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Commodity characteristics of raw materials entering production. Commodity characteristics of raw materials and semi-finished products used for the preparation of complex cold confectionery products

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Commodity characteristics of raw materials and products

pike perch egg products parsley

The chemical composition of fish is not constant. It significantly depends not only on its species and physiological state, but also on age, sex, habitat, fishing time and other environmental conditions.

Nitrogenous substances in fish meat are represented by proteins and non-protein nitrogenous substances, the ratio of which varies among different fish. Thus, in bony fish, nitrogenous substances consist of approximately 85% proteins and 15% non-protein substances; in cartilaginous animals, the amount of non-protein nitrogenous substances is usually much greater and can reach 35 - 45%, and sometimes 50% of total nitrogen.

Fish meat proteins are not inferior in value to meat proteins of warm-blooded animals; their amino acid composition is in optimal proportions for human nutrition. Among them are all the essential amino acids, including those that are especially important for the human body: lysine, methionine, tryptophan, the presence of which determines the complete absorption of food and all proteins.

Fish meat proteins, compared to meat proteins of warm-blooded animals, are highly digestible (up to 97%). This is due to the fact that connective tissue proteins in fish make up about 3%, while in the meat of warm-blooded animals their content reaches 20% of the total amount of proteins.

Fish oil is represented mainly by unsaturated fatty acids (up to 84%). Fish oil is easily digestible, characterized by high nutritional value and vitamin activity, and is a valuable source of linoleic, linolenic and arachidonic acids that are not synthesized in the body, which help remove excess cholesterol from the body and give elasticity to blood vessels.

The mineral composition of fish meat is characterized by exceptional diversity. Most of all, fish meat contains phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium; trace elements such as iodine, copper, bromine, zinc, cobalt, etc. are found in significant quantities.

Considering the extremely large physiological role of minerals, and especially trace elements, in the human body, fish can be regarded as one of their most important sources. Fish carbohydrates are represented mainly by glycogen. Due to their low content in fish meat, their nutritional role is small, but carbohydrates have a significant impact on the formation of taste, smell and color of fish products.

Vitamins in fish meat are contained in small quantities. A significant part of them is located in the liver, a smaller part is in other internal organs. Fish mainly contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D, E, K, and water-soluble vitamins of group B: (B, B2, Be, BC, W).

In terms of nutritional value, fish meat is on average equivalent to the meat of domestic animals. So, for example, the energy value (kcal/kJ): carp meat is 96/402, autumn capelin - 212/887, veal category I - 90/377, beef category II - 144/602.

Fish products have good dietary properties. After heat treatment, fish meat becomes juicy, loose, easily saturated with digestive juices, so it is easily digested and quickly absorbed by the human body. Mayonnaise

Mayonnaise is a multicomponent system, and the qualitative and quantitative composition of the ingredients determines its functions and properties. In addition to vegetable oil and water, mayonnaises contain emulsifiers, stabilizers, structure formers, as well as flavoring, functional and other food additives that give mayonnaises a different taste, aroma, nutritional and physiological value and make it possible to create a wide range of these products. The starting materials for the preparation of mayonnaise are: vegetable oil, egg powder, powdered milk, granulated sugar, table salt, mustard powder, vinegar, tomato paste, horseradish, edible citric acid, edible soy protein, flavoring and stabilizing additives (dill essential oil, ground black pepper, cumin, orange essence, phosphate corn starch grade B, carboxymethyl potato starch), drinking water.

Fat bases. Vegetable oils are used as a fat base for mayonnaise products. These include sunflower, soybean, corn, peanut, cottonseed, and olive. All vegetable oils for the production of mayonnaise must be refined and deodorized. The choice of type of vegetable oil depends on the manufacturer and its capabilities. The collection of recipes for the standard technological regulations for the production of mayonnaise does not specify the type of vegetable oil, but requires its complete refining.

Emulsifiers. In the production of mayonnaise, various combinations of emulsifiers are most often used, which make it possible to obtain highly stable emulsions with low consumption. In the production of mayonnaise, natural food-grade surfactants (surfactants) are used as emulsifiers. As a rule, natural surfactants are protein-lipid complexes with different compositions of both high- and low-molecular emulsifying substances. Various combinations of natural emulsifiers can increase the emulsifying effect and reduce their overall consumption.

In our country, the following types of egg products are used as the main emulsifying components: egg powder, granulated egg product, dry egg yolk. The content of egg products in mayonnaise, depending on the recipe, ranges from 2 to 6%.

Egg products for the preparation of mayonnaise are used both fresh and canned in various ways: freezing, spray drying, salting. You can use either whole egg raw materials or those made only from yolks. However, it should be noted that according to the standard of the Russian Federation, only dried egg products (in powder or granular form) are allowed to be used.

From the point of view of chemical composition, egg products are a complex structure, the basis of which is a protein-phospholipid complex, while proteins are high-molecular-weight surfactants, and phospholipids are low-molecular-weight. A protein molecule contains regions with covalent (oil-soluble) and ionic (water-soluble) bonds. Examples include amino acids, tryptophan and phenylalanine in the protein chain.

The white and yolk of eggs have different protein compositions. Protein consists mainly of proteins, which include ovoalbumin, ovoconalbumin, ovoglobulin, lysozyme, etc. These proteins determine the functional properties of the protein in the production of mayonnaise, such as solubility in the aqueous phase, the ability to disperse, and also the bactericidal effect (lysozyme). The yolk contains both proteins (vitelin, lipovitelin, livetin, phosphitin, etc.) and lipids. The most important of these are triglycerides (62%) and phospholipids (33%), which include lecithin.

Lecithin is considered the main emulsifying substance in egg yolk. In addition to its emulsifying effect, the yolk in the recipe also affects the taste and color of the product.

Egg products, which are used as emulsifiers by mayonnaise manufacturers abroad, are quite diverse. These are fresh whole eggs, fresh yolks, frozen fresh whole eggs and yolks, salted pasteurized liquid yolks, etc. The legislation of various countries regulates the mass fraction of eggs in the product, as well as the dry matter content of the egg yolk. For example, in the UK the product must contain at least 1.35% egg yolk solids (DM). The calculation is based on the fact that the yolk makes up 36% of the egg mass and contains 51% dry matter.

Typically, the calculated mass fraction of egg powder in formulations is increased to achieve a better effect, and also due to the fact that partial denaturation of the protein occurs during processing. However, this often leads to an “eggy” taste in the finished product, so foreign manufacturers try not to use egg and yolk powders. There are strict requirements for the quality of fresh and frozen egg products:

* bacteriological purity, including the complete absence of pathogenic microorganisms (salmonella, staphylococcus, etc.);

* the mass fraction of protein must comply with established standards;

* the mass fraction of phospholipids is controlled by the phosphorus content in the yolk (it is practically absent in the white).

Dry dairy products are a good emulsifier, traditionally used in the production of mayonnaise. Among dairy products, skimmed milk powder, whole milk powder, cream powder, whey powder, cheese whey powder, powdered milk product (PMP), whey protein concentrate (WPC), buttermilk powder and other dry milk products are used as emulsifiers.

Milk proteins, when interacting with emulsified fats, form a complex that is a good emulsifier.

The main fraction of milk proteins is casein complex (about 80%), whey proteins (12-17%). Whey proteins contain more essential amino acids and from the point of view of nutritional physiology are more complete, therefore whey protein concentrate is often used as a substitute for egg powder in low-calorie mayonnaises.

Casein is also used in mayonnaise in the form of sodium caseinate. So-called coprecipitates are also used - products of coprecipitation of casein and whey proteins.

When creating low-calorie and dietary varieties of mayonnaise, plant proteins, mainly soy, are sometimes used as emulsifiers. Soy contains significant amounts of lecithin. Biologically active substances of soy have a preventive and therapeutic effect on the human body. These include easily digestible protein, B vitamins, antioxidant vitamin E, iron, phosphorus, calcium, and dietary fiber. Plant proteins are produced in the form of low-fat flour (50% protein), protein concentrate (70-75%) and protein isolate (90-95%).

To reduce the mass fraction of egg powder in mayonnaise formulations, the possibility of replacing it with food surfactants is currently being studied, including polyglycerol ester of fatty acids (E475), 60% soft monoglycerides (E471), lactic acid and citric acid monoglycerides (E472b and E472c ). Among low molecular weight compounds, the main surfactants that can act as stabilizers are phospholipids.

The source of natural phospholipids is oilseed raw materials. In the Russian Federation, one type of phospholipid product is produced - phosphatide concentrate from vegetable oils.

The Moscow State University of Food Production has developed a synthetic phosphoglyceride - emulsifier FOLS, which is a mixture of ammonium salts of phosphatidic acids with triglycerides of higher fatty acids and has a phosphoglyceride fraction content of at least 70%. The emulsifier has high surface activity, antioxidant properties, the ability to suppress the activity of microorganisms, and also increase the digestibility of fats in the intestines.

To achieve a higher effect, emulsifiers in mayonnaise formulations are usually combined in various proportions. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the thermodynamic compatibility of the main classes of proteins, the patterns of phase equilibria in these systems, the behavior of proteins under changes in pH, temperature, ionic strength, and their rheological characteristics in a two-phase system.

Thus, the manufacturer can change the taste and functional characteristics of mayonnaises and their cost within fairly wide limits.

