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How much do chief doctors earn? The splendor and poverty of the hospital

The chief doctors of Moscow hospitals and clinics disclosed their income for 2015. And Life compiled the rating.

Family dentistry

Last year, 66-year-old Manvel Aperyan, the head physician of city dental clinic No. 4, earned the most. He has held this position since 1999. Aperyan came to work at the clinic immediately after graduation, in 1985. Before heading a medical institution, he was an intern, a full-time dentist and a deputy chief physician.

Now Aperyan is also a municipal deputy of the Nizhny Novgorod district (South-Eastern district of Moscow). According to the website of the Council of Municipal Formations of Moscow, he lives in Kuzminki (also the South-Eastern Administrative District).

“I regularly hold meetings with residents of the Nizhny Novgorod region,” he writes on his social network account. Facebook. - This is one of the most important components of my parliamentary work. The problems that people come to me with are very diverse.

Most of the latest posts on Manvel Aperyan’s page are photographs from meetings of the United Russia branch or the council of municipal deputies.

In 2012, he went to the district elections with a program that included points about "p increasing the efficiency of spending financial resources on health care" and "organizing emergency dental care at home for disabled people."

Previously, Manvel Aperyan was a co-owner of the private clinic "Atri-dent" (South Eastern Administrative District). He and his wife Marina Anureeva each had 8% of the authorized capital. Now only the wife has the share, but it has increased to 40%. Revenue for 2014 is 13 million rubles. She also has a share in the Phoenix-Doc company (according to the Spark database, the main activity is renting out its own non-residential real estate ). Revenue for 2014 is 24 million rubles.

A Life correspondent also visited a dental clinic No. 4, and in "Atri-dent". In the city there are paid services, but the prices there are not exorbitant. On average, it costs 1 thousand rubles to put a filling, and 1.1 thousand rubles to remove a tooth.

As the receptionist said, the clinic uses both domestic and imported drugs and materials for fillings. What exactly a particular patient needs, as the receptionist explained, is determined by the doctor.

Atri-dent adheres to other principles and believes that “cheap” is an antonym to the word “effective.”

Girl, we are for quality treatment, we use only imported drugs. Is it cheap or effective for you? - asked the employee at the reception.

Installation of a seal - 4.5 thousand rubles, restoration and reconstruction of a tooth - 5.5 thousand rubles.

Externally, both clinics are quite cozy. In the city courtyard there is a fountain with a sculpture of doves, a wooden gazebo with benches, and greenery. Inside there is calm music playing in the background, there is a water cooler, shoe covers are provided for free, there are no long queues. "Atri-dent" is a typical small private dental clinic.

Life’s attempts to reach Manvel Aperyan were unsuccessful: the receptionist kept saying that the chief doctor was busy or that he was not in the office.

Currency savings

Mother and Child St. Petersburg" (revenue for 2014 - 102 million rubles, there is a network of clinics of the same name), "After Childbirth" (retail trade in specialized stores), "Fimedlab" (wholesale trade of pharmaceutical and medical goods), etc.

MK-dent" (in revenue for 2014 - 1.2 million rubles). The president of the center, according to the Spark database, is Zarema Munayeva (presumably his wife).

Finance and Economics" of the Institute of Contemporary Development, economist and political scientist Nikita Maslennikov. - They often supply medicines under government procurement.

Conflict of interest

Such a merger of public and private businesses may cause a conflict of interests, says Larisa Popovich, director of the Institute of Health Economics at the Higher School of Economics.

According to her, a lot depends on how much a particular leader follows the standards of professional ethics and morality.

So far there are no control mechanisms for such a merger of government and business,” said Larisa Popovich. - The only limiting factor is patients. They can complain if a government agency suddenly imposes private services.

Chief doctors have always had the opportunity to ensure a rich life for themselves. The Moscow City Hall even tried to limit them in this. A regulation was issued according to which the salary of the chief physician could not be more than three times the average salary in a medical institution. But some chief doctors have found a way to outwit the mayor's office.

