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VKontakte: effective advertising in communities. The most effective ways to promote a VK group How to advertise in your group’s contacts

Agree, it would be great not only to communicate in in social networks, but also to make money from it. While you think that this is unrealistic, many people act and receive quite a decent income!

Free methods of advertising VK group

Let's start with those methods of promoting a group that do not require you to cash investments. Let's take a look at the most effective options.

  1. Viral marketing. Hold a contest among your subscribers to generate interest in you. As practice shows, this significantly increases their activity. Just don't forget to reward the winner!
  2. Collaboration with groups on similar topics. Why not invite admins to advertise your public page in response to mutual PR? Such an offer will be beneficial to both parties.
  3. Through other groups. Leave a link to your public page in other groups with similar topics. Just don't spam!
  4. Cheating of group members. Special programs will help you increase the number of subscribers: Viking Botovod, vkboot, FVCheat. But you will have to regularly go to the “Members” section to remove blocked users who have a “dog” on their avatar. Otherwise, the public may also be blocked.

Paid advertising

The main advantage of paid promotion is that the public is filled with real people, not bots. How to advertise the group in this case?

Text for advertising VK group

It is important to create a post in the group that will attract the attention of potential subscribers. It is not necessary to give for advertising text a lot of money, you can come up with it yourself, and it’s completely free.

A properly composed post should be:

  • recognizable;
  • intriguing;
  • quality;
  • appropriate target audience.

For example, you can post part of a story and cut it off at the most interesting moment, offering to read the continuation via a link. And don’t forget to supplement your post with an attention-grabbing picture or animation!

Examples of group advertising

Above there was already one example of what an advertisement for a VKontakte group looks like. But this is how administrators try to attract attention to their public pages.

“Why not go in and see what advice a professional gives?” the user will think and follow the link.

Here it is, intrigue. So what's wrong with this panel?

Would you like to go and see what kind of faith Seryoga has?

Websites for advertising VKontakte groups

How to advertise a group in other ways? You can leave a link to the public on all social networks in which you are registered (Odnoklassniki, Twitter, Facebook, etc.), and also post it on various thematic forums and blogs.

  • vktarget
  • vkserfing

The disadvantage of this method will be visible if you watch the following video. In short, most users create a garbage, ineffective account.

By the way, some of these sites cooperate not only with VK, but also with other social networks.

Advertising a VKontakte group in Yandex Direct

You can also advertise your group through Yandex Direct. Please note that there is a fee and average cost a click is about 5 rubles. In addition, not all Yandex users are registered on VKontakte, or they can simply view the page and not subscribe to it, but the money will still be withdrawn after the click.

It is best to use advertising through Yandex Direct not to gain subscribers, but for commercial purposes. For example, if a group is engaged in sales, users who follow the link may become interested in the product and make a purchase, and you, even taking into account the money spent, will be in the black.

2 votes

Welcome to the pages of the Start-Luck blog. For some reason, in the minds of many people, advertising a group is a stupid sending of messages asking random accounts to join. For the second time in a week, the owners of quite impressive public pages in my city, when asked how they are advertised, answer: “No way, there is no desire to add 40 friends a day.”

It’s surprising that people who use cool, convenient and cheap don’t even know what advertising methods exist in it. This amazes me personally.

A very important method

I started by telling you that I asked a question to large regional owners. I still managed to find out something from them. It turned out that the most effective option for those who promote their services and business on the Internet, namely VK, is offline communication. Very effective method, which I highly recommend everyone use if you have the opportunity.

Now many owners own business associated with services, they photograph the results of their work (manicures, tattoos, hairdressing, and even door installation), and then post them to the community. Of course, people have nothing against the fact that the master wants to post the successful fruit of his work for the world to see and they themselves willingly subscribe to the public page in which their own photo is about to be posted.

Another friend helped convince one of the customers to abandon his short-sighted action. It’s one thing when I told him that the business would not work out, and it’s quite another when the message came from the administrator of a group of several million people.


You select a post or create an ad that will be shown on the left or appear in the news feed of a person who matches your description. You decide who you want to show the post to – it will be a woman or a man, married or actively searching, whether higher education what age the person is and where he lives.

You can select subscribers of a specific community, in which case the post will be shown specifically to them. You also decide how you will pay - if you want to pay only for transfers to your group - yes, but you will have to pay a little more for this. You can also pay only for impressions. It's cheaper, but there's no guarantee that a person won't scroll through your publication and move on.


