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Earning money in the village: the best ways to earn money. How to make money in the village - real experience How to make money in the village

Nowadays, many people want to leave the village and start earning astronomical sums in big cities! But this is not correct, because we know how to make money in the village. There are many ways to make a lot of money where you were born.

In order to start earning money, you need to start your own business, and the village is the best place for business. There are many advantages that a village has over a city when it comes to starting your own business. Such as:

Low cost of real estate, whether buying or renting

Large amount of labor for low pay. After all, the cost of living in the village is lower

There are a huge number of types of businesses that cannot be geographically located in large cities.

Let’s look at where you can get significant income in rural areas by opening your own business.

Vegetable growing business

When answering the question: what to do in the village, growing vegetables immediately comes to mind. In order to start this business, you need to have a plot of land. It can be rented or purchased. And often villagers already have it, as well as tools for cultivating the land.

Necessary investments for raising pigs

The initial capital required to start a business is not at all large. You need 10-20 dollars for seeds. To develop a business, you need approximately 3 thousand dollars to install greenhouses, organize an irrigation system and purchase tools. Installing greenhouses is necessary to transform a business from seasonal to year-round, especially where there is cold weather for at least 4 months.

You can sell the finished products yourself in the city, if you have your own car. If this is not available, you can sell it to vegetable buyers who regularly travel to villages. Or trade at wholesale markets, if there are any nearby.

Advantages: people will always consume vegetables in their diet, which means growing them will always be profitable. Every year there are fewer and fewer people growing their own vegetables, so the business will grow steadily as the need for vegetables increases.

Disadvantages: great effort is required and there are great risks that the product may not grow or deteriorate.

Opening of a sawmill in the village

The most important advantage for opening a sawmill in a village is the large number cheap space.

What is needed to open a sawmill

First of all, you need to build a hangar in which you will place the necessary equipment. It will serve as a workshop for sawing wood. Two warehouses, one will store raw materials, the other will store finished products. And a spacious yard for loading and unloading wood wouldn’t hurt either. To operate the equipment, it is necessary to obtain an energy capacity of 400 kW.

What will the sawmill produce?

At the sawmill you will produce the following products: “raw” and “packaged” boards, bars, various pallets and “shalevka”.

Advantages: in 2-3 years the business will grow to medium scale and generate a turnover of 11 million rubles. In the “wilderness” it is allowed to open sawmills, unlike in cities.

Disadvantages: large initial investments are required, more than 3 million rubles. For the purchase of equipment and for renting a base for production and hiring people, as well as the purchase of timber for turnover.

Pig breeding as a rural business

Raising pigs in the village is one of the most profitable businesses that anyone can do. This business is facilitated by all the conditions of the village and is ideal for its inhabitants. Pigs are the easiest to raise, and the output is a fairly large amount of meat, compared to other animals. Especially considering that pork is the most popular type of meat. Start raising pigs and you will no longer be bothered by the question of how to make money in the village.

How to raise pigs

One of the benefits of raising pigs is that they eat almost anything. They are suitable for both various feeds, food waste from fish and meat, as well as various cereals.

Pigs can be divided into two breeds: meat-bacon and meat-fat. Depending on the breeding location and the availability of the necessary feed, you need to choose the required type, but if you can feed the pigs with any feed and can create the right conditions, you can breed both types. The difference between these breeds is that meat and bacon produce dietary pork.

What to feed pigs

Almost everyone eats pigs, but it is necessary that they receive a balanced diet of plant and animal feed. Oats, barley and corn are very suitable as plant foods. And for animal feed, there will be waste from the fishing and meat industries. This way they will receive all the necessary nutrients.

Sunflower, flax and soybean cakes and meals are perfect as daily feed. But if you need solid lard, meal should be excluded from their daily diet. Also include succulent feed and bran in their diet. The pigs are also fed with nettles, clover, dandelions and alfalfa.

All this must be taken into account when writing a business plan. Because the cost of each food is different.

Other features of pig breeding in the village

It is better to build the building from scratch, and it must meet the following requirements: spacious, bright and with heated floors. Depending on the number of pigs you will raise, choose the number of square meters for the building in which you will house them. One pig needs up to 2 square meters. The room must be draft-free. The main thing to remember is that the better the premises, the better the quality of meat from the pigs.

Piglets must be purchased that weigh 15-16 kilograms. At this weight, pigs have a low chance of contracting many diseases. But you should definitely monitor their health. Pigs most often have lung diseases, so there should be no chemicals in the room.