We are checking one of the hospitals,” said Deputy Mayor for Social Development Leonid Pechatnikov in 2013. - According to our instructions, the chief physician can receive a salary in a budgetary institution equal to three average salaries in the hospital. At that time it was 64 thousand rubles per month. The chief doctor has a modest salary of 72 thousand rubles. But at the same time, he has 10 deputies and each has a salary of about 500 thousand rubles. You can imagine how money moves approximately on the day you receive your salary.

The average salary of a doctor in Moscow is about 70 thousand rubles.

A doctor is a very popular profession in the Russian Federation. All over the world, representatives of the medical industry are highly valued and receive considerable money for their work. But, unfortunately, the same cannot be said about Russia. Despite all the prestige of the profession, the salaries of doctors in this state leave much to be desired.

Only 20% of doctors in the Russian Federation receive a decent salary for such a responsible profession. The remaining 80% receive average wages.

A doctor’s salary directly depends on the region in which the specialist carries out his work. In more developed and large cities, such as Moscow or St. Petersburg, doctors receive higher salaries than employees of the medical industry in provincial areas and regions.

The table below shows the average salary of doctors by region of the Russian Federation in 2018.
City or republicAverage salary (expressed in rubles)
Kostroma35 957
Vladimir37 275
Bryansk33 540
Tambov32 570
Kaluga43 500
Ivanov31 600
Tula39 260
Moscow region57 450
Smolensk32 550
Orlov29 820
Tver32 770
Lipetsk32 700
Belgorod33 440
Voronezh33 120
Ryazan32 767
Kursk30 475
Yaroslavl32 950
Moscow70 000
Pskov32 200
Karelia46 688
Kaliningrad41 460
Arkhangelsk49 720
Murmansk63 900
Vologda38 712
Novgorod36 660
Komi56 700
St. Petersburg (region)44 200
Saint Petersburg53 540
Adygea29 600
Astrakhan34 370
Rostov32 400
Kalmykia26 590
Krasnodar35 320
Volgograd21 300
Stavropol33 700
Dagestan26 930
North Ossetia28 000
Ingushetia28 980
Chechen Republic28 495
Kirov35 515
Bashkortostan39 255
Permian41 995
Chuvash Republic31 665
Penza33 420
Udmurt republic34 650
Mari El29 185
Saratov31 735
Ulyanovsk30 135
Samara35 695
Orenburg32 200
Mordovia26 160
Tatarstan35 970
Mound41 665
Sverdlovsk53 440
Chelyabinsk41 656
Tyumen51 320
Altai43 855
Altai region34 600
Tyva43 050
Irkutsk48 275
Buryatia42 130
Khakassia43 600
Kemerovo40 220
Novosibirsk40 520
Krasnoyarsk region48 670
Omsk35 715
Transbaikal region38 500
Tomsk42 620
Kamchatka Krai90 900
Primorsky Krai48 800
Sakhalin80 530
Khabarovsk52 700
Chukotka104 450
Magadan82 600
Amur43 660
Sakha64 350

Table: average salary of doctors in Russia by district in 2018.

From the above tables we can conclude that by district the Nenets and Yamalo-Nenets districts take the lead in terms of doctor’s salary. The highest salaries for doctors in Russia are in the following areas:

  1. Leningradskaya.
  2. Moscow.
  3. Magadan.
  4. Chukotka.
  5. Kamchatskaya.

If we compare the salaries of doctors by region with the levels of average salaries, the Altai Republic becomes the leader. Doctors in this republic earn 202.3% more than the average salary in the region. In St. Petersburg this figure is 137%, while in Moscow this figure is only 18.9%. Therefore, the wages of Moscow doctors can hardly be called high compared to the average monthly income of other professions.

Analysis of the salary level of doctors by specialty

In Russia in 2019, the average salary of doctors is approximately 35 thousand rubles.

