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Personnel management as a science. Personnel management as a science: subject, history, relationship with other sciences

1. The importance of personnel management as a practical activity, science and academic discipline

The current stage of development of the domestic and world economy is characterized by changes in the requirements for enterprise personnel and the increasing role of this component in the organization as a unified system. In conditions of democratization of society and limited other resources, the well-known motto “Personnel decides everything!” is gaining relevance again. And even if all the necessary resources are available in sufficient quantities, without an effective team, the most successful market strategy cannot be implemented, and the continuity and rhythm of business processes cannot be ensured. This motto is becoming especially significant for the Russian economy and production, the backlog of the technical and technological component of which is fully compensated by high professionalism, the ability for non-standard, creative thinking, rich production and management experience, and the entrepreneurial activity of the personnel of enterprises and firms. Today it can be argued that underestimation by management at both the macro and micro levels of effective modern methods of managing the production process is becoming one of the main obstacles in managing economic development. The acceleration of scientific, technical and socio-economic progress, the complication of production and interpersonal relations associated with a sharp increase in the role of the human factor, influenced the change in the role of the personnel subsystem in the organization and promoted personnel management to the highest level of management activities.

The main goal of the academic discipline “Human Resource Management” is the formation of theoretical knowledge and skills in building, changing, and improving the enterprise personnel management system and human resource management technology. This goal determined the range of tasks of the academic discipline “Human Resource Management”: determining the place and role of this subsystem in the enterprise management system; analysis of the process of organizational design of the personnel management system, systematization of the goals and functions of the organization’s personnel management system; study of the process of providing the enterprise personnel management system with various types of resources; studying the content and technologies of recruitment procedures, selection, business assessment, career guidance, training, motivation, release of personnel, etc. The object of the educational discipline “Personnel Management” is labor resources in the domestic economic system and personnel of business entities of various organizational and legal forms and forms property. The subject of this academic discipline is the process of managing national resources, including the management of human capital of enterprises and organizations, including the formation of personnel policies and personnel strategies, the design of a personnel management system, and the development of personnel management technology.

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Section 2. Object, subject, structure, summary and methodological basis for studying the management of social development of an organization as an educational

Let us define the basic concepts of the science of “Human Resource Management”.

Personnel Management - This is a complex applied science about organizational, economic, administrative, technological, legal, group and personal factors, methods and methods of influencing enterprise personnel to increase efficiency in achieving the organization's goals. The object of this science is individuals and communities (formal and informal groups, professional, qualification and social groups, teams and the organization as a whole) (Fig. 1.1)

The subject “organization” is considered both as an integral organism (according to Fayol, “the unity of the material and social”), and as the entire work collective, but often it is necessary to consider the personalities, management or owners of the organization, representing, personifying its interests and determining its characteristics and behavior .

SubjectHuman resource management sciences are the basic patterns and driving forces that determine the behavior of people and communities in conditions of joint work. The task is the knowledge of patterns and factors of behavior and their application in achieving the goals of the organization, taking into account the personal and group interests of personnel. Ideally, this is the creation of an organization operating on the principle of cooperation, which optimally combines movement towards corporate, group and individual goals.

organizational and economic factors are related to the division and organization of labor, the organizational and legal form of the enterprise, its organizational structure, communications system, organization of production, economic condition and features of farming, the structure of product costs and the direction of using profits, approaches to remuneration of employees, etc. These factors are studied in the complex of economic sciences and management sciences;

it is legitimate to name the organization of labor and production, labor rationing, labor economics;

administrative and managerial factors are associated with administrative methods of management, with the peculiarities of the implementation of management functions, the choice of principles and methods of management, with a set of normative and directive acts that determine the placement of workers, establishing their duties, rights, responsibilities, power-subordination relations and the hierarchy of the system. These factors are studied by management science and a new discipline for Russia - business administration;

technical and technological the factors lie in the area of ​​interest of engineering and technological disciplines; We are interested in the peculiarities of interaction between people and technology, the impact of technology on the somatic and mental state of workers, on their attitude towards work. These problems are dealt with by ergonomics, labor organization, industrial sanitation, labor psychology, engineering psychology;

legal factors are associated with the application of modern legislation in the field of labor, labor relations, working conditions and are reflected in documents on labor relations. This is done by jurisprudence, trade unions, and government bodies;

group factors studied by sociology and social psychology. They are associated with the process of socialization of the individual, with his need to be in a group, play social roles, interact, cooperate, feel cared for and care about others; the group assigns a certain place to a person, distributes roles among its members, establishes their status, monitors the implementation of group norms and rules, thereby ensuring its stability and the achievement of group goals;

personalfactors reflect the systemic essence of a person’s personality, his uniqueness and are studied by psychology.