Canned cucumbers

Cucumbers are related to pumpkin vegetables. This is an annual herbaceous vegetable plant. The root system consists of a tap root and lateral roots located mainly in the top layer of soil. The stem is creeping or climbing, 1.5 - 2 m long. The leaves are alternate, slightly lobed, 5-angled with jagged edges. Plants are usually monoecious, dioecious; there are partially dioecious forms with a predominance of either female or male flowers. Cucumbers are a common crop around the globe. It is cultivated in almost all countries, especially large areas in Russia, the USA, China, Japan, and India.

Cucumbers have a delicate, refreshing aroma and taste and are valued mainly as a flavoring product. They have a beneficial effect on metabolism and promote better absorption of food. Of all types of vegetables, cucumbers have the lowest nutritional value. They contain a lot of water (95%), little sugar (2.5%) and a small amount of protein (0.8%), vitamin C (10 mg%).

“Canned cucumbers” are one of the most common types of vegetable marinades. When canning, the initial properties of fresh raw materials change to a greater or lesser extent, as a result of which the processed product acquires new properties. The organoleptic properties and nutritional value change both due to the partial destruction of raw materials and additives used (sugars, acids, spices), as well as the formation of new substances (acids, melanoids, etc.).

Sterilization of cans of finished products destroys all microorganisms and inactivates enzymes that degrade the quality of canned products. Canned cucumbers contain acetic acid, which gives the cucumbers a nice crunch. The finished product also contains a set of spices that impart their unique original taste and aroma to the cucumbers and the filling.

A chicken egg consists of three main parts: the shell (approximately 12% of the egg's mass), the white (56%) and the yolk (32%).

The surface of the egg is covered with a supra-shell film, and under the shell there is a sub-shell membrane, which prevent bacteria from penetrating into the egg. The shell is permeated with pores and contains carbon dioxide and phosphoric acid calcium, magnesium, and organic substances.

The egg white is covered with an albuginea. In a freshly laid egg, the white and shell membranes fit tightly to each other. As a result of a decrease in the temperature of the egg after laying, the white and yolk decrease in volume, and an air chamber appears at the blunt end between the shells. Egg white has a viscous consistency and consists of alternating liquid and dense layers. The amount of dense protein is an indicator of egg quality.

The yolk is covered by a vitelline membrane and is supported in the center of the egg by hailstones (a dense white). The yolk consists of alternating light and dark layers. The embryo is located on the surface of the yolk.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of eggs

The composition of a chicken egg includes proteins (12.7%), fats (11.5%), carbohydrates (0.7%), minerals (1.0%), water (74.0%), vitamins B1, B2 , RR, etc. The energy value of 100 g of chicken eggs is 157 kcal.

The chemical composition of white and yolk is not the same. The protein part of eggs includes proteins that are easily digestible by the human body (10.8%). Of the carbohydrates (0.9%), egg whites contain glucose, of minerals - sodium, potassium, calcium, iron, phosphorus, chlorine, sulfur, magnesium, iodine, zinc, lead, bromine and manganese. Protein is low in fat (0.03%) and contains vitamins B1, B2, B12. Coagulation and compaction of the protein occurs at 60-65°C. Protein is absorbed by 98%. The energy value of 100 g of protein is 47 kcal. When whipped, egg whites form a thick, strong foam.

The yolk of eggs is rich in proteins (16.2%), containing all the amino acids necessary for humans. The yolk contains a lot of fat (32.6%), which has a low melting point, since it contains oleic, linoleic and other unsaturated fatty acids. Among the saturated acids there are palmitic, stearic, etc. The fat is in the yolk in the form of an emulsion. Of carbohydrates, it contains galactose and glucose (1.0%). The minerals are the same as in egg whites. The yolk contains vitamins A, D, B1, B2, B3 and PP. Fat-like substances contain lecithin and cholesterol. Yolk digestibility is 96%. The energy value of 100 g of yolk is 370 kcal.

Garlic has a complex bulb (head) consisting of small cloves. The leaves are narrow, long, dark green.

Varietal and commodity characteristics include the type of garlic, the structural features of the head, the number and color of scales, the size and density of the bulb, taste, and use. Numerous varieties of garlic are divided into bolting (winter) - fewer cloves (5 - 10 pieces), large and non-bolting (spring) - small and many cloves. The color of the outer scales can range from white to dark purple. Varieties with durable parchment-like and pink scales are better preserved. Garlic bulbs up to 20g are considered small, from 20 to 30g - medium, over 30g - large.

According to taste, garlic is divided into very hot, semi-hot and tasteless (watery).

Common varieties of garlic are Kharkovsky, Yuzhny, Krasnodarsky, Gribovsky.

Edible table salt is almost pure natural crystalline sodium chloride (NaCl), consisting in its pure form of 39.4% sodium and 60.0% chlorine.

It exists and is used in different forms: purified and unrefined (rock salt), coarse and finely ground, pure and iodized.

It is produced in several varieties - Extra, Higher, First and Second. The higher the grade of salt, the more sodium chloride it contains and the less water-insoluble substances it contains. Naturally, high-grade table salt tastes saltier than low-grade salt and is whiter. For other varieties, shades are allowed - grayish, yellowish and pinkish.

But table salt of any kind should not contain any foreign impurities visible to the eye. Just like the taste of any salt should be purely salty, without bitterness or sourness.

Iodized salt deserves a separate discussion. Today this is the most accessible and effective means of preventing thyroid disease caused by a lack of iodine in the body. Getting iodized salt is simple: add potassium iodide to regular table salt in a strict ratio. As storage proceeds, the iodine content in iodized salt gradually decreases and after six months it turns into regular table salt. Store iodized salt in a dry place and in a tightly sealed container.

In cooking, table salt is used as the most important spice. Salt has a characteristic taste that is well known to every person, without which food seems bland. This feature of salt is due to human physiology. Salt also acts as a preservative, due to the fact that high concentrations of salt in water are detrimental to organisms living in this water.

In the human body, salt performs two important functions - it maintains water balance and serves as a material for the formation of hydrochloric acid in gastric juice.

Vegetable oil

Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds, an annual plant of the Asteraceae family. Sunflower is native to North America.

Currently, more than 70 varieties and hybrids of sunflower are cultivated in Russia and the CIS countries, which are divided into several types depending on the composition of the triglycerides of the oil: linoleic type sunflower (linoleic acid content up to 70%, Peredovik variety); oleic type sunflower (oleic acid content up to 70%, Pervenets variety); confectionery type (large-fruited variety Saratovsky 82); hybrid sunflower, including hybrids of Soviet selection (Pochin, Kazakh 334, Donskoy 342, etc.) and foreign selection (Soldor 220, Sunbred 254, etc.).

Sunflower oil is produced refined, unrefined and hydrated.

Refined oil is not divided into grades. They produce refined, non-deodorized and deodorized oils. Refined deodorized oil is divided into two grades:

1. D (for the production of baby and dietary food products)

2. P (for supply to retail chains and public catering chains)

Unrefined and hydrated oil produces:

1. premium quality

2. first class

3. second class

The nutritional value of vegetable oils is due to their high fat content, their high degree of absorption, as well as the content of biologically valuable substances in them - unsaturated fatty acids, phosphatides, fat-soluble vitamins, etc.

The range of consumer properties is a set of properties and indicators that determine the satisfaction of real and expected needs.

In essence, this nomenclature determines the quality characteristics of consumer goods.

When checking the quality of vegetable oils, attention is paid to the following indicators: transparency, color, taste and smell. Refined deodorized oils must be transparent, without sediment, odorless, and have an impersonal taste. Olive oil has a mild natural taste and smell, mustard oil has its own characteristic smell and taste, without any foreign smell, taste or bitterness. A little sediment is allowed in unrefined oil. Of the physico-chemical indicators, the standard standardizes: color number, acid number, moisture and volatile substances content, iodine number, etc., which determines the safety of consumption of vegetable oils.


There are three varieties of parsley grown: root, common leaf and curly leaf.

The varieties of root parsley include Urozhaynaya, and the varieties of leaf parsley include Odessa curly and Ordinary leaf.

Parsley should be fresh, clean, and not coarse.

water proteins sugar Starch Fiber Organic acids ash Vit.

85,0 1,5 9,4 0,4 1,3 0,1 1,1 35,0

Fish with Tartar sauce


500 g fish (tilapia, pike perch, pink salmon, etc.)


vegetable oil

7 tbsp mayonnaise

100 g pickled or pickled cucumbers

2 cloves garlic



1 Cut the fish into small pieces.

2 Beat the egg, add salt.

3 Roll the fish in the egg.

4 Then roll in breadcrumbs.

5 Fry the fish in vegetable oil until cooked (5-7 minutes on each side).

6 Finely chop the cucumbers.

7 Finely chop the parsley.

8 Mix mayonnaise, cucumbers, herbs, and garlic squeezed through a garlic press. Mix.

Spread the sauce over the fish.

Equipment, inventory, tools and utensils.

PC OS boards


kitchen stove

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In order for a person to work normally and take care of loved ones, he must eat well. But often you have to eat away from home. In this case, there are numerous canteens and cafes where food is prepared by people with the profession of a cook. Such professionals work in large organizations, in the army, and in kindergartens. The chef's task is to prepare a tasty and satisfying dish from raw ingredients.

