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Connection technique. At the same time, objections convey information about the values ​​and criteria by which a given client evaluates your proposal

All that managers need to learn while working with a client is to master the techniques described below, see his real doubts or fears behind the “hidden” objections and work with

Dealing with objections: 5 steps

1. Listen to the client

This is one of the most important stages. Unfortunately, this does not always happen. After 4-5 objections, a manager, even an experienced one, may not have enough patience.

However, don't play psychic. Listen to the end of how the client objects and what he says. You don't fully know what will trigger your successful trade.

Sales practice also knows many cases when a purchase was made simply at the stage of sympathetic active listening to his troubles and pains on the part of the seller.

2. Understand the client

The process of “understanding” a client does not at all imply that you agree with him. It is extremely important, before starting to work with an objection, to say the phrase: “I understand you.” These words have the power to endear a person to himself for several reasons.

  • This phrase is heard quite rarely in life.
  • Few people actually strive to understand the buyer
  • In everyday communication, understanding and agreement are not the most common things

Therefore, the manager’s words “I understand” are almost 100% likely to break the usual pattern. However, in order not to run into the answer “Yes, you understand,” immediately smoothly move on to the next stage.

3. Join a client

At the “onboarding” stage, work to ensure that the client gains confidence in you. It is necessary to explain to the buyer what exactly the seller “understands”. As a result, you gain credibility and a chance to sell. Let's give an example.

- Your prices are too high.

- I understand you. You need to find the best value for money.

— Your product quality is low.

- I understand you. It is important for you to figure out which model will be most suitable in your specific situation. Let's figure it out.

4. Give a counterargument

From this stage, verbal work with clients begins using logical methods.

- Your price is high.

— Yes, our price is not the lowest on the market. However, taking into account our extended warranty period, you will end up saving. And if you buy a cheaper model, then there is every chance that it will fail when the warranty period for it has already expired. Tell me, do you need to save now or should you save within three years? If within three years, then our price is much lower than that of any of our competitors.

5. Clarify if there are any questions left

After working with objections, you should ask: “Do you still have questions?” If the problem is not resolved, start from the second stage.

- No, it’s still important for me to save now.

- I understand you. Maybe the price is quite high for you now. I understand correctly that we need to find some more suitable solution or payment format. In principle, we have the option of installments. Then now you will contribute only a small part, for example, 100 thousand. And then pay an additional 900 thousand. In any case, this is more profitable if it is important for you not to spend a lot of money now. In another company you will have to immediately shell out 700 thousand. Yes, in the long run you will pay a little more, but now you will save a lot. Do you have any questions? Or can we discuss installment plans?

These stages must be completed several times. Minimum three. On the other hand, there is no need to go for a record of 10-20 times.

Dealing with objections: deal with hidden objections

The objections themselves can be hidden and vary depending on the industry. However, there are typical ones, especially characteristic of:

  1. "Expensive"
  2. "I will think"
  3. “I’ll call you back myself”

Clients do not always openly express their doubts and may “hide” the real reasons for refusal under these phrases. The task is to identify them and help the buyer make the right decision for himself.

So, when a person says “expensive”, it can mean:

  • "give a discount",
  • "make it cheaper"
  • “Competitors are cheaper.”

If you are asked for time to think, start “thinking” immediately with the client, because in reality you are being told:

  • "not now",
  • "I will think",
  • "put it aside"
  • "I need some advice"
  • "give me a reprieve"
  • "I will consult"
  • "Let's do it next week."

When you hear the words “I’ll call you back myself,” this is the result of some mistake in the early stages of working with a client. Perhaps the manager simply could not gain the client’s trust.

But even in this case, you need to get a specific date from the buyer when he plans to call back/make an appointment/give a response. If the client continues to pull the rubber, then you can apply a little pressure.

A phrase that a manager can use: “Please understand, I don’t want to be intrusive, but our offer is valid until the xx date.”

Tactic #1: Gratitude

Say “thank you.” Always thank your counterparty when he makes his case. Do this because “thank you” is the link between resistance and closing the deal.

It is important to remember that an objection is always better than a firm “no”. After all, from this place you can start a new round of sales.

There are a million examples where a friendly “thank you” dispelled a customer’s anger and frustration. And having received such positive feedback, he could feel happy again, and therefore ready to buy.

Tactic #2: Empathy

Dealing with objections with empathy is not an easy task. This feeling is conveyed at the level of tone and sympathetic reaction. Empathy gives the client a sense of the importance of their problems and takes the conversation to a new, more personal level of communication.