The principles of personnel management as an integrative science, field of activity, profession are:

1) scientific character, the use of the achievements of scientific disciplines that have as their object people, social communities, organizations, and labor. In the study of the behavior of individual workers, one should be based on the principles of studying the personality of K. K. Platonov (see below);

2) consistency in the perception of objects of research and management and factors influencing their behavior;

3) humanism, based on an individual approach, the perception of personnel as the main asset of the organization, and each employee as a unique individual with great potential;

4) professionalism, which presupposes that employees of HR management services have adequate education, experience and contextual skills that allow them to effectively manage the personnel of a particular enterprise. [Principle (from Latin beginning, basis) - 1) the basic starting position of any teaching, theory, science, worldview, political organization, etc., 2) the internal conviction of a person, which determines his attitude to reality, norms of behavior and activity, 3) the main feature of the design of any mechanism or device.]

Proof of the connection between the science of personnel management and psychology is the close connection between the history of the development of motivational and labor theories and the history of the development of psychological teachings. Let us show the dependence of scientific thought in the field of personnel management and organizational behavior on the development of psychology in Table. 1.1.

Here are a few terms used in the field of personnel management.

Management -element, function of organized systems of various natures (biological, social, technical), ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the mode of activity, implementation of their programs and goals. Social management is the influence on society with the aim of streamlining it, preserving its qualitative specificity, improvement and development. A distinction is made between spontaneous management, the impact of which on the system is the result of the intersection of various forces, a mass of random individual facts, and conscious management carried out by public institutions and organizations. The boundaries, content, goals and principles of social management depend on the socio-political system... (SES, 1981).

Work-the process of conscious, purposeful human activity, its influence on objects of labor in order to create material and spiritual benefits to satisfy personal and social needs. Labor is the most important form of being, the main sphere of life, a way of transforming oneself and society through relationships with others. The labor process includes labor, objects of labor and means of labor. (Dictionary of Political Economy, 1990) According to the “Theory of the Fourth Element” by I. M. Burdyansky (Kazan Institute of NOT), management is a full-fledged element of complex labor, the fourth factor of production after objects of labor, means of labor and living labor. Historical forms of labor: slave, corvee, hired, free.

Organization management - targeted impact on a system (institution, enterprise, institute, etc.) or on a process (development of regulatory documents, design of management structure, etc.). (Management of socialist production: Dictionary. - M.: Economics, 1983). According to A. Fayol, “To manage means to foresee, organize, manage, coordinate and control”*.

*Management is a science and an art: A. Fayol, G. Emerson, F. Taylor, G. Ford. - M.: Republic, 1992. P. 12.

Policy -state or public affairs, a field of activity related to relations between classes, nations and other social groups, the core of which is the problem of gaining, maintaining and using state power; participation in state affairs, determining the forms, tasks, and content of its activities.

Based on this, personnel policy of the enterprise - activities related to relations between the subjects of the organization (social and professional groups, individuals and the organization as a whole). The main problem of personnel policy is the organization of relations “power - subordination” and joint activities, defining the roles of organizational entities in the affairs of the enterprise, determining the forms, tasks, content of the activities of organizational entities, principles and methods of their interaction. The key issue that determines the principles of personnel policy is the perception by the management of the organization of personnel, the relationship between the “object-subject” categories in the content of the concept “personnel”. The solution to the key issue depends on subjective and objective factors:

subjective:personal characteristics of the manager, owner of the enterprise, his education in the field of economics, law and the humanities, the influence of “significant others”, understanding of social responsibility;

objective:the degree of “exhaustion” of the potential of material and financial factors in the organization, the level and prospects of business activity, government policy, the maturity and effectiveness of public opinion.

