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Photoshop lessons emblems and logos. How to draw a logo in PowerPoint step by step with a photo

A logo is much more than just words, an icon, a color. A good logo tells a story about your company: who you are, what you do, and what you stand for.

Creating a logo is not an easy task: there are many nuances that need to be taken into account when developing it. Luckily, you don't have to do this alone. With the help of this step-by-step instructions, you can do it easily and simply. But enough words, let's get started!

What is a logo and what is it for?

But before we move directly to the recommendations, we would like to recommend you an online service from Turbologo , which can create a logo for you all in a few minutes. Just enter your company name and the site will create some logos for you!
Now let's move on to the article :)

Every day we constantly come across logos.

For example, the average US resident sees 16,000 advertisements, logos and labels. If you look around, you will probably also notice several dozen logos around you.

Why are there so many of them and why do many companies spend thousands, hundreds, or even millions of dollars to create this small element?

What do we, first of all, understand by the word “logo”?

A logo is a symbol or emblem that is used
to identify services, products and the company itself.

How to choose a color for a logo?

Color, color and more color! It's the first touchpoint and the most memorable item, says Leslie Harrington, executive director of The Color Association.

Understanding how color affects human perception is important when creating a quality logo, says Martin Christie of Logo Design London.

Color can help you enhance the right feelings and create a strong emotional connection. Use the infographic (large size) to choose the color you want for your logo.

How to choose the right logo color?

To answer this question, you need to ask yourself 3 questions:

What color highlights your brand's personality?
What colors characterize your products/services?
What color is your competitor using?

The colors are not tied to any specific industry, but certain colors are better suited to some services/products than others.
You should aim to choose a color that will highlight your company's personality. The color should make the right impression on customers who see your logo for the first time.

What to do when you've figured out your competitors' colors?

One option is to use a color opposite to the color of the main competitor's logo. This will help you stand out. But it's worth considering the colors of your industry so that the opposite color matches the industry. For example, the pink color for the logo of a bank or law firm looks inappropriate and ridiculous.

Consider the characteristics of color in different cultures. For example, in the Western world, white is considered the color of purity and peace, and in some Asian countries it is the color of death.

One color or several?

To convey the desired feelings and emotions as much as possible, one color is usually used when creating a logo design. However, there are many successful logos with multiple colors - Google, eBay.

Therefore, you can safely use one color or several. The main thing is that they combine! But, of course, you shouldn’t overdo it and use a large number of colors.

I recommend choosing two primary colors. This makes it easier for your brand to communicate with your customers. Many companies, from sports teams to corporations, have used only two colors for many years.

– Pamela Wilson.

How to choose several colors for a logo?

The easiest way to choose the right colors for your logo is to use color schemes.
There are many online services for finding great color schemes. You can find several in this one.

For example, Adobe Kuler or the Russian-language Colorscheme service.

Designers often use the 60-30-10 formula. It consists of choosing 3 different colors and using them in a ratio of 60%, 30% and 10%. This rule provides an easy way to create a professional color scheme for your brand.

– Jared Christofferson, Yellowhammer

Where can you find logo inspiration?

It is often very difficult to take the first step when we are dealing with something unfamiliar. For example, with the creation of logos. You can spend a day, or even a week, thinking about and making logo drawings, which is very exhausting.

Fortunately, there is a good way to get rid of the stupor as quickly as possible and make the first step less painful. For example, gain inspiration from other logos and designers’ works.
For this we have selected 10 best sites, where you can get ideas for your logo.

Logo Pond

Logo Moose

This site's community has collected the best logos from professional logo designers from all over the world.

Logofi was created to inspire designers and others creative people. On this site you can see the work of not only professional designers, but also ordinary visitors who have uploaded their logo.

Logo Gala

LogoGala is one of the most outstanding resources for finding inspiration. On the website you can select a logo filter by color.

Logospire is a logo gallery. But the main difference between this site and others is that you can see the best designer logos. The site has a rating system and every month a list of the best logos is compiled.

Logo Heroes

Here are the best logos on the internet.

Logo Fury

Another gallery of logos, which is regularly updated with fresh works. The site has a convenient search by tags, so finding a logo on the desired topic is very convenient.

Logo Faves

One of the most popular sites. The site contains logos of many famous designers. There is a tag search to find desired logo.

Errors when creating a logo

To make a really good logo, you need to avoid certain mistakes.
Below we have collected the most popular of them.

Mistake 1: Using a bitmap

The use of raster images in logos is not recommended because it may cause problems when reproducing the logo. If you enlarge a bitmap image too much, it will appear tiled, making it unusable.

Therefore, standard practice when developing a logo is to use programs that work with vector graphics - Adobe Illustrator or Corel Draw. Vector graphics are made up of dots calculated with mathematical precision, ensuring a consistent visual experience no matter the size of the image.

Basic advantages of using vector graphics when developing a logo design:

1. The logo can be scaled to any size without loss of quality.
2. Subsequent editing of the logo is greatly facilitated.
3. A vector image is easier to adapt to other media than a raster image.

Mistake 2: Following trends

Trends come and go. Eventually they turn into clichés. A well-designed logo should be durable. This can be achieved if you do not rely on newfangled tricks and techniques.

To create a unique identity for your company, it is best to completely ignore logo trends.

