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Raising greatness. Detailed meaning of the hexagram

Canonical text

Favorable fortitude. Don't feed (only from your own) at home - happiness. The ford across the great river is favorable.

  1. There will be danger. — Favorable to stop (your activities).
  2. The spokes of the cart fell out.
  3. A chase on a good horse. - Fortitude in difficulties is favorable. And so, (if you) practice (using) war chariots, (then) it is favorable to have where to go.
  4. Protective board (from horns) of a calf. - Primordial happiness.
  5. The tusks of an emasculated boar. - Happiness.
  6. What roads [may there be] in heaven? - Accomplishment.

The previous situation of integrity is the time when a person develops his best qualities and accumulates his merits. If it is carried out correctly, then a person can acquire enormous moral strength. They, in fact, are the great ones who can further educate. But these great moral forces also require a great object of their action. This object must be so broad that it is possible to go beyond just the personal. Therefore, the most important thing in this situation is to get out of your narrow sphere. In the previous situation, a certain synthesis of what was known and what was being known again had already been achieved. But if a person turned this synthesis only to his own benefit, then it would only indicate the overcoming of his vices. Here one must act in such a way that this action extends to other people, only then can it be called great. From this side, we can say that what is meant here is not only great upbringing, but great upbringing. Therefore, in the text we see the following: Raising greatness. Favorable fortitude. Feed not only from your home. Happiness. The ford across the great river is favorable.


The main danger that a person in this position may face is to continue to work further and further on accumulating his moral virtues, for his own sake. This is especially noticeable in the first position, because it characterizes a person’s presence in the very depths of his inner life. The greatest danger here is to remain within yourself and not reach out to the people around you. But this must be stopped; only then can positive results be achieved. In the text we read: In the beginning strong trait. There will be danger. It is favorable to stop (your activities).


If the first position is only the beginning of the process in its internal development, then the second position is the maximum development of the process. But in this situation, this is just superfluous, because for the inner life everything was done in the previous situation. Therefore, persistent stay in it only leads to helplessness. To remain only within oneself would mean not to move forward. The Book of Changes expresses this in a brief but telling way: The strong trait comes second. The spokes of the cart fell out.


The third position, usually indicating a way out from the inner life to external activity, is in perfect harmony with the general meaning of this hexagram. Usually the third position is a position of crisis, and in most cases in the “Book of Changes” we find very strict warning aphorisms on it. However, here, where the exit to the outside, which characterizes the third position, is harmoniously combined with the exit to the outside, necessary within the meaning of this situation as a whole, it is something favorable, in its own way harmonizing with the entire hexagram. Therefore, in the text we find: The strong trait is in third place. A chase on a good horse. Fortitude is beneficial in times of difficulty. And so, if you practice using war chariots, then it is favorable to have somewhere to go.


This whole situation is predisposed to outward activity. Therefore, this external activity is constantly emphasized by soothing images. Even if it did pose some kind of danger, then the “Book of Changes” hastens to warn that here, in the situation of raising a great person, the danger of acting outside does not exist, it can only seem. In order to understand the image in which this idea is encrypted in our monument, we must remember that in ancient China there was a custom: in order to make the horns of a bull safe, they put a specially arranged board on its horns. The Book of Changes does not even talk about the bull here. She is talking about a calf, which is not scary even without a protective board, especially since it is something completely safe if a protective board is put on it. Therefore, in the text, which is not without wit, we read: The weak point is in fourth place. Calf protection board. Original happiness.


The upper trigram, symbolizing the external, in turn is divided into two types of traits: the first is the fourth and sixth traits, which, being external, characterize only the external side of activity on the outside, and the other type is the fifth trait, which characterizes the internal side of the same activity on the outside. Therefore, in order to again emphasize here the safety of action outside, a slightly different image has been chosen. If horns can be understood as something sticking out, then a fang can be understood more as a weapon hidden inside the animal. That's why we talk about fangs here. But to emphasize the safety of these tusks, the Book of Changes speaks of an emasculated boar. If a boar can be terrible, then an emasculated boar is devoid of rage. That is why in the text we find the image: The weak point is in fifth place. The tusks of an emasculated boar are happiness.