The functional composition of the elements of personnel policy, or policy in the field of personnel management, is as follows:

Analysis of the content of personnel labor as a type of activity that provides a scientific and methodological basis for personnel management, contributing to the creation of a system of reasonable workplace requirements for the employee;

Planning and forecasting personnel needs and identifying sources to meet these needs;



Career guidance;

Career and development planning;

Analysis of factors determining behavior, causes of emerging contradictions and disputes, adjustment of behavior, conflict resolution;

Motivation and stimulation, especially a creative attitude to work, development of the potential of employees;


Development of a system for assessing the performance of work collectives and employees, aiming them at achieving the ultimate goals of the organization;

Evaluation of results and certification of employees;

Organization and regulation of labor;

Certification and rationalization of jobs;

Labor protection and safety;

Activities aimed at ensuring social partnership and social protection of personnel;

Development of documents defining labor relations;

Personnel accounting and reporting to higher authorities and state employment and labor authorities;

Control of labor discipline;

Participation in the internal audit system in terms of studying the personal qualities and life circumstances of employees that determine the prerequisites for committing actions to the detriment of the organization.

Personnel policy is implemented in a system of approaches, principles, methods, activities, norms, traditions, customs, in the culture of the enterprise as a whole and other elements that determine the relationships of subjects within the organization and are used in managing their behavior. Usually the personnel policy of an organization is reflected and put into the form systems of targeted integrated programs (TCP) social orientation, including the Center for Personnel Development.

Subprograms of the personnel development center may include elements of personnel policy, such as solving problems of increasing the efficiency of recruitment, adaptation, identifying motivation, improving incentives, improving working conditions and safety, individual development, meeting the needs of personnel, etc. For each area of ​​the organization’s personnel development program it is necessary to determine the volumes, sources of resources, timing and costs associated with scientific, methodological, financial, material, personnel, organizational, economic, legal and information support for achieving each goal and subgoal. Programs developed in this way can be submitted for discussion when developing the organization’s business plan, ensuring their linkage with the organization’s capabilities, and when developing the terms of the collective agreement. In fact, HR policy is an indicator of the internal ethics of the organization, an indicator of the sincerity of the proclaimed moral principles and the fundamental basis of the image.

The concept of “personnel” is often replaced by the concept of “human resources”. The resource approach to personnel is based on the concept of “resources,” which translated from French means “auxiliary means.” Resources include funds, valuables, inventories, opportunities, sources of funds and income. Classifying people as resources puts them more into the category of “object” than “subject”, limits the usefulness of their perception by management, calls into question the appropriateness of taking into account individuality, an individual approach and the need for research, development and application of potential. And a few more concepts related to the object of our attention:

Personnel -the main (staff) composition of qualified employees of an enterprise, institution, organization.

States -in the USSR: a list of personnel of employees of an institution, organization, enterprise, approved, as a rule, by a higher authority. Each institution (enterprise) has a staffing table, which defines the structure of the apparatus, the names of staff positions, salary amounts for each position, etc.

A person -face, personality, person. Definition of the concept of “personnel” of the recent past (according to Ozhegov): personnel or employees of an institution, enterprise, constituting a group based on professional or other characteristics (technical personnel, service personnel). In this case, the content of the concept of “personnel” coincides with the content of the concept of “personnel”, “staff”.

According to many modern scientists and practitioners, the introduction of the term “personnel” as the plural of the word “person” instead of the terms “personnel”, “staffing units”, “resources”, “human factor” reflects a change in the perception of people in production, a tendency towards a transition from resource, consumer attitude towards employees to humanistic, to the perception of personnel as the main asset of the enterprise due to the uniqueness of its qualities and limitless possibilities.