Logo Online Pros has a huge section where current logo design trends are updated annually. It is important that you are aware of the latest fads and avoid them at all costs. – Smashingmagazine

Mistake 3: Overcomplexity

An image that contains too much detail will not be perceived well in print or when viewed in a smaller version.
Details of a complex design will be lost, and in some cases it will look messy or, worse, not be perceived correctly.

For example, the fingerprint pattern on the fictional Smashing logo can only be seen upon very close inspection. When you zoom out, details are lost.

Look at the corporate logos of Nike, McDonald's and Apple. Each of these companies has a very simple image that can easily be reproduced in any size.

Mistake 4: Dependence on color effects

Without color, your great logo can lose its identity. Right?

No! This is a very common mistake. Designers can't wait to add a few of their favorite colors, many even rely on it entirely.

Choosing a color should be your last decision, so it's best to start designing in black and white.

Mistake 5: Poor font choice

When we're talking about about creating a logo, choosing the right font is the most important decision you will make. Due to poor font choice, the logo most often fails (our example shows the infamous Comic Sans).

Choosing the perfect font for your logo is all about matching the font to the style of the image. But there may be tricks here. If the match is too close, the image and font will compete with each other for the viewer's attention. If it’s the other way around, then the viewer won’t understand what to focus on. The main thing is to find the right balance.
The entire brand message will fall flat if the chosen font does not reflect the characteristics of the image.

Mistake 6. Designing a logo for yourself, not for clients

Often, when creating a logo, there is a desire to use your favorite font, color, etc. Do not do that!

Ask yourself, is this font and color really suitable for my business?

For example, that gorgeous modern typography font you love might not be suitable for a serious client like a law firm.

Mistake 7: Typographic chaos

Typography can make or break a logo, so knowing the basics of typography is vital. The logo should remain as simple as possible, but at the same time convey the desired message. To achieve this, you need to consider all typographic aspects of the design.

Don't use too many fonts or weights (two is the maximum). Don't use fonts that are predictable, pretentious, or too thin. Pay close attention to kerning, spacing, and size. Most importantly, make sure you choose the right font(s) for the project.

Mistake 8: Creating a monogram

One of the most common mistakes made by non-professional logo designers is trying to create a monogram from the initial letters of a business name (for example, B&H for Bob's Hardware). Although it looks creative at first glance, it is difficult to be convincing or convey the desired message using company initials. You can certainly try, but don't stop there if there are other logo design options.

Also try not to turn the name of the company into an abbreviation if it has not become commonly used and this does not correspond to the goals set.

HP, FedEx, IBM and GM didn't start out with acronyms; they became such many years after gaining a high-class reputation.

Mistake 9: Using Visual Cliches

A light bulb as a symbol of an idea, a bubble with text - discussion, strokes - dynamism, etc. These are the first ideas that come to mind during brainstorming, and for the same reason they are the first to be abandoned.

How can your design be unique when many other logos have the same idea? Avoid visual cliches and offer original idea and design.

Mistake 10. Copying, stealing or borrowing a design

It's sad to have to say this, but this practice is common these days. A logo designer sees an idea he likes, tweaks it a little, changes the colors or words, and makes the idea his own. It's unethical, illegal, stupid and you'll get caught sooner or later.

How to Create a Logo - Step-by-Step Guide

We've already covered almost everything you need to know about creating a logo.

Now all that remains is to sort out the information received.

Take another look at:

Step 1: Create multiple drafts

During the early stages of logo design, you may have several ideas that you want to express in the logo. You shouldn’t neglect them, it’s better to write them down; perhaps some of them will be useful to you when creating the final version of the logo.

Step 2: Sketch your logo design

Sketching is a quick and easy way to get ideas onto paper where you can evaluate them more easily.
Do not erase or throw away sketches. Design is not a linear process. All ideas can be valuable, even if you don't think so right away.

If you don't know how to draw, don't worry. You can try sketching your logo using screenshots. Go to the sites of several online generators, icon galleries, etc. Try to find the right images that you like and save them. You can then use them to create your unique logo.

Step 3: Select Logo Creation Tools

You can create a logo using:

– graphic programs – Adobe Illustrator, Inkscape, Photoshop;
– platforms for ordering logos – 99Designs:
– online services and designers – , Turbologo . Very useful service, I recommend it!

If you're comfortable working with graphics programs, don't hesitate to use them to create your logo.
But we should not neglect online services. They can be used to find inspiration or test ideas.

Step 4: Create a Logo

Step 5. Test the logo

Have you created a logo and decided it's perfect? Perhaps this is not the case. It would be more effective to show the logo to colleagues, friends, some clients and get feedback. Ask them a few questions: what do they think of the logo, do they like it? If the answers suit you, then you did everything right.
However, be careful with reviews from friends and relatives. If they are not professional designers, their advice may not be entirely useful to you or may even be false.

Step 6: Check your logo's scalability

Check out the logo image in various options– in newspaper advertisements, on a business card, on your website. The logo should look good whether it is reproduced in a large or small format.

Some tips:
– If the logo has a lot of detail or lines that are thin, then the logo may look too fussy at small sizes.
– If a logo is created for a business card or website, then it will usually look awkward at large sizes.
– Use graphics programs such as Adobe Illustrator or Inkscape, they allow you to check the scalability of your logo.

Step 7: Create Multiple Logo Formats

You may have created your logo in a graphics program like Adobe Illustrator from the beginning. If this is not the case, you need to transfer the logo sketch from paper to electronic form.

