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Buddha's saying. Quotes from the Buddha's teachings

Buddha Shakyamuni (563 BC - 483 BC) - spiritual teacher, legendary founder of Buddhism.

Buddha's wise thoughts

“If someone in a battle defeated a thousand people a thousand times, and another defeated himself alone, then it is this other who is the greatest winner in the battle.”

“Let him not look at errors others, for what others have done and not done, but for what he has done and not done.”

“Do not cause to another what could be the cause of your own suffering .”

“Cherish in your hearts the boundless goodwill to everything that exists.”

“Do not covet someone else’s property and do not envy, But rejoice good luck to other people.”

“Let no one deceive another, let no one despise another, let no one wish harm to another out of anger or resentment.”

“It will be better if, instead of a thousand words, you find one, but one that instills Peace.”

It will be better if, instead of thousands of poems, you find one, but one that shows Beauty.

It will be better if, instead of thousands of songs, you find one, but one that gives Joy.”

“Every suffering has a reason.”

“Everyone trembles before punishment, everyone is afraid of death - put yourself in the place of another. You can neither kill nor force someone to kill.”

“A father becomes a son in another life, a mother becomes a wife, and an enemy becomes a friend; it's always changing.”

“The most necessary thing is a loving heart.”

“Canal builders let water flow, archers subdue the arrow, carpenters subdue wood, wise men humble themselves.”

“Everything for everything, always.”

“Do not think lightly about good: “It will not come to me.” After all, the jug is filled from the falling drops.”

“And there was not, and there will not be, and now there is no person who is worthy only of blame or only praise.”

“Hatred does not stop with hatred, but the absence of hatred stops hatred.”

“From attachment comes sorrow, from attachment comes fear; one who has freed himself from attachment has no sadness, where does fear come from?”

“Evil returns like the finest dust thrown against the wind.”

“Some return to the mother’s womb, those who do evil go to the underworld, the righteous go to heaven, those devoid of desires reach Nirvana.”

“Whoever looks at the world as they look at a bubble, as they look at a mirage, is not seen by the king of death.”

“Do not increase existence!”

“A fool who knows his own stupidity is thereby already wise, and a fool who thinks himself wise is truly, as they say, a fool.”

“A fool is filled with evil, even accumulating it little by little.”

“It’s easy to do bad and harmful things for yourself. What is good and useful is extremely difficult to do.”

“The mind of one who is in no hurry to do good finds pleasure in evil.”

“If anyone sees a wise man pointing out faults and reproaching them for them, let him follow such a wise man as one who points out a treasure. It will be better, not worse, for those who follow such.”

“You yourself, more than anyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and devotion.”

“There is no happiness equal to peace.”

“Everything created is subject to the law of destruction. Achieve your goals through diligence.”

“Everything we are is the result of our thoughts.”

“Any intense attachment to everything earthly is suffering.”

“As rain penetrates a thatched house, so lust penetrates the undeveloped mind.”

“Thoughts are the forerunner (of all bad) states. If anyone acts or speaks and his thoughts are unkind, suffering follows him like a wheel follows a buffalo’s hoof.”

“You cannot overcome hatred with hatred; Only love can overcome hatred. This is an eternal law."

“Seriousness is the path to immortality, frivolity is the path to death. The serious do not die, the frivolous are like dead men.”

“Watch yourself in your thoughts, guard yourself in your words, protect your actions from everything bad. By maintaining the purity of these three paths, you will enter the path outlined by the Wise.”

“If a person’s hand is not injured, he can touch snake venom - the poison is not dangerous to a healthy hand; Evil is harmless only to those who do not do evil themselves.”

“To know the chosen ones is good, and to live with them is true happiness; Happy is he who does not have to deal with fools.”

“True faith is not a ostentatious faith in temples, manifested in rituals and customs, but hidden in the hearts, ripened in actions.”

“Just as rain uncontrollably penetrates a poorly covered building, so passions easily penetrate a heart that is not protected by reflection.”