Personnel management as a type of activity is the management of living labor, people, the most complex and promising, potentially inexhaustible resource of an enterprise, which decisively determines the efficiency, competitiveness and survival of the organization. The specifics of this area of ​​management are determined by the following properties of personnel:

Consistency of both an individual employee and a group, community. Hence the presence and manifestation of systemic properties in all subjects of the organization (integrity, autonomy, adaptability, weak modelability and predictability of behavior, etc.);

Exposure to the influence of not only production conditions, but also environmental conditions and internal factors;

The probabilistic nature of predictions of behavior, and the probability of predicting behavior is usually low;

Any managerial impact for staff - this is interaction, causing activity, a complex of dynamic, physical and mental processes in both the subject of influence and the object;

Imperfection of methods for identifying patterns of behavior (any test contains inaccuracies in the formulation and formulation of questions, answers depend on the understanding of the questions and the subjective state of the test subject, observations and conclusions can also be subjective and unprofessional);

The presence, as a rule, of significant, but difficult to identify potential;

The decisive influence that personnel activities have on the results of the organization as a whole;

Combination of characteristics in personnel both object and subject management;

Dependence of the behavior and properties of personnel on the situation and its subjective assessment;

Dependence of performance results on the organization of workers’ labor and communications;

The tendency to form other systems, for example, groups, which leads to the emergence of new behavioral factors, an increase or decrease in labor efficiency and further complicates management;

The need for special knowledge to manage people, and the volume of this knowledge and experience to predict behavior will never be sufficient: a person changes throughout his life, the elements of his behavior are not always known and identified, their action is often unexpected. The same applies to our own qualities: we often present a mystery to ourselves. Let us emphasize once again that many modern managers, out of ignorance, miss the benefits for the enterprise and the manager himself, which can additionally be obtained by skillfully using all elements of employees’ potential.

The conditions in which modern domestic human resource management science is developing and which specialists and researchers have to take into account are characterized as follows:

The high profitability of business that has persisted from the first years of perestroika to the present day from the use of high inflation, proximity to the distribution system of raw materials, budget money, and the possibility of receiving certain benefits;

The comparative cheapness of living labor compared to material factors of production, and therefore the perception of people’s problems as secondary;

Weakness and corruption of state control bodies, uncertainty of state interests and ways to achieve them within the framework of the proclaimed new humanistic ideas;

The influence of the bad example of the state, which pursues a confiscation policy towards business, stifling positive private initiative, creating conditions under which honest business is unprofitable and often simply impossible;

The lack of formality of civil society, the lack of effective mechanisms for its influence on the authorities in order to ensure public interests;

Mental traits that have been preserved in the minds of many leaders since the times of the totalitarian system, the main one of which is the priority of the interests of the system, state, and collective over the interests and rights of the individual;

Weak or completely absent leadership training in the humanities;

Limitation of opportunities for research in the field of personnel management, sociology, psychology and other fields of knowledge, caused by both the lack of education of managers and the limited funds of many organizations and meager budgets;

Attempts to erroneously use foreign experience due to a lack of understanding of the essence of the systemic dissimilarity between objects here and abroad.

The lag is reflected at least in the fact that the domestic tariff and qualification characteristics developed by the Labor Research Institute in 1996 do not reflect modern approaches to the perception of personnel and are “morally” outdated. Only in 1998 this situation was improved.

At the same time, even basic reflections lead to the idea that the personnel management function is decisive in achieving the success of the organization. How the organization’s employees will perceive its new vision, formed in the mind of the manager, and what efforts they will make to transfer the organization to a new state depends on the effectiveness of this function, on the literacy and effectiveness of personnel policy. This is also confirmed by the fact that the methodology of modern approaches to personnel is taught in almost all colleges and universities where they train managers or improve their qualifications. For example, at Harvard and Sloan business schools, when preparing masters, they teach the disciplines “Human Resources Management” and “Organizational Behavior.”

See also:

Personnel Management– a comprehensive, applied science about organizational, economic, administrative, technological, legal, group and personal factors, ways and methods of influencing enterprise personnel to increase efficiency in achieving the organization’s goals. Object The science of personnel management is represented by individuals and communities (formal and informal groups, professional, qualification and social groups, teams and the organization as a whole). Subject Human resource management sciences are the basic patterns and driving forces that determine the behavior of people and communities in conditions of joint work. Personnel management includes: I. Search and adaptation of personnel (Search for personnel; Acquaintance with the company, rules, organizational structure, procedure for interaction), II. Operational work with personnel (Training and development of personnel, Operational assessment of personnel, Management of business communications, Motivation of personnel and their payment, Organization of labor), III. Strategic (only long-term) work with personnel (Corporate culture management)