Confirm that you are aware of his problems (and you are aware, because you hear this twenty times a day). For example: “I hear about this often. And this is really very sad. That's why I'm talking to you. I'm sure we can help."

Tactic #3: Disclosure

In handling objections, disclosing the prospect involves the salesperson creating space for that disclosure. That is, it kind of “removes” itself and raises the client’s problems to a high level.

Verbally, this process is expressed in the fact that a person is asked open-ended questions that do not require “yes” or “no” answers.

It's not as simple as it seems. And if you feel like you’re starting to lose track, you can act like a four-year-old and say, “Why?”

Tactic #4: Ask, Clarify, Summarize

Dealing with objections involves asking a lot of open questions to the buyer. Experts estimate that approximately 4-5 “multi-layered” queries are required to understand the essence of the objection. That's why:

  • keep asking open-ended questions;
  • clarify, only tactfully and intelligently, with the person if he begins to spout professionalism;
  • Once you have grasped the essence, summarize what was said.

Tactic #5: Show Them the Benefit

This tactic is also used when working with objections to the current database. As a result of the “disclosure” tactic, the seller receives information about the counterparty and his “pain”.

Once the pain is identified, it needs to be translated into numbers. This works especially well in the B2B segment. What exactly does a potential buyer lose by not purchasing the product offered?

  • Loss of profit
  • Wasting time
  • Loss of pleasure
  • Loss of health
  • Customer dissatisfaction
  • Staff turnover

When “pain” is defined correctly, it can be intensified and logically multiplied, drawing pictures of unpleasant consequences for him in a person’s head. And as a pain reliever, offer your product, which will solve the client’s problems.

If the buyer continues to object, then the pain has been identified incorrectly and will have to continue asking questions.

Sales Objections: Be Proactive

The main thing that an employee must understand about sales is that working with objections is a natural part of the process. And if he has reached this stage, then there is a considerable chance of closing the deal.

Therefore, objections cannot be answered in a reactive manner. That is, without proper preparation. Working with objections involves typing them into categories and preparing a response. This is called a proactive position.

You can even categorize all objections into already understandable categories.

  • Budget – a reference to lack of funding,
  • Management - reference to the need for approval,
  • Time is a reference to its absence,
  • There is no need - the SPIN technique is needed here.

The most important thing that the seller must achieve is to convince the potential counterparty that he cannot and should not deny himself the benefits/savings/enjoyment of living without the product being offered.

CPV language (characteristics - advantages - benefits). This is the language of the buyer. He doesn't need product characteristics. He is not even interested in its abstract advantages. The client wants to understand what benefits the purchase promises him and what problems it will solve.

Dealing with objections: let’s repeat the algorithm

So, when dealing with objections, it is important to maintain the importance of the client’s opinion. Use polite constructions like “thank you for your question”, “it’s clear that you understood the topic”, “indeed, there is truth in your argument”, etc.

And be sure to follow the algorithm:

Listen carefully and determine the basis of his objection.

Acknowledge the objection, for example, using the following phrases: “let’s discuss in more detail”, “it is very important for us to hear your opinion”, “I understand that it is important to find the best option”

Understand your interlocutor - does he really object or is this an excuse. Ask a question like “is this the only obstacle that prevents you from making a decision?”

Clarify the objection using leading questions. For example, “what terms would you agree to?” “What amount would be acceptable for you?”

Provide the necessary arguments to convince the client to change his original point of view. Arguments must be based on reliable and verified facts.

It is very important to be “involved” in reality when dealing with objections. It will not be possible to work through this stage automatically. It always involves well-played or real feelings, supported by effective scripts.

Do not forget that working with objections should be done in practice, and not studied in theory. Managers must thoroughly know all possible answer options and confidently apply them in their work.

Algorithm for handling objections

There is a technique for working with objections, the use of which can make the work of sales managers easier. Information about it is presented in many textbooks. Unfortunately, few people know how to use this wonderful tool correctly. “Know” and “be able” are completely different concepts. In order to learn how to play an instrument, you need to constantly train the skill. The technique of working with objections can be successfully used not only in the sales process, but also in everyday life.

Before moving on to the algorithm for working with objections, test your skills and test yourself.

I give the objection: “I don’t need it.” Start practicing it. How do you respond to this objection?

– Some of you begin to convince me of the need for a purchase, talking about your product and its unique properties.

– Someone started talking about the company, its history, traditions, discounts, promotions, etc.

– Some of you asked the question “Why?”

– Someone is tempted by the offer to send something by mail and then call, naively believing that after reading your letter, I will understand the necessity of purchasing a product or service from your company.

