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Footprints advertising children's shoes. Shoe advertising and effective ways to market

  • fashionable, bright, comfortable
  • be in big city style
  • your favorite shoes
  • each pair a pair
  • a bright choice for the stylish and fashionable
  • we will find a pair especially for you
  • leave your mark
  • get closer to perfection
  • fashionable and affordable

🎯 How to promote a shoe store on social networks?

Social networks are an effective tool for promoting shoe store products. You should definitely create official pages on such popular social networks as Instagram and VKontakte. Using these services, it is quite easy to post current photos, talk about promotional offers, current discounts, conduct surveys, and communicate with potential clients.

To effectively advertise clothing and footwear stores, you should think through the concept in advance, develop a promotion strategy, choose the best tools, and decide on your “zest”, which will make it possible to stand out from other competitors. To attract new clients and subscribers to groups, you should use advertising tools within social networks and hold sweepstakes and competitions on a regular basis.

On VKontakte it is possible to organize a functional online store, post a product catalog, and accept payments online. On Instagram you should use more interactive tools: stories, live broadcasts, videos. Think about the design of groups and the ease of viewing content. Remember that the target audience for each market segment is different, so advertising for children's or men's shoe stores should be different.

👞 Advertising a shoe store: nuances of a small town

One of the effective tools for advertising a shoe store in small towns is informational advertisements. They should be placed near administrative buildings, on notice boards at public transport stops and train stations. The best option would be to involve promoters in distributing leaflets in public places, this will be especially effective on weekends and holidays. Particular attention should be paid to the sign; it should be bright and attractive. Develop and launch promotions for customers; you can implement a loyalty program for regular customers.

👠 Outdoor advertising for a shoe store: main types

The external design of the facade is important for a shoe store. A bright, creatively thought-out concept of outdoor advertising will guarantee to attract the attention of potential buyers. When choosing design options for a sign, keep in mind that it should first of all be informative and memorable. Be sure to consider lighting, this will help your outlet remain visible in the evening and at night.

Lighting structures can be of the following types:

  • light boxes (lightboxes)– rectangular prefabricated structures, with installed LED lighting. Highly popular due to affordable prices
  • volumetric letters– an attractive type of outdoor advertising for a shoe store, the letters are illuminated using bright LEDs
  • neon signs– Recently, they have been used less and less as outdoor advertising structures. Allows you to create spectacular, aesthetically attractive lighting when used together with other types of advertising
  • light panels– characterized by a long service life, efficiency, and reliability. There are different types: designs with the ability to quickly change images, elements with light engraving, especially thin panels with LEDs located along the edges. These are the optimal types of outdoor advertising and are a good alternative to light boxes

Signposts are often used as an additional tool to attract customers. This is especially true in cases where the store is located in a small, separate pavilion or inside a large shopping center. Signposts serve as an additional pointer and help a potential buyer find a shoe sales point.

The next important factor in the competent external design of a store is the decoration of the window display. Promotional goods and seasonal new items are displayed here at attractive prices. The background is often decorated with attractive decorative elements and various types of drapery. As a budget option, advertising images selected in accordance with the theme of the store can be used.

Keep in mind that the design of the entrance group should be in a single concept. The sign and shop windows should create a single stylish ensemble. Remember that the name must be thematic and combined with the selected segment. As a rule, in such cases various variations of the word “footwear” are often used.

As additional outdoor advertising tools, you can consider placing them on billboards located along city streets. On the facade of buildings it is possible to place banners or light panels with a bright image, indicating the name and contact information of the store.

Accurate communications – a strong brand

This article talks about ways to promote shoes of various price categories and target segments. It analyzes the actual market situation and gives some advice regarding promotion.

