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Polite refusal in writing. Example of a business letter of refusal to participate in an event


It seems simpler, you found the same product for more favorable price, and you should refuse another supplier with whom you have a long-established relationship business cooperation. But in this case, ordinary phrases like “we are forced to refuse further cooperation” can be misinterpreted and perceived as an insult. IN business world You should treat your partners with respect and avoid a complete break in the relationship, so you should write a refusal letter in such a way as to leave the possibility of cooperation in the future, because it is possible that the terms of this cooperation may be changed in the future to your benefit.

First of all, you should internally decide that you are not going to write anything bad, and refusal in business communication does not at all mean any kind of offense. Both you and your regular partners are pursuing your own goals, they may or may not coincide, but each of you has the right to achieve them in any more profitable, optimal and rational ways. Your task is to refuse in the most tactful and correct form. It's not that difficult to do.

When writing a refusal, personal addressing is especially important. Start it with the following address: “Good afternoon, dear Ivan Ivanovich!” You should definitely thank your partner for those business proposals, which he sent to you, or for long-term cooperation. Here it is necessary to make it clear that these proposals were carefully studied by you or that this cooperation was useful for you. It is necessary that your recipient sees in the text those facts and words that are familiar to him. This serves as confirmation of the sincerity of your words.

Moving on to the refusal itself, it is necessary to clearly formulate both the refusal itself and the reasons that prompted you to reject the offer or suspend further cooperation. For example: “Currently, we cannot accept your offer, since our company is not able to purchase the proposed product at the specified prices” or: “We are forced to temporarily refuse to cooperate with you on this issue, since we have been offered more profitable terms, allowing us to increase the efficiency of our company.”

The refusal letter must contain a mention of alternative options for cooperation in the future: “We express the hope that our cooperation will continue, and in the future we will remain partners and will be able to implement several new projects.”

People need to be helped, but sometimes circumstances are such that you cannot do this, or the individual tries to pin their problems on you. If you refuse, in any case, you need to be polite and try not to offend the person.

In certain life situations you need to be able to say “no”. This greatly simplifies life and eliminates problems. Sometimes it is very difficult to refuse a person, however, consent can entail a number of difficulties. There is no need to be rude, especially if you have to communicate with this individual further. There are certain ways to politely refuse.

Long-term consent

This is a situation in which a person does not seem to refuse, but at the same time does not fulfill the request. It extends the completion of the task over time. The individual waits and waits, gets tired of it, and turns to another person for help. Of course, a person may be offended by wasting so much time waiting, so it is better to use this method as little as possible.

Lack of time

You can make strong arguments about the impossibility of doing something, citing total workload. Out of politeness, you can offer your services after a fairly long period of time.


In this case, you can tell the person about the life difficulties that you are experiencing. Make it clear that there is no time for him now.

These are the most common ways to politely refuse. Each situation is individual and you can find a new psychological approach to this issue.

In the world business people Specificity is appreciated. The employer will have less negative impressions if the applicant correctly justifies his action. There are several compelling reasons:

Important! The reasons for refusal must be especially convincing when we're talking about about applying for a managerial highly paid position or the interview was a complex procedure requiring a lot of time and effort.

Forms of refusal

How to politely refuse an employer after an interview? The following forms of refusal are allowed:

Right time

Ideally, you should resign from a position as early as possible.

If you have made a decision, inform your employer about it.

An appropriate refusal period is considered to be 7-10 days from the date of the interview.

Missing the correct time to refuse puts the employer in an awkward position and disrupts his plans. The result is a loss. business reputation, getting into the “black list” of candidates.

The rules for constructing a competent refusal are as follows:

  1. timeliness. Don’t delay the conversation or try to hide from the employer by ignoring phone calls in the hope that the problem will solve itself.
  2. Tact. You should briefly and politely indicate the reasons for the refusal and apologize.
  3. Lack of emotions. You shouldn’t apologize too vigorously for a refusal, causing self-pity, hoping to adapt to an uninteresting job.
  4. Honesty and frankness. A potential employer has the right to know the reason for the refusal if it is not of a purely personal nature.

Situations when it is better to hide the true reason for the refusal, come up with another explanation:

Important! If you are not satisfied with certain points job responsibilities, you should tell the recruiter frankly about this. The employer has the right to meet halfway by changing or eliminating such points as far as possible.


A timely refusal of an unattractive position leaves the employer time to look for another candidate, and saves you from the need to waste time every day on a useless activity that does not provide a chance to reveal your talents and fully demonstrate your professional qualities.

It is not always pleasant to refuse, however, in many situations it is necessary to do so. For example, this could be a refusal to continue cooperation, refusal of an offered vacancy, or any service or offer. You need to refuse politely, correctly, so as not to offend your partner, because you may still have to cooperate in the future. Today we will give some tips on how to write a refusal correctly. You will see that writing such a letter is not at all difficult, you just need to follow some guidelines.