In the previous position, everything that is achievable in a given situation can be achieved, and the sixth position is only a redevelopment. If the entire hexagram is characterized by an exit to the outside, then an excessive continuation of such an exit to the outside would, strictly speaking, be an exit to the sky, but there are no roads there. Therefore, only the further development of those paths that were already outlined in the previous one, and those paths that are outlined in the next hexagram - the 27th, is assumed. Therefore, in the text we find: There is a strong line at the top. What roads could there be in the sky?! Development.

In the external - Stay and inviolability, in the internal - Creativity and strength. Your creativity and your strength lead to a change in the unshakable - raising the great. But such a change will be beneficial only if it is carried out by a completely wise person; it is better for an insignificant one to stop his activities.

Hayslip's interpretation

There is a “pause” in your destiny, so don’t waste your energy. Do not relax in combat readiness, wait for it to end, but do not waste your energy on trifles, soon she will find something more pleasant and useful application. Your wishes will come true if the height of their bar is set correctly and not too high. Those who have faced problems similar to yours will help you. Be patient, do not try to force the pace of events, the result may be completely opposite.

Da-chu (Raising Great): yes - big, noble, important; able to protect others; will aimed at achieving one's own goal; the ability to manage your life; yang energy; chu - collect, absorb, store, hold; control, limit; care, support; tame, train or herd animals, educate, domesticate; to be trained or tamed. The hieroglyph depicts the fertile, silt-rich black soil of a river delta.

Favorable fortitude.
Feed not only from your home. Happiness.
The ford across the great river is favorable.

This is the time to put things together with a great idea. Focus on one thing and determine the main direction of your life. Focus on the main idea. Gather everything valuable from your life experiences and use it. Think of yourself as a person who raises animals or grows crops. Show tolerance and kindness. Don't stay at home or with your closest friends: the path to great achievements opens before you. Step into the flow of life with meaningful purpose. Be firm and persistent. Experience a sense of connection with the Tao every day. Cultivate moral and intellectual strength. This is a great time that will bring rich fruits.

The previous situation of integrity is the time when a person develops his best qualities and accumulates his merits. If it is carried out correctly, then a person can acquire enormous moral strength. They, in fact, are the great ones who can further educate. But these great moral forces also require a great object of their action. This object must be so broad that it is possible to go beyond just the personal. Therefore, the most important thing in this situation is to get out of your narrow sphere. In the previous situation, a certain synthesis of what was known and what was being known again had already been achieved. But if a person turned this synthesis only to his own benefit, then it would only indicate the overcoming of his vices. Here one must act in such a way that this action extends to other people, only then can it be called great. From this side, we can say that what is meant here is not only great upbringing, but great upbringing.

Outer and Inner worlds: Mountain and Sky

The outer limit restrains and accumulates the great power of Heaven. This is a time of strength and abundance.

The power that comes from being raised great contains the hidden ability to realize your own potential.


Integrity allows one to accumulate great things. Realizing this makes it possible to raise great people.


Raising great means the time has come.


The sky is in the center of the mountain. Raising greatness.
A noble person is guided by the words and deeds of his ancestors.
A noble person accumulates strength and virtue.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

There will be danger.
It is favorable to stop (your activities).

What you are doing now threatens you with danger. Stop. You need to figure out what's going on.

The main danger that a person in this position may face is to continue to work further and further on accumulating his moral virtues, for his own sake. This is especially noticeable in the first position, because it characterizes a person’s presence in the very depths of his inner life. The greatest danger here is to remain within yourself and not reach out to the people around you. But this must be stopped; only then can positive results be achieved.

Line 2

Nine second

The spokes of the cart fell out.

You experience helplessness due to the discrepancy between your internal state and developments in the external world. Stopping leads to the breakdown of connections with other people. You have to get over yourself and move on.

