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Tes 3 morrowind guilds. Fighters Guild walkthrough - Full walkthrough Morrowind - Morrowind - Articles directory - The site is dedicated to fans of Elder scrolls

The Balmora Fighters Guild is located on the west bank of the Odai River, which flows through the city center. Finding her is easy. If you got to Balmora on the Silt Strider, then just turn left and go a couple of houses ahead. Found? Fine. We go inside, go up the stairs and talk to Aydis Fiery Eye. We express sincere desire join the Guild of Fighters (hereinafter - GB). Hooray, we have been awarded the first title - Ally GB. And not far off the first task. We are sent to kill rats. Humiliating? Yes. But you won't write anything. Therefore - forward for orders, ugh, for rats! We need to go to the Drarain Telas house, which is located on the east bank of the river, second from the right in the first strip of houses.

We talk with the hostess of the house, we get the key from her - and ... The case is small. Destroy all rats. There is one rat in the room behind the mistress. We kill and leave the house. We rise to the warehouse and kill the remaining rats. Difficult? Come on, everything is elementary. These are rats, though the size of a dachshund ... Oh well. Drarain deals with pillows. Do you need 75 pillows to sell? To me - no. We go down to the house, talk to Drarain and return to Idis in GB. First task completed, well done! Try to demand a promotion after completing each task. After the first one, I was assigned a Beginner. In general, even in this game Morrowind justifies its non-linearity. Passing the game as an elf archer, I did not receive a promotion after the first task, which surprised me very unpleasantly. We take the next task.

But the next task for us will be a trip to the mine. Get ready to run far We head south along the Odai River to the first suspension bridge. Here is the road from the bridge and rests on the mine we need. Great, Passing Morrowind does not stand still! We go into the mine and look for the two humanoids we need: Sevilo Otan and Danila Valas. We go into the mine and move to the queen's rookery. It was there that both lazy people sat down. We kill, which is not difficult at all, and move to the Balmora GB. After completing this task, I was given the title of Wanderer. So, are you ready for the next challenge? Now, we are sent. Not just sent, but to another city. Yes, the passage of the game Morrowind provides that you will visit almost all locations.

We are on our way to the Caldera. I propose to use the services of the Mages Guild, located next to the Fighters Guild. We teleport there and go to kill the four NPCs ordered to us: Alina Aralen, Satas Nerotren, Fotin Herotran and Alveleg. Exit through south gate and move clearly to the west, up the mountain. We pass - and voila - we are near the ebonite mine! Morrowind is running! The first of the agents is standing near the entrance, the other three are inside. Taking it off is still not difficult at all. Killed? But do not rush to go out, search through the boxes that are in the cave, and go to the bottom of the lake - there are 29 coins and expensive shoes. See how quickly we are moving forward on assignments. We return home to Balmora with the help of the same guild of Mages and go to Idis to report on the implementation.

Then we are given a not entirely correct task - to bring the code book Sottild. Naturally, she will not give us the book voluntarily. But do not kill her, otherwise you will lose the opportunity to complete the quest for the thieves guild. Because - a direct move to join the guild of thieves. Don't be afraid, it won't hurt us. Entered? Fine. Not? Don't know where? Ah, right! We need the South Wall Tavern. This is where you should join the Thieves Guild. Now entered? Fine. We go to Sottild and start insulting her until she attacks you. Next, we kill. For which we receive a censure from the Thieves Guild, but we have the opportunity to recover by paying a fine. We take the book from the corpse and go to Idis. For completing this task, I was given the title of Swordsman. Ready to continue? Then go ahead!

The next task is pretty simple. We must collect the "debt" from Helvian Dezel from Suran. We get on the Silt Strider to Suran. Got it? Fine. Now look for the Earthly Delights bar and talk to the bartender, the same Helvian Dezel. Convince her by raising her attitude towards you and collect the debt. Everything is simple. Again we return to Idis and hand over the task.

Next, we again have to work as a killer. Dara gra-Bol, not a good radish, lives openly in Balmora. Well, let's go and kill. Her house is next to the house where we killed rats. Killed? Alright, back for the reward! So, we have completed all the currently available tasks that Idis gives. We go to Ald "runes to Percius Mercius. Playing Morrowind, the passage can be extended by completing side quests. Therefore, let me remind you that we are interested in the title of Head of the Guild of Fighters. Therefore, now we have a direct road to Percius in Ald" runes

The first task that Percius gives to our swordsman is to help the eternal guardian Uline Henim. Uline asks us to clean out the lair of the necromancer, which is called You. Percius marks it on our map. But you still need to get there! So, we go to the Silt Strider and go to Huul. From there by ship to Dagon Fel. And from there on foot to you. Not inside you, but in the hideout of an evil necromancer! We ran, we meet Uline Henim, who will express a sincere desire to help you. Well, it helps. Onward to the tomb. We clean everything moving inside. It's simple, my Necromancer fell from one exact hit. The bone lord is, of course, more problematic.... But not so much that Morrowind left the walkthrough unfinished. So Uline Henim thanks us and we go home... Well, almost. We are on our way to Ald "rune. Have you got there? Excellent. We hand over the task. After this task, I was promoted to the Protector. Haven't you got tired of looking for the passage of difficult sections in Morrowind? Then we continue!

The next quest is the task of killing Nerera Beneran, who became the leader of the gang in Sargon. Sargon? Don't know where he is? Did you read the assignments inattentively? Nothing, I remember. Sargon is located north of Maar Gan. The right word, like small children! Could not give two tasks at once. They would go there and do everything that is necessary. And now to run again ... But it is better, of course, from Maar Gan than again from Dagon Fel. So, legs in hand - and to the North !!! Sargon is exactly where main character on this screenshot.

We go and destroy all living things. There is nothing more remarkable in this cave, except for the ebonite cuirass on the same Nerere Beneran. Playing in Morrowind, the passage is delayed due to vast world, along which you constantly have to run from end to end. So, after death, we again go to Ald "rune to Percius.

Where to go again? To Suran? And not tired? While playing Morrowind, the walkthrough can be lengthy, but still interesting. So, not far from Suran, a gang led by Daldur Saris started up. That's what we have to kill. We get on the Silt Strider to Balmora, from there - to Suran. We find the Oran estate and talk to Avon. He says that these dirty tricks settled in Some Saturan, to the northeast of Suran itself, just beyond the mountains. Well, take the levitation potion - and forward to the northeast! Saturn is very easy to find. Further - out of habit we go in and clean it up. Everything is simple as always. We return to the Oran estate and take the legitimate 1000 coins from Avon. And then we have a direct road to Percius, to Ald "rune. We hand over the task and get the following. Yes, after this task I was awarded the title of Defender.

This time we are asked to work as a courier and deliver booze to the Elit-Pal mine. The mine is located west of the Zainab camp. And, according to Percius, the nearest settlement to the Camp is Vos. So, we get on the Silt Strider to Huul, from there by ship - to Dagon Fel, from there, again by ship - to Tel Mora, and from there, by the same ship, to Vos. From there - walk to the Zainab Camp. And it's not far from the mine. If you look at the world map, the mine is literally one and a half centimeters to the left of the Zainab camp. Therefore, don't miss it. We go inside and look for a certain Dangor, to whom we fuse all the booze. Gave away? Great, now we stomp back, making the same path to Percius. We hand over the task, receive a reward, and find that they will not send us further until we receive the title of Guardian. Well ... So be it, we are on our way to Balmora to Idis. Have you forgotten where she is?

Old friend Idis, how are you, are you healthy, did you get hurt on the last mission? It's good not. Then send us, it hurts to become the head of the guild! Yeah, and the task is this... You need to destroy a gang of orcs who have settled in the Daedric ruins of Ashunartes. So, we are on our way to Pelagiad ... For this, the closest thing will be on the Silt Strider to get to Seid Nin, and from there on foot. From Pelagiad we get to the Arvel Plantation. We keep the path clearly to the north, swim across the water, and along the road to the left. We stumble upon Alof's hut. So it's easier to find it. And so the valiant Alof tells us that the filthy orcs have settled in the ruins of Ashunartes, which are located northeast of his hut. We leave... And forward, in search of the ruins. They are clearly west of the fortress of Marandus. We go, we clean, we come back. See, simple as always. Except that if you decide to take the jewels from the altar, a Daedra will quietly come up behind you. Are you not afraid? Then take it! Yes, and experience will not be superfluous. We return to Idis and hand over the task to her. After completing it, I was given the title of Guardian. Ready for the next challenge? Then go for it!

