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Sayings about growth. Quotes about career growth

None of us likes to admit that we made a mistake in choosing our profession.
Charlotte Bronte

People usually do not choose their careers themselves; people are drawn into careers.
John Dos Passos

The most great achievement a person in his professional field is a situation where he considers himself the best in the world.
George Eliot

Unlike a simple academic career, you end up fully accepting that hypotheses mean something, that actions mean something, and that the ideas you propose mean something.
Alan Greenspan

Complete commitment to family and complete commitment to career are, of course, possible. But this option is very tiring.
Muriel Fox

When it comes to choosing a career or deciding what type of charity to engage in, you should be guided by your heart. In the end, you are the one who should get out of bed every morning and then enjoy what you do. Therefore, choose what is important and interesting to you.
Dave Thomas

GILMET'S RULE: To advance, you have to turn.
Alexander Ratner

You can't make a career by climbing the steps of a shabby staircase. You need to be in an elevator in the right company.
Zbyszek Krygiel

There is little joy in climbing higher and higher if you still remain on the stairs.
Christian Friedrich Goebbel

Choose: either the mouse race or the rat race.
Maxim Zvonarev

The disadvantage of the rat race is that even if you win, you remain a rat.
Lily Tomlin

A career is a horse entering the gates of eternity without a rider.
Karl Kraus

A person fights, makes himself one of the people - and lets push others around.
George Bernard Shaw

If you go out in public, come in.
Vasily Turenko

He's the type of person who's the second in the door and the first out.
Jonathan Lynn and Anthony Jay

The point is not to run fast, but to run early.
Francois Rabelais

They learn from their mistakes, and make a career from others.
Alexander Furstenberg

There are people who make careers. And nothing else.
Wolfgang Escher

Careers are more difficult for women because they do not have a wife to push them forward.
Yanina Ipohorskaya

A career is a wonderful thing, but it can't warm anyone on a cold night.
Marilyn Monroe

If you carry a marshal's baton in your knapsack, equip the knapsack with a double bottom.
Wieslaw Brudzinski

The one who does not do what he is told, and the one who does no more than what he is told, will never make it to the top.
Andrew Carnegie

The one who gives way to others in time will go far.
Eugeniusz Korkosz

There are many ways to make a career, but the surest one is to be born into the right family.
Donald Trump

The best way to make a career is to work for someone who has a career.
Marion Kellogg

It’s worth climbing up, if only to look at the people from above.
Frank Moore Colby

He climbed to the very top - but in what condition!
Alfred Capus

Nothing grows on the highest peaks.
Yul Brynner

A man is truly similar to a monkey: the higher he climbs, the more noticeable his bare butt.
Francis Bacon

When you fall, the only mitigating factor is usually your own butt.
Vladislav Grzeszczyk

Higher, higher and you... ah!
Lawrence Peter

The higher you rise, the deeper you get stuck.
Lawrence Peter

They climb up in the same position as they crawl.
Jonathan Swift

The higher you rise, the harder it is for others to understand whether you are doing your job or not.
Allan Cohen

Be courteous to the people you meet on the way up - you'll meet them again on the way down.
Wilson Misner

It's comforting to think that even the biggest shot will eventually fall.
Arthur Nikolsky

Falling too quickly can be mistaken for flying.
Maria Ebner Eschenbach

Growth is often a painful process.
Elbert Hubbard (1859–1915),
American writer

Growth is stress on the system.
Larry McFadin, American manager

If growth stops, the end is near.
Seneca (4 BC – 65 AD), Roman statesman, financier, philosopher

The giant will die when he stops growing.
Pyotr Vyazemsky (1792–1878), poet and critic

General Motors' size is not driven by a desire for monopoly or economies of scale; they are due to the convenience of planning. And for such planning - planning supply and demand, investments, minimizing risks - there is no clear upper limit of optimal sizes.
John Galbraith (b.1908),
American economist and diplomat

The example of dinosaurs shows that growth is only good to a certain extent.
Eric Johnston (1895–1963),
Director of the US Chamber of Commerce

Growth leads to complexity, and complexity is the end of the road.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson (1909–1993)
English publicist

The organism, which has become excessively large, decomposes and dies, crushed by its own weight.
Jean Jacques Rousseau (1712–1778),
French philosopher, writer

A large organization is a loose organization. We would not be far from the truth if we said that organization is always disorganization.
Gilbert Chesterton (1874–1936),
English writer

To work in large company– it’s like traveling by train. Either you're doing 60 miles an hour, or you're just sitting there and the train is doing 60 miles an hour.
Paul Getty (1892–1979),
American oil tycoon

As a company grows, management's attention shifts from the needs of customers to the needs of the company itself until it becomes completely inward-focused.
Adrian Slivotsky and David Morrison, management specialists (USA)

What constitutes the possession of a very large number of people is given the least care.
Aristotle (384–322 BC),
ancient Greek philosopher

A corporation becomes too big if it takes more than a week for gossip to travel from one office to another.