If the first position is only the beginning of the process in its internal development, then the second position is the maximum development of the process. But in this situation, this is just superfluous, because for the inner life everything was done in the previous situation. Therefore, persistent stay in it only leads to helplessness. To remain only within oneself would mean not to move forward.

Line 3

Nine three

A chase on a good horse.
Persistence in difficulties is favorable.
If you practice using war chariots,
It’s good to have somewhere to go.

This position, usually associated with a crisis, here has a harmonious development. You rush towards high goal, which is worth the difficulties that you have to overcome. A well-designed action plan will greatly support you.

The third position, usually indicating a way out from the inner life to external activity, is in perfect harmony with the general meaning of this hexagram. Usually the third position is a position of crisis, and in most cases in the “Book of Changes” we find very strict warning aphorisms on it. However, here, where the exit to the outside, which characterizes the third position, is harmoniously combined with the exit to the outside, necessary within the meaning of this situation as a whole, it is something favorable, in its own way harmonizing with the entire hexagram.

Line 4

Six fourth

Calf protection board.
Original happiness.

The metaphor in the fourth position indicates particularly favorable conditions for action. In Ancient China, a special board was put on the points of bull horns to protect against them. A safety board for a hornless calf means there is no even imaginable danger. The way is open. You can safely implement your plan.

This whole situation is predisposed to outward activity. Therefore, this external activity is constantly emphasized by soothing images. Even if it did pose some kind of danger, then the “Book of Changes” hastens to warn that here, in the situation of raising a great one, the danger of acting outside does not exist, it can only seem. In order to understand the image in which this idea is encrypted in our monument, we must remember that in ancient China there was a custom: in order to make the horns of a bull safe, they put a specially arranged board on its horns. The “Book of Changes” does not even talk about the bull here. She is talking about a calf, which is not scary even without a protective board, especially since it is something completely safe if a protective board is put on it.

Line 5

Six fifth

The tusks of an emasculated boar.

The favorable situation continues. Your opponents are deprived of the opportunity to harm you.

The upper trigram, symbolizing the external, in turn is divided into two types of traits: the first - the fourth and sixth traits, which, being external, characterize only the external side of the activity on the outside, and the other type - the fifth trait, which characterize the internal side of the same activity on the outside. Therefore, in order to again emphasize here the safety of action outside, a slightly different image has been chosen. If horns can be understood as something sticking out, then a fang can be understood more as a weapon hidden inside the animal. That's why we talk about fangs here. But to emphasize the safety of these tusks, the Book of Changes speaks of an emasculated boar. If a boar can be terrible, then an emasculated boar is devoid of rage.

Line 6

Top nine

What roads can there be in Heaven?

You have gone so far in your aspirations that further, figuratively speaking, there can only be Heaven. But since there are no clearly marked roads, it is better to develop the paths already outlined in the past. This will bring success and give you enlightenment.

In the previous position, everything that is achievable in a given situation can be achieved, and the sixth position is only a redevelopment. If the entire hexagram is characterized by an exit to the outside, then an excessive continuation of such an exit to the outside would, strictly speaking, be an exit to the sky, but there are no roads there. Therefore, only the further development of those paths that were already outlined in the previous one, and those paths that are outlined in the next hexagram - the 27th, is assumed.

There is a lull in your life, but there is an upswing ahead of you, and before you set out on your journey, make sure you have enough strength to overcome it. Don't isolate yourself - now more than ever you need communication. Make new acquaintances. You will receive help from people facing a situation similar to yours. Don't try to speed things up - the result may be just the opposite.

your wish

The fulfillment of your desire will depend on how well you were able to adapt to new circumstances.

