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What is the best day to buy equipment? What day of the week should I buy what? Shopping horoscope

Today, more and more often you can meet a person who dates a specific event in his life to a specific day, lunar phase or planetary position. And there is nothing shameful or funny about this, since it has long been noticed that crops according to the lunar calendar give better harvests, and children born under the intended sign are really smarter or luckier than their peers.

In this article we will talk about a way that is not quite familiar to us to save money, which is called the lunar shopping calendar.

His task is to ensure the most successful, profitable and far-sighted investment in the right things. After all, it often happens that the list of acquisitions is quite extensive, and there is simply no finance for all positions.

What do we have to do in such cases? That's right, prioritize. And to do this correctly, there is a lunar calendar.

Yes, you can order yourself an astrological personal forecast of successful acquisitions for the next week, year, or even for life. But this is quite an expensive pleasure, and if it is not possible to get it, then we recommend using long-proven and publicly available methods.

Zodiac shopping

To avoid unnecessary expenses and make the most useful purchase, you can find out which zodiac sign the Moon will be in on the day when you are going shopping:

Shopping on lunar days

Purchases can be made not only according to the zodiac lunar calendar, but also in accordance with lunar days.

– a convenient and simple tool for planning various types of acquisitions during the lunar cycle. Mistress emotional sphere life of a person, the Moon knows better than anyone else on what day we are more susceptible to spontaneous impulses, which we may later regret, and on what day the desire of sellers to talk us into additional unnecessary expenses intensifies. But don't worry, shopaholics! There are many favorable days in the lunar calendar for a variety of purchases :)

Things survive us... But we survive without things.

Lucky days for shopping according to the lunar calendar

Conditionally lucky days for purchases according to the lunar calendar can be divided into favorable for useful (practical) acquisitions, long-awaited dream purchases and spontaneous ones, dictated by a momentary impulse. So, good days in order to acquire any utilities that make life more comfortable and contribute to your realization in society are considered 2, 5, 6, 10, 13, 20, 21, 22 lunar days. Moreover 6 lunar day is considered the best for purchasing goods for children - stationery and clothing “for growing up”, and 10th– for any family purchases, including cars and real estate.

IN 7, 12, 22, 25 lunar days, which are distinguished by a special spiritual orientation, Luna recommends purchasing books (spiritual, psychological, religious), figurines of deities, rosaries, talismans, incense.

In order to fulfill your old dream of buying something, they are perfect 14th and 24th lunar day. The spontaneous desire to purchase something that seems unnecessary should be satisfied in 28 lunar day. But in 30 lunar day It’s better not to buy anything for yourself – this is the time to buy gifts for loved ones and friends.

Find out what dates these lunar days fall on

Lunar shopping calendar – unfavorable days

You should not go shopping on unfavorable days according to the lunar calendar. These are considered 9, 19 and 29 lunar days. At this time, the lunar energy is so powerful that many people are unable to cope with it. It is better to refrain from any purchases to protect yourself from buying low-quality goods and deceiving sellers and manufacturers. The only exception is pets, they can be safely purchased at 19th lunar day.

There are also recommendations regarding certain groups of goods that are best not purchased on certain lunar days. For example, in 11th lunar day, closely energetically connected with fire, the Moon advises not to buy items aimed at extinguishing fire. A 7 lunar day unlucky for large acquisitions, household appliances, vehicles, and so on.

Lunar calendar of successful purchases - general rules

1 lunar day cycle was created for planning, defining goals and desires, thinking through strategies in any area of ​​your life. If on the first lunar day you plan an acquisition that is significant to you and find a favorable date for it, the acquisition will certainly be successful and will bring joy and satisfaction.

7th lunar day activates the power of words, and therefore keep in mind that everything you voice on this day will probably come true. Use the power of this day by declaring out loud that your shopping will go with a bang - this way you can turn any dates into successful shopping days according to the lunar calendar. 🙂

11th lunar day fills a person with energy and confidence. What you plan on this day will definitely come true if you really believe in it and clearly know what you want. It’s very good on the eleventh lunar day to work with visualization of your desires - it’s time to make a collage from the latest catalog of your favorite brand!