Some tips:
– Save the logo not only in .
The latter will allow you to easily scale your logo without losing quality. If you already have a logo in raster format, you can convert it to vector using
– Use the logo in PNG, JPEG format for the Internet and in PDF, EPS, SVG for printing.
– Save the logo version in black and white for printing the logo, for example, on bags, pens, stationery.

Step 8: Continue to Get Feedback

Even after you've created a logo, you still need to remain open to feedback. Use various tools such as social media, customer comments, expert opinions to make sure your logo looks perfect.

Step 9. Redesign

Nothing lasts forever, and a logo is no exception. If your logo has ceased to be relevant over time, it is better to redraw it. It's worth making minor edits, leaving room for key idea in the logo, because radical changes are unlikely to be appropriate.

Is your logo really great? [Check list]

And so, you've probably already created a logo. Congratulations!

But is he really good? Will it look great in different sizes? Well, let's check the effectiveness of your logo with our checklist.
Go through each question and answer “yes” or “no.”

1. The logo looks attractive to at least three people
2. The logo looks good in black and white
3. The logo is recognizable in an upside-down position (view)
4. The logo is recognizable if its size is changed
5. No complicated parts
6. The logo is visually balanced – the icon, font, color look harmonious together
7. Do not use too many fonts, colors, effects
8. The logo is noticeable among other logos

As we have already written, it is very important to stand out from other companies, especially competitors.
Collect your competitors' logos and place yours somewhere between them.
Is it noticeable? Noticeable compared to others? If yes, everything is great!

9. The logo is adaptive

Adaptability means that the logo will look great on any object or surface - a T-shirt, a website, road sign, etc.

10. The logo is memorable

Show your logo to your friends or anyone and ask them to draw an image of it in a few hours or days. If he can roughly accurately sketch your logo, then everything is fine and your logo will be memorable.

11. Universal logo

The universality of a logo means that it is perceived in the same way by a wide range of people. All people are different and the main thing is that the logo retains a single meaning for all its viewers.

12. The logo is easy to read

Imagine that your logo is placed on a banner, and you are driving a car at a speed of 70-80 km per hour. Could you read the text of your logo? If yes, everything is fine. If not, it might be worth working on the fonts.

13. Do you have vector logo formats?

It is very important to have logo files in vector (AI, EPS, SVG, PDF). This will allow you to print your logo at any scale without loss of quality, as well as edit it. For example, make a logo in a different color.

We hope our tips will be useful to you and you will create a great logo!

Speaking about a logo for a company, it is difficult to overestimate its merits. After all, the functionality of this graphic sign is quite wide: firstly, it is responsible for increasing recognition and attracting the target audience, which has a positive effect on demand, and secondly, by creating a logo, you form the image of the company - an original element of corporate identity that is distinctive from competitors indicates the level of professionalism and increases customer confidence. A logo is able to establish an emotional connection with a company and acts as its first visual association, so it is usually used on all kinds of media: business cards, letterheads, envelopes, banners, signs, additional branded products, product packaging, as favicons, etc. .d.

Beginning startups often face a problem limited budget, but at the same time they have a great desire to conduct business competently. In this case, you need to look for inexpensive solutions to create a corporate identity. There are usually two budget options that help you get a logo:

1. Use Photoshop;
2. Use an online editor (for example, Logaster).

Benefits of Using Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the leaders among programs for creating graphic images. And this is not strange, because the functionality of this editor allows you to turn even the most daring artistic ideas into reality. The level of quality and creativity of the results of work in the program depends on the user’s skills and the version of the program itself. Thus, Photoshop (cs 5, cs 6, etc.) is considered a rather complex editor and is used in various areas of graphic design from cinematography to the creation of corporate style elements, in particular a logo.

If working in Photoshop is as easy as breathing air for you, then the benefits of using this graphic editor are countless. Let's focus on the main two: firstly, using your imagination and the great functionality of the editor, you can create a unique logo or icon, secondly, you control the process yourself, that is, the result will be exactly the way you want it. And most importantly, the logo is absolutely free.

But there are also several disadvantages of using this graphic editor. This is a long process, and, moreover, you have to constantly work, because no one will make a logo for you or offer you any ready-made options. In addition, if you have absolutely no experience working with graphic editors, you may be intimidated by the program’s complicated interface.

Precisely in order to simplify the task of creating a logo with using Photoshop, we have selected more than 20 for you useful videos lessons that will explain how to use the program and create professional logos
with interesting icons, backgrounds and fonts. You can find a selection of beautiful fonts for Photoshop.

A selection of video tutorials on creating logos in Photoshop

Many people refuse to work with Photoshop, because there is an opinion that it is not an easy editor to use and you cannot do it without special artistic and programming skills. And in order to refute this statement and convince you otherwise, we suggest watching several interesting and simple video tutorials on using Photoshop.

1. How to make a logo in Photoshop

The author of the video claims that you can create a logo even without artistic skills, using only a typeface and simple geometric objects. To prove this, he designs some great text compositions using basic logo design techniques. And additionally provides some practical design tips. In short, with this lesson, everyone can get a logo!

2. How to make a simple logo in Photoshop

The video tutorial will flawlessly inspire you to create an interesting logo with a background, contrasting fonts, an icon and simple geometric designs. Each action of the author appears in the form of text instructions, so the information is easily perceived - all that remains is to reproduce it in practice.

3. Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create Your Own Fantasy-Action, Video Game Logo.
(Photoshop Tutorial: How to Create Your Own Video Game Logo)

This English-language video tutorial on creating logos for video games can easily become your first guide to working with Photoshop. The author of the video gives clear instructions on using the most daring fonts and colors, filters and effects.

4. Photoshop | Logo Design Tutorial | Galaxy Logo

Another video tutorial on how to create an incredible logo in an easy way. By changing the colors and sizes of ordinary geometric shapes, the author of the video creates an excellent brand logo. And also from the video tutorial you will learn how to decorate the font with decorative curls to give the logo an unusual color. Everything ingenious is simple!

5. How to create a metal logo in Photoshop

Logos in a metallic style look very interesting, and creating them using only Photoshop is, oddly enough, quite simple. A selection of three video tutorials will give you an idea of ​​how to properly use metallic textures and what fonts, colors and effects they are best combined with.

6. How to create a logo for a construction company in Photoshop

Video tutorial on how to create vector logos based on ready-made sketches. The author of the video uses his own drawings from graph paper, which he generously shares in the description under the video. He also gives practical advice regarding fonts for construction company logos and various geometric solutions.

7. Vector Skull Logo Design in Photoshop
(How to Make a Vector Skull Logo in Photoshop)

8. Hipster Logo Design - Photoshop Tutorial
(Hipster Logo Design - Photoshop Tutorial)

Hipster logos are trending right now. This is not surprising, because they look really cool. Watching this tutorial will not only inspire you to create stylish logo, but will also tell you how to make the most of the editor and cope with various difficulties in this process.

9. How To Design An Authentic Hipster Logo In Photoshop
(How to Make a Hipster Logo in Photoshop)

Another video tutorial on creating a hipster logo to definitely reinforce the information and decide to create your own stylish hipster logo.

10. How to create a minimalistic and professional logo

Simple and without words! You don't need a lot of explanation or vague directions to learn how to create beautiful, minimalistic text logos with geometric shapes. Pleasant music is quite enough for this, clear example from the author of the video and your creativity. Everything is more than simple!

11. How to make a logo in Photoshop. Logo from photo

This video tutorial will not leave anyone without a smile, but its main advantage is a quick and clear demonstration of how to create a great logo from any photo. The simplest option logo development that requires absolutely no designer skills.

12. Video tutorial: How to make a 3D logo

Logos in 3D look realistic, but it is believed that creating them without any professional skills, on the contrary, is unrealistic. This video tutorial will convince you otherwise. After all, the author of this video only needed 5 minutes to create a great 3D logo using Photoshop. Try it, you will definitely succeed!

13. Leafy Text Effect Photoshop Tutorial
(How to make an eco-themed logo)

This video tutorial will not leave anyone who likes the “green” theme indifferent. The author tells and shows how to create an incredible text effect with leaves and trees. You will learn not only how to create a logo in the Jungle style, but also learn a lot of useful tips for creating a logo in Photoshop.

14. How to create a logo in Photoshop in 5 minutes.

15. How to apply effects to text

Text logos are very popular, especially since the design world is bursting with different fonts and effects. Such a logo is self-sufficient and can easily do without additional elements of the brand name. Text with effect is all you need for a logo. And to learn how to easily and quickly create it in Photoshop, watch these three video tutorials.

16. How to create a retro logo

Retro logos have a certain charm and a special emotional message. Use them if the specific style suits your business - it will only work to your advantage. These are sure to inspire and teach you everything you need to know to create a great retro logo.

17. Secrets to creating a first-class logo. Beginner's Guide
(How to Make Logo in Photoshop - Photoshop Tutorial for Beginners - Basic Idea)

Text logos look interesting, especially if they are done in creative fonts. The author of this video tutorial shares design tips (and a link to download great fonts) and offers a great option for using capital letters from your company name or your name as a text logo. It's simple and beautiful!

But if Photoshop is not exactly the tool you were looking for to create a brand name, then try working in an online logo generator. This is the fastest and most convenient option for creating a logo. In addition, you can combine these two methods of creating a logo and modify the logo created in the online editor using Photoshop.

Advantages of an online generator (eg Logaster)

The site does not require an abundance of actions. You only need to enter the name of your company and select your type of activity from the drop-down list. The generator itself will select many relevant icons for you to choose from.

Of course, there are other ways to create a logo. But if you are limited by a small budget and a small amount of time, then many of them are immediately eliminated. For example, working with a designer itself requires a lot of money, but you will also have to wait a relatively long time for a logo. And as a result of telephone conversations and email dialogues, you run the risk of not getting exactly the result you expected.

Well, it is important to note that when using the Logaster online service, you do not need to have absolutely any design or Photoshop skills, because the editor on the site is very convenient and understandable.

Another big advantage is that the small logo can be downloaded absolutely free.

Bottom line

Each video lesson in this collection offers you to learn and explore various functions of the Photoshop editor. Combine tips from several videos to create an absolutely new logo or, as a last resort, copy the idea of ​​one of the authors of the video. Also try searching the Internet for video tutorials on using Photoshop, if in this collection you still found what you were looking for, because the network is full of content on this topic.

If you still need an even simpler solution, use online generators. Get inspired, get creative and create incredible logos.