Explanation of the hexagram

full explanation of the 26th hexagram → Da Chu: Raising Greatness

Explanation of each trait

explanation of the hexagram features from bottom to top

The previous situation of integrity is the time when a person develops his best qualities and accumulates his merits. If it is carried out correctly, then a person can acquire enormous moral strength. They, in fact, are the great ones who can further educate. But these great moral forces also require a great object of their action. This object must be so broad that it is possible to go beyond just the personal. Therefore, the most important thing in this situation is to get out of your narrow sphere. In the previous situation, a certain synthesis of what was known and what was being known again had already been achieved. But if a person turned this synthesis only to his own benefit, then it would only indicate the overcoming of his vices. Here one must act in such a way that this action extends to other people, only then can it be called great. From this side, we can say that what is meant here is not only great upbringing, but great upbringing. Therefore, in the text we see the following: Raising greatness. Favorable fortitude. Feed not only from your home. Happiness. The ford across the great river is favorable.

The main danger that a person in this position may face is to continue to work further and further on accumulating his moral virtues, for his own sake. This is especially noticeable in the first position, because it characterizes a person’s presence in the very depths of his inner life. The greatest danger here is to remain within yourself and not reach out to the people around you. But this must be stopped; only then can positive results be achieved. In the text we read: In the beginning there is a strong line. There will be danger. It is favorable to stop [your activities].

If the first position is only the beginning of the process in its internal development, then the second position is the maximum development of the process. But in this situation, this is just superfluous, because for the inner life everything was done in the previous situation. Therefore, persistent stay in it only leads to helplessness. To remain only within oneself would mean not to move forward. The Book of Changes expresses this in a brief but telling way: The strong trait comes second. The spokes of the cart fell out.

The third position, usually indicating a way out from the inner life to external activity, is in perfect harmony with the general meaning of this hexagram. Usually the third position is a position of crisis, and in most cases in the “Book of Changes” we find very strict warning aphorisms on it. However, here, where the exit to the outside, which characterizes the third position, is harmoniously combined with the exit to the outside, necessary within the meaning of this situation as a whole, it is something favorable, in its own way harmonizing with the entire hexagram. Therefore, in the text we find: The strong trait is in third place. A chase on a good horse. Fortitude is beneficial in times of difficulty. And so, if you practice using war chariots, then it is favorable to have somewhere to go.

This whole situation is predisposed to outward activity. Therefore, this external activity is constantly emphasized by soothing images. Even if it did pose some kind of danger, then the “Book of Changes” hastens to warn that here, in the situation of raising a great one, the danger of acting outside does not exist, it can only seem. In order to understand the image in which this idea is encrypted in our monument, we must remember that in ancient China there was a custom: in order to make the horns of a bull safe, they put a specially arranged board on its horns. The Book of Changes does not even talk about the bull here. She is talking about a calf, which is not scary even without a protective board, especially since it is something completely safe if a protective board is put on it. Therefore, in the text, which is not without wit, we read: The weak point is in fourth place. Calf protection board. Original happiness.

The upper trigram, symbolizing the external, in turn is divided into two types of traits: the first - the fourth and sixth traits, which, being external, characterize only the external side of the activity on the outside, and the other type - the fifth trait, which characterize the internal side of the same activity on the outside. Therefore, in order to again emphasize here the safety of action outside, a slightly different image has been chosen. If horns can be understood as something sticking out, then a fang can be understood more as a weapon hidden inside the animal. That's why we talk about fangs here. But to emphasize the safety of these tusks, the Book of Changes speaks of an emasculated boar. If a boar can be terrible, then an emasculated boar is devoid of rage. That is why in the text we find the image: The weak point is in fifth place. The tusks of an emasculated boar are happiness.

In the previous position, everything that is achievable in a given situation can be achieved, and the sixth position is only a redevelopment. If the entire hexagram is characterized by an exit to the outside, then an excessive continuation of such an exit to the outside would, strictly speaking, be an exit to the sky, but there are no roads there. Therefore, only the further development of those paths that were already outlined in the previous one, and those paths that are outlined in the next hexagram - the 27th, is assumed. Therefore, in the text we find: There is a strong line at the top. What roads could there be in the sky?! Development.