2. The genesis of the development of scientific thought in the field of management. Main stages in the development of control theory:

First stage: study of the genesis of the control mechanism and the main stages of its formation, the emergence of the control mechanism and ideological philosophical generalization of the model of the control mechanism. Second phase: definition of the concept of management, management system, goals and functions of management theory, concepts of management decisions and control influences, as well as the basic properties of organizational management. Third stage: formulation, based on knowledge of objective laws in management theory, of relevant rules and recommendations for the practical activities of managers and management bodies. Knowledge of laws and management principles helps to develop management methods and management style of an organization. Fourth stage studying and researching management theory: methods of developing and making decisions, planning an organization, control, a system of communications and motivation for management activities. Fifth stage: study and research of management processes, creation of a management system, as well as management techniques. Sixth stage development of management theory – creation of methodological foundations for assessing management effectiveness. General challenges facing the domestic science of personnel management: 1. Development of general issues of theory, methodology and history of personnel management, 2. Updating in domestic science and practice of personnel management modern ideas and approaches, achievements of all scientific schools, 3. Study of the specifics of the formation of a new socio-economic formation, proposing and justifying their own and adaptation of “foreign” theories and experience, 4. Introduction into practice of the principles, approaches and methods of developmental personnel management, aimed at engaging human needs for self-realization, to improve the best qualities of an individual and a professional, 5. In-depth study of the problems of creating effective personnel management systems for all levels of the economy for all types of support, 6. A departure from the simplified “personnel and resource” understanding of personnel.

3. Methodological aspects of personnel management: factors affecting personnel, principles of personnel management, methods of personnel management. Factors: ♦ Organizational and economic factors related to the division and organization of labor, ♦ Administrative and managerial factors are associated with the choice of principles and methods of management, with a set of normative and directive acts that determine the placement of workers, establishing their duties, rights, responsibilities and hierarchy of the system, ♦ Technical and technological factors lie in the sphere of interests of engineering and technological disciplines, ♦ Legal factors are related to the application of modern labor legislation, labor relations, ♦ Group factors associated with the process of socialization of the individual, with his need to be in a group, ♦ Personal factors reflect the systemic essence of a person’s personality, his uniqueness and are studied by psychology.

Science identifies the followingprinciples personnel management:- Scientific (use of achievements of scientific disciplines

Systematicity in the perception of objects of research and management and factors influencing their behavior. - Humanism, based on an individual approach, the perception of personnel as the main asset of the organization. - Professionalism, which presupposes that employees of personnel management services have adequate education and experience that allow them to effectively manage the personnel of a particular enterprise. - Leadership through agreement on goals. - Leadership based on trust and self-control. - Management based on respect for all employees. - Material and non-material recognition of employees. - Leadership based on professional development. - Leadership based on information and communication. Personnel management methods– ways of influencing teams and individual workers in order to coordinate their activities in the production process. Administrative methods are focused on such motives of behavior as the conscious need for labor discipline, a sense of duty, a sense of duty, a person’s desire to work in a certain organization, etc. By using economic methods material incentives are provided for the team and individual employees. Social-psychological methods management is based on the use of a social mechanism (a system of relationships in a team, social needs, etc.).

4. The personality of the employee as an object-subject of management. Personality- this is a set of individual social and psychological qualities that characterize a person and allow him to act actively and consciously.

The following groups of regulators can be distinguished: determined by the technological process, the characteristics of the division and cooperation of labor, the content of labor; conditioned by the social role, status of a person in formal and informal groups of the organization; regulatory forms of organization: orders, instructions, regulations, instructions, regulations, traditions, customs; regulators of the external environment: state laws, social rules of behavior, family traditions.

The employee also acts as a subject capable of actively influencing the activities of all of the listed influencing systems.

Attitude to work is the unity of three elements: motives and value orientations, real work behavior, employee assessment of his behavior in a work situation. Objective indicators– this is the degree of responsibility, conscientiousness, initiative, discipline. TO subjective indicators include the degree of satisfaction with work and factors such as pay, organization, working conditions, relationships with management and colleagues. Methods: observation method (external), consisting in the deliberate, systematic, purposeful and recorded perception of external manifestations of the human psyche, method of introspection (introspection)- observation of a person’s own mental manifestations , personal questionnaires, or tests, allowing to determine various properties and qualities of a person, projective methods, based on the findings of psychological science that the subject consciously or unconsciously projects and transfers his psychological properties to external objects, sociometry– a method of psychological research of interpersonal relationships in a group in order to determine the structure of relationships, roles and statuses of group members, methods of questionnaires, interviews, conversations, allowing you to obtain information by answering written or oral questions from a specialist.