Shoes are one of the most important things that make up a person’s image and image. Most people buy shoes several times a year. When choosing shoes while already in the store, for some the most important factor is the quality of the product (63.7%), for others the price of the product (38.2%) is important, for others the breadth of the range offered is important (14.4%), fourth – degree of shoe comfort (13.3%), etc. (see chart 1)

Graph 1. Factors for choosing a product when purchasing shoes (according to the Master Market marketing agency for June 2003)

Let's look at how shoes are promoted in Moscow, and what certain companies focus on in promoting their products.

There are various ways to market shoes. Without pretending to be complete and complete, especially impossible within the framework of the article, we will briefly consider some of them.

TV commercial. One of the most expensive and effective methods of advertising if you need to ensure high coverage of a mass audience. To a greater extent, this type of advertising is used by manufacturers of men's shoes. Between 2003 and March 2005, men's shoe advertising on television accounted for 80% of all footwear advertised.

Internet advertising. Most companies, especially modern and youth footwear, use this type of advertising, placing their banners and links in search engines and on various visited sites. Many companies that produce shoes not only have websites, but they also cooperate with online stores, where the client can view and order shoes without leaving home.

Advertising in the press. This is one of the most common ways to promote shoes. Many shoe companies, and even stores that sell shoes, advertise their products in the press. Most often, press advertising is used by companies producing women's shoes. Companies that produce inexpensive products, as a rule, use magazines such as “7 Days”, “Liza”, “TV 7” and similar ones for advertising.

Companies that produce expensive women's shoes advertise in women's glossy magazines such as Vogue, Elle, Cosmopolitan and others. Companies involved in the production of men's shoes also advertise their products in men's magazines, for example, Men's Health, GQ, etc., but much less often.

To intensify promotion, specialized advertising and information magazines are published, such as “Leather and Footwear Industry”, “Footwear of the Season”, Shoes Report , intended both for professionals in the field of production, design and sale of footwear, shoe components, leather goods and related products, and for consumers .

Advertising in the subway. Advertising in the subway is very popular among shoe companies, because it identifies a specific target audience with low and medium incomes, as well as young people, which allows you to direct your advertising to the category of consumers that is needed.

Outdoor advertising. Not the most popular type of advertising for shoes compared to others. Such advertising cannot economically reach all potential consumers; it is rather aimed at reminding the company about itself to clients and has more of an image component. This advertising method is mainly used by well-known companies. Often outdoor advertising is an indicator of the location of the store.

Advertising at points of sale. This method of advertising is effective because an image of an advertisement that he once saw or heard before appears in the buyer’s head (that is, a reminder occurs). This type of advertising is more aimed at people whose choice varies between 2-3 brands of shoes. Advertising or promotional events in the store of one of these brands can help the buyer make a choice in its favor.

Fashion shows. Such events are organized by very expensive and exclusive shoe brands for their loyal customers and the press as PR campaigns. The purpose of such displays is to maintain customer loyalty to a “specific” brand, as well as to make journalists want to write about it.

Direct mail. When catalogs with new collections, discounts, invitations to presentations of new stores, etc. are sent to regular or potential customers. This type of advertising is usually used by expensive shoe brands. This method of advertising increases consumer loyalty to a “specific” brand, which is most typical for these brands, and can also attract new customers.

Sponsorship. Sponsorships are mainly provided by sports shoe companies. They sponsor relevant events, for example, broadcasts of the Olympic Games, European Championships, World Championships. Thus, in the minds of the consumer, their brands are associated with sports and sports style, and their value in the eyes of “sports” and “pseudo-sports” consumers increases.

It should be noted that in Moscow it is mainly not specific companies that produce shoes that are promoted, but shoe centers and stores where a large number of shoes from various companies are collected (sometimes from 20 to 50 brands in one store). An example of this is the specialized shoe store “Zh”, which positions itself as a cheap shoe store with a large selection of shoes for every taste. Shoe brands themselves are promoted extremely rarely and there are not many of them.

According to the marketing agency Master Market for June 2003, the main channels for selling shoes in Moscow are shopping centers - 41% of all Muscovites buy shoes there, of which 17.7% prefer to buy shoes in specialized shoe stores. Markets are still very popular among Muscovites - 22.7% prefer them to other distribution channels (see Chart 2), although there is a clear downward trend in their popularity.