Description of the external and hidden hexagrams

In the manifested world a powerful mountain rises above the clouds. Life is calm, conscious and provided with everything necessary.
From the depths of the mountain a huge golden slab rises upward. From the inner plane, something very valuable began to come out.
Soon gold will appear on the surface of the mountain and illuminate the whole world with its radiance. Divine vibration from the inner plane begins to manifest itself in the world of events. All manifested reality will be illuminated with the light of a new beautiful awareness.

On the SUBCONSCIOUS, the vibration is similar, which doubles the power of what is happening.
The tree grows quickly (like thunder), feeding on underground waters. There is a very rapid internal growth of human consciousness thanks to hidden internal sources.
The tree awakened with its roots a lake locked in the bowels of the Earth. This growth led to the discovery internal source strength and joy.
The water will rush to the surface, sweeping away everything in its path. The tree will be completely submerged in water. This discovery will completely transform your inner world. It will bring joyful resolution of problems and fulfillment of desires.
The flow of water will bring valuable gold bars to the surface from the depths of the earth. The magnificent treasure will illuminate the world with its radiance. Your cherished dreams will come true. The emotion of joy will fill the whole world.

General interpretation of hexagram No. 26

In manifested reality, the golden plate is a person’s awareness of his divine nature, his connection with God. The divine qualities of man begin to manifest themselves in reality. Everything else immediately fades into the background. This is the FULFILLMENT of DESIRE through the divine properties of a person, through his intention, words and thoughts.

On the subconscious plane, emotions, excitement and mobility reign (properties of wood). This is a premonition of the appearance of a priceless treasure. The divine properties of a person will manifest themselves from the depths of the subconscious, immediately changing everything around. What previously worried and was almost the essence of life itself will tomorrow seem like a completely meaningless trifle. Various stones will fall out of your hands when a priceless bar of gold is found. This is the FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE in a new, unusual way, through connection with your divine qualities.

It is unfavorable to devote oneself to worldly vanity, to live in the flow of external events. It is necessary to help the priceless treasure manifest itself by focusing on the connection of your thoughts with current events.

In what state must a person come to realize his desires? According to the vibration of hexagram 26, a necessary condition for the fulfillment of a desire is the calm and steadfastness of the mountain in manifested reality and the joyful anticipation of a favorable outcome in the subconscious.

Prediction occurs when the questioner does not have high expectations. If this state continues after receiving the 26th hexagram, then the desire will be realized. If the prediction creates a strong expectation, then the likelihood of the wish being fulfilled may become negligible. Destroy your expectation by remembering the reverse vibration of hexagamma 26 “FAILURE OF EXPECTATIONS” and then your desire will definitely be realized.



Failure of expectations is the maximum degree of rejection of current events. “Everything is wrong, everything is not as it should be!” V.V. Vysotsky.

Awareness of the fact that everything always happens in the best, most optimal way, despite the fact that these may be severe tragedies at a given time this moment time, naturally changes position FAILURE OF EXPECTATIONS to accept everything that happens. If this state has been achieved, then nothing can upset you, piss you off, or cause anger. How will life develop in this case? There are simply no other options here except to FULFILL YOUR WISHES. So FAILURE OF EXPECTATIONS generates FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE, and FULFILLMENT OF DESIRE in turn leads to FAILURE OF EXPECTATIONS, when the next desires are not fulfilled.







What could be better than the fulfillment of desires through the manifestation of one’s divine properties?

A parable by Osho Rajneesh as retold by the author.

One person died. Got into a very a nice place. A tall man in a snow-white robe came out to him and said:
- You've come to the right place the best place in the entire Universe!
“That’s the best,” the man was surprised, because he did not consider himself worthy of such an honor at all.
- Judge for yourself! Here any of your wishes will instantly come true! Try.
The man was a great connoisseur of weapons. He had long dreamed of it, and now he imagined an old musket with jewelry in the butt. Immediately I felt a heaviness in my hand. Wow! Yes, just such a musket instantly appeared in his hand. Without a doubt, “this is the best place in the Universe!” More than two weeks have passed. The man enjoyed everything that came to his mind. Women, wine, travel, gourmet food and much more instantly appeared and came to fruition. He started to get tired of it. He decided to find a high angel. A man in snow-white robes immediately appeared in front of him.