I constantly hear all this in the role-playing games that I conduct at trainings.

So, what is the algorithm for dealing with objections? What kind of instrument is this?

These are three sequential steps that allow you to reach an agreement with the client:

– accession;

– argumentation;

– closing.

When working with objections, using this particular technology is very simple and very productive.

Let's start looking at each step.

First step - accession

The task of this stage is to establish an atmosphere of mutual understanding, to provide the client with the opportunity to express his opinion, which, very likely, will not coincide with your attitude to the topic of the issue. You just need to be careful not to strengthen the objection! To do this you should join not to fact, but to opinion the client, to his judgment. It is very important!

Client: "It costs a lot".

Salesman: “Yes, it’s expensive (joined the fact!). At the same time, you must agree that a good product cannot be cheap on the market.”

When the seller has joined the fact, he has to justify the inflated price, convince, persuade the client, justify the price of the product.

Same objection.

Client: "It costs a lot".

Salesman: “Perhaps the price of the product seems too high. Still, let’s look at the possibilities and benefits of my proposal.”

When the seller has joined the buyer’s opinion, then he then works with his opinion about the price, and not with the fact of a high price.

A fact is something that is. You can't argue with the fact. And an opinion is based on life experience - this is how a person relates to a particular phenomenon. Everyone has their own opinion. Therefore, it is possible to change your mind. If you understand the difference and understand this issue well, you will not make mistakes when dealing with objections.

It is unfortunate to note that many sellers do not master one of the most effective selling techniques - the technique of joining an objection. Start using joining in your daily life and you will realize how little effort it takes to overcome any objection.

One of the most effective methods of joining an objection is compliment.

- Thank you for your opinion.

- Good question.

– You raised this topic absolutely correctly.

- It’s good that you paid attention to this, etc.

Practice. It turns out? The main requirement for a compliment is sincerity. Not flattery, not flirting with a potential buyer, which, of course, only causes irritation in a normal person. Find what you can give a person a true compliment for, and not give out forced preparations. Learn the process. I heard the expression: “The person who gave you a nice compliment doesn’t seem so stupid anymore.”. How can you argue with that?

The second, no less effective method of joining is a conciliatory statement. Joining an objection is accomplished through a series of conciliatory statements that the seller makes before responding to the objection. You make it clear to the client that his objection is reasonable and has a right to exist.

- I understand you.

– I hear about this often.

– There is a reason for this.

– It’s good that you said this.

– Yes, indeed, such an opinion exists.

– I agree with your opinion on this problem.

- I do it myself.

– You are right to draw my attention to this issue.

I specifically give many examples so that you can expand your arsenal of speech modules for various situations.

Always join the client's objection. You speak: “I agree that such an opinion can exist”. This means that you confirm the right to the existence of such an opinion, and not a fact. Hence the first conclusion: if you want your influence to be powerful, first join the opinion of your interlocutor, do not expect the mountain to come to you on its own. Take a step forward. Since in this case your arguments will be heard and understood by your interlocutor.

Second step - argumentation

The task of this stage is to form a different point of view on the situation.

The quality of your argument depends on your ability to analyze information, on your conviction, confidence, and knowledge. To argue well, you need to be well versed in many issues, not just those that directly relate to your business or a particular transaction. A competent, well-read, wise person almost always arouses interest among others. We must remember that the argument is built according to the scheme of dialogue, and not a monologue of the seller. You don't need to say more than two or three phrases in a row. Your phrases should alternate with the questions you ask the client. This allows you to control the reaction of your interlocutor.

- This is true?

- You agree with me?

- Did I understand you correctly?

- And what do you think?

The client must participate in the dialogue!

So that you can make a professional argument, I offer you several ways. The number of methods given below is enough to solve the problem of this stage. The only recommendation: choose your own method for each objection, choose it according to your taste, and according to your manner of communication, and according to the logic that you build when arguing. I, in turn, will give some practical advice on this matter later.

Methods used in argumentation

1. Clarifying questions

- Did I understand you correctly?

– Do you think this is so?

- You said, that…?

2. Blocking

– Is this the only thing stopping you?

– Are there any other reasons?

3. Use of phrases:

- “Okay, but…”

- “Yes, and at the same time...”

4. Boomerang

– That’s why I….

5. Go back to the client's past. Talk about today's situation. Talk about the future

- Tell me...

– Do you remember what you said (did)?

- Today you have...

– It’s customary in our company...

- According to the law of the Russian Federation...