Schedule 2. Places for Muscovites to buy shoes

In order to take a more detailed look at the promotion of shoes on the Moscow market, we segmented the market. Shoes can be classified according to several criteria: by price, by the socio-demographic characteristics of their consumers, by style, etc.

Let's look at what types of advertising use certain brands belonging to a certain classification, and what they focus on when promoting their shoes. Let's start with classification by price. The table shows price segments of shoes and examples of corresponding brands.

Cheap shoes. Stores selling cheap shoes make it clear in their advertising messages emphasis on price product, sometimes to the detriment of quality.

As a rule, low-price shoes are not advertised on their own. As in the case of expensive shoes, it is mainly not shoe brands that are promoted, but shops or shopping centers, such as “Family”, “Zh”, “TsentrObuv” and others, where you can buy them, with the exception of a few companies.

For example, the Payana company focuses on the fact that these are high-quality shoes made in Russia, which is why the price is low.

Over the past period (from 2003 to March 2005), the Payana company used print advertising in the television magazine “7 Days,” and the Payana company also used outdoor advertising several times, placing billboards around Moscow advertising its products.

The Unichel company, on the contrary, emphasizes in its advertising not only price, but also the issue of quality. When promoting her shoes, she places the main emphasis on the fact that they are durable shoes, despite the low price.

Shoes in the mid-price category are designed for the mass consumer. The promotion of such shoes places emphasis on quality products and reasonable price .

Firms producing mid-price shoes use various advertising methods: outdoor, television, radio advertising, as well as BTL promotions and promotional events.

For example, the Ecco company mainly uses radio advertising on radio stations such as “Europe Plus”, “Retro FM” and “Silver Rain”, and press advertising in magazines such as Cosmopolitan, “Caravan of History”, “Domashny Ochag”, Men's Health, “Health”, Cool Girl, “Liza”, “Big City” and others. Several times the Ecco company advertised on television on TNT and NTV channels.

The Salamander company traditionally uses outdoor advertising, placing it on billboards and city formats in public transport waiting areas. She also advertises in the press, mainly in 7 Days. Salamander advertising can also be heard on “Autoradio”, “Love Radio” and “Radio 7 on Seven Hills”.

Category of expensive shoes. As a rule, in their promotion, companies producing expensive shoes focus on quality their products, sometimes giving a guarantee of up to 10 years (for example, John Lobb), as well as fame And prestige brands.

Expensive shoes do not need mass advertising. Such shoe brands themselves are promoted less often than stores or shopping centers that sell them, such as the Atrium shopping center, GUM, Prestige Shoe Salon and others. A person who buys expensive shoes often already knows what brand of shoes he wants, since buyers are more loyal to expensive brands of shoes than to mid-price ones or even cheaper ones. Nevertheless, you can see advertising at points of sale with one or another brand of expensive shoes (see earlier about advertising at points of sale). Such brands often use print advertising in expensive glossy magazines, like Vogue, Elle, GQ, MAXIM, Men’s Health, etc., in order to notify customers about a new collection or sale.

The second segmentation by gender and age includes men's, women's, youth and children's shoes. In this classification, we will consider the promotion of shoes only in the mid-price category.

Men's footwear. Companies producing men's shoes emphasize that these are shoes for real men" . A man who buys this or that “specific” pair of shoes should feel superior to everyone else, for example, this is how the Ralf Ringer company positions itself.

Ralf Ringer prefers advertising in the press to other methods of advertising: in men's magazines - MAXIM, Men's Health; in automobile magazines - “Avtomir”, “Klaxon”, “Autoreview”, “Behind the wheel”; in sports magazines - “Sport Express”, “Soviet Sport”, i.e. where the majority of readers are men. Ralf Ringer is also one of the few companies that advertises on television, mainly on channels such as NTV and TNT.