The first courses simply looked like half-raw pieces of meat or fish burned over an open fire. People have used fire since at least the Middle Paleolithic, but these were not cooks. The first professionals who made a living from this craft are recorded from the Greek civilization on the island of Crete in 2600 BC. e. For the king's soldiers, food was prepared from selected products by a specially hired culinary master. It is safe to assume that the older cultures of Egypt, Phenicia and Sumer also had professional cooks working for the families of nobles and rulers. Later, concepts such as sanitary standards regulating the work of such specialists appeared. It can be assumed that the first cooks appeared among our primitive ancestors - when people realized that frying meat over a fire is much tastier than eating it raw. Perhaps it was then that a special person appeared in the tribe, to whom his brothers entrusted the preparation of animals caught in the hunt.

The ancient world knew chefs as people capable of delivering pleasure, which was so valued by the wasteful Romans and intemperate Greeks.

At first, cooks in Roman houses were mistresses or slaves. Subsequently, the Romans increasingly began to hire cooks for this or that occasion, and later permanent cooks appeared. The first schools of cooks were organized in Ancient Rome; their father was the then famous cook and gourmet Apicius. In Ancient Persia, inventors of new unusual dishes were generously rewarded by the king. There were, of course, exceptions - for example, the Spartans, accustomed to harsh living conditions, did not at all recognize the pleasures of culinary delights, and treated the profession of a cook with contempt.

Over time, chefs became more and more advanced in their art. From the moment people began to travel, moving ever greater distances from their own homes, the exchange of culinary recipes and cooking experiences gained ever more rapid momentum. Some dishes prepared by real masters of culinary art were valued at entire fortunes. At the court of many, many monarchs, the position of cook remained one of the most respected and revered.

In Rus', the first professional chefs appeared at the courts of the Kyiv princes. Already in the 17th century, during the reign of Peter I, not only new unusual products began to be brought to Russia, but also skilled chefs from different countries. At the end of the 19th century, culinary schools began to open one after another in Russia, where they trained professional chefs.

The first cooking school in Europe appeared in the 19th century in England, then culinary schools began to appear in other countries. In France, it was believed that it was necessary to learn cooking from the age of 6-7, otherwise the cook would not be able to be truly skillful.

Chefs have always been and remain true creators, and creators who bear serious responsibility for what they do. The mood of their master depended on the cooks who served at the court of this or that prince, for example. Chefs could create reputations for noble houses and even entire states.

Today, a chef can influence reality no less. Being a keen expert in his field, the chef can change the mood of the guests, glorify this or that name, and create this or that restaurant brand.

In the 90s of the last century, public catering enterprises began to develop rapidly, and there was an urgent need for culinary professionals. In addition, owners of cafes and restaurants have noticed that the success of an establishment largely depends on the skill of the chef, on the variety, exclusivity or exoticism of the dishes offered. This profession has acquired particular importance in our age of speed and transience of life. People focused on career and success cannot and do not have time to cook food at home. Therefore, lunches, business lunches, dinners are a ubiquitous phenomenon. And not every person has the opportunity to enjoy, for example, the national dish of some country at home, or taste the masterpieces of exotic cuisines. And if we remember that food for a person is not only a source of energy and nutrients, but also great taste pleasure, then it becomes clear that a person who can give food a delicious taste, aroma and appearance will be in great demand for his services. In addition, do not forget that cooks are required not only in cafes and restaurants, but also in institutions such as kindergartens, schools, and hospitals.

cook dish egg fried baked


Sanitary and hygienic requirements for storage of raw materials


Egg is a valuable food product with high nutritional value.

Eggs are classified according to the type of bird: chicken, goose, duck, turkey; chicken eggs are the most valuable. Goose and duck eggs are not supplied to public catering establishments, as they can be a source of disease.

An egg consists of a shell, white and yolk.

The white makes up 56% of the mass of the egg, consists of several layers and is a transparent, almost colorless (or with a greenish tint) mass, which, when whipped, can form a strong foam.

The densest white is located inside the egg, the strongest is the hailstones that hold the yolk in the center of the egg.

The yolk makes up 32% of the mass of the egg, covered with a thin shell, and is a thick mass of light and dark layers, alternating with each other. In the upper part there is a germinal disc.

Chemical composition and nutritional value of eggs.

Quality requirement

Diet eggs, depending on weight, and table eggs, depending on weight and quality, are divided into categories 1 and 2.

Quality is determined by examination using an ovoscope. Eggs of all types and categories must have a clean, intact and strong shell; in the second category of table eggs, minor contamination in the form of individual spots is allowed. Eggs weighing less than 43 g are produced under the name “small”; benign eggs with contaminated shells are called “contaminated”; they can be used in public catering.

Fresh eggs include those stored at a temperature of 1 to 20 C for more than 30 days after the day of laying.

Melange is a mixture of egg whites and yolks that have been shelled, filtered, thoroughly mixed and frozen.

Store frozen.

Egg powder

Egg powder is a dried mixture of egg whites and yolks. To replace one egg weighing 50 g, take 12 g of egg powder.

Before preparing the dish, the egg powder is sifted, combined with cold or warm water or milk in a ratio of 1:3.5 and left for up to 30 minutes. For swelling, then immediately used for heat treatment.

Cottage cheese is a protein fermented milk product. It contains (in%): water - 64.7 - 77.7, proteins - 13 - 18, fat - 0.6 - 18, milk sugar - 1 - 1.5, minerals substances - 1 - 1.5.

The energy value of 100 g of cottage cheese is 86 - 226 kcal, or 360 - 945 kJ.

Cottage cheese proteins are complete, contain all essential amino acids, have a beneficial effect on fat metabolism, which makes it recommended for diseases of the liver, kidneys, stomach, and atherosclerosis. Cottage cheese is rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, which are necessary for the growth of a young body.

To produce cottage cheese, pasteurized and unpasteurized milk is used. Cottage cheese from unpasteurized (raw) milk is used in public catering networks to produce semi-finished products that undergo mandatory heat treatment before consumption. The prepared milk is fermented with pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria with or without the addition of rennet and calcium chloride. The resulting curd is cut and pressed to obtain curd of a certain moisture content.

Depending on the production method and the raw materials used, cottage cheese is divided into types: fat, semi-fat, low-fat, premium and 1st grade.

Before preparing dishes, the cottage cheese is screened, rubbed through a sieve or passed through a rubbing machine.

To improve the aroma, you can add grated zest and vanillin to the cottage cheese.

All curd dishes are divided into cold and hot. Based on the type of heat treatment, cottage cheese dishes are divided into boiled, fried and baked.

Flour is a powdery product obtained by grinding cereals. Flour contains all the substances found in grain. Its color should be uniform. The smell and taste are characteristic of normal flour, without any foreign odors or tastes. When tasting the flour, you should not feel a crunch on your teeth.

Store flour in unheated, dry rooms. Clean, well-ventilated, not infested with barn pests, at a temperature not exceeding 12-180 C and a relative air humidity of 60-70%. Flour easily perceives foreign odors and moisture; it must be stored away from sharp-smelling foods.

Cooking fats

Cooking fats are an anhydrous mixture of various vegetable and animal fats. They contain 99.7% fat, 0.3% water. Melting point - 28-360C, digestibility - 96.5%, energy value 100 g - 897 Kcal.

The taste and smell of cooking fats must be pure, without foreign tastes and odors. Color - from white to light yellow, uniform in weight. Consistency - homogeneous, solid. When melted, fats should be transparent. Store at a relative air humidity of no more than 80%, at a temperature of 0-90C - 75, at 0-40C - 60, at 5-100C - 45, at 11-150C - 30 days. Packaged in parchment, 45, 35, 20, 15 days, respectively.

Technology for preparing egg dishes

Eggs are consumed boiled, fried, baked, or in combination with other products.

Boiled eggs.

Eggs are boiled to varying degrees of readiness: soft-boiled (3 minutes), “in a bag” (4 - 4.5 minutes) and hard-boiled (8 - 10 minutes).

Soft-boiled eggs are served (1-3 pieces per serving) only hot. One egg is placed with the sharp end down in a special stand, which is placed on a snack plate, the second egg is placed on a plate. Butter and bread are served separately.

Eggs “in a bag” (poached) are cooked in two ways: in the shell and without it. Eggs, boiled “in a bag” without shells, and also hard-boiled, are used to prepare various dishes. An egg “in a bag” without a shell is boiled as follows. Add salt and vinegar to a saucepan with water and bring to a boil. Eggs are released from their shells into boiling water and boiled at low boil for 3 - 3.5 minutes.

The shape of an egg boiled without a shell is flattened, the white is dense with an uneven surface, the yolk is semi-liquid.

Egg porridge.

Eggs or melange are diluted with milk or water, fat is added and boiled in a water bath until the consistency of semi-liquid porridge. The finished porridge is stored on a steam table at a temperature of 60 0C for no more than 15 minutes until it is released. Served in small bowls or deep tea saucers.

When leaving the porridge, add croutons (50 g), corn flakes (10 g) or a side dish of meat and vegetables. As a side dish, use boiled beans, asparagus, cauliflower, fluffed green peas, fried zucchini or tomatoes cut into slices, fried slices of sausage, frankfurters, slices of beef, pork, liver, etc.

Fried and baked egg dishes

Natural fried eggs and with side dishes.

Fried eggs are prepared natural or with some additional product immediately before serving, from 2 - 3 eggs. Sprinkle chopped herbs on top. Serve in a portioned frying pan, which is placed on a snack plate with a paper napkin.

With lard - the lard is cut into slices or cubes, fried, the eggs are released and fried until the whites curdle.