In this article, we'll look at the basic principles of logo design and share some tips for improving your skills.

Logos surround us on all sides. To the general public, logos provide an instant reminder of a company or product; For entrepreneurs, a logo serves as a visual image, a point of recognition on which branding is based. Therefore, it is not surprising that logo design occupies such an important place in our lives. In an era when every business, be it a large company or small internet a store must have its own style, brand, the demand for a logo is greater than ever.

Who will benefit from the article?

Now there are more designers than ever before, and it is very difficult to be different from others and create your own unique style. If you are a beginner designer, you can learn a lot about creating a logo in this article.

If you are an entrepreneur, startuper, blogger and decided to create a logo yourself, this article will also be useful to you. Here you will find all the information you need about logo design. Let's start.

01. Finding inspiration

Before creating a logo, many people advise looking for inspiration on various sites where the best logos are collected. This is a great idea. Inspiration can come from anything, anywhere. Obvious resources are sites like Logo Gala and Logo Moose, but if you're a designer or just interested in design, you're probably already familiar with them. Therefore, our advice is to expand your list of sites to include other sites about design and art. For example, such as Dribbble or Deviant Art.

02. Learn the principles of logo creation

The difference between an effective logo and an ineffective one is that it is practical, suitable, simple in form and content, and conveys a targeted message.

In its simplest form, the purpose of a logo is to identify, but to do this it must follow the basic principles of logo design:

The logo should be simple. A simple logo is easy to recognize, allowing the logo to be versatile and memorable. Effective logos have something unexpected or unique without being overly detailed. The simpler the logo, the more memorable it is.

The logo must be memorable. An effective logo must be recognizable, and this is achieved through simplicity and relevance.

The logo must be durable. An effective logo must stand the test of time, be “timeless”, which means it must be effective 10, 20, 50+ years from now.

The logo must be universal. The logo should look great in different environments and on different surfaces - on a website, business card, employee clothing, etc.

The logo must be appropriate. The way you position your logo should be consistent with its purpose. For a more detailed explanation, see.

03. Develop your own logo creation process

Every designer has their own process, and it's rarely linear.

But in general, the logo development process looks like this, which, by the way, can become the basis for your own:

Create a brief. Conduct a survey or interview with the client to obtain a brief.

Study. Conduct research on the industry itself, its history and competitors.

Reference. Research successful logos, as well as current styles and trends that are associated with the company's activities.

Sketches and conceptualizations. Develop a logo concept around the brief research you provided above.

Meditate. Take breaks during the design process. This allows your ideas to mature and gives you a chance to see something new. Get feedback.

Presentation. Choose several logos or an entire collection to present to your client. Get feedback and repeat the process until completion.

04. How much does it cost to create a logo?

"How many?" is one of the most frequently asked questions and not so easy to answer since every company has different needs and expectations. You have to consider a number of factors when developing a logo/brand design, such as the number of concepts to present, how many edits and improvements will be needed, how much research needs to be done, how much big business etc.

Jeff Fisher famous designer and the author, discussed this issue in his article “What price to set”: “The main message I want to convey is that designers need to be smarter, no matter what their talents, skills and experience are. They must present the amount to the customer without explanation or apology. Presenting a normal price will allow you to work less and earn more in the future.”.

If you are an entrepreneur, then the picture below will help you decide on the cost of a logo.

05. Learn from others

Understanding what other brands have done well will help you in your own work. As an example, consider the classic Nike swoosh. This logo was created by Caroline Davidson in 1971 and is a great example of a strong, memorable logo that is effective without color or scale.

It is not only simple, fast and dynamic, but also symbolic - it represents the wing of the famous statue of the Greek Goddess of Victory, which is an ideal symbol in business sportswear. The Nike logo is just one of the great logos, but let's take a look at other famous brands that you know and analyze their logos.

06. Avoid clichés

Light bulbs to create an image of an “idea”, a bubble for a “discussion”, globes to represent the concept of “international”, etc. These are the ideas that come to mind during brainstorming and for the same reason we should discard them first. How can your design be unique if the same idea is present in other logos? Avoid such visual clichés and come up with an original idea and design.

As stated before, don't steal, copy, or borrow designs from others. Although this happens quite often. The designer sees an idea that he likes, quickly mirrors it, changes the colors, words and calls the idea his own. Not only is it unethical, illegal, and downright stupid, but you're bound to get caught doing it sooner or later. Don't use stock icons or clipart - the whole point of a logo is to be unique.


07. Working with the client

A good logo is not only about creating something beautiful so that everyone around will say “wow”, but also conveying the meaning of the company, the brand message and the company philosophy. This is why the first step in creating a logo is research.

08. Immerse yourself in the brand

“Listen to the past,” urges Martin Christie of Logo Design London. Before you start sketching out ideas, spend a little time gathering information about your client (or your company if you're designing a logo for yourself) – who they are, what they do are concerned with who their clients are.

Look at previous versions of the logo (if there were any) and ask yourself what was wrong or cool about them. This approach can be especially interesting if the company has its own history and has been operating on the market for a very long time. You can go back in time if they want to position themselves as a heritage brand or you can completely change the logo to something fresh and futuristic.