The next order is to kill the Vereti gang. We, as always, need to kill the head of the criminal group - Dovres Vereti. We are on our way to Pelagiad again. How to get there - you already know, so we will not repeat ourselves. From Pelagiad - to the South-East to Mannamuu, where nasty bandits settled. Don't miss the cave, the entrance is very close to Pelagiad. We go and clean up. You should also collect scrolls of breaking locks for 100 points. Will come in handy in the future. Cleaned up? We leave and go home to Balmora. We hand over the task and take the following

There's a hunger in Sarano's tomb! What a tragedy, who would have thought! Well, that means we're on our way there. Remember how we got to Alofa's hut? We repeat the same path, then we go out onto the road, turn left and, keeping to the right side at the forks, we move to the very tomb of Sarano. And then - as always. Let's go and clean up. From the corpse of the hungry, we remove the ancestral helmet of Sarano with a level of protection of 144. Very good toy. Killed? Great, let's get out and head home to Balmora. So, congratulations! You have completed the last task of Idis! But they have not yet become the head of the Fighters Guild. So, the road to other leaders!

We are on our way to Vivec. In the Plaza of the Foreign Quarter. We go into the Guild of Fighters and move to Lorbumol gro-Aglak. His first task is to get a ring of jay feathers from a certain Orc named Nar gro-Shagramf. We go to the Hlaalu quarter, to the Plaza, where we take the ring from the impudent orc. This can be done in two ways - kill the orc or raise his attitude towards himself above 80 and then he will return the ring. Choose for yourself which option is best for you.

Next, we go to the Vivec Mages Guild and teleport to Wolverine Hall in Sadrith Sea. We leave the door, go down the stairs and go into the Guild of Fighters. We turn to Comrade Hrundi for assignments. At the first call, he sends us to the ruins of Nchurdamets. Yes, it is far to the south. But it's easier to get there from Molag Mar. So, we travel with the help of the guild of magicians to Balmora, from there to the Silt Strider to Suran, and from there to Molag Mar. Nchurdamts is located to the northeast, it is marked on the world map. We get and talk with Larien Makrina. She asks for help to kill the creature that has settled in the ruins. Well... According to the old scheme. Let's go and clean up. We talk with Larien Makrina and go to Sadrith Mora to hand over the task. After completing this task, I was given the rank of Guardian.

So, Percius is waiting for us again! Since we now have the rank of Guardian, then we can claim to complete the remaining tasks of Percius. That's great, let's go to Ald "rune! After talking with Percius, we find out that the Guild of Fighters was completely crushed under the guild of Kamon Tong. Not in order! We need to eliminate the first assistants of Sjoring, the current head of the Guild of Fighters. And one of them is our old friend Aydis Fiery Eye! The second one is also familiar, but more recent - Lorbumol gro-Aglak. Both are corrupt creatures and attack as soon as you catch their eye. So, let's go to Balmora, kill Idis! She's a good fighter, but where does she care you? After killing her, we go to Vivec and kill Lorbumol gro-Aglak. This is also not difficult. We return to Percius and find out that there is only one step left to cleanse the guild - to kill the current head of the Guild - Szhoring the Hardhearted. Percius gives the key to the chest, in which there is a pair of armor, but for me personally my orc armor was enough.Be careful, Sjoring is a rather dangerous type.But ... The armor is strong and our tanks are fast! to Percius for a sentimental conversation. If Sjoring refuses to attack you, insult him. But do not try to kill him just like that - the whole guild will be angry. So, Sjoring is dead, and Percius appoints us as the Grandmaster of the Fighters Guild! What we have been striving for! Great, we're great. Thank you all for your attention.

Morrowind / Walkthrough

~ Fighters Guild ~

Branches of the Fighters Guild can be found in all corners of Tamriel, the Fighters Guild can always provide opportunities for those who decide to devote themselves to the art of the warrior.

Fighters Guild is professional organization, founded by the Emperor to deal with the recruitment and training of mercenaries. In addition, the Guild performs various assignments coming from both various organizations and individuals. As a rule, these tasks are aimed at strengthening order and law in Tamriel. In addition, the Guild can always provide training services and many different goods for sale, all of which will be much cheaper for Guild members than everyone else. In addition, branch managers can always offer jobs. In Vvardenfell, there are representations of the Fighters Guild in Balmora, Al "rune, Wolverine Hole in Sadrith Sea and in the Outlander Quarter in Vivec.

Main parameters for Guild members


Essential Skills for Guild Members

Long Blades
Blunt Weapons
Blacksmith (Armorer)
Heavy Armor
Defense (Block)

A career in the Fighters Guild requires mastery of the above skills. The degree of their development determines the rank that you can be assigned. If the Guild does not want to promote you with enough completed tasks, check if the values ​​of these skills correspond to those required for the next rank. If not, well, practice...

Promotion in the Fighters Guild

Rank Performance Requirements Skill Requirements Additional requirements
Beginning Strength 30
Stamina 30
One skill equals 10
Wanderer Strength 30
Stamina 30
One skill equals 20
swordsman Strength 30
Stamina 30
One skill is 30, the other two are 5
Tread Strength 30
Stamina 30
One skill is 40, the other two are 10
Defender Strength 31
Endurance 31
One skill is 50, the other two are 15
guardian Strength 32
Endurance 32
One skill is 60, the other two are 20
Guardian Strength 33
Endurance 33
One skill is 70, the other two are 25
Winner Strength 34
Endurance 34
One skill is 80, the other two are 30
Master Strength 35
Stamina 35
One skill is 90, the other two are 35 Complete the quests of Percius Mercius to eliminate the top of the Fighters Guild

Tasks and their implementation

Eydis Fireeye (Balmora)

1. Pied Piper
There are rats in Drarain Telas' house in the eastern part of Balmora, you need to get rid of them. Talk to the mistress of the house and she will give you the key to the barn. Kill all the rats there and then check the house, it may also have rodents. When all the rats are killed, talk to Drarain again and return to Idis.

House Drarain

2 Egg Poachers
You have to kill two poachers: Sevilo Otan and Danila Valas. They were tired of working in the mine, and they decided that they could earn a living by stealing quaam eggs. You can find them in the Shulk Egg Mine. Go south from Balmora, along the right bank of the river until you see an old suspension bridge over the Odai River. The mine is located to the west of it. When both poachers are dead, return to Idis. As a reward, you will receive 100 gold and several potions.

3 Telvanni Agents
The Warriors Guild has been contacted by the Caldera Mines Administration. According to them, Telvanni agents are sabotaging the mines, stealing ebony, kidnapping guards and slaves. You need to deal with them. There are four agents in total: Alina Aralen, Satas Nerotren, Fotin Herotran and Alveleg. There is evidence that they hide in a cave in the hills north of the Caldera Mines. Kill them and return to Idis.

4. Codebook
Before completing this quest, join the Thieves Guild, otherwise you may forever lose the opportunity to complete the quests of this cute organization.
Idis asked to get her the code book Sottild. The reason is simple - the codebook contains evidence that the Fighters Guild is working for Camonna Tong, who trades in skooma. Of course, Sottilde, who works for the Thieves Guild, will not give you this book voluntarily. However, if you talk to Pericius Mercius, in the Ald "Rune Fighters Guild, he will tell you that you should not kill Sottild. In this case, most in a good way will raise her attitude towards you to 70 or higher and, then, she will give you the book voluntarily. However, you can kill the poor woman, however, in this case, you risk ruining your relationship with the Thieves Guild. In any case, after receiving the code book, return to Idis and receive a reward: 50 gold. Sottild herself can be found in the South Wall Tavern.

If you nevertheless killed Sottild and were kicked out of the Thieves Guild, do not despair, find the head of the Guild in Vivec and for 1000 Septims you will be restored to it. The main thing is that at the time of the murder you were already a member of it.

Tavern "South Wall"

5. Debt Dezel
Helvian Dezel of Suran owes money to Manos Otrelet, and now the Guild must force her Dezel to repay the debt. However, if you talk to Percius Mercius, he will tell you that Manos Otrelet is working for Orvas Dren, ie. to Camonna Tong and that this quest is not like a regular Fighters Guild quest. After talking with Dezel, you will understand that "debt" is nothing more than an ordinary racket. Further, it's up to you. You can squeeze money out of a woman, or you can pay yourself, after all - 200 gold is not that much money. In any case, when you give Eydis 200 coins, the task will be completed.

6. Gra-Bol head bounty
Quite simply, the task is to kill an orchesu named Dara gra-Bol, whose home is located here, in Balmora. Kill her and return to Idis, your reward will be 250 gold.

The following quests are available for the Protector rank

7. Alof and the Orcs
The Fighters Guild has received information about a band of orcs operating near Pelagiad. Eydis orders you to speak with Alof the East at his farm, which is located northeast of Pelagiad. If you catch him alive, you will learn that the orcs come from the ruins of the Daedric temple of Ashunartes, located northeast of the farm and west of the old Dunmer stronghold of Marandus. Alof will also report that these orcs are led by a leader named Buryub gra-Bamog, if you kill him, the rest of the orcs will scatter. By the way, please note that this task was given to the Guild by Duke Vedam Dren. Don't fail him. The quest will be considered completed when Buryub gra-Bamog is dead. By the way, Alof is not a mere mortal, but an informant of the Guild.