Everything here is beautiful and wonderful. But, do you understand?
- What do you understand? - asked the snow-white one.
- How can I say this? Is there anything we can do for anyone here? Help with something.
- What nonsense! Think for yourself what anyone might need here, if any desires of everyone are instantly fulfilled!
- Then I don’t like this Paradise of yours! – the man blurted out.
- Who told you that this is heaven, this is HELL!

Positions for awareness:

1. Fulfillment of desires brings devastation and kills life. The complete completion of all desires is death.

2. Fulfillment of desires allows you to realize yourself and feel happy.

3. The presence of strong desires is a clear sign that a person does not trust the flow of events and has become identified with his ego.

4. This life flows through desire and their implementation. You cannot fulfill all desires - this devastates a person, destroys life itself. Deep satisfaction, complete satiety - these are moments of death while still alive.

5. Desires lead to suffering. The path to true bliss lies through getting rid of all desires. “Satisfaction eludes the one who has desires,” Sathya Sai Baba

6. The fulfillment of a desire testifies to the Highest Harmony: You simply wished and let go of this desire. “Let it be what will be!” If you had not been able to let go and merged with your desire, then it would definitely not have come true. The main obstacle to the realization of a desire is the presence of the desire itself, that is, a strong vibration of the ego!

7. You can achieve anything without wanting anything, but simply by doing! Fulfillment of intentions is a gift to a master who has gotten rid of desires.

8. “I give you everything you want, I bring your desires to fulfillment... But only when you stop wanting, through you can My Will be carried out in its entirety!” - Babaji.

9. “Be afraid of your desires - they tend to come true,” Bulgakov “The Master and Magarita.”

10. “Without desires, one can see the hidden secret. Having desires, you can only see the visible,” Lao Tzu “Tao Te Ching.”

11. “Once in a lifetime, fortune knocks on every person’s door, but at that time a person often sits in the nearest pub and does not hear any knock,” Mark Twain.

12. “The desire to be unusual is a very common desire. To relax and be ordinary is truly extraordinary,” Osho.

13. The desire itself is the main obstacle to its realization.

14. “The greatest fruit of limiting desires is freedom,” Epicurus.

15. “My needs are extremely simple: I am content with the best” - Oscar Wilde.

16. “There are only two real tragedies in life: one is when you don’t get what you want, and the second is when you get it. The second is worse, because when you get what you want, you most often experience disappointment,” Oscar Wilde. Lady Windermere's fan.

17. “Sometimes God punishes us by fulfilling our desires” - Clone (O Clone).

18. “Everything will come true, you just need to stop wanting...” - Faina Georgievna Ranevskaya.

19. “If you don’t know what you want, you’ll die in a pile of what you didn’t want,” - Fight Club.

20. “Do today what others don’t want, tomorrow you will live what others cannot,” - Jared Leto.

21. “Every person has desires that he does not communicate to others, and desires that he is not even aware of to himself,” - Sigmund Freud.

22 “Give a man everything he desires, and at that very moment he will feel that it is not everything,” - Immanuel Kant.

23. “Ultimately, a person loves his desires, not what he wants,” - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche.

24. “Every girl should always know two things: what and who she wants,” Coco Chanel.

25. “You don’t get exactly what you want; you get it, but you don’t want it anymore; or you don’t even know what you really want,” Smeshariki.

26. “The deepest, most sincere desire is the desire to be close to someone,” - Paulo Coelho. Eleven minutes.

27. “A real man wants two things: danger and play. That is why he needs a woman - as the most dangerous toy,” - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche. Thus spoke Zarathustra.

28. “In general, of course, I want some kind of strong, real feeling... But when I look at you, I think - well, screw it!” What else do men talk about?