A case of refusal is an absolutely normal situation in business or in other areas of life. You need to be able to work with similar situation. The main thing when writing a refusal letter is to show delicacy and correctness. Typically, refusal can be expressed in several forms: ignoring, blaming, or correct refusal. We will learn how to create a third refusal option.

  • Compose a draft letter, think through everything you want to say in terms of meaning. After this, you can start decorating.
  • In the upper left corner, write down the addressee - a company or an individual. Information about you should be located in the upper right corner.
  • The refusal letter must be addressed personally. You can write a neutral message, for example: “Dear Peter Ivanovich!” or "Hello, Dear sir Petrenko!" Familiar addresses such as "dear", etc. are not allowed.
  • The letter must necessarily contain gratitude for the offer, response, etc. For example: “Thank you for the offer” or “Thank you for sending your resume.”
  • Briefly state the addressee's offer that you are refusing. A link to the offer will make it clear that you have carefully read the information and that it is important to you.
  • Try to ensure that the letter contains some positive assessments of your opponent. For example: “We are interested in your proposal...”, “You offered perfect solution, but.." and so on depending on the situation.
  • Next, list the reasons for the refusal. This must be done firmly, logically, but not categorically and harshly. "Unfortunately, at the moment we cannot accept your offer because.."; “Despite all the merits of your project, we are forced to refuse, because...”.
  • To write a refusal correctly, you need to write about future prospects for cooperation or alternative options: “We hope that we will be able to cooperate with you in the future,” etc.
  • Be sure to check errors using a special spell checker, attach Required documents, if it's necessary.
  • Sometimes, when drafting a refusal letter, you may need the help of a qualified lawyer. For example, if you want to refuse the services of the realtor you hired or return a product of inadequate quality, etc.

On our portal you will find several more interesting articles that relate to the topic of refusals and correct design letters.

Usually, Commercial offer- this is the first stage of negotiations: the client has not yet decided with whom exactly he will work, suppliers or contractors are waiting for his decision and trying to attract attention to themselves. Commercial proposals are sent out in dozens - this is an opportunity to show yourself in the best light, describe all your capabilities and create a good impression on a potential partner. As soon as the decision is made, all received proposals are sent to a folder with promising contacts in case you have to change the contractor - and in this situation it is important to correctly draft a refusal letter, preserving the possibility of re-application.

The ethics of refusal

In a refusal letter, it is important to show respect for the interlocutor - his offer was worthy, he spent time discussing the details, even if it did not result in the conclusion of an agreement, and expects a decision from you, even a negative one.

The refusal is issued on letterhead company in electronic or paper form, depending on the situation. Standards business communication They require that the designated topic be neutral, without negativity - the phrases “Response to your proposal”, “About cooperation”, “About carrying out work” are suitable. Choose the topic that the addressee used in his letter. It is not advisable to use automatic response subjects for emails, for example, “RE: Commercial proposal”, so as not to create a feeling of inattention to the addressee.

There is nothing new in addressing the interlocutor for this kind of letters - it is advisable to use the patronymic name, if you know them, with the addition of the word “Dear.” At the end of the message there is an exclamation mark or , depending on your company’s letter formatting standards. Another important element written refusal- a link to an offer that you received and to which, in fact, you refuse. It is better to insert the link at the beginning of the letter, immediately after the request - “In response to your request dated 6.08.12...”, “For commercial offer dated May 9...”.

It is imperative to express regret about the refusal. If documents or information materials were attached to the commercial offer letter, indicate that you received them and have read them - for example, “Thank you for the detailed presentation, our specialists have read the information provided, but, unfortunately, we are forced to refuse your services." Be sure to include a reason for refusal if you are authorized to do so - for example, if the proposal does not meet the terms and conditions. More choice advantageous offer is traditionally not voiced as a reason for refusal.

Before concluding an agreement, the parties to the agreement discuss its terms and the amount of the transaction. Next, the parties will have to sign the agreement. And here many options for the development of events are possible. Starting from the immediate signing of a ready-made, standard text, to lengthy negotiations and discussions of each individual item. At this stage, it is not uncommon to refuse to conclude the main contract. The law allows you to do this, but there are features that should be taken into account in order to maximally protect your own interests in this situation.


First of all, you need to proceed from the conditions preceding signing. If a preliminary agreement was not concluded, and you did not undertake the obligation to sign the main contract, and no sums of money were transferred as an advance or, you can safely refuse to conclude the agreement. In this case, you have not yet entered into contractual obligations, and therefore you may not even explain the reason for your refusal. But if this is not the case, you need to take a number of actions aimed at protecting your interests.