A lot of people underestimate it, considering it a waste of money. The method is too compromised. At one time, every third site offered to bring a bunch of people to the group for mere pennies. In principle, now the situation has not changed much, if you go to God knows where.

I suggest you pay attention to the service . At first, you can choose a cheaper tariff. Remember, the more subscribers you have in your group, the more willing other members are to subscribe to it and the more you get paid for advertising.

In order to develop normally, you need to have some kind of base. At least 20,000 people. Then you can use more effective ways.

This site can also help you understand targeting. Well, how can we “help figure it out”? The specialists of this company will do everything for you if you decide to pay for VIP status. You decide for yourself what age and region interests you. At the same time, you save significantly, because all payments will be made for a specific action and people.

Who knows how many people who even clicked on your ad will join the public? With service you won't care at all. You paid money and are just waiting for the result.

OK it's all over Now. Now you know everything about promotion methods and can get down to business. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter, see you again and good luck.

After reading this article, you will learn:

  • How to choose the right advertising sites
  • How to correctly compose a post/repost for an advertising group on VK, OK
  • How not to lose money and reduce expenses
  • How to cheat subscribers and how to check for cheating
  • New. Examples of effective posts

External optimization

And so, we prepared our community: we made a beautiful and clear avatar that complements the name of the group, we made a clear description of the group, we conduct discussions and write interesting posts (in the case of advertising our group, and not an external site). Now you can move on to searching for an advertising group, and then to writing the post itself.

Advertising in VKontakte groups - beginning

Most of the errors that lead to ineffective advertising in VK groups are related to incorrect selection of advertising group. Many people incorrectly prioritize when looking at group characteristics.

What characteristics can a group have:

  • Unique visitors
  • Views
  • Audience Reach
  • Feedback
  • Participants (how many subscribe)
  • Section views
  • Activity
  • Demography
  • Name
  • Avatar
  • Posts

What group characteristics are important when selecting an advertising platform:

  • Topic of the group/public page
  • Number of participants/subscribers
  • Demography
  • Feedback
  • Price per post/repost
  • Number of unique visitors per day (more on how to quickly find out)

So, as in the examples above, the public page is considered “ Bucha Aquarius schedule“, then we will consider the selection of a site within the framework of this example. Advertising in VK groups, with the right approach, can be more profitable than targeted advertising.
Topic of the group/public page

The closer you select an advertising platform to the topic to which your group relates, the greater the effect you will achieve.

The public page “Butch Aquarius Schedule” is more related to Cinema, although there is also Arts and Entertainment. So we need to look for communities on this particular topic, Cinema.. But!!!

How to search for groups for advertising

There are currently two search methods:

  • Through a VK search (not through a search tool, but a search in general on VK)
  • Using the sociate exchange (you can try, more convenient interface, more flexible settings)
  • You don’t know what you’re looking for: you need to search by topic and target audience (target audience)
  • Distrust of group administrators towards “newcomers” who want to buy advertising
  • Difficulty obtaining statistical data from group administrators
  • You will not know in advance the price for advertising in a specific group
  • Large time costs
  • The largest database of advertising platforms among advertising exchanges
  • Convenient search by site
  • Transparent group statistics
  • Quick organization advertising campaign
  • Payment is made after the end of the advertising campaign, in fact. (“they won’t throw money away”)

The sociate database currently contains more than 29,907 advertising platforms (groups and public pages)

  • About 900 sites have more than 100,000 participants/subscribers
  • All sites are divided into categories
  • The search has a large number of filters: it is convenient to find your target audience (target audience) in different groups
  • Real statistics are available in each group

Algorithm for finding a suitable group for advertising on

The search for advertising groups must be approached with all responsibility, because it is not the number of likes and reposts that depends on it, but the effect for your business. The right approach to searching for advertising groups will allow you to spend money on advertising in groups more effectively.

And so, let's move on to searching for such a group using an advertising exchange

Let's define what our group is about:

  • Local cinema page Aquarius
  • Informing people about movie screenings
  • Publication of schedules, trailers, information about films
  • Conducting surveys
  • Communication with visitors
  • Girls and boys)
  • From 14 to 35 years old
  • Ukraine
  • Bucha, Irpen, Vorzel, Kyiv

After registration, you can additionally watch a video for greater clarity and benefit (you can start watching from the first minute):

Still, let’s continue 😉, go to the “Venues” page

Expanding the advanced search

Setting up an advanced search for your target audience. First of all, we find communities from Ukraine. But the main thing for us is the visitor, and he should be as close as possible. We choose the topic first: Cinema, then Arts and Entertainment. When I select the keyword "Bucha" nothing is found. You can choose Kyiv (although for this case, where the exact location is very important, it is better to use VKontakte search or targeted advertising). Price is not important at the moment. We are only interested in socio-demographic parameters and the size of communities.

