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Fast and correct ways to download a presentation to a flash drive. How to Save a PowerPoint Presentation - Important Tips

A PowerPoint presentation allows you to demonstrate in an accessible form required material to a large number of people at the same time. Even schoolchildren can create such projects. But how can you save your presentation so that it displays correctly without you having to blush in front of the audience?

Standard format for saving presentations

If you are not sure which version of MS Office is installed on another PC, save the document in compatibility mode. To do this, click on “File” and select “Save As”. Of the proposed options, “PowerPoint Presentation 97-2003” suits us. You can download two versions of one project onto removable media, and decide on the spot which one to run.

Slide show mode

The instructions described above will allow you to save the presentation in normal mode. When you launch the file, the slide structure will open. To enable the demo, press F5. But how can you save a PowerPoint presentation so that the slide show starts right away? You need to choose another extension - PPS or PPSX.

There is another way to save a presentation in this mode. From the File menu, click Save & Send. Next, in “File Types”, find “Change File Type”. On the right, select PowerPoint Show and click Save As.

Save as video

If the document format doesn't matter to you, you can save it as a video. This is especially true for presentations with multimedia files. The video will be recorded “as is”, and there will be no problems with playing additional files. And to open the project you will need a video player, not PowerPoint. So, how to save a presentation in mp4 format?

  • for computer monitors (highest);
  • for Internet and DVD;
  • for portable devices.

Next, you can set the same time to show all the slides based on their content. If you need to specify different times, set them manually. You can also create speech accompaniment and make notes with a laser pointer. To do this, open “Use recorded ...” and click “Create speech accompaniment ...”. The presentation will open and you can set the options you want. Then view the result of the work, and if you are satisfied with it, save the video. Be careful: once saved, you can no longer make changes to the file. The video will have to be recorded again.

These are the most common formats for saving presentations. The choice depends on the task at hand, target audience, place and method of reproduction. Now let's look at how to save a PowerPoint presentation to a flash drive so as not to spoil the result of your work.

Saving to external media

How to save a presentation to a flash drive from a computer? In general, the process is no different from loading any other file onto a USB drive. Call the context menu for the presentation and select “Send”. Find the name of the flash drive in the list provided. The file is exported to the media.

Another saving option is also possible. Select the presentation and press Ctrl+C. Then navigate to the contents of the USB drive and press Ctrl+V. The presentation will be copied to external media. You can also drag a file from a folder on your computer to an external device. But before you save your presentation to a flash drive, make sure there is enough space on it. If not, delete unnecessary files or open another device. For regular presentation, which does not contain audio and video materials, these actions will be sufficient.

What to do if video or music does not play

IN PowerPoint presentation You can optionally add video and audio files. Thanks to this, users do not need to close the presentation and separately turn on the video in the desired place - it can be launched directly during the demonstration. However, situations often arise when multimedia in a presentation does not play on another computer. Why is this happening?

The answer is very simple. When we add video or music to a presentation, we do not save the files in the document, but simply specify the path to them. This is how the program understands where to get the file from. Therefore, when demonstrating a project on the same computer on which it was created, there will be no problems with playing the movie or music. But when we download a presentation to external media and then open it on another computer, the program does not find the required file. Then how to save a presentation to a flash drive so that it can be reproduced correctly in the future?

To do this, you need to load onto the flash drive not only the presentation, but also the additional files that you want to insert. And you need to add them not from a folder on your PC, but from a USB drive. If you simply download a movie or music to an external drive, but do not change the path to the files in the presentation, the program will not find them. You also need to save a whole folder to your computer - with the presentation and multimedia.

You shouldn’t think that you’re some kind of idiot and don’t understand basic things.

I already talked about this in a free one, but they keep asking me this question.

The trick lies in the fact that "save video" in Proshow these are different things. Let's figure it out.

How to save a presentation in Proshow Producer

Once you've finished working on your presentation, be sure to save it:

Advice: remember where you save the presentation.

This way you will create a working file with *.psh resolution.