“Whoever imagines truth in lies and sees lies in truth will never comprehend the truth and will rush in vain in delusions. But the one who saw the lie in the lie and knew the truth in the truth is already close to the truth and his path is correct.”

“It’s easy to live for someone who is as impudent as a crow, impudent, obsessive, reckless, spoiled. But it is difficult to live for someone who is modest, who always seeks what is pure, who is impartial, cool-headed, perspicacious, whose life is pure.”

“It is easy to notice the errors of others, but it is difficult to notice your own; They love to understand the mistakes of their loved ones, but they hide their own, just as a rogue tries to hide his false dice.”

“Man is inclined to constantly blame others: he looks only at their mistakes, but his own passions grow more and more, removing him from improvement.”

“Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it comes from our thoughts. If a person speaks or acts with an evil thought, suffering relentlessly follows him, like a wheel behind the heel of an ox pulling a cart.”

“Our life is a consequence of our thoughts; it is born in our heart, it is created by our thought. If a person speaks or acts with a good thought, joy follows him like a shadow that never leaves.”

“Few among people reach the opposite shore. The rest of the people are just fussing about on the local shore.”

“It is not the wise man who speaks kindly and beautifully, but the one who is patient, free from hatred and free from fear, that is the only truly wise man.”

“Oh, how happy we are, living without hatred of those who hate us; how happy we are if we live among those who hate!

Oh, how happy we are, free from greed among the greedy. Among people eaten by greed, we live free from it!

Oh, how happy we are, not calling anything ours. We are like the bright gods, imbued with holiness!”

“Having understood the destructibility of created things, you will see the eternally unchangeable.”

“Property is not things, but thoughts. You can have things and not be an owner.”

“There are only two mistakes that a person can make on the path to truth: he does not go all the way and does not begin his own path.”

“People are happy if they call nothing but their soul their own.”

“The one whose anger has no boundaries, the one who is entwined with it like a dodder, will soon lead himself to where only his worst enemy would like to push him.”

“Fresh strained milk does not sour, an evil deed does not immediately bear fruit, but like a fire buried in warmth, it gradually burns and torments the madman.”

“The truth for every person lies in his own soul.”

“Everything we are is created by our thoughts.”

“You yourself, more than anyone else in the entire universe, deserve your love and devotion.”

“You can’t get used to anything in life, not even life.”