Scrambled eggs with garnish

With potatoes or eggplants - raw or boiled potatoes, cut the eggplants into slices, fry, release the eggs and fry until tender.

With vegetables or mushrooms - to prepare this scrambled egg, use one type of vegetable: green beans, green peas, asparagus, zucchini, tomatoes, and fresh porcini mushrooms.

Beans and asparagus are boiled, zucchini and tomatoes, cut into slices, are fried. Eggs are released onto the prepared vegetables and fried.

With onions - fried onions or green onions and poured over eggs.

With cheese - eggs are placed in a hot frying pan with oil, sprinkled with grated cheese and fried. With meat products - boiled ham, smoked-boiled (or boiled) ham, boiled sausage, frankfurters or pork are used for the dish.

The meat products are cut into thin slices and fried in fat, then the eggs are released. The smoked brisket is boiled, skinned and placed in a frying pan heated with fat, then the eggs are released and fried for 3-5 minutes.


Prepared natural or with the addition of vegetables, fresh herbs, dairy or meat products. Such omelettes are called mixed. Omelettes in which prepared foods are added as a filling at the end of frying are called stuffed.

Prepare omelettes from 2 - 3 eggs. When leaving, omelettes are placed on an oval cupronickel plate, poured with oil and sprinkled with chopped herbs

Natural omelette.

Eggs or melange are mixed with milk, poured into a hot frying pan with oil and fried. As soon as the mass begins to thicken, its edges are folded from both sides towards the middle, giving the omelette the shape of an oblong pie. When the lower part is fried, the omelette is transferred to a heated dish, seam side down.

Natural omelette can also be prepared using steam. To do this, the egg mass is poured into a crumble and brought to readiness in a water bath.

Mixed omelette

They are fried in the same way as a natural omelette, but after mixing the egg mass with fried small diced lard (omelet with lard), sautéed onions or green onions (omelet with onions), grated cheese (omelet with cheese), with meat products (boiled ham, smoked brisket, boiled sausage, sausages), prepared as for egg porridge, with finely chopped parsley. Mixed omelets are also baked with poached cabbage, crumbly porridge, and meat.

Stuffed omelette.

The egg mass is poured into a hot frying pan and fried. When the mass thickens slightly, put the minced meat in the middle and close it on both sides, giving the omelette the shape of an oblong pie. Finish it and serve it just like a natural omelette

For stuffing, use boiled beans and asparagus, green peas, cubes or sticks of fried zucchini, mushrooms cut into slices, meat products (boiled ham, sausages, boiled sausage, pork or veal kidneys, poultry liver), cut into strips or cubes and fried in fat.

Prepared vegetables are seasoned with milk sauce or sour cream. An omelette stuffed with jam, marmalade or confiture is sprinkled with powdered sugar and burned with a hot rod, making a design.


Raw eggs, milk, flour and sour cream are mixed until smooth, salted, poured into a hot portioned frying pan and fried. Serve the drachena in the same frying pan immediately after cooking, as it quickly becomes stale and its appearance deteriorates. When leaving, pour in butter.

Requirements for the quality of egg dishes

Soft-boiled eggs should have a runny yolk and semi-liquid white. Eggs “in a bag” - the yolk is semi-liquid, the white is thickened on top, and semi-liquid in the center. The shelled egg is slightly deformed. Hard-boiled eggs have a completely set white and yolk. Boiled eggs should not be dirty, cracked or leaking. There should be no dark layer on the surface of the boiled egg.

Fried eggs should have a semi-liquid yolk that has retained its shape. The edges of the fried eggs are not dry, the bottom part is not dirty. White spots on the yolk from salt are undesirable.

The fried omelette has the shape of a pie, light yellow and fluffy when cut, with a slightly brownish crispy crust. In a mixed omelet, the ingredients are finely chopped and distributed evenly throughout the mixture. For stuffed omelettes, the side dishes are juicy and seasoned with sauce.

Drachena should be dense and well baked. The surface should not be burnt, the products should not be resettled.

Dishes cannot be stored; they are prepared according to demand and immediately released. Hard-boiled eggs are stored dry in their shells, and scrambled eggs can be stored in salted cold water.

Characteristics of equipment, inventory, utensilsfor preparing egg dishes

PESM-2 and PESM-2K slabs

Electric stoves consist of one unified block with two burners and do not have an oven. The first stove has rectangular burners, and the second one has round burners.

Electric stoves PE-0.17, PE-0.51, PE-0.51Sh

The plates are designed for performing technological processes of heat treatment of semi-finished products (cooking, poaching, browning, stewing, frying) in functional containers.

Electric bakery cabinet SM-3

Designed for baking only confectionery and small bakery products.

It consists of a welded stand on which three sections are installed one above the other.

The cabinet is lined with enameled steel sheets on the back, sides and top, and filled with heat-insulating material between the sections and the cladding.

Refrigerated cabinets

Refrigerated cabinets are designed for storing semi-finished and ready-made meals in production workshops, as well as for storing food supplies at the workplaces of bartenders and waiters.

Refrigerating cabinets ShKh-0.56, ShKh-0.4OM, ShKh-0.8OM, ShKh-0.8ОУ, ШХ-1.12.

Cabinets differ from each other in the number of doors, the capacity of refrigeration chambers and other parameters.

Cabinets ШХ-0.56, ШХ-0.40М, ШХ-0.80М have a lower location of the machine room, which is closed with louvered grilles.

Temperature control is carried out using a manometric thermometer, the scale of which is located on the front surface of the cabinet. When one of the doors is opened, the cabinet light comes on.

General operating rules and safety precautions when working on mechanical equipment

Before starting work, the cook must put his workplace in order and check the safety of work:

check the idle speed of the equipment,

check the presence and direction of barriers,

presence and serviceability of electrical wiring and grounding,

the presence of an independent starting device - a switch, a batch switch, a magnetic starter,

check the serviceability of other equipment,

check idle operation.

While working, the cook must:

The machine should only be loaded after it has been started,

fill the working surface of the electric stove with dishes as much as possible,

turn off the electric grill of the stoves in a timely manner or switch them to a lower power,

do not allow burners to be turned on at maximum and medium power without loading,

do not use cauldrons, pans with deformed bottoms and edges, handles that are not securely fastened or without them,

control the pressure and temperature in the devices within the limits specified in the operating instructions,

monitor the presence of draft in the combustion chamber of gas equipment and the pressure gauge readings when operating equipment operating under pressure.

After finishing work:

The car is turned off

Partially disassemble it and clean it of product residues,

Then rinse thoroughly until all product residues are completely removed.

The outer surfaces of the machine are wiped first with a damp and then with a dry cloth,

The washed parts of the machine are dried, after which all rusting parts and surfaces in contact with food are lubricated with food-grade unsalted fat.

Once a week, wipe with a dry cloth or flannel until the shine is restored,

The machine should be regularly disassembled and inspected to replace worn parts,

During non-working hours, the machine must be disconnected from the power supply.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

The technological process of cooking requires strict adherence to sanitary and hygienic standards and rules. Sanitary requirements must be met at all stages of the technological process: when receiving raw materials and organizing their storage, when preparing dishes and culinary products, when selling finished products and serving consumers. The quality and safety of culinary products depends on compliance with sanitary and hygienic rules.

POP workers must observe personal hygiene rules to prevent contamination of food products, semi-finished products and finished products with pathogenic microorganisms.

Requirements for caring for body skin and oral cavity:

Daily washing, in hot weather, shower before starting work, careful hair care;

Nails, cut short and not varnished;

Jewelry and watches are not allowed;

Wash your hands regularly throughout the day;

Before starting work, after visiting the toilet and after working with raw food, hands are washed with soap and disinfected with a 0.2% solution of bleach and rinsed with water;

If the skin is damaged, treat with iodine, brilliant green, and a weak solution of potassium permanganate;

Persons with pustular diseases of the skin of the hands are not allowed to work with finished products;

Oral cavity: brush your teeth 2 times a day, rinse your mouth after eating, visit the dentist;

Requirements for sanitary clothing:

should be made of light cotton fabrics;

Do not fasten with pins or needles;

Do not put foreign objects in your pockets;

Do not go outside or enter the toilet in sanitary clothing;

Store separately from outer clothing;

Shoes should be non-slippery, with closed heels, and easy to clean.

POP employees must undergo a medical examination, the purpose of which is to prevent sick people and bacteria carriers from working. Patients with tuberculosis, dysentery, typhoid fever, hepatitis, venereal and skin diseases, etc. are not allowed to work. Medical examination is carried out 2 times a year according to schedule.

The quality of the products largely depends on keeping the cook’s workplace clean. At the beginning of the working day, it is necessary to wipe down production tables with a clean damp cloth. While working, promptly remove food waste, used dishes and equipment from the table. After each operation, rinse the table with hot water. At the end of the working day, tables are washed with hot water and detergents and disinfected with a 0.5% bleach solution and washed with running water.

It is necessary to use cutting boards and knives strictly according to the markings.

In the process of preparing and preparing dishes, it is necessary to touch the food with your hands as little as possible, using special tools, equipment, and equipment. Only clean, sanitized equipment, utensils, utensils and containers should be used.

When preparing dishes, it is necessary to strictly observe the flow of technological processes. Processing of various types of raw materials and semi-finished products is carried out in the appropriate workshops.

Products should be prepared in small portions according to demand and sales.

In order to prevent the development of microbes already in prepared food, it must be stored for serving for no more than 2-3 hours, maintaining a certain temperature. So the storage temperature for serving and serving first courses is 75°C.