Financial costs for breeding pigs:

  1. Cost of each piglet: $50
  2. Cost of food for the entire life period: $160
  3. Average drug costs: $5
  4. Costs to build a building for breeding: $300

We recommend downloading from a farm of 11 pigs to get acquainted with the business and its features. As a result, to understand how you will make money in the village, you will spend $4260 and 8-9 months of work. As a result, having sold the piglets, you will receive $7990, net profit - $3640 and your own pigsty.

It is worth considering that if you breed Vietnamese pot-bellied pigs, you will arrive 30-40% more than when breeding regular pigs and 2-3 months faster.

You will find out whether it is realistic to earn the same amount in the village as in the city, how to make money where there is no work, and how you can make a good profit. How much can you earn in the village with your own hands?

You don't have to be a city resident to earn money. And in the village there are many sources of stable income. There are different ways to obtain primary and additional income; you just need to choose the appropriate direction for realizing your potential.

Even residents of remote villages and settlements on the outskirts of civilization have learned to earn money both with and without Internet access. In rural areas there are effective and profitable activities that allow you to get finance even without investment.

Is it possible to earn as much in the village as in the city?

When moving to a village, any person is interested in the question of making money there, because the number of employment options in villages and small hamlets is radically different from work in cities. There is no such scope in choosing a profession.

As a rule, the level of wages in large urban-type settlements (urban-type settlements), cities and megalopolises is several times higher. But this does not mean that the labor of the rural population cannot be paid at the same level.

The scope of rural crafts is large and depends on the skills and capabilities of the people living in a particular area. Farmers manage their farms competently and do land work, craftsmen do handicrafts, teachers earn extra money by tutoring. Any capable person finds something to do to his liking.

Villagers are famous for their handicrafts, which is why recognized craftsmen earn no less than any city resident. Self-made household items are in demand and are sold for a good price in the same villages and beyond.

Villagers are a freer and more independent people. In cities, work consists of fulfilling duties established by superiors, but the earnings for such employment for city residents are more stable.

The further you are from the city, the more free time you can spend on learning new professions and crafts. Learning and engaging in self-development is always useful and, moreover, new activities bring monetary rewards if the activity is properly organized.

What does that require

It is unlikely that you will be able to immediately earn 1,000,000 in the village, but providing yourself and your loved ones with a comfortable life is quite possible if you make some efforts. Since the specialization of occupations in villages is narrow, it often happens that there is simply no work.

In this case, additional work comes to the rescue. The simplest option is to grow vegetables, herbs and fruits in your garden and sell them in the city. But this is far from the only way to earn money.

To start making a profit, options for generating income are considered and an action plan is created. Based on their capabilities, each native of the village determines for himself the optimal way to develop a sought-after craft.

Much attention is paid to an independent assessment of the possible results of the planned actions. The chosen direction must be relevant, since in the absence of a constant source of income (and therefore savings), one cannot make a mistake.

When planning, take into account all the nuances and possible problems, and also think through ways to solve them. Please note that all rural entrepreneurs did not achieve a positive result immediately; it took time and effort.

A native of a village who owns agricultural machinery (combine harvester, tractor) earns up to 5,000 rubles per order from it.

What to do in the village to earn money

Animal husbandry and agriculture, construction, work in workshops and many other crafts traditionally flourish in the villages.

Let's take a closer look at what the population of the villages does in order to receive remuneration.

Write articles

Writing unique texts (copywriting) is possible for anyone who has a computer, Internet access and writing skills. This type of work is perfect for everyone, regardless of age, social group and main profession.

Numerous freelance exchanges offer different earnings, but there is always enough work. Choose a topic that you understand and share your experience and information with the public.

Even pensioners and teenagers over 14 years old who have mastered a computer and learned the basics of the profession can make money by writing articles in the countryside. The level of profit depends on the time spent and the quality of the content.

Mastering the profession of a copywriter does not take much time, so the first money will arrive fairly soon. The author's salary is usually 500-1000 per day with a full-time job.

Village residents who know foreign languages ​​will earn money by translating texts - such work is paid much higher.

To breed animals

Raising cattle at home for meat is a fairly profitable activity. Farmers take their goods to cities, where they receive good income.

By transporting products 1-2 times a week to the city market, many find ways of wholesale sales and successfully expand production, which is beneficial for both parties.

Farm products from the countryside are expensive, but are in demand in big cities, since natural meat, eggs and dairy products are of much higher quality than products obtained under artificial conditions.