9. The Hunger in Sarano's Tomb
The last task is to kill the Hunger in Sarano's tomb. This location is southeast of Fort Moonmoth, between Ashland and Lake Amaya. Kill him and return to Idis. As a reward you will receive - 1000 gold.

Tomb of Sarano

Percius Mercius (Ald "rune)

1. Necromancer Vasa
Eternal Guardian Ulaine Henim has asked the Guild to help her clear out the lair of the necromancers known as You, located far to the north in the Sheogorada region. To get there, you need to get to Tel Mora and from there take a ship to Dagon Fel. The main task is to kill a necromancer named Daris Adram. In order to complete it, Ulaina Henim will join you to fight shoulder to shoulder. When the necromancer is killed, return to Pertsis in Al "rune.

3. Bandits in Suran
Bandit attacks have increased in the city of Suran, and the Fighters Guild has been assigned to deal with them. Travel to Suran and find Sergio Avon Orinoma. After talking with him, you will learn that the bandits' lair is located northeast of the city, in Saturan. Travel there and kill their leader, Daldur Saris. As soon as the leader is dead - return to Sergio and get a reward - 1000 gold. After that, you can report to Percius about the completion of the task.

The following quests are available for Guardian rank

5. Elimination of supporters of Szhoring
According to Percius, the Fighters Guild in Vvardenfell fell under the influence of the Camonn Tong, a crime syndicate run by Orvas Dren. To get rid of the influence of Camonn Tong, you need to destroy the top of the guild - Szhoring Hardheart and his two assistants, Eydis Fireeye and Lorbumol gro-Aglak. You can find Idis in Balmora, and Lorbumol in Vivec, in the Outlander Quarter, in the Guild Office located in the Plaza. Kill both without regret, besides, both will attack you themselves as soon as they see you. To avoid various kinds of glitches, during the course of this quest, kill your opponents in the following order - first Idis, then Lorbumol. After each action, return with a report to Percius. The task will be considered completed when both supporters of Sjoring are dead.

6. Kill the Brutal
The last task given by Percius is the elimination of Sjoring Hardheart, head of the entire Fighters Guild in Vvardenfell. Kill this character without regret, he is so mired in the affairs of Camonna Tong that the Guild under his leadership completely ceased to fulfill their duties. Therefore, killing Sjoring is the only way to restore the Guild to its former glory. You can find Sjoring in the Outlander Quarter, in Vivec, in the Fighters Guild in the Plaza. Kill him and return to Percius, talk to him about Sjoring and he will make you the new Guildmaster.

Hrundi (Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Holly)

1. Battle in Nchurdamets
So, the first task that Hrundi gives you is to meet Larien Makrina in the ruins of Nchurdamets. Nchurdamz is an ancient Dwemer stronghold lying far south of Sadrith Mora. After reaching the place and talking with Larien, you will learn that she wants to take revenge on one Daedroth named Hrelvesuu. Take her to the team and go deep into the ruins. Once Hrelvesuu is killed, talk to Larienne and she will thank you for your help. After that, you can return to Hrundi and report on the completion of the task, as a reward you will receive 500 Septims. However, if Larienne dies, the reward will not shine for you.


2. Dissapla
The guild has received a report of problems in the Dissapla Mine. Go there and find the mine manager Novor Dretan. From him you will learn that the work of the mine has recently been greatly hampered by the attack of the nix-hounds. As a result of the latter, Teres Arotan, a local healer, disappeared. Find him and bring him to Drethan. Teres Arotan is in the northwest corner of the mine. When you reach the hall with stairs, go up to the second tier and, from there, to the left. You will reach the second staircase, climb it and find a doctor. Then return with him to Dretan, see that the healer does not die on the way. After Teres is in a safe place, talk to Dretan and he will thank you for saving the healer. After that, return to Hrundi.

3. Stalker Berwen
A fairly simple task - the Hunter Corprus climbed into the merchant Berven, who lives in Tel Mora, and the task of the Guild is to kill this monster. Go to Tel Mora, find Berwen's house and talk to her. She will say that they managed to lock the hunter in the upper room, go upstairs and deal with them. After the hunter kills, talk to Berven and return to Hrundi for a reward - 500 gold. Although, try to complete the next quest at the same time, so as not to run twice.

4. Tenim's head bounty
This quest is given along with the previous one. It is necessary to find the criminal Rels Tenim, he was last seen in Vos. After you talk to the locals, they will tell you that Tenim has gone to the criminals' hideout far to the north, his whereabouts may be known in the Ahemmuza camp. After reaching the Ashlander camp and talking with one of them, you will learn that some person has gone to the Shallit cave, located on a small island southwest of Ald Daedroth. To get to the cave, you need to swim to the first island north of the camp, from it go to the northwest, there are two more islands. The cave is located on the northern side of the second island, the entrance is located near the water in a small bay. There you will find your purpose. As soon as you kill Tenim, return to Hrundi for a reward - 200 gold.

5. Sujjama to Dunirai
The workers in the Adas mine have run out of sujjama, and you have to deliver another batch of goods to them there, since it is the Fighters Guild that is responsible for supplying the Imperial Mines. Head to the Dunirai caves southeast of the Ghost Gate, between Foyada Esannudan and Foyada Ashur-Dan. When you reach the mines, find a man named Nelacar who is in charge of supplies. It is located in the eastern part of the mine, from the entrance turn right and follow the rail, reaching the large hall, turn left, Nelacar is in the next hall. Give him the load of sujjama and return to Hrundi. As a reward, you will receive 500 coins.


6. Zondaal
You have to go to the ancient Dunmer stronghold of Telasero, located between Suran and the siltstrider port in Molag Mar, and find Zondaal of Shimmeren there. Altmer, who was studying the clockwork city of Sotha Sil (it is not clear, however, what set of circumstances brought her to the base of the Sixth House). Zondaal is located on the lower level of the fortress, from the entrance - the first room to the left. She stands on the table, in the company of two rats. Kill the rodents and escort the witch to the exit from the fortress. Keep in mind that she has very little combat experience, so clear the way before taking her out. The quest is very important - do not fail it. When Zondaal thanks you for saving you, return to Hrundi.

7. Engaer's head bounty
The Fighters Guild was generously paid to kill the Bosmer mercenary Engaer, who serves his master Neloth of Tel Naga. Keep in mind that Engaer belongs to the Telvanni house, so try to arrange things in such a way that there are no claims against you. Your best bet is to force Engaer to attack you himself, either through insults or appropriate spells. When the mercenary is dead - return to Hrundi and get a reward - 1000 gold.

8. Pudai Egg Mine
Hrundi's last task is to find the Pudai Egg Mine and bring seven Golden Eggs from there. According to rumors, the mine is located on the island of Shigorad or near it. When you get into the mine, go along the left passage, which will take you out of the hall with the quaama queen. That's where the eggs are. Take them and return to Hrundi. A truly royal reward awaits you - 10 thousand gold.

Pudai Egg Mine

Lorbumol gro-Aglak (Vivec, Outlander Quarter, Plaza)

1. Jay Feather Ring
An orc named Nar gro-Shagramf promised to deliver the Feather-Ring of the Jay to Ranes Yenet, but he still hasn't. You must demand from the impudent orc what was promised. Go to Hlaalu Plaza in Vivec. When you find an orc, first raise his attitude towards you to 60 or higher and then he will give you the ring voluntarily. However, you can remove the ring from the corpse. When you have the ring, return to gro-Aglak for a reward - 100 gold.

2. Silence Toad Tongue
A rather delicate task - you need to silence an Argonian named Toadtongue, who can always be found in the "Rat in a Pot" tavern in the Ald "rune. The easiest way is to kill him, which will undoubtedly be especially pleasant for your quest giver. However, after talking with Toadtongue, you'll find out that it's all his "fault" that he spreads the connection between the Fighters Guild and the Camonna Tong. I don't think it deserves to die. Percius will tell you the same thing if you talk to him. by the most the best way out will persuade Toadtongue to leave Vvardenfell. Gro-Aglaka will suit this option.

3. Reward for the head of Dro "Zahara
This time you need to kill the famous Khajiit criminal Dro "Zakhar, who is hiding somewhere in the district of St. Delin. Go there and talk to the locals, the criminal lives in the canals of St. Delin South-Two, on south side District of Saint Olmes. Kill him and return to the employer. There are no pitfalls in this quest - Dro "Zakhar is really a criminal, Percius will tell you the same.