Occupational Safety and Health. Kitchen workers must study the rules for operating thermal mechanical equipment and undergo practical instruction from the production manager. In the places where the equipment is located, it is necessary to post the rules for its operation. Floors in workshops must be level, without protrusions, and not slippery.

Electrical equipment must be grounded. Do not clutter the aisles with dishes and containers. The lids of the digester boilers can be opened 5 minutes after the supply of steam or electricity is stopped; before opening, you need to lift the turbine valve by the ring and make sure that there is no steam inside the boiler. The lids of stovetop boilers must be opened towards you during cooking.

Finished products weighing over 20 kg must be transported on trolleys. Boilers weighing more than 15 kg may only be removed from the stove by two people.

The surface of the slab must be flat and smooth, without burrs or cracks. Do not melt stoves with flammable liquids. Stovetop boilers must have tightly attached handles. Dielectric mats must be available.

When working with a knife, certain rules must be followed to avoid causing cuts.

At production facilities there must be a first aid kit with a set of medications.

Procedure for organizing a workplace

The cold shop is designed to produce a wide range of products: sandwiches, cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes, cold soups and drinks. During the preparation of these products, most products are not subjected to heat treatment, therefore it is necessary to observe the rules of sanitation and personal hygiene with special care while working. When planning a cold shop, it is worth considering that in the summer the temperature in it should be quite low, so it is better to face the windows to the north. A convenient connection between this workshop and the kitchen and sales area is necessary.

The workshop houses refrigerated cabinets, assembly and disassembly chambers, low-temperature counters, ice makers, and special mechanical equipment.

A workplace is a part of a production workshop, adapted to perform certain production operations, equipped with the necessary equipment and inventory.

To organize the chef's workplace, modular sections are installed - tables with a refrigerated cabinet and a slide for storing components of cold dishes, with a built-in bathtub, above which there is a cold and hot water mixer with a flexible hose and a shower head. Under the tabletop there is an auxiliary shelf for storing utensils and drawers. The workshop organizes separate workplaces for the production of cold dishes and snacks, sweet dishes and sandwiches. Equipment used is a universal drive, a vegetable cutter with a set of various knives, bread, sausage and ham slicers, adapted for cutting butter, cheese, as well as a variety of recesses, knives, dishes and molds. The design of cold dishes and snacks is of great importance, and their attractiveness depends on the shape of the cut, the color combination of the products, their location and, of course, on the qualifications of the cook. The quantity of necessary utensils, containers and production equipment is determined depending on the volume of products produced, the range of dishes and culinary products.

The hot shop is the main POP shop where the food preparation process is completed. The workshop should have a convenient connection with the procurement and cold shops, washing kitchen utensils, distribution and dining rooms. The workshop should be equipped with stoves, ovens, food boilers, electric frying pans, electric fryers, refrigerated cabinets, tables and shelving.

The workplace for preparing products for heat treatment is equipped with a production table with a drawer for storing tools and equipment with a built-in bathroom and hot and cold water supplied to it.

The workplace also includes a line of thermal equipment and a line of non-mechanical equipment. The heating equipment line consists of electric stoves, electric frying pans, etc. Lines of non-mechanical equipment include sectional modulated tables, a mobile bath, and a table for small-scale mechanization.


In today's Russia, as in pre-revolutionary times, there is a renewed demand for chefs. Despite all the advantages of working in a company or as a personal chef for a businessman, real masters prefer the difficult, troublesome service of a cook in a restaurant. Where every evening the hall is filled with admirers of his culinary talent and often connoisseurs of the unique culinary art ask for an encore to invite the chef to their table to thank him personally for the pleasure he has delivered. And at the banquet tables, laden with marvelous dishes, in anticipation of pleasure against the backdrop of amazing dishes, guests take photographs for memory.

The profession of a cook is unique in its own way. Although, some people do not perceive it that way, believing that there is nothing complicated in the art of cooking: you just need to combine the ingredients, and the oven itself will bring the dish to perfection. And who doesn’t know how to cook these days? Anyone could work as a cook! However, it is not. In this matter, the main thing is talent, sense of taste, imagination. On the one hand, this profession requires scrupulous precision, on the other, the presence of a creative streak to come up with an original recipe or an exquisite decoration for a dish. The sense of smell and subtle sense of taste will help a chef reach heights in his career. Also, a good cook must be attentive, neat, organized, and must have a good memory.


Methods of serving boiled eggs

Fried eggs


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1.1 Commodity characteristics of raw materials, semi-finished products used for preparing dishes…….. 5

1.2 Organization of the technological process. eleven

1.2.1 Technology for preparing complex cold desserts…….. 11

1.2.2 Occupational health and safety (workshop) 13

1.2.3 Equipment used in processing raw materials and preparing dishes..... 18

1.2.4 Sanitary and hygienic requirements for processing raw materials and preparing complex cold desserts….. 19

1.2.5 Organization of a workplace in a confectionery shop. 21


2.1 Characteristics of the type, class, form of ownership of the enterprise. 24

2.2 Location of the enterprise on the general plan of the city. 25

2.3 Structural and technological diagram of the functional interrelation of premises of a catering establishment. 26

The functional relationship of the premises of public catering establishments is shown in the figure.... 26

2.4 The number of employees in the enterprise workshop. 27

2.5 Assortment of dishes of the structural division of the confectionery shop. 27

2.6 Workshop plan with arrangement of confectionery shop equipment. 28

2.7 Terms of sale and storage conditions of dishes and products. 29

2.8 Technological process for preparing three products with the development of technical specifications. thirty

2.9 Organization of the technological process of the workshop. 47

2.10 Organization of quality control of public catering products, using the example of a signature dish (product) 48

2.10.1 Organization of incoming control. 48

2.10.2 Organization of operational control. 48

2.10.3 Organization of acceptance control. 50



Appendix A... 56


The confectionery shop occupies a special place in public catering establishments. As a rule, he works independently, regardless of the hot shop. Confectionery shops are organized at procurement factories, as well as in restaurants, canteens, and cafes. They are classified according to productivity and product range:

Shops that produce up to 12 thousand products per shift (or 0.6 tons of flour) are considered low-capacity;

Average capacity - 12-20 thousand products per shift (or 0.9 tons of flour);
- high power - from 20 thousand products per shift (or 1.5 tons of flour).

Confectionery shops mainly work independently, so they must study customer demand, organize sales of their products, concluding agreements with other catering establishments that do not have confectionery shops, and with retail enterprises.

Thanks to their special taste qualities and high energy value, confectionery products are rightfully one of the most popular and in demand among food industry products around the world.

The confectionery industry includes two groups of production for the production of sugar and flour confectionery products. These groups, in turn, include a number of industries: caramel, candy, chocolate, pastille-marmalade, waffle, production of cookies, crackers, biscuits, cakes, pastries, etc., differing in technology, equipment used and final products.

The confectionery industry is one of the most dynamically developing sectors of the food industry. The range of confectionery products includes more than 5 thousand items. Desserts appeared in European countries in the 19th century. France, winner of all desserts. Its ancestor is considered to be sugar and fruits; they were used to prepare various types of desserts.


Commodity characteristics of raw materials and semi-finished products used for the preparation of complex cold confectionery products

To produce complex cold confectionery products, a variety of raw materials are required, the quality of which is subject to high demands.

The main raw materials include: sour cream 20%, vanilla extract, chicken egg, granulated sugar, corn starch, iodized salt, fresh blueberries, blackcurrant liqueur, cinnamon, port wine, orange for juice, blueberry puree, gelatin, cream 35%, butter butter, premium wheat flour, fresh strawberries, fresh raspberries, lemon for juice, Miroir gel, red table wine, Arborio rice, milk, orange, drinking water, cardamom, Earl Gray tea, white chocolate, nuagat mass, walnuts, milk chocolate, Barry crumbs, cane sugar, cocoa powder.

Sour cream 20% fat content– color white with a cream tint. The taste and smell are clean, lactic acid, with a pronounced taste and aroma characteristic of pasteurized products. The consistency is homogeneous, moderately thick, without grains of fat and protein, glossy. Sour cream with bitter, sour, fodder taste and smell, viscous, contaminated and with excreted whey are not allowed to be accepted.

Vanilla extract– good quality vanilla has thin, long (10–20 cm) pods, with a soft elastic consistency and a white coating of vanillin crystals, color from dark to black–brown; contains essential oil.

Eggs – chicken– the shell must be clean, free from blood stains and droppings, and undamaged. Allowed on eggshells: table grade – presence of spots, dots and stripes. Treat contaminated eggs with special detergents approved for use by authorized bodies in the prescribed manner.

Sugar - sand– must be free-flowing, without lumps, white with a shine, completely dissolve in water, have a sweet taste without any foreign taste or smell. Mass fraction of moisture no more than 0.15%.

Corn starch– homogeneous powder, white color with a yellowish tint, odor characteristic of starch.

Iodized salt- finely crystalline salt enriched with potassium iodide (25 g per 1 ton of salt). The taste is purely salty, there should be no odor, iodized salt has a faint odor of iodine.

Fresh blueberries– the berries must be fresh, ripe, clean, of the same pomological variety, with the taste and smell characteristic of this pomological variety, without foreign smell or taste, without traces of mold and rot, uniform in color.

Blackcurrant liqueur- a medium-alcohol drink obtained by infusing rectified alcohol on a mixture of black currant berries, heavily sweetened with sugar syrup with the addition of starch syrup for viscosity. The alcohol content in liqueurs is 20 - 45%, sugar 38 - 60%.