Let's see what kind of groups were found using these filters. We have received 3 advertising platforms where you can advertise.

In sociate it is very easy and convenient to look at the statistics of groups in order to know when it is better to advertise and whether it is even worth it ( has the same statistics and works more stable). There should be good activity and growth in subscribers and views in the community.

But let’s assume that Kyiv is also suitable for us... We order advertising in these 3 groups (let’s assume it’s a post/repost). We definitely need to think about how we can adapt our posts/reposts.

Think for yourself, you subscribed to a public page about “Advertising”, and here they tell you about baby diapers and where to buy them. You won’t find a “client” in such a group, but you can drag him into your community using a thematic post/repost in the advertising group “about advertising diapers”

First of all, you should familiarize yourself with them: go into them and read and look at 20-50 posts in order to understand in what style you can make your post/repost for posting in this group.

Adaptation of posts/reposts allows you to:

  • significantly increase the efficiency of advertising posts placement
  • it becomes possible to advertise in different communities, regardless of their topic

Now we know for which sites we will adapt our advertising posts/reposts, which means all that remains is to draw up assignments for placements and send them to the sites

We create a post or repost that is adapted to the community where we will advertise

The most important thing when creating an advertising post- this is to come up with an interesting post that will be beautifully designed, and the user should have a desire to go and get acquainted with your community or site. Advertising in groups is also good because the average post size is much larger and more visually noticeable than VKontakte advertising (target).
I strongly do not recommend publishing a post without pictures, as well as using links like
It is best to use links with a short address is advisable to do this at the beginning, when creating a community). The design looks good:

At the Buchansky cinema

try posting it on your wall. What is in square brackets before the vertical line is the address of the group, what is before the closing bracket is how the link will be displayed. You can add the necessary text behind the brackets. Don't forget to add high-quality pictures.

That’s it, the task has been created, you can submit it for posting.

Eat important point when choosing a group for advertising. This define, whether most of the subscribers are cheated. If a group consists of the majority of recruited subscribers, there will be no point in advertising in it. More on this later

How to get VKontakte subscribers and check for cheating

I am often asked in VK private messages about how to get VKontakte subscribers. Personally, I don't do this. But then people write that they ordered a promotion there, and after a while the subscribers began to turn into “dog faces”. And what to do then? I decided to briefly add information here, perhaps it will be useful to you. Let's start in order.

Sometimes you can find groups with obviously fake subscribers (bots). This can be seen by clicking on the “Subscribers” or “Participants” block; “dog faces” are often found in it:

When you go to such a profile, there are messages like “Unfortunately, we had to block page"for such and such a reason. There's a good chance it's a bot.

Why do you usually choose cheating?? This is justified only in cases where if you think for example, that it is easier to promote an account with 1000 members than with 50 (and only then publish advertisements and attract clients). More groups with more participants, on average, are displayed higher for queries in VK search.

Based on the reviews and experiences of friends, I can recommend the automatic online cheating service

But even in this case, with basic promotion, there are no guarantees that these subscribers will not turn into those like in the photo above. So that the subscribers are real, and not by bots and they have not “gotten bad”, use the VIP tariff.

Examples of effective posts

The comments asked for examples of effective posts. Then I added a few:

Collections of useful things

Have you noticed how actively collected posts are shared? Such posts least like advertising. Just place your offer first (in 1-2 positions), add a few other “useful things” from non-competitive areas (preferably no more than 5-7) and order placement in a group of a suitable topic. You can add a few more hashtags to the items (names by which mentions are tracked) and it is possible that in addition to community subscribers, your advertising post will be reposted by those you mentioned in the post. Such “useful” collection posts can travel across social networks for months, sometimes for years.

We continue the series of articles about VKontakte advertising. In two previous articles, SMM specialist Svetlana Raevskaya told us about opportunities and. Today we will look at the latest type of advertising on the VKontakte social network - advertising in communities.