The Kaiser company, in advertising its shoes, places the main emphasis on the fact that these men's comfortable shoes are designed taking into account the characteristics of the Russian foot, which is significantly different from the European foot. In Kaiser shoes, your feet will not get tired, and due to this, Kaiser shoes are promoted as casual shoes.

In the period from 2003 to March 2005, Kaiser advertised only in the magazine “Products and Prices” from mass traditional media. In 2003, she also placed her advertisements on the Internet on sites such as the “Club’ok” Internet discount system //

Women's shoes. The main emphasis in promoting women's shoes is on individuality And uniqueness design.

Companies producing women's shoes prefer to advertise in the press. Depending on the price category of the shoes, a printed medium is selected (an expensive magazine or a weekly newspaper) where this or that company will be advertised.

For example, the company Monarch, which produces women's shoes in the mid-price category and positions itself as shoes with the best price-quality ratio, advertises its products in magazines such as “Domashniy Ochag”, “Relax”, Beauty, “Liza” and “MK Boulevard”. "

Youth shoes. Companies producing youth shoes place the main emphasis in promoting their products for fashion , style And image .

Such shoes are advertised mainly on radio on such stations as “Nashe Radio”, “Maximum”, “Europe Plus” (in 2003, radio station Ultra was the leader in terms of advertising for youth shoes), where a significant part of the audience is young people. Over the past period (from 2003 to March 2005), advertising of youth shoe brands accounted for 81% of all shoe advertising on the radio. Mainly advertised brands are Dr. Martens, Shellys, Grinders, Yellow Cab. A large number of advertisements for youth shoes can be seen in the subway and on the Internet. Also, companies engaged in this type of footwear sponsor various youth events, for example, concerts of famous youth groups or performers. Many youth companies provide their products to leading youth channels such as Muz TV and MTV, thereby advertising themselves.

Children's shoes. Advertising for children's shoes emphasizes that growing and changing the child's foot will not feel discomfort . Also, many companies focus on bright colors, patterns and applications on children's shoes.

Manufacturers of children's shoes advertise their products mainly in the press, in magazines such as “Happy Parents”, “My Child”, “Nanny”, Burda. You can also hear advertisements for children’s shoes on the radio on such stations as “Europe Plus”, “Retro FM” and “Silver Rain”.

In Russia, advertising for children's shoes is not as widespread as other shoes in this group. As a rule, in Moscow it is not specific brands of children's shoes that are advertised, but stores for mothers and children, such as Kangaroo, the Sovenok shopping complex and others, where you can buy not only shoes, but almost everything for children, from strollers to clothes.

The company producing children's shoes Elefanten advertises mainly in such press as “Happy Parents” and “My Child”. The company “Top-Top” places its advertising in the magazine “Products and Prices”. The Paris Commune company places its advertisements for children's products on the Retro FM radio and on television on the TV-3 channel.

Also, companies involved in children's shoes actively use advertising at points of sale. Internet sites and online stores specializing in children's shoes are being created, such as “Antelope” (//, “” (// and others.

Third classification by style divides shoes into classic, sports, home and exclusive.

Classic shoes. Classic men's shoes are mainly promoted, and the advertising methods used are the same as for men's shoes, i.e. advertising in the press and on television.

In promoting classic shoes, the emphasis is on the fact that they are already verified comfortable models made using proven technologies , because such shoes are designed for people who prefer a formal style of clothing.

All companies specializing in men's shoes produce collections of classic men's shoes. Collections of classic women's shoes are not so common, because women, for the most part, are exposed to fashion trends and want to look modern, fashionable, original and not be like others.

Sport shoes. This is the most advertised shoe. The main emphasis in promoting sports shoes is on activity of life , on convenience And comfort in these shoes in any situation. These shoes are positioned as shoes for every day.