4. Liriel's Debt
You were given the task to knock out a debt from Liriel Stoin from the tavern "Rat in a bowler hat" in the Ald "rune. However, Percius Mercius will tell you that Liriel does not have 2000 gold and that, in fact, it was not she who owed money, but her brother Ruran Stoin, she has no money, so there is nothing to take from her. Mirel herself will tell you the same thing, by the way, this is the true truth, even if you kill her, you still won’t be able to profit from anything. You can try to find her brother, in Mallapee cave, northeast of Gnaar Mok. Unfortunately, when you arrive there, you will find that Ruran is dead and has only 500 coins. Add another fifteen hundred from your reserves and return to gro-Aglak. will return half of the debt to you, i.e. a thousand gold.” By the way, the unfortunate Liriel did not owe anyone, but Camonna Tong.

The following quests require the rank Protector.

5. Bounty for Vandasia's head
Now gro-Aglak has not been pleased with the imperial official Adraria Vandasia from Seyda-Nin, and he demands to kill him. However, if you talk to Percius, you will find out that this man should not be killed, because he did not commit any crime. By and large, you can not complete this task. If your rank in the guild has reached the Guardian level, you can go to Percius Mercius in Ald "runes and complete his following quests. Or, try to complete Hrundi's quests from the Wolverine Hall Fighters Guild in Sadrith Sea. But if your bloodthirstiness haunts you - go to Seyda Nin, to the warehouses of the Office of Taxes and Duties. On the second floor of the office you will find Adraria. Kill him and return to gro-Aglak. Do not forget only one thing - after completing this task, you will no longer work for the Guild of Fighters, but , in fact, on Camonna Tong.

6. Reward for the head of Alleius
Now gro-Aglak was not pleased by Rufinus Alleius, member of the magistrate and agent of the Imperial Legion. Gro-Aglak promises 1000 septims for his head. As in the previous task, it is not worth grabbing a sword and killing Rufinus, it is a bit of honor to kill an innocent official of the Empire. However, if you really want to be known as a ruthless killer, go to Ebonheart, you will find Rufinus in the building of the Supreme Council. Kill and return to Vivec.

Sjoring Hardhearted (Vivec, Outlander Quarter, Plaza)

The following quests require the rank Protector.

1. Eliminate the heads of the Thieves Guild
This task gives Szhoring a head. As you know, the Guild of Thieves is at enmity with the Camonna Tong, and only this criminal Syndicate could come to eliminate the heads of the Guild. In a good way, you need to quit this task and go to perform the remaining tasks of Percius. However, if you really want to, you can complete the tasks of Szhoring. The Thieves Guild bosses are Sweet-voiced Habassi in the South Wall (Balmora), Aengotha ​​in the Pot Rat (Ald Rune) and Helend in Dirty Muriel (Sadrith Mora) Kill all three and return to Sjoring.

2. Kill the Master Thief
Sjoring's last assignment is to eliminate the master thief, Gentleman Jim Stacy. It can be found in Simin Fralini's bookstore in Vivec. After killing him, return to Sjoring. True, he will meet you not with open arms, but with a long sword. Sjoring himself will explain it simply, with the elimination of the Thieves Guild, the only one who is a danger to him is you. Therefore, you will have to kill the presumptuous boor.

Note: in what order are the quests of the Fighters Guild

The fact is that, as you have already noticed, the quests of the Guild of Fighters are not only closely intertwined with the quests of the Guild of Thieves, but provide for several paths for the development of events, not all of which are worthy of Nerevar. For my part, I would suggest the following approach:

1. Complete all of Idis's quests until she requires a new rank.

2. Move to Ald "rune and complete Percius' quests, up to the point where he requires the rank of Guardian.

3. Move to Wolverine Hall in Sadrith More and complete Hrundi's quests.

4. Having received the rank of Protector, complete the remaining quests for Idis and Hrundi.

5. Raise your rank to the level of the Guardian (with Szhoring) and return to Percius for the last quests. If necessary, you can complete the quests of Lorbumol gro-Aglak, with the exception of the last two (killing Vandassia and Allais).

Thus, you will be able to complete the maximum number of quests and not only become the head of the Guild, but also snatch it from the control of Camonna Tong.

Warrior Guild quests conflict heavily with missions from the Thieves' Community. Soon enough, their activities become hostile to each other. Therefore, it makes no sense to make a career in both guilds at once. Many tasks will be inaccessible, because you have already acted on the opposite side of the conflict. It would seem that it is quite natural for a thief to play on two sides, but there are mechanical limitations here: you can play, but many actions simply will not appear within reach.
The warrior guild is deeply law-abiding, and you will regularly need to help local guards and lords. But with all this, something strange nestled in its top ...

Rank, Attributes, Skills, Other:

1.Apprentice Strength 30
Stamina 30 One skill 10
2. Journeyman Strength 30
Stamina 30 One skill 20
3. Swordsman Strength 30
Stamina 30 One skill 30 and two others 5 each
4. Protector Strength 30
Endurance 30 One skill 40 and two others 10 each
5. Defender Strength 31
Endurance 31 One skill 50 and two others 15 each
6. Warder Strength 32
Endurance 32 One skill 60 and two others 20 each
7. Guardian Strength 33
Endurance 33 One skill 70 and two others 25 each
8.Champion Strength 34
Endurance 34 One skill 80 and two others 30
9. Master Strength 35
Stamina 35 One skill 90 and two others 35 each Need to kill Solid Heart

Eydis the Fireeye
The chief of the Balmora branch of the guild will first of all offer to destroy ... cave rats in the house of Drarain Telas. Drarain will tell you that she has a rat in the bedroom and two more in the attic, and will give the key to the attic. Dealing with them is no easy task.
Next, you should take care of two egg stealers. A certain Sevilo Otan and Dainila Valas, fired egg diggers, took up the theft. They are in the mine and attack you first; do not try to attack the first miners you meet.
Four Telvanni agents organize thefts and kidnappings in the ebony mines of the Caldera. The spies are Alina Aralen, Satasa Nerotren, Fotina Gerotan and Alveleg. They hide in the hills near the mines.
The next task is to take the book from Sottilde from the South Wall Club. Sottilda is a member of the thieves guild (here it is, the promised conflict), and if you kill her, then you will no longer be a member of the thieves guild. However, the thief can persuade Sottilde to hand over the book. I wonder what the affairs of the warrior guild with the Kammon Tong brotherhood, to which, as the thieves guild knows, Sottilda belongs?
Warriors, like magicians, are concerned about the problem of persistent non-payers of membership fees: the owner of the club, Helviana Desel, owes the guild two hundred coins. You can convince her to give the money in kind. Interestingly, Persius Mercius, the head of the guild in Ald-Rune, believes that there was no debt, and will persuade you to pay money for it.
An honest order for the head, almost like a hired killer! The target is the orc Dura gra-Bol from Balmora. He is accused of murder and they are afraid to take guards...
As a Protector, you will need to explore the Daedric ruins for Duke Vedam Dren. Orcs are in the ruins. Before you gird your loins and rush at the adversaries, talk to Alof at the farm northeast of Pelagiad: he will tell you that the orcs are climbing from Ashunartes, the Daedric ruins in the northwest. The way it is. Orcs, by the way, have very decent and expensive equipment.
Dovres Vereti's band of smugglers from Manammu has gone wild. In the interests of order and legality, their leader must be eliminated - and along with him, most likely, a considerable number of his associates will have to be hacked to death (if you are not a master of secret murders).
In the Crypt of Sarano (on a hill southeast of Moonmoth Fort near Lake Amaya), a Hunger has started up. Kill. By the way, someone locked the little animal with a level 10 lock.

Lorbumol gro-Aglach
The guild boss in Vivec asks to bring the ring of Nara gro-Shagramf, who allegedly carried it to the Ienith brothers. The brothers can be found in the Hlaalu Square area.
The next mission is to silence an Argonian, Tongue-Toad, at the Potted Rat Inn, Ald-Rune. If you talk to Zhaboyazykiy, he will be very surprised that, it turns out, his life interferes with someone. He will ask you to let him go and report that he has fled (and Persius Mercius from the Ald-Rune branch of the guild will agree that this a good idea). You can do that, or you can kill him.
With the Khajiit Dro-Sakhar, everything is simpler: he is an accused criminal, and he absolutely needs to be killed. He lives in the St. Olms quarter in Vivec.
So Lorbumol took care of the problem of non-payment of fees. The Debtor is Liriel Stoine of the Potted Rat Inn in Ald-Rune. This one owes as much as 2000 septims. But it is interesting that Persius Mercius again considers the debt wrong and claims that it was not she at all who owed money, but her brother, who recently allowed himself to be killed. And now his debts were hung on his sister. Liriel confirms this version.
You can find the body of a brother - he died in Mallapy, in the hills northeast of Gnaar Mok - and get money from the deceased, no matter how strange it may seem. And you can ... well, you understand.
And now Lorbumol orders to deal with Adraria Vandation from the government buildings in Seyda Nin. It's getting weirder and weirder... You can, of course, again run for advice to Persia, and he will advise you not to obey. While this will prevent you from doing more Lorbumol missions, maybe that's for the best?
The last task from Lorbumol is to kill the magistrate (judge) Rufinius Alley. Our dear orc has ceased even to hide his vile essence. Well...