But even despite this, there is a catastrophic shortage of qualified medical personnel in the Russian Federation.

Many Russian doctors prefer to go to work abroad because of more attractive and comfortable working conditions. The main incentive to move to work in another country is better pay.

For example, you can compare the salary of an anesthesiologist in Russia and the United States of America. In Russia, a doctor in such a specialty does not earn more than 69 thousand rubles, while a similar specialty in the United States pays approximately $19,600.

Average salary of doctors for 2019:
  • The average salary for a cosmetologist is 90 thousand rubles.
  • The average salary of an obstetrician-gynecologist in developed cities is also 90 thousand rubles.
  • An anesthesiologist-resuscitator receives no more than 66 thousand rubles.
  • An osteopathic doctor can count on 65 thousand rubles per month.
  • A neurophysiologist working in government institutions receives from 62 thousand rubles monthly.
  • The average salary of an MRI specialist is 60 thousand rubles.
  • A ship's doctor earns 60 thousand rubles a month.
  • A homeopathic doctor receives 55 thousand rubles.
  • The average salary of a dentist is 50 thousand rubles.
  • A cytologist earns an average of 50 thousand rubles monthly.
  • A pediatrician receives a monthly salary of 47 thousand rubles.
  • The average salary of a geriatrician is 46,800 rubles.
  • A microbiologist receives 45 thousand rubles.
  • A general practitioner can count on a salary of 40 thousand rubles per month.
  • A doctor engaged in functional diagnostics receives at least 35 thousand rubles monthly.
  • A periodontist earns an average of 63,300 rubles.
  • A urologist earns approximately 30 thousand rubles.
  • The salary of a military doctor directly depends on his specialization. But on average, a military doctor receives from 40 to 50 thousand rubles monthly.
  • The chief doctor receives an average of 93,300 rubles.

Maximum salary for a doctor:

  1. A cosmetologist can earn up to 170 thousand - 180 thousand rubles per month.
  2. The maximum salary of a gynecologist is 130 thousand rubles per month.
  3. A pediatrician can earn a maximum of 80 thousand rubles per month.
  4. A therapist can count on 100 thousand rubles.
  5. A functional diagnostics doctor can earn a maximum of 60 thousand rubles per month.

The size of wages is also affected by the location of work. In private clinics, salaries are always higher than in government agencies.

Table of the salary level of the chief physician in public hospitals by region of the Russian Federation

Surgeon in Russia is one of the most popular specialties. The average salary of a surgeon is 32 thousand rubles.

The highest salary for a surgeon in the Smolensk region. In this district, a surgeon’s salary can reach 70 thousand rubles per month. In the Moscow region, doctors in this specialty receive 48,300 rubles. In the Magadan region, the average salary of a surgeon is 45 thousand rubles. In the Nenets Okrug, the salary of surgeons starts from 43 thousand rubles. In the Leningrad region, surgeons earn from 38 thousand rubles.

Table: surgeon salaries by city in Russia

CitySalaries in 2019 (expressed in rubles)
Moscow53 750
Balashikha50 000
Saint Petersburg40 000
Permian35 000
Orenburg36 000
Krasnoyarsk35 000
Ufa35 000
Khabarovsk32 850
Kirovsk31 250

The highest paid specialties in Russia are:

  1. Venereologist with a salary of 129,700 rubles per month.
  2. Paramedic – 127,500 rubles per month.
  3. Ophthalmologist. The salary of an ophthalmologist starts from 91 thousand rubles per month.

Where the leadership of the FMBA announced the average salary of doctors in Clinical Hospital No. 8 (and, according to their information, it is equal to 56 thousand rubles), it had the effect of a bomb exploding. The editors received a flurry of calls from medical workers with the same question: where did you get these numbers from?

People met with journalists and showed their salary receipts so that the city knew that doctors were fattening only on paper. To prevent doctors from being subjected to reprisals, the names of the participants will not be published.


