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Raising greatness. “Ultimately, a person loves his desires, not what he wants” - Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche

Concentration of thought, focus on a great idea; energy storage; bringing together, time for great efforts and accomplishments.


Da-choo (Raising Great): Yes- big, noble, important; able to protect others; will aimed at achieving one's own goal; the ability to manage your life; yang energy; chu- collect, absorb, store, hold; control, limit; care, support; tame, train or herd animals, educate, domesticate; to be trained or tamed. The hieroglyph depicts the fertile, silt-rich black soil of a river delta.

Figurative row

Favorable fortitude.
Feed not only from your home. Happiness.
The ford across the great river is favorable.

This is the time to put things together with a great idea. Focus on one thing and determine the main direction of your life. Focus on the main idea. Gather everything valuable from your life experiences and use it. Think of yourself as a person who raises animals or grows crops. Show tolerance and kindness. Don't stay at home or with your closest friends: the path to great achievements opens before you. Step into the flow of life with meaningful purpose. Be firm and persistent. Experience a sense of connection with the Tao every day. Cultivate moral and intellectual strength. This is a great time that will bring rich fruits.

Outer and Inner Worlds: Mountain and Sky

The outer limit restrains and accumulates the great power of Heaven. This is a time of strength and abundance.

Hidden opportunity:

The power that comes from being raised great contains the hidden ability to realize your own potential.


Integrity allows one to accumulate great things. Realizing this makes it possible to raise great people.


Raising great means the time has come.


The sky is in the center of the mountain. Raising greatness.
A noble person is guided by the words and deeds of his ancestors.
A noble person accumulates strength and virtue.

Hexagram lines

First nine

There will be danger.
It is favorable to stop (your activities).

What you are doing now threatens you with danger. Stop. You need to figure out what's going on.

Nine second

The spokes of the cart fell out.

You experience helplessness due to the discrepancy between your internal state and developments in the external world. Stopping leads to the breakdown of connections with other people. You have to get over yourself and move on.

Nine three

A chase on a good horse.
Persistence in difficulties is favorable.
If you practice using war chariots,
It’s good to have somewhere to go.

This position, usually associated with a crisis, here has a harmonious development. You rush towards high goal, which is worth the difficulties that you have to overcome. A well-designed action plan will greatly support you.

Six fourth

Calf protection board.
Original happiness.

The metaphor in the fourth position indicates particularly favorable conditions for action. In Ancient China, a special board was put on the points of bull horns to protect against them. A safety board for a hornless calf means there is no even imaginable danger. The way is open. You can safely implement your plan.

Six fifth

The tusks of an emasculated boar.

The favorable situation continues. Your opponents are deprived of the opportunity to harm you.

Da-chu (Raising Great): yes - big, noble, important; able to protect others; will aimed at achieving one's own goal; the ability to manage your life; yang energy; chu - collect, absorb, store, hold; control, limit; care, support; tame, train or herd animals, educate, domesticate; to be trained or tamed. The hieroglyph depicts the fertile, silt-rich black soil of a river delta.

Favorable fortitude.
Feed not only from your home. Happiness.
The ford across the great river is favorable.

This is the time to put things together with a great idea. Focus on one thing and determine the main direction of your life. Focus on the main idea. Gather everything valuable from your life experiences and use it. Think of yourself as a person who raises animals or grows crops. Show tolerance and kindness. Don't stay at home or with your closest friends: the path to great achievements opens before you. Step into the flow of life with meaningful purpose. Be firm and persistent. Experience a sense of connection with the Tao every day. Cultivate moral and intellectual strength. This is a great time that will bring rich fruits.

The previous situation of integrity is the time when a person develops his best qualities and accumulates his merits. If it is carried out correctly, then a person can acquire enormous moral strength. They, in fact, are the great ones who can further educate. But these great moral forces also require a great object of their action. This object must be so broad that it is possible to go beyond just the personal. Therefore, the most important thing in this situation is to get out of your narrow sphere. In the previous situation, a certain synthesis of what was known and what was being known again had already been achieved. But if a person turned this synthesis only to his own benefit, then it would only indicate the overcoming of his vices. Here one must act in such a way that this action extends to other people, only then can it be called great. From this side, we can say that what is meant here is not only great upbringing, but great upbringing.

Outer and Inner worlds: Mountain and Sky

The outer limit restrains and accumulates the great power of Heaven. This is a time of strength and abundance.

The power that comes from being raised great contains the hidden ability to realize your own potential.


Integrity allows one to accumulate great things. Realizing this makes it possible to raise great people.


Raising great means the time has come.


The sky is in the center of the mountain. Raising greatness.
A noble person is guided by the words and deeds of his ancestors.
A noble person accumulates strength and virtue.