Cinnamon– sticks in the form of rolled tubes, smooth, peeled from the outer layer with a bark thickness of no more than 3 mm, length of at least 10 cm. Brown of various shades.

Port wine- the most common of strong wines. The technology is based on the production of complete extractive wine materials, which is especially important for achieving a balance between the high alcohol content and the taste of the wine. Ports are full, harmonious wines with a fruity and sometimes pleasant honey tone in the bouquet and a caramel tint in the taste. Alcohol content 17 – 20% rpm, sugar 7 – 14 g/dm.

Orange for juice- juice obtained from good-quality, ripe, fresh or preserved fresh fruits by cooling, unfermented but capable of fermentation, intended for direct consumption or industrial processing. The color of freshly squeezed orange juice ranges from light yellow to orange.

Blueberry puree- These are blueberries boiled in sugar or sugar syrup. The taste ranges from sweet to sour-sweet, the color is close to the color of the raw material. The consistency is puree-like.

Gelatin- a product in the form of transparent plates, grains or powder without color or light yellow color. By its nature, it is not a complete animal protein - collagen. Gelatin is obtained from bones, trimmings, films, and collagen-containing products. An extract is boiled from the raw material, which is dried after processing. Swells in cold water, absorbing 10-15 times the amount of water. When a solution containing 1% gelatin is cooled, jelly is formed. In terms of quality, food gelatin should be in the form of granules or grains, or plates, or powder, from light yellow to yellow in color, bland taste, odorless. Dissolution time is 25 minutes, moisture mass fraction is 16%, foreign odors, tastes and impurities are not acceptable.

Cream 35%- must have a pure taste and smell. Without foreign tastes and odors, with a pronounced taste of pasteurization. The consistency is homogeneous, without whipped lumps or protein flakes. The color is white with a cream tint. Cream with pronounced bitter, rancid, fodder and other flavors, with a viscous consistency, is not allowed to be accepted.

Butter– the taste and smell of the oil must be pure, characteristic of this type, without foreign odors. The consistency at a temperature of 10 - 12 degrees is dense, homogeneous, the cut surface is slightly shiny and dry in appearance or with the presence of single tiny droplets of moisture. Color – from yellow to light yellow, uniform throughout the mass.

Wheat flour premium– made from soft vitreous and semi-vitreous wheat. Soft to the touch. Color – white or white with a cream tint, gluten – at least 28%.

Fresh strawberries-small berry of elongated shape, with a strong aroma and bright red to dark red hue.

Fresh raspberries– berries vary in size and color (yellow, red). The pulp is soft, sweet, aromatic.

Lemon for juice- fruits are usually oval in shape with a light yellow skin fused with the pulp. Juice obtained from good-quality, ripe, fresh or preserved fresh fruits, unfermented but fermentable, intended for direct consumption or industrial processing. Color ranges from light yellow to yellow.

Cress salad– has a thin stem with many green leaves. Lettuce flowers come in white or pale purple shades (yellow, green). Young leaves of watercress are eaten; the stem of the plant should be white.

Gel "Miroir"- a soft gel for finishing confectionery products, giving them a special charm and completeness. Gives the treated surface a mirror shine. The color is transparent, the consistency is thick, there is no smell, the taste is a little sweet. Store in a dry place at a temperature of 20 °C.

Red table wine- wine made as a result of complete alcoholic fermentation of whole or crushed fresh grapes or grape must. The color is deep red. It tastes tart.

Arborio rice- the main ingredient of the famous risotto, a traditional dish of national Italian cuisine. The grains are short and wide, round in shape. White. When cooked, it expands in volume, forming a creamy, but not sticky, mass. These are the main requirements for rice.

Milk- in the form of a homogeneous liquid without sediment. The color is white with a yellowish tint. The taste and smell are clean, with a faint aftertaste of boiled milk.

Orange- These are large fruits from 100 to 400 grams, round in shape, with thick skin, juicy, finely fibrous and fragrant yellow pulp.

Drinking water– must be transparent, colorless, odorless and without foreign taste.

Cardamom- perennial tropical plant. The fruits are dried and released unbleached, semi-bleached and bleached, so the color of the fruit is from light brown to light yellow, and can be crushed or whole. Mass fraction of essential oil is 3 – 6%. The aroma is strong, the taste is spicy - burning.

Earl Gray tea- the tea has a slightly spicy taste, in appearance it does not differ from ordinary black tea, the leaves are not large, 0.8 - 1.5 cm long. The tea consists of two components, black tea and bergamot oil, tea is brewed at 90 ° C, brew for 2 – 3 minutes.

Chocolate white- does not contain cocoa mass, consists only of cocoa butter, sugar and other additives, is not white (cream) and does not contain theobromine. It must have a solid consistency and uniform structure; the shape of the chocolate bars must be correct, with a clear pattern, without deformation. The surface is shiny. Chocolate should be stored at a temperature of 18 ° C and a humidity of no more than 75%. When stored for a long time, chocolate loses its aroma and acquires a stale smell.

2.1 Commodity characteristics of raw materials

The nutritional value of fresh fruits and vegetables is determined by the presence of carbohydrates, organoleptic acids, tannins, nitrogenous and mineral substances, as well as vitamins. Fruits and vegetables improve appetite and increase the digestibility of other foods. Some fruits and vegetables have medicinal value (raspberries, blueberries, currants, grapes, blueberries, pomegranates, carrots, etc.). Since they contain tanning, coloring and pectin substances, vitamins, phytoncides and other compounds that perform a physiological role in the human body. Many fruits contain antibiotics and radiation-protective substances that are capable of binding and removing radioactive elements from the body. The mass fraction of substances in fruits and vegetables depends on their variety, degree of maturity, growing conditions and other factors.

Carrot. It is used fresh, for drying, fermenting, pickling, obtaining juice, purees, and powders. It is a raw material for the production of canned food for diet and baby food.

Of allium vegetables, onions are the most common type. It grows in all regions of the country except the northern regions. In onions, mass fraction in percent: Sugars 2.5-14; nitrogenous substances - 1.0-2.5; fiber 0.5-0.8. In addition, there are essential oils -12-60 mg%, vitamins C up to 15 mg%, B1, B2 and phytoncides. Onions are used as seasonings for first courses, salads, marinades, pickles, and also dried.

Leek. Unlike green onions, they are rich in vitamin C (up to 60 mg%) and carotene (4.8 mg%). The leg contains (in%): nitrogenous substances - up to 3.4, sugar - up to 0.4 and mineral substances - up to 1.5, and leaves - 2, 3, 0.7 and 0.8, respectively. The stem contains more dry matter than the leaves. During sale, the leaves should be protected from sunlight and the stems should be moistened with water. Leeks harvested in late autumn at 0°C and 90% air humidity can be stored for up to three months.

Table No. 1 Chemical composition of root and tuber crops

Name Mass fraction, %
water sugars fiber nitrogenous substances ash vitamin A
Carrot 80-90 3,5-12 0,5-3,5 0,1-2,2 0,6-1,7 7-12
Parsley 70-88 1-6 1,1-1,4 1,5-3,2 1,6-1,7 20-70
White cabbage 91-93 1,5-5,7 0,6-1,2 1,2-2,5 0,6-0,8 20-60

Flour. The powdery product obtained by grinding grain is called flour. The main types of flour used in baking are made from wheat and rye grains. Nutritional and energy value of wheat flour (in grams): water - 14.0; proteins -10.3; fats - 1.1; carbohydrates – 70.6; starch - 67.7; fiber 0.1; ash 0.5; humidity - 14.5%. Minerals (in mg.): sodium 10; potassium 122; calcium 18; magnesium - 16; phosphorus 86; iron 1.2. Vitamins of group B1-0.17, B2-0.04. carotene, PP-1,2.. Energy value 334 kcal. GOST R52189-2003

Parsley is divided into two subspecies: root and leaf. Parsley roots contain an average of 15% dry matter, of which 10.7% carbohydrates, 0.8% fiber, 1.8% protein, 0.8% minerals. The leaves contain approximately the same amount of dry matter, but 2 times more protein and fiber, and, on the contrary, 2 times less mineral substances. Parsley leaves are rich in vitamin C and carotene, they also contain vitamins B1, B2, K. The aroma of parsley depends on the essential oil, which is found most in the seeds 2.7% and less in the roots 0.05 and leaves 0.02% . See table No. 1 for the chemical composition.

Cucumbers are eaten fresh and processed. A large number of cucumbers are pickled and marinated with other vegetables. Cucumbers are of great importance as a flavor product, as well as a source of minerals. But their calorie content is insignificant. This is due to the high water content - 95% and low nutrient content. Sugar in cucumbers – 1 – 2%, fiber – 0.9, nitrogenous substances – 0.6, acids – 0.2, minerals – 0.5%.

Lettuce leaves are interesting because they are grown in two weeks on sand or wet felt. Its lettuce leaves are wide and curly; they decorate dishes. Lettuce leaves are a good source of vitamins: C – 37 mg%, carotene – 3.7 mg%, B2 – 0.25 mg%, B1 – 0.08 mg%, PP – 0.72 mg%. Lettuce leaves are rich in minerals, most of which contain iron necessary for the human body, as well as calcium, phosphorus and sodium. The salad contains: water - 95.4%, nitrogenous substances -1.4%, fat - 0.2%, sugar - 0.1%, other nitrogen-free extractive substances - 1.6%, fiber - 0.5%, minerals substances – 0.8%.