If you choose this type of advertising, then you have 3 ways to implement it. The first is through the official VKontakte exchange. The second is placing advertising posts through third-party advertising exchanges, for example The third is purchasing advertising posts directly from community administrators.

In September 2014, VKontakte changed the rules for advertising in communities, increasing the limit on commercial posts from 3 to 5 per day. Moreover, two of them must be placed through the VKontakte advertising exchange. For abuses when publishing advertisements, including “mutual PR,” violators are subject to a ban on publishing links on the wall, the terms of which are determined depending on the scale of the violations and the history of punishments by the community.

Placement through the official VKontakte exchange

I will not repeat the VKontakte instructions; each of you can read it in your advertising account. I will name only the main pros and cons of this method of advertising.

A big plus of placement through the official exchange is detailed statistics. In statistics you can see the number of community subscribers and the total number of users who viewed advertising post, as well as their distribution by gender and age. You can track the number of unique users who clicked on at least one link from a post, as well as the number of users who shared, commented, or liked the post. If a community was advertised using a post, you will receive information about the number of users who joined it thanks to this advertisement. This information will allow you to choose better communities and improve your advertising posts.

The downside that negates all the advantages of placement through an exchange for you and me is the high cost. Only large brands and agencies use this method of advertising in communities.

Placing advertising posts through the exchange

The system allows you to choose sites yourself, without contacting community owners directly. Acting as an intermediary, the exchange controls payments and timely placement of posts. It also offers a convenient search through the community catalog. Important! In the exchange catalog you can even find those communities that, for one reason or another, are excluded from VKontakte’s internal search.

The exchange interface is clear and convenient. There is a large “Help” section. It contains answers to all the most popular questions among beginners.

Purchasing posts directly from community administrators

This method of advertising in communities still remains the most common. You yourself choose a community for posting, negotiate with its administration about the conditions and cost of posting, prepare the post yourself (some administrators offer for separate fee your services in preparing the post). What you need to pay attention to:

1. Conditions and cost of accommodation.

The standard placement conditions are as follows: your advertising post hangs on the community “wall” in first place for 1 hour, then begins to move down under other posts and is deleted after 24 hours. This is the best time-tested option. In some groups, your post may remain on the “wall” forever if it fits into the general content. Hosting costs vary greatly depending on niche, group size, and a variety of other factors. There is no clear pricing system. Moreover, in the same community at different times the price may change. It depends on the competition. When there are no advertisers, administrators often reduce the price. And vice versa.

2. Analysis of community statistics when choosing a platform for advertising

When studying the statistics of the community in which you plan to place an advertising post, pay special attention to 3 parameters: reach, attendance and activity (likes, reposts, comments). Reach is the number of users who viewed community posts. Most experts agree that 20% of the total number of community subscribers can be considered good coverage.

The “Attendance” tab will help you understand whether there have been infusions of offers into this community. Likes, reposts and comments in the community will show how active and involved the audience is in its life. Pay attention to the content of the comments. You can always understand whether they were left by real users or fakes.

3. At the end of March, VKontakte connected detailed statistics of posts of communities with more than 10,000 thousand participants

This means that when advertising in a large community, you can ask its administration for statistics on your advertising post. You need to agree on this in advance, since when you delete an entry, information about its statistics also disappears.

  • total user coverage;
  • coverage of subscribers of this community;
  • how many users switched to the community after seeing either the post itself in news feed And recommendations, or its repost;
  • the number of users who “passed” the entry into the community and soon subscribed to it;
  • the number of users who followed any link from the text of the post (not counting the link to the community in the post title and the link to the author in the signature).

Recommended community posts in users' news feeds

While this article was being prepared, VKontakte announced a new promotion format - recommended community posts in users’ news feeds. New format will allow you to promote posts from communities in user news feeds on the web and mobile versions, as well as in VKontakte applications. The post that will be used by advertisers will have the same capabilities as a regular post: you can add text, an illustration or a photo album to it, attach a video, a wiki page, a survey, a map, and so on. The main difference between such a publication and a regular post in the community is the ability to show it to a specific audience. Advertisers will have access to more than 20 targeting options, including behavioral and retargeting. The first advertising publication will appear in the users’ news feed after 6–10 entries and after the 25th. The technical test of promoted posts will begin on May 1, and on May 15 the new tool will be available to all major advertisers.

This news blew up the professional communities of SMM specialists and Internet marketers. Experts predict the consequences of this innovation and the degree of its influence on the VKontakte advertising market. I dare to suggest that, given the high cost of this method of promotion, it will remain inaccessible to small and medium-sized entrepreneurs and will repeat the fate of the VKontakte advertising exchange.