Hexagram lines

Line 1

First nine

There will be danger.
It is favorable to stop (your activities).

What you are doing now threatens you with danger. Stop. You need to figure out what's going on.

The main danger that a person in this position may face is to continue to work further and further on accumulating his moral virtues, for his own sake. This is especially noticeable in the first position, because it characterizes a person’s presence in the very depths of his inner life. The greatest danger here is to remain within yourself and not reach out to the people around you. But this must be stopped; only then can positive results be achieved.

Line 2

Nine second

The spokes of the cart fell out.

You experience helplessness due to the discrepancy between your internal state and developments in the external world. Stopping leads to the breakdown of connections with other people. You have to get over yourself and move on.

If the first position is only the beginning of the process in its internal development, then the second position is the maximum development of the process. But in this situation, this is just superfluous, because for the inner life everything was done in the previous situation. Therefore, persistent stay in it only leads to helplessness. To remain only within oneself would mean not to move forward.

Line 3

Nine three

A chase on a good horse.
Persistence in difficulties is favorable.
If you practice using war chariots,
It’s good to have somewhere to go.

This position, usually associated with a crisis, here has a harmonious development. You strive for a high goal that is worth the difficulties that you have to overcome. A well-designed action plan will greatly support you.

The third position, usually indicating a way out from the inner life to external activity, is in perfect harmony with the general meaning of this hexagram. Usually the third position is a position of crisis, and in most cases in the “Book of Changes” we find very strict warning aphorisms on it. However, here, where the exit to the outside, which characterizes the third position, is harmoniously combined with the exit to the outside, necessary within the meaning of this situation as a whole, it is something favorable, in its own way harmonizing with the entire hexagram.

Line 4

Six fourth

Calf protection board.
Original happiness.

The metaphor in the fourth position indicates particularly favorable conditions for action. In Ancient China, a special board was put on the points of bull horns to protect against them. A safety board for a hornless calf means there is no even imaginable danger. The way is open. You can safely implement your plan.

This whole situation is predisposed to outward activity. Therefore, this external activity is constantly emphasized by soothing images. Even if it did pose some kind of danger, then the “Book of Changes” hastens to warn that here, in the situation of raising a great one, the danger of acting outside does not exist, it can only seem. In order to understand the image in which this idea is encrypted in our monument, we must remember that in ancient China there was a custom: in order to make the horns of a bull safe, they put a specially arranged board on its horns. The “Book of Changes” does not even talk about the bull here. She is talking about a calf, which is not scary even without a protective board, especially since it is something completely safe if a protective board is put on it.

Line 5

Six fifth

The tusks of an emasculated boar.

The favorable situation continues. Your opponents are deprived of the opportunity to harm you.

The upper trigram, symbolizing the external, in turn is divided into two types of traits: the first - the fourth and sixth traits, which, being external, characterize only the external side of the activity on the outside, and the other type - the fifth trait, which characterize the internal side of the same activity on the outside. Therefore, in order to again emphasize here the safety of action outside, a slightly different image has been chosen. If horns can be understood as something sticking out, then a fang can be understood more as a weapon hidden inside the animal. That's why we talk about fangs here. But to emphasize the safety of these tusks, the Book of Changes speaks of an emasculated boar. If a boar can be terrible, then an emasculated boar is devoid of rage.

Line 6

Top nine

What roads can there be in Heaven?

You have gone so far in your aspirations that further, figuratively speaking, there can only be Heaven. But since there are no clearly marked roads, it is better to develop the paths already outlined in the past. This will bring success and give you enlightenment.

In the previous position, everything that is achievable in a given situation can be achieved, and the sixth position is only a redevelopment. If the entire hexagram is characterized by an exit to the outside, then an excessive continuation of such an exit to the outside would, strictly speaking, be an exit to the sky, but there are no roads there. Therefore, only the further development of those paths that were already outlined in the previous one, and those paths that are outlined in the next hexagram - the 27th, is assumed.

Like a river that has been dammed, or a digester with a lid, holding and containing energy gives huge potential. IN usual time Daily rituals and habit help keep life orderly and calm, but in times of exceptional opportunity, inner strength of personality is required. To achieve maximum success, you need to focus on this potential.

You have significant reserves of energy and support. This is a great time to develop your creativity by collecting and organizing your best ideas and plans. Now even big and difficult undertakings can be successful.

The hidden source of power for those who do noble deeds is the study of the past. The lives of wise and successful men and women are like treasures buried on earth. Great fortune comes to those who unearth such valuable treasures by applying the lessons of the times to their present situation.

Interpretation of lines:

Line 1 (bottom line)

A changing line in the first position indicates that the time has not yet come to act. Perhaps you really want to launch a new business as soon as possible, but it seems that there is an obstacle in your way. Wait for the best time to release your energy.