Do not try to open it using the video player. First of all, nothing will come of it. Secondly, the purpose of this file is somewhat different.

You can ONLY open it in Proshow Producer program, in order to make changes to the working presentation. For example, change the photo, correct a typo, choose a different style for the slide, or even completely redo your slide show.

Advice: to open the file, select File – Open Presentation.

Healthy: how to install .

How to save videos in Proshow Producer

The principle is the same in both the sixth and seventh versions of the program. First you need to switch to the “Output” (sixth) or “Publish” (seventh) tab.

Proshow Producer 7

Proshow Producer 6

In the “Publication formats” block you can see everything in more detail available options video output, but we'll focus on the one I use 99% of the time: Video for Web, Devices and Computers

Select this item and click on the button "create".

In the window that opens, you will be asked to select the appropriate format from a bunch of others. I recommend MPEG-4 at 720p or 1080p. The higher the resolution, the larger the video file size and the higher the quality. This option also affects the speed of creating the finished video.

Having chosen the format, feel free to click on the button and then video.

Advice: Come up with a title for your presentation and remember where you saved it.

After you click the button, the process of creating a video will begin. It will take some time.

On average, a video lasting 3-5 minutes takes about 15-20 minutes to create. It takes me about 40 minutes to create a 10 minute video. After the process is completed, you will see a notification about this.

The finished video is available

  • view on your computer in ANY video player. For example, Windows Media, which almost everyone has;
  • put it on a flash drive and copy it to another computer;
  • burn to CD;
  • view using DVD on TV from a flash drive or disk;
  • upload to YouTube, VKontaket, Odnoklassniki and other social networks;
  • send videos via the Internet to friends, for example by e-mail, etc.

Those. Essentially, you get a ready-made video clip, similar to the ones we download to a computer or phone from the Internet.

Advice: if you want to have a memorable slide show on DVD, choose the “DVD” publication format. After recording, when you load the disc, you will see not a list of files, but beautiful screensaver of your presentation with a title and menu. But this option will not work if you need to upload a video to the Internet, so it’s better to do both options.

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There are two different concepts in Proshow Producer "presentation" And "project". What is the difference?

Presentation is one separate slide show.

Project- this is several slide shows. For example: Birthday, New Year, Holidays in the mountains, Our adventures.

Once you've created several stand-alone presentations, you can put them into one project and burn them to DVD with the menu active. Those. on one disk you will have several slide shows grouped into one beautiful video album.

It is the most popular tool for providing a wide audience with complete information on a product, service, educational materials. Recently, schoolchildren and students have been presenting entire spectacles that may contain text, audio track, or video. Read below on how to make and download a presentation onto a flash drive.

Even beginners in working with a PC can transfer a document from a computer to a USB drive.

Two ways to create a file

Information for the presentation can be obtained from books, the Internet, and other sources, but the PowerPoint program will help you make a presentable demonstration of your ideas.

  1. Go to the Start menu, select the tab Microsoft Office, click on the Microsoft PowerPoint icon. In this program you need to create slides using the tabs at the top of the window.
  2. Right-click on the desktop and select the Create tab. Click “Presentation” and start creating it.

After compiling, you need to download the presentation to a flash drive in order to present it. It is not always possible to present material from your laptop or it may not be available at all.

Ways to transfer files from one device to another

This simple procedure will only take a few minutes. We do everything according to the instructions:

  • We insert the removable media into the USB input of the computer;
  • Click the My Computer icon, double-click the left mouse button to open the media that appears;
  • In a parallel window, open the folder with your finished demo and right-click Copy;
  • Right-click on the empty space in the removable disk and select Insert;
  • Everything will be done when copying is finished.

There is a second method, it is simpler:

  • Open the presentation view;
  • Insert the USB drive;
  • Right-click on the presentation folder and select Send;
  • Left-click flash drive;
  • Downloaded!