09. Save all logo sketches

“Old sketches can be a source of new inspiration,”- says Martin Christie. “I would imagine that for each logo you create a dozen sketches before you choose which one to work with next,” Martin Christie adds. “Never throw away those early ideas; they form a valuable resource.” Just because one sketch didn't work for one client doesn't mean it won't work for another. Go back to what you created and you will find seeds that can be turned into the logo you want.

10. Look beyond logo galleries for ideas.

Logo Moose and Logo Gala are two great starting points for research and inspiration. However, it is always important to know when to stop. It's better to see what worked and didn't work out of 10 relevant logos than to get lost among 50-100 original logos.

If you're having trouble coming up with ideas, try looking up keywords in a dictionary or thesaurus, or searching for images on Google for inspiration. If you have a sketchbook, you can look at previous drawings - you probably have untapped ideas from previous projects and perhaps you already have the perfect solution, as we talked about earlier.

11. Resist the temptation to imitate

We all have design idols and sometimes we admire them so much that we want to imitate their style. Indeed, as they say, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. However, in the real world, this is simply the laziest way to solve a creative problem. Ask yourself, will the style you use be suitable for the client? Do they need a logo with the same Saul Bass font that was used in the 70s?

12. Don't let clients dictate

Working with a client does not mean doing everything he tells you. Review the client's brief and start asking questions if you find anything unclear or if you need Additional Information. “The logo should be iconic and memorable” - these are the most typical clichés that you need to dissuade clients from. A man kicking a chicken in a Santa Claus costume will, of course, be remembered, but most likely for other, unnecessary reasons. So, with all this set of conditions, you need to meet the client's expectations by setting realistic goals and figuring out what exactly your work should convey. Remove information noise, separate the wheat from the chaff. Perhaps the client himself does not know what he wants, so try to be careful about his wishes.

13. Mind maps (associative maps)

Use mind mapping techniques to organize your thoughts into something more coherent. This way you can sort through your thoughts and make them work for you. Play around with keywords and synonyms, and gather inspiration from different sources on one board and see how they fit together.

14. Use a modular grid to create a long-lasting logo

The Shell logo has evolved over the years but still adheres to the same fundamental design principles. When Raymond Loewy sat down to design the logo oil company Shell, he used a modular grid as a way to create an iconic design that hasn't changed since 1971.

The grid structure for creating a logo can be anything, for example, it can be a combination of horizontal, vertical and inclined guides that interact with circles of different diameters. What the modular grid will be like is decided by the designer himself. If you need to create a strict, simple logo based on the principles of geometric harmony, you cannot do without a modular grid. This is the only way to make a unique logo in which the width of the letters, the radii of curvature of the elements and the distance between characters will obey certain standards. More information .

15. Use appropriate grid systems and geometric shapes.

A great example of an appropriate grid that turns a logo design into a very successful one is Sagmeister & Walsh's corporate identity for the Jewish Museum in New York.

S&W created an entire corporate line that was based on the Star of David grid system, and the result was cohesive and impressive visual branding. Using a grid system and geometric shapes from the beginning worked well in this case, and is a good lesson for us when creating the logo.

17. Don't overdo math grids

When rebranding Yahoo in 2013, Marissa Mayer and her design team used the mathematical blue matrix as a guide to create the logo. They also released a video explaining the design process and highlighting what was cool about the math in the design. When it came to the exclamation mark, Mayer mentioned that "our final touch was to tilt the exclamation mark 9 degrees to add a little playfulness."

This is a perfect example of an over-rationalized logo and how using a mathematical sequence doesn't always result in a better design.

18. Don’t forget to digitize your sketches

As we already wrote, creating a logo sketch is good way put your ideas on paper and then bring them to life

But Ben Powell recommends resisting the temptation to jump straight to the computer. “Which did you learn to do first—use a computer or use a pencil and paper?” this is a rhetorical question. "Sketches are more quick way creating your first ideas before you even touch Photoshop CC. It doesn’t matter if it looks crooked, what matters is that the idea is conveyed correctly and understood.”

19. Create a logo in vector

After creating a simple sketch, some beginners start drawing a logo in Photoshop. But the most The best way Avoiding frustration and frustration when editing your logo in the future is to start creating it straight away in vector format. This is where Adobe Illustrator is your friend, as you can scale and edit your creation without losing quality.

20. Use smart objects

You can copy and paste your logo into Photoshop as a Smart Object (again, without losing quality when scaling) if you need to combine it with other elements. If you're creating a logo for the website, the web, be especially careful with thin lines or very “ light” fonts. It is possible that not all elements will be clearly visible.

Focus on typography

21. Choose your logo font carefully

Typography is very important for a good logo. You have two main options: create your own font or adapt an existing one. When creating your own font, try not to make it too trendy because it can quickly become outdated. Keep it simple and easy to read. Read how to create your own font.

22. Adapt an existing font

There is no rule that you have to create your own font to make your logo stand out or add originality. This is not an easy process and requires a lot of time and resources. So, as an option, consider adapting an existing font.

Removing, extending or adding part of the letters can be enough to make your logo font original and your design unique.

23. Avoid handwritten fonts with curlicues

Don't be tempted to make your logo stand out with complex, curly fonts. They are the equivalent of chintz and that's the reason why most of them are free. Out of pure professionalism, you need to avoid them at all costs. Most curlicue fonts are too fussy, too thin, and are likely used (poorly) on hundreds of different cheap business cards right now. When it comes to logo design, choose a classic and simple font and avoid excessive embellishment.