- The rules dictate...

7. Clarification with change

- It is expensive? Do I understand correctly: Do you need time to prepare the required amount?

– Not satisfied with the delivery time. Do I understand correctly that you are ready to carry out the delivery yourself?

8. Professional competence

– I solved a more serious problem (example).

– I chose this option for myself because...

9. Division

– The high price is divided by the service life or the list of services.

– Production time is divided into working days, weekends and holidays.

10. Client options

– What can convince you?

– What would you do in this situation?

11. Customer Success Experience

– Tell the story of your clients’ successful experiences.

– Give examples of successful cooperation with your company.

12. Priorities

– Isn’t it more important to have... (a quality product, an opportunity in something, etc.)?

– What will be more profitable for you?

You have probably already successfully used all these methods. My job is to classify them by productivity. The use of a particular method ultimately depends on the type of objection received, the negotiation situation, and the contact established with the buyer.

Third step - closing

The explanatory dictionary has several definitions of the word “close”:

“to make inaccessible to anyone”;

“to put an end to something”;

“to cease the action of something or someone.”

All these are very precise characteristics of the term “close”, which are fully applied in sales. The main mistake due to which the seller unsuccessfully handles objections (and with transactions in general) is that after arguing, he expects some kind of agreement from the client. What should the client agree to? It is naive to believe that after you express the need for a meeting or purchase, the client will rush into the arms of the seller with gratitude and set a time for the meeting or ask for a bag to pack the purchased product. When you have changed the client's opinion, he is in some indecision and confusion. He is thinking about your proposal. More often than not, he raises several more objections. What does the seller do? Waiting. It is not right! We need to close this topic!

The purpose of the closing stage is to put an end to the topic of the objection. Encourage the client to take action.

The meaning of closing is to move on to another topic. It is customary to close the topic of objection with a prepared technical question.

For example:

When is it convenient for you to meet on Friday or Monday?

Where is it convenient for you to meet in our office or at yours?

Do you have documents with you?

How is it convenient for you to pay?

What payment amount is comfortable for you?

When can you make the payment?

What date should you arrange for delivery? Etc.

Resolving technical issues is no longer a sale, but a kind of customer service, gratitude for the decision he has made. Agree that this procedure is much simpler than the active sales process. This requires a different qualification. What issues do you resolve after the client agrees to the transaction? Technical. What state do you experience? Anxieties and worries go away, everything goes on as usual, a number of issues related to documents are resolved, various approvals are carried out, delivery is arranged. And, of course, the seller can already calculate his income from the transaction.

After each objection, be able to offer the client some action. You should distribute actions between yourself and the client so as to maintain a balance in the number of such actions between your own responsibilities and the client’s responsibilities.

I will write you an invoice, and you will pay it at the nearest cash desk.

I will send you our proposal, and you should read it before Monday and please prepare your questions. I'll call you in the afternoon.

Use phrases that begin with the word "LET'S".

Let's do this...

Let's do this...

Take responsibility by offering the client a solution to the issue. In the sales process, it is the seller who plays the leading role; the seller takes responsibility for solving many issues. Therefore, it is from him that not only professionalism is required, but also confidence. “If the trumpets sound uncertain, who will prepare for battle?” First Epistle to the Corinthians.

By closing your objection, you stop any disputes or opposition. The only condition for success is to CLOSE the objection after argumentation!

Do not forget: success is a series of overcome failures! Therefore, do not expect that after reading this manual, you will professionally complete every transaction. There are no miracles. At the same time, knowledge of objection handling technologies will help you develop a productive style of communication with potential clients. Constant practice, getting many “no’s”, “field work”, role-playing games and trainings are the key to successfully mastering the sales profession. I know from my own practice that it is impossible to train people of two categories. The first are those who, due to their mental abilities, are incapable of learning in principle. Those who can't. The second are those who suddenly realized that they have “achieved everything,” “know everything.” As you noticed, “total”, “all” are false concepts. In other words, it is also impossible to train someone who does not want to.

Summing up result, I would like to draw your attention to the following:

The appearance of an objection is evidence that some kind of tension (interpersonal or business) has arisen in your relationship with the client. Therefore, it is important here not only what you do when working out an objection, but also how it all happens.

There are a huge number of methods for dealing with objections. I offer a system that helps you move away from the psychological concepts and aspects of this topic, and give you techniques that any sales manager can use.

Before addressing any objection, determine the reason for its occurrence. Perhaps you need to work with the reason (for example, the client’s need has not been identified), and not directly work on the objection itself.