Another quick method of downloading a presentation to a flash drive is popular due to its simplicity and speed of operation:

  • Insert the USB drive;
  • Open the presentation and select it with one click of the left button;
  • Simultaneously press “Ctrl+C”;
  • In the removable disk window, press “Ctrl+V” synchronously;
  • The copying process is complete.

Having figured out how to create an event and methods for transferring the necessary files, you already know the answer to how to transfer a presentation from a computer or laptop to a flash drive.

IMPORTANT. The removable disk must be free of viruses and have enough free space. Once the files have been copied, you need to safely remove them.

In addition to the techniques described above, there is a method for beginners. You can drag and drop from window to window. To do this, the windows of the removable media and the presented information open simultaneously; the windows must be halved. Select the finished materials file and drag it onto the flash drive with the left key.

In the 21st century of the frantic development of technology, it is not uncommon for a person to encounter the fact that he has to work with a computer at his office, at school or other places, and in particular, with Microsoft PowerPoint technologies. This program allows you to create presentations that the author needs, in any graphic design and format. But it happens that people have difficulties working with it, especially those who are just starting to use this program. For example, not everyone succeeds in saving a presentation to flash drives, and in this article we will try to figure out how to do this.

How to save a presentation to a flash drive - the first method

This method allows you to quickly and easily transfer the file we need to a third-party drive. In order to do this, we need:

  • Insert the flash drive into the USB connector, go to “My Computer”, and open the media there.
  • Go to the desktop, right-click on finished presentation, find the “copy” column.
  • Again, open the window with the flash drive, click on the free space in the files, or create a separate folder for the presentation and there, using the right mouse button, insert our file.
  • The presentation will be transferred intact after the copying process is completed.

How to save a presentation to a flash drive - the second method

This method may seem to some easier than the first. It is that:

  • We insert our drive into the USB connector.
  • We go to our desktop, right-click on the finished presentation.
  • Click on the “Send” column to the flash drive.
  • The presentation will be transferred intact to the flash drive after the copying process.

How to save a presentation to a flash drive - the third way

This method may seem much more complicated to you, but we assure you that it is not. To make sure of this, we need:

  • First, insert the flash drive into the USB connector.
  • Next, select our presentation on the desktop using the left mouse button.
  • You must simultaneously hold down the “Ctrl+C” keys, then go to the window of our drive and press the “Ctrl+V” combination in the same synchronous manner.
  • After completing the steps, the presentation will be copied to our flash drive in finished form.

Thus, having figured out all the ways to save a presentation to a flash drive, you will be convinced that there is nothing complicated about it, you just need to carefully read our instructions and use it if necessary. Approach this issue wisely and you will definitely succeed.

Weekend. Have you been out in nature? Did you relax, barbecue? Maybe they took pictures? Why are you wasting your time? Hurry up and watch them. What program should I use to watch?

So with awesome effects, music and fantastic transitions? Fast, simple, with the ability to write to a disk or flash drive? And a screensaver for your computer so that you can make it from photographs?... Well, that's enough. Slideshow maker called PhotoSHOW - in detail, step by step and in pictures.

This best program to create a slideshow - you can trust me. I saw about 15 of them today. I chose them especially for you. See for yourself...

Download PhotoShow program

You can download the program from official website.

Unpacked the archive and we see the following...

Our cause is right, so click on the right file...

We installed a program for creating a show from photographs - PhotoSHOW. Now we have a cheerful shortcut on our desktop...

That's right - there is no reason to be sad.

We rejoice.

How to use a slideshow maker

Very simple. We launched PhotoSHOW and on the left we see an ordinary explorer - select your folder with photos...

Carefully! Useful Additional Information Online:

The photos jumped into a large window to the right. Click on the folder with the plus sign...

Now they are below...

Go to the “Design” tab and highlight the one you like and click...

You can now click the “View” button and admire the PhotoSHOW...

Stretch the image or add music...

Let's add a fat plus...

Isn't it great? The company doesn't knit brooms - the company weaves brooms!

Before adding photos, you can add a beginning by selecting from the template (Tab - Templates) ...