Labor behavior– these are individual and group actions that show the direction and intensity of the implementation of the human factor in a production organization.

Institutional - fully consistent with the patterns of activity, relationships and manifestations of personality set by institutional norms (i.e. norms accepted and approved within the organization);

Non-institutional - subject to regulation by a given institutional regulatory system of an organization, but in respect of which such regulation is not carried out for one reason or another;

Extra-institutional - which is not subject to the obligations of the organization’s institutional regulatory system;

Anti-institutional - directed against the institutional normative system

6. Method for identifying the professional and personal qualities of an employee. Professional Conduct– covers such aspects of activity as the desire to cooperate, independence in decision-making, readiness to accept additional responsibility. Lpersonal qualities- is the most difficult group to define. because, firstly, from the whole variety of personality qualities, it is necessary to select those that most determine the result of professional

activity, and secondly, personality quality cannot be directly observed and measured.

7. Communities as an object of management in an organization. Conditional groups are arbitrary associations (groupings) of people according to some common characteristic necessary in a given system of analysis for the purposes of statistical accounting and scientific research. In such groups, people do not feel that they belong to it. Real groups are such associations of people in which there is a unity of activity, conditions, circumstances, signs in which people are in a certain way aware of their belonging to the group (although the measure and degree of awareness may be different). The following types of groups are distinguished: 1. Large and small (contact), in which there is the possibility of direct contact between everyone. 2. Primary (teams of departments, services, units where there is direct contact between group members) and secondary (for communication in these groups you cannot do without an intermediary, i.e. the degree of interaction between group members is quite low). 3. Formal (having legal status, created by management to consolidate the division of labor and improve its organization) and informal (formed spontaneously to satisfy those interests of workers that, for whatever reason, are not satisfied within the formal group). An organization is a group of people whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

Concept of management

Control is a comprehensive concept that includes all activities and all decision makers, which includes the processes of planning, evaluation, project implementation and control.

Management theory as a science arose at the end of the last century and has since undergone significant changes.

The very concept of “scientific management” was first introduced into use not by Frederick W. Taylor, rightfully considered the founder of management theory, but by Louis Brandeis, a representative of American freight companies, in 1910. Subsequently, Taylor himself widely used this concept, emphasizing that “management is a genuine a science based on precisely defined laws, rules and principles.”

For the past 50 years, the term human resource management has been used to describe the management function devoted to hiring, developing, training, rotating, securing, and terminating personnel.

- a type of activity for managing people, aimed at achieving the goals of a company or enterprise by using the labor, experience, and talent of these people, taking into account their satisfaction with work.

The modern approach to definition emphasizes the contribution of satisfied employees to corporate goals such as customer loyalty, cost savings and profitability. This is due to the revision of the concept of “personnel management” in the last decade of the twentieth century. In place of the contradictory relationships between employers and employees, in which the work environment of the organization was dominated by strict regulation of procedures for interaction with employees, an atmosphere of cooperation has arrived, which has the following features:

  • collaboration within small working groups;
  • focus on customer satisfaction;
  • significant attention is paid to business goals and staff involvement to achieve these goals;
  • stratification of organizational hierarchical structures and delegation of responsibility to work group leaders.