24. The font should match the brand

Fonts come in different shapes and styles that resonate differently based on different characteristics. But when it comes to choosing a font for a logo, it is important not only to choose a beautiful font, but to make sure that the font matches the characteristics of the business. For example, a creative company needs a fun, gambling font to construction company- a serious, traditional font that would emphasize the stability and reliability of the company.

Jiyong Li created the text logo for this industrial construction company. You can also take a simple solution and create a logo using only a font. There are many examples where a logo works great without an icon. Think about it.

26. Think about the space around your logo design

Most brand books will indicate an “exclusion zone” around the logo. This is an area that cannot be occupied by other content in order to protect the integrity of the logo (and brand by extension) and make it easy to read.

27. Use negative space effectively

The FedEx identity is a good example of the effective use of negative space.

Some of best designs logos have hidden meanings in their negative space. A classic example is the Fed Ex logo, which uses a combination of the letters E and X to form an arrow in negative space. There are many other great examples where a logo looks ordinary at first glance, but reveals interesting and well-thought-out details upon further examination.

28. Don't overdo it

The selection with easy navigation includes everything: online logo generators, designer exchanges, sites with fonts, services for color selection, icon searches, lessons, instructions on how to create a logo, videos and much more.

Adapted translation of article 65 expert logo design tips.

If the face is the mirror of the soul, then the logo is a reflection of the entire essence of your company. You may not even realize it, but sometimes logos say much more about a company than its description.
Any company, any business or startup faces a moment when it needs to clearly decide on a logo. This is a very important, difficult and time-consuming task that can take more than one month. Logical questions arise: how to create a logo, what the logo should be, what color it is and what it is responsible for in various logos. Believe me, many questions will arise, and each of them needs a detailed and reasonable answer.

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Almost any detail of the logo - its color, shape, font, small details - carries hidden information for the client, and can subconsciously influence certain desires, decisions and preferences. For the development of your company, it is very important that all the details of the future logo are meaningful, have a certain meaning, and meet all specified criteria and topics.
Therefore, if you are wondering how to create a logo, or have been looking for a long time useful information regarding the color of the logo and its influence on the subconscious of buyers, then in this article you will find answers to all your questions.
I would like to answer that the article was written not just based on theoretical facts, but is based on my own experience of creating logos for several large company, as well as from the experience of good friends who have PR and a design studio.

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1. Consider the scope of the business

The shape and details of the logo largely depend on the scope of your company. Not even from the field of activity itself, but from clients, their preferences and vision of this field. If you are engaged in a serious business, such as supplies industrial equipment, then the logo should be made in strict colors, with clear shapes. Looking at such a logo, the client should immediately understand three factors: seriousness, responsibility, solidity. There should not be anything superfluous on such logos.
Conversely, if you sell clothes for young people, then the logo should be bright, with rounded shapes, various curls and fancy images. Focus on what is interesting to your target audience.
Of course, there are also “anti-logos” that work successfully although they do not meet any standard. I don’t deny that you can follow this path and create something unusual, creative, shocking. But, as a rule, choosing such a logo is a risk. Perhaps clients will understand and appreciate your idea, then there will be a super effect, but, most likely, such a logo will not be successful.

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2. Be clear about what you want

When the question of creating a logo comes up, as a rule, the customer does not know what he wants. The dialogue between the customer and the designers is usually like this: “We don’t know what the logo should be, but we should like it and surprise everyone.” Unfortunately, 99.99% of designers do not have foresight abilities and do not use the services of psychics in their work. Therefore, if you want to get a good logo, then you need to clearly understand what you want and convey your idea to the designer as accurately as possible.
How to do it? Before ordering a logo design, you should search the Internet for images from other companies. Collect 10-20 of the ones you like the most. Find particularly successful details in each and tell the designer about it. The logos you choose do not necessarily have to be from the same field in which your company operates. The main thing is to decide what you liked most.
Also, along with “I like”, select the logos of companies that you think are terrible. Point out what you definitely shouldn’t have. If this is done, the designer will have an initial idea of ​​what the logo should look like, which elements to include, and which ones to avoid. However, it is important here not to fall into outright plagiarism. Especially if you are going to register the resulting masterpiece as a trademark. If it is too reminiscent of the logo of famous brands, you may be denied registration.

3. Use no more than 2 colors

There are certain companies and areas of business where God himself ordered the use of many colors in the logo. For example, innovative companies that bring something new to the world and want to emphasize this with their logo. Typically this is big companies, with huge investments and prospects. Among the most famous are Google, Microsoft, Apple. Also, multi-colored logos are used by entertainment companies (just remember the logo of the NBC television channel). Well, don’t forget about printing companies, on whose logos it would be a shame not to include the entire palette of colors, thereby emphasizing their field of activity.
But there are not so many companies that can afford to use all the colors of the rainbow in one logo. As a rule, there are no more than 5% of them, and the remaining 95 should adhere to a strict rule - no more than two colors. This will give the logo rigor and allow you to focus on those shades that you consider the most successful in your field.
Using two colors is the best choice not only for aesthetic reasons, but also for practical ones. It often happens that a logo needs to be printed on a black and white printer, and any color logo will look ugly and sloppy. We must not forget that multi-color logos have a number of problems when used in various printing products. They look optimal only on a white background, and if there is any other background, the effect is instantly lost.