Buddha Shakyamuni (Siddhattha Gotama) - born around 563 BC. e. or 623 BC e., Lumbini, Nepal. Spiritual teacher, legendary founder of Buddhism.
A controlled thought leads to happiness.
The most necessary thing is a loving heart.
Everything we are is the result of our thoughts.
Anger will disappear as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.
Perfection is achieved through compassion and mercy.
A fool is filled with evil, even accumulating it little by little.
When there is reason to doubt, uncertainty arises.
Any increased attachment to everything earthly is suffering.
Those who are collected by reason do not die, the frivolous are like the dead.
Concentration is the path to immortality, frivolity is the path to death.
The mind of one who is in no hurry to do good finds pleasure in evil.
Benevolence towards all beings is true religiosity.
Immortality can only be achieved through continuous acts of kindness.
It will be better if, instead of a thousand words, you find one, but one that instills Peace.
Curbing thoughts that are barely restrained, frivolous, and stumbling around is a blessing.
To renounce all evil, to increase goodness, to purify your mind: This is the advice of all Buddhas.
Just as rain penetrates a thatched house, so lust penetrates the undeveloped mind.
Hate cannot overcome hatred; Only love can overcome hatred. This is an eternal law.
Just as a strong rock cannot be moved by the wind, so the sages are unshakable in the face of blasphemy and praise.
What kind of laughter, what kind of joy, when the world is constantly burning? Covered in darkness, why don't you seek the light?
And there was not, and there will not be, and now there is no person who is worthy only of blame or only praise.
For one who is respectful and always respects his elders, the four dhammas increase: life, beauty, happiness, strength.
The follower, like a lotus, will shine with his wisdom among the ignorant, blinded and unconverted.
It is not by birth that a person’s superior and inferior personality is determined, but by his deeds a person confirms this affiliation.
It's hard to become human; the life of mortals is difficult; it is difficult to listen to the true Dhamma; The birth of the Enlightened One is difficult.
Victory brings hatred. The vanquished live in torment. Happy are the peaceful ones, having renounced victories and defeats.
Let him look not at the mistakes of others, at what others have done and not done, but at what he himself has done and not done.
I call him a brahmana who has here avoided attachment to good and evil, who is carefree, dispassionate and pure.
One day of a wise and meditative person is truly better than a hundred years of a person who has neither wisdom nor self-control.
A fool who knows his own stupidity is thereby already wise, and a fool who imagines himself to be wise is truly, as they say, a fool.
If a wanderer does not meet someone like himself or better, let him strengthen himself in solitude: there is no friendship with a fool.
True faith is not a ostentatious faith in temples, manifested in rituals and customs, but hidden in the hearts, ripened in actions.
Only he enters the good path who, following the correct teaching, understands the vicious in the vicious and the immaculate in the immaculate.
“He scolded me, he beat me, he defeated me, he robbed me” - in those who harbor such thoughts, hatred is not pacified.
The hallmarks of true religion are benevolence, love, truthfulness, purity, generosity, kindness.
Lust is the hottest fire, and there is no greater crime than hatred. There is no disease more terrible than the body, and no good is greater than the World.
His feelings are calm, like horses bridled by a driver. He has renounced his pride and is devoid of desires. Even the gods are jealous of this.
Everyone trembles before punishment, everyone is afraid of death - put yourself in the place of another. You can neither kill nor force someone to kill.
Concentrated in the midst of frivolity, awake in the midst of sleepers, a person who recognizes counterfeits is like a fast horse against the backdrop of frail nags.
Some return to their mother's womb, those who do evil end up in the underworld, the righteous go to heaven, those devoid of desires reach Nirvana.
Don't speak rudely to anyone; those with whom you spoke rudely will answer you in kind. After all, irritated speech is unpleasant, and retribution may affect you.
The wise man is not the one who speaks kindly and beautifully, but the one who is patient, free from hatred and free from fear - that is the only truly wise person.
What we are today is a consequence of our yesterday's thoughts, and today's thoughts create tomorrow's life. Life is a creation of our mind.
If someone in a battle defeated a thousand people a thousand times, and another defeated himself alone, then it is this other who is the greatest winner in the battle.
Thoughts are the forerunner of states. If anyone acts or speaks and his thoughts are unkind, suffering follows him like a wheel follows a buffalo's hoof.
No one saves us except ourselves, no one has the right and no one is able to do this. We ourselves must walk the path, but the words of the Buddha will clearly show it.
The night is long for the awakened, the journey is long for the weary. The process of realizing spiritual immaturity is also long for someone who does not know the true essence of things.
Let go of the past. Let go of the future. Let go of the present. Those who have crossed to the farther shore of existence, with their mind freed from everything, are not subject to birth and death again.
The best of all paths is the Eightfold Path. The best of all truths are the Four Noble Truths. Non-Annex is the best of all states. The best of all people is the Seer.
Just as a lotus, sweet-smelling and pleasing to the mind, can grow on a heap of garbage thrown onto a highway, so a disciple of a truly enlightened one stands out for his wisdom among blind mediocrities, among creatures like garbage.

Don't trust what you hear; do not trust traditions, as they have been passed on from generation to generation; do not trust anything if it is rumor or majority opinion; do not trust if it is only a record of the saying of some old sage; don't trust guesswork; do not trust what you consider to be true, what you are accustomed to; do not trust only the naked authority of your teachers and elders. After observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and promotes the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live according to it.