Good luck in developing your projects!

I work in the field of SMM. I recently opened my own small online agency “Successful Idea”. We help small businesses find customers on social networks. We create communities of loyal customers. We work on social networks and forums. I myself specialize in VK. Our website

IN modern world You can make money on social networks. Having learned how to create, people can recommend their services, put up for sale things they make with their own hands, or simply create a public page that is interesting to others. Income will grow every month. In order for this to be exactly the case, the group must have not 1000, but at least 10,000 subscribers.

Group categories

Many people are wondering how to advertise a VKontakte group. This network took special place in the advertising industry. In the modern world, any business can be developed via the Internet. We will provide you with information on how to proceed correctly. First, you need to know something about the two existing categories of groups:

A group whose purpose is to discuss and solve problems related to virtual communication within the network.

Free ways to promote VKontakte groups. Option one

Let's start with free ways promotion of the VKontakte group. For this it is necessary free time, a little imagination and perseverance. All of the above will be needed in order to recruit the required number of people into the group.

The method that will be considered first has one feature: it uses promotion services, because none of us will be interested in a group that has three subscribers, and two of them are blocked. First, you need to gain at least 100 subscribers using promotion servers. Check daily to ensure that subscribers to the VKontakte group are not banned. If there are any, delete them so as not to block the group. The most popular service is Olike, it will provide 50 subscribers in two hours. Next comes Likest. It is quite easy to use, you will have about 25 people in an hour. Turboliker is considered the fastest server. In half an hour - 30 subscribers.

Method two: the correct name method

Try to choose the most appropriate name for the public page with the most frequent requests. That is, if this is a group of a certain artist, indicate his hit or latest song in the title; if there is a focus on a certain city, then indicate its name. First, you need to determine the purpose of creating the public, what it can be of interest to. How to advertise a VKontakte group by inviting friends? Let's look at it below.

Method three: sending invitations to all friends and acquaintances

To implement your plan, create a group, describe the goal, indicate in the message that it is you and not spam, and send it to all your friends. This ensures that the group has real subscribers who will not be blocked. They will be active participants, which will have a beneficial effect on their reputation. The most important way to promote a group is its activity and updating. This is all done when the community reaches a certain number of people. It is necessary to come up with a work plan, what time and on what days news, videos, music or pictures will be posted. All this should be of interest to the target audience.

Method four. Advertising in other public pages

You can talk about your group in other communities using a link and small comments that should indicate what the public is about. But be careful: you may get blocked for this. Such actions must be coordinated with the administration of the group or find a special topic in which you can leave messages of this type.

Paid methods

There are also paid methods of promotion. Let's consider using money.

If a person does not want to engage in promotion, you can already buy it. Its price will be about 1000 rubles, it probably has many subscribers, all that remains is to change the name and purpose of the public. You can also advertise the group on the left of the VKontakte page. This function is provided by the network; you can pay for advertising by clicks. In the settings, specify which audience you want to tell about the community.

Over time, you will understand perfectly how to advertise a VKontakte group. You can also attract subscribers by paying them money for it. Here you can use sites designed to effectively perform such work. You can also use resources that promote the group. You configure everything the way you need, the site administration handles everything else.

Why is all this needed?

How is promoting a VKontakte group useful? The likelihood of sales and demand for services depends on how popular the public is. The more subscribers, the more people sees the news, it rises in the group rankings.
The main goal of promotion is to raise the community to the TOP. How this will be accomplished is everyone’s business, the main thing is the result. If all the above rules are followed, the group will become the best of the best. The main thing is to not allow spam in the public, account blocking, fake subscribers, and the like.

It is important to understand that it is not a matter of speed; the main task of any group leader is to do everything efficiently. You shouldn’t invest too much money in promotion, you can try all the methods: free ones to start with, if that doesn’t work, then take a closer look at paid solutions to the problem. It is best to create a group based on your interests, so that you have a desire to engage in it, because if the public is about a singer who is not interesting to the creator of the page, then most likely there will be no updates there. Who is interested in being in an inactive group?

Now you know how to advertise a VKontakte group. You need to remember the main thing: you need to create a public page when you have enough free time to do it. Then attract your family and friends to the group, do not forget about various competitions, fill the free space with pictures, music and videos, as well as the latest news.