Ways to join a client on the sales floor

1. You can simply name the product (in the case where the product is not obvious).


- This is a hands-free car kit.

2. If the product is known, you can simply name the brand or its main characteristics (in the case when the product is obvious).


- Brown is a very well-known company.

3. You can simply state an obvious fact.


- I I see that you are looking at the hats.

4. You can pay attention to an important detail of the product.


- This computer chair can change the backrest angle and seat height, depending on who is using it.

5. You can discreetly praise the client.


- You have good taste, this is one of the best phones.

6. You can set the standard.


- Do you know how to recognize good training? It develops key skills.

7. You can offer a false choice.


- Do you want a color or black and white TV?

8. You can hand over the goods.


- Check out this model. Very comfortable to hold in any hand.


- This model is highly praised.

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The vast majority of sellers do not like objections, and if you ask such a seller a question - why don’t you sell enough? He usually begins to list the objections that he heard from the client. In fact, the stage of overcoming objections is the most important in terms of the personal growth of the seller as a specialist. If the seller analyzes the reasons for objections and makes adjustments to his work, then success will not be long in coming. But most salespeople perceive an objection not as feedback on their own work, but as a difficulty. This is what prevents many people from developing in sales.

What is a customer objection?

A client’s objection is a defensive reaction to the seller’s actions, usually on and off, but can occur throughout the sale. It is important to understand that the client always strives to protect himself, and the seller is perceived as a certain threat to his peace of mind (when establishing contact) and well-being (when completing the transaction). Objections are an integral and obligatory part of the sale and the persuasion process in general.

Objections are formed at the conscious and unconscious level of perception. Unconscious objections are a reaction to the seller’s invasion of the client’s personal space; the client utters them arbitrarily, almost without thinking. Any non-standard action by the seller can help overcome such objections. If the seller faces a large number of such objections. Then he needs to work on his behavior - sales script, correct pronunciation of phrases (), . Such objections are not related to the product, they are related to the behavior of the seller and the perception of the customer.

Conscious objections are objections to a part of the proposed product. That is, if the client is not satisfied with the specific characteristics and benefits announced by the seller. Such objections always arise because the client wants to get more for less money.

The most important thing a salesperson must learn about objections is:

  1. An objection is a reaction to the actions of the seller. By changing your actions you can change your reaction and avoid objections;
  2. Objection is the same physically inevitable process as friction when objects come into contact. If the client does not object to you, then he will buy without you and your merit in the sale;

Having understood and realized these two simple points, you must learn to accept the objection and rejoice at the very fact of the objection, as it brings you closer to the sale.

What is working with client objections?

Working with the client’s objections (often called working out objections, fighting objections, overcoming objections) is the activity of the seller, aimed at removing conscious and unconscious barriers that interfere with the purchase. Overcoming objections is an integral part of any sale, and every seller must know the types of objections, the stages of handling objections and prepared options for responding to frequently encountered objections.

Dealing with client objections is the fourth. So, the presentation of the product to the buyer has been carried out and the client, as a rule, has objections. There are, of course, times when the client is simply silent and has no objections; in this case, you can immediately move on to the stage of completing the transaction. But as a rule, the client does not easily agree to buy the product; he almost always has doubts; in this case, the seller applies the stage of working with objections. Clients are different, but it is important for you to know and understand that an objection is a sign of interest and by correctly handling this objection, you can add several arguments in favor of your product. Conversely, by answering an objection incorrectly, you can ruin the deal.

Types of objections

Objections are divided into true and false. Overcoming true objections leads to a deal, overcoming false ones leads to new objections. This happens because the client does not want to make a purchase, and politeness or something else prevents him from telling you this directly. In addition, it is necessary to distinguish objections from conditions. Conditions are real factors that do not make it possible to sell a product, for example: a person will not buy a car if he does not have a driver’s license.

False objections in sales

False objections are formed mostly under the influence of the unconscious. Although there are cases that the client deliberately gives a false reason. So it’s not convenient to voice the truth (for example, there is no money). There is no particular point in responding to an essentially false objection. We’ll talk about what to do with false objections a little later.

True objections in sales

True objections are the client’s logical justification for the inappropriateness of the purchase. Working through true objections leads to sales; you need to be able to work through them according to the stages of working with objections.

Stages of handling objections

Objections are usually processed according to the following scheme:

  • Listen carefully to the objection. Do not interrupt the client even if you already understand which direction the client is going, use. At the end of the client’s phrase, you can say “I heard you”;
  • Agree with the objection. Also called psychological connection, you need to show that you understand and agree with what the client has voiced, for example: “I completely agree with you, saving money is very important...”
  • Give a reasoned answer to the essence of the objection, show the client a way out of the situation;

These stages are a classic model for handling objections. Every salesperson should be able to handle objections this way.

