You also need to obtain other permits. When preparing the premises for a visit from the fire service, you need to be guided by SNiP 31-05-2003 clause 6.3.9. To ensure that it passes the inspection of the sanitary service, study SanPin 2.1.2. “Design, construction and operation of residential buildings, public utility enterprises, educational, cultural, recreational and sports institutions.” If you have adhered to these standards, the relevant organizations will issue the necessary documents.


It is believed that it is better to initially build a building for a sauna from scratch than to remodel a finished building to suit your needs. Even the renovation of a former sauna is also a more expensive project - usually many unexpected problems arise during the renovation. After all, it is unknown how conscientiously the sauna was operated before.

The area of ​​the room depends on how large your project will be. If you want to try yourself in this business first, it is enough to open a very small sauna for 3-5 people. But if a sauna as a business is a serious project for you, you should start with an area of ​​at least 100 square meters. m., of which about 14 sq. m. should be allocated for the sauna itself, and the rest for the rooms and the pool.

To increase business profitability, rooms should be divided according to comfort level. As a rule, semi-luxury and deluxe rooms are equipped. The difference is that luxury rooms are equipped with a swimming pool and separate lounges. There may be an infrared sauna, dry or wet steam options. Guests staying in semi-deluxe rooms have access to a shared swimming pool and a steam room with a wood-burning stove on which stones are placed.

And don’t forget about such an important issue as parking.


A sauna business plan should include the purchase of special equipment. It can be divided into that which is purchased once and into consumable equipment and materials. For a one-time purchase, you need to purchase: equipment for the pool, furniture, decor, stoves. Consumables that need to be updated periodically include towels, scoops, disposable slippers, steamers, mittens, hats, and brooms. The entire set of equipment costs approximately 400-600 thousand rubles.

If you are planning to open a similar project with a swimming pool, you will have to buy special equipment, which includes: lamps, transformers, heaters, filters, pumps. Also, do not forget that the project will require the organization of a serious drainage and ventilation system. It is absolutely impossible to save on these points. The only thing that can reduce investments is saving on interior design.


Of course, how to open a sauna without staff? To get started, you will need a steamer, an administrator, a security guard, a handyman, and a cleaner. The more services your project offers, the larger the staff will be. For example, if you offer a massage, you will need a massage therapist; for spa services, you will need an appropriate specialist.

The number of staff depends on the sauna's opening hours. Ideally, it would be possible to organize round-the-clock work. This will increase the profitability of the business. Then for a medium-sized sauna you will need 12-18 hired employees who will work in shifts every other day. But in fact, the number of people depends on where the sauna is open and what the demand for such a service is in the area.

Where to look for staff

It makes the most sense to contact a recruitment agency for personnel. It will select exactly the employees you need. If you decide to tackle this issue yourself, then the first thing to start searching for personnel is to place an advertisement on the Internet on job search sites, and also post advertisements near the sauna itself in a residential area. These options are good for finding labor and specialists. But it is better to leave the issue of security to a security agency.

Procedure for provision and range of services

General standards for the provision of services are known. Usually a person makes an appointment in advance for the time he needs. He must arrive 10-15 minutes in advance so that the staff is sure that the room is full. Otherwise, five minutes before the appointed time, he can cancel the reservation and let another client in. Of course, in the case of regular customers, other options are used. But if you just started your project from scratch, it is better to adhere to these rules.

As for the standard set of sauna services, it usually includes:

  • Room rental is hourly or daily if certain events are being celebrated;
  • relaxation programs, including various types of massages;
  • mud, stone therapy, phyto-barrel and other spa treatments;
  • inhalations, medicinal teas, aromatherapy, etc.

In principle, this is not an exhaustive list of what your project can offer. On the contrary, the more different services you come up with, the better you can stand out from your competitors, the more successful your project will be.

Financial part

We have already decided where to start the project, now let’s decide on the calculations. The bulk of the costs will go to the purchase of special equipment. What exactly to purchase depends on the format of your business and the range of services. Below we outline a set of equipment and also indicate how much it costs.

Position name Cost (thousand rubles)
1. sauna equipment77
2. bake100
3. pool800
4. infrared cabins80
5. dousing bucket1
6. shower cubicle20
7. wooden gangs1
8. benches3
9. furniture for the rest room11
10. DVD, TV25
11. shelves (width 80 cm)7
12. toilet equipment5
13. hallway10
14. firewood (6-7 cubic meters)7
15. other consumables10

Please note that despite the fact that the main consumable resource in a sauna is water, the most expensive item is electricity. And all because the water in the pool is not changed every day, and one visitor uses no more than 100 liters of water.

The income portion is formed from payment for sauna services. A one-time visit costs approximately 200-500 rubles per hour per person, renting a full room costs 2-6 thousand rubles per hour. A medium-sized sauna can accommodate 5-8 people. If we are talking about “Lux” rooms, then the cost, accordingly, will be significantly higher. The average profit per month is 150 thousand rubles.

The business demonstrates profitability at approximately 120%. When the business reaches popularity, income can be approximately 242 thousand rubles. per month with expenses of about 192 thousand rubles. Such a project will pay for itself in about two to three years.

Business pitfalls

Until now, we have only mentioned the advantages of such a business, but it also has its disadvantages. The main one is the rapid depreciation of the sauna itself. Due to constant high humidity, not only the equipment, but even the interior of the sauna quickly wears out. For example, every two years it is necessary to change the wooden paneling of the sauna and replace the chimneys. To understand how much such an upgrade costs, you need to calculate approximately 20-30% of the amount initially spent on furnishing the sauna. Major repairs must be carried out every five years. Therefore, when calculating how much it costs to launch a project, provide for the formation of a reserve fund to cover depreciation costs.

Also, pitfalls await you in the field of personnel selection. It is extremely important to find not just competent people, but also those who can work with clients, creating a positive image for your sauna.