Based on this, we can highlight the following differences between the concepts of “personnel management” and “human resource management” (Table 1):

Table 1 Main distinctive features of the concepts “personnel management” and “human resource management”
  • Reactive, supporting role
  • Emphasis on execution of procedures
  • Special Department
  • Focus on staff needs and rights
  • Personnel are seen as costs that need to be controlled
  • Conflict situations are regulated at the top manager level
  • Agreement on pay and working conditions occurs during collective bargaining
  • Remuneration is determined depending on internal factors of the organization
  • Support function for other departments
  • Promoting change
  • Setting business objectives in light of HR implications
  • Inflexible approach to personnel development
  • Proactive, innovative role
  • Focus on strategy
  • Activities of all management
  • Focus on people requirements in light of business objectives
  • Personnel are seen as investments that need to be developed
  • Conflicts are regulated by work group leaders
  • Planning of human resources and employment conditions occurs at the management level
  • Competitive wages and employment conditions are established in order to stay ahead of competitors
  • Contribution to added value of business
  • Driving change
  • Full commitment to business goals
  • Flexible approach to

In terms of meaning, the concept of “Human Resources” is closely related and correlates with such concepts as “personnel potential”, “labor potential”, “intellectual potential”, exceeding in scope each of them taken separately.

At the same time, an analysis of the content of vacancies in this category - manager/manager/consultant/specialist - indicates that there is no fundamental difference between “personnel” and “human resources” specialists.

In a modern approach, personnel management includes:
  • planning the need for qualified employees;
  • drawing up staffing schedules and preparing job descriptions;
  • and formation of a team of employees;
  • work quality analysis and control;
  • development of professional training and advanced training programs;
  • employee certification: criteria, methods, assessments;
  • motivation: salary, bonuses, benefits, promotions.

Personnel management models

In modern conditions, in global management practice, various personnel technologies and personnel management models are used, aimed at more fully realizing labor and creative potential to achieve overall economic success and satisfy the personal needs of employees.

In general, modern models of personnel management can be divided into technocratic, economic, and modern.

Experts and researchers from developed countries identify the following models of personnel management:

  • management through motivation;
  • framework management;
  • management based on delegation;
  • entrepreneurial management.

Management through motivation relies on the study of the needs, interests, moods, personal goals of employees, as well as the possibility of integrating motivation with production requirements and goals of the organization. Personnel policy under this model is focused on the development of human resources, strengthening the moral and psychological climate, and the implementation of social programs.

is the construction of a management system based on motivation priorities, based on the choice of an effective motivational model.

Framework management creates conditions for the development of initiative, responsibility and independence of employees, increases the level of organization and communication in the organization, promotes increased job satisfaction and develops a corporate leadership style.

Management by delegation. A more advanced system of human resource management is management through delegation, in which employees are given competence and responsibility, the right to independently make decisions and implement them.

At the core entrepreneurial management lies the concept of intrapreneurship, which received its name from two words: “entrepreneurship” - entrepreneurship and “intra” - internal. The essence of this concept is the development of entrepreneurial activity within an organization, which can be represented as a community of entrepreneurs, innovators and creators.

In modern management science and practice, as evidenced by the above analysis, there is a constant process of improvement, renewal and search for new approaches, concepts, ideas in the field of human resource management as a key and strategic resource of business organizations. The choice of a particular management model is influenced by the type of business, corporate strategy and culture, and organizational environment. A model that functions successfully in one organization may be completely ineffective for another, since it was not possible to integrate it into the organizational management system.

Modern management models

Human resource management concept

Human resource management concept— theoretical and methodological basis, as well as a system of practical approaches to the formation of a personnel management mechanism in specific conditions.

Today, many people recognize the concept of personnel management of the famous Russian management scientist L.I. Evenko, which identifies four concepts that have developed within three main approaches to personnel management:

  • economic;
  • organic;
  • humanistic.


20-40s XX century

Usage(labor resources use)

Economic(the worker is the bearer of the labor function, “a living appendage of the machine”)

50-70s XX century

(personnel management)

Organic(employee - subject of labor relations, personality)

80-90s XX century

Human Resource Management(human resource management)

Organic(an employee is a key strategic resource of the organization)

Human control(human being management)

Humanistic(not people for the organization, but organization for the people)

The economic approach gave rise to the concept of using labor resources. Within this approach the leading place is occupied by technical rather than managerial training of people at the enterprise. At the beginning of the 20th century. Instead of a person in production, only his function was considered - measured by costs and wages. In essence, it is a set of mechanical relations, and it should act like a mechanism: algorithmically, efficiently, reliably and predictably. In the West, this concept was reflected in Marxism and Taylorism, and in the USSR - in the exploitation of labor by the state.

Within the organic paradigm, the second concept of personnel management and the third concept of human resource management consistently emerged.