- Our patients come and yell that you get 56 thousand here and do nothing, but my real salary is 6,600 rubles, and I have to make excuses for this money? - the doctor who called is perplexed.

The April salary of a therapist with thirty years of experience, working at a low rate, in the clinic slightly exceeded the mark of 25 thousand rubles. A nurse with half a century of work experience receives half as much - 12 thousand. And there are even fewer registrars - ten.

In the hospital, according to the head of one of the departments, the picture is no better; due to a lack of personnel, specialists are forced to work at one and a half, or even two times the rate. However, even at this rate, they do not receive more than 35 thousand rubles. Last year, additional payments were removed from doctors for high-tech operations. As a result, such operations are simply not being carried out at KB No. 8 this year.


With such meager salaries, where could the figure of 56 thousand rubles come from? After all, this information is not the invention of journalists, it is taken from a document signed by the deputy head of the FMBA of Russia Andrei SEREDA. And, accordingly, they were provided to him by the management of KB No. 8.

The average salary can be calculated in different ways; these can be very different figures,” explains a source who was previously part of the management structure of a clinical hospital. - The most obvious is for an individual or for a busy rate.

Simply put, without taking into account how much work a person does, simply divide the wage fund by the number of employees. In order for the salary to “grow” further, you don’t have to look at the qualifications of specialists and the combination of positions, because the same department head naturally receives more than his subordinates, because he has higher responsibility. But he is a doctor, so his income is included in the general mass of doctors. Needless to say, the department’s employees are also doctors, so their salaries go into the general fund.

“It turns out that one eats meat, the other eats cabbage, and together we all eat cabbage rolls, and it’s the same here,” one of the drivers of KB No. 8 comments on the situation.

According to the man, there has been no increase in real wages at the hospital since 2013. The earnings of an ordinary driver in a hospital today range from 13 to 20 thousand, depending on the month and the amount of work performed. Is it possible to feed a family with that kind of money? The answer is obvious.

Our doctor recently went to Maloyaroslavets, he received 20 thousand here, and there he receives forty. The work is the same,” says the man.


Meanwhile, economists monitoring the reports of the chief physician of Clinical Hospital No. 8 through the media have noticed that “salary” figures are growing by leaps and bounds. If the deputies were told the amount was 53,400 rubles, then the FMBA has a different amount - 56,060.

To understand that this is pure profanation, according to economists, is quite simple. You just need to multiply the number of hospital employees by these “beautiful” salaries to understand how much money should have gone from compulsory health insurance funds to pay for labor. It turns out somewhere around 180 million rubles.

Meanwhile, it is known from open sources (website that this year the Clinical Hospital will receive about 714 million rubles under the compulsory medical insurance system. This figure must be divided by four to understand how much the hospital received in the first quarter. That comes out to just over 178 million.

If all the funds received by the hospital under compulsory medical insurance went to wages, and this cannot happen, because these funds pay for utilities, purchase medicines and food, even in this case the money is not enough to pay the announced wages, they comment economists.

According to experts, tariffs under the compulsory medical insurance system are the same for all hospitals in the Kaluga region, regardless of departmental affiliation. Therefore, if regional structures were able to increase the wages of their subordinates, then KB No. 8, judging by open data, received money for these purposes. Why the salaries of Obninsk doctors “stay the same”, one can only guess.

Another surprise was the collective agreement. According to our speakers, for employees of KB No. 8 this is the second document defining their work, after the Labor Code. In April, a conference was held at the hospital, but the employees did not put their signatures under the “pig in a poke.”

It was decided to meet again after everyone had seen this document. There was no repeat voting. And the collective agreement at the hospital was signed.


Meanwhile, according to economists, the management of KB No. 8, constantly complaining about a lack of funds, is doing nothing to change the situation. Thus, by 2018, the hospital was supposed to undergo a special assessment of working conditions (SOUT), but until now only those who do not work in hazardous conditions have such a document.