29. “If you really want to do something, it is either immoral, or prohibited, or harmful to the figure,” - Arthur Bloch. Murphy's Laws.

30. “When you know what a person wants, you get to know the person,” Stephen King. Green Mile.

31. “My great-grandfather says: “I have a desire to buy a house, but I don’t have the opportunity. I have the opportunity to buy a goat, but I have no desire.” So let’s drink so that our possibilities always coincide with our desires!” Captive of the Caucasus, or Shurik's New Adventures.

32. “As soon as you stop wanting something, it just falls into your hands. My experience proves this is an absolute axiom,” Andy Warhol.

33. “What is most desirable? That which is unattainable” - Alexandre Dumas. Count of Monte Cristo.

34. “Many people are afraid to say what they want. And that’s why they don’t get it,” Madonna.

35. “Having achieved our goal, we will no longer want, because you cannot want what you own, so women are right when they refuse us...” - Giacomo Casanova.

36. “The funniest desire is the desire to please everyone,” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

37. “People would not feel better if all their desires were fulfilled,” Heraclitus.

38. “If you don’t know what you want, you’ll end up with something you don’t want,” Chuck Palahniuk. Fight club.

39. “More than anything, we want what we can’t have,” Stephenie Meyer. Dawn.

40. “The most common desire is to be different from others,” William Shakespeare.

41. “I want such a modest, deadly simple thing: so that when I walk in, a person is happy,” Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

42. “Being aware of what you want is already half the victory. Most people live their lives without understanding what they want,” - Cashback.

43. “What you can’t get always seems better than what you have. This is the romance and idiocy of human life,” Erich Maria Remarque. Black obelisk.

44. “Whoever wants, looks for a way, whoever doesn’t want, looks for a reason,” - Socrates.

45. “The trouble is that people always want exactly what is most destructive for them,” JK Rowling. Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone.

46. ​​“To get what you want from life, you must first determine what you want,” Keanu Reeves.

47. “People find reality unsatisfactory and therefore live in a fantasy world, imagining the fulfillment of their desires. A strong personality makes these desires come true. The weak one lives in this world of her own and her fantasies are embodied in symptoms of various diseases,” Sigmund Freud

48. “If it’s possible, and even more so necessary, then somehow I don’t really want to,” Stas Yankovsky.

49. “When you finally get what you wanted, it turns out that it wasn’t what you wanted at all,” Gertrude Stein.

50. “It is human nature to value and desire above all else what he cannot achieve,” Sigmund Freud.

51. “Miracles don’t happen where no one wants them.” Lords of Thorns (Ibara no Ou -King of Thorn-).

52. “We are never further from our desires than when we imagine that we have what we want,” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

53. “We always strive for the forbidden and desire the forbidden,” - Publius Ovid Naso.

54. “Not feeling desires in yourself means not living,” Maxim Gorky. Cab.

55. “Desire is not what you see, but what you imagine,” - Paulo Coelho. Eleven minutes.

56. “I never resist temptation, for I know from experience that what is harmful to me does not tempt me,” - George Bernard Shaw.

57. “Free yourself from the desire to have,” - Lao Tzu.

58. “What you want most, you will never get,” Toradora! (Toradora!).

59. “They say: “What a woman wants, God wants,” but they don’t say that only God knows what she wants!” - Konstantin Melikhan.

60. “It’s very important sometimes to be able to protect yourself from what you want to do more than anything else in the world,” - Michael J. Fox.

61. “It is better to reduce your desires and needs to a minimum than to achieve their maximum satisfaction, and the latter is also impossible, since as needs and desires are satisfied, they increase indefinitely,” Arthur Schopenhauer.

62. “Our desires are premonitions of the abilities inherent in us, harbingers of what we will be able to accomplish,” - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe.

63. “I’m so sorry that all these are just words - love - I can’t do this, I would like a real bonfire on which they would burn me,” - Marina Ivanovna Tsvetaeva.