Advertising of sports shoes can be seen on television, in the subway, on city billboards, on the Internet, in magazines (both men's and women's, because these shoes are universal and suitable for everyone). Also, sports shoe manufacturers are actively involved in sponsorship activities, allocating money for events such as tennis tournaments, football matches and other events. At the same time, they often use sports idols. For example, Nike is a personal sponsor of Anastasia Myskina, and Reebok is a personal sponsor of athlete Igor Andreev.

In advertising house shoes the main emphasis is on cosiness , comfort And peace in the family and at home . Advertising for indoor shoes tries to evoke in people associations with the warmth of home. You can often see advertisements for indoor shoes in the subway. Also, companies producing house shoes use Internet sites and online stores.

Exclusive shoes are expensive shoes. And expensive shoes, as mentioned earlier, do not really use mass advertising. Exclusive shoes are, as a rule, handmade shoes from very expensive exclusive materials with an original design. It is produced in one or several copies, due to which the price increases even more. Such shoes are advertised in the specialized press, plus many companies organize a show of new exclusive collections for their regular customers, sending them invitations to these events, and sometimes discounts, and catalogs with their products by mail. When promoting expensive shoes, PR events become especially important.

In promoting exclusive shoes, the main emphasis is on material , from which shoes are made, on design , on originality And uniqueness of the product , as well as the work itself, which is often done manually. For example, a store of expensive and exclusive Manolo Blahnik shoes, of which there are only four in the world, recently opened in Moscow. Manolo Blahnik shoes are worn by Hollywood stars, models, and pop divas. These shoes have established themselves as high-quality, exclusive and very expensive, each pair costs at least $1000. In Russia, this brand is not yet as popular as in Europe and the USA, but advertisements for these shoes could be seen in the TV series “Sex and the City,” where the main character walked around in Manolo Blahnik shoes and no other. Thus, through product placement in a well-known and popular series, creating a certain image of the main character of the series, Manolo Blahnik advertised itself. (This example can itself serve as an example of a PR event that will attract the attention of some of the target audience, especially if it is properly framed and talked about.)

The Carlo Amina exclusive shoe salon attracts clients by inviting them to try themselves as a designer and, with the help of the craftsmen working in the salon, to translate any idea into shoes based on their own individual design.

We can talk about the shoe market for a long time, but let's sum it up:

  1. Shoes can be classified according to several criteria (by price, by the socio-demographic characteristics of their consumers, by style, etc.). The promotion of shoes on the market depends on their belonging to a certain category.
  2. For the most part, footwear brands belonging to the middle price category are promoted, since this category is in greatest demand among Muscovites.
  3. Recently, specialized shoe stores have increasingly begun to appear that offer a large assortment of goods, this gives the buyer the opportunity to choose the brand that he likes on the spot. At the same time, there are more stores specializing in shoes by price category (stores selling expensive shoes, mid-priced shoes and cheap shoes).
  4. While shoes are beginning to be advertised more, merchandising events, promotions, and work to increase customer and retail loyalty are beginning to play an increasingly important role in competition.

In the end, I would like to remind you of the general scheme of working on a brand promotion campaign (see diagram 3). To properly plan a marketing strategy, you first need to analyze the existing situation, understand your own goals and evaluate available resources, and then look for ways to achieve your goals. This article was an example of analyzing the advertising activity of competitors.

Despite the hackneyed opinion, shoes play the role of “second fiddle” after clothes. Along with hats and accessories, this part of the wardrobe perfectly emphasizes the advantages of its owner and effectively complements the entire image as a whole. It becomes a favorite item that can be worn at any time of the day and worn with pleasure. In order to update it, we often pay attention to bright posters and signs. One shoe advertisement seduces us, while another does not evoke any emotions. What is this connected with? What methods and methods do advertisers use to attract buyers? And how effective are they?

What are the challenges of shoe PR?

Unlike PR for other types of products, shoe advertising is associated with a number of difficulties. Creative and marketing agencies in particular often face a single problem. By and large, they have to rack their brains a lot about how to make a small detail noticeable to the consumer. And here a number of options appear, for example, in advertising you can use the image of people wearing these same shoes.