Grow fruits and vegetables

Gardening brings good money when growing vegetables and fruits for sale. Selling crops is not difficult; it is more difficult to do it constantly.

If there is a market, many landowners successfully develop their business in winter, selling home-grown greens and greenhouse vegetables in nearby cities. Profits from such a business come all year round.

Even a child can harvest berries and fruits, so the whole family is involved in entrepreneurial activity.

Those people who have an underground cellar on their property grow mushrooms for sale. Little time is spent on this and such activities do not require special conditions or efforts. Oyster mushrooms are most often grown; they grow quite quickly and do not take up much space.

Sell ​​honey

The sale of natural beekeeping products brings good income to the owner of the apiary and pays off the costs of keeping bees.

Making handmade jewelry

Handicrafts have long ceased to be a simple hobby; people make good money by making unique things with their own hands. Craftsmen weave beautiful baskets and pieces of furniture from willow.

Such homemade items are highly valued by handmade lovers. Crafts of this kind are ideal for women. Schoolchildren also cope well with simple manipulations.

All kinds of homemade decorations become an excellent addition to the interior of city apartments, so the demand for them is high among city residents.

Wood products also bring good profits. Artistic wood carving has always been in fashion; the manual method increases the value of such work several times.

How much can you earn in the village?

The amount of money earned is determined by several factors. The main one is the demand for the services provided. If there is a demand for the fruits of your labor, then there will be incentives for your work.

The amount of the fee depends on the type of activity. For example, owners of equipment (construction machines, lawn mowers, agricultural machines) make a profit by renting out units or working on them themselves.

The price tag is set by the owner of the special equipment; it usually varies from 1000 to 5000 for completing one order.

Salaries for selling self-grown vegetables, fruits and berries depend on the scale of trade. Selling wholesale is cheaper, but more convenient. Retail trade is the most highly valued.

For example, when selling dairy products, chicken eggs and meat, a farmer has the right to set his own prices - the quality of such a product is by definition better than that of products with added impurities.

Freelancers receive from 200-300 rubles for 1 article; a clearly established daily plan helps to receive a fixed amount monthly.

Whatever you start doing in the village, be it running a small business from scratch, creating various utensils yourself, or turning your favorite hobby into a source of income, follow a number of recommendations to increase profits.

In this case, the success of the plan is guaranteed.

It's never too late to learn. There is nothing stopping you from learning new professions without leaving home. Find a business that not only has commercial prospects, but also gives aesthetic pleasure and study it thoroughly. Perhaps your favorite activity will become the main source of income in the village.

Time is money, and proper management of this resource determines the level of acceptable income in the village. Planning working time (time management) has a beneficial effect on any activity.

Constantly develop in your business. Use online resources to distribute goods and services. The Internet is a large advertising and trading platform that it would be a shame not to use for your own purposes.

When selling handicrafts or sewing items through social networks, develop options for delivering products to the most remote corners. Use mail and courier services - this will increase demand and increase sales.

It would be unfair, offering the reader numerous business ideas suitable for cities with different population levels, not to touch upon the topic of making money in the countryside. The fact that most people now prefer to live in big cities, and what some consider a big minus, a businessman can “headlong” turn into a big plus for himself. After all, competition in the village is so small that you can, without interference, organize a small business that does not even require close control, which will serve as a source of additional income for you.

Now the state is on its way to reviving the village, gradually increasing funding flows, welcoming and in every possible way promoting the endeavors of entrepreneurs who decide to start a business in rural areas. It would be imprudent not to take advantage of this. I offer an overview of several successful, already proven business ideas on how to make money in the village:

  • Growing and selling vegetables. The idea is not new, but the approach is completely different from those offered by various business publications - with an “eye” on development. The main resource in rural areas is land, which is empty and cheap. Renting several hundred square meters, or even hectares, will cost mere pennies, and if you also receive a development grant, it will be practically free. Study the market for prices for various vegetable crops, determine those that will be profitable to work with, and sow your land. It is more profitable to sell potatoes, carrots, and beets to wholesalers in large quantities. You can enter into agreements with cafes and restaurants, or sell your crops under the brand “natural eco-products” via the Internet. Whatever is more convenient. When making this project a reality, you don’t need to think about buying an expensive tractor and other equipment. You can hire equipment from a collective farm, they probably have it, and the machine operators will only be happy with an “extra penny,” and they can invite villagers to plant, process, and harvest vegetables for a small fee. You can also grow berries, such as strawberries.
  • Sale of livestock products. You can buy eggs, milk, cottage cheese, meat, pickles and jams, honey, of which rural residents have plenty and who earn money from this mainly in the summer by selling their products to summer residents, all year round by organizing a small collection point for agricultural products. Take the purchased products to the city and sell them at your own, higher price. As an option, you can organize a small store in the city selling “natural products”. In this article you will learn how to raise turkey ducks at home and about raising rabbits.
  • Earning money in the village from tourism. Many people now pay good money for the opportunity to live in the lap of nature, to take a break from city everyday life in rural conditions. First, you need a house that needs to be properly equipped; it is better to “stylize” it as an old hut with an indispensable Russian stove, benches, a small garden, a well, etc. Then advertising in the city media, calling for “a holiday in the countryside, with fishing, picking mushrooms and berries, pancakes and pies from a Russian oven. The theme of such “hotels” has recently enjoyed enormous popularity, which is growing every year. Foreigners who want to get to know the “mysterious Russian soul” spend time in “village houses” with great pleasure.

All ideas for making money in the village are real, all without exception work. The main thing is to put a little effort into this at the beginning, to put the business on stream so that it becomes a source of stable and growing income for you.

Many citizens of our country believe that good money can only be earned in the city. In fact, there are many ideas that allow you to earn a decent income in rural areas. You will learn what to do in the village to earn money from this article.

Fish farming

Fresh fish is a product that is always in great demand. It is mainly supplied to markets by small private farms. If you carefully study this area of ​​​​activity and organize it, you can receive a good stable income. The profitability of such an enterprise does not depend on the season or weather. Fish farming is a simple, but at the same time quite profitable activity. Moreover, it does not take much time and effort.

To quickly return the initial investment and achieve net income, you need to choose a type of fish that grows quickly and does not require special conditions. Experienced businessmen recommend that beginners start with carp breeding. Silver carp and grass carp are often bred together with it. Fish farming is a profitable business that brings in decent profits if there are reliable distribution channels. Such products can be sold in bulk to shops, cafes and restaurants, but it is most profitable to sell fresh fish on the market at retail prices. Fish farming is the most promising option for those who are looking for ways to make money while living in the village.

Rabbit breeding

Nowadays it is very difficult to find fresh rabbit meat in stores. But this is a dietary product that is perfectly absorbed by the body. Since the demand for rabbit meat significantly exceeds supply, you can make good money from breeding rabbits.

Another profitable line of business is. If you can master this skill, it will bring you a decent income. By the way, dressing skins is a great way to make money in the village in winter without large investments. Unprocessed rabbit skins can be purchased at low prices from the local population. Finished products are purchased wholesale by clothing factories and individuals who sew fur products.


Experts believe that this is a fairly promising area of ​​activity. Recently, the government of our country has begun to pay special attention to the development of agriculture, so newcomers can count on full support from the state.

Before you start, first decide what exactly you will do, analyze the market and develop a detailed business plan. If you decide to get into animal husbandry, be sure to find a good veterinarian. Farmers who plan to make money growing vegetables should enlist the help of an experienced agronomist. Another important point that should not be overlooked is sales markets. If you agree in advance with your partners on regular supplies of finished products, your business will flourish.

Goat breeding

I would like to immediately note that it is not highly profitable, but with the right approach, such a business can bring excellent income. Goat milk is a valuable product, the demand for which does not fall in any economic conditions. In addition to milk, you can sell wool and meat.

Some farmers make good money from breeding purebred young animals. But in this case, you will have to invest a decent amount in building a farm and purchasing feed. All costs are recouped in approximately 1.5–2 years. If for some reason you are forced to move to the countryside, and do not know how to live and earn money in the village, do not be upset. Start raising goats and literally in 2 years you will gain complete financial independence.

Growing mushrooms

Surely every village house has its own cellar in which people store vegetables and preserves. But in such basements you can grow oyster mushrooms. This is a great option. They grow very quickly and do not require any special growing conditions.

Many rural residents are interested in how they can make money in the village in winter? Growing mushrooms is a very interesting and quite promising activity that will bring you good profits during the cold season. In order to open such a business, you do not need special equipment or any special knowledge. All you need is a basement and quality mycelium. A mushroom bed can be made from sawdust, sunflower husks or dry straw.

It is most profitable to sell finished products in bulk, to shops and supermarkets.