Sugar is extremely important in nutrition. It represents almost chemically pure sucrose, which is very easily and completely absorbed by the body. Granulated sugar must have crystals that are homogeneous, dry, free-flowing, not small, white, with a characteristic shine, clean, without foreign impurities and lumps of sticky sugar; the taste should be sweet, without any foreign tastes or odors. Sugar should completely dissolve in water and give a clear solution. “The moisture content of granulated sugar should not exceed 0.15%.

Starch is obtained from potatoes and corn. It is valued as a source of carbohydrates. In terms of quality, the taste and smell of starch should be free of mustiness, acidity or other foreign tastes and odors. When chewing starch on the teeth, there should be no crunching sensation, the moisture content of potato starch is no more than 20%, and corn starch is no more than 13%, 65-70% at a temperature no higher than 150. During storage, if the regime is not followed, it may dry out or become damp. Chemical composition: proteins – 0.6g, fats – 0.1g, carbohydrates – 83.9g, calorie content 342 kcal. TU 9199-001-18293020-00.

Chicken eggs are a valuable nutritious product. Their value is determined not so much by their calorie content (157 kilocalories per 100 grams of the edible part of the eggs), but by their exceptionally favorable chemical composition.

Eggs are rich in vitamins. First of all, vitamins A and B should be mentioned (they are found only in the yolk). A whole egg contains 0.35 mg% of vitamin A (for comparison, we point out that butter contains about 0.4 mg of vitamin A) and 4.7 mg% of vitamin D (3.5 times more than in butter) . In addition, eggs contain 0.4 mg% riboflavin, 1.3 mg% pantothenic acid, 0.03 mg% biotin, 0.52 μg% vitamin B2.

The minerals of eggs are represented by a relatively high content of phosphorus (215 mg%), sulfur (176 mg%), iron (2.5 mg%), zinc (1 mg%). The digestibility of minerals in eggs by the human body is the highest compared to most other foods. Heat treatment has virtually no effect on the content of proteins, fats, minerals, and vitamins.

And yet, you shouldn’t get carried away with eggs, although they are extremely healthy. First, not all people benefit from consuming large amounts of cholesterol; secondly, some people are allergic to egg whites. And raw eggs, for the reasons stated above, should generally be consumed with some caution. In addition, they may be contaminated with salmonella and other unwanted microorganisms. It is recommended to consume no more than 1 egg per day on average.

Table salt is crystalline sodium chloride with a slight admixture of magnesium, calcium and iron salts. GOST R 51574-2000 first grade.

Cream is the separated fatty part of milk; it is obtained in separators. Depending on the fat content, they are divided into 10, 20 and 35%. They must be fresh, have a sweetish taste, without foreign flavors, uniform consistency, and white with a yellowish tint.

By fermenting the cream with a starter of pure cultures of lactic acid bacteria and keeping it until ripened at a temperature of 5° for two days, sour cream is obtained; it contains up to 30% fat.

Sour cream should have a pure taste and smell, with a pronounced taste and aroma of pasteurization, without foreign tastes and odors (except fermented milk), uniform consistency, without grains of fat and protein, color from white to slightly yellow. Nutritional value: fat – 20.0g, proteins – 2.5g, carbohydrates – 3.4g. Calorie content – ​​204.0 kcal. The number of lactic acid microorganisms is 1X107 CFU/g. Store at temperature (4+/-2)0С.

Butter is a concentrate of milk fats. Depending on the variety, it contains from 72.5 to 82.5% lipids. The protein content ranges from 0.6-2.5%. The oil contains a noticeable amount of fat-soluble vitamins, including vitamin A (0.4-0.6 mg%), p-carotene (0.2-0.4 mg%), vitamin D (1.3-1.5 mcg%), vitamin E (2.1-2.4 mg%). Vitamin A and p-carotene give the oil a yellow color, characteristic of oils obtained from summer milk. Winter milk contains less of these vitamins, so the color of its butter is almost white.

Margarine is almost no different from butter. It contains up to 82% fat and no more than 17% water.

Margarine is obtained by emulsifying melted edible fats with the addition of milk, cream and other products and substances.

In terms of quality, margarine at a temperature of 150 should have a dense, homogeneous, plastic consistency; the cut surface is shiny and dry; color - uniform throughout the mass; taste and smell - pure, with a fairly pronounced aroma, without foreign tastes and odors.

Cooking fats include hydro fat, or edible lard, and combined fat (mixtures of edible lard with vegetable edible oil or with beef and lard, and other fats). In terms of quality, fats should have a color from white to light yellow, the taste and smell are characteristic of the name of the fat, melted fats should be transparent. The fat content in cooking fats is not less than 99%, moisture - no more than 0.5%. The storage conditions for kitchen fats are the same as for butter. Chemical composition: fat – 72.5 g, including vegetable fat – 50.2 g, milk fat – 21.8 g, protein – 0.8 g, carbohydrates – 1.3 g, Energy value 661 kcal. TU 9148-013-00421380-04.

During storage, all edible fats can be subject to rancidity, greasing and other types of spoilage. To avoid this, fats should be stored at a temperature of 0-6° and a relative humidity of 80-85%.

Cabbage contains a large amount of vitamin C, fiber, sugar - 5.5%, nitrogenous substances - 1.8 to 5.8% (about half of the nitrogenous substances are proteins.) Cabbage proteins contain amino acids: arginine, histidine, lysine, tyrosine, tryptophan, cystine, etc. Cabbage also contains a small amount of sulfur, which explains the process of the appearance of an unpleasant odor during cooking, fermentation or drying, the release of hydrogen sulfide and mercaptan, which are formed as a result of the decomposition of sulfur-containing proteins. Cabbage is rich in minerals in%: calcium 48, phosphorus 31, potassium 18.5, magnesium 16, iron 1.1. The calcium in cabbage is in good condition with other minerals, which is important for nutrition.

Pink-red radish with a white tip has fruits of round or oval shape, medium and large size, pink-red and dark red color with a white tip on 1/3 of the root surface.

The chemical composition of radish is as follows (in%): water - 93.3, nitrogenous substances - 1.2, sugars - 2-3.5, fiber - 0.8, pentosans - 0.6, minerals - 0.7; vitamins (in mg%): C -20-35, B1-0.03, B2 -0.02, PP - 0.03. Therefore, radishes are a good source of vitamin C and minerals, especially potassium and iron. Due to the essential oil content, radishes are a flavorful product. However, it contains significantly less essential oil than radish, which is much superior to radish in terms of pungency of taste and smell. Radish essential oil contains organically bound sulfur (0.011-0.023%).

Meat contains proteins, fats, carbohydrates, water, minerals and other substances. The content of these substances depends on the type, breed, sex, age, and fatness of the animal.

Meat contains 11.4 – 20.4% protein. The main part of meat proteins are complete proteins. These include myosin, actin, myogen, myoalbumin, myoglobin, globulin. Fat in meat contains from 1.2 to 49.3%. The fat content depends on the type and fatness of the animals. In beef meat, fat is from 7.0 to 12%, veal 0.9 - 12%, Mineral substances in meat are from 0.8 to 1.3%. Macroelements in meat include sodium, potassium, chlorine, magnet, calcium, iron and others. Macroelements include iodine, copper, cobalt, manganese, fluorine, lead and others. Vitamins - represented by a group of water-soluble vitamins - B1, B2, B6, B9, B12, H, PP and fat-soluble vitamins - A, D. E, contained in animal fat.

School nutrition should find a worthy place in the implementation of priority national projects in the field of health and education. CHAPTER 3. IMPROVING THE SCHOOL MEALING SYSTEM OF IRKUTSK 3.1 Current directions for the development of the school nutrition system in Irkutsk Based on our analysis and trends in the current state of the school nutrition system in Irkutsk...

Etc. The placement of production premises and equipment in these premises must ensure the sequence (flow) of technological processes of production and sales of products, as well as compliance with technological, sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules. At catering establishments, stylistic unity of the interior of the hall, furniture and table setting or...

Moreover, there are times when the waiter's service can ruin the efforts of the chef who has prepared a culinary masterpiece. 3. ORGANIZATION OF SERVICE AT PUBLIC CATERING ENTERPRISES 3.1 Organization of service to visitors Service order. The term “order of service” refers to the sequence of actions from guests arriving at a restaurant to their departure. ...

And with the help of rotary and vibration meat separators. The yield of edible part of raw mussels is 20-32% of the mollusk mass, and for the Black Sea oyster it is 10-15%. 3.3 Using dressings and sauces for preparing seafood salads 3.3.1 Basic sauces and dressings Dressings include vegetable oil, vinegar, ground pepper, salt; You can add ready-made mustard and...

Potato– contains 19.7% carbohydrates, 2% protein, 1% fiber, 0.6% organic acids, vitamins B 1, B 2, B 3, PP, minerals such as potassium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc , fluorine When the tuber is cut, the flesh darkens as a result of oxidation of the amino acid tyrosine under the action of the enzyme tyrosinase and atmospheric oxygen. According to the purpose of the variety, potatoes are divided into table potatoes, used directly as food; technical (with a high starch content) - for the production of alcohol, starch, molasses and other products; feed - for livestock feed and universal - suitable for food and for technical processing.