The color of the logo plays a very important role

4. Remember that colors have semantics

The top three colors used in company logos are blue (33%), red (29%) and black or gray (28%). Another 13% of companies use yellow. The remaining colors are in demand by an insignificant share of firms - green, purple, pink account for no more than 5%. The explanation here is quite simple: the leading colors are the most noticeable and striking. Moreover, each of them carries its own hidden message to the consumer. Red is energetic and aggressive: it is a common color for the logos of automobile brands (Toyota, Jaguar, Audi). He is loved by brands that emphasize modernity and promote an energetic lifestyle (Canon, Coca Cola, MTV, Red Bull, from Russia - MTS). At the same time, red is often perceived as a youthful color (the combination of red and yellow is even more youthful): it is not suitable for companies whose business wants to emphasize “moderation and accuracy.” Blue is better suited here - it calms and puts you in a pleasant mood. This best color for technology companies (Intel, IBM, Samsung, Siemens): it is cast in metal and glass. Among automobile companies, it is loved by those who emphasize simplicity and reliability rather than energy (Ford, BMW, Volvo). For the same qualities, banks (Deutsche Bank, VTB), payment systems (Visa, PayPal, Webmoney) and postal services(remember the blue eagle on the Russian Post logo). Blue encourages positive communication; it is not without reason that it is the leader among the logos of social networks (Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, VKontakte). Black is a minimalist and precise color: it must be used with great care, as it can easily add a hint of gloom. It emphasizes quality and representativeness (Mazda, Mercedes Benz, Nike). However, in most cases, black is not used as the main color - it serves mainly to highlight the inscriptions (Renault, Lego). Yellow is the ideal color for companies in the food industry (McDonalds, Burger King, Subway) and the entertainment industry.

5. Picture or text – what is more important?

41% of companies use only text in their logo. You also need to decide what is more important to you – a beautiful graphic picture or a well-written text. On the one hand, the text increases brand awareness, the name will always be heard and will be easy to read. But on the other hand, the absence of a picture minimizes the hidden message potential clients.
Small companies, in our opinion, should choose the text version of the logo also because they very rarely have a good designer who can successfully draw a picture and correctly position the text. Professional designers who specialize in creating logos charge thousands of dollars for their work. Sometimes these costs are not necessary for small companies.

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The vast majority of small companies choose text. Although if you look at world-famous companies, you can find similar logos here too. For example, YouTube, Skype, Yandex, Yahoo!, Google - they all followed this path.
“For small companies the situation is not so dire. You can act like one of my friends, who drew an incomprehensible “doodle” in Photoshop and wrote the name of the company underneath in a beautiful font,” says the head of the design company. The logo can be taken as an example. Nike, which was developed by an amateur designer, but became famous throughout the world. And few people know that the Disney logo is just a beautiful painting by Walt Disney, which was taken as a basis.

6. Using the company name is highly desirable, but not required.

About 10% of companies do not use their name when developing a logo. This is very strange, because recognition is deteriorating significantly, but the fact remains. The most famous brand, which only use a picture, is an apple from Apple. Back in 1978, a rainbow logo appeared, which seemed to shout to the whole world: “We are a new, but rather unusual company. You can expect a lot from us, and you will see it.”
The image of only a picture on the logo dates back to the Middle Ages, when in front of the craft workshops there was a tin sign with the selected goods produced in this workshop. But then there was a monopoly on manufacturing, and if a buyer saw a shoe in front of a store, he knew that this was where he would buy the shoe, and nowhere else. Nowadays the competition is huge, and the image of a shoe is unlikely to help you tell about yourself fully.
If you still decide to limit yourself to a picture, then follow the path of Apple and take a bright, memorable image. Although our advice will be rational: do not take risks, because Apple is a unique company, and it will be very difficult to repeat their success. Choose a logo option that combines a picture and an image.

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7. Correct font

If you choose a text version of the logo, then the font is an important component. Of course, it is much easier to choose than a color or the right picture, but it also has its own characteristics. The font is also easy to match to the direction of your business, just like the rectangular shapes and curlicues we talked about above.
Try not to use standard fonts that everyone already knows. If you write the name in ordinary Times New Roman or Arial, then many will consider you a lazy person who did not particularly care about the appearance of the logo.
Although there are exceptions. Just look at the logo social network"In contact with". And when Pavel Durov was asked how long it took them to create the logo, the answer came immediately: “30 seconds. I just typed the name in a standard font and I liked it.”
But again, VKontakte is the exception rather than the rule, and you shouldn’t look up to them in the area of ​​logo creation. Choose unusual fonts that are little known. Yes, you can do something interesting yourself if you slightly modify little recognizable types of writing.

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8. You need to choose the original picture

Choose the right one and good picture for your logo - this is a whole task. Let’s say right away that the task will be extremely difficult, and don’t despair if you don’t find anything useful the first time. How many of you know what the Apple logo looks like? I am sure that everyone now imagined a bitten apple. Now remember what the very first logo of this company looked like? Do you know? It was a jumble of all sorts of elements: the canvas depicted a landscape, a tree, and Isaac Newton was sitting under a tree, biting an apple. To be honest, the logo was very lousy. As a result, it was simplified to a minimum and only the apple was left.
Believe me, in the process of work, your company’s logo will also change and evolve, acquiring new features and characteristics. This is a normal and integral process of development of any company.