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Before going shopping, any of us chooses an acceptable price, store, product or service, but many also think about the days that accompany successful shopping. It is worth learning in more detail about favorable days for shopping according to the lunar calendar.

What are the features?

Let's start with the fact that purchasing is a fairly pleasant process for the buyer. Let's list the most basic facts that may be useful to you:

  1. Pay attention to the state in which the Moon is. If it is growing, then this is the time to make purchases, especially large ones. If the Moon is waning, then this means that it’s time to part with things; you can give away what you don’t need and throw away what you’re tired of.
  2. It is not recommended to go shopping in large Religious holidays.
  3. If you really want to know for sure what day it will be for the purchase, then you can use the lunar calendar, which is presented below.

We should not forget that the shopping process should bring joy and pleasure. It’s no wonder that when we’re in a good mood, the things we buy become our favorites.

For girls, large purchases should be avoided if menstruation occurs during this period. Such processes in the body adversely affect the energy emitted during the first days. It is for this reason that since ancient times, girls were forbidden to prepare holiday dishes, preserves, or make food on these days. general cleaning, and even more so you cannot make repairs and large purchases. It’s better to put it off for a couple of days than to regret later about an unsuitable item or furniture.

You can also postpone the purchase if you yourself feel that your day has not gone well in the morning. For example, if you feel bad, if you spilled salt or ruined your mood. Don't be tempted to go somewhere with the feeling that it won't work out.

Our thoughts attract these events to us. And if you are setting yourself up: this phone is not bad, but I don’t really like it, then don’t buy it. You will be looking for a product with a low price, then find yourself something that will evoke only positive emotions in you.


The day benefits everyday life and the family hearth; for this reason, on the first day of the week it is recommended to purchase food and household appliances: napkins, cleaning brushes, brooms, garbage bags, washing and cleaning products. It is not recommended to make large transactions, such as purchasing real estate, household appliances, cars. There is no need to take out loans or other loans on the first day of the week.


Tuesday is good for men's shopping. During this period, it is good to buy weapons, work tools, fishing tackle, weights, barbells and other metal equipment. Kitchen utensils purchased on the second day of the week will serve faithfully for many years. But it’s better to update your wardrobe or replenish cosmetics on another day.


Under the intercession of the god of trade, commercial transactions in business and personal large acquisitions are successfully carried out. Mercury will bless the acquisition of a car, living space, refrigerator, land and other important things.


On Thursdays it is recommended to purchase books, computers, televisions, and also the necessary smart household appliances like multicookers, washing machines, dishwashers, microwave ovens. Buying jewelry or impractical things (home decor, jewelry or unnecessary items) is not recommended; any purchase must provide a significant benefit.


On Fridays, it's time for ladies' shopping: perfumes, clothes, gifts, jewelry and all kinds of girlish joys will only be used for good. The patron of Friday, Venus, will bless even a portion of a delicious high-calorie dessert if it gives the lady pleasure.


The god of agriculture and crops, Saturn, blessed absolutely all workers on earth and loved to spend time in the lap of nature, far from the bustle of the world. On Saturday, it is better to give up shopping and stay at home.


On Sunday, acquisitions for beauty and comfort are blessed and successful. These can be decorations for housing, items for handicrafts: fabrics, clay, threads, beads and other components for creativity.

Neutral days are called the following numbers: 4, 16, 18, 20, 21, 26, 27, 28. All goods purchased these days will not bring any benefit, will not cheer you up, but will not harm you either.

It is worth learning about negative days for shopping. And in August they are as follows: 1, 3, 8, 10, 11, 12, 23, 25. These days it is better not to buy anything expensive and important. Of course, you can’t protect yourself from small purchases, but it’s worth keeping them to a minimum. As, indeed, the visit shopping centers and other stores. Then your budget will thank you.

  1. It is not advisable to make a purchase during the period of concluding any agreements or to borrow from someone cash.
  2. It is also not advisable to buy anything during Mercury retrograde (a phenomenon that occurs due to different speeds movements of the Earth and Mercury relative to the Sun.
  3. You should not carry out such actions during the period of eclipses and the week before them. This applies specifically to very large purchases that you have been preparing for a long time or that mean a lot to you.