There's no point in fighting now. The forces opposing you are too strong; what is needed now is patient waiting. If you wait a little, your energy will accumulate to take vigorous action when the time is right.

Now the road is clear, and you can safely hit the road. But be careful, stay alert in order to notice approaching threats in time and prevent them.

Precautionary measures taken in time can prevent disaster. In ancient times, a board was attached to the forehead of young bulls so that their horns could not hurt anyone. Likewise, it is wise to contain reckless forces before they cause much damage. This is the only way you will succeed, because prevention is better than cure. When destructive forces threaten, extreme precautions are necessary. Do not exclude the fact that the destructive force, in this case, may be within you.

When you are faced with a powerful force, it is often better to solve the problem through indirect action. The bullfighter holds back the bull, not blocking its path, but deftly retreating. Thus, he gains power over him. Likewise, by understanding the source of your problem, you can eradicate it. Good luck awaits.

Line 6 (top line)

Supreme luck! Great and powerful forces, which have recently been hampered by temporary restrictions, have now regained their strength. Use your creativity to move forward. Don't hesitate to take it upon yourself new level responsibility. You have the opportunity to exercise your strong positive influence.

Hexagram 26 in the Chinese Book of Changes is called “Da-chu”. Translated into Russian, it sounds like: “Education for Greatness.”

They say that the stops that occur along the way are just a sigh before continuing the journey. This is precisely the meaning contained in the 26th hexagram, which predicts difficulties in matters that will cause a stop.

There is only one piece of advice in such a situation - you should not fight the coincidence of circumstances, as you can worsen the situation. In a situation where help may be needed, it is best to step aside and not intervene until the danger of the period has passed. Financial difficulties are expected, but help will come from somewhere not expected. Perhaps a part-time job will appear that will bring additional income. The situation promises to improve over time and fulfill all, even the most daring, desires. This is a very difficult period in the sense that it will require enormous spiritual nobility. During this period, you will need to spend your internal reserve of strength. It will be necessary to go beyond one's own interests in order to help others, while it will be necessary to work hard, not be tempted by wealth, be generous and modest and be able to enjoy little things. This period requires enormous patience in the direction of one’s own interests, since it is necessary to resist and not go too far.

Let's consider the meaning of the I Ching hexagrams and try to interpret in detail the structure of hexagram 26.

The first line of the hexagram is a strong line, which is called the initial nine. Decoding the hexagrams of the Book of Changes usually interprets a solid line, equally predicting success, but in this hexagram this line predicts danger. This prediction can be explained by the fact that a person who sets a goal for himself at this stage too busy with himself and over accumulating his advantages, which negatively affects the situation. Danger can only be expected from oneself, i.e. to get stuck inside yourself and not go out to people - this is where the fear lies due to which you may not move to the next level. Success will come after self-effort. The interpretation of this hexagram sounds as follows: “There will be danger. It is favorable to stop your activities.”

The second line is a strong nine, interpreted as: “The spokes of the cart have fallen out.” If you do not decide to overcome yourself, then the situation may fail, which will entail great trouble. In other words, if you stop correcting yourself, you can lose connections with other people and lose the chance for correction. And staying within yourself means giving up and not moving forward along the rut of life.

The third line is continuous - this is the third nine: “Pursuit on a good horse. Fortitude is favorable, despite difficulties. If you practice using chariots, you will know where to go.” This position finally points to a way out of self-absorption into the world of activity and activity. To better resolve this situation, it is necessary to draw up a clear action plan. At this stage, you need to get used to competition and rhythm, and success will not be long in coming. This is especially true for businessmen.

Fourth line - six "Protective board for the calf. Happiness is coming." This is a moment of action and communication with people, helping them and personal peace of mind. A favorable moment for action. There is no danger on the way and not even planned. This interpretation can be explained by legend - the fact is that in ancient China, in order to make the bull safe, they put a special board on its horns. And at this stage, the hexagram speaks of a protective board for a calf that does not yet have horns. You can safely take on the implementation of your plan, but still, extra insurance will not hurt, so it is better to follow the rules of caution.

The fifth line - six, is commented on in the Book of Changes as "The tusks of an emasculated boar, predicting happiness." This prediction can be interpreted as follows - fangs symbolize an internal threat, and an emasculated boar is a boar devoid of rage, from which danger will not come. In other words, opponents are not capable of harming someone who is waiting. At this moment, business is thriving, income is growing, enemies are not able to harm, and danger can come in the form of one’s own fears that must be overcome.

The sixth line is a strong nine, which is interpreted as: “What roads can there be in heaven? It is finished.” In the previous position, everything that could be achieved was achieved, and now the moment of redevelopment is coming.