Client - “... I compared your prices with competitors and you are more expensive!”

Seller (option 1) — “I completely agree with you, the issue of saving is very important. That is why, unlike our competitors, we include in the price all the costs of servicing the product purchased from us. By purchasing a product from us, you will pay more, but you will be able to save time and money in the future on servicing the product.”

Seller (option 2) — “I'm glad you noticed this! Indeed, our prices are slightly higher than many of our competitors. Because we think about our client and count on long-term cooperation, and not just quickly sell low-quality goods"

It is clear that this is just an example, but it shows the general scheme for working out objections. It should be noted that in sales, objections are usually the same and you can prepare good answers to them in advance.

False objections and how to deal with them

If everything is generally clear with true objections, then many sellers do not know how to work with false ones. When communicating with sellers, I most often hear the following objections: “I need to think,” “I’m not ready to make a decision right now,” “I have everything,” these are just examples that exist in almost all sales. There are many more false objections and sometimes they are difficult to distinguish from true ones. But it is important to understand that behind every false objection there is either a true objection (for example, many clients are embarrassed to say that I don’t have money or this is expensive for me, but will simply say that I need to think about it), or a condition that prevents them from making a purchase .

To learn how to handle false objections, you need to have extensive experience in selling a given product, since you will have to guess at random which objection is true or false. But regardless of experience, it is important to know not to respond to a false objection. You will simply waste time, and maybe completely ruin the sale. Another point to keep in mind: most false objections are due to flaws in needs identification or presentation. And if you constantly hear the same false objections, then you need to change your needs identification and presentation.

Ways to deal with false objections

The goal of working out a false objection is to get a true objection from the client. All methods will not be standard; they must be applied depending on the situation. combine.

Ignore the false objection. That is, they told you “I need to think,” and you continue to talk about the product or even try to complete the transaction.

Try to bring out the sincerity. In this case, you gently tell the client “well, that’s not the reason, let’s lay out what it really is.” Naturally, not in direct text, but carefully. For example, “Are you saying that you need to think about it just because you don’t want to refuse me? I’m an adult and I can handle rejection.”

Method of summing up benefits. The essence of the method is to once again list what he will receive from the transaction. Example “...Look, by purchasing our product you will receive: high quality, savings, a lot of emotions from use, new opportunities. Are you saying that you need to think?”

Ask a limiting question. For example: “is this the only thing that bothers you?”, “I understand that if you solve this problem, you will buy the product?”

Very often, the stage of working with client objections is called combating objections. Personally, I categorically disagree with the term “fight”, there is no need to fight objections, objections are an integral part of selling, only those who don’t care don’t object. Even if you can't overcome objections, you should still proceed to the last stage of sales - closing the deal.

Examples of working with objections

There are a huge number of objections in sales, and there are also many sales tactics. Therefore, let’s look at examples of working out the most popular objections using different methods. I’ll say right away that the stage of joining an objection was not mentioned in the examples below, this does not mean that it is not needed.

Method of working out objections using questions

You can make the client question whether their judgment is correct. Example:

Client: "Your place is expensive"

You: If we were expensive, so many clients wouldn’t work with us for many years. Why do you think they buy from us?

You can also clarify the information that the client expressed to you. Example:

Client: "Expensive"

You: What are you comparing to?

You: Why did you decide so?

You: What is precious to you?

You: How much is inexpensive for you?

Comparison method

Compare what we have now and what you offer. Show differences that the client did not pay attention to. Show that you can see wider. Example:

Client: "Expensive"

You: Let's compare. What batch size are you taking? How often? What are the terms of payment? What delay? What is the amount of trade credit? What is the quality of the product? Who is the manufacturer? Which warehouse is it shipped from? Whether there are available? In what batches? What additional range do you take in addition to this product? Did they have a quality problem? How quickly do they return in case of defect? What warranty terms do they provide? What additional services do they offer? Do they have a service station? How long has this company been on the market to guarantee the fulfillment of the obligations it undertakes?

The “yes, but...” method

A very common technique, the client speaks a lot of true objections to the point. For example, your product may really be the most expensive on the market; it is important to explain to the client why this is happening. Example:

Client: “Your place is expensive.”

You: Yes, but we have a quality product.

Client: "I've heard some negative comments."

You: Yes, but there are much more positive reviews from satisfied customers.