Carrot– a source of carotene (up to 9 mg), pectin substances and others. Carotene, together with xanthophyll, gives carrots different colors. Carrots contain sufficient quantities of the necessary substances for the body: minerals, iron, chromium, nickel and others. The essential oils contained in carrots give it its unique smell. Carrots contain 1.3% protein, 7% carbohydrates, various minerals, vitamins E, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, PP, a significant amount of fiber and essential oils.

Acid lemon - a transparent crystalline substance, odorless, with a yellowish tint with a pronounced sour taste, fine or coarse consistency; natural food acid.

Cod– rich in vitamin B 12, and contains a small amount of fat and calories, so it is ideal for those who care about their figure. It also contains quite a few vitamins D and Omega 3 fats. The most valuable items in cod are caviar and liver. Caviar contains large amounts of vitamins A, B and C, zinc, potassium, iodine, calcium and phosphorus.

Sea bass– the fish carcass contains a considerable amount of fish oil, which contains Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids. These acids are known for their benefits, they help regulate metabolism, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol, and are also a preventive measure for cardiovascular diseases and diseases of the nervous system. Meat contains a lot of excellent protein, which is easily digestible, and a significant amount of taurine has a positive effect on the growth of cells and tissues; taurine also takes an active part in metabolic processes. All vital vitamins (B, A, PP, C, D, E) are present in this one. Micro- and macroelements are also presented in almost their entire composition.

Table margarine– A specially prepared product similar to butter in taste, color, aroma, consistency, structure and nutritional value. Margarine is produced from fat and milk, with the addition of sugar, salt, flavorings, emulsifiers, dyes, preservatives, and other additives.

Butter --- the benefits of butter lie in vitamins D, K, E, PP, as well as B vitamins, which are perfectly absorbed by the body in a fatty environment. A person needs these vitamins for bone growth, healthy teeth, hair and skin, maintaining the functioning of the nervous system and reproductive organs. The oil also contains about 40% monounsaturated oleic acid and another 150 different fatty acids, including 20 essential ones. Natural butter also contains proteins, carbohydrates, potassium, calcium, iron, manganese, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium, zinc. Oleic acid contained in oil.

Rendered animal fat - by chemical nature, fats are esters of glycerol and high molecular weight fatty acids, so-called glycerides; these substances are the main (in quantitative ratio) components of fats and oils.

Granulated sugar --- In accordance with GOST 21094 contains 99.55-99.75% sucrose, 0.14-0.15% moisture and a small amount of non-sugars --- 0.05--0.65%, but metal impurities --- no more than 3 mg/kg. Granulated sugar has a white shiny color, dry to the touch, sweetish taste, without foreign tastes or smell. Granulated sugar should be stored in dry and clean rooms at a temperature not exceeding 40 0 ​​C and relative humidity not exceeding 70%.

Parsley is a spicy vegetable plant. Rich in vitamins A, B, C and others, as well as mineral salts of iron, calcium and phosphorus. There are a lot of vitamins in greens. Contains essential oil (0.1%) yellowish in color with a characteristic odor, mucus glycoside.

Cheese is a dairy food product. Cheeses are obtained as a result of the process of milk coagulation followed by processing of the resulting milk clot. Milk for making cheese can be very different: cow, goat, and sheep. More than 700 varieties of cheese are known. The variety of cheeses is determined by the technology of their preparation. So cheese can be hard, soft, pickled or processed (processed). Processed cheese is made from regular cheese using special salts (melters). The melting point of cheese usually does not exceed 80°C. It is useful to know that the protein contained in cheese is absorbed even better than the protein contained in milk. Moreover, the protein from cheese is similar in its amino acids to the protein in the human body, which makes this product even more useful. Cheese also contains amino acids that are not produced by the body on its own, such as lysine, methionine, and tryptophan. The rich vitamin composition of the cheese is represented by vitamins E, C, PP, D, A, group B. The cheese also contains a lot of valuable minerals: calcium, copper, manganese, iron, zinc, phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, sodium, magnesium.

Vegetable oil --- this product contains substances essential for the body such as fatty acids, minerals and vitamins B, A, E, D and F. Vitamin F refers to the Omega-6, Omega-3 and arachidonic acid complex. These substances are necessary to maintain healthy and elastic skin, improve the condition of the walls of blood vessels and normalize blood flow. In addition, their benefit lies in the fact that they are able to strengthen the immune system and rid the body of toxins accumulated in it. This product does not contain proteins or carbohydrates, only fats.

Canned peaches – peaches are perfectly stored in canned form, and moreover, they perfectly retain all their positive properties. In the winter season, this product is an excellent substitute for natural peaches. This product contains almost the full spectrum of vitamins - A, B, C, E, H and PP.

Canned cherries contain many minerals: iron, zinc, iodine, copper, manganese, chlorine, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, calcium; and vitamins: beta carotene, vitamin B1, B2, B5, B6, B9, A, C, E. Canned cherries are great for decorating baked goods, desserts and cocktails.

Gelatin - gelatin is a mixture of protein substances of animal origin, a colorless and odorless powder used as a thickener, gelling substance. Edible gelatin is characterized by a colorless or light yellow color, lack of taste and smell. Gelatin contains a useful and necessary amino acid - glycine, which provides the body with energy and affects mental activity, as well as alanine, aspartic and glutamic acids, which improve metabolism, strengthen the heart muscle and are a source of energy for the central nervous system. It contains trace elements - phosphorus, calcium and sulfur, as well as proline and hydroxyproline, necessary for the connective tissues of the body

Wheat flour is a powdery product obtained by grinding cereal grains, buckwheat or legumes. The Republic of Belarus produces more than 1.5 million tons of flour per year (mainly from wheat and rye).

White cabbage ---- Cabbage leaves contain phytoncides, fiber, organic acids, minerals, and sugars. Compared to tangerines and lemons, this vegetable contains much more vitamin C. Therefore, only 200 g of the product will be enough to satisfy a person’s daily need for ascorbic acid. In addition, it is rich in vitamins B, PP, pantothenic and folic acids, glucose, potassium, phosphorus, and calcium salts. Of the microelements, it contains a lot of iron, zinc, aluminum, and manganese. The green leaves on the outside of cabbage contain a lot of folic acid. The tartronic acid contained in the vegetable has an anti-sclerotic effect, preventing cholesterol and fat from being deposited. The acid is destroyed by heat treatment, which is why it is so beneficial to eat cabbage raw.

Turnips - raw turnips contain up to 9% sugars and have a very high vitamin content. C (twice as much as in any root vegetable), B1, B2, B5, PP, provitamin A (especially in yellow turnips), easily digestible polysaccharides, sterol (an element necessary in the treatment of atherosclerosis. Turnips contain rare trace elements and metals : copper, iron, manganese, zinc, iodine, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and many others.

Onion - the onion consists of a small bottom from which the roots extend downward, and the feathers extend upward, according to taste, onions are divided into varieties: spicy, semi-sharp and sweet. Hot onions contain a lot of sucrose and essential oils. Feathers, unlike bulbs, are richer in carbohydrates and phytoncides. Onions significantly improve the taste of food. Enriches it with vitamins and minerals.

Tomatoes – Although tomatoes are classified as vegetables, they are biologically considered a berry. There are pink, orange, yellow, purple, and black tomatoes. They can be different. Tomatoes contain a lot of useful substances: especially a lot of iron and potassium, a little magnesium, calcium, phosphorus and sodium, as well as vitamins A, B, C, E, K. The calorie content of a tomato is very low, 100 g of tomato contains approximately 23 kcal .

Calculation part

Technological map for culinary products No. 946/2

Jelly with canned fruits

Table 2.2.1 - Recipe for preparing the dish “Jelly with canned fruits” g

Product Name Raw material consumption per 1 serving Raw material consumption for 3 servings
Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Canned peaches
Canned cherries - - - - - -
Canned syrup
Citric acid 0,6 0,1 0,3
Exit - - -

Technological map for culinary products No. 533/2

(Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products 2010, STB 1210-2010)

Table 2.2.2 - Recipe for the dish “Fish baked in sour cream sauce” g

Product Name Raw material consumption per 1000 products Raw material consumption per 1 serving Raw material consumption for 3 servings
Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
Or sea bass
Wheat flour
Vegetable oil
Mass of fried fish - - -
Garnish No. 743,759 - - -
Sauce No. 853 - - -
Cheese 4,3 12,9
Butter or table margarine
Weight semi-finished - - -
Exit - -- -

Technological map for culinary products No. ???/2

(Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products 2010, STB 1210-2010)

Fish baked in sour cream sauce

Table 2.2.2 - Recipe for preparing the dish “Soup soup from fresh cabbage with potatoes” g

Product Name Raw material consumption per 1000 products Raw material consumption per 1 serving Raw material consumption for 3 servings
Gross Net Gross Net Gross Net
White cabbage
Turnip 7,5 22,5
Carrot 12,5 37,5
Parsley (root) 3,25 2,5 9,75 7,5
Bulb onions
Fresh tomatoes 23,5 70,5
Animal fat
Broth or water 162,5 162,5 487,5 487,5
Exit - -- -

Technological map for culinary products No. 743/2

(Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products 2010, STB 1210-2010)

Porridge crumbly

Table 2.2.3 - Recipe for preparing the dish “Crumbled porridge” g

Technological map for culinary products No. 759/2

(Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products 2010, STB 1210-2010)

Fried potatoes (boiled)

Table 2.2.4 - Recipe for preparing the dish “Fried Potatoes (from boiled)” g

Technological map for culinary products No. 853/2