However, such a photo must be presented in such a way that buyers’ attention is not shifted in favor of the person, but is addressed exclusively to the shoes. What are the ways to achieve this?

Shifting the focus to the legs

One of the most common techniques that can be observed in shoe advertising is the partial elimination of a direct competitor for the attention of viewers - a person. At the same time, the models themselves posing on the covers are not completely removed. All that remains of them are their feet, shod in the advertised shoes. The main feature of such PR is the bright background and details accompanying the image.

Depending on the plot of the video or photo shoot, they can simply walk down the street, look out of an elevator or car, or open doors. In a word, such shoe advertising not only places the necessary accents, but also forces the viewer to mentally complete the figure of the owner or owner of these very feet. And in this case, no one ever limits the flight of fantasy.

Intentionally increasing the size of the details

The second, in our opinion, interesting technique used by advertisers is to deliberately increase details. For example, an advertisement for children's shoes will definitely attract a buyer if the photo shows a baby wearing huge boots, shoes or sandals. According to marketers, increasing details, even in violation of all existing laws of proportion, allows you to make a competent emphasis. Moreover, in this case, the many times enlarged shoe immediately becomes more noticeable against the general background.

Putting shoes in the foreground

Advertising for men's shoes also looks interesting. Especially when it comes to the fore. And if you believe the law of fine art, then all the details in the foreground become the main source of attention. For example, this is exactly what the Swiss advertisers from Jung von Matt/Limmat did. During a photo shoot with models and the new collection of Max Shoes shoes, they left only the girls' heads and shoes in the frame. At the same time, everything was played out as if the shoes acted as an open mouth. It turned out to be a very memorable and creative spectacle.

Selecting individual details

In advertising of clothing and shoes, the technique of highlighting details against the general background is sometimes used. To do this, beautiful boots, shoes or a dress can be placed in a beautiful frame, a camera lens or a spotlight beam can be directed at them. Thus, things and objects will be highlighted against the general background, which will also increase their chances of attracting the attention of the public.

Showing shoes on a “talking background”

Continuing the concept of “fashion model shoes,” let’s remember another secret of advertisers. Thus, they refuse to depict shod people and models and give preference to creating a “talking background” or using a form of homogeneous content. It’s like with a plate on which, for example, flax seeds lie. If you look at such a photo, then it is the plate or dish that attracts attention, but not the seeds themselves.

This technique was recently used in an advertisement for CaféNoir women's shoes. During the photo shoot, viewers saw an elegant shoe, inside of which there were beautiful rosebuds. At the same time, they were very well matched to the color of the shoes. By the way, flowers are also a talking symbol that can be easily deciphered by any person who has nothing to do with the creation of advertising. In particular, the rose symbolizes femininity, virginity and purity.

The importance of details and simple movements

Another technique is often used by the creators of sports shoe advertising. As a rule, their characters and models are captured in motion. Also, people in the photo may make some kind of gesture or movement of their feet to attract attention. For example, some models cross their legs in advertising. They can be carried in the arms of a man. They can tie their shoelaces, kick a ball, and even bite their heels, as often shown in posters of high-end women's shoes.

In advertising for sneakers, girls or boys jump high and are captured in flight. In a word, when creating such videos or photos, attention is paid to actions or movements. In this case, the emphasis shifts to the shoes, and not to the person depicted.

Highlighting details with color

Alternatively, many photographers try to shade or put the human figure into shadow. In contrast to such a blurry picture, they display shoes that are highlighted in bright colors. In some cases, the emphasis shifts by covering the upper part of the model’s body and highlighting the lower part. For example, in an advertisement for TM Marco Tozzi shoes, the upper part of the photograph, where the model’s head, legs and torso are located, are highlighted in gray.

On the eve of the new season, ELLE is looking into which shoes, featured on the world's catwalks, will be the most relevant in the coming spring. The review includes 15 main shoe trends that are worth taking note of right now.