This is it best saying Buddhas:
"Do not trust what you have heard; do not trust traditions as they have been handed down from generation to generation; do not trust anything if it is hearsay or the opinion of the majority; do not trust if it is just a record of the saying of some old sage; do not trust in guesses; do not trust what you believe to be true, what you are accustomed to; do not trust only the naked authority of your teachers and elders, after observation and analysis, when it agrees with reason and promotes the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and. live according to it."

And now, Hasai, I have a question for you to ask -).

Well, the danger of Buddha and Christ is that they stood up against statehood, they created their own world and did not recognize tradition
that's why they were dangerous. “There is no prophet in his own country” If you know that Buddha was poisoned, in general he died stupidly.
Best regards, Hassan.

Previously, I studied the question of whether Buddha was poisoned and with what and by whom.
So, there is no consensus on this matter. There are two versions of poisoning - mushrooms or pork. So the difference between these two Indian words is just one letter. But the fact that Buddha abandoned food restrictions for several years is generally reliable. He motivated it like this: I didn’t eat meat for many years and limited myself in food, but this did not save me from suffering, so why did I abstain for so many years?

Now about my question: why is Buddha dangerous? Buddha is dangerous because if people begin to live like Buddha, that is, avoid suffering and pleasure, then humanity will simply die out. Because suffering and pleasure are the two main antagonisms through which life exists. Also about desires - Buddha says: give up desires. But desires are a person’s virtual motor, this is what he actually lives by - waiting for the fulfillment of desires.

This is the actual conclusion: Buddha is the enemy of life, the enemy of man. And this despite the fact that Buddha does not physically touch anyone or kill anyone. But as soon as everyone becomes Buddhist, human life on Earth will cease. This is why Buddha is dangerous. However...-)few people want to live as a Buddhist.

With Jesus it is just the opposite. The main idea of ​​Jesus and Christianity: - Be patient! No matter how bad you feel, endure and live and don’t dare lay hands on yourself, no matter how bad you feel.

Thus, Jesus and Christianity are life-affirming.

Siddhartha Gautama was born in Nepal into a wealthy family around 500 BC. Since childhood, he has shown great interest in finding a solution to the suffering of humanity. After he realized that he too was not immune from old age, illness or death, he decided to go meditate until he found a cure for misfortune and suffering.

He sat down under a ficus tree (which would later be called the “Bodhi Tree”) and vowed that he would not rise until he found the Truth. It took him 49 days and nights of non-stop meditation to find “enlightenment” or “satori”. This happened on the 35th anniversary of his life. From that day on, he began to be called Buddha (literally “enlightened one”) or Buddha Shakyamuni (spiritual teacher).

Having achieved enlightenment, the Buddha began to teach others this path. And his teachings served as the basis of Buddhism. There is nothing in this teaching that is inconsistent with the principles of achieving inner harmony in any other movement, religious or philosophical. Buddhism can be considered an inexhaustible source of wisdom, love and inner balance.

We present to your attention a selection of the most famous quotes from Buddha. We hope that these quotes will help you on your path to achieving enlightenment, wisdom and inner harmony.