The scientific basis of the concept of personnel management, which developed since the 30s, was the theory of bureaucratic organizations, when a person was considered through a formal role - position, and management was carried out through administrative mechanisms (principles, methods, powers, functions).

Within the framework of the concept of human resource management, a person began to be considered not as a position (structure element), but as a non-renewable resource- an element of social organization in the unity of three main components - labor function, social relations, and the state of the employee. In Russian practice, this concept has been used in fragments for more than 30 years and during the years of perestroika it became widespread in the “activation of the human factor.”

It was the organic approach that outlined a new perspective for personnel management, taking this type of management activity beyond the traditional functions of organizing labor and wages.

At the end of the twentieth century. with the development of social and humanitarian aspects, a human management system was formed, where people represent the main resource and social value of the organization.

Analyzing the presented concepts, it is possible to generalize approaches to personnel management, highlighting two poles of the role of man in social production:

  • man as a resource of the production system (labor, human, human) is an important element of the production and management process;
  • a person as an individual with needs, motives, values, relationships is the main subject of management.

Another part of the researchers considers personnel from the perspective of the theory of subsystems, in which employees act as the most important subsystem.

Taking into account all of the listed approaches to analyzing the role of a person in production, we can classify known concepts in the form of a square as follows (Fig. 2).

The ordinate axis shows the division of concepts according to their attraction to economic or social systems, and the abscissa axis shows how a person is considered as a resource and as an individual in the production process.

Personnel management is a specific function of management activity, the main object of which is a person included in certain groups. Modern concepts are based, on the one hand, on the principles and methods of administrative management, and on the other hand, on the concept of comprehensive personal development and the theory of human relations.

At the initial stages of the development of scientific management, personnel management was considered in the context of the general management system and was not specifically differentiated. Gradually, the complexity of the process of managing social production required the improvement of all its functions, including personnel management.

Currently, this section of scientific management is considered by many as an independent discipline. However, the origins of the discipline and its scientific foundations are rooted in integrated management science. The scope of the discipline is limited to consideration of the functions of human resource management noted below.

Personnel management as a science exists on two levels: theoretical and applied.

Purpose of personnel management theory obtaining new knowledge by describing and classifying phenomena, establishing cause-and-effect, functional relationships and patterns between them, predicting typical organizational situations. Personnel Management at the application level deals with issues of changing and transforming real production situations, developing specific models, projects and proposals to improve the efficiency of using employees. There is a close relationship between the two levels of personnel management: theory acts as a methodology for specific analysis and design, while data from applied research forms the basis for constructing hypotheses and developing theory.

The complex, integrative nature of personnel management is manifested in knowledge structure of personnel management as a science. Its core and core are own, specific knowledge , reflecting, firstly, the influence of various characteristics of employees on their recruitment (attraction to the enterprise), selection and organizational behavior and, secondly, methods and techniques for the practical use of established relationships in order to ensure the economic and social efficiency of the organization.

The complexity of personnel management does not deny the specificity and independence of this science. All data from other sciences are reinterpreted and developed in it from the point of view of providing the organization with the optimal quantity and quality of workers and their use for the purposes of business and social efficiency.

The science of personnel management performs the following functions in relation to the practice of personnel management: Firstly,the ideal design of this practice, development of theory, strategy, technology, methods and means of personnel management; Secondly,transformation, encouraging managers to change models, techniques, style, methods and means of managing employees based on alternatives offered by science; Thirdly,rationalization, deep critical understanding of practical people management and its orientation towards the requirements of economic (business) and social efficiency of the organization.

Organizational goals are traditionally at the center of personnel management, and management in general. They are usually associated with ensuring the efficiency of the enterprise. And from this point of view, personnel management is the activity of using employees to achieve organizational effectiveness.

The term “organizational effectiveness” is not interpreted unambiguously. Some authors define efficiency as obtaining maximum profits (Taylorist management model); other scholars understand organizational effectiveness more broadly. So, R.L. Krichevsky identifies two groups of criteria, or indicators of the effectiveness of the team and, accordingly, personnel management: psychological (job satisfaction, motivation, authority) and non-psychological (effectiveness, efficiency, quality, productivity, innovation, profitability).