Haider Ackermann, Marques'Almeida, Bottega Veneta, Elie Saab, Huishan Zhang, Nina Ricci, Altuzarra, DSquared2, Giambattista Valli

The absolute leader on world catwalks are models with a strap or ribbons around the ankle. Platform, stiletto heel, flat sole - absolutely any pair that accentuates thin ankles will become one hundred percent trendy and the most profitable investment in new season wardrobe.

Trussardi, Marques'Almeida, Giamba, Isabel Marant, Stella McCartney, Ellery

In the coming spring, not only will it shine highlighter on the cheekbones, but also shoes on the feet of the most devoted fashionista. You can find your “brilliant match” in the collections of Louis Vuitton, Saint Laurent, Isabel Marant, Stella McCartney and a couple of dozen other brands. The point is to choose the appropriate model from among ankle boots, boots, sandals and traditional pumps in a new, relevant interpretation.

Balmain, Issey Miyake, Marco De Vincenzo, Miu Miu, Elie Saab

Most Popular Shoes 1970s– wedge sandals are experiencing a rebirth. Next spring, designers are vying with each other to offer their versions of the iconic model, insisting that the most current pairs are versions in bright or pastel shades.

Anteprima, No.21, Prada, Loewe, No.21, Céline

Long live half measures - in the new season, designers are giving complete carte blanche to abandon the dizzying stiletto heels in favor of elegant low ones. In the coming spring, elegant low heels have been replaced by pumps with an open heel, ankle boots with a round toe and feminine Mary Jane models.

Loewe, Dolce & Gabbana, Maison Margiela, Mulberry, Kenzo, Toga

Flowers, spirals, cubes – dozens of original interpretations of heels were seen on the catwalks of the spring-summer shows. You can get inspired before buying an unusual pair, and at the same time understand what to combine it with, by studying the collections of Kenzo, Dolce & Gabbana, Loewe and Martin Margiela.

Dior, Saint Laurent, Jeremy Scott

With the return of fashion to the 90s, showing off the logo of your accessories has again become quite comme il faut. This spring, you can tell others about your fashion preferences by purchasing pumps Dior, Saint Laurent or Jeremy Scott.

Céline, Gucci, Emilio Pucci

The most current version of the model, which fits tightly to the leg, is a vinyl stocking plus laconic sandals with thin straps, like at the Gucci show. The ideal company for such a couple is midi length skirt, slightly covering the top of trendy shoes.

Marco De Vincenzo, Dior, Valentin Yudashkin, Sportmax, Ann Demeulemeester, Dolce & Gabbana

Mules with flat soles continue to lead the list of the most fashionable summer shoes. In the new season, any version of practical models will be equally appropriate - both sporty and generously decorated with stones or appliqués.

Haider Ackermann, Miu Miu, Hermès, Mulberry, Laura Biagiotti, Emporio Armani

Another variation of trendy shoes without backdrops is mules and slippers. The most popular model of last year (remember how everyone went crazy over Gucci’s fur slippers) will be presented next season in both laconic versions made of smooth leather and ultra-luxurious versions made of exotic leather or printed satin.

Byblos, Marques'Almeida, Mother of Pearl, Mulberry

Elegant pairs decorated with large voluminous ruffles are a real find for fans of exaggerated femininity. The ideal company for such shoes is basic things like jeans and classic pipes - when paired with them, the likelihood of going too far with femininity and getting an image in the spirit of a Barbie doll is close to zero.

Balmain, 3.1 Phillip Lim, Ellery, Gucci, Hussein Chalayn

An even more current version of the wedge heel noted above is a pair with high flat soles, called flatforms. The advantages are maximum comfort and a huge selection in the spring-summer collections, which feature both sports models and luxurious variations with embroidery and beads, claiming a worthy place in the evening wardrobe.

Céline, Dior, Fendi, Off-White, MSGM, Dior