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The student offered herself to the guy with a Power Point presentation.

An American student prepared a Power Point presentation about herself for a guy, in which she described her advantages: Why should you date me? I am an excellent conversationalist, my breasts are showing steady growth...”

American student Lizzy Fenton prepared a Power Point presentation about herself for a guy named Carter, in which she described her advantages. However, the young man did not appreciate the girl’s efforts, but he liked the presentation Microsoft, writes The Independent.

In the first slide of her presentation, “Why You Should Date Me,” Fenton pointed out that if his family was pestering him about how it was time to find a serious girlfriend, then she was the best candidate for that position.

“I'm a great conversationalist and can carry on a conversation over dinner with your parents. I dress well and will look stylish at Thanksgiving, family reunions and other events.""Lizzie explained. The mother's approval should also arouse the girl's excellent sense of humor.

Another argument in favor of Fenton is that she is ready to put up with her boyfriend’s polygamy, and if she fights it, then only in original ways, for example, with hairstyles, with the help of which she is able to transform into three different girls.

On the slide titled “My breasts have shown steady growth over time.” the girl cites calculations demonstrating that by 2025 the circumference of one of her breasts will approach the circumference of a human head and will be approximately 57 centimeters.

The student is financially independent and can support not only herself, but even Carter. In addition, she is independent and Carter will not have to pay on every date. Also, Lizzie always has a Plan B: In the event of a financial crisis, I can count on rich behind-the-scenes benefactors (parents) to give me cash. I'm always at work (and I won't cling to you). Rice. 1 and fig. 2 show me at work as proof of my starting earnings. Rice. 3 proves financial connections with philanthropists.

“Still not convinced?”- Lizzie asks the guy. In that case, it's time to listen positive reviews experts: actor Channing Tatum, Miss America 2012, New York Times, ex-girlfriend Carter and Lizzie's mom:

Channing Tatum: “I wanted to ask her out, but I’m not on this girl’s level.”

Miss America 2012: “It’s on my phone’s screensaver.”

New York Times: “(Lizzie) is as piquant as a purple tree in bloom. Sharp, aphoristic humor: an adult voice sets off youthful ardor. (Lizzie) is sexy not in the mechanical way that we tend to associate with the word “eroticism.” Instead, it expands the concept of sexual passion to include many forms of intimacy..."

Ex: “She's definitely a promotion for you. Good job, old man."

Mother: “Talented. Brilliant. Incredible. Amazing. Impressive. Spectacular."

Fenton posted the presentation on Twitter at the end of March. In a short time, the post gained viral popularity on the microblogging platform, but did not have the desired effect. According to the girl, Carter sent her a message: "Very nice. Please don't write to me anymore."

However, the American woman’s creativity was appreciated by Microsoft’s SMM managers. In response to Lizzie’s post, a specialist who runs the company’s Twitter account noted: “You forgot to indicate one more important thing: “I’m awesome at making presentations in Power Point. Lizzie Fenton."

Lizzie thanked Microsoft for the advice with a quick “Thank you.” But it seems she has nothing to worry about and it’s time to forget stupid Carter: the viral tweet has given her many fans.

“Fuck Carter, he’s an asshole. I study at the University of Nevada. If a girl sent this to me, I would fly to her on the first plane, no matter where she studies.”

Who studies at the University of Minnesota, created a slideshow titled ‘Why You Should Date Me’ in the hopes of convincing her friend Carter Blochwitz to take her out.

To date, almost 9,000 people have retweeted the presentation, calling it “amazing” and “incredible”.

Lizzy Fenton Lizzy Fenton made thousands laugh on social media when she posted the PowerPoint she had created

“Sick of your family nagging you to get a serious girlfriend? Look no further,” the first slide reads.

“I am a tantalizing conversationalist and can hold a riveting table talk with your parents.

“I am well dressed and will look classy at Thanksgiving dinner, family reunions and other events of the like.

Lizzy Fenton The student pointed out her best characteristics in the slideshow

Fenton continues: “I have an edgy yet tasteful sense of humor that will be sure to win the approval of your mother.”

The genetics, cell biology and development student then goes on to explain why she would be the perfect girlfriend if monogamy is “not your style”.

“Dating me is like having three different girlfriends,” she writes.

Lizzy Fenton "Monogamy not your style? No problem."