Client: “Take a long time.”

You: Yes, but we have a lot of goods and absolutely everything is in stock.

Client: "No money".

You: Yes, but we have the option of credit (leasing).

You: Yes, but let's meet for the future.

Client: “Competitors are cheaper.”

You: Yes, but let's compare...

That is why

The method is in many ways similar to the previous one. This technique may also be suitable for working out false objections.

Client: "I will think".

You: That is why I want to meet with you, tell you everything, so that you have something to think about.

Client: “Good personal relationship with existing supplier.”

You: That is why I want to start cooperating with you, so that you can also have good personal relationships with us.

Client: “I don’t want to pay an advance payment.”

You: That is why we have a lot of other advantages that will compensate for this.

Client: "There is a supplier."

You: That is why I would like to meet with you to tell you about our advantages.

Client: “Your place is expensive.”

You: That is why I want you to take only a trial batch. So that you can see for yourself that our product is worth the money.


Directly deny the objection

Question the validity

Ignore objection

Don't let your objection finish


Compliment to an objection

Accept the possibility of objection

Ask a question on the merits of the objection

Receive a response to an objection from a third party


It is unfortunate to note that many sellers do not master one of the most effective selling techniques - the technique of joining an objection. They often perceive an objection as something personal, directed directly against them...

One of the most effective methods of joining an objection is a compliment.

Experienced salespeople strive to place their response to a client’s objection in a kind of

emotional shock absorbers that help extinguish the client’s irritation and aggressiveness. This is a kind of psychological “aikido”. Such shock absorbers also include a compliment.

For example, in response to a customer’s objection: “Hamburgers are unhealthy,” the salesperson

hamburgers operating according to this model can answer: “Yes, indeed, such an opinion exists [indirect confirmation that the client is right], but the fact is that our hamburgers are prepared using a special technology with a reduced content of cholesterol and fat.”

Joining the objection is carried out through a series of conciliation

statements that a salesperson makes before responding to an objection. The purpose of joining an objection is to establish an atmosphere of mutual understanding, to create an opportunity for the client to express his opinion, which, very likely, will not coincide with yours.

For example, before responding to an objection, the seller can insert a conciliatory phrase in the form of expressions: “I understand you, and...”, or “I often hear about this, and there is a reason for it...”, or “It’s good that you that's what they said, and..."

From such an objection, the appearance of which you expect with high probability,

will help reception of "vaccination against objections". During the presentation, you yourself bring up this intended objection and answer it convincingly. Then there's a chance that the client will “get over” it in a weakened form.


The most general principles for responding to objections can be boiled down to 5 steps:


This is the moment when you decide how to behave next. Most people do this on an unconscious level.


Sometimes it is necessary to give the client the opportunity to fully express himself so that the objection “dissolves.” So, for example, by repeating the client's last word, you contribute to his efforts to specify his objection. For example, in response to a typical customer objection : “Your price is too high,” you can ask again:

"Tall?" After this, you need to pause and let the client speak.


You let the client know that their objection is reasonable and valid. This can be achieved through a concurring statement: “You are right to draw my attention to this issue” or partial agreement: “Yes, this is indeed a very expensive car - and at the same time the safest.”


You ask a series of questions that allow you to clarify the essence of the objection. For example, a response to a typical customer objection “It’s too expensive” could look like this: “Compared to what?”, “How much do you think it should cost?” In accordance with

Newton's law states that the action force is equal to the reaction force. Objections to this

also applies.

To give the client the opportunity to feel like an expert and gain insight into

feeling of self-importance, you just need to pretend to be an amateur for a minute.


In response to the objection, gently encourage you to make a deal.

All of this does not mean that you must go through all 5 steps every time. But knowing these steps gives you the freedom to choose one way or another to deal with objections, depending on the specific situation. Some steps can be

skip, except for the step of psychological connection, which is always appropriate and will always have its effect.


Sometimes it feels like clients are attending a special seminar on “How to

object to sellers and, without spoiling relations with them, successfully avoid purchases."

the number of typical objections, constituting only 20% of their total number, but

used in more than 80% of cases include:

"Next time" objection

Objection like "no need"

“We need to think about it” objection

Money objection: "It's too expensive"

Objection to certain characteristics of the product.

As a rule, the true reasons for the objection are hidden. They are somewhat like an iceberg: 3/4 is hidden and only 1/4 is on the surface. Only with the help of properly organized questions can you recognize what is the real reason for the objection.