Hexagram 26 cannot give more than it has already given, therefore the further path of overcoming obstacles is already the sphere of activity of another hexagram. Having achieved the set goal, a person receives spiritual and material wealth, and an understanding of the truth of existence.

This was not possible in previous hexagrams; it was necessary to reach this point.

Fortune telling for the betrothed "My beloved"

They guess the name quite often. Any girl wants to know what her future husband’s name will be, and whether there are any people she knows with that name. There are a great many ways here. For example, everything...

Don’t waste your energy, there is a “pause” in your destiny. Wait for it to end in full readiness, do not waste your energy on trifles, soon she will find something more pleasant and useful application. Your wishes will come true, but only if you don’t set the bar too high. Help will come from those who have faced problems similar to yours. Do not try to force things to happen; the result may be the opposite.

The previous situation of integrity is the time when a person develops his best qualities and accumulates his merits. If it is carried out correctly, then a person can acquire enormous moral strength. They, in fact, are the great ones who can further educate. But these great moral forces also require a great object of their action. This object must be so broad that it is possible to go beyond just the personal.

Therefore, the most important thing in this situation is to get out of your narrow sphere. In the previous situation, a certain synthesis of what was known and what was being known again had already been achieved. But if a person turned this synthesis only to his own benefit, then it would only indicate the overcoming of his vices. Here one must act in such a way that this action extends to other people, only then can it be called great. From this side, we can say that what is meant here is not only great upbringing, but great upbringing. Therefore, in the text we see the following:

Raising greatness. Favorable fortitude. Feed not only from your home. Happiness. The ford across the great river is favorable.

The main danger that a person in this position may face is to continue to work further and further on accumulating his moral virtues, for his own sake. This is especially noticeable in the first position, because it characterizes a person’s presence in the very depths of his inner life. The greatest danger here is to remain within yourself and not reach out to the people around you. But this must be stopped; only then can positive results be achieved. In the text we read:

At first strong trait. There will be danger. It is favorable to stop [your activities].

If the first position is only the beginning of the process in its internal development, then the second position is the maximum development of the process. But in this situation, this is just superfluous, because for the inner life everything was done in the previous situation. Therefore, persistent stay in it only leads to helplessness. To remain only within oneself would mean not to move forward. The Book of Changes expresses this in a brief but expressive way:

The strong point comes in second place. The spokes of the cart fell out.

The third position, usually indicating a way out from the inner life to external activity, is in perfect harmony with the general meaning of this hexagram. Usually the third position is a position of crisis, and in most cases in the “Book of Changes” we find very strict warning aphorisms on it. However, here, where the exit to the outside, which characterizes the third position, is harmoniously combined with the exit to the outside, necessary within the meaning of this situation as a whole, it is something favorable, in its own way harmonizing with the entire hexagram. Therefore, in the text we find:

The strong point is in third place. A chase on a good horse. Fortitude is beneficial in times of difficulty. And so, if you practice using war chariots, then it is favorable to have somewhere to go.

This whole situation is predisposed to outward activity. Therefore, this external activity is constantly emphasized by soothing images. Even if it did pose some kind of danger, then the “Book of Changes” hastens to warn that here, in the situation of raising a great person, the danger of acting outside does not exist, it can only seem.

In order to understand the image in which this idea is encrypted in our monument, we must remember that in ancient China there was a custom: in order to make the horns of a bull safe, they put a specially arranged board on its horns. The Book of Changes does not even talk about the bull here. She is talking about a calf, which is not scary even without a protective board, especially since it is something completely safe if a protective board is put on it. Therefore, in a text that is not without wit, we read:

The weak point is in fourth place. Calf protection board. Original happiness.

The upper trigram, symbolizing the external, in turn is divided into two types of traits: the first is the fourth and sixth traits, which, being external, characterize only the external side of activity on the outside, and the other type is the fifth trait, which characterizes the internal side of the same activity on the outside. Therefore, in order to again emphasize here the safety of action outside, a slightly different image has been chosen. If horns can be understood as something sticking out, then a fang can be understood more as a weapon hidden inside the animal. That's why we talk about fangs here. But to emphasize the safety of these tusks, the Book of Changes speaks of an emasculated boar. If a boar can be terrible, then an emasculated boar is devoid of rage. This is why we find the image in the text:

The weak point is in fifth place. The tusks of an emasculated boar are happiness.

In the previous position, everything that is achievable in a given situation can be achieved, and the sixth position is only a redevelopment. If the entire hexagram is characterized by an exit to the outside, then an excessive continuation of such an exit to the outside would, in fact, be an exit to the sky, but there are no roads there. Therefore, only the further development of those paths that were already outlined in the previous one, and those paths that are outlined in the next hexagram - the 27th, is assumed. Therefore, in the text we find:

There is a strong feature at the top. What roads could there be in heaven?! Development.