“My diverse hairstyles allow me to look like three completely different people.”

She then uses statistical analysis to show how her boobs “exhibit steady growth over time”.

“Using the slop equation y+1.2x-2415.1, it can be extrapolated that each breast will be roughly the circumference of a human head by the year 2025.”

Lizzy Fenton Fenton even performed statistical analysis in her presentation

The next slide explains how Fenton is “financially stable”.

“I can support myself. I can support you,” she lists.

“In the event of financial crisis, I have wealthy behind-the-scenes-benefactors (parents) that can spot me cash.”

Lizzy Fenton pictured on her Twitter page.

A University of Minnesota coed created a Powerpoint presentation in attempt to convince her crush to go out with her. It didn't go well. Lizzy Fenton project was titled, “Why You Should Date Me.” The description reads, “Sick of your family nagging you to get a serious girlfriend? Look no further.” Fenton's crush has been named as Carter Blochwitz.

Fenton goes on to brag, “I am a tantalizing conversationalist and can hold riveting table talk with your parents. I am well dressed and will look classy at Thanksgiving dinner, family reunions, and other events of the like.” She goes on to mention that due to the many different looks she can pull off, dating her is like dating three different girls.

Here's what you need to know:

1. Blochwitz’s Reply to the Presentation Was ‘This Is Very Nice. Please Stop Contacting Me’

Carter Blochwitz pictured on his Facebook page.

Blockwitz, Fenton’s crush, apparently replied to her presentation with a very straightforward, “This is very nice. Please contacting me.”

It’s unclear if Fenton will allow this to deter her pursuit of love. Fenton had kept the world updated on her presentation through Twitter. In her bio, Fenton says she’s studying Genetics, Cell Biology and Development at the University of Minnesota. Fenton doesn’t use the social network that much, her last tweet before the presentation tweet was from early March. It read“Hey boys! Just wanted to remind U that I did NOT give up kissing for ribbon!”

2. Among the Highlights of the Presentation Is Fenton’s Study of the Growth of Her Breasts

The pitch, which is likely to see Fenton get hired for any job she desired, contains an analysis of how her “boobs exhibit steady growth over time.” The above graph shows that her boobs have grown from an A cup to a DD in the last four years.

Fenton also says that she is “financially stable” thanks to her parents. The presentation includes references from Channing Tatum, who says Fenton is “way out of his league” and The Times, who praises Fenton’s “dry and aphoristic wit.”

3. On March 30, Blochwitz Called Fenton a ‘Very Fine Lass’

On March 30, Fenton commented on a Facebook photo of Blochwitz saying, “You look like Jesse McCartney. You are a very handsome lad.” To which Blochwitz replied, “a compliment from a very fine lass.” While on January 5, Fenton wrote on his page, “Haha hot, you single?” Back in July 2016, she wrote, “You are really hot dm me sometime.” Blockwitz wrote back, “Smh.”

American student Lizzy Fenton from the University of Minnesota became famous online thanks to her creative attempt to attract the attention of a guy. To ask a guy she liked named Carter out on a date, the girl prepared a presentation in which she described all her advantages. And although the young man did not appreciate Lizzie’s efforts, she was supported by netizens, as well as Microsoft.

The presentation, titled “Why You Should Date Me,” was divided into several bullet points with key points.

Lizzie called herself the ideal candidate for the role of a serious girl whose parents constantly pester their sons. “I'm a great conversationalist and can carry on a conversation over dinner with your parents. I dress well and will look stylish on Thanksgiving Day, at family holidays and other events,” the girl gave such arguments in her favor.

If Carter is not a supporter of monogamy, then Lizzie promised to diversify their relationship by changing her image. She noted that this will make the guy feel like he is dating three different girls.

In the third point of the presentation, Fenton drew attention to the growth of her breasts. “My breasts have shown steady growth over time,” Lizzie writes. According to her calculations, by 2025 the girth of one of her breasts could reach 57 centimeters.

The presentation also talked about Lizzie's financial independence, paying her own bills, and even the possibility of helping Carter himself. However, the guy refused the girl: “It’s very nice. Please stop texting me." Lizzie’s creative approach was appreciated by representatives of Microsoft, who noted: “You forgot to indicate one more important thing: “I’m awesome at making presentations in Power Point. Lizzie Fenton."