If the number of employees exceeds a thousand, the institution closes in on itself, and the outside world becomes an illusory concept.
Cyril Northcote Parkinson

Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell.
Edward Abbey (1927–1989), American writer

It is not always possible to influence the actions of another person. We cannot change people, things or situations according to our wishes. So, when faced with an insoluble problem, it is worth taking a step back and looking at ourselves from the outside, because this is the only thing we can change.

2. “Be the change you want to see in this world” - Mahatma Gandhi

This is a powerful call to take full responsibility for own life. Practice what you preach. Gandhi said that we ourselves must actively create the changes we want to see in the world. It is we who have to change first, not anyone else or anything else. Complaining and criticizing from a safe distance is not enough. We need to take responsibility for ourselves and our environment.

3. “He who has a why to live can bear almost any how” - Friedrich Nietzsche

When you find your true purpose in life, you can overcome almost any challenge you face. In other words, if you know why you live, you will overcome increasingly difficult obstacles with less resistance, realizing the importance of achieving the end result.

4. “In our struggle for freedom, truth is the only weapon we have” - Dalai Lama

To grow as a person and be truly free, you need to stay true to yourself. When you ask yourself if recently decisions made Whether your current work situations or future long-term intentions match what you want in life, try to turn off rationalism. Hear your first instinctive responses. The truth can be unpleasant, but in order to move forward, you need to admit it.

5. “Twenty years from now you will regret more the things you didn’t do than the things you did do.” So raise your anchors. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the fair wind in your sails. Explore. Dream. Know" - Mark Twain

Mark Twain encourages us to move actively and boldly towards what lies ahead. Seize the opportunities that the unknown presents. We are often afraid to do something without knowing the end result, and we choose the usual, “maybe another time.” Take the plunge and see where it takes you.

6. “A man who has never made mistakes has never tried anything new” - Albert Einstein

Einstein advises to have courage and try something new.

Making mistakes is absolutely necessary to learn anything. Nobody balances the first time they get on a bike. We look at the skill of a professional with admiration, but we did not see how many times he fell, broke his knees and became frustrated. Making mistakes is the most significant part of achieving success in any business.

7. “Continuing to be angry is like picking up a hot coal with the intention of throwing it at someone; It will be you who will get burned.” – Buddha

When we overreact to a situation and experience anger, we intend to direct it at another person. But this primitive way of thinking always backfires on us, increasing pain and exacerbating trauma.

8. “Life will give you exactly the experiences you need to evolve your consciousness” - Eckhart Tolle, bestselling author of The Power of Now

We cannot cheat life. There are no shortcuts. Every bad situation is our opportunity to grow. A person gets what he or she is attracted to at the moment. If we don't learn from our mistakes, we end up living the same situations over and over again until we finally change.

Eckhart Tolle reminds us that life always happens in the present moment and nowhere else. Feeling it fully means centering your consciousness on the here and now.

9. “Don’t take anything personally. Everything people say or do is a projection of their own reality, their personal vision. If you develop an immunity to the views and actions of others, you will avoid needless suffering." - Don Miguel Ruiz, author of The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Achieving Personal Freedom

You suddenly become incredibly free when you don't take anything personally. When you understand this, you will not be hurt by other people's careless remarks or actions. This incredibly expands life's possibilities.

10. “The things we fear to do are usually the things we most need to do.” - Ralph Waldo Emerson

Fear is not our enemy. It is a compass that points us to the areas in which we need to grow. Of course, we are not talking about the fear of a bear in the forest. It is incredibly important to learn to distinguish between the imaginary fears in your head, which are often related to money, weight loss, etc., and real danger.

Your inner fears are just signposts on the way to better life, see where they take you.

Personal development– a pleasant and exciting journey... in most cases. Sometimes you may learn something about yourself that you don't like. Usually these are the moments that require the most attention. If you find yourself denying or ignoring any part of yourself that you feel... YOU KNOW, needs to change but you're resisting it, you might find it helpful to check out some personal development quotes to keep you motivated.

After all, investing in yourself is always profitable!