Many companies specifically create playbooks in which they collect all the successful responses to objections that are typical in their business. It is better to know clearly in advance which types of objections should be broken or dispelled, since they are dangerous, and which objections should be expressed in moderate agreement.

For example, the objection “I'll have to think about...” may indicate that the client is not confident in the quality of the product being offered. Therefore, the seller must try to identify the true reason for the objection. An example of a possible response from the seller: “I see that you have some doubts. Perhaps

I can dispel them" or: "Let's think together. What would you like to know more about?"


The client is always an entrepreneur: he wants to buy, but buy at the best price. In conditions of incomplete (or unreliable) information, in which almost all buyers find themselves, the concept of “benefit” becomes extremely subjective. Usually, the buyer does not know the entire range of prices on the market and the entire range of goods. In addition, he is unable to practically compare the quality of most of the goods and services offered. Therefore, the buyer largely relies on the opinion of the expert. The expert that most clients will meet is the salesperson.

Your proposal will always give rise to a price objection if there was no prior information about the quality of the product. That is why experienced sellers try to talk about price last, after talking about the advantages of their offer.

Buyers don't mind paying a lot. But they will not want to pay more if they can buy the same thing elsewhere, but cheaper. Price is indeed of paramount importance, but all other things being equal. It is therefore the seller's job to destroy this notion of equality.

Recent studies have shown that, given better service, many Muscovites are willing to pay 15% more for the same product.


Everyone needs the ability to reframe price objections.

to sellers. Example: "Yes, this suit costs a little more, but you will wear it

twice as long." Hence the rule: as soon as the client has doubts about the price, you

you need to return to presenting the quality of your product. Just

by reformulating the objection, you can already change the context of perception of the product

or services. However, you will only get the result if this new context appears

to a client healthier than before.


If your product is more expensive than your competitors, then you will have to somehow justify this to the client, or, in other words, sell him the difference in price. To do this, you need to once again emphasize the unique competitive advantages of your product or service.

Client: Your price is higher than in another company... Seller: I see. Tell me, if it weren’t a matter of price, would you buy from us? Client: Maybe...

Objections are like an iceberg: under their visible part, much can be hidden...

If price were the only purchasing criterion, then all stores would disappear, and only markets would remain.

Often the client is willing to pay more than your competitor, but to do this you

You'll have to give a good reason. Seller: Okay. You're right, their price is a little lower. But by purchasing from us, you will also receive additional services.


Sometimes, for objections that are likely to arise during the sales process, the “objection inoculation” method is used. It is advisable for the client to overcome these objections at the presentation stage. If you know that there will be an objection about the price, then at the presentation stage it is explained that, perhaps, the prices are higher at first glance, but nevertheless, by working with us, you save your money.


This is especially effective for price objections on expensive durable goods. You compare the price of the product with its service life (of course, full, not warranty) and, dividing it by the number of years or months of use, you get a relatively insignificant amount, which you indicate to the client.


When selling, it is recommended to avoid words that may evoke negative emotions in the client, such as “price”, “costs”, “expenses”, etc. It is better to use substitute words that are close in meaning, for example: “You can become its owner right now for...” or “Your down payment will be only...”


----------------Be positive when faced with objections. They are a sign that they are listening to you and are ready to buy, but have doubts and require more information.

​When responding to objections, use a special 5-step technique for joining an objection or its individual elements.

​Transform the context of the objection from negative to positive.

---------------- Don't argue or attack. There is no need to try to jerk the client 180 degrees. It is enough to present him with another, also possible point of view, and then give him the opportunity to make a free choice.

​Do not question the validity of the client’s objections.

​Do not interrupt the client, give him the opportunity to speak. Sometimes it is harmless to ask him a clarifying question at a convenient moment.

​Remember that you have freedom of choice: you can react to any objection in two ways:

a) ask a question and

b) answer to the point.

----------------Prepare responses in advance to the objections your front line hears 80% of the time.

​We tell the client about discounts only if he actually has money and is ready to buy.


"If you didn't shoot,

then you definitely missed."

Richard Saunders

Completing the sale

It is the art of converting a favorable response to your business proposal into an immediate purchase.

At this stage, the seller clearly formulates his offer, and the client clearly formulates his decision. This is the stage where the dominant slogan of the sales process, “Don’t sell, help,” becomes less relevant. The balance between helping and selling shifts towards selling. The sale isn't complete until the customer's money is in your pocket or bank account. The salesperson must keep this ultimate goal in mind at all times.

Signals indicating that the client is ready to make a purchase:

· such signals include showing greater interest,

· there are many questions,

· increased confidence.