In the absence of SOUT, penalties are paid - 9 or 6 percent of the wage fund, depending on the category. And these figures are higher than those of open-hearth shop workers, simply because there are no documents,” a source tells the publication.

Apparently, the hospital management has no time to deal with such trifles; all the time is devoted to creating reports with sky-high indicators of average wages. It’s a pity that the management doesn’t understand that by publishing “fabulous” figures, they once again spat in the soul of their employees, and this certainly does not help improve the personnel situation.

Someone needs to stop this lie! - say the doctors.

But whether the department will want to hear not an indignant scream, but a groan from ordinary employees, is a big question.


Today, a doctor is one of the most sought-after specialties in the capital of the Russian Federation. Experienced and qualified medical workers are required both in municipal medical institutions and in private clinics.

Moscow is distinguished not only by its multi-million population, but also by its size. It's no secret that doctors in the capital receive higher salaries than in provincial regions and cities.

The average salary of a doctor in Moscow is 60,000 RUB. But this does not mean that all doctors receive exactly this salary.

Salary directly depends on specialty, qualifications, work schedule and place of employment. Thus, doctors in private clinics earn more than in public medical institutions.

Average monthly salaries of doctors in Moscow:

  • A chiropractor receives from 40,100 to 60,000 RUB.
  • A local therapist in a clinic earns no more than 53,120 RUB.
  • An occupational therapist is one of the highly paid professions. On average, a doctor in this field receives at least 70,000 RUB.

    • Pharmacist-analyst. The average salary is from 46,200 RUB.
    • Pharmacist-technologist. Average monthly salary - from 42,200 RUB.
    • Pharmacist. Salary - from 48,500 RUB.
      1. Pharmacist. The salary of a pharmacist ranges from 43,700 to 54,100 RUB.
      2. Vet. varies from 24,300 to 36,200 RUB.

Average salaries of doctors in other areas

FocusAverage salary (in RUB)
Psychotherapistfrom 48 100
Reanimatologistfrom 27 000
Rheumatologistfrom 30 000
Sex therapistfrom 45 000
Family doctorfrom 43 000
Emergency doctor (paramedic)from 30,300 to 45,200
Paramedic-laboratory assistant35 000
Pre-trip inspection paramedic15 000
Dental surgeon67 800
Pediatric dentist55 000
Dental assistant40 000
Nursefrom 18,500 to 26,700
Masseurfrom 21 000
Audiologistfrom 40,000 to 45,000
Toxicologist97 500
Traumatologistfrom 40,900 to 60,600
Urologistfrom 48,800 to 64,400
Endocrinologistfrom 40,000 to 60,000
Dermatocosmetologist75 000
Reproductologist75 000
School psychologist35 000
General doctor81 250

Salary growth dynamics

According to the head of the capital's health department, the average salary of medical workers has increased by 54% in recent years.

Dynamics of changes in the average salary of doctors in the capital of the Russian Federation by year

Year, monthMonthly salary (in RUB)
year 2012
January40 040
February41 890
March41 135
April41 635
year 2013
January49 460
September53 375
October51 225
November54 100
December51 900
year 2014
February50 400
June49 800
August52 350
September62 940
October40 750
November50 000
December50 000
January60 000
March60 000
April60 000
May50 000
June50 000
July60 000
August60 000
September55 000
October50 000
November50 000
December50 000
January55 000
March50 000
April55 000
May50 000
July50 000
July50 000
August50 000
September50 000
October55 000
November52 500
December60 000
January60 000
March60 000
April57 500
June60 000
July60 000

Based on the table, we can conclude that the average monthly salary is gradually increasing. But the government assures that in subsequent years the average salary of a medical worker will be no less than 70,000 RUB.

A salary increase is a good incentive for successful work.

At the end of 2017, an order was issued that doctors’ salaries should be equal to twice the average salaries in the regions. So how are health care workers' incomes faring in 2019? Have the promises come true? How much do doctors in capital clinics earn today?