Offer: Every day, choose one quote and meditate on it. Put yourself in the author's shoes and see things from their point of view, especially if you don't understand or agree with a quote. What can you realize from this quote?

  • “When you want something, the entire universe comes together to help you achieve it.”Paulo Coelho, Alchemist
  • “When you stop making others responsible for your happiness, you will become happier.”– Nina Guilbault
  • “The word ‘listen’ is made up of the same letters as the word ‘silent’.”— Alfred Brendel
  • "Pure intentions are more important than perfect actions"— Ilyas Kassam
  • “Even in the most peaceful environment, an evil heart finds conflict. Even in the midst of the most conflict, a grateful heart finds peace.” – Do Zantamata
  • “All we hear are opinions, not facts. Everything we see is an opinion, not the truth.”– Marcus Aurelius
  • “Life is for living, and curiosity is for satisfying it. Under no circumstances should you turn your back on life." - Eleanor Roosevelt
  • "When there is no wind, row"– Latin proverb
  • “You are who you are because that is who you want to be. If you really wanted to be different, you would change right now." - Fred Smith

You yourself are your most valuable capital!

  • “Consciousness creates good or evil, misfortune or happiness, wealth or poverty”– Edmund Spencer
  • “How stupid it is to throw your whole life into the trash; but throw it away in parts - please, as much as you like" - John Hove

  • “People are attracted not to what they want, but to what they are.”– James Allen
  • “You get what you subconsciously want. And you avoid what you subconsciously don’t want.”– Bo Sanchez
  • “It’s not things that change; we are changing"–Henry David Thoreau
  • “Meditation is a magnifying glass of the soul”– Owen Feltham
  • “What comes is what is called”– Kai Logfellow
  • “All things are possible to him who believes” [Mark 9:23]
  • “The most useless of days is a day without laughter”– E. E. Cummings
  • "What we love tells us who we are"– Thomas Aquinas
  • “Procrastination is the art of keeping up with yesterday.”– Don Marquis
  • “When you sow love, you bloom”– Ma Jaya Sati Bagawati
  • “Optimism is a belief that leads to achievements. Nothing can be done without hope and confidence."– Helen Keller
  • “Finding inner peace does not mean turning life into continuous happiness. It means being able to enter a happy state of consciousness in the face of chaos. modern life" - Jill Bolte Taylor
  • “If you are stressed by an external object, the pain is not caused by the object itself, but by your judgment of it; and you can always debunk a judgment” - Marcus Aurelius
  • “Loving what you do and feeling like it means something—what could be more satisfying?”– Katherine Graham
  • “Learn to lose wisely, for one of the greatest arts on earth is the art of losing.”– Charles Kettering
  • “Often people turn their approach to life on its head; they are trying to acquire as much property or money as possible in order to be able to do more of what they want and, as a result, be happier. But everything works just the opposite. First of all, you must be who you really are, and then do what you need to do so that you can have what you want." - Margaret Young
  • “I have never been poor - only bankrupt. Poverty is a way of thinking. Bankruptcy is a temporary circumstance” – Mike Todd
  • “Have you ever noticed that where there is a problem, there you are? This is your problem - both in terms of perception and in terms of responsibility. Get rid of your beliefs that see the situation as a problem, and the problem will go away!”

– Dr. Hugh Len

  • Can you do it! Set high goals!“Don't look where you fell. Look where you slipped"
  • - author unknown“The secret of my success is that I strive to bite off a larger piece and chew it faster.”
  • – Paul Hogan“When we give ourselves the right to fail, we also give ourselves the right to succeed.”
  • – Elois Rystad“If you're still thinking about it, it's worth the risk.”
  • - Paulo Coelho“The bolder the action, the more ingenious, magical and powerful the result will be”
  • – Robert Ringer“An idea without action will never become more than the brain cell it occupies.”
  • – Arnold Glasgow“You either go towards what you love or away from what you fear. The first develops, the second limits.”
  • – Tom Crum“Courage is the ability to go beyond the known”
  • – Raymond Lindquist“Discontent is the driving force of progress”
  • - Thomas Edison
  • “You become as small as the desire that drives you, and as big as your main desire” - James Allen"You can't cross the sea just by looking at the water"

– Rabindranath Tagore

Use these personal development quotes and the personal development tools available to you in the Silva Method as allies on your journey to personal growth. Be inspired by the wise words of others. And if some of them do not resonate with you, put yourself in the author’s shoes and try to look at things from his point of view. You never know which quote might spark a fire in you!