Grundi from Sadrit Mora
His first task is to help a certain Larienne Maerina cleanse the gnome ruins in Nchurdamz from the necromancers who have settled there. The main thing is not to confuse the destination with the neighboring ruins called Nchardumts. What to take from the gnomes ...
As it turns out, Larienna (this is her camp near the ruins) is hunting a Daedroth named Hrelvesuu. In addition to the Daedroth, there are a lot of gnome robots there. Larienne herself will help you in your work quite well.
The next target is the Dissapla mine, the order of the client Novor Dretan. It's near the dark elf fortress of Falensarano, west of Tel Arunn (remember to ask Grundi to mark this fortress on the map). Nixobaks have started up in the mine, they attack the miners and recently ate the healer. However, the eaten healer can still be saved if you hurry. Novor will add a reward from himself in the form of a certain amount of raw glass reagent.
At Berwen's store in Tel More, a crouching corprus is stuck in the attic. Kill so as not to suffer.
Near Vos, a certain Rels Tenim is rampaging. However, he is no longer there - his trace can be found among the ashen people of Ahemmuza. Ask everyone there, and they will tell you that Rels has departed for the islet of Shallit, southeast of Ald Daedroth. But in order to find it, it is not enough to find the island: you must also find its hiding place (this is much easier to do with the help of levitation).
Nelakar needs to deliver a cargo to the Dunirai caves, southeast of the Ghost Gate. Alas, this place is not indicated on the map, you will have to search. If you find the entrance to the caves, Nelakar's bonfire and his people will be easy to spot.
Escort Sondaal. Normal security mission, performed in Telasero (between Suran and the pincer station at Molag Maar). The lady will wander around this place for a long time and explore something there, so you try to drive mosquitoes away from her.
Another order for elimination - this time Engaera from Tel Naga. However, one must be careful here so as not to anger the Telvanni. The inhabitants of the tower in which Engaer is hiding will be unhappy if you impolitely break into them. It is recommended to act invisible.
Such a hero, probably, will not care to return the seven golden eggs from the legend to ordinary life? That's what Grundy thinks. You need to look for them in the Dwemer ruins of Mzuleft (see the tasks of the guild of magicians). Keep in mind just one simple thing: these eggs are really golden, which means they are very heavy (30 pounds each). Make sure you have enough space left.

Siering Hard Heart
Upon reaching the eighth step, the head of the guild himself pays attention to you. He has only two tasks for you, but what! The first is to kill the three bosses of the Thieves Guild (Helenda in the Dirty Muriel Club, Habashi in Balmora in the South Wall Club and Egoth in the Rat in the Pot, Ald-Rune). This measure will cause deep disapproval from not only thieves, but also the law!
Finally, his second task is to deal with the head of the thieves himself. Jim Stacy can be found in Xinina Fralinya's bookstore, Vivec, Foreign Quarter.
If you want to kill Sjoering later and take his place, you can skip this task.

Persius Mercius
Necromancers from Vasa have crossed the path of the authorities. Their lair must be... cleaned up. Vas is located in the vicinity of Shigorad, in the northern archipelago. Ulina Genim (at whose request the guild took over) will meet you at the lair and enter it with you. There are, of course, a bunch of undead, as well as a Dremora and a Necromancer.
Next, you should catch the killer of Nerera Beneran. He is in the town of Sargon, north of Maar Gan, and is very well armed.
Avon Oran of Suran is having trouble with bandits. The bandits nest in the Saturan caves northeast of the city.
Dangor from the Elite-Pal mines needs to deliver a valuable cargo. On the way, if you wish, you can privatize a little ebony.
Finally, it's time to think about their former employers - Lorbumol and Eidis. Something painfully they gave bloodthirsty tasks (remember the stories with the debtors and the Argonian? Another question is the better Persius himself ...). Persia orders to eliminate them.
And finally, it is the turn of Hardheart himself: it is he who is behind the influence of Kammon Tong on the guild. He is a formidable opponent, and Persius Mercius will arm you from his own arsenal before the battle. Note that Hardheart cannot be attacked first unless you want to fight the whole guild; you have to provoke him to attack.

We join the magicians in the city of Balmora.

Ayira's quests.
Task 1: Bring mushrooms.
Namely: luminous russula, violet coprinus, bungler's bane and hypha facia. By the way, these are really good mushrooms.
Here's what they look like:

All this grows in the hills southwest of Balmora.

Task 2: Slip a fake soul stone.
It's elementary: just place a pebble on Galbedir's table along with the others.

Task 3: Bring flowers. Namely: gold kanet, stoneflower petals, willow anther and heather. Portraits of wanted plants:

Go across the bridge to the southeast of the city and find them.

Task 4: Bring a clay plate.
The merchant lives next door.

Task 5: Find Ayira's papers.
The papers are under the closet in the bedroom and in the reagent bag on the first floor.

Task 6: The Staff of Magnus.
Upon reaching the sixth rank, Ayira will tell you about the staff of Magnus. This is not even a task as such, but simply useful information. The staff lies in the cave of Assu, which is on the slope of Mount Kand northwest of Molag Mar, at the southeastern end of the island. The battle in the cave is going to be serious: Daedra, atronachs, two mages. One of them is level 20 and carries the staff you are looking for. The Staff of Magnus, in addition to being a decent weapon, absorbs magic and regenerates your health.

Task 7: Ring of the Sorcerer.
The ringlet lives in Ashirbadon Cave, on an island east of the ruins of Bal Fell, directly east of Vivec. The cave is quite small, but the atronachs, Dremora, Daedroth and magicians are worthy of all respect. The ring is worn by Vindamea Dretan. In the ring - a reflection of magic and strengthening of speed.

Quests from Ranis Atris

Task 1: Recruit Llarer Bereloth.
This requires a considerable Speech skill, otherwise Llarer will have to be killed. Go to Sulipund, it is located north of the fortress of Marandas.

Task 2: Take money from Manwe of Punabi.
She owes the guild 2000 Septims. Likewise: if you don't convince her, you'll have to kill her. She lives near Llarer. At 70 reputation, you will convince her to hand over the money.

Task 3: Illegal teacher.
Go to the South Wall Club and find an Argonian. Chat with him until the result is achieved or kill him.

Task 4: Accompany Itermerel to Pelagiad.
And also copy his notes for Ranis. Don't take your eyes off him until you reach your goal. After arriving at the desired tavern, he will fall behind you, talk to him and take the papers.

Task 5: Kill Tashpi Ashbael.
She lives far to the north, beyond Ald-Run. Ticks go there. If you ask Tashpi about necromancy, she will pretend to be surprised at first, but it is worth mentioning Ranis - and everything will fall into place. Tashpi simply refuses to join the guild and works as a free healer. There are two options: still kill or agree that Tashpi will disappear, and Ranis will receive a report on her death.

Task 6: Telvannian spy.
Go to Vivec and talk to Trebonius Artorius, he will reject the rumors about spies and send you to his adviser Tiram, who "does it". Ask him more about Thiram and you'll find out everything you need to know. There is an alternative solution: to accuse Ranis of spying before Artorius :))

Quests from Edwinna Elbert
Task 1: Bring the book "Chronicles of Neuleft".
A rare book - "Chronicles of Neuleft" - for Edwinna can be simply bought in the Vivec store.

Task 2: Potion.
Bringing a potion from the Skink from Sadrith Mora is no more difficult. We jump into the teleporter, get the potion, return.

Task 3: Bring the book "Khimarvamidium".
Sirilonwe has a copy of this book, and Edwinna, in general, does not hope that Sirilonwe will give it up. Simply, you must steal the book and not get caught, otherwise you will be thrown out of the guild in disgrace. She has the book under lock and key (level 30). If you unlock the lock with the door closed, you won't get caught. But don't talk to the victim while you have the stolen goods. After a while, Edwinna will copy everything she needs, and the book will have to be returned, this is not difficult, and if you wish, you can simply give it to Sirilonva.

Task 4: Deal with Julian's house.
The house is in the east, outside the city. A lonely monster wanders there and a sad student sits, who managed to summon the monster. Holding on - no.

Task 5: Bring a Dwemer pipe.
There are enough such pipes in all sorts of ruins, they simply roll around in chests there.

Task 6: Find Senilius Cadius.
We go to the ruins of Neulefting. Ruins - northeast of Suran. Senilius and his daughter got lost. We need to find a guide. There are three handles in the northeast part of the Trial of Image, and the east one opens the door to the lower levels (the rest are traps). There lies the carcass of the deceased guide and there are two Dwemer robots. You can run away from them. But take the book "Hanging Gardens" lying in the same room.