Usually, astrologers every year put forward the most favorable days for purchases (both small and large), hair cutting, weddings and many other important events in a person’s life.

Also, favorable days are carefully calculated based on your zodiac sign, date of birth, preferences and much more, which will serve in a great way find out the days of luck and bad luck.

Be vigilant and when concluding transactions, do not do anything that you doubt or feel is a problem. If you understand that the seller is imposing on you, and you feel embarrassed to refuse, don’t agree! Then you will feel guilty for the purchased item or service.

The cost of a product is influenced by its quality, value to the buyer and brand. But how not to make a mistake with payment and purchase the right thing with maximum benefit at minimum cost?

To calculate the most favorable days for purchasing, you can use several methods. Which ones? Find out from this article.

Brief terms

  • Moon calendar. Based on the complete cycle of the Earth's satellite.
  • A lunar day, otherwise a day, is a unit of measurement in this calendar. This is the time interval between two sunrises of the night celestial body. The exception is the first and last days, which depend on the new moon.
  • Patron planet. According to ancient astrologers, each day of the week has its own patron planet. It influences and gives it certain properties. Please note that ancient astrologers considered the moon and sun to be planets.
  • Characteristics of the lunar day. This is the influence that it is capable of exerting on any human activity. One day, for example, may be favorable for buying an apartment, but not suitable for romantic confessions.

Shopping according to the lunar calendar

Traditionally, days in the lunar calendar are divided according to the degree of influence: positive, neutral, negative. However, this is just a convention. A negative day may be good for another activity.

Each lunar day has its own characteristics and influence on the things you purchase. One day you can buy something with maximum benefit, and on another you will only waste your money.

To determine the influence of the satellite, the lunar calendar of favorable days for purchases is used.

The influence of lunar days

  1. You should not make large purchases. Avoid loans.
  2. Buy only essential items. Don't waste money on small things, it will lead to loss of money.
  3. Give up any purchases; this day is unfavorable for purchases. If you still decide to buy something, then carefully examine the product.
  4. Control yourself and don't allow yourself to make spontaneous purchases.
  5. A good day for major acquisitions. Review what you want to buy carefully.
  6. Buy everything for study and creativity.
  7. Buy printed publications and everything related to music and esotericism.
  8. Suitable for buying antiques and second-hand goods.
  9. Suitable for throwing away unnecessary items.
  10. On this day, “family” purchases will be successful: household appliances, real estate, things for children.
  11. Favorable for purchasing things related to fire. The exception is fire protection systems.
  12. Buy what will accelerate your spiritual growth.
  13. Buy something stylish or make an appointment at a beauty salon.
  14. Dream come true day: buy what you have wanted for a long time.
  15. Buy what you have no doubt about.
  16. Unfavorable day for shopping. It’s better to find out the experts’ opinion about the desired product.
  17. A good day for any purchases that will bring pleasure to you or your loved ones.
  18. You can buy a mirror or install new windows.
  19. A good time to purchase pets and their accessories. Be careful with food.
  20. Time to purchase sports equipment. This is also a favorable day for buying a car, bicycle or motorcycle.
  21. A good day to get camping equipment.
  22. Favorable for any acquisitions.
  23. Refrain from shopping on this day. An exception may be sports equipment.
  24. Buy whatever you want, especially if you've been saving up for something for a long time.
  25. Purchases related to water will pay for themselves.
  26. An extremely unfavorable day for any purchases. Better throw away something old.
  27. Buy whatever you want, but remember the price. You shouldn't buy something too expensive.
  28. A good day for any shopping.
  29. Buy only what you need.
  30. The day is favorable for buying gifts for loved ones.

Which day of the week should I choose?

  1. Monday. Influence of the Moon. The most successful purchases will be for the home: household items, dishes, cleaning products. You should not make large acquisitions or take out loans.
  2. Tuesday. Influence of Mars. Day of "men's" purchases: weapons, sports equipment, metal items and kitchen utensils.
  3. Wednesday. Influence of Mercury. Lucky day for cash investments, sales campaigns and conclusion of contracts. Buy vehicles, household appliances and real estate on Wednesday.
  4. Thursday. Influence of Jupiter. The greatest value will come from purchases for creativity and study, a favorable day for buying televisions and computers. You should not buy trinkets on this day, it will be a waste.
  5. Friday. The influence of Venus. Buy cosmetics, clothes and jewelry, as well as gifts and souvenirs.
  6. Saturday. Influence of Saturn. It is better to refrain from shopping at all.
  7. Sunday. Influence of the Sun. Shop for home decor, decorations, and craft items.