64. “There are two truths - about suffering and the occurrence of suffering. main reason suffering - in the insatiability of human desires. However, these desires do not lead to happiness. They are either unfulfilled, and this brings sadness, or they are fulfilled, and then we are convinced of the ephemeral nature of our happiness, and the fear of loss deprives it of meaning. But we continue to desire again and again, and it is this insatiable thirst that pushes us from one string of suffering to another,” - Siddhartha Gautama (Buddha).

65. “Remember that what you want is not always what you really need,” - Dalai Lama XIV.

66. “The secret of fulfilling a desire is that you need to give up the desire, and in return take intention, that is, the determination to have and act,” Vadim Zeland. Transurfing reality.

67. “The desire to fall in love is not yet love. But the fear of falling in love is already love,” Etienne Rey.

68. “In my life I have met a lot of people who want love, but cannot love anyone,” Renata Litvinova.

69. “It can be very difficult for men to admit, in fact, what they want! So they walk here and there, around and around!” Moscow, I love you!

70. “I want this. So it will be." - Henry Ford.

71. “Treat your thoughts like guests, and treat your desires like children.” Chinese proverbs and sayings.

72. “The desire for what we do not have destroys the use of what we have,” Michel de Montaigne.

73. “Wishful thinking will lead you nowhere,” - Irvine Welsh. Acid House (Acid House).
74. “To want is to be able,” - Bernard Werber. The last secret.

75. “Happiness also lies in the satisfaction of a strong desire,” Bernard Werber. The last secret.

76. “Whoever wants everything at once is poor because he does not know how to wait,” Evgeniy Aleksandrovich Yevtushenko.

77. “Desire is the driving force of the soul; a soul devoid of desires stagnates. One must desire in order to act, and act in order to be happy.” - Claude Adrian Helvetius.

78. “But remember, making a wish is only part of the story. We still need to work a lot. And then everything you wish will come true,” - The Princess and the Frog.

79. “If all human desires were fulfilled, the globe would become hell,” Pierre Buast.

80. “Before you strongly desire something, you should inquire whether the current owner of what you want is very happy,” - Francois de La Rochefoucauld.

81. “No desire is given to you apart from the power that allows you to fulfill it,” - Richard Bach. Bridge over eternity.

82. “Everyone wants something to happen, and everyone wants something not to happen,” - Bulat Shalvovich Okudzhava.

83. “Desire is equivalent to action,” - Mahatma Gandhi. My life.

84. “Great minds set goals for themselves; other people follow their desires,” Washington Irving.

85. “No desire, no suffering,” -Bernard Werber. Secret of the gods.

86. “If all desires were fulfilled as soon as they arose, then how would one fill human life, how to kill time?” - Arthur Schopenhauer. Thoughts.

87. “He who reigns within himself, and rules his passions, desires, and fears, is more than a king,” -John Milton. Paradise returned.

88. “The fewer desires I have, the closer I am to the gods,” - Socrates.

89. “I have nothing more to wish for. All I want is for tomorrow to be like today,” Bernard Werber. Empire of Angels.

90. “A person obsessed with desires and aspirations is doomed to suffering...” - Arthur Schopenhauer.

91. “God fulfills all our desires. You just have to keep in mind that He listens not to the letter, but to the spirit of desire and interprets it from His point of view,” Absalom the Underwater.

92. “Don’t wish for too much - you won’t be able to pay it off,” Vanga.

93. “Man is an individual animal, whose abilities are limited, but whose desires are infinite,” - Henry Hazlitt.

94. “If you want to have something, it means that at the same time you will have it!” - Dina Dean.

95. “Fulfillment is the enemy of desire,” - Erich Maria Remarque. Black obelisk.

96. “The nature of desire is dissatisfaction, and most people live experiencing only this feeling,” - Aristotle.

97. “I heard somewhere that if you truly believe in something, then you already have it. Then we still don't have something just because we believe it is so; and, apparently, our thoughts do not agree with our desires,” Klaus Joule (Messenger).