Task 7: Bring a map of the Dwemer ruins - Mzuleft.
They are located southwest of the northern city of Dagon Fel. The ruins are guarded by orcs, but the cards are on the shelf to the right of the entrance, and you can quickly grab them without getting into a fight. But even in this picturesque place you can find the book “Egg of Time”, on the table, next to a couple of orcs. If you get her too, Edwinna will recommend that you talk to an old acquaintance: Gasfat from the military guild.

We leave for the city of Sadrit Mora.

Skink quests.

Task 1: Scientist.
It is necessary to conduct a certain scientist from the club to the ship. There is nothing to go there - the club is located across the bridge from the fort.

Task 2: Find the book "Vampires of Vvardenfell".
The first volume can be bought, the second is a rarity. You can still buy it in Jobasha's Vivec store. Alternative: try to steal it from the secret library of the Hall of Justice or take it with a fight from the lair of some vampire.

Task 3: Meeting with Mudra.
Now the Skink wants to meet the Wise of the Ash Tribe of Ahemmuza. Her name is Wise Sinnammu. But she refuses to meet, and offers to send instead a student - Minabibi, who is in a crypt to the west of the camp. Minabibi doesn't mind, but you must first kill some kind of ghost for her, and then ask Sinnammu's permission on her behalf. Luckily, Skink will be fine with a replacement.

Task 4: Kill Telur Ulver.
We leave for the city of Shalu, north of Hla Oad and the Daedric ruins. Telura will attack you as soon as it appears.

Task 5: Get the soul of the ashen vaipir. He gives you two scrolls of soul traps and two stones. He suggests looking in the cave of the Sixth House, west of Sadrith Mor. The ghoul is really there.

Task 6: Bring the book “Notes of Galur Ritari”.
Jobasha from the Vivec store will tell you that you can look for it in the secret library of the Hall of Justice, in Red Mountain or in Galom Deus.

Quests Trebonius Artorius.
Task 1: Gnomes.
Trebonius Artorius wants to know nothing less than the secret of the disappearance of the Dwemer Dwarves. We go and talk about the gnomes with Edwinna.

Task 2: Translation.
If you have carefully completed her previous assignments, then you have three books: Hanging Gardens, The Egg of Time, and Divine Metaphysics. In addition, you probably already talked with Gasfat and Senilius, and one of them suggested that the first of them is the key to the other two. The only trouble is that the last page of the detective was not written "in Russian": you need a specialist. Edwinna or someone else will explain that the best specialist is Yagrum Bagarn or the Telvanian Baladas from the tower in Gnisis.

Task 3: Destroy all advisers.
After completing the main storyline, the guild gives one more mission: to destroy all Telvanni advisors. Where they live - you know from the main task. All of them, of course, are well guarded. And, characteristically, it is completely incomprehensible what kind of Trebonius needed this. But as a reward, he is ready to give his own staff and a necromantic amulet with a bunch of permanent effects.

If you've reached the Master Wizard level, it's time to talk to Edwinna again, who thinks that for the good of archaeology, you're a more suitable candidate for the post of guild archmage. We go to the guild of magicians in Vivec and speak with Trebonius. He challenges you to a duel. Now you can walk to Vivec, Arena at any time and end this character. And it's worth doing it at least because of his Necromancer's Amulet with a bunch of useful constant effects. But don't share the robes of an unkilled archmage. The easiest thing to do is this: he never expects brute force. All his protection (spell absorption) is designed for magical attack. All the magic you'll need is the Dispel effect, which is very helpful against the many offensive effects of his spells and staff. When you finish Trebonius, you gain the challenge title of archmage.

The Fighters Guild is a community of the finest warriors in Vvardenfell. They value Strength and Endurance in their recruits, as well as the ability to wield Longblades, Axes, and Blunt weapons, the ability to protect themselves with a shield, and to wear heavy armor. Blacksmith craftsmen are also welcome. These are the skills you need to develop if you want to get promoted.

Eydis Fireeye (Balmora)

1) The problem with rats

The task is to exterminate the rats in the house of Drarain Telas, which is located on the east bank of the Odai River. Talk to the hostess about "Rats" and start cleaning. One rat is in the house itself, outside the door, two more are in the warehouse on the second floor. Once all the rats have been killed, talk to Drarain Telas again. Get 100 Septims. Return to Idis.

2) Egg poachers

The next task is to kill Sevilo Otan and Danila Valas, who are stealing kwama eggs from the local egg mine. Criminals are hiding in the Shalk mine, south of Balmora (on the right bank of the Odai River, if you go south). Finding poachers is not difficult. After both poachers are dead, return to Idis. Get another 100 septims and a couple of healing potions.

3) Telvanian agents

The Fighters Guild has received a complaint from the Caldera Mining Company that several Telvani agents have taken over one of the ebony mines. Your task is to destroy them. When you reach the ebony mines, you will see a Wood Elf. He is one of the agents. The other three are in the mine. When Fatin Herothran, Alveleg, Alina Aralen, Satas Nerothren are dead, return to Idis in Balmora.

4) Code book Sottild

WARNING: if you want to complete the Thieves Guild, join it before you start this mission.

Idis will order you to find the code book of Sottild, one of the members of the thieves' guild. Sottild can be found in the South Wall Tavern in Balmora. She, of course, will refuse to give you the book, but do not rush to kill her. It's worth going to Ald'ruhn and talking to Percius Mercius from the local branch of the Fighters Guild. He will say that it is better not to kill Sottild, but to raise relations with her (above 70), then she will voluntarily give you the book. During a conversation with Sottild, you will learn that Idis needs the code book because it contains compromising evidence on the Fighters Guild (that she works for Camonna Tong). After receiving the book, return to Idis. She will reward you with 50 coins. :)

If, after talking with Percius Mercius, Sottild still refuses to hand over the book, it can be stolen. Accurately obtained with Sneak 42, chameleon 100% + encirclement ring 23%. Luck 45.

5) Debt Dezel

The owner of a tavern (...) in Suran, Helvian Dezel owes a certain Mans Otrelet 200 gold. Your job is to repay the debt. First, you should run to Ald'rune to Percius Mercius. He will tell you that Mance Otrelet works for the Camonna Tong. Strange... Go to Suran. After talking with Dezel, you will find out that this is not a debt, but a real extortion. The choice is yours. You can squeeze money out of Dezel, or you can pay for it. In any case, the quest will be considered completed.

6) Gra-Bol head bounty

An orca named Dara Gra-Bol must die. Percius Mercius will confirm that she is a criminal, so you can go to her house, which is located in Balmora, in front of the South Wall Inn. After killing the orc, return to Idis. You will receive 250 Septims as a reward.

This and subsequent quests by Idis Fireeye can only be obtained at the rank of Protector and above.

7) Alof and Orc

Idis will order you to deal with a band of orcs that was last seen near Pelagiad. But first you need to talk to Alof the East, who lives on his farm in the northeast of Pelagiad. After talking with him, you will learn that the orcs are raiding from the Daedric ruins called Ashunartis, which is to the west of the ancient Dunmer fortress of Marandus. Your task is to kill the leader of the gang, the orc Burub gra-Bamog. Having done this, return to Balmora.

8) Banda Veretti

Received an order to kill the gang, under the command of Dorves Veretti, which is hiding in the Manaamu cave, not far from Pelagiad (Direction to the southeast). After killing all the members of the gang, return to Idis. Get 1000 Septims as a reward.

9) The Hunger in Sarono's Tomb

It is necessary to kill the hungry, who lives in the ancestral tomb of Sarono. Walk from Balmora to Moonmoth Fort, and continue southeast. Kill the hungry. Back in Balmora, get 1000 Septims.

This is the final quest for the Fighters Guild in Balmora.

Hrundi (Sadrith Mora, Wolverine Hall)

1) Battle of Nchurdamts

Hrundi will ask you to meet with Lariena Makrin near the ruins of Nchurdamts. Nchurdamz is an ancient Dwemer stronghold south of Sadrith Mora. After reaching the ruins, talk to Larien. Find out that she wants to take revenge on one..uh..creature called Hrelvesuu. Take it with you and go inside. Try to protect Larien, otherwise you will not receive a reward after completing the quest. Once you kill Hrelvesuu, talk to the girl. Now return to Sadrith Moru to Hrundi. If Larien survived, then you will receive 500 Septims as a reward, but if not, then do not blame me.

2) Disappla

Hrundi will inform you that there are problems in the Disappla Ebony Mine and ask you to solve them. Travel there and speak with Novor Drethan. He will tell you about the nix-hounds, because of which the work in the mine is slowed down. And during the last attack of these creatures, the healer Teres Arotan disappeared. When you reach the hall with the stairs, climb it, then to the left. Climb up the second ladder. And here is the doctor. Talk to him and go back (remember the way?) Teres Arotan must survive. Once you've escorted the healer to safety, go on fire with Novor Drethan. Now you can return to Hrundi. Get another 500 coins.