Favorable days for buying real estate

Buying real estate requires a large financial investment. Who wants to lose their hard-earned money because the moon didn't rise correctly? If you want to protect yourself, then you should find out which lunar days are favorable for buying an apartment or house:

Characteristics of days for cash investments

If you do not want to lose your invested funds, then navigating according to the lunar calendar can be an additional guarantee of safety. By knowing the characteristics of the days of the lunar month, you can protect yourself. Carefully study the calendar and determine the most favorable days for buying shares or concluding contracts.

Characteristic lunar days for cash investments:

Perfect fit Good fit Fit normally Poor fit Absolutely not suitable
Lunar days 14, 20 2, 4, 6, 10, 13, 17, 21, 24, 27, 28 7, 8, 16, 19, 22, 23, 25, 26, 30 1, 9, 11, 18 3, 5, 12, 15, 29
Expected impact High probability of receiving large profits and unexpected pleasant results. Things will go “like clockwork”, you will receive additional profit. Everything will go about as you'd expect. There will be no unexpected luck or obstacles. Fate will put a spoke in your wheels. Loss of money, unexpected expenses, unpleasant incidents. You will definitely lose your invested money and incur losses. Perhaps your partner will try to deceive you.

Is it worth paying attention to the favorable days at all?

The above data certainly deserves your attention. However, expert astrologers advise not to rely too much on them.

The fact is that each person is individual, and the information provided is considered generalized. To accurately understand which shopping days are favorable for a particular person, many astrological calculations are necessary.

Remember your own individuality and observe the world around you. Derive personal patterns of lunar days. This is the only way you can determine the right time for acquisitions.

Favorable days for purchasing: types of purchases, planning serious financial investments, drawing up a lunar shopping calendar, reviews and advice from experts - all the secrets of astrology on our website

It is recommended to refuse any purchases.
Solar eclipse- not a very good period for shopping. The purchased item may come with a “surprise”.
Favorable for purchasing rare literature, leisure goods, and lucky things. Stop buying clothes and shoes.

If, despite all the warnings, you are still drawn to purchases, then you better do it. It can be both favorable and teach you the necessary lesson. Your intuition should come first, and then the advice of our lunar calendar. After all, there may be all sorts of exceptions, such as a personal star chart or the grace of God...

29 lunar day, Shopping

On the 29th lunar day, it is recommended to refuse any purchases. Because shopping on this day will not bring you joy. In practice, items purchased on a given day are of poor quality or will not last long.

Moon in Sagittarius

The Moon in Sagittarius forces us to leave the usual circle of existence, and also concentrates our energy in one or another purchased item. For example, a pen bought with a desire to help will turn out to be a happy pen for a loved one, and vice versa, a phone bought with bad thoughts can bring nothing but disappointment and a break in contacts. During this period, we can buy original, perhaps unfamiliar and unusual things. Moreover, the result is not important, but the fact of going beyond the limits is important - if you decide to do this, you can gain a rare experience.

The day is favorable for purchasing imported consumer goods, purchasing horses and other cattle, serious and rare literature. It is also favorable for purchasing travel packages, all kinds of tours or goods and accessories that promote recreation, tourism or sports.
Stop buying clothes and shoes.

Wednesday, Shopping

It is not recommended to buy complex household or electrical appliances, shoes, and tools on this day. These purchases will not last long. In addition, the day of Mercury “helps” us waste money.
It’s another matter if you just want to go shopping and buy a few trinkets to cheer you up and enjoy the purchase. The day is very favorable to people who approach life easily and directly and do not worry about every penny.
On Wednesday it is good to buy souvenirs for yourself and loved ones, all sorts of trinkets, gifts, toys for children. A purchased book may become your favorite.
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