  • Pain is inevitable. But suffering is a personal choice
  • Be gentle with the young, compassionate with the elderly, tolerant of the weak and erring. Sometime in your life you will be or have been each of them
  • Your purpose in life is to find your purpose and devote your whole heart and soul to it.
  • Your suffering is caused by your resistance to what is
  • The whole secret of existence is to get rid of fears. Don’t be afraid of what will happen to you, your future will not change, but your present will become calm
  • Any increased attachment to everything earthly is suffering.
  • Harmony comes from within. Don't look outside for what can only be in your heart. The truth is that harmony can only be found within yourself
  • A fool who knows his own stupidity is therefore already wise, and a fool who thinks himself wise is truly a fool.
  • Give, even if you don't have enough
  • Even an intelligent person will become stupid if he does not improve himself
  • If you find a wise critic who points out your shortcomings, follow him as if you had found a hidden treasure
  • If the hand is not wounded, you can carry the poison in your hand. The poison will not harm someone who has no wounds. He who does not do evil himself is not subject to evil
  • If something is worth doing, do it with all your heart.
  • There are three things that cannot be hidden: the sun, the moon and the truth.
  • Every morning we are born again. Only what you do now matters
  • When you live in darkness, why don't you seek the light?
  • The root of suffering is attachment
  • It is easy to see the sins of others, but on the contrary, it is difficult to see your own. For the sins of others are scattered away like chaff; theirs, on the contrary, hides an unlucky bone like a skillful sharper
  • Meditation brings wisdom; lack of meditation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom
  • There is no fire stronger than passion, no shark more ferocious than hatred, and no hurricane more devastating than greed.
  • By observing yourself, you are observing others. By observing others, you are observing yourself
  • Our lives are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think about
  • Don't pay attention to what others do or don't do; pay attention to what you do or don't do
  • Do not return evil for evil, otherwise there will be no end to evil. In response to an insult, kiss your enemy, and it will hurt him much more
  • Don't try to build your happiness on the misfortune of others. Otherwise you will drown in hatred
  • Hate cannot overcome hatred. Only love can overcome hatred. This is the eternal law
  • There is no fear for a man whose mind is devoid of desires
  • One of the most useful life skills is the ability to quickly forget everything bad: don’t dwell on troubles, don’t live with grievances, don’t revel in irritation, don’t harbor anger... Don’t drag various rubbish into your soul
  • Give up anger, give up pride and free yourself from worldly bondage. No sorrow can befall those who never try to possess people and things as their own
  • The secret of health for mind and body is not to lament the past, not to worry too much about the future, but to live in the present moment wisely and sincerely.
  • No matter how many wise words you read, no matter how many you say, what good are they to you if you don’t put them into practice?
  • Happiness is not a successful combination of external circumstances. It's just your state of mind
  • Happiness will never come to those who do not appreciate what they already have
  • He who conquers himself is stronger than he who defeats a thousand times a thousand men on the battlefield.
  • You will not be punished for your anger; you will be punished by your anger
  • You only lose what you hold on to
  • A person must learn the secrets of life from himself, and not blindly believe in other teachings
  • What good is a man's eloquence if he does not follow his words?

No one saves us except ourselves, no one has the right and no one is able to do this. We ourselves must walk the path, but the words of the Buddha will clearly show it.

Lust is the hottest fire, and there is no greater crime than hatred. There is no disease more terrible than the body, and no good is greater than the World.


What we are today is a consequence of our yesterday's thoughts, and today's thoughts create tomorrow's life. Life is a creation of our mind.

(thought, life)

Those who are collected by reason do not die, the frivolous are like the dead.


Only he enters the good path who, following the correct teaching, understands the vicious in the vicious and the immaculate in the immaculate.

Don't speak rudely to anyone; those with whom you spoke rudely will answer you in kind. After all, irritated speech is unpleasant, and retribution may affect you.


The best of all paths is the Eightfold Path. The best of all truths are the Four Noble Truths. Non-Annex is the best of all states. The best of all people is the Seer.

If someone in a battle defeated a thousand people a thousand times, and another defeated himself alone, then it is this other who is the greatest winner in the battle.


His feelings are calm, like horses bridled by a driver. He has renounced his pride and is devoid of desires. Even the gods are jealous of this.

If a wanderer does not meet someone like himself or better, let him strengthen himself in solitude: there is no friendship with a fool.

(loneliness, stupidity)

For one who is respectful and always respects his elders, the four dhammas increase: life, beauty, happiness, strength.

Just as rain penetrates a thatched house, so lust penetrates the undeveloped mind.

When there is reason to doubt, uncertainty arises.


Anger will disappear as soon as thoughts of resentment are forgotten.