3) Huntsman at Berwen House

A corps hunter climbed into the store of the merchant Tell Mora Logs. Your goal is clear - to kill the hunter. Talk to Breven, and she will say that she was able to lock the hunter on the second floor. Climb up the stairs and deal with the monster. Talk to Breven and return to Hrundi. Reward - 500 Septims.

4) Relas Tenim's head bounty

Now your road to Vos. The task is to find the criminal Relas Tenim, who is hiding. In Vos, you will be directed to the Ashlander camp of Ahhemuz. There you will learn that someone similar in description to Relas. The Ashlanders will say that he hid in the cave of Shallit, which is on an island southwest of Ald Daedroth. The entrance to the cave is located at the northern end of the island in a small bay. Finding Teim there will not be a problem. Once you kill him, return to Hrundi, who will give you 200 Septims.

5) Sujama's part

We need to take a batch of sujama to the Addas mine. Go to the Ghost Gate, and continue to the southeast. When you get to the Dunirai cave, look for Nelakar, to whom you give the batch of sujama. It can be found in the eastern part of the mines. Return to Hrundi and get earned 500 coins.

This and subsequent tasks of Hrundi can only be obtained at the rank of Protector and above.

6) Zondaal

Your task is to find Zondaal, who is doing some research in the ancient Dunmer fortress of Telasero. The fortress is located between Suran and Molag Mar. Zondaal is on the lowest level. I advise you to immediately destroy those who may be on the way back. When you find Zondaal, talk to her and escort her out of the fortress. Having done this, return to Hrundi.

7) Kill Egnaer

Hrundi will order you to kill a member of the Great House Telvanni, Bosmer Egnaer. Naturally, if you are a member of this house, or simply do not want to spoil relations with Telvanni, then you need to force Egnaer to attack you himself (For example, using the Enrage Humanoid spell, or simply insult him until he climbs on you with a sword naked) When he is dead, return to Wolverine Hall, and receive a well-deserved reward - 1000 imperial septims.

8) Golden Eggs of Pudai Mine

You need to bring him 10 golden eggs. They can only be obtained from the kwam mine called Pudai. It is located on the island of Shigorat. When you get to the mine, immediately go through the left passage, which will lead you to the lair of Queen Kwama. The eggs you are looking for are also there. Collect 10 pieces and return back to Hrundi. He will give you... TEN THOUSAND SEPTIMS. This is the last task for Hrundi of Sadrith Mora.

Lorbumol gro-Aglak (Vivec, Outlander Quarter)

1) Jay Feather Ring

The first task of the orc from Vivec is to take the jay feather ring from the orc Nar gro-Shagramf, which can be found in the Hlaalu quarter in Vivec (Plaza) If his relationship with you is more than 60, then he will give the ring voluntarily if you don’t want to mess around, then you can kill him. In any case, by completing the task, you will receive 100 Septims.

2) Let Toad Tongue be silent...

A simple, at first glance, task: to silence an Argonian named Toad Tongue, who lives in the tavern "Beauty in a bowler hat" (Ald "rune) But, after consulting with Percius Mercius (Do not forget who it is?), It turns out that Toad Tongue only guilty of spreading the word about the connection between the Fighters Guild and Camonna Tong. The choice is yours. If you want, you can kill the Argonian (Let gro-Aglak be happy), or you can persuade him to leave Vvardenfell. The task in both cases will count.

3) Kill Dro-Zakhar

The task is to kill the famous criminal Dro-Zahara (Percius will confirm that he is a criminal) Your path lies in the canals of the District of St. Delin (Vivec) It will not be difficult to kill him. When the criminal is finished, return to the orc.

4) Liriel's Duty

The owner of the tavern "Rat in a bowler hat" in Ald'ruhn Liriel must repay the debt (As many as 2000 septims) You need to beat the debt out of her. After talking with Percius Mercius, you will learn that: firstly, it is not she who owes, but her brother Ruran Ston, and secondly, she owes not to anyone, but Camonna Tong. The innkeeper has no money, so go ahead, in search of Ruran. He hides in the Mallapy Cave, northeast of Gnaar Mok. Arriving there, you will find that Ruran is dead, and with him only 500 gold. You will have to report from your personal capital 1500 septims. Upon your return, gro-Aglak will refund you 1000.

This and subsequent quests Lorbumol gro-Aglak can only be obtained at the rank of Protector and above

5) Kill Adraria Vandasi

Gro-Aglak will order you to kill Imperial official Adraria Vandasi. You can find this person in Seida Nin, on the second floor of the warehouse (opposite the office). But Percius will tell you that the official just annoyed Camonna Tong. You decide. If you want, you can kill Adraria, but my advice to you is: complete the tasks of Percius, and this task - just do not start. If you decide to kill, then return to the contented gro-Aglak.

6) Kill Rufinus Alleus.

Orc's last mission. It is necessary to kill the agent of the Imperial Legion Rufinus Alleus, who lives in Ebonheart. As in the case of the previous task, it is not worth killing him (but if you want, you can kill him, although I do not advise) You can find him in the chambers of the Supreme Council. If you killed Rufinus, the Orc will reward you with 1000 Septims upon your return.

Percius Mercius (Ald "rune)

1) Necromancer

Mercius will instruct you to destroy the necromancer who lives in his lair, called You. One of the Eternal Guardians of Ulaine Henim has been assigned to help you in this task. It's not easy to get into you. The most acceptable way is to swim to Dagon Fel, and then west. Once you find the right island, talk to Ulaina. She will join you, Now go kill the necromancer. Once you've done this, talk to Ulaina and return to Percius.

2) Kill Nerera Beneran

A criminal named Nehrer Beneran, an exile from the Great House of Redoran, and now a gang leader, must die. You can find him in Sargon (North of Gnaar Mok) After killing him, return to Ald'ruhn.

3) Bandits in Suran

The quiet peace of Suran is disturbed by bandits. Mercius will send you to deal with the gang. Upon arrival in Suran, speak with Sergio Avon Orin. He will point to the lair of the bandits. It is located northeast of Suran, in Saturan. Go there and cut out the whole gang. Then return to Orin, who will reward you for your work. You can now return to Percius.

4) Flynn delivery

You will be instructed to deliver a shipment of flin to the Elit-Pal mine, which is located west of the Zainab camp. When you reach the mine, find Dangor and give him the flin. That's the whole task.

From now on, you must choose which side you want to work for. Either on the side of Sjoring the Hardhearted (the current head of the Fighters Guild), or on the side of Percius Mercius (Former head of the Fighters Guild) Personally, I advise you to choose the side of Percius. These quests are only available if you are a Guardian.

Side of Percius Mercius

1) Kill Sjoring supporters

So, if you chose the path of Percius (in my opinion you did the right thing), he will tell you that the Fighters Guild has completely fallen under the control of Camonna Tong. Percius will say that it all started with the coming to power of Sjoring the Hardhearted. To get rid of the influence on the Camonna Tong Guild, you need to kill Sjoring and his minions. He says that such henchmen are Eydis Fireeye and Lorbumol gro-Aglak. Those are the ones you have to kill. First, go to the Balmora branch of the Fighters Guild. As soon as you approach, Idis will attack you (In no case do not strike the first blow, but wait until she hits you) Finish her and go with a report to Percius. Now go to Vivec and do the same operation with gro-Aglak. Go back to Percius.

2) End Sjoring

This is the last task. Travel to Vivec and go to Guild Master Sjoring the Hardhearted. He will attack you. Once Sjoring is dead, return to Ald'ruhn and report to Percius Mercius. He will raise you to the rank of Guildmaster.

Side of the Hardhearted Sjoring

1) Eliminate the leaders of the Thieves Guild

If you decide to still side with Sjoring, then say goodbye to your career in the Thieves Guild (Especially if you have not become the Master Thief before) Sjoring will order you to kill all the heads of the Thieves Guild. Here they are: Sweet-voiced Habasi in the "South Wall" (Balmora), Heland in "Dirty Muriel" and Aengoth the Jeweler "Rat in a bowler hat" (Ald "rune) When you do it, return to Sjoring.

2) Kill the Master Thief

The last task of Szhoring. It is necessary to kill the head of all the thieves of Morrowind - Gentleman Jim Stacy. You can find it in Simin Fralini's bookstore in Vivec. When you kill him, return to Sjoring, and he ... will attack you. The fact is that you have eliminated his main enemies, and the only one who can threaten his power is YOU. Kill Sjoring and get the title of Guildmaster.

Before writing the passage, it is worth telling you how to join it at all. Reception is held in three cities: Anvil (talk to Azzan), Cheydinhall (Burz gro-Khash) and Chorrol (Master Vilena Donton). Upon admission, you receive the rank of Associate.

Tasks are listed in the order in which they were received.