19.04.2017 20:15

Data on the salaries of chief doctors of Sevastopol hospitals, their deputies and chief accountants has been published. It’s not easy to find them on the city government website, but Notes managed to find out the address of the link to the document. On average, managers received up to 150 thousand rubles a month, their deputies - up to 110 thousand. At the same time, ordinary medical staff have to work at one and a half to two times the rate in order to receive at least 20-25 thousand.

According to Notes’ source in the Sevastopol Department of Health, not everyone wanted to make the official salaries of managers publicly available. Some suggested ignoring federal law and completely abandoning the disclosure of average monthly income. However, a file with numbers and names still appeared on the website of the Sevastopol government. True, if you don’t know the specific link, it’s almost impossible to find it there. “Notes” decided to help officials cast off false shame and make this information truly public.

The report evokes a range of conflicting emotions: we can be glad that the hard work of hospital managers is adequately paid, but what about the gap between them and ordinary doctors? And how can we explain the almost twofold difference between the salaries of, for example, deputy chief physicians for civil defense in different hospitals?

So in City Hospital No. 1 named after. N.I. Pirogov's head physician receives, on average, about 116 thousand rubles. His deputies are about the same.

For contrast, City Hospital No. 2. Its chief physician earns 60,000 rubles, and the deputy for economic affairs only 31,500.

The Sevastopol Children's Dental Clinic also has relatively small incomes. Here the chief doctor’s salary is about 69,000 rubles, and the chief accountant’s salary is a little more than 32,000.

At Dental Clinic No. 1 on Butakova Street, the situation is completely different. Here, for some reason, doctors receive literally fabulous sums when compared with their colleagues in pediatric dentistry.

Employees of the Maternal and Child Health Center, that is, City Hospital No. 5, also have high salaries.

High salaries for the head physician of the oncology dispensary and the deputy director for information technology at the Medical Information Analytical and Laboratory Center. The first earns more than 151,000 rubles a month, the second about 149,000. At the same time, the director at the Medical Information, Analytical and Laboratory Center receives 109,000 rubles - that is, 40 thousand less than his deputy.

Let us recall that the President and Prime Minister of the Russian Federation have repeatedly pointed out the need to reduce the wage gap between managers and ordinary employees of government agencies. According to the Sevastopol Department of Health, the average salary of a doctor in the city tends to be 44 thousand rubles per month, the salary of nursing staff is 25 thousand, the salary of nurses is about 15 thousand. “Notes” announced these figures in conversations with ordinary doctors.

“I heard people say that, on average, nurses have a salary of 20 thousand,” comments Natalya, a nurse at one of the city hospitals. - Where did they get this figure from? We barely have 16 thousand. What about the nurses? Every day they come, wash and receive 7,000 rubles. How can you live on that kind of money?”

The head of a laboratory in another hospital explained that she, a doctor of the highest category, earns about 40,000 rubles a month. But this is when working at one and a half times the rate, and not always: the salary depends on points that are unclear to her.

“We work like horses, and my laboratory assistants earn about 25,000,” she comments. — I don’t know how it is with other doctors: colleagues hide their income so that there is less talk. But the workload is huge, everyone will tell you that. We have about 10 thousand more patients in two years, and the same number of medical workers remains.”

The situation is no better for those who deal with paperwork and household work. Employees of City Hospital No. 2 told Notes that they receive about 20,000 rubles, but they work until eight in the evening and often take work home. They are registered at one and a half rates, since there are not enough people in the hospital. If the staff appears, they will receive even less.

The territorial Compulsory Medical Insurance Fund of the city of Sevastopol explained to Notes that the city has standard salary calculation ratios for hospital administrations. They determine how many times the chief physician’s salary can exceed the average salary of ordinary medical staff. Thus, in the territorial Fund itself, a ratio of 1 to 8 is allowed, but the head receives a salary twice the average for the institution.