There are often cases when, before signing the main contract, the parties sign a preliminary one. Essentially, voluntarily committing yourself to a future contract. But even in this case, there is a possibility of completing the transaction. Here you will need compelling reasons for such a step and legal preparation that will allow you to defend your position in court, since unilateral refusal in this case is impossible. Otherwise, your opponent will be able to force you to sign the main one through the court. To justify the refusal, you will need to provide evidence of violation of the terms of the preliminary agreement or non-compliance with the rules for drawing up the agreement.
Also, pay attention to the dates. The validity period of such an agreement must be indicated in the text. In the absence of direct instructions in accordance with Article 429 Ch. 11 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, one year is allotted for concluding the main agreement from the date of conclusion of the preliminary agreement. If it was not concluded before the end of this period, then the obligations assumed by the parties in advance

Unfortunately, sometimes there come times when we have to write business letters with a negative connotation. Such letters include complaints, claims, and the hero of this article: a letter of refusal. The desire to save face and maintain a business image dictates to us certain rules for writing such letters: it is important in them not to offend the addressee and to remain with him, if not on friendly, then at least loyal relations. Today we will look at the structure of refusal letters and give examples of wording for the text.

Structure business letter- the refusal is the same as in any other. I recommend that you read this article, because most of the details of the refusal letter are drawn up in a completely standard way, and we will not talk about them here, focusing on the text. The refusal is written on the organization’s letterhead and signed general director or authorized official, after which it is registered. Next, we will look at the design features of some details and semantic parts of the letter.

Refusal letter: how to write a title?

Or, as they sometimes say, the subject line of the letter. There is a small subtlety here from the area of ​​etiquette: if you show obvious negativity and denial, this will not add “pluses” to you in the eyes of your partner. The subject line of your response letter should not communicate your decision to refuse anything. It is better to write neutrally: “Cooperation”, “About the guarantee”, “About signing the contract”, etc.

Since a refusal letter is almost always a response, you can keep the topic that was stated in the request letter.


The text of the letter begins with addressing the addressee by name and patronymic. If only the surname is known, then we address ourselves by the surname, but we no longer write any initials, and do not forget that in Russia the generally accepted address for such a case is “Mr.” or “Madam.”

For example:

Dear Oleg Olegovich!

Dear Mr. Makarenko!

Dear Ms. Mitrofanova!

If we doubt even the addressee’s last name, we simply write “Dear Sirs!”

Unlike a letter of offer or complaint, a letter of refusal is written only in response to someone else’s letter or official request. When you compose the text of such a letter, it is worth considering that it must contain a link to the request, which is placed at the beginning of the text or (even better and absolutely correct) placed in a special detail - in special marks located under the fields for the letter number and date :

______________ № ___________

On _____________ from __________ - this is where the request data is written.

If your company's letterhead does not provide such special fields, the first paragraph of the refusal will begin with a link to the request letter:

In response to your letter dated 07/01/2015 No. 434, we inform you that...

Before refusing, you must express your regret about this. You can prepare several “template” phrases. For example:

Unfortunately, we are forced to refuse your offer due to...

If there were any documents attached to the request, it is worth showing in the letter that you have read them. This will show that you did not dismiss the offer, but carefully considered it. In this case, the letter includes the following phrases:

We have carefully reviewed your proposal...

We have studied the documents you submitted in detail...

If you write a refusal of a commercial proposal, you should definitely thank them for sending the proposal and for the fact that your company was considered as a possible partner. This applies to everyone. Even if you have large corporation, which has many branches throughout the Russian Federation and the CIS, and the offer came from a start-up LLC, do not forget about Business Etiquette. Besides, who knows, maybe in the future it will be profitable for you to work with this company. The same applies to those who send you their resumes: you need to refuse correctly and with gratitude for your attention.

Thank you for the materials provided and your interest in our company. Having carefully considered possible options for cooperation, we, unfortunately, are forced to refuse.

Unfortunately, at the moment, we are forced to refuse you due to annual maintenance work.

Unfortunately, our fleet does not have Vehicle required carrying capacity, and therefore we are forced to refuse transportation to you.

We are sorry, but at the moment we cannot provide you with necessary equipment due to the fact that it is located in Kursk and will be transported to Moscow only at the end of this month.

Often you cannot help your partner or client in any way, and then the letter can be finished as standard by indicating the reason for the refusal. But what if you can really give practical advice that will help solve the situation? If you are sure that your partner could benefit from the commercial proposal sent, or you know which organization you know can really help and provide assistance, write about it. If you have even a small chance to resolve the situation in a positive way, then this will only be a plus for your company’s reputation.

By following these simple rules, you can write a truly competent business refusal letter.