Task one: A Rat Problem (Problem with rats).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

An interesting task, especially if you played Morrowind.
A certain Arvena Telas (I wonder if she has a sister in Balmora?) has some problems with rats. We already went through something similar in Morrowind, but upon arrival it turns out that rodents will not have to be killed, but protected! and we kill the mountain lion as quickly as possible, until he inadvertently killed the "rats". We report to the hostess. She is seriously alarmed and sends us to Penarus Investius. Together with him we go to hunt down the lions in the outskirts of the city. them, then we return to the mistress again. And again there is a lion in the basement. we catch Quil at the crime scene when she puts a piece of meat near Arvena's basement. We have two ways:
1-We give the Quil crime to the Dunmer, get some gold and a bonus to Speech.
2-We get money from Arvena for work, but we don’t talk about Quil, we return to the Argonian and get a bonus to Acrobatics.

We return to Azzan and get the rank of Apprentice. The quest is completed.

Task two: The Unfortunate Shopkeeper (Unsuccessful merchant).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

Goods began to disappear in the store of Norbert Lelles. We go to " Quality goods Lelles" (Port area) and talk with the owner, we stay for the night. At one point, three robbers tumble into the shop. Try to guess the first time what to do with them. Yes, yes, that's it. We go to the "Full Cup" tavern to the report to Lelles, we get cash.

Task three: The Desolate Mine (Abandoned mine).

Burz gro-Hash will give us weapons (take care of free space in your backpack) and send us to the Abandoned Mine near the city. We find Guild fighters there and distribute weapons: Rienne bow, orc motot, Altmer sword, Papuan icon... Well, yes, I digress. We clean the mine, striving to ensure that none of the company dies. Otherwise, your reward will be halved.

We return to Burz gro-Khash for a reward, we get the rank of Journeyman. The quest is completed.

Task four: Unfinished Business (Unfinished business).
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

Vilena Donton sends us with Modrin Oreyna (again, we recall Morrowind. I have already heard this name somewhere ...). We need to find Maglir, who apparently abandoned his work. .He doesn't want to fulfill his contract. Okay, let's do it ourselves. You need to find Brenus Astis' Journal in the Fallen Rock cave. There are a lot of undead in the cave, so there will be some difficulties, because. she can only be killed by silver, ebony, daedric and enchanted weapons. Watch out for Ghosts. The journal is at the end of the cave, in a flooded hall.
1-We say everything as it is.
2-We say that the task was completed by Maglir himself.

Quest completed.

Task five: Drunk and Disorderly (Drunk and violent).
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

Modrin sends us to Leyawiin to find out what happened to the three Guild fighters. In the Five Claws tavern we find the desired trinity, among which an orc with the magnificent name Oakum gro-Shagk is noticed. We will be told that they are brawling due to lack of work. Okay, let's look. We'll find out from the residents, then there is a business for our eagles and an oak tree to a certain Margarta. It's a pity, but first you need to bring the girl ten servings of Ectoplasm. about a new contract for the trinity in the tavern.

We return to Modrin, we get the rank of Swordsman. The quest is completed.

Task six: Den of Thieves (den of thieves).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

Azzan pleased us with the following task: to find a den of thieves near the city. We find the Fat in the city of Newheim and question him. We go to the Hrota Cave and clean it up.

We return to Azzan. The quest is completed.

Task seven: Amelion's Debt (Amelion's debt).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

Burz gro-Hash sends us to the Water's Edge settlement to Bien Amelion. Her father left her a debt of a thousand septims. Amelion wanted to sell his grandfather's sword and armor, but you still need to get it from the crypt ... We go to the tomb on the opposite bank of the river and make our way through the undead to the goal. We take the valuables and return to Bien. We have a choice:
1-Give away the relics.
2-Keep them for yourself and pay the notorious 1000 tugriks.

We return to Burz gro-Khash, we get the rank of Protector. The quest is completed.

Task eight: The Master's Son (Master's Son).
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

We need to help Viranus Donton, the son of the Guild Master, in his task. We go after Viranus, without letting him ask permission from his mother, we go to the Nonville Cave. try not to get hit by them, otherwise you won’t last long. Yes, and they break armor very well, so stock up on hammers. In the cave we find the body of Galtus Previa, whose death is involved in the Blackwood Company.

We return to Modrin. The quest is completed.

Task nine: More Unfinished Business (Another unfinished business).
The quest is issued from Corrol.

And again, Maglir is doing something, but not what is needed. We are going to Bravil. We find out that Maglir has gone over to the side of the same Blackwood Company. The Guild of Mages. She needs 10 portions of the bile of the imps. We direct our feet to the cave of the Robber's Valley and clean it, since normal opponents do not come out of the imps. We take the required ingredients to the sorceress.

We return to Modrin for a reward, we get the rank of Defender. The quest is completed.

Task ten: Azani Black Heart (Azani Black Heart).
Quest given in Chorrol

This time we are talking with Modrin at his house, because. we will now be conducting an independent investigation into the activities of the Blackwood Company.
We go to Arpenia, where, in theory, Azani the Black Heart should be hiding. Hmmm, the bobble came out ... we stomp to Atatar, where we meet with Azani. The enemy is serious, he is weak compared to the ogres. .

Quest completed.

Task eleven: The Wandering Scholar (Wandering scientist).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

It is necessary to take the scientist Elanta from Alinor to the Daedric sanctuary in the Brittlerock cave. Nothing complicated, just follow her and butcher the Daedra. When we reach the altar, the Altmer will thank us and remain in the cave.

We return to Azzan. The quest is completed.

Task twelve: The Fugitives (Runaways).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

You need to find a shelter for the escaped prisoners and kill them. People on the street are intractable, so untie one of them by any means. (It is very convenient to give a few coins in a row to the poor.) It turns out that the bandits are hiding in the Bloodmayne cave. four.

We return to Burz gro-Khash, we get the rank of Guardian. The quest is completed.

Task 13: Trolls of Forsaken Mine (Trolls of the Abandoned Mine).
The quest is issued in Chorrol.

A group led by Viranus Donton known to us was sent to this mine with the task of destroying the trolls inhabiting it. The group did not return, we need to find out what happened.
We enter the mine, casually exterminating the trolls. In the end, you will find the body of Viranus. Take his diary and return to Modryn. Yes ... now he will have to deal with the Master, the mother of the deceased.

Quest completed.

Task fourteen: The Noble "s Daughter (Daughter of an aristocrat).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

We need to find the missing daughter of the aristocrat Rugdumf gro-Shargak. On the spot it turns out that she was kidnapped by ogres. Oh no... We head east and stumble upon a group of these monsters. Listen to Orkness. Yes... she should go to the Arena rather than sit with her father on the estate.

Return to Burz gro-Khash. Quest completed.

Task fifteen: Mystery at Harlun's Watch (The Secret of Harlun's Outpost).
The quest is issued in Cheydinhall.

In the village of Harlun's Outpost, residents are disappearing. We must find out what's wrong. We arrive at the place, talk with Drarana Telis. Yeah, strange lights. if there are more than two. Follow the cave, killing the trolls. Eventually you will find the body of a certain Edward. The journal will be updated, and you can return to the village and report to Draran about what you saw.

We return to Burz. The quest is completed.

Task sixteen: The Stone of St. Alessia (Stone of Saint Alessia).
The quest is issued in Anvil.

We go to the Talos chapel in Bruma, we talk with Sirrok. The stone of St. Alessia is stolen, we need to track down the thieves and return with the stone to him. We go from the city to the east, we stumble upon a lone thief. we administer justice over the ogres. We take a stone, we bring it to Sirrok.

We return to Azzan, we get the Champion rank. The quest is completed.

A series of the most interesting Guild quests begins.

Task seventeenth: Information Gathering (Information extraction).
The quest is issued in Chorrol, like all other quests.

Modrin, as one would expect, was expelled from the Guild. But he still wants to bring to clean water The Blackwood Company.
We leave for the Glademist cave, make our way through the well-equipped guards to their boss and order him to follow us to Oreyn. Upon arrival, Modrin will order to extort the necessary information from the prisoner. through a magical item without telling the whole truth.

Quest completed.

Task eighteenth: Infiltration (Penetration).

Oreyn wants us to infiltrate the Blackwood Company and get to the bottom of the situation.
We go to Leyawiin, to the headquarters of the organization, ask the head to accept us. We go downstairs, drink the proposed "juice" and go to the Water's Edge to hunt goblins. we come to our senses already at Modrin. Return to the Edge of the Water and observe the consequences of your actions. (At this moment, rage boiled up in me personally.) We return with bad news to Oreyn.

Quest completed.

Task nineteen, the last: The Hist (Hist)

So, the last fight. and the tree is burning, but we are heading for the exit.
Hi Maglir, long time no see! Killing this elf has been itching for a long time.

We return to Modrin. We are handed the helmet of Oreyn Bear Claw (I told you that the Dunmer has a familiar surname!) And sent to the carpet to the Guild Master. The title passes to you, now please Modrin with a return to the Guild and do not forget to receive honestly earned wages every month!