Pheasant breeding

Many farms abroad are engaged in breeding pheasants. In our country, such a profitable business has not yet become widespread. But this is a great option for people who want to open. The lack of competition and the low barrier to entry allows newcomers to achieve great success in this field.

Pheasants are unpretentious to living conditions, so they can be bred at home.

Pheasant farmers make a profit in three ways:

  • Sale of live poultry to hunting farms;
  • Meat trade;
  • Sale of young animals.

There is another line of activity - raising exotic poultry breeds for subsequent sale to zoos or private collections. But it is too risky, since you will have to find wealthy clients who are willing to pay a decent amount for pheasants. The best option is cooperation with hunting farms. If you can find such a buyer, it will develop and bring excellent profits.


This is suitable for serious and persistent people. This is not an easy task and requires additional preparation. Therefore, before organizing your own apiary, first study special literature to obtain the necessary knowledge and skills.

If things go well, you will receive natural products:

  • Royal jelly;
  • Wax;
  • Pollen.

Such goods are always in great demand, so you can sell them without any problems. It is most profitable to sell honey on the retail market. If you do not have such an opportunity, agree on cooperation with a confectionery factory and sell finished products in large quantities at wholesale prices. Having your own apiary is the easiest way to make money in the village. Honey is bought always and everywhere, so beekeeping will bring good income in any case.

Milk production

In the village, almost all families have a plot of land. If you can’t find anything to make money in the village, get 2-3 cows and start producing dairy products. At first, you can sell milk, cheese, cottage cheese and sour cream to local residents. If you are unable to organize sales of finished products locally, go to the city market 2-3 times a week. In addition, small shops and kiosks are happy to buy homemade dairy products.

Milk and dairy products are always in great demand, so their production is one of the most successful business ideas for rural residents.

Rural tourism

Such a business idea can be implemented in almost every village. Tourists go to the countryside to relax and fully enjoy nature. If your village is located in a picturesque place, you can safely open a tourism business. Your clients will be city dwellers who want to enjoy the beauty and tranquility of nature far from noisy and dusty cities.

The best place to relax is a village near which there is a forest or lake. Buy or rent several houses there, renovate them and start looking for clients. The most important thing is that vacationers feel cozy and comfortable. Don't forget to provide healthy food and entertainment for your guests. You can charge them extra for this. The most popular activities are hiking in the forest, fishing, hunting and various village activities. If you offer tourists quality service, you will no longer have to think about how to make a living in the village, because there will be no end to clients at any time of the year.

Breeding partridges

Recently, many farmers have been attracted. This line of activity does not require large financial investments and at the same time allows you to make a good profit.

Partridge is a rare and quite expensive delicacy. Such game is served only in restaurants of the highest level. In our country, few farms are engaged in breeding partridges, so you can easily find your niche in this market. Partridges quickly get used to home conditions; they are unpretentious to food and living conditions. Any person living in a rural area can open such a business at home.


Don’t know how to make money in the village without investments? If you have creative abilities, try making something with your own hands from materials that Mother Nature gives us.

The most popular ideas in this area:

  • Weaving furniture and other products from wicker and straw;
  • Production of wooden souvenirs;
  • Production of ceramic products from clay;
  • Making bouquets of sweets and plush toys.

Any person can master this skill, and in large cities and on the Internet, designer products are sold for good money. Find like-minded people, launch mass production of various crafts and decorative items and earn decent money from it.

How to make money in the Village How to make money in the Village


The easiest way for a woman to earn money in the village is by repairing and sewing clothes. Open a small atelier at home and serve local residents. You will not experience a shortage of clients, because this service is in great demand in rural areas. In any case, there will be people who need to hem their trousers or sew beautiful curtains. Handicraft is the best way to earn money in the winter in the countryside. To avoid getting bored on cold winter evenings, do what you love and earn a decent income from it.

Sale of firewood

This is another popular way to make money in the village in winter. In rural areas, many houses are heated with wood, so this product is always in high demand.

You can start a firewood business literally from scratch. Such products are harvested in forest plantations. In order to legally engage in such a business, you need to obtain permission from the forestry department. People start actively buying firewood at the end of summer. Until this moment, they can be prepared and taken to the warehouse. Despite the great competition in this area, the demand for firewood is constantly growing, so you can easily earn decent money in one season and return all your initial investments.


We looked at several promising options for how to make money in the village. It turns out that you can also earn a good income in rural areas. If you are tired of the bustle of the city, move to the village and open your own business there. Perseverance and hard work will help you achieve excellent results.
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